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Archival description
Archivverbund Bautzen, Stadtarchiv, 62011 - 13 · File · 1935 - 1943
Part of Archive Association Bautzen (Archive Tectonics)

Contains among others: Establishment of the Reich Colonial Federation and takeover of dissolved associations - Invitation to the Social Evening of the German Colonial Society - Annual Reports - Invoices. In it: Leaflet "What was German must remain German", 1933 - Leaflet "Deutsche Kolonial-Ausstellung des Reichskolonialbundes", 1933.

Personal documents
BayHStA, Nachlass Rose, Franz Karl Anton 1 · File · 1912-1945
Part of Bavarian State Archives (Archivtektonik)

Contains above all: Work references (e.g. General-Anzeiger, Mülheim an der Ruhr 1912; Mülheimer Zeitung, Mülheim an der Ruhr 1914; Deutsche Kolonial-Gesellschaft für Südwest-Afrika 1914; Verlag des Reichskolonialbundes München 1943); professional correspondence; Rose's court documents and complaints; back tax claims (Reichsschrifttumskammer, 1941); housing assignment (1945)

BArch, NS 18/152 · File · 1942-1943
Part of Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

Contains among other things: Rundschreiben des Reichskolonialbundes zur Jugendpolitischen Arbeit, Nov. - Dec. 1942 "Neue Aufgaben für den Reichs-Kolonial-Bund", copy of a letter of the special representative in the federal leadership of the R e i c h s k o l o n i a l b a f t , Bender, Jan. 1943

BArch, NS 18/154 · File · 1941-1943
Part of Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

Contains among other things: Deferral of the founding of a German Colonial Science Society for financial reasons, 1941 treatment of colonial political literature, Aug. 1942 "Das Reich im Raum der Welt", lecture by Josef Viera, speaker at the colonial political office of the NSDAP, 1942 "Der Griff der USA nach Afrika" by Kurt Wirth, in: Sonderdruck aus "Zeitschrift für Geopolitik", Issue 12, Dec. 1942

BArch, NS 18/533 · File · 1942-1943
Part of Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

Contains among other things: Appointment of colonial officers of the Hitler Youth in the newly created department "Young Colonialers", 1942 Orientation of the policy of the R e i c h s k o l o n i a l b e a f t to the East, 1942 Planned closure of the R e i c h s k o l o n i a l b e f t , 1943

BArch, NS 18/944 · File · 1941-1943
Part of Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

Contains among other things: Poster for the colonial exhibition in Berlin, Oct. 1941 "Der koloniale Kampf. Nachrichtenblatt der Bundesführung des Reichskolonialbundes", No. 9, Sept. 1941 Stenogram of a speech by Walter Tießler "Unsere Aufgabe heißt Deutschland", given at the conference of the R e i c h s k o l o n i a l b federation, Dec. 1942 Politics of the R e i c h s k o l o n i a l b federation, submission for Bormann, Jan. 1943 Various circulars of the department "Kolonialer Nachwuchs" of the R e i c h s k o l o n i a l b federation, 1942 Colonial advisory councils of the Gauverbände of the R e i c h s k o l o n i a l b federation, 1941

BArch, R 1001/9698 · File · Sept. 1931 - 1937
Part of Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

Contains among other things: Fiftieth anniversary of the D e u t s c h e K o l o n i a l g e s e l l l s c h a f t Amendment to the Statutes and Personnel Issues in 1933 Dissolution of the D e u t s c h e K o l o n i a l g e s e l l s c h a f t a f t and Foundation of the R e i c h s k o l o n i a l b e a f t - Letter of 10 July 1936 from SS Oberführer Bauszus to the Auswärtige Amt Ordinary Representatives' Meetings of the D e u t s c h e K o l o n i a l s e l l s c h a f t on 15 May 1936 and 13 June 1936 - Confidential Reports

BArch, R 2/11632 · File · 1936-1943
Part of Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

Contains: Frauenbund der Deutschen Kolonialgesellschaft.- Work report 1934/35 (print), n.d. Reichskolonialbund.- Balance of the 2nd half year 1936 Lupa Study Syndicate.- Report of the D e u t s c h - O s t a f r i k a Gesellschaft, Berlin, on the development, ownership and status of the work of the syndicate, 1938 List of Colonial Societies with Reich Participation, as of Dec. 31, 1938. 1938 entrusting the colonial political office of the NSDAP (director: Ritter von Epp) with the lead management for the "measures for the readmission of the German colonies", 1939 status of the colonial preparatory work on 30 September 1939 - recording of the Foreign Office on the basis of information from the colonial political office of the NSDAP, 1939

BArch, R 20/71 · File · 1941-1942
Part of Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

Contains among other things: Guidelines for Colonial Tactical Training at Colonial Police Schools Structuring of a Colonial Police Battalion (mot.) Curriculum Distribution Plan for Pioneer Training, June 25, 1942 The Peoples of the Earth (Races, Peoples, Languages), lecture by Dr. Robert Routil on 13 July 1942) Police officers as administrative officials, lecture by Amtsrat Lentz, n.d. Germany's colonial struggle, lecture by the head of department at the Reichskolonialbund Mickausch, n.d. Islam in East Africa, lecture by Dönch, 28. June 1941 Koloniale Rohstoffe, lecture by Amelunxen, 3 May 1941 Eingeborenenfragen, lecture by Depersdorf on 7 June 1941 Der Reichskolonialbund als Träger der kolonialen Propaganda, lecture by Mickausch Deutsche Kolonialpolitik, lecture by Privy Councillor Methner, 5th ed. May 1941 Koloniale Rassenzusammensetzung, lecture by Prof. Westermann, 5 May 1941 Die Afrikaner heute und morgen, lecture by Prof. Westermann, 17 May 1941 Eingeborenen-Erziehung, lecture by Prof. Westermann, 30 June 1941 Die Frau in den Kolonien, lecture by Dr. Etta von Becker-Donner, 22 June 1942

BArch, R 43-II/128a · File · 1935 - 1939
Part of Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

Contains: Showing the old Reichskriegsflagge, entries 1935 - 1936 flag leadership on official cars 1936 - 1937 decree on Reichssiegel 1936 - 1937 flag of the German Colonial Warrior Federation and the R e i c h s k o l o n i a l b federation 1936 - 1937 redesign of the sovereign boundary poles (boundary stones), among others designs by Prof. Richard Klein 1936 - 1939

BArch, R 43-II/663 · File · 1943-1944
Part of Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

Contains: Reichskriegerbund (R e i c h s c h e r l a g m e n , shutdowns, 1943 shutdowns in the NSDAP: Colonial Political Office, R e i c h s k o l o n i a l b e n , Main Office for Civil Servants and Civil Servants Association, Lecturers' Association, Teachers' Association and Main Office for Education, Foreign Political Office, 1943

1072 · File · 1936
Part of Düsseldorf University and State Library

Contains among other thingsCelebrations (Christmas party); book order by the DAF; film screening; four-year plan; cost-cutting measures; name of congress; list of employees; winter relief organization; treatment of Jews; anti-Semitism; Reichskolonialbund; medical report; advertising; invitation to the funeral service of Thelemann, Willy; salaries; dogs; disturbance of the peace by barking dogs; company regulations to the law for the order of work; contract between the aerocircle physician IV and the general hospitals; election of the Reich.Provenance: Medical Academy Az.: IGM No. 52.Index:Circular letter; Celebrations; Christmas party; German Labour Front; Film screening; Four-year plan; Saving measures; Congress; Employees; Winter relief organization; Jews; Anti-Semitism; Reichskolonialbund; Medical reports; Expert opinion; Advertising; Funeral service; Thelemann, Willy; Salaries; Dogs; Disorder of the peace; Company regulations; Law on the Order of Labour; Order of Labour; Contract; Air Circle Doctor IV; Reichswahl.Akzession: 33/2008.Bearbeiter: LH.Erfassung am: 17.10.2008.

Best. 614, A 585 · File · 1934 - 1941
Part of Historical Archive of the City of Cologne (Archivtektonik)

Contains:among others: Invitation to Director W. Kettnis zur Besichtigung der Sonderausstellung "Die Völker der deutschen Kolonien in Afrika" (1934); Unification of exhibition and press propaganda for the colonial exhibition by the Messe- und Ausstellungs-Gesellschaft (1934); Loan of ethnographics for small exhibitions in empty shop windows in the city district as propaganda for the colonial idea, 1934; Circular of the Kölner Kolonial- und Überseeklub (KKuU): Invitation to lecture events for January and February 1935; cf. for May 1935; congratulations from W. Kettnis zum 30jährigen Bestehen des Rautenstrauch-Joest-Museums, 1936; Loss of the lecture room of the Rautenstrauch-Joest-Museum for "Schulungsmorgen für die Amtswarte des RKB und halten eines Lichtbildervorrag durch den Museumsleiter Scheller an einer der Schulungsmorgen, 1936; Museum tour for the Amtswarte des Kreises Süd, 1937; loan of ethnographics for a larger colonial exhibition, organized by the Gauverbandsleitung in cooperation with the Westdeutsche-Kaufhof AG in the rooms of the Kaufhof Köln, opening of the 1st museum in 1937.8,1940; loan for a colonial exhibition in Aachen, 1940; transfer of all ethnographic material from the Knechtsteden monastery by order of the Federal Leader, 1941Damages: Cat. B (can only be used as a digital copy) Old signatures: 585.

Best. 614, A 217 · File · 1939-1948
Part of Historical Archive of the City of Cologne (Archivtektonik)

Includes: Körner, Theo Editing of the Japan Bibliography for the Ethnologische Anzeiger, 1941; Dammann, Ernst Lecture at the University of Cologne on Languages of Communication in Tropical Africa, 1942; Editing of a Bibliography of Bantus Languages, 1942; Draws-Tychsen, Hellmut Publication of his article "Gedenkblatt für Hjalmar Stolpe" in the Ethnologische Anzeiger, 1941; Eberhard, W., Ankara Mangelahfte Form of the publication of his China bibliography; editing of a Turkey bibliography; 1940 - 1943; Grau, Rudolf, Leipzig, Feldpostbriefe u. Herne Delivery of the manuscripts for the bibliography "Allgemeine Völkerkunde"; vacant custodian post at the Museums for Animal and Ethnology in Dresden, 1941; destruction of his ethnological documents, books, card indexes and the manuscript of the bibliography "Allgemeine Völkerkunde" by a bomb hit on his flat in Leipzig, 1944; compensation for the loss by the Reichskriegsschädenamt, 1944; release from American war captivity, job search, 1945; arrest of Gs. 25.9.1945 in Herne and imprisonment in an internment camp; imprisonment of Eugen Fischer and Otto Reche, 1946; foundation of an interim editorial committee for the Ethnological Anzeiger zur Erhaltung der Lizenz, 1946; work at the Volkshochschule in Herne, 1948; exhibition of references, 1948; recruitment to the Volksschuldienst, 1948; 1939 - 1948; Helbig, Karl, Hamburg Free provision of 3 copies of the Ethnological Anzeiger (Eth.A.) Collaboration on the bibliography of the Eth.A.; 1941; Hilgers-Hesse, Irene, Köln-Braunsfeld Termination of her position at the Auslandsbrief-Prüfstelle Köln, 1942; Application for an assistant position at the Ethnological Institute of the University of Cologne; Collaboration on the Eth.A.; 1942 - 1948; Kroll, Hubert, Essen Mrs. Kroll Participation in seminar exercises with Julius Lips, 1928; Obituary for Kr. in the Eth.A.., 1941, submission of manuscripts for publication in the Eth.A., 1941; Meyer, Emmi, Hamburg Lectures at the University of Cologne; collaboration on the bibliography for the Eth.A.; possibility of re-habilitation to Cologne; bomb damage at the Rautenstrauch-Joest-Museum, at the Institute for Ethnology at the University of Cologne, at Heydrich's apartment, 1943; processing of her Bali grammar, missing report about Dammann in Tunisia, 1943, capture and transport of Damann to the USA, Texas, 1944; death of Meinhof in Greifswald on 10. September 1944; death of Meinhof in Greifswald on 10. September 1944; possibility of re-habilitation to Cologne; bomb damage at the Rautenstrauch-Joest-Museum, at the Institute for Ethnology at the University of Cologne, at Heydrich's apartment, 1943; work on her Bali grammar, missing report about Dammann in Tunisia, capture and transport of Dammann to the USA, Texas, 1944; death of Meinhof in Greifswald.2.1944; 1942 - 1946; Reichskolonialbund, Berlin 1939 - 1948 Subscription to the periodical "Deutsche Kolonial-Zeitung" and acquisition of other periodicals; takeover of an ethnographic collection from Knechtsteden by the Rautenstrauch-Joest-Museum; 1932 - 1943; Schilde, W., Feldpostbriefe und Plauen Erforschung des Nilgebiets im Auftrag des kolonial-politischen Amtes, 1941; habilitation project with Otto Reche and his topic "Orakel und Gottesurteile in Afrika, 1941; application for the custodian position at the Staatliches Museum für Völkerkunde in Dresden (Nachfolge Heydrich), 1941; collaboration on the bibliography for the Eth.A.; Tod Schildes 1942; wife Charlotte S., Plauen, purchase of the scientific library of her husband; 1940 - 1944; von Stackelberg, Maria, Baroness, Vienna, editing of the bibliography on Japan and Korea for the Eth.A.; 1942 - 1944; Waehner, Siegfried, Dresden, publication of the results of his research trip to the Tikuna and Katukino, 1941; 1941.old signatures: 217.

RMG 1.092 · File · 1903-1942
Part of Archive and Museum Foundation of the VEM (Archivtektonik)

Statements, petitions, minutes of board meetings; correspondence; Die Deutsche Kolonialgesellschaft: Geschichte, Ziele, Satzung, Dr., 1903; Petition of the Deportation Association to the Reichstag concerning the settlement of released prisoners in the South Seas, 17 p., D., 1907; Initiation and purpose of the Deportation Association Appendix to this appeal, Dr., 1907; Koloniale Erziehungsstätten, Denkschrift, c. 1908; Miss. Simon: Memorandum on the question of the mission in the colonies, 10 p., ms., 1927; Statute and list of members of the colony German Colonial Society, Abtlg. Essen, Dr., 1930; Kolonialverein u. Dt. Kolonialgesellschaft, eine Grundsatzerklärung zur Unterscheidung, ca. 1930; newspaper reports on lecture by Dr. Johannsen: Südwest-Afrika - Urdeutsches Land, 1931; advertising letter concerning membership of the RMG, 1938; NN: Future missionary activity. Church and School of the Natives in Africa, 5 p., 1941; Statement by You. Berner to Colonial Secretary of State of Lindequist, 5 p., ms., 1941

Rhenish Missionary Society
Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Abt. Hauptstaatsarchiv Stuttgart, E 130 b Bü 1778 · File · (1922) 1923-1942
Part of Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Dept. Main State Archives Stuttgart (Archivtektonik)

Contains among other things: Invitations to events and requests for financial support; programme of the Colonial Conference in Stuttgart on 31.5./5.6. 1928; visit of the Federal Leader of the R e i c h s k o l o n i a l b federation, General Ritter Franz von Epp, to Tübingen on 31.5.1942; statutes of the Friends of Wartburg Castle dated 17.12.1922 and call of 1923; minutes of the general meeting of the society Schwaben on 30.12.1924 in Stuttgart and statutes, o.D. (end of 1924); call of the west committee for Rhine, Saar, Ruhr and Pfalz "For the German Rhine!", 1925; statutes of the Knivsberg society in Apenrode, o.D. and call, 1927; Runes. Leaflet of the Order of the Teutons, Issue 1 of 12.3. 1933; Leaflet of the Order of the Teutons, Issue 1 of 12.3.1933; Leaflet for the Reichsbund Volkstum und Heimat, No. 2 of Dec. 1933.

Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Abt. Hauptstaatsarchiv Stuttgart, E 151/03 Bü 1089 · File · 1924-1937
Part of Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Dept. Main State Archives Stuttgart (Archivtektonik)

Darin: "Der Kolonialkampf", 15.8.1936; "Mitteilungsblatt der Bundesführung des Reichskolonialbundes", 22.10.1936; Registration form for admission to the "Reichskolonialbund"; Schweigart, Hans Adalbert: "Bauerntum und Marktordnung" (series of pictures from the 1st Reich Food Exhibition in Erfurt 1934)

Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Abt. Staatsarchiv Ludwigsburg, PL 502/32 I Bü 90 · File · 1933-1942
Part of State Archives Baden-Württemberg, Dept. State Archives Ludwigsburg (Archivtektonik)

Contains: All-German Association; Reichsverband der Baltikumkämpfer; Sudetendeutscher Heimatverband; Volksbund Deutsche Kriegsgräberfürsorge; Reichsbund der Kinderreichen; Volksbund für das Deutschtum im Ausland; Reichskolonialbund; Reichsbund der deutschen Familie; Reichsbund der Hausbesitzer Darin: 1. Volksbund für das Deutschtum im Ausland "Nachrichten des Gauverbandes" 20.12.1939; 25.1.1940; 2nd Reichskolonialbund "Vordringliche Aufgaben der deutschen Kolonialforschung", booklet, print

Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Abt. Hauptstaatsarchiv Stuttgart, M 703 R975N2a · File · 1884-1918
Part of Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Dept. Main State Archives Stuttgart (Archivtektonik)

Execution: Picture postcard of photography Persons and institutions involved in the creation: R e i c h s k o l o n i a l b u n d , Berlin Picture carrier: paper Picture and sheet size: 14.5 x 10.4 cm; 14.9 x 10.6 cm Remarks: compare picture series 975, no. 2, picture postcard with greeting message to Beiermeister at the back, Stuttgart, corner damaged