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Colonial Economic Committee (inventory)
BArch, R 8024 · Bestand · 1890-1933
Teil von Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

History of the Inventory Designer: Association founded in Berlin in 1896 by Karl Supf for the economic development of the German colonies through scientific investigations, publications, research trips and propaganda activities; since 1902 officially "Economic Committee of the German Colonial Society". In 1936 probably merged into the Reichskolonialbund. Inventory description: Inventory history The fact that an archive was set up in the Colonial Economic Committee is regarded as a confirmed finding. The Colonial Economic Archive, which was established at the Berlin Central Office in 1909, already had records of more than 600 colonial enterprises in its founding year. Due to a lack of documents, it is not possible to determine when the documents were transferred from these archives or the registries to the Reichsarchiv. For the period of the Second World War it can be assumed that the holdings, together with other holdings of the Reichsarchiv, were outsourced and taken over after 1945 by the Deutsches Zentralarchiv Potsdam (later Zentrales Staatsarchiv Potsdam). Due to the lack of old finding aids, no information can be given on war-related outsourcing losses. Archive evaluation and processing Together with the documents of the D e u t s c h e K o l o n i a l s c h e G e l l l s c h a f t , the holdings of the Kolonialwirtschaftliches Komitee are among the most comprehensive non-governmental records of the colonial movement in the Federal Archives. The first processing of the holdings has already been carried out at the Central State Archives in Potsdam. Usually a simple distortion occurred. The new revision resulted in minor changes to the share titles and the reclassification of the portfolio. Content characterisation: Trade, industry and economic relations with other countries; colonial policy; colonial societies, colonial associations, colonial banks, colonial enterprises. State of development: Publication Findbuch and Online Findbuch 2003 Citation method: BArch, R 8024/...

Kolonialwirtschaftliches Komitee
Colonial Police School Vienna - teaching aids
BArch, R 20/71 · Akt(e) · 1941-1942
Teil von Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

Contains among other things: Guidelines for Colonial Tactical Training at Colonial Police Schools Structuring of a Colonial Police Battalion (mot.) Curriculum Distribution Plan for Pioneer Training, June 25, 1942 The Peoples of the Earth (Races, Peoples, Languages), lecture by Dr. Robert Routil on 13 July 1942) Police officers as administrative officials, lecture by Amtsrat Lentz, n.d. Germany's colonial struggle, lecture by the head of department at the Reichskolonialbund Mickausch, n.d. Islam in East Africa, lecture by Dönch, 28. June 1941 Koloniale Rohstoffe, lecture by Amelunxen, 3 May 1941 Eingeborenenfragen, lecture by Depersdorf on 7 June 1941 Der Reichskolonialbund als Träger der kolonialen Propaganda, lecture by Mickausch Deutsche Kolonialpolitik, lecture by Privy Councillor Methner, 5th ed. May 1941 Koloniale Rassenzusammensetzung, lecture by Prof. Westermann, 5 May 1941 Die Afrikaner heute und morgen, lecture by Prof. Westermann, 17 May 1941 Eingeborenen-Erziehung, lecture by Prof. Westermann, 30 June 1941 Die Frau in den Kolonien, lecture by Dr. Etta von Becker-Donner, 22 June 1942

German Colonial Society (inventory)
BArch, R 8023 · Bestand · 1887-1936
Teil von Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

History of the Inventory Designer: 1887 through merger of the Gesellschaft für Deutsche Kolonisation (founded 1884) with the Deutscher Kolonialverein (founded 1887). Founded 1882) in Berlin; Objective: Dissemination of national understanding and interest in the colonial question, practical solution of colonial problems through support of German-national colonization enterprises, fostering the togetherness of the Germans abroad, scientific research of the colonies, expansion of German colonial property and support of the German fleet program to secure the colonies; organs of the Society were Presidium, Committee, and Board; subdivisions into Colonial Economic Committee (founded 1896); German Colonial Economic Committee (founded 1896); German Colonial Economic Committee (founded 1896); German Colonial Committee (founded 1896); German Colonial Committee (founded 1896); German Colonial Committee (founded 1896).), Hauptverband deutscher Flottenvereine im Ausland (founded 1898), Frauenbund der deutschen Kolonialgesellschaft (founded 1907); 1936 within the framework of the National Socialist Gleichschaltung integration into Reichskolonialbund; 1943 dissolution for reasons of war economy. Editing note: Findbuch (1953) Inventory description: Archivische Bewertung und Bearbeitung It is a confirmed fact that an archive was established in the D e u t s c h e K o l o n i a l g e s c h e l l s c h a f t . The Colonial Economic Archive, which was established at the Berlin Central Office in 1909, already had records of more than 600 colonial enterprises in its founding year. Due to a lack of documents, it is not possible to determine when the documents were transferred from these archives or the registries to the Reichsarchiv. For the period of the Second World War it can be assumed that the holdings, together with other holdings of the Reichsarchiv, were outsourced and taken over by the German Central Archive Potsdam (later the Central State Archive Potsdam) after 1945. Due to the lack of old finding aids, no information can be given on war-related outsourcing losses. The first processing of the holdings was already carried out at the Central State Archives in Potsdam. In the holdings of the D e u t s c h e K o l o n i a l s c h e G e l l l s c h a f t , the majority of the traditional file titles were newly created and partly supplemented by notes on contents. In addition to the already existing series and volume sequences, additional archival ones were added where appropriate. Since the already existing thread-stitching had predetermined the creation and delimitation of files, especially of the volumes of the Deutsche Kolonialgesellschaft holdings, temporal overlaps in the series and volume sequences could not be avoided. The transfer of the data records of the D e u t s c h e K o l o n i a l g e s e l l s c h a f t to the database took place in 2003. Content characterization: Antislavery; exhibitions, congresses, conferences and rallies; emigration; authorities and offices; Deutscher Frauenbund and its institutions; Deutscher Kolonialverein and Deutsche Kolonialgesellschaft; expeditions and research trips; naval affairs; research and science; societies and associations; trade and economy; Herero uprising; church and missions; Colonial Reichsarbeitsgemeinschaft; Colonial policy Colonial propaganda and honours; Colonial economic committee; Agriculture and settlement; Military affairs; Museums and archives; Personnel and correspondence; Press cuttings; Legal and administrative affairs; Shipping and waterways; School and education; Donations and lottery; Tropical hygiene; Support and loan applications; Experimental and investigation stations; Veterinary medicine. State of development: Publication Findbuch and Online Findbuch 2003 Citation method: BArch, R 8023/...

Deutsche Kolonialgesellschaft
Martin Heydrich's correspondence with:
Best. 614, A 217 · Akt(e) · 1939-1948
Teil von Historical Archive of the City of Cologne (Archivtektonik)

Includes: Körner, Theo Editing of the Japan Bibliography for the Ethnologische Anzeiger, 1941; Dammann, Ernst Lecture at the University of Cologne on Languages of Communication in Tropical Africa, 1942; Editing of a Bibliography of Bantus Languages, 1942; Draws-Tychsen, Hellmut Publication of his article "Gedenkblatt für Hjalmar Stolpe" in the Ethnologische Anzeiger, 1941; Eberhard, W., Ankara Mangelahfte Form of the publication of his China bibliography; editing of a Turkey bibliography; 1940 - 1943; Grau, Rudolf, Leipzig, Feldpostbriefe u. Herne Delivery of the manuscripts for the bibliography "Allgemeine Völkerkunde"; vacant custodian post at the Museums for Animal and Ethnology in Dresden, 1941; destruction of his ethnological documents, books, card indexes and the manuscript of the bibliography "Allgemeine Völkerkunde" by a bomb hit on his flat in Leipzig, 1944; compensation for the loss by the Reichskriegsschädenamt, 1944; release from American war captivity, job search, 1945; arrest of Gs. 25.9.1945 in Herne and imprisonment in an internment camp; imprisonment of Eugen Fischer and Otto Reche, 1946; foundation of an interim editorial committee for the Ethnological Anzeiger zur Erhaltung der Lizenz, 1946; work at the Volkshochschule in Herne, 1948; exhibition of references, 1948; recruitment to the Volksschuldienst, 1948; 1939 - 1948; Helbig, Karl, Hamburg Free provision of 3 copies of the Ethnological Anzeiger (Eth.A.) Collaboration on the bibliography of the Eth.A.; 1941; Hilgers-Hesse, Irene, Köln-Braunsfeld Termination of her position at the Auslandsbrief-Prüfstelle Köln, 1942; Application for an assistant position at the Ethnological Institute of the University of Cologne; Collaboration on the Eth.A.; 1942 - 1948; Kroll, Hubert, Essen Mrs. Kroll Participation in seminar exercises with Julius Lips, 1928; Obituary for Kr. in the Eth.A.., 1941, submission of manuscripts for publication in the Eth.A., 1941; Meyer, Emmi, Hamburg Lectures at the University of Cologne; collaboration on the bibliography for the Eth.A.; possibility of re-habilitation to Cologne; bomb damage at the Rautenstrauch-Joest-Museum, at the Institute for Ethnology at the University of Cologne, at Heydrich's apartment, 1943; processing of her Bali grammar, missing report about Dammann in Tunisia, 1943, capture and transport of Damann to the USA, Texas, 1944; death of Meinhof in Greifswald on 10. September 1944; death of Meinhof in Greifswald on 10. September 1944; possibility of re-habilitation to Cologne; bomb damage at the Rautenstrauch-Joest-Museum, at the Institute for Ethnology at the University of Cologne, at Heydrich's apartment, 1943; work on her Bali grammar, missing report about Dammann in Tunisia, capture and transport of Dammann to the USA, Texas, 1944; death of Meinhof in Greifswald.2.1944; 1942 - 1946; Reichskolonialbund, Berlin 1939 - 1948 Subscription to the periodical "Deutsche Kolonial-Zeitung" and acquisition of other periodicals; takeover of an ethnographic collection from Knechtsteden by the Rautenstrauch-Joest-Museum; 1932 - 1943; Schilde, W., Feldpostbriefe und Plauen Erforschung des Nilgebiets im Auftrag des kolonial-politischen Amtes, 1941; habilitation project with Otto Reche and his topic "Orakel und Gottesurteile in Afrika, 1941; application for the custodian position at the Staatliches Museum für Völkerkunde in Dresden (Nachfolge Heydrich), 1941; collaboration on the bibliography for the Eth.A.; Tod Schildes 1942; wife Charlotte S., Plauen, purchase of the scientific library of her husband; 1940 - 1944; von Stackelberg, Maria, Baroness, Vienna, editing of the bibliography on Japan and Korea for the Eth.A.; 1942 - 1944; Waehner, Siegfried, Dresden, publication of the results of his research trip to the Tikuna and Katukino, 1941; 1941.old signatures: 217.