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Correspondence about Islam in Africa.
ALMW_II._32_70 · Akt(e) · 1910-1915
Teil von Francke's Foundations in Halle

Two fiches. Contains: FICHE NO 70 1 - Tanga 1910. Usambara Mail. Independent organ for the economic interests of D e u t s c h - O s t a f r i k a and "coastal messenger from the north" Publication office for announcements of the imperial authorities. No. 18. Volume 9. Including article: "Islamic Missionaries!" (printed) - Berlin 1912. German Society for Islamic Studies (concerning announcement of the foundation; printed); "List of the gentlemen who are asked to join the committee". (typewritten) with accompanying letter of the German Society for Islamic Studies (typewritten) - London 1912. The Moslem World to Secretariat of the Leipzig Mission (English) - Dar es Salaam 1912. (handwritten; 4 p.) - Marangu 1912. Knittel to College - Mamba 1912. Beautiful "On Islam in Mamba and Marangu" (handwritten; 2 p.) - Nkoaranga 1912. Chess tailor to college - Masama 1912. Thiele "Report of the station Masama on Islam and its propaganda in the station area" (handwritten; 3 p.) - Shigatini 1912. Oldewage "On Islam in Northpare. Answering the questions." - Mwika 1912. Hollow Field to College - o.O. o.J. "The Propagation of Islam." (Newspaper clipping from the "Deutsch. Ostafrikanischen Zeitung Nr. 63 vom 6. Aug. 1913.") - Jena 1913. Schoenfeld to director - 1915. Notes by Weishaupt and Gehring - Leipzig 1915. Paul to ? - Exzerpte (handwritten; 14 p.) - Schiele, F.M. und Ischarnack, L. (ed.): Die Religion in Geschichte und Gegenwart. Handwörterbuch in a common presentation. Separate print of the article "Islam" by Becker, C.H. (printed; 35 p.). FICHE NR. 70 2- - continued (pages 27-35).

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