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Archiv Ewe I
VII W 1110 · Akt(e) · 1904-01-01 - 1904-12-31
Teil von Ethnological Museum, National Museums in Berlin
  • Audio * description: Content according to available documentation:'11) Religious song at the Se cult. Spoken and sung twice.' [a total of 6 sections on the reel]
Berliner Phonogramm-Archiv
Archivaly - Akte
I/MV 0731 · Akt(e) · 1904-01-01 - 1908-12-31
Teil von Ethnological Museum, National Museums in Berlin

description: Contains:StartVNr: E 711/1904; EndVNr: E 1920/1904; and others: Cooperation with the Museumsverein, Essen, page 2, the Städtisches Museum, Stralsund, page 142, and the Museums für Völkerkunde, Hamburg, page 251 ff., and Stuttgart, (1904), page 39 - Cooperation with the governors of DOA, page 272, DSW, page 36, and Togo, (1904), page 26 f.- Cooperation with the Hydrotherapeutic Institute, p. 230, the Rudolf Virchow Foundation, Berlin, p. 298 f., 306 f., and the Northwest Cameroon Society, Duala, (1904), p. 1 - Cooperation with missionaries, (1904), p. 52, 149 f., 182 ff., the Society for the Advancement of Evangelical Medicine, p. 223 f., and the Northwest Cameroon Society, Duala, (1904), p. 1 - Cooperation with missionaries, (1904), p. 52, 149 f., 182 ff. Mission unter den Heiden, p. 159, der Rheinischen Missionsgesellschaft, p. 186, und der Herrnhuter Mission, (1904), p. 187 f.- Kayser: Report on a gala girl brought up in Berlin, (1904), p. 7 f.- by Smend: Report on stoves and cooking utensils, appearance of villages and stretchers for dignitaries, (1904), p. 12 ff.- Rkwami: "Food of the Eweer", (1904), p. 16 - by Luschan: Restoration order for the throne of Njoya of Bamum, p. 28, request for support of the AA in the preservation of the priority position of the Berlin museums, p. 226, advertisement for funds for the diplomatic mission of the botanist Rosen to Abyssinia, (1904), p. 295 ff - Holtz-Saatel: "Germany and France in Abyssinia. In: Berliner Tagebl.: 1904-07-15, p. 49 - Ankermann: Report on the Collection Frobenius, (1904), p. 54 - Rehse: "Setting up the bird trap 'mutego gu´ ekinyonyi.'", (1904), p. 114 - Method of payment for the Collection Frobenius, (1904), p. 168 ff - "Paul Kibler ... Collector of Natural History Specimens ...", (1904), Folder, p. 190 - Merker: Report on stones with drilling by the Wadschagga, his research on tatoga, p. 231 et seq, Skeleton broadcast, (1904), pp. 258 et seq. by Berger: "Apotheke des Zauberers Msafiri aus der Landschaft des Sultans Kihumbi am oberen Mlagarasi in Uha, Udjidji district", (1904), pp. 244 et seq. by Berger. Schweinfurth: Report about lumber and bows from Egypt, (1904), pp. 277 ff. - Cleve: Report about tooth deformations at the Vaviva and Kinga and their influence on the language, Christian folk song in Kidngala, (1904), pp. 284 ff.

Archivaly - Akte
I/MV 0732 · Akt(e) · 1904-01-01 - 1907-12-31
Teil von Ethnological Museum, National Museums in Berlin

description: Contains:StartVNr: E 1937/1904; EndVNr: E 855/1905; and others: Cooperation with the Museum of Natural History, Berlin, (1905), p. 58 - Cooperation with the Museums of Ethnology, Hamburg, p. 280, Dresden, p. 281, Cologne, (1907), p. 279, Stuttgart, (1904), p. 29, 176 f., the Reichsmuseum, Leiden, p. 146, the Institute of Anthropology, London, p. 174, and the Hungarian National Museum, Budapest, (1905), p. 183 ff - Transfer of duplicates to the antiquity society Prussia, Königsberg, (1905), p. 153 - Transfer of duplicates to private individuals, (1905), p. 196, p. 309 - Cooperation with the governors of DSW, p. 175, Togo, (1905), p. 334, and Cameroon, (1904), p. 64 - Cooperation with Dt. Kolonialgesellschaft, pp. 41, the German Mediterranean Society, Berlin, pp. 167, the Société d' Études coloniales, Brussels, pp. 223, the American Geographical Society, New York, and the University Library, Vienna, (1905), pp. 159 - Cooperation with missionaries, (1904, 1905), pp. 77 f., 151, 222, of the Congregation of Missionaries Oblates of the Immaculate Virgin Mary (1904), pp. 5 ff., of the Mission of hh. Heart of Jesus, (1905), pp. 179 f., and the Basel Mission, (1905, 1906), pp. 288 ff.- Merker: Location of drilled stones, (1905), Abschr., pp. 42 f.- Hofmarschallamt: Loan of a chair by Njoya von Bamum, (1905), p. 67 - Armbandsammlung Döring, (1905), p. 75 f. - Judgment on the outstanding sum insured for ECR Rigler, (1905), p. 81 ff - Rehse: Supplements to his manuscript "Kiziba", p. 93 ff., "Foreword to Chapter 11", p. 96, Request for Command to Bukoba and Biographical Notes, (1905), p. 122 - Laufer: Report on the Sanatorium Alhayat in Egypt, (1905), p. 137 ff. - "The Work of the Diafe by Leo Frobenius.", (1905), Abschr., p. 148 f. - Schweinfurth: Bericht über Bogen aus Ägypten, (1905), p. 154 - by Stefenelli: Bericht über den Gebrauch von Masken beim Fetischdienst, (1905), p. 202 ff - Schloifer: "Einladung zur Beteiligung an der Central-Afrikanischen Bergwerks-Gesellschaft m.b.H.", p. 213, "Entwurf. Gesellschaftsvertrag ...", pp. 215 et seq., "Report to the Central African Lake Society m.b.H.", pp. 218 et seq., "Special report on the goldfields belonging to the Central African Lake Society m.b.H.", Printed by Druckschr., (1905), pp. 219 et seq. - "List of African ethnographic objects brought by Mr Paul Bieger from Lagos", (1905), pp. 239 et seq. "Name and meaning of the stamps (s. 3447) of missionaries Merkel and Sitzler, (1905), pp. 306 ff. - "Verzeichnis der Sammlung Rosen", (1905), pp. 316 ff. - Rosen: Publikationspläne und Abrechnung über seine Gesandtschaftsreise nach Abessinien, (1906), pp. 327 f.

Archivaly - Akte
I/MV 0737 · Akt(e) · 1906-01-01 - 1911-12-31
Teil von Ethnological Museum, National Museums in Berlin

description: Contains:StartVNr: E 753/1906; EndVNr: E 1358/1906; and others: Cooperation with the Botanical Central Office for the Colonies at the Royal Botanical Garden and Museum, page 38, and the Museum of Natural History, Berlin, (1906), pages 61, 220 f.- Cooperation with the Museums for Ethnology, Hamburg, pages 122 ff., 133, 136, 202 ff., Stuttgart, p. 27, and the South Africa Museum, Cape Town, (1906), p. 28 - Donation of duplicates to the Museum für Völkerkunde, Vienna, (1906, 1909), p. 245 - Cooperation with the Psychological Institute of the University, p. 245. 201, and the editors of the Mitteilungen aus den deutschen Schutzgebieten, Berlin, (1906), p. 244 - Cooperation with the Governor of Togo, (1906), p. 240, p. 243 - Cooperation with the Wachsenburg Committee, Gotha, (1906), p. 76 et seq. Cooperation with the company for the transportation of possible cargoes Mission unter den Heiden, Berlin, pp. 52 ff., and the [Congregation of the Missionaries Oblates of the Immaculate Virgin Mary], (1906), pp. 119 ff.- Wiese: Sendung von Steinmörsern und Reibsteinen, (1906), pp. 7 ff. - Foerster: Report on the programme and the strength of the enemy French, (1906), pp. 13 ff. - Loezius: Erklärung zu Mashangan-Figuren, (1906), pp. 33 - Meinhof: Ankaufsbedingungen für einen Zimbabwe-Vogel, (1906), pp. 39 f., 43 f. - Koert: Report about stone artefacts from Togo, (1906), pp. 66 f.- by Luschan: "Report about the collection on the Veste Wachsenburg", pp. 72 f., "Report about a business trip to Hamburg, Hadersleben and Kiel. Pentecost 1906", pp. 125 f., exchange acquisition of objects by a pygmy woman from the Passage-Panoptikum, (1906), pp. 161 obituary to Theobald Wolff, (1906), Ztg.-article, pp. 75 - acquisition of the Collection of Puttkamer, (1906), pp. 83 ff - donation of the Collection of Zimmermann, (1906, 1907), pp. 90 f., 103 ff.- Fuchs: Report on the Collection, (1906), pp. 164 f.- Kaschke from Aksum, (1906), pp. 188 ff.- Lindemann: Report on a Juju stick and a head covered with skin, (1906), pp. 231 f.- Lotz: Report on the finds of stone tools in South Africa and geological observations, (1906), pp. 249 ff.-

Archive Ewe I
VII W 1128 · Akt(e) · 1904-01-01 - 1904-12-31
Teil von Ethnological Museum, National Museums in Berlin
  • Audio* description: Content according to this documentation: "11) Religious song in the Se cult. Twice spoken and sung." [a total of 6 sections on the roll]
Berliner Phonogramm-Archiv