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277 / 509 · Part · 22. Juli 1914
Part of Centre for Mission and Ecumenism - North Church Worldwide

[Disputes between Andersen and Bock] Andersen to the board with the statement that the missionary situation in Kikangala 'cannot be described as very unfavourable'. Bock just didn't show any endurance, as he had only been on the ward for three months. About the interruption of work at the Makamba station and the advantages of the new Shunga station. The visit and the evaluation by Roehl. About the possible construction of a new station and which area would be suitable for it. Remarks on the 'carpenter's application': If no carpenter can be sent from Germany, Andersen asks to have the furniture come from outside. Contrary to his first request, he does not want to build the furniture himself. Note that Andersen encloses sketches of the mission stations. About all the physical work Andersen has to do.

226 / 66 · Part · 7. April 1911
Part of Centre for Mission and Ecumenism - North Church Worldwide

[Letters from Africa] Reply to Brackers letter of 21.03.1911. No possibility for the establishment of a Breklumer mission station in North Cameroon. There Islam had already penetrated far too far. In the south of Cameroon, however, the Catholic mission is spreading, which must be met just as urgently as Islam. 'I cannot say how I would be pleased if we could get a new ally for the south of our colony in the struggle with Rome and Islam'.

319 / 564 · Part · Dezember 1912
Part of Centre for Mission and Ecumenism - North Church Worldwide

Personalakte Peter Jessen] Jessen with an essay which was also printed in the Schleswig-Holsteinisches Missionsblatt (March 1913, pp. 39 to 44): Jessen reports on the decision where the second Breklum mission station is to be built. Udjidji or Kigoma? Since the railway, after its completion, will probably end in Kigoma, the missionaries have agreed on Kigoma with the agreement of the board. Report about the safari from Andersen and Jessen to Kigoma. Encounters with chieftains and healers, new country roads and old swamps, repopulation of Kigoma: the city emerges on a drawing board and plans, among other things, a European quarter. The Africans who currently live there will have to resettle. Jessen and Andersen choose a hill in Kigoma and mark their planned building with a stone pile (see also postcard!). Reports about hunting and animism. Note that some Catholic missions are also very interested in Kigoma and are also planning their settlements. On the return journey visit to a 'Sultan' who shows the missionaries photographs already taken by other travellers. Andersen must promise to send him a picture, too. The finding that existing land registries are very inaccurate. Return to Kigoma on 22 December.

6 / 266 · Part · 1. Oktober 1912
Part of Centre for Mission and Ecumenism - North Church Worldwide

B) Africa 1) Proposal of the name 'Irelu' for the new mission station of the Breklumer 2) The salary of the missionaries is fixed after consultation with friendly mission houses at 2200 Marks. 3) Bracker and Pohl will set up the furniture necessary for the African mission stations. 4) Please send a cost estimate 5) Another 3000 Marks will be transferred to Africa. 6) Acquisition of land in Kigoma 7) Rejection of the mission of a second construction missionary. Andersen is to set up the new station with Jessen. If another person is sent to Africa, then a theologian. 8) When the second station is built, the African brides will be shipped. 9) Due to the shortage of money of the missionaries the Deutsch-Ostafrikanische-Gesellschaft is asked for an open credit of 3000 Marks. 10) For the African missionaries, the 'Correspondenzblatt' and the Swahili sheet 'Pwani na Bara' are ordered from the Berlin Mission. C) Home 5) Try to win a theologian for Kigoma. 6) The Afrikabräuten are to be given 140 Marks for the Tübinger journey.

227 / 614 · Part · 12. Mai 1914
Part of Centre for Mission and Ecumenism - North Church Worldwide

[Station reports] Jessen (Kigoma) with signatures of Bock and Andersen. Report about wedding, Christmas 1913 in 'Silesia', return to Kigoma, early illness of Mrs. Jessen. Recreation in Uha. Andersen and Jessen make an exploratory trip and determine Bunganda, Inkoma as the place for the third mission house. Work resumed in Kigoma in mid-March. A confidant Jessen had continued the station in Kigoma in his absence and had made good progress. Hope of early start of school operations. The service is attended by about 25 adults and many children.

227 / 615 · Part · 13. April 1914
Part of Centre for Mission and Ecumenism - North Church Worldwide

Andersen (Kikangala) with signatures and corrections by Jessen and Bock. The report is divided into 'external works' and 'spiritual works'. Andersen wanted to go to the forest in mid-January to procure wood, but could not leave his wife alone and waited for the arrival of the Bock siblings. Due to Bock's accident in Morogoro, their arrival in Kikangala was delayed by one month, so that Andersen could only leave for the forest in mid-February. Instead in January and February with Jessen exploring tour, among other things to check the station Makamba. Travel description. Malaria attack. Description of the exhausting wood procurement for the new construction of another station. Andersen does spiritual work above all by going to the natives and telling them biblical stories.

227 / 162 · Part · 10. Oktober 1915
Part of Centre for Mission and Ecumenism - North Church Worldwide

Andersen (Shunga) about the progress of the construction activities at the mission station, the food situation (because of the war nothing is imported from Europe, nevertheless milk, bananas, rice, potatoes, meat and wheat are available at the station, but since one year total lack of vegetables), Jessen's visit to Shunga (a special joy for Mrs Andersen, who hadn't seen a white woman for a year), visit to the lime camp, low school attendance (only boys working at the mission go there), sluggish visit to Sunday services (they are held in the Andersen parlour), occasional doubts about Andersen: What do you want to have to do with the proclamations of the word, 'cobbler stick to your last', it does not help you to fight against such a great and deep paganism, etc.'

277 / 508 · Part · 20. Juli 1914
Part of Centre for Mission and Ecumenism - North Church Worldwide

[Disputes between Andersen and Bock] Bock to Andersen about the question whether the mission station Kikangala is convenient or not. About the plans of the board to send the mission pupils Both and Geppert to Africa. Since Bock has not received an answer from Andersen regarding her dispute over the cash report, Bock assumes that Andersen will inform the board of the matter. Bock demands his right to be heard in this matter as well.


[Letters from Africa] Andersen(?), Bock and Jessen about the construction of a new mission station in Makamba, although it is already known that the working conditions there are 'very unfavourable'. With the fulfillment of this condition set by the executive committee after a new mission station, the missionaries in return ask urgently for the sending out of their brides until autumn 1913.

276 / 465 · Part · 10. Juli 1913
Part of Centre for Mission and Ecumenism - North Church Worldwide

Bock (Makamba) to Bracker about a life-threatening malaria that was exacerbated by loneliness. About the slow progress of the work, which always rests when Bock is not supervising. A complaint that workers only want to be obliged to work for a few days at a time, but never for a whole month. Consideration of getting forced laborers through the military in Kassulo. Lieutenant Rothardt informs us that we must quickly occupy the whole country with Protestant mission stations - not so much because of Islam, but because of the Catholics, who penetrate the Protestant mission area in disregard of all treaties. Jessen and Andersen are, contrary to the agreements, not in Neu-Breklum to support Bock, but 'sitting in Kigoma, which would not have been necessary at all'. Lieutenant Colonel Rothardt had to perform an operation and pull one of Bock's molars in a half-hour action 'that neither Lieutenant Colonel nor I will forget'. Complaint that incorrect texts are printed by Bock in the Mission Gazette and that his forwarded corrections are not incorporated. Since attempts with date palms have failed, Bock asks for perennials of apple, pear, cherry, plum, peach, apricot, currant, gooseberry, and rose trunks. Bock bought three cattle, but they don't give milk, because there's no calf.

276 / 634 · Part · 24. Mai 1914
Part of Centre for Mission and Ecumenism - North Church Worldwide

[Personalakte Walter Bock] Bock (Kikangala) to Lucht (?) with the message that Shunga had been chosen as the third mission station. In addition, there was a discussion with Andersen concerning the abortion of the indigenous people. They had reconciled and now wanted to work hand in hand. Although Bock's health is not doing well, he wants to support Andersen as much as possible in the construction. Problems with attending church: When Bock talks about the Last Judgement and the devil, the Waha are relieved when they hear about Jesus. But immediately after the service they go again to sacrifice to an 'evil spirit', because Bock mentioned his name in the service, and he must therefore be appeased with a sacrifice. Description of further confrontation with pagan rituals. Ask for a bell and some books. Request reimbursement of safari costs. Bock reports about a secret letter, which the missionaries received from Bracker, and about which Lucht should know nothing. But since Bock does not agree with the content of the letter at all, he now turns to Lucht with confidence. But he should not mention this to Bracker. Bracker wants to make missionaries Jessen the leader, secretary and cashier of the African missionaries. Bock rejects this, ascribes to Jessen the manners of a farmer, denies him a 'louder and true personality'. Bock writes that Jessen would already be acting like a prophet. Bock accuses Bracker of thinking that everything that comes from North Schleswig is 'gold without exception', including Jessen. Bock, on the other hand, proposes Missionary Gaarde as chairman. Gaarde would soon leave the ministry of the brother congregations and could then be engaged for Breklum. Then you can make him chairman. Bock, in any case, would never recognise Jessen as chairman.

319 / 569 · Part · Mai 1912
Part of Centre for Mission and Ecumenism - North Church Worldwide

[Personalakte Peter Jessen] Jessen (Missionsstation?) [He writes the question mark to indicate that the station does not yet have a name] to Mrs. Bracker with the request that she name the new mission station. Report about the worries about the seriously ill missionary Bock, who apparently lost his memory. 'He eats and drinks, but he doesn't remember the whole trip.' Bock had overstrained himself 'despite the most urgent warnings' on the journey too much while cycling. He was supposed to travel in a hammock, but insisted on cycling himself. The concern for Bock depresses the entire mood.

319 / 561 · Part · 2. September 1913
Part of Centre for Mission and Ecumenism - North Church Worldwide

[Personalakte Peter Jessen] Jessen (Kigoma) to Bracker with the hint that 'many important decisions have been made' lately, joyful expectation about the soon arrival of the 'brides', the planned return journey with the brides to the mission station and the expected weather conditions, Malaria attacks, lack of manpower due to the fasting month of Ramadan, the attraction of Mrs Andersen to the indigenous women, African literature, poor attendance at church, and a helper and faithful churchgoer named Kivani (?).), Please, let the board send another missionary to Kigoma.

227 / 176 · Part · 5. September 1924
Part of Centre for Mission and Ecumenism - North Church Worldwide

Letters from other mission houses and mission friends] Paschen (Neukirchner Mission) to Bracker about plans of the Neukirchner to take up again their former mission areas in Urundi. Request whether the route to Urundi via the former Breklum mission stations is possible. Paschen asked whether Breklum was still interested in the mission areas in Uha at all, or whether they could be left to new churches.

319 / 633 · Part · 10. Mai 1914
Part of Centre for Mission and Ecumenism - North Church Worldwide

[Personalakte Peter Jessen] Jessen (Kigoma) to Bracker about the dispute between Bock and Andersen, the failed estimate for Kigoma and the ambiguity regarding a new mission station. Jessen and his wife are sick. Messages for the mission sheet.
