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Archival description
Geheimes Staatsarchiv Preußischer Kulturbesitz, I. HA Rep. 77, Tit. 307 Nr. 102 · File · 1900 - 1933
Part of Secret State Archive of Prussian Cultural Heritage (Archivtektonik)

Contains among other things: - Combating snowball systems with vouchers, March 1901 - Damage to the retail trade through the private sale of goods on a large scale, May 1911 - Combating the sale of inferior goods under the pretext of collection for charitable purposes, December 1913 - Sale of fish goods for breeding houses and prisons by the company Walter Georg Fahrenholz in Stettin, which was not licensed for trade, February 1919 - Combating the abusive use of company names by small businesses, November 1922 - Investigations of the German legation in Egypt against the managing directors of the formerly Berlin-based "Rumänische Handelsgesellschaft" (Romanian Trading Company) because of the embezzlement of goods by the sale at low prices in Cairo, August 1924 - Increase of advertisements with prize competitions and raffles, July 1924 - Further use of the state title as "Deutsche Kolonialgesellschaft" (German Colonial Society) of the privatized "Diamantenregie" (former collecting society for the diamonds from the colonies) for advertising, June 1925 - Schmitter, Paul: "Pricing and price reduction" (print, Berlin 1930).Findbuch GStA [1881-1944]; retroconversion and distortion 06-08/2017 by candidate Jan Klein, postproduction Kober

Geheimes Staatsarchiv Preußischer Kulturbesitz, I. HA Rep. 208 A, Nr. 15 · File · 1897 - 1904
Part of Secret State Archive of Prussian Cultural Heritage (Archivtektonik)

275 sheets, Contains and others: - Leave of absence to participate in the meetings of the International Association of Academies in Paris, 1901 - Provision of information to the Secretary General of the XIII Congress of Orientalists in Hamburg, Dr. Friedrich Sieveking, on the form and the mediation of the invitations to be sent to German and foreign governments, 1902 - Invitation brochure of the American Museum of Natural History in New York for the International Congress of Americanists from 20 October to 25 October, 1902 - Information to the Secretary General of the XIII Congress of Orientalists in Hamburg, Dr. Friedrich Sieveking, 1902 - Invitation brochure of the American Museum of Natural History in New York for the International Congress of Americanists from 20 October to 25 October, 1901 - Invitation brochure of the American Museum of Natural History in New York for the International Congress of Americanists from 20 October to 25 October, 1902 - Invitation brochure of the American Museum of Natural History in New York for the International Congress of Americanists from 20 October to 25 October, 1902 - Invitation brochure of the American Museum of Natural History in Hamburg, 1901 October 1902 [New York] 1901 (print) - Recommendation and placement of suitable teachers with Italian or French language skills for use as teachers of Chinese and Japanese at the Oriental Institute in Naples (Istituto Orientale in Napoli), 1902 - Use for the benefit of Pastor P. Holler in Segeberg for awarding a scholarship from the Cecil Rhodes Foundation to visit the University of Oxford, 1902 - Prospectus of the Togo Trade

Geheimes Staatsarchiv Preußischer Kulturbesitz, I. HA Rep. 208 A, Nr. 21 · File · 1930 - 1933
Part of Secret State Archive of Prussian Cultural Heritage (Archivtektonik)

312 sheets, Contains and others: - Statutes and Rules of Procedure for the College of Lecturers at the Seminar for Oriental Languages at the University of Berlin from April 1, 1928 [Berlin] [1928] (print) - Retirement of Prof. Wilhelm Dietrich Bolland, 1930 - Commissioning of Prof. Dr. Dr. Hermann Bolland, Berlin, Germany Wilhelm Dietrich Bolland with the representative award of the Turkish language course, 1930 - Appointment of the envoy Dr. [Curt Max] Prüfer as member of the commission for the diploma examination in the Persian, Turkish and Arabic language at the Seminar für Orientalische Sprachen, 1930 - Granting of a travel allowance to the teacher of the Abyssinian language Dr. Bolland with the representative award of the Turkish language course, 1930 - Appointment of the envoy Dr. [Curt Max] Prüfer as member of the commission for the diploma examination in the Persian, Turkish and Arabic language at the Seminar für Orientalische Sprachen, 1930 - Granting of a travel allowance to the teacher of the Abyssinian language Dr. Bolland with the representative award of the Turkish language course, 1930 Hans Schlobies, 1930 - Establishment of an apprenticeship for Latvian at the Seminar for Oriental Languages, 1930 - Leave of absence and granting of a travel grant for participation in the Congress for Persian-Islamic Art Studies in London, 1931 - Provision of information to the Director General of the Museums in Istanbul Halil Edhem bey on the status of the doctoral examination of Ahmed Rufai bey, 1930 - Appointment of the provisional teacher Abdullah Sebastian Beck and the unscheduled teacher Dr. Marcel Romeo Breyne, Nikola Tarapanoff, Dr. Johann-Michael Toll, Johannes Gerstmeyer, Walter Trittel, Prof. Dr. Johannes Heinrich Hermann Mordtmann, Prof. Dr. Gotthard Weil and Prof. Dr. Diedrich Hermann Westermann become members of the teaching staff of the Seminar for Oriental Languages, 1931 - Granting of a travel scholarship to H. J. vivantes, who was envisaged as an exchange student for the École nationale des langues orientales vivantes in Paris. Melzian, 1931 - Acquisition of new furniture for the director's office, 1931 - Distribution of scholarships at the Seminar for Oriental Languages for the summer semester 1931, 1931 - Extension of the teaching assignment of Walter Trittel, government councillor, by 2 additional hours per week, 1931 - Use of the Bayuma Mohammed Hussein as a teaching or language assistant for Dr. Trittel's Swahili lessons. Martin Heepe, 1932 - Distribution of the scholarships at the Seminar for Oriental Languages for the winter semester 1931/1932, 1931 - Free lectures and exercises about the Ukrainian language and regional studies at the Seminar for Oriental Languages by the member of the Ukrainian Scientific Institute in Berlin Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Zeno Kuziela, 1932 - Evaluation of the qualification and suitability of Dr. Erwin Rosenthal, 1932 - Draft of an order for the diploma examination for foreign mission service at the Seminar for Oriental Languages (as of April 5, 1932) - Initiation of an investigation by the Allgemeines Deutscher Beamtenbund against the auxiliary servant at the Seminar for Oriental Languages E. Wegener for unlawful propaganda for the National Socialist German Workers' Party (NSDAP), 1932 - leave of absence and granting of a travel allowance to participate in the conference of the International Committee for the History of Medicine and Natural Sciences in Islam in Paris, 1932 - granting of an allowance to the lieutenant colonel a. D. Hans von Ramsay on a research and study trip to the former German colonies in Africa, 1932 - Distribution of scholarships at the Seminar for Oriental Languages for the summer semester 1932, 1932 - Transfer of ownership of an oil portrait of Prof. Hans von Ramsay, Germany. Georg Kampffmeyer by Mrs. E. Mittag in Ballenstedt to the College of Lecturers at the Seminar for Oriental Languages in Ballenstedt, 1931 - Provision of information to Prof. Dr. Gotthelf Bergsträßer in Munich on the former lecturer for Egyptian-Arabic Achmed Waly, 1932 - Employment of Husni el Orabi as lecturer for Egyptian-Arabic, 1932 - Distribution of scholarships at the Seminar for Oriental Languages for the winter semester 1932/1933, 1932 - Confirmation of the election of Prof. Dr. Mittag in Ballenstedt Max Krause as Chairman of the College of Lecturers at the Seminar for Oriental Languages for the period until October 15, 1932, 1932 - Confirmation of the election of Prof. Dr. Wilhelm Schüler as Chairman of the College of Lecturers at the Seminar for Oriental Languages for the period from October 15, 1932 to 1932 October 1932 - October 15, 1933, 1932 - Prof. Dr. Hans Ziemann is appointed lecturer at the Seminar for Oriental Languages, 1933 - Mohammed Jahia Haschmi is appointed full-time non-scheduled lecturer for Syrian Arabic, 1933.

Geheimes Staatsarchiv Preußischer Kulturbesitz, I. HA Rep. 76, Va Sekt. 2 Tit. X Nr. 124 Bd. 8 · File · 1911 - 1913
Part of Secret State Archive of Prussian Cultural Heritage (Archivtektonik)

323 sheet, Contains et al: - Establishment of German language courses for Russian teachers (memorandum by assistant teacher Adolf Lane, 1911) - East India (Oriental Studies Committee). Interim report and appendices regarding proposed School of Oriental Languages in London. Presented to both Houses of Parliament by Command of His Majesty. London 1911 (print) - Eduard Sachau, report on the opening of the Seminar for Oriental Languages at the Königliche Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität zu Berlin and some documents related to the seminar. Berlin 1888 (print) - Eduard Sachau, Memorandum on the Seminar for Oriental Languages at the Royal Friedrich Wilhelm University in Berlin from 1887 to 1912. Berlin 1912 (print) - Otto Jöhlinger, Das heimische Kapital und die Kolonien. Inaugural lecture at the Royal Oriental Seminar of the Berlin University, reprint from: Colonial Review. Berlin 1912 (print) - Eduard Sachau, Report on the Festversammlung for the opening of the 26th academic year of the Seminar for Oriental Languages. Berlin 1912 (print).

Geheimes Staatsarchiv Preußischer Kulturbesitz, I. HA Rep. 120, E XVI 4 Nr. 2 Bd. 2 · File · 1908 - 1909
Part of Secret State Archive of Prussian Cultural Heritage (Archivtektonik)

Contains among other things: - Reports of the German Consul General in London about planned and visited exhibitions in Great Britain, e.g. Exhibition on housing and household London 1908; Shoes and leather goods exhibition London 1908; French-British exhibition London 1908; British-Japanese exhibition London 1910; International Leisure, Travel and Sports Exhibition London 1909 - Exhibition catalogue "The Ideal Home" London 1908 (printed) - Exhibition catalogue "Shoe and Leather Fair" London 1908 (printed) - Exhibition catalogue "Imperial International Exhibition London 1908" (printed with illustrations, see Picture field) - Reg.Rat Dr. Walter Busse: "The I. Internationale Kautschuk-Ausstellung in London 1908 und ihre Bedeutung für die Kautschukproduktion in den deutschen Kolonien" ("International Rubber Exhibition in London 1908 and its Significance for Rubber Production in the German Colonies", printed, special edition from "Deutsches Kolonialblatt", March 1909) - exhibition catalogue "The International Travel, Sports, Pastimes and Tropical Exhibition London 1909" (printed) - Exhibition brochure "The Women of all Nations Exhibition London 1909" (printed) - Exhibition brochures of agricultural and agricultural machinery exhibitions (printed) - Exhibition brochure "A Fair of Fashions" London 1909. stitching/binding

Geheimes Staatsarchiv Preußischer Kulturbesitz, I. HA Rep. 76, Va Sekt. 2 Tit. X Nr. 89 B Bd. 2 · File · 1895 - 1904
Part of Secret State Archive of Prussian Cultural Heritage (Archivtektonik)

381 sheet, Contains and others: - Otto Warburg, The products exported from the German colonies and their use in industry, special edition: German Colonial Gazette. No. 10. Berlin 1896 (print) - Overview of the activities of the Botanical Central Office for the Colonies in Berlin for the year 1900. Berlin 1902 (print) - Adolf Engler, Report on the activities of the Botanical Central Office for the Colonies at the Botanical Garden and Museum in Berlin for the year 1902, reprint from: Notebook of the Botanical Garden and Museum in Berlin. No. 30. Berlin 1903 (print).

Geheimes Staatsarchiv Preußischer Kulturbesitz, I. HA Rep. 87, B Nr. 9288 · File · 1894 - 1913
Part of Secret State Archive of Prussian Cultural Heritage (Archivtektonik)

Contains among other things: - F. Wohltmann, H. Kratz: "Über Böden aus Kamerun, Senegambien und Deutsch-Ostafrika und eine verbesserte Methode der Bodenanalyse" (Special edition from: Journal für Landwirtschaft, Druckschrift, Berlin 1896) - "Jahresbericht des Kaiserlich-Biologisch-Landwirtschaftlichen Instituts Amani für das Rechnungsjahr vom 1. April 1907 bis 31. März 1908" (Official edition, 1908) - Prof. Dr. A. Zimmermann, Botaniker an dem Kaiserl. Biologisch-Landwirtschaftlichen Institut Amani (Deutsch-Ostafrika): "Über die Ausnutzung der in Deutsch-Ostafrika einheimischen oder Anbauen Bambus-Arten zur Papierfabrikation" (Special print from: Der Papier-Fabrikant, 1908) - Verf. nicht genannt: "Deutsch-Süd-West-Afrika. Denkschrift betr. die Verhältnisse im Diamantengebiet Lüderitzbucht" (Memorandum concerning the conditions in the diamond region of Lüderitzbucht, Berlin, 1910) - Dr. H. Bücher, Director of the Experimental Station for State Culture in Victoria: "Beiträge zur Lösung der Kautschukfrage in Kamerun" (Special print from: "Deutsches Kolonialblatt", 1910 - "Jahresbericht der Gouvernementsbaumstation Myombo vom 1. April 1911 - 31. March 1912" (special print from: "Der Pflanzer", 1912) - "First annual report of the cotton station Mpanganya from 1. April 1911 - 31. March 1912"; similar second annual report ... from April 1, 1912 - March 31, 1913 (reprints from "The Planter", Oct. 1912 and Nov. 1913) - annual report of the cotton station Tschatschamanade am Kamaa (district Sokode), 1912/13 - annual report of the seed propagation agency Tove-Glekope for Feb. 20 - Dec. 31, 1912 - Dr. Sinning: "Annual Report of the Agricultural Experimental Station Kibongoto from April 1, 1912 - March 31, 1913" (reprint from "The Planter", Dec. 1913) Contains also: - About the Status of the Rotang Question in New Guinea" (reprint from "Tropical Planter", 1913).

Geheimes Staatsarchiv Preußischer Kulturbesitz, I. HA Rep. 89, Nr. 32515 · File · 1885 - 1918
Part of Secret State Archive of Prussian Cultural Heritage (Archivtektonik)

318 sheets, Contains and others: - Mrs. Hupfeld / [Oskar] Karstedt, The French Colony Upper Senegal and Niger. A contribution to the question of raw materials, edited by the Deutsche Kolonialgesellschaft. o. O. [Berlin] o. D. 1918] (print) - Award of the Red Eagle Order 4th class to the Kommerzienrat Arthur Schmidt Lorenzen in Berlin, 1912 - Award of the rights of a legal person to the Deutsche Kolonialgesellschaft, 1896 - Programme of the 2nd Deutscher Kolonialkongress on 5th, 6th and 7th October 1905 in Berlin. o.c. [Berlin] o. D. 1905] (print) - Programme of the Deutscher Kolonialkongress on 17 and 18 October 1902 in Berlin. Berlin o. D. 1905] (print) - Call for a General German Congress in Berlin. o. O. [Berlin] o. D. 1886] (print) - Transformation of the New Guinea Company (New Guinea Company) into a corporation under imperial law, 1899 - Award of the rights of a legal person to the New Guinea Company (New Guinea Company) in Berlin, 1886 - Appointment of the director of the German East African Society Alexander Lucas to the Kommerzienrat, 1895 (registration note) - Conversion of the D e u t s c h - O s t a f r i k a g e s h e Gesellschaft into a corporation under imperial law, 1889 - Award of the rights of a legal person to the D e u t s c h - O s t a f r i k h e Gesellschaft in Berlin, 1887 - Award of the Crown Order of the 3rd Class to the D e u t s c h - O s t a f r i k a Gesellschaft in Berlin, 1887 - Award of the Crown Order of the 3rd Class to the D e u t s c h - O s t a f r i k a G e s c h e G e m e n e s e s h a f r i k l l l lschaft. Class to the banker Karl von der Heydt in Elberfeld and to the banker Ernst Mendelssohn-Bartholdy in Berlin, 1887 - Dissolution of the Deutsche Witu-Gesellschaft in Berlin, 1890 - Award of the rights of a legal person to the Deutsche Witu-Gesellschaft in Berlin, 1888 - Award of the rights of a legal person to the Deutsche Kolonialgesellschaft für Südwestafrika in Berlin, 1885 - Programme of the 3rd Deutscher Kolonialkongress on 6, 7 and 8 October 1910 in Berlin. o.k. [Berlin] o. D. 1910] (print) - Permission to hold lotteries for colonial purposes.

Geheimes Staatsarchiv Preußischer Kulturbesitz, I. HA Rep. 89, Nr. 32507 · File · 1886, 1890 - 1904
Part of Secret State Archive of Prussian Cultural Heritage (Archivtektonik)

405 sheet, Contains et al: - More air, more light and a sufficiently large floe of their own for the working class. A contribution to the solution of the social question. Lecture given at the First Protestant Social Congress in Berlin on 28 May 1890 by P. von Bodelschwingh. Berlin 1890 (print) - Call [of the board of the Saxon Provincial Mission Conference] to the Protestant German people to collect extraordinary contributions for new German missions in German protectorates from March 8, 1886. Halle (Saale) 1886 (print) - Granting of a support for the purposes of the Protestant German mission in the German protectorates, 1886 - Granting of a support to the "Verein für evangelische Mission in Kamerun" in Stuttgart, 1890 - Ernst Bürgi, Durch deutsches und Englisches Epheland. A mission trip. With a card. Bremen 1890 (print) - Proof of the missionary societies existing in the German Reich in 1890 - Issue of a fine legally imposed on the Catholic missionary August Wilhelm Schynse from Wallhausen for violation of compulsory military service, 1890 - Grant of support to the mission seminar for the practical preparation of Protestant candidates of theology for the mission activity in the German protectorates in Bielefeld, 1890 - Granting of a support to the Norddeutsche Missionsgesellschaft in Bremen, 1891 - Granting of a support to the Evangelische Missionsgesellschaft für Deutsch-Ostafrika, 1891 - Alexander Merensky, Der Nyassa-See als Gebiet für deutsche Missions-Tätigkeit. Printed as a manuscript. Berlin 1890 (print) - Hermann Theodor Wangemann, An die Vorstände der Provinzial-Verbände, as well as die Obmänner und die Vorsteher der Missions-Hülfsvereine für Berlin. Berlin [1891] (print) - Friedrich von Bodelschwingh, Schwert und Kelle in Sachen der Evangelischen Missions-Gesellschaft für Deutsch-Ostafrika, in: Nachrichten aus der ostafrikanischen Mission, Nr. 4, April 1891, 5th volume. Berlin 1891 (print) - News from the East African Mission, No. 6 and 7, June and July 1891, double number. Berlin 1891 (print) - Transmission of excerpts from some private letters of the missionary Ernst Johanssen from June 1891 by the pastor Friedrich von Bodelschwingh in Bielefeld, 1891 - Fourth Annual Report of the Association for Protestant Mission in Cameroon for 1890. Stuttgart [1891] (print) - News from the East African Mission, No. 10, October 1891, Volume 5. Berlin 1891 (print) - News from the East African Mission, No. 1, January 1892, Volume 6. Berlin 1892 (print) - Award of the rights of a legal person to the Evangelische Missionsgesellschaft für Deutsch-Ostafrika in Berlin, 1892 - Granting of support to the Evangelische Missionsgesellschaft in Basel, 1892 - Approval for the responsibility of the capital bequeathed to the Evangelische Missionsgesellschaft in Basel for the mission activity in Cameroon by the will of the unmarried pensioner Johanna Tjaberdina Margaretha Bilina Hesse who died in Weener, 1893 - Approval of a support to the candidate mission-convict in Bielefeld, 1894 - Approval of a support to the "Verein für evangelische Mission in Kamerun" in Stuttgart, 1894 - Africa, No. 3, March 1894 Published with the collaboration of Sup. Merensky and D. Grundemann of the Evangelischer Afrika-Verein zu Berlin. Berlin 1894 (print) - Achter Jahresbericht des Vereins für evangelische Mission in Kamerun für 1894. Stuttgart [1895] (print) - Award of the rights of a legal person to the German Women's Association for Nursing in the Colonies, 1895 - sheets for the Friends of the Protestant Mission in Cameroon. Published by the Verein für evangelische Mission in Kamerun, No. 14, September 1895. Stuttgart 1895 (print) - Ninth Annual Report of the Verein für evangelische Mission in Kamerun for 1895. Stuttgart [1896] (print) - Tenth Annual Report of the Verein für evangelische Mission in Kamerun for 1896. Stuttgart [1897] (print) - Sheets for the Friends of the evangelical mission in Kamerun. Published by the Verein für evangelische Mission in Kamerun, No. 18, February 1898. Stuttgart 1898 (print) - Award of the rights of a legal person to the Evangelische Afrika-Verein in Berlin, 1898 - Sheets for the Friends of the evangelical mission in Kamerun. Published by the Verein für evangelische Mission in Kamerun, No. 20, February 1899. Stuttgart 1899 (print) - Leaflets for the friends of the evangelical mission in Kamerun. Published by the Association for Protestant Mission in Cameroon, No. 24, February 1901. Stuttgart 1901 (print) - Approval of a support to the costs for the establishment of a rest home for missionaries of the East African mission in Groß-Lichterfelde, 1902 - Approval for the acceptance by the commercial councillor Karl Bolle in Berlin of the donations bequeathed to the committee of the Berlin Society for the Promotion of the Protestant Missions among the Gentiles for the establishment and maintenance of a missionary children's school in Tandala as well as in each case a seminar for the training of autochthonous helpers in Manow and Kidugala, 1904; archives closed for conservation reasons! Digitalization available!

Geheimes Staatsarchiv Preußischer Kulturbesitz, I. HA Rep. 89, Nr. 32508 · File · 1904 - 1919
Part of Secret State Archive of Prussian Cultural Heritage (Archivtektonik)

122 sheets, Contains and others: - Foundation of a high altar for the St. Joseph Church built by the St. Benedictus Mission Society St. Ottilien in Dar es Salaam by Wilhelm II, 1904/1905 - Relocation of the headquarters of the Protestant Mission Society for German East Africa from Berlin to Bethel near Bielefeld, 1906 - Appointment of the Governor of German East Africa, Albrecht von Rechenberg, as representative of Wilhelm II at the solemn consecration of the high altar of St. Wilhelm's Church in Berlin. Josephskirche in Daressalam, 1908 - Approval of a support for the education of the children of the missionaries of the Evangelische Missionsgesellschaft für Deutsch-Ostafrika, 1909 - Approval of the donation contract concluded between the Rheinische Missionsgesellschaft in Barmen and the Deutsche Kolonialgesellschaft für Südwestafrika for a property located in Lüderitzbucht as well as approval of the acquisition of a property in Windhoek by the Rheinische Missionsgesellschaft in Barmen, 1909 - The first edition of the newspaper "Rafifki yangu" ("My Friend"), published by the Catholic Mission Dar es Salaam in January 1910, is sent with the editorial for Wilhelm II's birthday. by the Bishop and Apostolic Vicar of Dar es Salaam Thomas Spreiter OSB [with explanations on the Kiswahili language and the translation of the editorial], 1910 - Approval of the acquisition by the Rheinische Missionsgesellschaft in Barmen of the farm "Gaub" located in German Southwest Africa, 1910 - Approval of the acquisition of the farms "Omburo" in the district of Omaruru and "Ouises" in the district of Rehoboth, situated in German Southwest Africa, as well as of land in Usakos by the Rheinische Missionsgesellschaft in Barmen, 1910 - Approval of the acquisition of the farm "Korab-Ost" by the Rheinische Missionsgesellschaft in Barmen, 1910 - Award of the Red Eagle Order 4. Class to the Director of the North German Mission Society in Bremen August Wilhelm Schreiber and award of the Crown Order 4th Class to the missionaries Jakob Spieth and Gottlob Däuble in Togo, 1911 - Approval of the acquisition of a property of the Berlin Mission Society in Berlin situated in Dar es Salaam by the Mission Institute of the Protestant Brotherhood in Herrnhut, 1911 - Award of the Red Eagle Order 3rd Class to the Apostolic Provicar and Vicar General (ret.) Stephan Baur in Zanzibar, 1912 - Approval of the proposals of the Protestant and Catholic committees for the distribution of the national donation for the Christian missions in the German colonies and protectorates (Kaiser Wilhelm donation for the Christian missions in the German colonies and protectorates), 1913 - Assumption of the protectorate via the foundation "Deutsche Evangelische Missions-Hilfe" and delegation of a member to the board of the foundation, 1913 - Draft of the constitution of the foundation "Deutsche Evangelische Missions-Hilfe". Berlin] [1913] (print) - Constitution of the Foundation "Deutsche Evangelische Missions-Hilfe" of 6 December 1913. [Berlin] [1913] (print) - List of members of the Administrative Council of the Deutsche Evangelische Missions-Hilfe. Berlin [1913] (print) - permission of the foundation "Deutsche Evangelische Missions-Hilfe" as well as appointment of the Oberhofprediger D. Ernst Dryander as member of the board, 1913 - permission of the Rheinische Missionsgesellschaft in Barmen to acquire pasture land at the southwest border of the farm "Ghaub" and the farm "S 37" in the district Grootfontein, 1914; archives closed for conservation reasons! Digitalization available!

Geheimes Staatsarchiv Preußischer Kulturbesitz, I. HA Rep. 208 A, Nr. 424 · File · 1937 - 1942
Part of Secret State Archive of Prussian Cultural Heritage (Archivtektonik)

212 sheets, Contains and others: - Report by Gerhard Knothe to the Dean of the Faculty of International Studies on the Differentiation of North African Native Languages for the Territory of Kyrenaica, October 25, 1941 - Report by Prof. Dr. Gotthard Jäschke to the Secretariat of the Institute of International Studies on the Reference in Latin Script of the Textbooks and Dictionaries of the Turkish Language Existing in the Department of Turkey of the Institute of International Studies, 4th ed. October 1941 - Handwritten pedigree of Philipp Wilhelm Bohl, [1941] - Publishing contract between the Auslandswissenschaftliches Institut and the publishing company Junker und Dünnhaupt in Berlin for the editing and printing of the work "Deutschland, England und die Portugiesischen Kolonien 1911 - 1914", 29 September 1941 (copy) - Allocation of sleeping blankets for the extended self-protection (industrial air protection) and for the extended protection of the workers in the workplace, respectively for the guards at Schinkelplatz 6 and Charlottenstraße 48, 1941 - settlement of the contributions to Hans Abich's employee insurance, 1941 - leave of absence of the setter Erwin Vierkorn, who was called up for military service, due to completion of a Georgian dictionary, 1941 - settlement of travel expenses of the employee Richard Müske, 1941 - grant of pecuniary support to Marie Rothe, 1941 - Certificate of the period of service of Otto Schönebeck employed at the Institute for International Studies, 1941 - Determination and extension of Ursula Michel's leave, 1941 - Compilation of salaries paid to employees in the 1940 accounting year, [1941] - Approval of the secondary activities of the university inspector Dr. Schönebeck, 1941 - Determination and extension of the leave of Ursula Michel, 1941 - Compilation of salaries paid to employees in the 1940 accounting year, [1941] - Approval of the secondary activities of the university inspector Dr. Schönebeck, 1941 - Determination and extension of the leave of Ursula Michel, 1941 - Compilation of salaries paid to employees in the 1940 accounting year, [1941] - Approval of the secondary activities of the university inspector Dr. Schönebeck, [1941] - Approval of the secondary activities of the university inspector Dr. Schönebeck, [1941]. Friedrich Wilhelm Runze at the Auslandsbriefprüfstelle at the OKW, at the examinations of the Faculty of Foreign Studies and at occasional faculty translations, 1941 - Reduction of the monthly installments of the former student of the Hochschule für Politik Karl Wimmer in Munich, 1940 - Grant of a subsidy of 600 Reichsmark to Prof. Dr. Karl Christian von Loesch for a study trip to Croatia, 1942 - Approval of a remuneration of 1500 Reichsmark per year to Prof. Walter Trittel for the provision of Siamese language instruction in the Faculty of Foreign Studies, 1940 - Approval of a remuneration of 350 Reichsmark per month to the academic assistant in the Foreign Policy Department Anne Trück, 1941 - Report of the Director of the Library of the Kiel University Institute for the World Economy Dr. sc. pol. Wilhelm Gülich on the evaluation of personality and the qualification of Dr. Gerhard Bock, the candidate envisaged as director of the library of the Institute for International Studies, 20 April 1940 - Authorisation of a remuneration of 50 Reichsmark per month to the lecturer Dr. Gerhard Bock, the head of the library of the Institute for International Studies. Albert Prinzing for the uniform orientation and ongoing support of the library and archive of the Institute for International Studies, 1940 - certificate (memorandum) of service and remuneration of the teaching assistant for the Ephe and Hausa language Bonifacius [Bonifatius] Foli from Togo, 1940 - grant of 500 Reichsmark to Dr. [...] Publisher for the execution of a business trip to Sweden, 1941 - Exemption of the interpreter Anton Wilhelm Bode from the registration fee, 1941 - Passing of the language examination in the Portuguese language by Johann Schulz, 1941 - Approval of an advance of 75 Reichsmark to Dr. Hans-Heinrich Rohde for the execution of a business trip to Bremen, [1941] - Testimony of the private Dr. Ernst Koresch über die bestanden der norwegischen Sprachprüfung am Institut für Sprachenkunde und Dolmetscherwesen, 1941 - Named list of candidates registered for the language certificate examination in WS 1941/1942, [1941] - Admission of the theologian Bernhard Stoevesand to take the language certificate, 1941] - Certificate of Emanuel Twrczynski passing the Romanian examination at the Institute of Linguistics and Interpreting, 1941 - Certificate of Walter Stahr passing the French language examination at the Institute of Linguistics and Interpreting, 1942 - General and specific enquiries about study offers, admission requirements, lectures and exercises of the Auslandswissenschaftliches Institut - Certificate of Eva-Maria Bittner's period of study at the Institut für Sprachenkunde und Dolmetscherwesen for submission to the Reich Labour Service, 1942 - Olgerd von Rimscha admitted to take the Polish language examination, 1940 - Olgerd von Rimscha curriculum vitae in German and Polish, [1940] - transfer of a Group VI position to Charlotte Schober, 1940 - Dr. Schober was awarded a teaching post in Argentina. Wilhelm Rohmeder, 1937 - Appointment of the Legation Council Dr. [...] Voss as a member of the Japanese Diploma Examination Commission, 1937 - Recommendation of Werner Wosseng for an exchange office in Japan, 1941; Handakte des Fakultäts-Secretärs und Universitätsinspektors Dr. Friedrich Wilhelm Runze

Geheimes Staatsarchiv Preußischer Kulturbesitz, I. HA GR, Rep. 34, Nr. 7100 · File · 1780
Part of Secret State Archive of Prussian Cultural Heritage (Archivtektonik)

Contains among other things: - Directory on the Dutch fleet and its locations, 1780 - Directory on the Dutch ships seized by England off Texel, 1780 - Destruction of Spanish ships by the British fleet under Admiral George Brydges Rodney near Gibraltar, 1780 - Conclusion of a trade agreement between Denmark and Sweden, 1780 - Sending of a Spanish convoy for the Spanish colonies in America, 1780 - Disputes between Spain and Portugal over colonial property in America, 1780 - Conclusion of a trade agreement between England and Denmark, 1780 - Preparation of an economic agreement between Sweden, Denmark and Russia, 1780 - Money claims of the General States of England, 1780 - Budget of the Chapter of Liège, 1780 - Declaration of War by England to the General States, 1780.

Reports Vol. 1
Geheimes Staatsarchiv Preußischer Kulturbesitz, VI. HA, Nl Schnee, H., Nr. 24 · File · 1921 - 1938
Part of Secret State Archive of Prussian Cultural Heritage (Archivtektonik)

Contains: contains and others: - Prince Max von Baden (1921); - Groener's comments on Schnee's book "Weltpolitik" (1923); - Schnee on Stresemann (1924); - Snow in English on the German colonies and the League of Nations (1924); - Interparliamentary Conference in Washington (1925); - Reception by the President of the Reich, von Hindenburg (1925); - Meeting with Coudenhove-Kalergi in New York (1925); - Founding of the German National Socialist Party (Dt. Academy, Munich (1925); economic reconstruction in East Africa (1925); - Speech to the Washington Interparliamentary Conference (1925); - General Wahle on military operations in Deutch East Africa (1925); - Vice-Admiral Max Loof on the relationship between Schnee and Lettow-Vorbeck (1926); - Presidency of the Federation of Foreign Germans (1926); - Hungary and the Question of War Guilt (1926); - Carl Peters (1927); - Colonial Trade Statistics (/1927); - Mau Revolt in Samoa (1928); - Visit to Slatin Pasha in Meran (1929); - Chancellor Luther (1929); - Meeting with the Soviet ambassador couple Krestinski (1930); - Colonial Policy and Foreign Peoples (1930); - W. H. Dawson, The Future of Tanganyika. Memorandum of the English historian to the members of the lower house of parliament (1931); - Meetings with Hindenburg (1931); - Resignation from the DVP 1932); - Member of the Manchuria Commission (1932); - Meetings with General Groener (1932-1938); - Resignation of Dr. Solfs as Reich Foreign Minister (1932). As a member of the Reichstag of the German People's Party. 4 p. (31) Trip to the USA for the Interparliamentary Conference in Washington. 2 p. (32) Reception by the President of the Reich, von Hindenburg. 4 p. (33) Meeting in New York with Coudenhove-Kalergi. 3 p. (34) Some things from the Federal Foreign Office. Individual recordings. 28 S. (35) Foundation of the German Academy in Munich. - The Social Democrats and the war guilt lie. 4 p. (36) General Böhm on the Crown Prince. 1 p. (37) On economic reconstruction in East Africa. 11 S. (38) Return of Germans to the former German territory in East Africa. 7 pp. (39) Snow speech in Washington at the Interparliamentary Conference. 3 and 5 S. (40) The German Economic Situation and Foreign Trade. 8 S. (41) Report by General Wahle on military operations in D e u t s c h - O s t a f r i k a. 9 p. (42) Vice-Admiral Max Loof's statement on the relationship between Schnee/Lettow-Vorbeck. 4 p. (43) The former Vice President of the Reichsbank on the creation of Rentenbank. 2 p. (imperfect) (44) As President of the Federation of Foreign Germans. 8 S. (45) Hungary and the question of war guilt 9 pp. (46) Creation by the Carnegie Institute of the foundations for a conference of historians. (author Schnee or Lutz) 3 p. (47) Characteristic Dr. Carl Peters. Pinned Procedure Ausw. Amt. 19 S. (48) Notes on Carl Peters. 15 S. (48) Conversation with General Hoffmann, e.g. on the danger of Bolshevism. 5 p. (50) Colonial trade statistics. 8 p. (51) Wilhelm II and Dernburg. 2 p. (52) Meeting with Count von der Goltz, Prince August Wilhelm, General von Hutier, Admiral Scheer, and Hitler - "a still young, sympathetic-looking man"- 2 p. (53)

Schnee, Heinrich
Geheimes Staatsarchiv Preußischer Kulturbesitz, VI. HA, Nl Schnee, H. · Fonds · 1867-1949
Part of Secret State Archive of Prussian Cultural Heritage (Archivtektonik)

Curriculum Vitae Dr. jur.; Dr. rer. pol. h. c.; Real Privy Counsel; Governor a. D., Excellenz; MdR. Born 4.2.1871 in Neuhaldensleben. Father: District Court Councillor Hermann Schnee. Mother: Emilie, née Scheibe. - Married to Ada Adeline, née Woodhill, from New Zealand, whose father was an Englishman from Birmingham and whose mother was Irish from the old O'Donnell family. Schnee attended high school in Nordhausen, studied law and political science in Heidelberg, Kiel and Berlin, passed the bar exam in 1892 and received his doctorate in law in 1893. He then turned to the study of Swahili and colonial science at the Oriental Seminar Berlin and passed the examination as a government assessor in 1897. He joined the Foreign Office, Colonial Department, in 1898 and worked as Richter and deputy governor in German New Guinea. In 1900 he became district administrator and deputy governor in Samoa. 1904: Legation Council in the Colonial Department, 1905: Colonial Advisory Council at the Embassy in London. 1906: Lecturer Council, 1907: Conductor, 1911: Ministerial Director in the Reich Colonial Office and Head of the Political and Administrative Department. In 1912, Schnee became Real Privy Counsel with the title of Excellency. From 1912 - 1919 he was Governor of German East Africa. The Prussian Academy of Sciences awarded Schnee the Leibniz Gold Medal. He received an honorary doctorate in political science from the University of Hamburg in 1921 and was a member of the Reichstag (German People's Party) from 1924. 1925: President of the Working Committee of German Associations, 1926: President of the Association of Foreign Germans. 1930: President of the German Colonial Society. 1931: President of the German World Economic Society. As a member of the Interparliamentary Union and as a delegate of the World League of League Societies - Schnee was also president of the German League for League of Nations - he participated several times in international congresses. In 1932 he was delegated by the Foreign Office to the Manchuria Commission (Lytton Commission). In 1933, after one - the only - meeting with Hitler, Schnee resigned almost all presidential offices, unless they had been equalized or dissolved. Only he was head of the German Society for League of Nations, later renamed the "German Society for International Law and World Politics", until 1945. Heinrich Schnee's main literary works are: Pictures from the South Seas. Reimer, Berlin 1904 German East Africa at War. well

Schnee, Heinrich