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Description archivistique
Archivaly - Akte
I/MV 0714 · Dossier · 1894-01-01 - 1904-12-31
Fait partie de Ethnological Museum, National Museums in Berlin

description: Contains:StartVNr: E 1348/1894; EndVNr: E 1204/1895; and others: Cooperation with the Botanical Museum, p. 120, and the Museum of Natural History, Berlin, (1895), p. 119, 127 - Cooperation with the Museum of Ethnology, Vienna, (1894, 1895), p. 25 f., and the Ethnographic Museum, Oxford, (1895), p. 29, 103 f.- Exchange of doublets with the Postmuseum, Berlin, (1894), pp. 1 f., 18 f.- Cooperation with the editorial staff of the Mitteilungen aus den deutschen Schutzgebieten, (1894, 1895), pp. 4, 62, and the Gesellschaft für Erdkunde, Berlin, (1895), pp. 283.- Cooperation with the Kaiserl. Governing Body in the South West African Protectorate, (1894, 1895), pp. 32, 73, and the German Togo Committee, (1895), pp. 107 - Cooperation with the Governor of DOA, (1895), pp. 84 - S.D.p. 76 - 79, 82 - 86 - Home: Mähly's Itinerary on the Gold Coast (1894), p. 15 - Stuhlmann: Reports from Daresalaam and the Use of Masks by the Makonde (1895), p. 38 ff - Böhmer: Bericht über die Entfernung von Zähnen bei den Wagogo, (1895), p. 49 - "Catalogue des objets du Congo", [1895], print, p. 52 ff - Obst: Vorschlag einer gemeinsamen Ausstellung mit dem Museum für Völkerkunde Leipzig, 1895, p. 63 f - Arabic lettering, p. 108 - "Preliminary sketch of the travel route of the Lt. Count of Götzen across Central Africa, 1893/94", map, p. 123 - Holst: "Tanga. A picture from Deutsch-Ostafrika" In: The new sheet : (1894) 27 and 28, sheets 180 and 182, and "Mlalo" In: Daheim : (1895) 50, p. 181 - Baumann: "Aus dem Feldzug gegen Towe im März 1895", p. 196 f., and Report on the Robbery of a Fetish Drum, (1895), p. 199 - Plehn: Report on the Acquisition of Objects, (1895), p. 205 ff - Böhmer: Bericht über die Wagogo, (1895), p. 219 f.