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BArch, RW 61 · Bestand · 1900-1918
Teil von Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

History of the inventor: On 14 November 1897, the German Reich occupied the Chinese port of Tsingtau and, in a contract with the Chinese Empire dated 6 March 1898, leased an area of 550 km² with Tsingtau as its centre for 99 years - the Kiautschou protectorate. The province of Schantung, to which the leased area actually belonged, was declared a German area of interest and a neutral zone. In this area the empire received concessions for the construction and maintenance of railway lines and mines. However, as early as 30 October 1895, the German Reich had the right to establish branches in the international contracted ports of Tientsin and Hankou, which had existed since 1859/60. And of course the empire, like the other great powers and other states involved in China trade, also maintained a legation in Beijing. German missions were also active in the interior of China, as were German merchants, especially in Shanghai. The German Reich was therefore indeed heavily involved in China and saw itself as such. Against this background, the xenophobic riots in China in Germany that began at the end of 1899 and quickly became more serious were perceived as a threat. The regent, Empress Cixi, remained ambiguous at first in her measures against the "fist fighters united in righteousness", referred to by the colonial powers as "boxers" for short, units of the imperial Chinese army partly allied themselves with them. The uprising continued to increase from January 1900 onwards, with excessive acts of violence against Chinese Christians and foreigners. From May 1900 the foreign landscapes in Beijing were threatened by insurgents, the railway lines from Beijing to the coast were attacked. The Gesandschaften therefore requested military support. In May 1900, the German Reich sent a contingent of the III Sea Battalion stationed in Tsingtau to Beijing, two further companies were ordered to Tientsin, and the cruiser squadron moved to the roadstead before the Taku forts at the mouth of the river Peiho. Meanwhile, the situation in Beijing continued to deteriorate and further troops were needed. In June 1900, the troops of the colonial powers in China formed an expeditionary corps led by the British admiral Seymour (2066 men). However, this was stopped in mid-June by Chinese troops (boxers and regular army) and had to turn back. The foreigners and Chinese Christians in Beijing had meanwhile barricaded themselves in the Gesandschaftsviertel and were cut off from the outside world. The allied colonial powers (USA, Great Britain, France, Germany, Italy, Austria-Hungary, Russia, Japan) stormed the Taku-Forts on June 17, the Chinese government ultimatively called on all foreigners to leave China on June 19. On 20 June the German envoy, Baron Clemens von Ketteler, was murdered in Beijing. By edict of 21 June, China effectively declared war on the Allies, but this was not reciprocated by them. The Allied troops withdrew to Tientsin at the end of June 1900. In Germany, on 25 June, a naval expedition corps of 2528 men (under Major General von Höpfner) was formed from the members of the naval infantry. In addition, on 3 July the order was given to set up an expedition corps of volunteers from the army (under Lieutenant General von Lessel). The Allies had agreed to form an international expeditionary corps, with Germany as commander-in-chief. On 12 August 1900, the former chief of the Great General Staff, Field Marshal Alfred Graf von Waldersee, was appointed commander-in-chief of the international armed force, which finally comprised 64,000 troops. Waldersee used the "Army Command East Asia" as a staff. The East Asian Expeditionary Corps set sail with its first parts on 27 July in Bremerhaven, when Emperor Wilhelm II gave the famous "Hun speech" at their farewell. With the 19,093 men of its East Asian Expeditionary Corps under Lieutenant General von Lessel, the German Reich provided almost a third of the international armed forces. Structure of the East Asian Expeditionary Corps: 3 infantry brigades to 2 infantry regiments with 9 companies each 1 fighter company 1 cavalry regiment to 4 escadrons 1 field artillery regiment to 3 divisions with a total of 8 batteries 2 light ammunition columns 1 battalion heavy field howitzers with 2 batteries 1 pioneer regiment with 9 companies each 1 hunter company 1 cavalry regiment to 4 escadrons 1 field artillery regiment to 3 divisions with a total of 8 batteries 2 light ammunition columns 1 battalion heavy field howitzers with 2 batteries 1 pioneerBattalion of 3 Companies 1 Railway Battalion of 3 Companies 1 Corps Telegraph Department 1 Medical Company 1 Munitions Column Department with 7 Munitions Columns 1 Train Command with 3 Supply Columns, 1 field bakery company, 6 field hospitals 1 stage command with 1 horse depot, 1 military hospital depot, 1 stage ammunition column, personnel for 3 war hospitals and one hospital ship, several supply stations Already on the 4th day of operations, the first day of operations was at the hospital. On August 1, the Allied troops (about 20,000 men) gathered in Tientsin had once again set out and this time were able to fight their way through to Beijing. On August 14, Beijing was taken and then plundered for three days. The Chinese government fled to the south. When the international troops under Waldersee arrived in China, the situation was essentially settled, Beijing and Tientsin were horrified. Numerous "punitive expeditions" for the final destruction of the Boxers followed, in which the East Asian Expeditionary Corps was also intensively involved. The Allied approach was characterized by excessive brutality and numerous riots against the civilian population. On January 10, 1901, the Regent accepted the conditions of the Allies as laid down in the "Boxer Protocol" signed on September 7, 1901. The East Asian Expeditionary Corps was disbanded on 17 May 1901 and transformed into the East Asian Occupation Brigade stationed at Beijing, Tientsin, Langfang, Yangtsun, Tangku and Shanghaikwan. Structure of the East Asian Occupation Brigade: 1 command staff with administrative authorities 2 infantry regiments with 6 companies each, of which 1 company mounted 1 escadron hunter on horseback 1 field battery 1 pioneer company with telegraph detachment 1 field hospital The East Asian Occupation Brigade was further reduced in size and restructured on 1 May and 11 December 1902. On 6 March 1906, the East Asian Occupation Brigade was also dissolved and replaced by a battalion-strength detachment. This was replaced on 5 April 1909 by a naval infantry unit, which was wound up in 1910. The East Asian Department in the Prussian Ministry of War (inventory PH 2) was organizationally responsible. Processing note: The holdings initially comprised only three AE, which together with the few files of the Schutztruppen formed the holdings of RW 51 Kaiserliche Schutztruppen and other armed forces overseas. In 2008, nine further AE of different origins were added and a separate portfolio RW 61 was now formed. The inventory was developed in February 2010. Description of the holdings: The holdings contain the documents of the East Asian Expeditionary Corps and the East Asian Occupation Brigade, as far as they are available in the military archives. Characterization of content: The inventory contains hardly any real material files. It consists mainly of several German-Chinese place name glossaries. Worth mentioning is a publication about the locations Langfang, Yangtsun, Tangku and Schanghaikwan with numerous illustrations. State of development: The inventory initially comprised only three AE, which together with the few files of the Schutztruppen formed the inventory RW 51 Kaiserliche Schutztruppen and other armed forces overseas. In 2008, nine further AE of different origins were added and a separate portfolio RW 61 was now formed. The inventory was developed in February 2010. Pre-archival order: The documents of the East Asian Expeditionary Corps and the East Asian Occupation Brigade must essentially be regarded as lost in the fire of the Army Archives in 1945. Only pieces that have survived by chance have been preserved. These were supplemented by documents from the environment of the two associations, the branches in Tientsin, Hankou and Beijing. Citation style: BArch, RW 61/...

BArch, RL 40/151 · Akt(e) · 1941-1944
Teil von Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

Contains: Flight climate overview of the Iberian Peninsula, 1941; weather conditions during the deployment of the L.G. 1 in the eastern Mediterranean in the summer of 1941. According to RR Noack, April 1942; results of meteorological observations on Athens. By Dr. H. Scultetus, o.Dat.; Flight meteorological experiences from Greece, Crete and the following sea areas in winter 1941 - 1942. By RR Pieper, Sept. 1942; Flight meteorological information. Extended special print out: Aerographical description "Italy", Volume I, 1944 and English translation; Flugmeteorologische Hinweise NW-Balkan, 1944; Flugmeteorologische Hinweise Süd-Balkan, 1943; Flugklimatische Übersicht über Ägypten und den Englisch-ägyptischen Sudan, 1942; The summer cloudiness of the North-East African Mediterranean coast. By RR Dr. H.G. Koch and RR Dr. P. Thran, Nov. 1942; The Weather of Africa. By H. Seikopf, o.Dat.; Aerographical booklet: Egypt and Cyrenaika, ca. 1942 (incomplete); Overview of the air climate in Turkey, o.Dat.; Seabellage in the Saronic Gulf, 27.04. to 30.04.1943, 07.05.1943; Weather conditions in NW-Greece, 1943; The weather conditions in the Greek Aegean region, o.Dat.; Explanations to the physiological climate map of West and Central Africa north of the Congo, Sept. 1942; Physiological climate map of D e u t s c h - O s t a f r i k a, n.d.; Meteorological and climatological work for the North African combat space, Oct. 1942; Map of North-East Africa, 1941; Black and Azov Sea: Climate and Weather, Navigation Routes, 1941; Flight Climate Overview of the Black Sea Countries, 1941; Flight Climate Overview of Iran, 1941; Flight Climate Overview of the Middle East Countries (Turkistan, Iran, Afghanistan, Baluchistan), 1941;

Naval war command of the Kriegsmarine (inventory)
BArch, RM 7 · Bestand · 1937-1945
Teil von Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

History of the Inventory Designer: Skl = Operations Department of the Naval Command Office, Chief of the Authority was Chief of the Staff of the Naval War Command (Skl) from April 1, 1937. In this capacity, in 1938, the former naval intelligence department of the Naval Command Office was subordinated to him. In 1939 the Chief of Staff of the Skl handed over the leadership of the Naval Command Office. In 1939, as a result of the dissolution of the General Naval Office, the Nautical and Military Technical Division joined the Skl. From May 1, 1944, the Chief of the Staff of the Skl was known as the Chief of the Skl. Inventory Description: On April 1, 1937, the Chief of the Naval Command Office was given the additional service designation "Chief of the Staff of the Naval War Command (Skl)". Shortly before the outbreak of war in 1939, the Personalunion chief of the Naval Command Office/Head of the Naval Headquarters Staff was abolished. The Naval Command Office received its own Chief of Staff, who was subordinate to the Chief of Staff of the Skl. From 1.5.1944 the chief of the staff of the Skl led the service designation chief of the naval war management. The naval warfare management was the coordinating and decision-making body for all areas of naval warfare. She was in charge of operational and strategic warfare. It dealt with armaments and personnel matters, tactical problems, questions of ship readiness, equipment and supplies, questions of mine, air and land warfare as well as navigational and meteorological problems. The Skl was divided into the following sections: Chief of the Skl Staff (issued the operational guidelines and orders for the conduct of naval warfare and the deployment of naval forces); Chief of Naval Warfare; Operations Department (dealt with all areas related to the conduct of naval warfare and regulated the deployment of the Navy within the framework of the overall operations and ensured the operational cooperation of the Navy with the army and air force); U-boat department (was responsible for determining the military prerequisites and requirements for submarine construction, the establishment and training of submarine formations and crews, for the creation and design of submarine bases and escort ships as well as the submarine and anti-submarine defence); U-boat command and control department; naval intelligence department / naval intelligence department (was responsible for the entire naval intelligence service, d.h. for the securing of the intelligence connections, for the organisation and deployment of the intelligence service, for radio reconnaissance and radio measurement, as well as for the development, equipment and training of intelligence devices); intelligence evaluation department (collection and evaluation of all intelligence important for naval warfare and the resulting creation of the basis for enemy assessments by the operation group); locating service department (evaluation of operational experience, development, introduction and equipment of locating devices and systems); nautical department (head of the entire hydrographic and meteorological service). Characterisation of the contents: The main part of the tradition from the time after 1933 is the war diary of the Skl with its annexes, which, with a few exceptions, is completely preserved. The war diary records all essential events of the war events, also the land and air war. It also contains political and situation overviews and material on international law, propaganda and merchant shipping. Particularly noteworthy are the documents of the Operations Department and again those of Unit A (Operations of the Naval War, e.g. Case "Weser Exercise", case "Barbarossa", planning "Sea Lion", occupation of Denmark and Norway, attack on the Soviet Union, invasion 1944), of Unit I (International and Naval Law of War), of Unit L (Air Force Issues), of Unit M (work on the Mediterranean theatre of war, Balkans and the Black Sea), N (work on the theatre of war of the Group North, the Norwegian area and the operations spanning the Baltic Sea), and the W (work on the Western area, the Atlantic area and the French coastal forefield). The files of the Operations Department (e.g. case "Weser Exercise", occupation of Denmark) are relatively extensive. The material of the Merchant Shipping and Economic War group as well as of the General Department III (organisational and armament issues) are just as important as the files of the various departments of the Naval Intelligence Service. In addition there is also material about the Japanese Navy, the Spanish Civil War as well as about the cooperation with the Soviet Union, Italy and Spain. State of development: Findbuch, Datenbank Umfang, Erläuterung: Bestand ohne Zuwachs 152 lfm 3125 AE Zitierweise: BArch, RM 7/...

Propaganda Reports: Vol. 6
BArch, RM 8/1531 · Akt(e) · 15. Mai - 16. Juni 1941
Teil von Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

Contains: Naval Propaganda Division North: War Reporter Matthias Hanf, "English Flyers Get a Rejection", 15 Apr. 1941; Naval Propaganda Division West: 6th Naval War Reporter Semi-Company Bordeaux: War Reporter Eberhard Moes, "Flowers from Arcachon", n. d.; 3. Marine-Kriegsberichter-Kompanie War Reporter Dr. Horst-Gotthard Ost, "Night work of our clearance boats in the canal", 8 Apr. 1941; 3rd Marine-Kriegsberichter-Halbkompanie: Kriegsberichter von Reuber-Paschwitz, "Wunschkonzert auf hoher See", 20 March 1941; 5th Marine-Kriegsberichter-Halbkompanie Brest: Kriegsberichter Dr. Siegwalt Benatzky, "Der täglichen Dienst", o. Dat.; Navy Propaganda Division North: War Reporter Jakob Maria Wallacher, "Männer der See - Kameraden, Soldaten", 21 Apr. 1941; Navy Propaganda Division North: War Reporter Jakob Maria Wallacher, "Vorpostenboote auf Position", 21 Apr. 1941; Navy Propaganda Division North: War Reporter Jakob Maria Wallacher, "Der Zeit Dienst", o. Dat. Apr. 1941; Navy Propaganda Division North: War Reporter Heinz Beckmann, "The Four Hours of the Sailor", 21 Apr. 1941; Navy Propaganda Division West: 5th Navy War Reporter Semi-Company: War Reporter Fritz Nonnenbruch, "Setting up a Mine Search Flotilla", o. Date; Naval Propaganda Department North: War Reporter Dr. Fritz List, "Hilfskreuzer gibt 170 Gefangene von Bord", 10 Apr. 1941; Naval Propaganda Department North: War Reporter Matthias Hanf, "Volksstimme gegen Müßiggänger! 1941; Naval Propaganda Department North: War correspondent Heribert Augst, "German soldiers save English sailors at night at their own peril", 24 Apr. 1941; Naval Propaganda Department North: War correspondent Herbert Wendt, "'Nußschale' vernichtet Britenbomber" (evaluation of a war diary), 10th century, 1941; Navy Propaganda Department North: War correspondent Herbert Wendt, "'Nußschale' vernichtet Britenbomber" (evaluation of a war diary), 10th century, 1941. Apr. 1941; Marine-Propaganda-Kompanie Südost: War Reporter Dr. Egon Figlhuber, "Unternehmen Petz" (Blue Boys Save Wounded Mountain Fighters' Lives) , 24. Apr. 1941; 10. Semi-Companie Südost: War Reporter Artillery-Maat Hans Järisch, "Liebe Kameraden", 4. May 1941; 10th Marine War Reporter Half Company: War Reporter Hans Järisch, "Silent Ports", 4 May 1941; 7th Marine War Reporter Half Company Troop Le Havre: War Reporter Special Leader (Lieutenant M. A.) WB. Leisegang, "The Kriegsmarine will know how to prevent this too" (English aviators bombard French fishermen), 26 Apr. 1941; Marine-Propaganda-Abteilung West: 5th Marine-Kriegsberichter-Halbkompanie Brest: Kriegsberichter Dr. Fritz Nonnenbruch, "Fliegergriffen auf kleine Kriegsschiffe", 14. May 1941; Navy Propaganda Department West: War correspondent Hans Arenz, "Schatten geistern durch die Nacht", May 8, 1941; 8th Navy War Reporter Semi-Company: War correspondent Hellmuth Baumann, "Minensucher stehen am Feind", o. Date; Navy Propaganda Division West: 8th Navy War Reporter Semi-Company: War Reporter Navy Artillerist Dr. Hanskarl Kanigs, "Lock Breaker on Enemy Drive", o. Date.Marine War Reporter Semi-Company: War Reporter W. I. Rempel, "Three Tommy's plunged into the sea", May 7, 1941; Marine Propaganda Division North: 2nd Marine War Reporter Semi-Company Aarhus: War Reporter Walter Melms, "A Submarine Flotilla Fishes Cod", n.d.; Marine Propaganda Division North: 2nd Navy War Reporter Walter Melms, "A Submarine Flotilla Fishes Dorsche", n.d.; Navy Propaganda Division North: 2nd Navy War Reporter Walter Melms, "A Submarine Flotilla Fishes Cod", n.d. Naval War Reporter Half Company Aarhus: War Reporter Walter Melms, "Submarine in the 'Laundry Room'" (Untiring Exercises for the Fight against England), n. d.; Naval Propaganda Division North: 2. Naval War Reporter Half Company Aarhus: War Reporter Walter Melms, "Seamen travel as passengers", n. d.; Naval War Reporter Troop South: War Reporter (Lieutenant M. A. (S)) Bernhard Müllmann, "Bei der italienischen Marine Artillerie", n. d.; Marine-Propaganda-Abteilung West: 6. Marine-Kriegsberichter-Halbkompanie Bordeaux: Kriegsberichter Marine-Artillerist Eberhard Moes, "Zwiesprache mit einem Koffer", n. d.; naval propaganda department West: 6. Marine-Kriegsberichter-Halbkompanie Bordeaux: war correspondent Marine-Artillerist Eberhard Moes, "Zwiesprache mit einem Koffer", n. d.5th Marine War Reporter Semi-Company Troop Cherbourg: War Reporter Dr. C. Coler, "The L I.", May 8, 1941; Naval Propaganda Division West: 7th Marine War Reporter Semi-Company Troop Le Havre: War Reporter Marine Artillerist WB. August Heinrich Esser, "Rees-Stunde im Nebel" (From the History of a Mine Search Boat), May 9, 1941; Naval Propaganda Division North: 2nd Naval War Reporter Semi-Company Aarhus: War Reporter Werner Franck, "Auf Vorposten in der Nordsee", n. d.; Naval Propaganda Division North: War Reporter Jakob Maria Wallacher, "Die Geschichte vom harten Brot", 6. May 1941; Marine-Kriegsberichter-Trupp Süd (Italy): War correspondent Fritz Böltz, "An Bord eines italienischen Kreuzers, im Mai 1941", n. d.; Marine-Propaganda-Abteilung Nord: War correspondent Jochen Brennecke, "Ein Englischer Admiral fährt in den Tod", 25. Apr. 1941; Marine Propaganda Company South East 10th Marine War Reporter Company: War Reporter Bernd Richter, "Auf Fahrt in der Ägäis", 24th Apr. 1941; 8th Marine War Reporter Half Company Ostend: War correspondent Paul Engels, "The narrowest point in the canal", n. d.; 3rd Marine War Reporter Semi-Company: War Reporter Reuber-Paschwitz, "The Logbook of the Naval Cadet X.", May 6, 1941; Marine War Reporter Troop South: War Reporter Kurt von Steinitz, "Escort in the Mediterranean Sea", n. d.; 3rd Navy War Reporter Semi-Company: War Reporter Reuber-Paschwitz, "The Logbook of the Naval Cadet X.", May 6, 1941; Navy War Reporter Troop South: War Reporter Kurt von Steinitz, "Escort in the Mediterranean Sea", n. d. Date; Navy Propaganda Department North: War Reporter Carl von Bremen, "Birthday Party on Board", May 15, 1941; 3rd Navy War Reporter Semi-Company: War Reporter P. P. Möbius, "Minenräumen in der Nordsee", o. Date; Naval Propaganda Abbey North: 2nd Navy War Reporter Half Company Aarhus: War Reporter Walter Melms, "Takeover of the Sick on the High Seas", n. d.; 1st Navy War Reporter Half Company Kiel: War Reporter Herbert Wendt, "Soldiers Should Feel at Home", 17th Century; Navy War Reporter Half Company Aarhus: War Reporter Walter Melms, "Sick Acceptance on the High Seas", n. d.; 1st Navy War Reporter Half Company Kiel: War Reporter Herbert Wendt, "Soldiers Should Feel at Home", 17th Century May 1941; Navy Propaganda Division West: 5th Navy War Reporter Half Company Brest: War Reporter Herbert Sprang, "Der Rudergänger", 17 Apr. 1941; 8th Navy War Reporter Half Company Ostend: War Reporter (Lieutenant M. A.) Hugo Bürger, "Expelled by Navy Artillery", 17 May 1941; Naval Propaganda Division West: 5th Navy War Reporter Semi-Company: War Reporter Dr. Ulrich Blindow, "Steamship in Convoy", 17 May 1941; Navy Propaganda Division North: 2nd Navy War Reporter Semi-Company Aarhus: War Reporter Special Leader (Lieutenant M. A.) Walter Melms, "Once a sailor on duty with the Führer - today submariners against England", n. d.; 3rd Marine War Reporter Semi-Company: War Reporter Peter-Paul Möbius, "Speedboats", n. d.; 5th Marine War Reporter Semi-Company Cherbourg: War Reporter W. Brink, "A Maritime Officer as a Flak Gunner", 16th Century; 3rd Century War Reporter Peter-Paul Möbius, "Speedboats", n. d.; 5th Century War Reporter Cherbourg: War Reporter W. Brink, "A Maritime Officer as a Flak Gunner", 16th Century. May 1941; Naval War Reporter Trupp Süd: War Reporter (Lieutenant M. A.) Kurt von Steinitz, "Italian Naval Reconnaissance Soldiers on the Mediterranean", n. d.; 5th Naval War Reporter Semi-Company Brest: War Reporter Dr. Ulrich Blindow, "This Is Him Commander", 22. May 1941; Marine-Propaganda-Abteilung Nord, Wilhelmshaven: Kriegsberichter (Gefreiter) Langemann, "Auf allen deutschen Werften Hochdruckarbeit!", n. d.; 7. Marine-Kriegsberichter-Halbkompanie: Kriegsberichter W. I. Rempel, "Monsieur Pierre geht in den Hafen" (Marine-Küstenpolizei überwacht Hafenanlagen und Fischfang), 17. May 1941; 3. Marine-Kriegsberichter-Halbkompanie Scheveningen: War Reporter Otto Bohm, "Geleitfahrt", May 20, 1941; Navy Propaganda Department Southeast Sofia: War Reporter Theo Janssen, "Berlin Chamber Musician in Sofia," May 22, 1941; 5th Navy War Reporter Semi-Company Trupp Cherbourg: War Reporter Eberhard Hübner, "Räumboote machen Sonntag," May 16, 1941; Navy Propaganda Department Southeast Sofia: War Reporter Theo Janssen, "Berlin Chamber Musician in Sofia," May 22, 1941; 5th Navy War Reporter Semi-Company Trupp Cherbourg: War Reporter Eberhard Hübner, "Räumboote machen Sonntag," May 16, 1941. May 1941; Air Force War Reporter Company (mot) 7: War Reporter Wilhelm Reinartz, "Mit einem Minensucher ins Mittelmeer", 15 May 1941; Naval Propaganda Department Southeast: 10. Marine War Reporter Half Company: War Reporter Hans Järisch, "Munitionsdampfer in Fliegeralarm", May 22, 1941; 7th Marine War Reporter Half Company Troop Le Havre: War Reporter Special Leader (Lieutenant M. A.) WB. Leisegang, "Germany's Fight under the Midnight Sun", May 15, 1941 Naval Propaganda Division North: 2nd Naval War Reporter Semi-Company Aarhus: War Reporter Special Leader (Lieutenant M. A.) Otto Pautz, "They Build Our Fleet", April 24, 1941; Naval Propaganda Division West: 5th Naval Propaganda Division Aarhus: 2nd Naval War Reporter Semi-Company Aarhus: War Reporter Special Leader (Lieutenant M. A.) Otto Pautz, "They Build Our Fleet", April 24, 1941; Naval Propaganda Division West: 5th Naval Propaganda Division Marine War Reporter Half Company: War Reporter Dr. Fritz Nonnenbruch, "Vacation and Return on Board", May 13, 1941; 5th Marine War Reporter Half Company Cherbourg Troop: War Reporter W. Brink, "Mine Search Boat on the Home March", May 12, 1941; Naval Propaganda Department West: 8. Marine War Reporter Half Company: War Reporter Marine Artillerist Dr. Hanskarl Kanigs, "The Commander has Birthday", n. d.; Marine Propaganda Division West: 8th Marine War Reporter Half Company: War Reporter Marine Artillerist Hanskarl Kanigs, "Before the Engine and the Boilers", n. d.; 9th Naval War Reporter Half Company: "The Commander has Birthday", n. d.; 8th Naval War Reporter Half Company: War Reporter Navy Artillerist Hanskarl Kanigs, "Before the Engine and the Boilers", n. d.; 9th Naval War Reporter Half Company: "The Commander has Birthday", n. d. Marine War Reporter Half Company: War Reporter Helmut Schieck, "Devil's Eggs around Greece", 5 May 1941; Marine Propaganda Division North: 2nd Marine War Reporter Half Company Aarhus: War Reporter Richard Kaufmann, "Dental Treatment on the Bridge Deck", o. D.; 3rd Marine War Reporter Half Company Scheveningen: War correspondent J. Hans Eichen, "Hauruck! Throw that thing outboard", May 15, 1941; Naval War Reporter Trupp Süd: War Reporter (Lieutenant M. A.) Bernhard Müllmann, "As War Reporter on an Italian Torpedo Boat," n. d.; 5. Marine War Reporter Semi-Company Troop Cherbourg: War Reporter Dr. C. Coler, "Transformation of a Fishing Steamer", May 10, 1941; Marine Propaganda Division North: War Reporter Jakob Maria Wallacher, "Commanders", 14. May 1941; Navy Propaganda Division North: 2nd Navy War Reporter Semi-Company Aarhus: War Reporter Werner Franck, "A Ship's Crew Celebrates Farewell", n. d.; Navy Propaganda Division North: War Reporter Leo de Laforgue, "An Invention of the Devil" (The Development of the Sea Mine and Its Impact on England), 24. Apr. 1941; Navy War Reporter Half Company: War Reporter (Lieutenant M. A.) (S) Dr. Harald Busch, "Lauter neue Kumpels" (First Evening on a U-boat), n. d.; Navy Propaganda Division North: 2. Naval War Reporter Half Company Aarhus: War Reporter (Lieutenant M. A.) Curt Eugen Schreiber, "Waving flag sunk in battle with enemy superiority", o. Date; Navy War Reporter Troop South: War Reporter (Lieutenant M. A.) (S) Kurt von Steinitz, "Eight Minutes of Attack and Five Hours of Nerve Test", May 1941; Navy Propaganda Division West: 8th Navy War Reporter Semi-Company: War Reporter (Schreibermaat) Paul Engels, "Drift Mines Before the Bow! Marine War Reporter Half Company: War Reporter Arnold Prokop, "Walking at Sea", n. d.; Marine Propaganda Division North: 2nd Marine War Reporter Half Company Aarhus: War Reporter Walter Melms, "New heaviest batteries are being installed", n. d.; Marine War Reporter Half Company: War Reporter Sailor Dr. Harald Busch, "Underwater ...", n. d. Date; Marine War Reporter Half Company: War Reporter Sailor Dr. Harald Busch, "Northern Lights", n. d.; Marine War Reporter Troop South: War Reporter (Lieutenant M. A.) (S) Herbert Nolte, "Das sind Italiens Torpedomänner", n. d.; 5. Marine-Kriegsberichter-Halbkompanie Trupp Cherbourg: Kriegsberichter Dr. C. Coler, "Zerstörer und Torpedoboot", May 12, 1941; 5. Marine War Reporter Half Company Cherbourg Troop: War Reporter Dr. C. Voler, "Battery Brommy Shoots Block", n. d.; Naval Propaganda Department West: 8. War Reporter Half Company: War Reporter Naval Artillery Dr. Hanskarl Kanigs, "You Must Be Back", n. d.; Naval Propaganda Department West, 5. d.; Naval Propaganda Department West, n. d. Naval War Reporter Half Company: War Reporter Helmut Haring, "Our Comrade - The Red Cross Sister", n. d.; Naval Propaganda Division West, 8th Naval War Reporter Half Company: War Reporter Naval Artillerist Dr. Hanskarl Kanigs, "Die 'Alten' wieder in vorderster Front", without date; 7. Marine-Kriegsberichter-Halbkompanie Trupp Le Havre: Kriegsberichter Sonderführer (Leutnant M. A.) WB. Leisegang, "Reconstruction in the Service of the Navy", May 20, 1941; Navy Propaganda Department West: Navy War Reporter Semi-Company Bordeaux: War Reporter Marine Artillerist Eberhard Moes, "Feldpostbrief an mein Töchterchen", no date.Marine Propaganda Division North: War Reporter Otto Bohm, "Torpedoboote auf großer Fahrt", 21 May 1941; Marine Propaganda Division West: 6th Marine War Reporter Semi-Company Bordeaux: War Reporter Eberhard Moes, "Rivierakurs", o. Date; Navy Propaganda Division North: 2nd Navy War Reporter Half Company Aarhus: War Reporter Walter Melms, "From D e u t s c h - O s t a f r i k a to Kiel", n. d.; War Reporter Dr. Fritz Olbert, "8.000 ton tanker burned in the night", 26 May 1941; 6th Naval War Reporter Semi-Company Bordeaux: War Reporter Hans Fischnaller, "Il nostro camerata Prien" (The Italian U-boat Weapon Mourns Prien), 24 May 1941; 6th Navy War Reporter Semi-Company Bordeaux: War Reporter Hans Fischnaller, "Il nostro camerata Prien" (The Italian U-boat Weapon Mourns Prien), 24 May 1941. May 1941; 5th Navy War Reporter Half Company Brest: War Reporter Herbert Sprang, "... and don't forget your toothbrush", May 26, 1941; Navy War Reporter Half Company Kernevel: War Reporter Dr. Wolfgang Frank, "Günter Prien zum Gedächtnis", May 25, 1941; N. N. "Abschied von der Bügelfalte" (from the "bathing guest" of a long-distance submarine trip), n. d.; Naval Propaganda Department North: 2nd World War, 1941. Marine War Reporter Half Company Aarhus: War Reporter Richard Kaufmann, "Dental Treatment on the Bridge Deck", n. d.; Marine Propaganda Division North: 1st Marine War Reporter Half Company: War Reporter Herbert Wendt, "The Steering Wheel on the Sleeve", 22nd Century, Navy War Reporters Half Company: Navy War Reporter Herbert Wendt, "The Steering Wheel on the Sleeve", 22nd Century, Navy War Reporters Richard Kaufmann, "Dental Treatment on the Bridge Deck", n. d. May 1941; 10th Marine War Reporter Half Company Southeast: War Reporter Marine Artillerist Maat Hans Järisch, "On the Day of Crete on Tatoi", 23 May 1941; 3rd Marine War Reporter Half Company Scheveningen: War Reporter Heinz von Rebeuer-Paschwitz, "Nocturnal Return from Convoy", May 30, 1941; 9th Naval War Reporter Half Company: War Reporter Egon Figlhuber, "Gefallen vor Kreta", n. d.; 12th War Reporter Figlhuber, n. d. Naval War Reporter Half Company: War Reporter (Lieutenant M. A.) (S) Herbert Kühn, "Musterung" ("in memoriam"), n.d.; 10th Naval War Reporter Half Company Southeast: War Reporter Marine Artillerist (Maat) Hans Järisch, "His Last Journey", 18th Century; Navy War Reporter Half Company, "Naval Artillerist" (Maat) Hans Järisch, "His Last Journey", 18th Century. May 1941; Naval Propaganda Division North: War Reporter Matthias Hanf, "Letzte Vorbereitung zum Einsatz auf Bord eines Schlachtschiffes", May 14, 1941; 9. Marine War Reporter Half Company: War Reporter Egon Figlhuber, "We're Drifting the Cliffs", n.d.; 8th Marine War Reporter Half Company: War Reporter Special Leader (LieutenantM. A.) Hugo Bürger, "From the Lazarett Bound on Board", n.d.; N. N. Kriegsberichter (Uffz.) Wolf, "Immer im Einsatz", May 12, 1941; 5th Marine-Kriegsberichter-Halbkompanie Brest: War Reporter Dr. Ulrich Blindow, "Im harten Dienst", May 29, 1941; 7th Marine-Kriegsberichter-Halbkompanie Trupp Le Havre: Kriegsberichter Sonderführer (Leutnant M. A.) WB. Leisegang, "At the Lone Pier Post", May 24, 1941; N. N. War Reporter Herbert Nolte: "Speedboats Attacked Cruisers", n. d.; Navy Propaganda Department North: 2nd Navy War Reporter Half Company Aarhus: War Reporter Walter Melms, "In Night and Fog Behind the Convoy", n. d.; "In Night and Fog Behind the Convoy", n. d.; n. Date; 4th Marine War Reporter Parade in Bergen: War Reporter (Lieutenant M. A.) (S) Gerhard Ludwig Milau, "Eight Hundred Norwegians Return Home", 7 May 1941; 3rd Marine War Reporter Half Company Scheveningen: War Reporter J. G. Bachmann, "Wie wir Deutschland wiedersehen", 28 May 1941; Marine Propaganda Division West: 5th Marine War Reporter Half Company: War Reporter Helmut Haring, "Bratkartoffeln zwischen Dover und Calais", o. Dat.; 3rd Marine War Reporter Half Company Scheveningen: War correspondent Otto Bohm, "Fourteen Three Shot Down", 30 May 1941; Navy Propaganda Department West: 8th Navy War Reporter Semi-Company: War Reporter Navy Artillery Dr. Hanskarl Kanigs, "Axel, the 'Eye of the Fleet'", n. d.; Naval Propaganda Department West: 8th Naval War Reporter Semi-Company: War Reporter (Schreibermaat) Paul Engels, "Wounded Transport by Sea", 19th Century, "The Eye of the Fleet", n. d.; Navy Propaganda Department West: 8th Navy War Reporter Semi-Company: War Reporter (Schreibermaat) Paul Engels, "Wounded Transport by Sea", 19th Century, "Wounds Transport by Sea", 19th Century, "Wounds Transport by Sea", 19th Century, "Wounds Transport by Sea", 19th Century, "Wounds Transport by Sea", 19th Century, "Wounds Transport by Sea", 19th Century, "Wounds. May 1941; Navy Propaganda Division West: 8th Navy War Reporter Semi-Company: War Reporter (Schreibermaat) Paul Engels, "New Ships in Foremost Front", n. d.; 9th Navy War Reporter Semi-Company: War Reporter Josef Vidua, "With Mountain Fighters in Two Sea Battles", 22nd Navy War Reporter (Schreibermaat) Paul Engels, "New Ships in Foremost Front", n. d.; 9th Navy War Reporter Sem-Company: War Reporter Josef Vidua, "With Mountain Fighters in Two Sea Battles", 22nd Navy War Reporter Josef Vidua, "With Mountain Fighters in Two Sea Battles", n. d. May 1941; 9th Marine War Reporter Half Company: War Reporter Bernd Richter, "Jetzt war ma amol auf See!", May 24, 1941; 9th Marine War Reporter Half Company: War Reporter Josef Vidua, "Hemmungslose Mordgier des Tommys im Kretischen Meer", May 26, 1941; 5th Marine War Reporter Half Company Brest: War Reporter Georg Ronge, "Addi, der Koch", May 30, 1941; 9th Marine War Reporter Half Company: War Reporter Josef Vidua, "Hemmungslose Mordgier des Tommys im Kretischen Meer", May 26, 1941; 5th Marine War Reporter Halbkompany Brest: War Reporter Georg Ronge, "Addi, der Koch", May 30, 1941. May 1941; War correspondent Heribert Augst, "Gefangene gehen von Bord" (English prisoners leave ship), o. Dat.; 1st Marine War correspondent Half Company Kiel: War correspondent Herbert Wendt, "Skagerrak - Tradition und Verpflichtung", 31 May 1941; 3rd Marine War correspondent Half Company Scheveningen: War Reporter J. G. Bachmann, "Die entzauberte englische Mine", 31 May 1941; 9th Marine War Reporter Half Company Volos: War Reporter Helmut Schieck, "... Weg ist minenfrei", o. Dat.; 10th Marine-Kriegsberichter-Halbkompanie Südost: War Reporter Horst Scharfenberg, "Drei fröhliche Stunden am Schwarzen Meer", May 14, 1941; 7th Marine-War Reporter, Southeast: War Reporter Horst Scharfenberg, "Drei fröhliche Stunden am Schwarzen Meer", May 14, 1941; 7th Marine-War Reporter, Southeast: War Reporter Horst Scharfenberg, "Drei fröhliche Stunden am Schwarzen Meer", May 14, 1941; 7th Marine-War Reporter, "Drei fröhliche Stunden am Schwarzen Meer", May 14, 1941. Marine-Kriegsberichter-Halbkompanie Boulogne: War Reporter (Lieutenant M. A.) (S) Hans Biallas, "Five English Torpedoes Went Away", 30 May 1941; 3rd Marine-Kriegsberichter-Halbkompanie Scheveningen/Den Haag: War Reporter J. G. Bachmann, "Mit Englischer Mine durch Schwpf und Morast", 29 May 1941; Marine-Propaganda-Abteilung West: 5. Marine-Kriegsberichter-Halbkompanie: Kriegsberichter Dr. Ulrich Blindow, "Das hat sitzt" (Alarm on a harbour protection boat of the Kriegsmarine./Hit in the belly of a British bomber), 20 Apr. 1941; 3. Marine-Kriegsberichter-Halbkompanie Scheveningen: War Reporter J. Hans Eichen, "Mine Search Boats of a Convoy Destroy Two English Bombers", 31 May 1941; 5th Marine War Reporter Half Company Brest: War Reporter (Lieutenant M. A.) (S) Hans Arenz, "Our Flotilla Doctor", 26 May 1941; 3rd Marine War Reporter Half Company Scheveningen: Kriegsberichter J. Hans Eichen, "A mighty blow hits our ship ...", May 31, 1941; 9th Naval War Reporter Half Company: War Reporter Walter Hoffmann, "One against eight" (Italian torpedo boat sinking an English cruiser out of a strong enemy unit), 24. May 1941; 9th Naval War Reporter Semi-Company: War Reporter Josef Vidua, "4 men from the Navy and 132 Tommies" (The armoured motor schooner 'Trinity' is applied to the island of Milos), 17th century. May 1941; 9th Marine War Reporter Half Company: War Reporter Adolf Ried, "In the Port of Piraeus (The Last Hours Before Leaving for Crete)", n.d.; 9th Marine War Reporter Half Company: War Reporter Bernd Richter, "Bravura Attack of Italian Torpedo Boats", 24 May 1941; Naval Propaganda Department West: 8th Navy War Reporter Half Company: "In the Port of Piraeus (The Last Hours Before Leaving for Crete)", n.d.; 9th Navy War Reporter Half Company: War Reporter Bernd Richter, "Bravura Attack of Italian Torpedo Boats", 24 May 1941; Navy Propaganda Department West: 8th Navy War Reporter Half Company: "In the Port of Piraeus (The Last Hours Before Leaving for Crete)", n.d.; 9th Navy War Reporter Half Company: "In the Port of Pirae", n. Marine War Reporter Semi-Company: War Reporter (Schreibermaat) Paul Engels, "Kriegsmarine macht einen Tanker flott", n. d.; Marine Propaganda Department West: 5. Navy War Reporter Half Company: War Reporter Helmut Haring, "Once upset by the French and now back under German flag", n. d.; 6th Navy War Reporter Half Company: War Reporter Hanns H. Reinhardt, "The Brown Sails of La Rochelle", n. d. Date; Navy Propaganda Department West: 5th Navy War Reporter Half Company: War Reporter Helmut Haring, "Mine Seeker" (Always on Enemy - Always Ready), no date; 9th Navy War Reporter Half Company: War Reporter Helmut Haring, "Mine Seeker" (Always on Enemy - Always Ready), no date; 9th Navy War Reporter Half Company Navy War Reporter Half Company Athens: War Reporter Bernd Richter, "Flakferien zwischen Sonne und Kakteen", n. d.; 12th Navy War Reporter Half Company: War Reporter M. A. Gefreiter Heinz Werseck, "Lamor Plage ... in Sunshine and Rain", n. d.; 9th Marine War Reporter Half Company: War Reporter Adolf Ried, "Italian Torpedo Boat Sunk from Sixfold Superiority English Destroyer", n. d.; 12th Marine War Reporter Half Company Trupp La Baule: War Reporter (Lieutenant M. A.)) Hans Kreis, "Five torpedoes - four tankers flew into the air", May 23, 1941; 7th Navy War Reporter Semi-Company Boulogne: War Reporter Werner Denckler, "18 bombs fell into the water" (clearance boats in battle with English bombers), June 5, 1941; Navy War Reporter Troop South: War Reporter (Lieutenant) (S) Karl Judmaier, "In bocca al lupo! (Italian destroyers at the enemy - English submarine sunk) o. Dat.

BArch, RM 2/1759 · Akt(e) · 1913-1914, 1915
Teil von Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

Contains among other things: Situation in Scutari (Albania) after the withdrawal of the Montenegrin troops (report SMS "Breslau", excerpt of transcript), June 1913 Sale of American ships to Greece and general political situation (transcript of a conversation between the German naval attaché in Washington and the Turkish ambassador), June 1914