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ALMW_II._32_80 · Dossier · 1912-1936
Fait partie de Francke's Foundations in Halle

Four fiches. Contains: FICHE No. 80 1 - 1912. Paul to "Official Brother" - "Hostile Measures against the Property of the Campaign Mission (and Missionaries)." (handwritten; 1 p.) - "Handover of the Campaign Mission and its provisional assumption by the Africa Inland Mission". (handwritten; 3 p.) - Memmingen 1913. Köberle to mission inspector - stenographic notes - Herrnsheim 1913. ? (2 letters) - Nuremberg 1913. The ev. -luth. Zentralmissionsverein für Bayern an Kollegium - 1913. ? an Missionsdirektor (2 p.; Maschinegeschrieben) - 1913. ? an Dekan (Köberle?) (2 p.; Maschinegeschrieben) - Ikusa 1913. Missionsrat der Kambamission an Kollegium (Nr. 32) (Maschinegeschrieben) - Briefwechsel zwischen Kambamission und Kollegium (gedruckt): Ikusa 1913 (Nr. 32); Leipzig 1913 (No. 96); Mulango 1913 (No. 34); Ikusa 1913 (No. 35); Leipzig 1913 (No. 99); Mulango 1914 (No. 39); Leipzig 1914 (No. 102) - Säuberlich: "Overview of the Mission Societies Working in Ukamba in British East Africa". (handwritten; 4 p.) - An Africa Inland Mission (English) - 1913. College to Campaign Mission Council (n. 96; typewritten; 3 p.) - Mulango 1913. Campaign Mission Council to College (n. 96; typewritten; 3 p.) - 1913. 34; typewritten; 6 p.; 2 copies; transcript) - Ikusa 1913. mission council of the Campaign mission to college (no. 35; typewritten; 1 p.) - Leipzig 1913. college to mission council of the Campaign mission to college (no. 35; typewritten; 1 p.) - Leipzig 1913. mission council to mission council of the Campaign mission to college (no. 35; typewritten; 1 p.) - Ikusa 1913. mission council to mission council of the Campaign mission to college (no. 35; typewritten; 1 p.) - Leipzig 1913. mission council to mission council of the Campaign mission to college (no. 35) 99; Machine scripts; 1 p.) - Mulango 1914. Missionaries of the Campaign Mission to College (No. 39; Machine scripts; 7 p.) - Leipzig 1914. College to American Council of the Africa Inland Mission (English; handwritten; 3 p.) - Leipzig 1914. Paul (concerning invitation to the annual festival; printed) - 1914. college to mission council of the Cambamission (copy; typewritten; 4 p.) - Ikusa 1914. Mission Council of the Campaign Mission to College (transcript; typed; 3 p.) - o.O. 1914. Africa Inland Mission to Hoffmann - Kijabe 1914. Africa Inland Mission to Hoffmann - Ikutha 1914. Mission Council of the Campaign Mission to College (no. 44; handwritten; 3 pages) - En route to India 1914. Hofmann to Field Director, Africa Inland Mission (transcript; English) - Leipzig 1915. Paul to Oldham - Ahmednagar 1915. Hofmann to General Director, Africa Inland Mission - Edinburgh 1915. Continuation Committee of the World Missionary Conference 1910 (Oldham) to Paul - Kijabe 1915. Africa Inland Mission (Hurlburt) to Hofmann - Ahmednagar 1915. Hofmann to Hurlburt (transcript; handwritten; English) - 1915. College to the Directorate of Africa Inland Mission (typed; 6 p.). FICHE No 80 2 - Continued - Ikutha 1915 Letters from Joseph and Benjamin - Edinburgh 1915 Continuation Committee of the ... (Oldham) to Paul (English) - Kijabe 1915. Africa Inland Mission to Hofmann - Ikutha, Kibwezi 1915. Waechter to Hofmann (English) - Leipzig 1915. Paul to Oldham; Hurlburt - 1915. An Hurlburt, Director of the African Inland Mission (English) - Leipzig 1915. Paul to Oldham (English) - Philadelphia 1915. Africa Inland Mission to Leipziger Mission (English original and translation) - Ikutha, Kibwezi 1916. Waechter an Hofmann (English) - 1916. Africa Inland Mission (Palmer) an Paul (English original and translation) - Excerpt from a letter by Palmer - 1916. Africa Inland Mission (Palmer) an Paul (English) - Mulango 1917. Africa Inland Mission (Wight) an Thermann (transcript; English) - "English measures against German mission property". (typewritten; ½ page) - 1917. "Communications of the Chamber of Commerce. Guidelines for the filing of foreign claims." (printed; 4 p.) - "Anmeldebogen" (Anmeldebogen) (Formular) (printed; 4 p.) - Leipzig 1917. Kollegium an Reichskommissar zur Erntung von Gewalttätigkeiten gegen deutsche Civilpersonen in Feindesland (betr. Kriegsschäden; transcript; Maschinegeschrieben; 5 p.) - Berlin 1917. State Secretary of the Reichs-Kolonialamt an Kollegium (3 letters) - Leipzig 1917. Kollegium an Staatssekretär der Reichs-Kolonialamtes - 1917. Auswärtiges Amt (concerning the alleged sale by the British authorities of private property of the Evangelical Church) 1917.Mulango 1917. Africa Inland Mission to Thermann (English; handwritten and typewritten) - Berlin 1918. Reichskanzler (Reich Economic Office) to "all federal governments, except Prussia, and the governor in Alsace-Lorraine". (copy) - Leipzig 1918. College to the Reichskommissar for the discussion of violence against German civilians in enemy territory - "Kamba - Mission" ; "German - East African Mission". (handwritten; 3 p.) - transcript "Public Auction of the Missionaries House of Myambani German Mission on 28th August 1918" - Machakos 1919. Wight an Pfitzinger (transcript; English) - 1920. secretariat of the Ev.-luth. Mission an Provincial Commissioner, Ukamba Province, Nairobi (English) - Verband der im Ausland Schadenigten Inlandsdeutschen e.V. "Ersatz von Schäden im Ausland für Inlandsdeutsche. Leaflet" (printed; 4 p.) - Mombasa 1920. Custodian of Enemy Property an Hoffmann (English) - London 1921. International Missionary Committee (Oldham) an Paul (English; 2 letters) - Leipzig 1921. Weishaupt / Paul an Oldham (2 letters) - "Possession of the Evangelical - Lutheran Mission to Leipzig in Ukamba, British - East Africa" (typewritten; 2 S´).) - Kitui 1921. translation from the Kamba "A Letter from Benjamin Mbathi to Missionary Hofmann"; "A Letter from Andreas Mbithuka attached to the above" (handwritten and typewritten; copy) - 1921. "Letter from Paul Koloboi to Miss. Pfitzinger" (translation from the Kamba; handwritten). FICHE NR. 80 3 - continuation (handwritten and copy with machine) - 1922. collegium to association of the inland Germans damaged abroad e.V. - Hamburg 1923. Bitter (managing director of the association "reconstruction in the foreign country" e.V.) to Schlunk (inspector of the North German mission society) (regarding compensation for war damages) - Leipzig 1923. Weishaupt to Schlunk - o.o., o.J. Kollegium an den Reichskommissar zur Verörterung von Gewalttätigkeiten gegen deutsche Civilpersonen in Feindesland (Betr. Kriegsschäden; Abschrift) - Berlin 1923-1928. Bitter an Mission zu Leipzig (16 letters) - Leipzig 1923. Kollegium Vollmacht für Bitter (2-fold) - 1923. "Lost property of the Evangelical Lutheran Mission to Leipzig in Ukamba, British - East Africa." (1923). (typewritten; 3 p.) - 1923-1928. Ev.-luth Mission to Leipzig to Bitter (11 letters) - Leipzig 1923. Mission Leipzig to the Federation of Domestic Germans Damaged Abroad - o.O., o.J. Ev.-luth. State Consistory to Paul - Berlin 1923. Deutscher Kolonialverein. Gesellschaft für nationale Siedlungs- und Auslandspolitik an Leipziger Mission - Leipzig 1923. Weishaupt an Kolonialverein (2 letters) - 1923. Kollegium "Wertangabe der auf den drei Stationen Jkutha, Mulango, und Myambani hinterlassenen ..."; "Gebäudewerte"- Vollmacht für Bittner - Berlin 1924. Verein Wiederaufbau im Auslande (Geschäftsführer Bitter) "Merkblatt über die Verwertung von E-Schatzanweisungen.". (Maschinegeschrieben; 2 p.) - Berlin 1924. Certified transcript of the settlement between the German Reich and the Leipzig Mission (Bevmächtigter Bitter) - Hamburg 1924. Bitter "An meine Mandanten" - Hamburg 1924. Association "Wiederaufbau im Auslande" e.V. "An unsere Mitglieder" - an unspecified newspaper clipping - Berlin 1925. The President of the Reichsentschädigungsamt für Kriegsschäden ("Nachentschädigungsbescheid") - Berlin 1927. Reichsausgleichsamt an Leipziger Mission - 1927. Leipziger Mission an Reichsausgleichsamt - Berlin 1928. President of the Reichsentschädigungsamt für Kriegsschäden an Paul - Tübingen 1928. Deutscher Evangelischer Missionsbund an Leipziger Mission - Berlin 1929. Reichsgleichsamt an Leipziger Mission - Vollmacht für Bitter (Vordruck) - Berlin 1929. Reichsentschädigungsamt für Kriegsschäden ("Final Compensation Notice"; "Property Damage"). FICHE NO. 80 4- - Continued - Transcript "Re: Evangelical Lutheran Mission High Court Cause No.44/16 Custodian of Enemy Property Cause No.23/16. Receipts" (typed, 1 p.) - Transcript "MEMO. Evangelical Lutheran Mission" (English) - 1929. Leipzig Mission to Bitter (3 letters) - 1929. College to Reich Equalization Office (3 letters) - Berlin and Hamburg 1929. Bitter to Leipzig Mission (4 letters) - Berlin 1929-1930. Reich Equalization Office to Leipzig Mission (4 letters) - 1929. Leipzig Mission to the Kreditbank für Ausland- und Kolonialdeutsche (2 letters) - Berlin 1929. Kreditbank für Auslands- und Kolonialdeutsche an Leipziger Mission (5 letters) - Berlin 1929. Reichsschuldenverwaltung an Leipziger Mission (2 letters) - 1929. ? an Reichsschuldenverwaltung - Hamburg-Leipzig 1929. Agreement between Leipziger Mission and Bitter - 1929. "Sales lists of the English government about sales of property in Ikutha, Mulango and Miambani during the war years". (handwritten; 3 p.; mostly English) - 1929. ? to Reichsausgleichsamt - London 1930. International Missionary Council to Ihmels (English; 2 letters) - 1930. International Missionary Council to Grimwood (English; copy) - stenographic notes - 1930-1931. "Re: Evangelical Lutheran Mission, Leipzig. Request for Cancellation List 4 Kenya Shs. 23000. an von Friedberg (English; 5 letters) - Berlin 1930-1931. remainder administration for Reich tasks at Leipziger mission (4 letters) - 1930 and 1932 and 1935. (Ihmels?) at Gibson; in Annex: Recording of Rev. Downing about a discussion between space, Downing and government representative (the latter in English; 3 letters) - o.o.., o.J. transcript "Friendly Agreement" between Africa Inland Mission (Downing) and Leipzig Mission (Raum) (English; 2-fold and translation) - 1931. ? to the Africa Inland Mission - 2 annexes "to the report of the Nairobi Consulate ... 1931" (English) - Berlin 1931. Foreign Office to Ihmels (2 letters) - Tübingen 1931. German Evangelical Mission Association to the mission societies working in the former D e u t s c h - O s t a f r i k a - Berlin 1931. Residual Administration for Reich Tasks to Leipzig Mission - o.O. 1924 "Colony and Protectorate of Kenya" (English; typed, 2 p.) - 1932. ? "On behalf of the Ev.-luth. Mission" to Restverwaltung für Reichsaufgaben - London 1932. International Missionary Council an Ihmels (English) - London 1934-1938. Goodman, Brown

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