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Archival description
A. 2.2 Old registration
Stadtarchiv Fürth, AR · Fonds · 1799 - 1988
Part of City Archive Fürth

The "Altregistratur" holdings essentially comprise documents of the city administration from the second third of the 19th century to the second half of the 20th century, including the NS period. Thematically, the content overlaps in part with the documents from the "Fach" collection, but is extended by its own focal points (e.g. NS period, First World War) and the longer duration. The files are structured according to subject terms with consecutive numbers. The indexing is done by a typewritten finding aid. Content: AR1: World War I AR2: Railways AR3: Meat, fish and potato supply AR4: Airport AR5: Mentally ill AR6: Act No. 8 AR7: Commercial court AR8. Household AR9: (Old) Hospital AR10: Lending facility AR11: Training workshop for metalworking professions AR12: Lung sanatorium AR13: Decoration of orders and decorations AR14: (Security) police AR15: Post and telephone AR16: Reichskulturkammer AR17: Reichsnährstand AR18: (Non-profit) Collections AR19: Pub records AR20: Sparkasse AR21: Statistics AR22: (Horse and pony)) Tram AR23: Inflation and Emergency AR24: Four-Year Plan AR25: Board Files AR26: Elections, Parliament AR27: Elections, Parliament AR28: Waterways AR29: Economic Administration AR30: Forced Expropriation AR31: Social Welfare Office Files AR32: Public Utilities AR33: Expropriation of Jews AR34: Police Directorates AR35: Power Post Lines AR36: Crafts and forced cartels AR37: Marital loans and child allowances AR38: Trade and commerce AR39: Taxes, levies and cash offices AR40: Excise office AR41: Construction AR42: Funeral services AR43: Reception forms AR44: Nutrition AR45: Food monitoring AR46: Social welfare office AR47: Burgfarrnbach administrative office AR46: Burgfarrnbach administrative office