94 Treffer anzeigen

Imperial Residency Rwanda; Vol. 1
Imperial Residency Rwanda; Vol. 1
Administration, General
Administration, General
Administration, General
Administration, General
Administrative Affairs of the Kissenyi Military Post
Administrative Affairs of the Kissenyi Military Post
[Advances and deposits of the Rwanda Resident's Treasury]
[Advances and deposits of the Rwanda Resident's Treasury]
Assessment of trade tax
Assessment of trade tax
Auxiliary Chamber Book and Inventory Account of the Rwanda Residency for Mobilisation (Special Account II)
Auxiliary Chamber Book and Inventory Account of the Rwanda Residency for Mobilisation (Special Account II)
Bau-Angelegenheiten der Residentur in Kigali
Bau-Angelegenheiten der Residentur in Kigali
Bau-Angelegenheiten des Militärpostens und der späteren Sanitätsstation Kissenji
Bau-Angelegenheiten des Militärpostens und der späteren Sanitätsstation Kissenji
Cash management and accounting
Cash management and accounting
Cash management and accounting
Cash management and accounting
Cheque register of the Residenturkasse for Rwanda [mostly money transfers for private individuals and companies]
Cheque register of the Residenturkasse for Rwanda [mostly money transfers for private individuals and companies]
Circulars of the Governorate and Command Orders of the Schutztruppenkommando
Circulars of the Governorate and Command Orders of the Schutztruppenkommando
Circulars of the Governorate and Command Orders of the Schutztruppenkommando
Circulars of the Governorate and Command Orders of the Schutztruppenkommando
[Confiscated European firearms licences]
[Confiscated European firearms licences]
[Correspondence of the Rwanda Police Department]
[Correspondence of the Rwanda Police Department]
Correspondence with the Kissenyi military post and the Akida of Bugarama (partly in Swahili)
Correspondence with the Kissenyi military post and the Akida of Bugarama (partly in Swahili)
Correspondence with the Mruhengeri military post [only acknowledgements of receipt!]
Correspondence with the Mruhengeri military post [only acknowledgements of receipt!]
Creation of fingerprints
Creation of fingerprints
Depositenbuch der Kesidenturkasse Kigali
Depositenbuch der Kesidenturkasse Kigali
Directory of Crown Land Negotiations in the Resident District of Rwanda
Directory of Crown Land Negotiations in the Resident District of Rwanda
Documents for the 1911 annual report of the Rwanda Resident Office (mainly vouchers)
Documents for the 1911 annual report of the Rwanda Resident Office (mainly vouchers)
[Documents relating to the 1911 annual report of the Rwanda Resident Agency]
[Documents relating to the 1911 annual report of the Rwanda Resident Agency]
Economic Reports on Income and Expenditure of the Resident Agency of Rwanda (Civil Administration, Military Administration and Self-management Fund)
Economic Reports on Income and Expenditure of the Resident Agency of Rwanda (Civil Administration, Military Administration and Self-management Fund)
Erhebung der Häuser- und Hüttensteuer, Veranlagungsgrundsätze
Erhebung der Häuser- und Hüttensteuer, Veranlagungsgrundsätze
Erhebung der Häuser- und Hüttensteuer, Veranlagungsgrundsätze
Erhebung der Häuser- und Hüttensteuer, Veranlagungsgrundsätze
Gov't Livestock Sales
Gov't Livestock Sales
Grenzverhandlungen und Grenzfestlegung im Nordwesten des Schutzgebietes Deutsch-Ostafrika (Deutsch-englisch-belgisches Grenzabkommen vom 14. Mai 1910)
Grenzverhandlungen und Grenzfestlegung im Nordwesten des Schutzgebietes Deutsch-Ostafrika (Deutsch-englisch-belgisches Grenzabkommen vom 14. Mai 1910)
Hebebücher der Residenturkasse Kigali für Schlachtgebühren
Hebebücher der Residenturkasse Kigali für Schlachtgebühren
Heberollen-Auszüge für die Erhebung der Häuser- und Hütten- bzw. Kopfsteuer
Heberollen-Auszüge für die Erhebung der Häuser- und Hütten- bzw. Kopfsteuer
Heberollen-Auszüge für die Erhebung der Häuser- und Hütten- bzw. Kopfsteuer
Heberollen-Auszüge für die Erhebung der Häuser- und Hütten- bzw. Kopfsteuer
Imperial Residency Rwanda
Imperial Residency Rwanda
Imperial Residency Rwanda; Vol. 2
Imperial Residency Rwanda; Vol. 2
Imperial Residency Rwanda; Vol. 3
Imperial Residency Rwanda; Vol. 3
Imperial Residency Rwanda; Vol. 4
Imperial Residency Rwanda; Vol. 4
Imperial Residency Rwanda; Vol. 5
Imperial Residency Rwanda; Vol. 5
Imperial Residency Rwanda; Vol. 6
Imperial Residency Rwanda; Vol. 6
Inventory matters (lists and individual documents)
Inventory matters (lists and individual documents)
[Invoice vouchers from the Kigali Resident's Treasury]
[Invoice vouchers from the Kigali Resident's Treasury]