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Fait partie de Africa Missionaries - White Fathers e. V.

in this, among other things -- Scientific workWorks, correspondence 1901-1934-- Missionary work White Fathers articles, newspapers, magazines, publications1914-- Articles from newspapers and magazines1926-- Articles from newspapers and magazines about the White Fathers1917-1933-- Missionary work White Fathers; Articles and Periodicals1914-1915-- MissionMissionary Activities of the White Fathers; Articles and Periodicals1934-1936-- MissionMissionary Activities of the White Fathers; Articles and Periodicals1935-1936-- Colonial and Missionary Issues in the ReichstagPress Reports1908-1914-- International Institute for Missionary Research1910-1915-- Correspondence with the Government1898-1923darin u.a. contain:No. 03-05, 08Exchange of letters between Maurus Hartman (OSB) and the Gouvernement of D e u t s c h - O s t a f r i k a concerning the relationship of the government and mission stations concerning No. 06Scheme for the reports of the heads of the missions in the German protectorates to the government No. 07Excerpt from report of Dr. Heinke concerning the employment of pupils as teachers and civil servants, as well as for the introduction of the German language in the instruction no. 09Stübel (Colonial Department) to ? of 5.3.1901, clarification that the governorate has not issued any instruction for compulsory 10Thank you letter of the Civil Cabinet of 10.6.1901 for sending the journal Afrika-BoteNr. 12-15Foundation of a branch of the White Sisters in Colmar/ElsassNo. 17Kolonial-Abteilung (Stuebel) at Domkapitular Hespers due to conversions of the system of customs privileges for MissionsNo. 18Emission of the Committee for Protestant Missions to the Colonial Department regarding the school system in the German coloniesNo. 17Kolonial-Abteilung (Stuebel) an Domkapitular Hespers 20Denkschrift der Landeskundlichen Kommission des Kolonialrates über die einheitliche landeskundliche Erforschung der Deutschen Schutzgebiete, 1905Nr. 21von (?) (geheimer Ober-Regierungsrat an Provinzial (Froberger?) betreffend die eventuelle Übernahme von Missionszöglingen auf ein Gymnasium in Deutschland, 1905Nr. 24Domkapitular Hespers an Provinzial Froberger u.a. about the noticeably cooled relations of the Colonial Department to the missions, which he attributes among other things to the Deputy Erzberger, 1906 no. 25Domkapitular Hespers to Provincial Froberger among other things about the relationship of the Deputy Erzberger to the missions, 1906 no. 26Domkapitular Hespers to Provincial Froberger, among other things Confidential communication that the Centre Group had imposed greater restraint on the Member of Parliament Erzberger, No. 27Cöln Academy for Practical Medicine to Superior Froberger on the planned commencement of medical courses for missionaries, 1906 No. 34Letter from the OSB in St. Ottilien on talks with State Secretary Dernburg. The conversation did not go satisfactorily for the author because of the current events around the differences between Catholic and Protestant missions in D e u t s c h - O s t a f r i k a and Ponape. 1908 No. 35 Memorandum of Prelate Hespers and others concerning a possible division of the protectorates among the denominations as well as a confessional marriage in the colonies, 1908 No. 36Thomas (OSB) to ?.. Report about a secret meeting of the Catholic mission representatives in Cologne in connection with the known divergences between the missions in D e u t s c h - O s t a f r i k a , 1908 No. 37Denkschrift von. M. Erzberger on the founding of a mission correspondence as a joint organ of the Catholic MissionsNo. 40Letter of the R e i c h s k o l o n i a l a m t (Lindequist) in which he complained about too few German personnel at the stations of the White Fathers, 1910No. 41Froberger to State Secretary Lindequist because of his accusation of using too few German personnel, including a reference to the present 43 mission stations of the White Fathers in D e u t s c h - O s t a f r i k a, 1911No. 42Script, State Secretary Lindequist to Prelate Hespers for failure to keep the promise of the White Fathers of 1906 in connection with the secondment of German personnel, 1911No. 43Letter from Prelate Hespes, Cologne, to Monsignor Livinhac concerning the following Delay of German personnel for the protectorates, 1911Nr. 45Livinhac to Provinzial Frey and Hespes, 1911Nr. 46 Act on the possession, debts and outstanding debts of persons sent by administrative meansNr. 47 Memorandum: The customs duty of the missions in the German protectorates except KiautschouNr. 48Bishop Lechaptois to Vicariate Tanganjika because of regulations to the language of instruction in German East Africa - German or Kisuaheli, copy, 1913Nr. 49State Secretary Solf to Provinzial Frey because of planned marking of Bishop Hirth, 1914Nr. 50Telegram because of common statement of Catholic and Protestant missions to the inclusion of the colonies in the war, 27.8.1914No. 51Minister für geistliche und Unterrichtsangelegenheiten an Provinzial Frey wegen Nichteinufung mehrerer Mitglieder der weißen Väter, 1915No. 52Protokoll der Besprechung vom 3.7.1917 im Reichskolonialamt über die geplante Bildung der Kolonialen Notstands-KommissionNr. 53 54Abschrift der Eingabe der Bremer Vereinigung für Deutsche Kolonialinteressen betreffend einer notwendiger Außerdienststellung von Kolonialdeutschen aus dem Militär, 1917No. 58Position of P. Tapper on the book: Adamow: Die Diplomomatie des Vatikan im Zeit des Imperialismus, o.D.Nr. 59Rundschreiben vom Gouverneur Rechenberg an Verwaltungseinheiten betreffen die Missionen , 1908Nr. 60Schreiben von Thomas Spreiter OSB, Unterstützung von Missionssärzten, Sorge wegen Geburtenrückden Rückgang in Deutsch-Ostafrika, Sexualität, Prostitution, 1909Nr. 61Letter from Joseph Pean (Vicariate Nyanza) asking for forwarding to Prelate Hespers, concern for the spread of Islam, 1900No. 62White Fathers in D e u t s c h - O s t a f r i k a, justification of an unknown author (between 1933 and 1945)No. 63History of the White Fathers in D e u t s c h - O s t a f r i k a, written after 1930No. 65-68Missionaries and Scientific Activities

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