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Administration du District
FA 1 / 110 · Akt(e)
Teil von Cameroon National Archives

General political, military and economic conditions. - Bali and Bamum (Fumban) area. - Report by Lieutenant Menzel, 7.5.1909 [fol. 16 - 19] Cameroon hinterland research expedition (Dr Eugen Zintgraff). - Confiscation of the weapons and ammunition handed over to Bali by Dr Eugen Zintgraff. - Report by Lieutenant Menzel, Bamenda, 1908 - 1910 [fol. 28 - 255] Offices of the local administration. - Bamenda. - Handover of the station, 6.4.1909, 10.2.1910, 2.6.1911 [fol. 42 - 117] Offices of the local administration. - Bali(burg). - Subordination of the localities of the Bali area to the station and settlement of border disputes, 1909 - 1910 [fol. 45 - 57] Administrative and territorial boundaries (tribal boundaries). - Bandeng and Bali, 1909 [fol. 51 - 52] Combating unrest in Bamenda District, May-August 1910 [fol. 71 - 81] Njoya, Chief of Bamum (Fumban). - Gifts to the Imperial Colonial Office. - Forwarded by Governor Dr Seitz, 17.1.1910 [fol. 82 - 86] Evangelical Missionary Society in Basel. - Removal of the Bagam from the Bali area. - Report of the Evangelical Missionary Society, 1910 - 1911 [fol. 99 - 109] Criminal case against the sub-chief Fomessang of Bali for murder. - Minutes of the Bamenda military station, 20 January 1911 [fol. 110 - 115] Administrative and territorial boundaries (tribal boundaries). - Dschang and Bamenda, 1908 [fol. 118 - 119] Offices of the local administration. - Kentu. - Handover to Sergeant Krüger by Sergeant Kramer, 2 July 1911 [fol. 120 - 121] Local government offices. - Bamenda. - Administrative changes (planning), April 1912 [fol. 129 - 130] Affairs of the chiefs. - Reinstatement of the exiled Chief Batebe. - Report by Lieutenant Adametz, Bamenda, 1912 [fol. 132 - 133] Special Administration Offices. - Kuti (agricultural research centre). - Transfer of administrative powers to Dr Krüger and his successor Dr Simoneit, March, June 1912 [fol. 134 - 137] General political, military and economic conditions. - Bali region, in particular support for the pro-government Chief Bali, 1911 - 1912 [fol. 149 - 194] Combating unrest and uprisings. - Baminge expedition from 17 July - 23 August 1912 (Captain Adametz, Bamenda), 1912 [fol. 195 - 250] Protection force for Cameroon. - 7th Company. - Stationing of a division of the Schutztruppe für Kamerun in the Residenturbezirk. - Memorandum by Captain Thierry, Garua, June, September 1904 [fol. 218 - 224] Administrative and territorial boundaries (tribal boundaries). - Bamenda and Ossidinge, 1912 [fol. 251 - 254] Map with reconnaissance of the Mbam from Wonang to Mbamti (April 1911) by Lieutenant Winkler and of the Nun from Wonang to Baka (March and April 1911) by Lieutenant von der Leyen, 1:500 000, print, monochrome, publisher: Hofbuchhandlung von E.S.Mittler & Sohn, Berlin, 1911

Gouvernement von Kamerun
Administration du District 1902 - 1904
FA 1 / 112 · Akt(e)
Teil von Cameroon National Archives

Dienststellen der Lokalverwaltung. - Banjo. - Appointment of Lieutenant Sandrock as deputy station master, 13 Feb. 1902 [fol. 2] Trade of the locals in country produce. - Report by Lieutenant Sandrock, Banjo, April 1902 [fol. 8 - 10] General political, military and economic conditions. - Adamaoua. - In Tibati. - Report by Lieutenant Sandrock, 4 April 1902 [fol. 11 - 12] Expedition of the station chiefs from Banjo (Lieutenant Sandrock, Lieutenant Houben). - Galim expedition (14-26 March 1902), 1902 [fol. 21 - 28] General political, military and economic conditions. - Adamaua. - Banjo area - report by Lieutenant Sandrock, 15 May 1902 [fol. 31 - 32] Local government offices. - Banjo. - Takeover of the station by First Lieutenant Houben, 18 June 1902 [fol. 33] Expedition of the station commanders of Banjo (Lieutenant Sandrock, First Lieutenant Houben). - Battle at Kumbo on 4 June 1902 and attack by the Bansso (Bascho) on 7 June 1902, 1902 [fol. 34 - 35] Expedition of the Banjo station commanders (Lieutenant Sandrock, First Lieutenant Houben). - Bafut Expedition (June-July 1902), 1902 [fol. 36 - 46] Njoya, Chief of Bamum (Fumban). - Presentation of a flag and a revolver by the Banjo station, September 1902 [fol. 48 - 51] Lake Chad expedition (Lieutenant-Colonel Pavel). - Expedition Bali Banjo (8 Jan. - 7 Feb. 1902) herein also: Murder of First Lieutenant Nolte on 1 Feb. 1902 in Banjo, 1902 [fol. 53 - 57] Individual cases. - Nolte, First Lieutenant. - Murder in the castle of Lamidos Omaru in Banjo on 1 February 1902, 1902 [fol. 58] Merima Issa (brother of Lamidos Omaru von Banjo, shot on 1 February 1902 on the occasion of the murder of Lieutenant Nolte). - Transport to the coast and shooting on the run together with Sariki-n-zaggi and the Kaigama Adamau by the escort detachment under Lieutenant Sandrock on 25 February 1902, 1902 [fol. 68] General political, military and economic circumstances. - Adamaua. - Banjo area. - Report of Lieutenant von Madai, August-October 1902 [fol. 69 - 112] Reports of the departments of the general administration. - Banjo June - September 1902, 1902 [fol. 121 - 140] Reports of the departments of the general administration. - Banjo 24 January - 12 June 1902, 1902 [fol. 130 - 141] Reports of the general administration departments. - Banjo December 1903, 1903 [fol. 155 - 156] General political, military and economic conditions. - Banjo, Bamun (Fumban) Tikar area. - Report by Lieutenant Müller, (1 Feb. 1904) [fol. 160 - 165] Lake Chad journey of 6 Aug. 1904 (Governor von Puttkamer). - Galim expedition from 15 October to 15 November 1904 (Lieutenant Achenbach), 1904 [fol. 178 - 201] Reports of the departments of the general administration. - Banjo July 1904, 1904 [fol. 184 - 187] Reports of the general administration departments. - Banjo August - September 1904, 1904 [fols. 198 - 199] Location sketch of Banjo station (with ground plan sketch) without scale. Pen and ink drawing with coloured inscriptions, Sandrock, Leutnant, 31.3.1902 New establishment of the station by Leutnant Sandrock after the murder of Oberleutnant Nolte on 1.2.1902, 20.4.1902

Gouvernement von Kamerun
Archivaly - Akte
I/MV 0743 · Akt(e) · 1907-01-01 - 1908-12-31
Teil von Ethnological Museum, National Museums in Berlin

description: Contains:StartVNr: E 3/1908; EndVNr: E 899/1908; and others: Cooperation with the Botanical Museum, page 135, the Botanical Central Office for the Colonies at the Royal Botanical Garden and Museum, page 85 f., and the Museum of Natural History, Berlin, page 257 f., 271.- Sale of doublets to the Hzgl. collections of the Veste Coburg, page 87 ff.., the Upper Silesian Museum, Gleiwitz, pp. 193 ff., the Wachsenburg Committee, Gotha, pp. 208 ff., the Museums of Ethnology, Frankfurt a.M., pp. 130, 204, 206 ff., Cologne, pp. 203, 279 ff., and Leipzig, (1908), pp. 145 ff. - Cooperation with the Imperial and Royal Court of Germany (k.k.) Geologische Reichsanstalt, Vienna, (1908), pp. 116 ff. - Sale of duplicates to private individuals, (1908), pp. 18 - Cooperation with the governors of DOA, pp. 185 ff., Cameroon, pp. 252, and Togo, (1908), among others on the whereabouts of the ethnographica from the colonial exhibition in Friedenau, pp. 67, 200 f., 205, 276 - Cooperation with the Society Northwest Cameroon, Duala, (1907, 1908), p. 1 - Cooperation with missionaries, p. 68, 188 f., 259 ff, and the Basler Mission, (1908), p. 78 - Beunat: "Catalogue d' armes et objets divers prosenant du Congo ...", (1908), Abzug, p. 6 ff - "Litteratur zur Völkerkunde der Watussi, Wasimsa, Wassuttuma, Waschaschi, Wayaia etc. Nach Mittheilung von B. Struck.", (1908), pp. 22 ff. - Catalogue of offers Just, Görlitz, (1908), Printed by Druckschr., pp. 26 f. - Rohrbach: Donation of an autograph by Njoya von Bamum, (1908), pp. 28 f. - "... Berlin Society for Anthropology, Ethnology and Prehistory ..." In: Vossische Ztg. : 1908-01-22, pp. 44 - Adametz: Report on the Use of Juju Heads, (1907), pp. 74 ff., and on Collecting in Connection with Military Actions, (1908), pp. 80 f.- "Lepidopten-List der Naturhistorischen Anstalt von Arnold Voelschow in Schwerin in Mecklenburg", (1907), Druckschr., pp. 95 ff.- Fromms departure for a DOA expedition, In: Geraisches Tagebl. : 1908-03-11, p. 183 - "Report on the activities of the Wachsenburg Committee and the Wachsenburg Association in 1907", p. 211 f., "Report of the 'Verein Wachsenburg' zu Gotha on the year 1907", (1908), print print, page 213 - Dempwolff: Sendung eines Schädels, (1908), page 248 - Struck: "Schutzgebiet Kamerun. Questionnaire for the first recording of the languages of the Adamaua tribes, compiled on behalf of the Royal Museum of Ethnology ...", (1908), Druckschr., pp. 253 ff.- Schmitz: Bericht aus Rhodesien, (1908), pp. 260 f.