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BArch, MSG 225 · Sammlung · 1650 bis 2000
Teil von Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

History of the Inventory Designer: Hans Heinrich Hildebrand (born 14.10.1919), merchant and former Lieutenant Captain, was the author of several standard works on German naval history. Inventory description: Hans Heinrich Hildebrand (born 14.10.1919), merchant and former lieutenant captain, was the author of several standard works on German naval history. The collection documents the results of decades of research work in the field of German naval history, which have found their way into Hildebrand's publications in condensed form. The collection consists of documents (not originals) and essays on the early history of the German navy from 1650, the Kurbrandenburg navy and the navy of the North German Confederation, the Reich and Kriegsmarinen up to 1945, as well as the Bundesmarine and the Volksmarine of the GDR. The collection also includes documents on the history of the naval officer, engineering officer and medical officer corps, as well as on the development of naval command, from landing craft and amphibious units, from small arms and weapons systems to uniform and flag science. The encyclopaedic compilations of admirals and the history of individual ships are outstanding; the compilations are usually provided with photographs. Citation style: BArch, MSG 225/...