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Colonial Policy Office of the NSDAP
Colonial Policy Office of the NSDAP
Implementation of the Führer Decree of 13 January 1943 on the comprehensive deployment of men and women for the tasks of the Reich Defence and supplementary provisions: Simplification measures and savings in the NSDAP area
Implementation of the Führer Decree of 13 January 1943 on the comprehensive deployment of men and women for the tasks of the Reich Defence and supplementary provisions: Simplification measures and savings in the NSDAP area
Party Chancellery (Inventory)
Party Chancellery (Inventory)
Rassenpolitisches Amt, Reichsbund der Kinderreichen (later Reichsbund Deutsche Familie), Amt für Sippenforschung, Kolonialpolitisches Amt, Reichskolonialbund und Wehrpolitisches Amt
Rassenpolitisches Amt, Reichsbund der Kinderreichen (later Reichsbund Deutsche Familie), Amt für Sippenforschung, Kolonialpolitisches Amt, Reichskolonialbund und Wehrpolitisches Amt
Utilization of important war assets (especially olive oil, lead, phosphate) from Tunisia. Supply control. money supply and clearing issues. Defense economic situation of Tunisia and Egypt, German economic organizations in North Africa: Vol. 1
Utilization of important war assets (especially olive oil, lead, phosphate) from Tunisia. Supply control. money supply and clearing issues. Defense economic situation of Tunisia and Egypt, German economic organizations in North Africa: Vol. 1