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Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Abt. Hauptstaatsarchiv Stuttgart, M 703 R975N4 · Akt(e) · 1900
Teil von Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Dept. Main State Archives Stuttgart (Archivtektonik)

Execution: Photography Persons and institutions involved in the creation: Hans Brenoy (?), Hamburg, photographer Image carrier: Photo paper glued on cardboard Image and sheet size: 21.5 x 19.5 cm Remarks: from the estate of Marchtaler von, Otto Erhard, Colonel General and Minister of War, back notation: 3rd sea battalion embarking on East Asia, Hamburg, 1900, image damaged

German protectorates: legal relationships
Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Abt. Hauptstaatsarchiv Stuttgart, E 130 a Bü 891 · Akt(e) · 1885 - 1895
Teil von Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Dept. Main State Archives Stuttgart (Archivtektonik)

Enthält u.a.: Denkschrift der Neu-Guinea-Compagnie über die Beschaffenheit und Entwicklung ihres Schutzgebiets in der Südsee nebst Bericht des Kaiserlichen Kommissars in Jaluit über die Lage im Schutzgebiet der Marshallinseln (Reichstagsdrucksache Nr. 40, 1892, 37 S.) Qu. 59; Zuerkennung der Kooperationsrechte an die Deutsch-Ostafrikanische Gesellschaft, Berlin, die Kamerun Land- und Plantagen-Gesellschaft, Hamburg, sowie an die Kaiser Wilhelmsland-Plantagengesellschaft, Hamburg, 1889 und 1891 Qu. 38, 40, 49

Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Abt. Hauptstaatsarchiv Stuttgart, E 40/72 Bü 701 · Akt(e) · 1914-1919
Teil von Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Dept. Main State Archives Stuttgart (Archivtektonik)

Contains among other things: War with Japan and occupation of Kiautschous, 1914; alleged treaty between Great Britain and Japan, March 3, 1914 Darin: publication "Persien und der europäische Krieg" (Persia and the European War), published by Nachrichtenstelle für den Orient, 1915; annual report of China-Export-Import and Bank-Compagnie in Hamburg for 1914

Medical Approval Exams in Tübingen 1890/91
Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Abt. Hauptstaatsarchiv Stuttgart, E 146 Bü 7893 · Akt(e) · 1890-1891
Teil von Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Dept. Main State Archives Stuttgart (Archivtektonik)

Contains: General information; examination files, in alphabetical order Ahrens, Alfred Edmund, Hamburg Behr, Rudolf, Ludwigsburg Biermer, Hermann, Breslau Böhm, Johannes, Walfischbai (South West Africa) Bornitz, Georg, Züllichau Distel, Paul, Isny Ehebald, Richard, Lauffen am Neckar

Peace brokerage attempts: national committee
Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Abt. Hauptstaatsarchiv Stuttgart, Q 1/2 Bü 52 · Akt(e)
Teil von Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Dept. Main State Archives Stuttgart (Archivtektonik)

Contains: - Minutes of the meeting of the Federal Government New Fatherland, mechanical, 21.3.1915 - Letter of Baron Puttlitz with consent to a memorandum, hand-written, 26.3.1915 - Circular letter of the Federal Government New Fatherland, mechanical, 21.3.1915 - Letter of Baron Puttlitz with consent to a memorandum, hand-written, 26.3.1915 - Circular letter of the Federal Government New Fatherland, mechanical, 26.3.1915 - Letter of the Federal Government New Fatherland, mechanical, 26.3.1915 - Letter of the Federal Government New Fatherland, mechanical, 26.3.1915 - Letter of Baron Puttlitz with consent to a memorandum, hand-written, 26.3.1915, April 1915 - Peace Appeal of the Central Organization for a Permanent Peace Haag, printed, April 1915 - "Die Lage Ende April 1915", mechanical, o.D. - Three letters from F. v. Bodelschwingh to Reich Chancellor Bethmann Hollweg about the aims of the war, printed, dated, April 1915 - "The situation at the end of April 1915", mechanical, o.D. - Three letters from F. v. Bodelschwingh to Reich Chancellor Bethmann Hollweg about the aims of the war, printed, dated, April 1915 - "The situation at the end of April 1915", mechanical, o.D. - Three letters from F. v. Bodelschwingh to Reich Chancellor Bethmann Hollweg about the aims of the war, printed, dated, April 1915, 6.-17.5.1915 - "Bemerkungen über die auswärtige Politik und die Kriegsziele", ed., 9.7.1915 - Declaration by Hans Delbrück, Dernburg et al. on the German war policy, ed., 9.7.1915 - "Das deutsche Volk und die gegenwärtige Kriegslage", Speech by Paul Fuhrmann, ed., 9.7.1915 - "The German People and the Present War Situation", Speech by Paul Fuhrmann, ed, 16.5.1915 - Letter from the New Fatherland Federal Government to the Reichstag Representative on Censorship Relations, ed., 17.5.1915 - Letter from the New Fatherland Federal Government with invitation to a meeting, mach.., 21.5.1915 - "Das große Umlernen" by Paul Fuhrmann, special print from "Der Tag", 2.6.1915 - Letter to the Bund Neues Deutschland about the prospects for peace after Italy's entry into the war, mechanical, 5.6.1915 - Letter from Kurt v. Tepper-Laski to the Norddeutsche Allgemeine Zeitung about peace efforts, printed, 8.6.1915 - Confidential membership circular of the Bundes Neues Vaterland, printed, 8.6.1915 - Letter to the Bund Neues Deutschland about the prospects for peace after Italy's entry into the war, mechanical, 5.6.1915 - Letter from Kurt v. Tepper-Laski to the Norddeutsche Allgemeine Zeitung about peace efforts, printed, 8.6.1915 - Confidential membership circular of the Bundes Neues Vaterland, printed, 8.6.1915 - Confidential membership circular of the Bundes Neues Vaterland, printed, 8.6.1915 - L, 20.6.1915 - Letter of L. Quidde to the Central Organization for a Permanent Peace, mechanical, 2.7.1915 - Memorandum of the Baltic Trust Council to Bethmann Hollweg on the Baltic Question, ed., 9.7.1915 - Letter of the Federal Republic of Germany New Fatherland on its memorandum, ed, 14.7.1915 - "Communication on the preparation of a paper 'Germany after the war, a programme for lasting peace'', masch., 6.8.1915 - Letter from L. Quidde on this paper, masch.

Haußmann, Conrad
Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Abt. Hauptstaatsarchiv Stuttgart, E 130 a Bü 1150 · Akt(e) · Oktober - Dezember 1915
Teil von Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Dept. Main State Archives Stuttgart (Archivtektonik)

Darin: Denkschrift über die Bedeutung Belgiens für den Württ. Eisenbahnnahverkehr, 42 p. together with 2 Anl. Qu. 1989; Applications of Württemberg for a draft notice concerning the restriction of working time in spinning mills, weaving mills, warp knitting mills, etc. Qu. 2040; "Some things about Belgium and Antwerp", presentation by shipping director Jakob Hecht, Antwerp, 11 p., together with a list of the maritime traffic relations with the port of Antwerp (19 p.) Qu. 2193a, 2193b; "Die Diktatur des Bundesrates" by Oberverwaltungsgerichtsrat Schiffer, Berlin, excerpt from the Deutsche Juristenzeitung, 1915, No. 23/24, p. 1158 - 1163 Qu. 2415a; "Die Rheinschiffahrt und ihre Zukunft" by Wasserbaudirektor J.F. Bubendey, Geh. Baurat, Prof., Hamburg, 1915, brosch. 34 S. Qu. 2193c; "Der Krieg in den deutschen Schutzgebieten", published by the Reichskolonialamt, Sechste Mitteilung, geh. 27 S. Qu. 2326; Conscription of civil servants for military service Qu. 2508

Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Abt. Hauptstaatsarchiv Stuttgart, E 130 a Bü 1242 · Akt(e) · (1915) 1916
Teil von Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Dept. Main State Archives Stuttgart (Archivtektonik)

Contains among other things: Inputs: Kriegsausschuß der deutschen Industrie, Berlin, concerning protection of German interests abroad from 07.01.1916, printed matter 8 pp. Qu. 106, 115, Deutsche Gartenstadt-Gesellschaft, Berlin and Bergisch-Gladbach, concerning capitalization and loan of pensions of war invalids and war widows from 10.01.1916, printed matter 14 p. Qu. 119, Soziale Arbeitsgemeinschaft der kaufmännischen Verbände, Leipzig, concerning extraordinary support of the dismissed needy war participants and their family members from 25.01.1916, printed matter 3 S. Qu. 120, Richard Frank, Berlin, establishment of a collection of literature about the World War (World War Library) from 28.03.1916 and 07.07.1916 with general plan and leaflet, printed matter 4 and 8 S. Qu. 130, 131, 137-139, 191-196, Reichs-Hammerbund, Hamburg, concerning internal economic conditions, power of finance "Aristocracy", no. D. (April 1916), printed matter 4 p. with special print from the bi-monthly publication "Hammer" No. 186, 4 p. Qu. 140, 141, 142, members of the Landtag Liesching, Haußmann and Gauß on behalf of the progressive Volkspartei concerning the direct allocation of the supply of items of war need to the Württ. Hersteller vom 21.02.1916 Qu. 146 - 150; Centralverband der Haus- und Grundbesitzer-Vereine Deutschlands e.V.. (Central Association of German House and Property Owners' Associations), Spandau, regarding the regulation of tenancies from 20.05.1916 Qu. 156, Schutzverband für Deutschen Grundbesitz e.V., Berlin Realkredit in der Übergangszeit vom 01.11.1916 Qu. 233, Reichsverband der Vereinigungen des Drogen- und Chemikalienfaches, Berlin, vom 30.06.1916, Printed matter 10 S. Qu. 165, Professor H. Calmbach, Stuttgart-Bad Cannstatt, et al. concerning the preservation of the federal character of the Reich from 01.06.1916 Qu. 233, Reichsverband der Vereinigungen des Drogen- und Chemikalienfaches, Berlin, vom 30.06.1916, Printed matter 10 S. Qu. 165, Professor H. Calmbach, Stuttgart-Bad Cannstatt, et al. concerning the preservation of the federal character of the Reich from 01.06.1916 Qu. 170-172, Theodor Fritsch, Leipzig, concerning deficiencies in the economic life of 05.07.1916 with special print from the "Hammer", No. 185, 8 p. and issue of the magazine "Hammer" No. 337 of 01.07.1916, 15. volume Qu. 166 - 168, managing committee of the Reich Germans expelled from Russia, Berlin, concerning the "Hammer", No. 185, 8 p. and issue of the magazine "Hammer" No. 337 of 01.07.1916, 15. volume Qu. 166 - 168, managing committee of the Reich Germans expelled from Russia, Berlin, concerning the "Hammer", No. 185, 8 p. and issue of the magazine "Hammer" No. 337 of 01.07.1916, 15. volume Qu. 166 - 168, managing committee of the Reich Germans expelled from Russia, Berlin, concerning the "Hammer". Forced Registration of German Claims and Outstandings against Debtors in Enemy Land, 12.09.1916 Qu. 206, Central Office for International Law, German Central Office for Permanent Peace and International Understanding, Regarding Foundations for a New International Law by Creation of a Supranational Organization, o.D. and place specification, probably Leipzig, 1916, printed matter 4 S.Qu. 212, Chamber of Crafts Ulm concerning welfare measures for returning craftsmen and economic revival of the craft after the war with resolution of the German Chamber of Crafts in Berlin on 20.06.1916, printed matter 15 S. Qu. 236, 237, Deutscher Verein von Gas- und Wasserfachmännern e.V. Lübeck, concerning coal supply of the gas works of 11.12.1916 Qu. 243; memoranda concerning the colonial areas which could be considered as new acquisitions at the conclusion of the peace, Kolonial-Wirtschaftliches Komitee e.V., Berlin, pp. 9, 1916 Qu. 118, social demobilization measures for private employees, Bund der technisch-industriellen Beamten, 1916, printed matter 8 pp. Qu. 136, Granting of advance compensation and aid to foreign Germans, Verein für das Deutschtum im Ausland e.V., Berlin, 1915/1916, 2 printed matters, 2 and 4 pp. Qu. 145, 145a, Rohstoffversorgung Deutschlands nach Friedensschluß, Kriegsausschuss der deutschen Industrie, Berlin, 1916, geh. 20 S. Qu. 207, transition from war economy to peace economy, Verband kath. kaufm. Vereine Deutschlands e.V., Essen, geh. 8 P. Qu. 218, the German Baltic provinces of Russia, Baltic Trust Council, Berlin, 1915, brosch. 80 p. Qu. 132, 133; Resolutions: vogtländischer Volksausschuss für rasche Niederkämpfung Englands, Munich, concerning the use of all means for the defeat of England of 10.10.1916 Qu. 214, Württ. Landesverein für Kriegerheimstätten e.V., Stuttgart, concerning the acquisition of a home by returning warriors and their relatives from 29.10.1916 Qu. 232, Deutsche Kolonialgesellschaft, Berlin, concerning colonial principles, from 22.10.1915 Qu. 232, concerning the acquisition of a home by returning warriors and their relatives from 29.10.1916 Qu. 232, Deutsche Kolonialgesellschaft, Berlin, concerning colonial principles, from 22.10.1915 Qu. 232, concerning the acquisition of a home by returning warriors and their relatives from 29.10.1916 Qu. 232, Deutsche Kolonialgesellschaft, Berlin, concerning colonial principles, from 22.10.1915 Qu. 232, concerning the acquisition of a home by returning warriors and their relatives from 29.10.1916 Qu. 232, concerning the acquisition of a home by colonial principles, from 22.10.1915 Qu. 232, concerning the acquisition of a home by returning warriors. 176 - 178, Verein Württembergischer Zeitungsverleger, Stuttgart, concerning price increase of the newsprint from 09.07.1916 Qu. 180-182; auxiliary committee for the Germans in British South Africa concerning call for donations, 1916, printed matter 2 p.., together with the list of donations of the sums of money received in Württemberg until September 1916 Qu. 244, 245, "Nachrichten für den Verband Deutscher Großhändler der Nahrungsmittel- und verwandten Branchen", Berlin, No. 21/1916, Volume 6 Qu. 210, "Veröffentlichungen des Bundes der Industriellen", Berlin, Issue 7b, October 1916