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04.03.533 · Akt(e) · 1923-1944
Teil von Archive of the Hannover Region (Tectonics)

Includes: Staatspolitische Bildungstagung in Neustadt a. Rbge. on 10.02.1925 and in Febr. 1927 (Organizer: Reichszentrale für Heimatdienst, Hannover), and in Oct. 1928; German Colonial Travelling Exhibition 1928; Report about the Borromaeus Library (Volksbücherei) in Neustadt a. Rbge, 1930; correspondence about the municipal public library, decree concerning the replacement of the Catholic public libraries in 1941; protection of natural monuments, generally 1934; foundation charter of the "Nieders. Spielgemeinschaft für nationale Festgestaltung" GmbH from 09.01.1934 in Hanover with participation of the city of Neustadt a. Rbge; events of the "Nieders. Spielgemeinschaft" in Neustadt a. Rbge.Darin:1) Letter from Georg v. Grabenhorst dated 16.08.1937 with a map by Westermann-Verlag, Braunschweig, about the places of birth of "German poets of today" in Germany and other European countries2) Autumn exhibition of Hanover artists 1938. catalogue by Kunstverein Hannover e.V.3) Program of the elementary school Neustadt a. Rbge. for the "Woche der Hausmusik" of 23.11.19384) Directory of the library in the municipal hospital "Theresenstift" of Neustadt a. Rbge, 19385) Theater-Tageblatt. German Theatre Service from 25.01.19346) Sdr. from the magazine "Bauart und Gemeindebau", 16th volume: "Thingplätze für Freilichttheater "7) Sdr. from: "Die Kulturverwaltung" 1938, No. 4: Grabenhorst, Georg: "Heimatpflege und Hitler-Jugend