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Correspondence A - K
Best. 614, A 651 · Akt(e) · 1938-1943
Teil von Historical Archive of the City of Cologne (Archivtektonik)

Scope: 3.00 cm. Includes: Albertuswerke, Chemische Fabrik/Maschinenfabrik, Hanover Purchase of floor care products, 1939; Auslandsbrief-Prüfstelle Köln-Riehl Bank transfer of prey mail (Reisewerk von Le Vaillant) to the Rautenstrauch-Joest-Museum, 1941; Auslands-Zeitungshandel G.m.b.H., Cologne Purchase of foreign newspapers and magazines, 1944; Bauer, H.W., 1940 - 1942 Letterhead: Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei, Hauptdienststelle München Ankauf der Zeitschrift "Deutscher Kolonial-Dienst", 1940; Discussion of ethnological problems; Behrens, Josef Potsdam Ankauf von optische zeichengerät, Prospekt, 1938; Benzinger, Theodor, Stuttgart Ankauf von Fotoalben über außereuropäische Völker, 1941; Berthold, Karl Borromäus, Köln (Meisterschule des Deutschen Handwerks) Congratulation on Bs. 50. birthday 21.12.1939; C

Correspondence A - L
Best. 614, A 34 · Akt(e) · 1929-1932
Teil von Historical Archive of the City of Cologne (Archivtektonik)

Includes among others: Abels, Hermann, Kunstsalon, Cologne Address by Julius Lips to the opening of the exhibition of the painter Emil Flecken; purchase of a watercolour by the painter Vollmberg; 1929-1931; farewell party for museum director Rademacher on 28.1.1931; Albrecht, H. collecting activity on his Africa expedition; 1931-1932; 'Anthropos', international magazine, St. Petersburg, Germany; 'Anthropos', international magazine, St. Petersburg, Germany; 'Anthropos', Germany Gabriel-Mödling b. Vienna Purchase of the General Index for the years 1906 to 1931; Workers' Cult, Berlin Loan or purchase of Lenin's death mask for the exhibition "Masks of People", 1931; Exhibition, Fair and Tourism Office of the City of Cologne Loan of ethnographics for the International Leather Show Berlin, 1930; Brown

Der Young-Plan
Best. 1070, A 127 · Akt(e) · 1924-1930
Teil von Historical Archive of the City of Cologne (Archivtektonik)

1924 Febr. 20 - Paris: Schacht reports about a conversation with Young. This one has a good impression of the German jobs. The committee of experts doesn't want any politics from Dtschld. Setting traps. Young's wish is to clear the Ruhr and reintegrate the railways into the German network. He developed a plan for Schacht to finance the German supplies of goods for the period of the moratorium with the help of the monetary bank. Pirelli has estimated the minimum amount for deliveries of goods at 600 million marks. Schacht didn't have a monetary policy. Objections to the project. For the railways, Young developed their transformation into an operating company managed according to purely commercial principles; a controller is to be political and military. Switch off influences. Young also made suggestions about the tactical approach against Frkr. in order to get it to accept the report. He wants to giveSchacht an insight into the main features of the report in 8-10 days. Poincares polit. Situation gets weaker every day after Young. Young kept Franqui's door very clever or better yet door very smart; if he can't get away with a project, he'll back off.31/2 p., Vervielf., Note: Confidential[1927, after Nov. 18]: Aide-memoire of the Reichsverband der Dt. Industrie on the correspondence between the General Agent for Repair Payments and the Reich Minister of Finance.6 p., copy v. Masch.-Schreiben.1929 June - Berlin: Der Präs. d. Dt. Kolonialgesellschaft, Gouverneur a. D. Seitz, with regard to the Hilton Young Report, Marx points out that England has introduced a kind of self-government in the form of a council of governors in East Africa and has appointed only Englishmen. The exclusion of the Germans is a violation of the League of Nations Statute. This would also be the case if the fact were true that all Germans there have to report to the authorities from time to time. After an italian. Ztgs.-Meldung should contain the secret English-French colonial agreement:1) England and Frkr. want a possible German or Italian. Demand that the mandate over Cameroon be given to another colonial region in need of power, oppose the desire to design the mandates as a permanent institution, or tie Cameroon definitively to Frkr. in some other way. 2) Mutual control of the American. Penetration policy in Africa. 3) Isolation and monopolization of the black population to the detriment and that of the economy! The interest of the other powers, which will no longer be able to trade directly with the natives in the future. A separate RT debate on this matter would be appropriate. Eh. Signature.21/4 p., copy. Head bow, head bow D. (probably 1929 Dec.): Manuscript of a speech by Marx to the Verhdlgn. about the Youngplan and domestic politics. Lage.9 S., masch.-schriftl. The approximate date of origin from the Zeitababababeauf S. 7 erschlossen.o. D.: Arbeitsgemeinschaft der Interessenvertretungen für den Ersatz von Kriegs- und Verdrängungsschäden, Bund der Auslandsdt., Dt.Ostbund, Freie Interessenvertretung der im Ausland Schadenigten Inlandsdt.., Hilfsbund für die Elsaß-Lothringer im Reich, Reichsverbandder Kolonialdt. und Kolonialinterestedenten, Vereinigte Verbände heimattreuer Oberschlesier, Verein 'Wiederaufbau im Auslande' telegraph Scheidemann as chairman of the committee against the retention of surpluses from the liquidation of German private property abroad in favor of the annual payments for the Youngplan.1 1929 Jan. 13 - Chicago: Laurence P. Thul writes to Marx - quite confused - about his plans for an advantageous solution to the reparations problem for Dtschld. and his support by high-ranking personalities in the USA. Eh. Signature.10 p., independent Ausf., head bow 'National Decorating Company'.o. D.: The Annuities of the Youngplan 1929--1988 as well as the unique achievements.4 p., Vervielf.1930 Febr. 11 - Berlin: Arbeitsgemeinschaft der Reichsbahnorganisationen, Allgemeiner Eisenbahner-Verband, Zentral-Gewerkschaftsbund Dt. Reichsbahnbeamten und -anwärter send copies of letters to the Chairman of the Budget Committee and to the RT because of the adaptation of the ReidJ. Railway Act to the Youngplan to the members of the Budget Committee and the Committee of the RT. Facsimile signatures: Wieg, Ruhlmann.1, 1 und 2 S., Vervielf.1930 Febr. 12 - Berlin: The Koloniale Reichsarbeitsgemeinschaft presents itself to the RT-Abg. for reparation plan and colonial question. facsimile signature: Seitz, Gouverneur a. D.1 S., Druck.1930 March 8 - Altenburg (Thuringia): The Deutschbund community 'Osterland' asks Marx to submit the new tribute plan with the rest of Thuringia. RT-Abg. to disagree. Eh. Signature: Schubert, Deutschmeister.t S., copy with original of address.o. D. (1930, probably March 6-19): Record: If the other powers join e(iner) Kl(age) Frkrs. at the cour ni c h t, then the e(ine) won battle is! - The desire to punish malicious injured(un)persons for reprisals is nonsense! The all unanimous approach of Frkrs. k(önn)te e(ine) "hostile H(an)dl(un)g - e.g. seizure of German property in Frkr., decision of the claims! - who can give (un)g cause (un)g for the c(age) to the peoples (un)d! (Gegen?)Dtschld. k(önn)te(n) from it claims were asserted! We have only acknowledged the legitimacy of freedom! - Nothing has been said or agreed about the conduct of the dispute! - Art. 3 and (nd) Art. 6 of the Locarno contract are completely different! There is even in Art. 6 everything kept up! Teachers of international law now also need the word Sankt(ionen) for reprisals. - One may speak of san(ions) only if reprisals(aliens) must be recognized as justified from the outset. Henderson didn't show himself at all in the Hague! The Z has been critical of the Young plan until the end; the resolution will be very difficult! be responsible!Eh. on RT postcard. The proposed date after the 2nd and 3rd consultations of the Young Plan in the RT.o.D.: Notes from Marx on the advantages of the Young Plan.6 Half Pages, Independent.

German Colonies, German Colonial Society
Best. 903, A 237 · Akt(e) · 1930-1933
Teil von Historical Archive of the City of Cologne (Archivtektonik)

Contains: Newspaper article concerning Deutsche Kolonialgesellschaft Abteilung Köln, Kolonialfragen (Afrika. u.a. Eisenbahn, Deutsch-Südwestafrika), Kolonialtag des Deutschen Kolonial-Kriegerbundes in Essen (1931), popular colonial advertising, rally in Gürzenich and incident by Reichsbank president Schacht, mandataries and mandated territories, 50 years Deutsche Kolonialgesellschaft (1932).old signatures: 237.

Gifts and Purchases of the Natural History Museum

Length: 207 sheets.Reference number:HI XIII 3c 3IIA11 I 7 347-52,245.Damage: cat. B (can only be used as a digital copy) Contains: Gift from various groups of fish, including migratory fish of the Rhine from E. vom Rath, wildlife in the Gulf of Naples from Louis Hagen, wildlife of East Africa from the Africa traveller B. Kreuser by the board of the Verein zur Förderung des Museums für Naturkunde (Eduard Lent), approval of funds for the establishment of the animal groups (1907, with cost estimate of the taxidermist Heinrich Sander, Cologne, and plan for the establishment of the East African animal groups, provision of funds by the association); willingness of the Museum für Handel und Industrie, Wiedenfeld, to provide limited rooms in the Severinstorburg for the preparation (July 1907); contract between the city, Laué, and Sander regarding the preparation of the East African animals (31. July 1907); reports of the director Janson about the progress of the preparation work, inspection with Lent (1907/1908); acceptance of the work, listing of the animal groups, payment of the installments to Sander by the association (1908/1909); collection of association contributions for the museum promotion (1910/1923); donation of a collection of bird skins and other animals by the district judge Dr. Steinkopf, now Mülheim, which he captured in Cameroon, granted funds for preparation (1910); donation of a gorilla by the association, Lent (1910); correspondence with Hansen concerning payment of the tax on a donation by Franz Clouth for purchase of the Jakob Scheiner collection, Torburgen and street pictures (March 1911); complaint by Janson concerning donation of a butterfly collection by Miss F. Voelkers, Rodenkirchen, suggestion for the donation for drawing lessons in schools and sale of surplus pieces (February-March 1910, with statement of the heads of the secondary schools); report of Willi Foy concerning the use of the granted funds for the acquisition of objects of South East European gypsies, arrows from southwest New Guinea, cult figures of the Pueblo Indians, a collection of the Caroline Islands (September 1911); donation of animals by the physician Dr. Bermbach (November 1911); purchase from the Zoological Station in Naples (1911); application Jason for the processing of the butterfly collection of Eduard Lent by the head teacher Dr. Rupp (1912); purchase of a collection of Dr. Steimann, Bonn, concerning petrefacts from the Eifel from the Middle Devonian with the support of the association, especially from Theodor von Guilleaume and Richard Grüneberg (1912); determination of the invoice for von B. Wiemeyer, Warburg, sold rocks (August 1912); donation of a bust of Lent by the heirs, installation in the museum, procurement of a granite plinth (1911-1912); cost estimate of the carpenter C. Stratmann concerning two exhibition tables (1912); transfer of funds from the association, Heidmann, Louis Hagen, concerning an elephant group (1912); reorganization of the beetle collection of Lamers, Düsseldorf, by the rector W. Geilenkeuser, Elberfeld, grant of funds (1910-1911, with claim of Geilenkeuser); sale of duplicates from collections, permission, booking of income; regulation concerning the purchase of objects from collections of foreign mission stations by the Museum für Volkshygiene, the Natural History Museum and the Rautenstrauch-Joest-Museum (1912); consultation of the constitutional commission concerning the acquisition of collections, butterfly collection of Philipps (1913); Acceptance of Becker's donation to the Museum of Natural History (1913); submission by Major Scheunemann concerning the purchase of two monkeys from Cameroon belonging to him and exhibited in the museum, a gorilla and a great ape (1913); offer by the carpenter Caspar Stratmann concerning three viewing tables (1913); offer by the taxidermist concerning a bison bull received at the zoo (July 1914); letter by Dr. Wildschrey concerning a rock loop in the Devonian slate of the Siebengebirge, work on the geology of the Siebengebirge, acquisition of the rock collection of the main teacher Schonauer in Cuxenberg near Oberdollendorf concerning the Siebengebirge (1913); order of a collection of the deceased taxidermist Jehn in Rheinbreitbach donated by the association by Prof. Dr. Dr. Wildschrey, a professor of geology of the Siebengebirge and a professor of geology of the Siebengebirge. Rupp, remuneration (1914); Janson's submission concerning the takeover of the colour show from the Werkbund exhibition, considerations on the construction of a sample show concerning natural colours (July 1914); Heinrich Sander (July 1914) rejects the offer of a collection by the taxidermist; correspondence with Jason and Czaplewski concerning the selection, purchase of objects from collections of foreign mission stations (1914); Verein zur Förderung des Museums für Naturkunde, Gustav v. Mallinckrodt concerning Dr. Janson from his activity as a senior teacher at the Gymnasium in the Kreuzgasse, rejection because of the wartime ((1915); remarks by Heinrich Sander "Die Tierwelt in moderne volkstümlichen Museum für Naturkunde (1914, machine writing, 6 pages, written for the Kölner Zeitung); offer Sander concerning his exhibition in the Werkbund exhibition "Farbenquellen aus der Tierwelt, Verkaufsangebot, abgelehnt (1915); Inheritance Carl Bodewig, correspondence with the executor Alfred Schmidt, inheritance tax (1915, excerpt from will); donation of a collection of small butterflies by consul Hans Leiden (1917); inheritance of a butterfly collection of the pensioner Gustav Stroemer, correspondence with the executor Ludwig van Rossum (1918/1919); order of butterflies from collections of different mission stations by Prof. Dr. Peter H. H. Schmidt; order of butterflies from collections of different mission stations by Prof. Dr. H. H. H. H. H. Rupp (February 1916); donation of a collection by Minister-Resident Max Freiherr von Oppenheim, consisting of minerals, bird eggs and nests, conchylias and corals (May/June 1919); cash affairs, double payment of an invoice amount to the company A. Zausmer, Gdansk (1914); donation of a collection of fossils by Prof. F. Winterfeld, Mülheim, by the association (April 1920); proposal of the consul Heinrich Maus concerning the exchange between the Cologne Museum and the Museo Nacional de Historia Natural in Mexico (1920); donation of a sum of money by Paul Franke for the purpose of preserving the collection objects by the taxidermist Sander (July 1920); correspondence with Dr. Walter Voigt on the collections and library of the Naturhistorischen Verein der prussischen Rheinlande und Westfalens und Übernahmeangebot von Köln und Düsseldorf (1912-1920); donation of a group of kingfishers by Max Kunkel, Cologne, gift tax (1922); gift tax on the donation of the physician Dr. Frey, Wesdorf, bird group Haubentaucher am Nest (1921/1922); Please W. Voigt concerning meeting date because of emergency of the association by the money devaluation (1922, with report Janson about the inspection and the collections of the natural historical association, 14. November 1922, with the note Adenauer concerning advice in the administrative conference, investigation of storage rooms, withdrawal of an offer of surrender by the association due to support from the University of Bonn (1922-1923); circular letter of the association for the promotion of the Museum für Naturkunde (Richard v. Schnitzler and Gustav v. Mallinckrodt, concerning increase of the membership fee due to the devaluation of money) (1923); donation of the Karl Grube over 4 billion Marks (1923).

Best. 614, A 261 · Akt(e) · 1908-1930
Teil von Historical Archive of the City of Cologne (Archivtektonik)

Hamburg South Sea expedition, 1908; excavation law of 26.3.1914; murder of German missionaries on the Gazelles peninsula (German New Guinea, New Vorpommern), 1904; inclusion of ethnology in the curriculum of the Cologne School of Economics, 1910; visiting hours of the municipal museums in the winter half-year 1929/30 1.10.1929-31.3.1930.Old signatures: 26.

Purchases and gifts
Best. 608, A 162 · Akt(e) · 1898-1912
Teil von Historical Archive of the City of Cologne (Archivtektonik)

Scope: 256 sheets. Reference: HI XIII 3d 3XIII 19a 1147-52,286.Contains: Transfer of the Joest´schen collection to the Bayenturm, reports by the director of the Natural History Museum, Dr. Carl Hilburg (1898-1899); donation of the Joest collection by Eugen Rautenstrauch and Adele geborene Joest, donation conditions, enrichment of the collection by gifts, including purchases of Eugen Rautenstrauch (1899-1901, including Benin bronzes, other objects from Benin, from Siam), from other members of the Rautenstrauch family (1908), offer by the travelling zoologist H. Förster for sale of his collection (1899, with catalogue) of pearl mussels (1900); collection Adolf Diehl, Wiesbaden, mediated by the editor of the Kölnische Zeitung, Prosper Müllendorf (1900, with catalogue); Meetings of the Commission for the Museum of Natural History (1899), takeover of a Peruvian collection from the Wallraf-Richartz-Museum (1899), draft concerning the installation of the Joest Collection (1899), donation of quivers and arrows from Togo from the Museum für Völkerkunde, Berlin (1900), opening of the collection, Newspaper article (1900), offer by Oscar Mengelbier to purchase his Chilean-Araucanian Indian collection (1900), offer by Hermann Rolle, Berlin (1901) of a natural history collection, donation of two works from the Zulu coffee shops (1901), a Java collection by Dr. Schmitz, Heidelberg (1901), Cameroon collection by company v. Tippelskirch

S - T
Best. 614, 52 · Akt(e) · 1929-1965
Teil von Historical Archive of the City of Cologne (Archivtektonik)

Contains:Institut för Folklivsforskning, Stockholm (Sigurd Erixon) 1941 - 1955 Exchange of the journal "Folklive" for the Ethnologica, 1941; questionnaire action to support the position of ethnology at universities and higher educational institutions in Europe, 1954; Museum für Länder- und Völkerkunde Linden-Museum, Stuttgart (LM) 1931 - 1962 Purchase of LM ethnographic collections from the Geelvink-Bai, Waigeo and Halmahara areas, list of offers, 1931; loans of Jenneschen Gamelan musical instruments for the special show of the Rautenstrauch-Joest-Museum "Wajang-Puerwa-Theater", 1936; celebration on the occasion of the 100th anniversary of the founding of the LM in Stuttgart. Birthday of the founder of the Lindenmuseum, Karl Graf von Linden, 28.5.1938; Orders of photographs of ethnographics; Exchange of ethnographics; List of objects handed over to Stuttgart, 18.11.1938; Lecture trip of Prof. Dr. Karl Graf von Linden, 28.5.1938; Lecture trip of Prof. Dr. Karl Graf von Linden, 18.11.1938. Lehmann durch Deutschland, 1951; Questionnaire action to determine the personnel and factual situation at German and foreign ethnological museums for publication in the "Jahrbuch des Lindenmuseums", questionnaire, 1951; Inquiry about the sale of an archaeological collection by Adrian Müller to the Linden Museum, 1953; Preparation of a memorandum by Martin Heydrich to the Stadtverwaltung Stuttgart for the purpose of improving the situation of the Linden Museum, 1953; Meeting of the directors of ethnological museums on the occasion of the 75th anniversary of the founding of the Linden Museum, 1953; Meeting of the directors of ethnological museums on the occasion of the 75th anniversary of the founding of the Linden Museum, 1951. Anniversary of the Württembergischer Verein für Handelsgeographie e.V. 1957 in Stuttgart, 1958; gift of special editions; search by J.F. Happiness after support by Martin Heydrich and other ethnologists for the granting of funds by the German Research Foundation for a 1 1/2 year stay in Brazil to investigate the religious and artistic behavior of the Negroes of Brazil, 1958; purchase of an ethnographic and archaeological collection from areas of Eastern Colombia for 120 000 DM from the physician Petersen, short description of the collection, 1 p.., 1958; loans for the Peru exhibition, 1959; theft of a Sepik mask from the LM, 1960; guest lectures by Becher on his "Researches in Northern Brazil" in Stuttgart, Bonn and Cologne, 1960; exhibition of an expertise by Willy Fröhlich on a Sepik collection that was to be purchased by the city of Stuttgart, 1961; lecture by MdB Vogel in front of the Humanum Colloquium in Bonn on "Cultural-political Aspects of Development Aid" on 22-23 November 2006; theft of a Sepik mask from the LM, 1960; exhibition of an expertise by Willy Fröhlich on a Sepik collection that was to be purchased by the city of Stuttgart, 1961; lecture by the MdB Vogel in front of the Humanum Colloquium in Bonn on "Cultural-political Aspects of Development Aid".3.1962; Statens Etnografiska Stockholm (SES) 1929 - 1962, including acquisition of the publication rights to the unpublished part of C.V.'s work. Hartmann "Archaeological researches in Costa Rica" by the SES, 1929; visit and study of collections of the Rautenstrauch-Joest-Museum; information about ethnographical works; question about the reasons for Andreas Scheller's retirement from the service of the city of Cologne on 31.12.1940; (Lagercrantz) Expression of joy at the German victories in the East and hope of driving back the Bolshevik rabble to Asia, 1942; obituary for Walter Kaudern, who died in Gothenburg, in the Ethnologische Anzeiger, 1942; Loss of art objects and scientific documents due to the effects of war in Dresden and Berlin, 1949; transfer of the Sven-Hedin exhibition to Germany, lecture by Gösta Monteil on the occasion of the opening of the Sven-Hedin exhibition; Congo Museum Tervueren near Brussels (KMT) 1932 - 1965 contains anda.: Lecture by J. Maes in Cologne with the topic "Land und Leute in Urundi und Ruanda" on 18.7.1941; Heydrich's short report on the lecture; exchange of the Ethnological Anzeiger for the "Bibliographie Ethnographique du Congo belge", 1943; list of the KMT's publications in the Rautenstrauch-Joest-Museum, 1953; guest lectures by Frans-Maria S. Olbrechts in Cologne, 1954; study trip of Heydrich with students to Tervueren, 1955; reorganization and renaming of the former "Institut Colonial International" to "Institut International des Civilisations Différentes" (INCIDI), search for suitable German members for the INCIDI, 1955; obituary for Frans-Maria S. Olbrechts, 24.3.1958; Thorbecke, Franz, Cologne, 12.8.1945 from 1949 onwards Thorbecke, Marie Pauline, Freiburg 1930 - 1961 contains, among other things, loans of watercolours for the Cameroon exhibition in the Rautenstrauch-Joest-Museum 1933; loans for the special exhibition for the 1900 anniversary of the city of Cologne "Kölner erforschen die Welt", 1950; loans for a Cameroon-Congo exhibition, 1953; the like. for a Cameroon exhibition in 1960; rediscovery of watercolours and oil studies of Thorbeckes about Cameroon in the Ethnological Museum Mannheim, 1958; Trimborn, Hermann, Bonn 1929 - 1963 contains among other things information about ethnographic prints; order of ethnographic photos; invitation to Tr. for the opening of the mask exhibition of the Rautenstrauch-Joest-Museum on 2.3.1932; obituary on the 3.11.Erwin Paul Dieseldorff, 1941, who died in New York in 1940; celebration of the 50th anniversary of the Frobenius Institute on 29.6.1948 and the 75th anniversary of the foundation of the Frobenius Institute. Special exhibition of the Rautenstrauch-Joest-Museum in the staircase "Exotic Art", 1948; exhibition of the Lapland collection of Gustav Hagemanns, 1949; travelogue Ts. from Lima, 1951 and report about the international ethnological congress in Lima, 1951; old signatures: 52.

Teachers, Volume 7
Best. 550, A 417 · Gliederung · 1913-1916
Teil von Historical Archive of the City of Cologne (Archivtektonik)

Scope: 337 sheets.file number: III-1-27. Old signatures: Order 403, M-1-144.Contains:Communication from the Minister of Ecclesiastical Affairs and Education concerning the secondment of a married rector to the Rector's Office in Samoa in intermediate years (14); detailed submission for medical opinion (16); instructions on fitness for service in the tropics (18); investigations into deferred college fees and deferred fees in the case of teachers' appointments (40); Ministerial Decree on the effects of war on teacher appointments (75); teacher exchanges with France (98); leave requests (103); measures to improve popular nutrition and teacher participation (175); Prussian government instructions on the employment of foreign teacher candidates (176); Minister of Education on vacant teacher posts in Bucharest (222); Association of German Crèches: Training course for after-school teachers (231); the head of the German civil administration for the Longwy and Briey area on apprenticeships (246); overviews of teachers trained in seminars at middle and high schools not belonging to elementary schools, institutions for the deaf and dumb and institutions for the blind as well as schools run by state enterprises, military youth welfare (320); request from the German school Rotterdam for a teacher for the lower classes (325).

The flag question
Best. 1070, A 139 · Akt(e) · [1921], 1926-1927, [1934]
Teil von Historical Archive of the City of Cologne (Archivtektonik)

Contains:Reminder Report, o.D. (probably written after No. 130, about Sept. 1934): The proverbial disunity of the Germans after the annihilation of the state order in 1918 prevented a joint effort from being made to eliminate chaos. Although the monarchy was completely excluded in view of the development of things and the people had unequivocally given their opinion in free elections to the National Convention, many were not satisfied with the fact that a people's regime could not be circumvented. Even more than the RV, the national colours were mocked. It was overlooked that black-red-gold was especially appreciated in Austria: They so11t be the colors under which the great German state expected with longing grows and blossoms so11te (p. 1). Trimborn had been guided by these thoughts when choosing the colours. Marx experienced in 1926 in Vienna how the Christian Social Party got into a flurry of excitement when the Reichsbanner with the flag took part in a parade of the SPO. The RP decree of 5 May 1926 on the introduction of the merchant flag next to the Reich flag at Reich authorities overseas created an unexpectedly large opposition in the RT (p. 2). A letter from the RP on May 9 and Luther's speech on May 11 could not dampen the excitement, and Luther fell. I had to take over the inheritance. In a special way, my statement that I would execute the decree of 5.5. did not arouse any particular contradiction. Moreover, the Cabinet's reasons for adopting the flag were so convincing that, if I am not very mistaken, the Regulation was approved unanimously. On August 15, 1921, a decree of the Reichswehr Minister concerning the flagging of service buildings and the private dwellings of Wehrmacht members caused contradiction on the right and blame on the left over the grounds (p. 3). In the introduction of an imperial war flag one even wanted to recognize a violation of the constitution. After on 20.5.21 the Prussia. After the Higher Administrative Court had declared the municipal service buildings to be flagged for a self-administration matter, Preuß issued an order on 1 August 21. Reg. an - in its legal validity to be denied - emergency regulation in this question. The fight came to life once again when Min.-President Braun had those hotels boycotted which - like Adlon in particular - did not show the imperial flag on official occasions. The Berliner Hotels association then gave in. By a decree of act. 1927 the prussian government became the prussian government. Officials are only allowed to attend events if the Reich flag has been given the necessary honor. Lord Mayor Adenauer and Reg. Vice President v. Harnack had dignifiedly enforced the respect for the imperial flag in the Gürzenich at an event of the German Warfare Community in Cologne on 12.1.21 (p.4). The honouring of the imperial colours was in no way an affront or a defamation of the old signs; it is a national duty to honour the new and to respect the old. Before foreigners, Marx was often ashamed of the right-wing circles' abuse of the Empire's colours: "And in doing so, the circles that deserved the epithet "nnational" in particular wanted to be! The international Z has here always better understood what genuine national dignity and duty is!41/2 p., Masch.-Erstschrift.o. D.: Note with source reference that Langbehn already in 1888 declared black-red-gold possible as future Reich colors.1/2 p., independent of Marx.(1921, after June 15): Zentralverein dt. Reeder brings a statement of the close! Schiffahrtsztg., ,Syren

[without title]
Best. 614, A 653 · Akt(e) · 1930-1935, 1930-1935
Teil von Historical Archive of the City of Cologne (Archivtektonik)

Includes: regular submission of smaller articles on the Rautenstrauch-Joest-Museum with an advertising character for the local press, 1937; decoration of the offices of the city administration with a picture of Adolf Hitler, 1935; statistical information on visitor numbers; community evening of all employees at the Department for School and Culture, 1935; determination of a standard price of 0.10 RM for all Cologne museums, 1934; keeping of books on absences, 1934; swearing in of municipal officials to Adolf Hitler on 25. January 1934; and the publication of a book on the local press, 1935.8.1934; guided tours through museums and exhibitions; nomination of 2 citizens for the museum advisory board by the Rautenstrauch-Joest-Museum, 1934; maintenance of a bound location directory, a location index and a loan directory for the Rautenstrauch-Joest-Museum, 1934; list of loans in the Staatenhaus from the Rautenstrauch-Joest-Museum for the colonial exhibition, 18 p., machine-g, 1934; loans from the Rautenstrauch-Joest-Museum for the theatre "Gloria" in the Breitestraße, 1934; voluntary membership in the health insurance, 1934; theft of two Siamese bronze heads, 1934; reduction of the admission price for the cinema Capitol for the employees of the city administration, 1934; lecture by the leader of the Bulgarian National Socialist Workers' Party with the topics: 1. Stalin, Mussolini or Hitler 2: The Danube Problem and the National Socialist Revolution in the Balkans on 10 March 1934; special exhibition "The Peoples of the German Colonies in Africa", 1933; transfer of a 400-object ethnographic collection by Leopold Peill sen. after the death of his wife Helene Peill by Leopold Peill jun. to the Rautenstrauch-Joest-Museum, 1933; testamentary transfer of the New Guinea collection of Kommerzienrat Leopold Peill by his wife Helene Peill to the Rautenstrauch-Joest-Museum (copy of the will), 1929; theft of ethnographics from the Peill collection kept in a log house near Düren, 1930, death of Helene Peill on May 21, 1929.1933; Transfer of compulsory workers to the Rautenstrauch-Joest-Museum, 1933; Recommendation of the German Association of Cities and Towns to give preference to German work and products in the award of public contracts, 1933; Unwanted survey of municipalities to business enterprises for non-Aryan company management and foreign capital, 1933; Authorization of funds by the City of Cologne for the publication of the V. Volume of the Ethnologica, 1933; Status of the Board of the Verein zur Förderung des Rautenstrauch-Joest-Museums vom 2.5.1933 und vom 2.6.1933; review of the library holdings for works, Jewish authors and works with Marxist content or tendency, 1933; complaint by residents of the museum for disturbance of the peace by the guard dog of the Rautenstrauch-Joest-Museum, 1933; submission of zoological objects to the city administration for distribution to the other museums, 1933; holding of smaller conferences of the cultural history section (prehistory, ethnology, art history) of the Kampfbund für deutsche Kultur in the Rautenstrauch-Joest-Museum, 1933; unpaid employment of the volunteer Kurt Baumgarten from July 1933 for one year, draft of certificate, 1934; administrative report for the year 1933/34; application of the compulsory worker Emil Fillinger for a permanent position at one of the Cologne museums, 1934; evidence of the workers to be retired; application of the assistant supervisor Anton Fluß for continuation of the shop by his wife, 1933; list of the free visitors of the Rautenstrauch-Joest-Museum, 1934; 3 pp., mechanical; death of Fritz Graebner on 13.7.1934; budget plans for the years 1933 and 1934; renovation and repair work at the Rautenstrauch-Joest-Museum, 1933; continued employment of the compulsory worker Wilhelm Krapohl as an emergency worker at the Rautenstrauch-Joest-Museum, 1935; Prohibition of lecturing for Julius Lips in the rooms of the Rautenstrauch-Joest-Museum after his leave of absence, 1933; training of self-defence forces for the municipal service buildings, 1935; notification of compulsory air-raid shelters, 1934; darkening exercise between the 21st and the 20th centuries.00 a.m. and 3.00 a.m. in the night from 18 to 19 April 1934 as part of preparations for civil air-raid protection in the district of Cologne; traffic regulations for the blackout exercise by the police president, 1 p. Duplication, 1934; use of rooms of the Rautenstrauch-Joest-Museum by the local group Chlodwigplatz of the Winterhilfswerk des Deutschen Volks in der Nationalsozialistischen Volkswohlfahrt, 1933/34; court summons of Andreas Scheller as joint plaintiff to the main trial in the insult case Julius Lips, 1933; Advance salary for Andreas Scheller for spa and hospital costs, 1934; reduction of Scheller's working hours for health reasons to the most necessary time, 1934; holiday list for the year 1934; holiday for the rally on the 5th day of the month of 1934; holiday for the rally on the 5th day of 1934; reduction of Scheller's working hours for health reasons to the most necessary time, 1934; reduction of Scheller's working hours for health reasons to the most necessary time, 1934; reduction of Scheller's working hours to the most necessary time for health reasons; reduction of Scheller's working hours to the most necessary time; reduction of Scheller's working hours to the most necessary holiday for the year 1934; reduction of Scheller's working hours to the most necessary time, 1934; reduction of Scheller's working hours to the most necessary time; reduction of Scheller's working hours to the most necessary holiday for the year 1934.12.1934 with Robert Ley to the German Labour Front, closed start of the new district administration "Behörden Groß Köln" at the Horst-Wesselplatz; participation of all municipal employees at the company assembly on 30.1.1935 before the beginning of service according to the call of the German Labor Front; examination of the goods delivered directly to the offices by the firms, 1935; leave of absence in connection with Christmas, 1934; evidence of full and partial employment of workers, 1934; maintenance of the office furnishings and misuse of the service snap cards, 1934; evidence of the Aryan race for workers who had been employed after 1.5.1933; Transfers of municipal workers, 1934; Advances on wages; Additional income of pension and widow's benefit recipients still in employment, 1934; Prohibition of transfer to the collective bargaining agreement of fully or only temporarily employed personnel without the approval of the personnel administration, 1934; Request for uniforms for uniformed civil servants, 1934; Affidavit of civil servants not present at previous appointments on Adolf Hitler, 1934; Employment of severely disabled persons, 1934; Establishment of a register of names of the severely disabled, 1934; Establishment of a register of names of the persons who have been employed since 1 January 1934.3.1933 workers employed by the municipal administration, 1934; leave of absence of municipal employees for participation in the Reich Party Congress in accordance with the circular of the Minister of Finance of 25.08.1934; award of the honorary cross for front fighters or War participant, 1934; referendum on 19.8.1934 on the question of confidence in Adolf Hitler; participation of municipal employees in the funeral service on 7.8.1934 for Field Marshal General Paul von Hindenburg; conclusion of a contract of service with all of them since 1.1.1934 newly hired permanent municipal workers and domestic workers in accordance with the instructions of the Minister of the Interior on § 27 of the Gemeindeverfassungsgesetz; opening of the "Braunen Messe" and the "Kolonial-Ausstellung" by Robert Ley on 1.7.1934; flying the flag of half-mast on 28.6.1934 on the occasion of the anniversary of the Treaty of Versailles; official regulation on Catholic holidays, 1934; regular guided tours on Wednesdays and Sundays in the museums of Cologne from the 6th century onwards.5.1934; exhibitions "Wege nach dem deutschen Osten" at the Görreshaus from 14.-19.4.1934; service regulations for the hearing of the radio broadcast of the Führer's speech on 21.3.1934; determination of the hours of service for the supervisory staff in museums from 1.7.1934; flagging on festive days; determination of the hours of service of the municipal administration from 1.3.1934; Order, acceptance and control of coke deliveries for municipal consumption points, 1934; Regulation on the acquisition of works by Jewish authors, 1933; Advertising for German air sports, 1933; Purchase of Christmas tree decorations from Lauschau to alleviate the distress of Thuringian glassblowers, 1933; Service regulation for the hearing of a radio broadcast of Adolf Hitler's speech on 10.11.; Order, acceptance and control of coke deliveries for municipal consumption points, 1934; Regulation on the acquisition of works by Jewish authors, 1933; Advertising for German air sports, 1933; Service regulation for the hearing of a radio broadcast of Adolf Hitler's speech on 10.11.1933; employment of Willy Fröhlich as a scientific assistant from May 1933; hoisting of the Hitler Youth flag on the Day of the German Girl on 13 October 1933; fixing of new admission prices for the museums of the city of Cologne from October 1933; flagging of the service buildings on the occasion of the mass demonstration of the National Socialist Company Cell Organization (NSBO) and the conference of the Great Labor Convention of the German Labor Front in Cologne as well as the visit of His Excellency Bottai on 10 October 1933; the opening of the new museum in Cologne in 1933.9.1933; exemption from service for the participation in the Reich Party Congress (30.8.-3.9.1933) in Nuremberg for the days of 2.-4.9.1933; Implementation of the Law for the Restoration of the Occupational Civil Service, 1933; Survey on the Aryan descent of municipal workers and employees, 1933; Issue of a declaration of affiliation to the SPD or one of its auxiliary or substitute organizations under the Law for the Restoration of the Occupational Civil Service, 1933; Prevention of sabotage, exemption from service for members of the SA, the SS and the steel helmet employed by the authorities in the event of an alarm, 1933; polite and friendly tone of the Cologne teachers' and civil servants' association towards the population, 1933; cleaning of companies and offices from politically unreliable workers, July 1933; regulations for the service of the SA, the SS and the steel helmet in the event of an alarm, 17 July 1933.6.1933 Civil servants needed for the census; ban on speaking to municipal workers with those workers dismissed under the Law on the Restoration of Professional Civil Service during Working Hours, 1933; election notice for the election to the Civil Servants' Committee, 1933; Exercise of Hitler's greetings by representatives of the authorities at public events, 1933; Determination of all municipal insurance values for the legal office, 1933; Lending pictures of the Wallraf-Richartz-Museum in the Rautenstrauch-Joest-Museum, 1935; List of magazines and newspapers held in the Rautenstrauch-Joest-Museum, 1933.Old signatures: 653.