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Niedersächsisches Landesarchiv, Abteilung Wolfenbüttel Westafrika Englisch

German Antislavery Lottery

4 maps from Richard Kiepert's Deutsches Kolonialatlas for official use in the protectorates: 1. Equatorial-West-Africa (completed 15. Nov. 1892), 2. Deutsch-Südwest-Afrika (completed 15. Oct. 1892), 3. Equatorial-East-Afrika (completed 15. No...

In: Lower Saxony State Archive, Wolfenbüttel Department >> Ministry of the Interior: Ministry of the Interior

Scientific correspondence with Wilhelm Blasius on collection objects (purchases and donations)

alphabetically sorted according to correspondence partners, especially: Edmund Fröbel, Hamburg (gorilla skeleton); Colonel (ret.) von Homeyer, Darmstadt; from Peterhafen (New Guinea, 1907); A. Kricheldorff, Berlin (Collection Reese, New Guinea); M...

In: Lower Saxony State Archive, Wolfenbüttel Department >> Natural History Museum Braunschweig