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Landesarchiv NRW Abteilung Westfalen, Kreis Bochum, Landratsamt, Nr. 183 · Akt(e) · 1866, 1883 - 1929
Teil von Landesarchiv NRW Department of Westphalia (Archivtektonik)

Contains: In it: "Twenty-second report on the effectiveness of the Victoria National Invalidity Foundation for the period 3 August 1888 to 1889 comprehensive"; Announcement of the association "Kolonialkriegerdank" (circular) 1913

District of Bochum, District Office (inventory)
Landesarchiv NRW Abteilung Westfalen, B 453 · Bestand · 1711-1932
Teil von Landesarchiv NRW Department of Westphalia (Archivtektonik)

The district Bochum was formed in 1817 and in 1884/85, around the counties Gelsenkirchen and Hattingen reduced, it was divided into city and county Bochum. After the district was abolished in 1929, it was assigned to the city districts of Bochum, Witten, Herne and Dortmund. The holdings, which comprised 199 numbers at the time of the new indexing, were transferred to the State Archives in 1888 (116 files). A file was added in 1908. It was not possible to determine where the remaining files came from. By far the largest part of the district registry and the district committee is located in the city archive of Bochum. The serial numbers 153 to 1962 were given to the city of Witten in 1955. Further files of the administrative district are stored in the city archives of Gelsenkirchen and Witten (see old repertory for listings). In the case of the new registration, files 47, 117a, 121a and 128a were found to be missing. The numbers 37 and 96 are not documented. The new distortion was mainly performed by the trainees Dr. Becker, Dr. Fleckenstein, Hoen, Dr. Ostrowitzki, Dr. Prell and Dr. Uhde. Münster, January 1994 H. Müller The files no. 187 - 192 originate from the Zgg. 120/2010 of the police headquarters Bochum. They're listed under Classification Point 7. Police. Schraven, January 2011 Due to their personal character, individual volumes of records are blocked from regular use in the reading room. It is advisable to send an inquiry to the Landesarchiv NRW by e-mail to: westfalen@lav.nrw.de

Estate of Adolf ten Hompel (continued existence)
Landesarchiv NRW Abteilung Westfalen, A 511 · Bestand · 1887-1940
Teil von Landesarchiv NRW Department of Westphalia (Archivtektonik)

About the person: Adolf ten Hompel *15.6.1874 in Recklinghausen, 5.12.1943; brother of the centre politician Rudolf ten Hompel; parents: August ten Hompel and Henriette Wicking (Wicking-Zementwerke!). Education at the Humanistische Gymnasium Recklinghausen, Universities of Freiburg, Würzburg, Berlin, Göttingen; Dr. jur.; lawyer and notary in Münster; married to Maria Strunk, children: Adolf, Maria, Elisabeth, Carl-Gregor. Writer and journalist activity, also under the pseudonyms Wahroder ten Hompel, Hermann Wahroder, Dr. Alpha, Athanasius, Wicking ten Hompel. Cf. Kürschners German Literature Calendar.1925. Degener "Wer ist's" VII Edition (1914). The collection: Most of the written material dates from the years 1900-1940, in addition to correspondence and manuscripts, these are mostly collections of magazines and newspapers (Deutsche Bergwerks-Zeitung, Kölnische Volkszeitung, Der Tag, Germania, Münstersche Zeitung, Westfälische Landeszeitung, Münsterischer Anzeiger and others). Existing file formations were retained, some boxes of loose sheets were either re-formed or reassigned. Loose adjacent posters are now in the poster collection under the signatures SP 962-968. The collection comprises the numbers 1-493 (No. 179 is not documented). Zgg. 32/1942 vom 22.6.1942 Münster, in October 1981 Kiessling The finding aid book was transferred to VERA in 2006.

German Colonial Society, Imperial Colonial League
Landesarchiv NRW Abteilung Westfalen, K 001, 5814 · Akt(e) · 1899-1913, 1926-1937
Teil von Landesarchiv NRW Department of Westphalia (Archivtektonik)
  • description: Included: The work of the Colonial-Economic Committee 1896-1906; Schwabe, Kurd, Die deutschen Kolonien, proofs; Deeken, Die Auswanderung nach den deutschen Kolonien unter Berücksichtigung der wirtschaftlichen und klimatischen Verhältnisse, Koloniale Abhandlungen Heft 21/22/1908; Memorandum of the East-African Plantation Society Kilwa- Südland, (1910); Guide to the 1st German Colonial-Travel Exhibition, (1929/30). Deutsche Kolonial-Wanderausstellung, (1929/30) Included: Die Arbeit des Kolonial-Wirtschaftlichen Komitees 1896-1906; Schwabe, Kurd, Die deutschen Kolonien, Probeabdrucke; Deeken, Die Auswanderung nach den deutschen Kolonien unter Berücksichtigung der wirtschaftlichen und klimatischen Verhältnisse, Koloniale Abhandlungen Heft 21/22/1908; Denkschrift der Ost-Afrikanischen Plantagen-Gesellschaft Kilwa- Südland, (1910); Führer durch die 1. Deutsche Kolonial-Wanderausstellung, (1929/30)
  • Included: Die Arbeit des Kolonial-Wirtschaftlichen Komitees 1896-1906; Schwabe, Kurd, Die deutschen Kolonien, Probeabdrucke; Deeken, Die Auswanderung nach den deutschen Kolonien unter Berücksichtigung der wirtschaftlichen und klimatischen Verhältnisse, Koloniale Abhandlungen Heft 21/22/1908; Denkschrift der Ost-Afrikanischen Plantagen-Gesellschaft Kilwa- Südland, (1910); Führer durch die 1. Deutsche Kolonial-Wanderausstellung, (1929/30)<br /><br />Including: Die Arbeit des Kolonial-Wirtschaftlichen Komitees 1896-1906; Schwabe, Kurd, Die deutschen Kolonien, Probeabdrucke; Deeken, Die Auswanderung nach den deutschen Kolonien unter Berücksichtigung der wirtschaftlichen und klimatischen Verhältnisse, Koloniale Abhandlungen Heft 21/22/1908; Denkschrift der Ost-Afrikanischen Plantagen-Gesellschaft Kilwa- Südland, (1910); Führer durch die 1. Deutsche Kolonial-Wanderausstellung, (1929/30)
  • 1899-1913, 1926-1937, Landesarchiv NRW Abteilung Westfalen, K 001 Oberpräsidium Münster
German Fleet Club.
Landesarchiv NRW Abteilung Westfalen, 3797 · Akt(e)
Teil von Landesarchiv NRW Department of Westphalia (Archivtektonik)

Containment notes: > Contains a.o.: Formation of a Westphalian provincial committee. intus: Trade and power politics, speeches and essays Volume 1, 2nd ed. Stuttgart 1900, Bitter noth is us a strong German fleet, thoughts of a fatherland friend, Berlin 1899, Anzeiger für Gemeindebeamte, organ of the Central-Verband der Gemeindebeamten Preußens, no. 2/1900, directory of the presidium, of the executive committee of the managing organs,..., of the German Fleet Association, status: 1.1.1900, colonial magazine no. 20/1900.

House Bladenhorst (Dep.) (inventory)
Gliederung · (1340) 1544-1927
Teil von Landesarchiv NRW Department of Westphalia (Archivtektonik)

In the 14th century, the family of ministers of Düngelen established themselves in the town of Castrop-Rauxel. During the 15th century, Düngelen became one of the most important noble families in the county of Mark. Through marriage, Haus Bladenhorst fell to the von Viermund family around 1500 and to the von Romberg zu Brünninghausen family after 1610. The attack on the von Rombergs was long controversial. In the late 17th and 18th centuries Brünninghausen and Bladenhorst were administered together. After 1810 Bladenhorst broke away from the joint administration. Gisbert von Romberg transferred Bladenhorst to his son Clemens von Romberg, who in turn transferred it to his son Conrad von Romberg. The entire mining property of the von Romberg family was transferred to Bladenhorst in 1855. By marriage with Caroline von Romberg Bladenhorst fell to Baron von Weichs in 1881. Bladenhorst was sold to Klöckner-Werke in 1926 after lengthy preliminary negotiations. History of the stock The largest part of the stock was apparently moved to Haus Brünninghausen in the 18th century. On Bladenhorst remained the currente registry of the estate administration. After the death of Gisbert von Romberg, some documents and files were returned to Bladenhorst. The stocks stored there were recorded by Dr. Nordhoff in 1866. Parts of his inventory have been preserved in file number 100. In 1896, a fire broke out at Haus Bladenhorst that severely damaged or even destroyed parts of the stock. When the house was sold in 1926, the von Weichs family transferred the holdings as a deposit to the State Archives, which between 1908 and 1955 also took over the entire Romberg von Buldern archive, including the older holdings of Haus Bladenhorst, in several stages. In 1962 the deposit was supplemented by smaller supplements. The written material handed over in 1926 was accessible until 2002 in four partial collections of varying quality. On the occasion of the completion of the indexing work on the entire Romberg archive, the work on the deposit was also completed in 2002. The severely damaged documents were recorded by Prof. Ludwig Schmitz-Kellenberg in handwriting soon after 1926. Its indexing, which was hardly legible due to the peculiar writing style, was included in the VZ database and at the same time critically revised; at the same time, the holdings were checked for restoration requirements. The file was divided into three parts until 2002. (1) The so-called "Archive" with 98 units between 1493 and 1821 had been superficially recorded by R. Keimer around 1926. It comprises mainly residual traditions of the older Bladenhorst stock. The inventory was newly recorded. (2) The so-called "Registratur" comprised in XXV sections the files of the estate administration since about 1810 with previous files since the 16th century (522 Nrr. ) as well as a collection of 33 maps. The map holdings had already been removed and transferred by Dr. Sagebiel to the map collection of the State Archives (No. A 21265 - 21308) and listed. The indexing of R. Keimer covered up to 27 subvolumes under signatures that had already been extensively used by regional research. The re-drawing followed the numerus currens of the older class and allowed the order formed by Keimer with its units and signatures (according to the formula "Archive" 100) to exist. Three numbers were missing, approx. 15 volumes had been shifted the layer (3). (3) Approximately 5.5 linear metres of registry material was unrecorded until 2002. It mainly consisted of accounting documents which were included in summary form (No 622-922). A partial cassation was waived for legal reasons. The three layers were indexed by a common classification and an index and are now available as a finding aid. Source value The older documents and files up to 1800 are included in the archive of Romberg. The files after 1800 document the administration of the property of a noble estate until 1926, which was increasingly overlaid by mining and industry. Railways, mining and the chemical industry gradually restricted the land holdings of Haus Bladenhorst and its agriculture and forestry. This process is meticulously reflected in the files. Furthermore, the tradition of Romberg's mining estate in the 1850s is important. For the city history of Castrop(-Rauxel) the inventory is valuable because of numerous references to the city and court of Castrop. Literature: Culture and Homeland (Castrop-Rauxel) 13 (1961)

Landesarchiv NRW Abteilung Westfalen, Kreis Bochum, Landratsamt, Nr. 98 Bd. 2 · Akt(e) · 1852 - 1866
Teil von Landesarchiv NRW Department of Westphalia (Archivtektonik)

Contains: a.o.: Cabinet order of Friedrich Wilhelm IV. of 29.04.1852 concerning mobilization; correspondence about equipment of the servants Wilhelm Küper and Skabovius; use of Prussian subjects for military service and tax in the canton of Schaffhausen; military punitive measures against naval soldiers; proceedings concerning the mobilization of the German army; the use of Prussian subjects for military service and tax in the canton of Schaffhausen; and the death of the German army. Unteroffiziersschulen Jülich und Potsdam 1858-1866; use of prisoners of war in agriculture and in state railway construction; cancellation of an execution sentence against the servant Wiesemann; use of Prussians abroad for military service, in particular in St. Petersburg. Petersburg; issuance of hiking passes for craftsmen not yet engaged in military service; termination of lease contracts for drill grounds in Wiedenbrück and Minden and termination of a contract for a shooting range at Spellen (community of Voerde); deployment of the Order of St John in military medicine in 1857; measures against Dutch advertising for colonial troops in India; dealing with foreigners called up for military service in their home countries and living in Prussia

Oberpräsidium Münster / Churches, Schools, Jews

Churches: Constitution and Organisation (1721-) 1813-1946 (80); Church activities (inter alia Kulturkampf 1873-1904) (1629-) 1813-1940 (177); clergymen and church servants (1606-) 1785-1942 (172); church institutions, church records 1817-1926 (21); finances (1623) 1816-1943 (98); occupation of Protestant ministries (1707) 1814-1920 (7); likewise Catholic ministries (1275) 1666, 1791-1928 (696). Schools: Secondary schools (1706-) 1818-1946 (57); primary and secondary schools (1783-) 1815-1946 (82); teachers (1606) 1816-1946 (105). Jews (1708-) 1814-1937 (15).