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Mamba from our front garden
ALMW_II._BA_A11_249 · Objekt · 15. Dezember 1907
Teil von Evangelical Lutheran Mission Leipzig

(Visitors to the baptismal service on 15 December 1907). Photographer: Schanz?. Phototype: Photo. Format: 7,2 X 9,6. Description: Crowd coming on their way (mostly clothed with light cloths) and 1 rectangle. House europ. style (corrugated iron roof) and 1 rectangle. House made of plant fibres. Remark: Published..: Sheet 1911, No. 1, conf.sheet 1911. Reference: See print templates Musterbuch, No. IXf/320, Auf. 359 (13,4 X 14,5) "Dschaggachristen returning home from church service".

Leipziger Missionswerk
News from Mamba
ALMW_II._MB_1900_6 · Akt(e) · 1900
Teil von Francke's Foundations in Halle
  • Author: By Miss. Althaus. Scope: p. 90-94* 123-126. Includes, among others: - "First costume students." (SW: Description of the pupils; polygamy; lack of food) - "2. The schools and church services." - "Third Heavy Rain, Diseases, etc." (SW: colds; smallpox; mass vaccination by Dr. Pritzel in Moshi) - "4th New Baptism Applicants and a Baptism of Five Gentiles." (SW: Baptisms; baptism of the first female) - "5. The first jagga wedding in mamba." (SW: Abandonment of the usual wedding customs; wedding ceremony; feast; songs with harmonium; house of the couple) - "6. All kinds of work on the ward." (SW: Shouting off the Miss. Fuchs and von Lany; devotion and church services; petition for work or admission to a boarding school; birth and baptism of the son Ludwig Althaus)
Leipziger Missionswerk
News from Mamba
ALMW_II._MB_1899_2 · Akt(e) · 1899
Teil von Francke's Foundations in Halle

Author: According to the monthly chronicle of Miss. Althaus and Bleicken. Scope: p. 32-38. Includes, among other things: - "First personal." (SW: Illness of Miss Bleicken; language studies; visit of Dr. Hans Meyer) - "2nd mission work." (SW: Establishment of a girls' and women's school) - "3. One death." (SW: death of a boarding student; funeral; number of students; marriage Mareales - traditional feast) - "4. A pagan baptism." (SW: Baptism of Stefano; divine service) Darin: Illustration "A Dschagga hut on Kilimanjaro."

Leipziger Missionswerk
News from Mamba
ALMW_II._MB_1897_18 · Akt(e) · 1897
Teil von Francke's Foundations in Halle

Author: From the monthly chronicle of Miss. Althaus. Scope: pp. 196-199. Includes, inter alia: - "One. A baptism." (SW: Mrs. Althaus has a child; baptism of daughter - Elisabeth) - "2nd Month of February." (SW: Trouble with the station boys for merit; lessons; Chief Bararia's third wife)

Leipziger Missionswerk
News from Mamba
ALMW_II._MB_1898_5 · Akt(e) · 1898
Teil von Francke's Foundations in Halle

Author: Monthly chronicle of Miss. Althaus and Bleicken. Scope: pp. 77-79. Includes, among other things: - (SW: lessons - chieftains Mareale; Ngoija; Lengaki; inauguration of a school; baptismal announcement; scientific observation mission; house for scientific instruments; new school building; Miss. Althaus - Mumps; service by Miss. Walther and Ndesamiro)

Leipziger Missionswerk
News from Mamba
ALMW_II._MB_1898_18 · Akt(e) · 1898
Teil von Francke's Foundations in Halle

Author: According to the diary of Miss. Althaus. Scope: pp. 219-223. Contains, among other things: - "First of all, all kinds of work." (SW: construction activity; mud house; new equipment; help by the chiefs of Mwika and Msae; labour force; construction of a road from Moshi to Taweta) - "2. indigenous disputes." (SW: dispute over a woman; trial; missionary intervenes) - "3rd High Visitor." (SW: Governor General Major Liebert's visit) - "4th First Baptism of the Heathen in Mamba." (SW: baptism with a lot of singing and following party)

Leipziger Missionswerk
News from Mamba
ALMW_II._MB_1899_15 · Akt(e) · 1899
Teil von Francke's Foundations in Halle
  • Author: From Miss's diary. Althaus. Scope: p. 284-286* 303-306. Contains, among other things: - "First consecration of a bell and baptism of a heathen." (SW: Arrival of the siblings room and the Miss von Hopffgarten; choice of name at the baptism; 4 baptism candidates) - "2. new baptism candidates." (SW: presentation of the applicants; collection of collections - church treasury) - "3. Mareale and his people." (SW: Problems with the teaching; illness of the chief; cross from the catholic bishop of Zanzibar as a gift; other gifts) - "4. The building of the house. "Five. Three lions killed in Mamba." (SW: chief Koimbere; hunt of a lion; 3 injured people; lion - front teeth and claws for magic; fur removed from missionaries) - "6. recreation stay of Miss. Fox in Mamba." (SW: Arrival and departure)
Leipziger Missionswerk
News from Moschi
ALMW_II._MB_1899_9 · Akt(e) · 1899
Teil von Francke's Foundations in Halle

Author: According to the station chronicle of Miss. Cooper. Scope: pp. 137-141. Contains, among other things: - "One. Exterior conditions and work." (SW: food shortage; mud house for boarding students; pressure tests; miss. (Bleicken from Mamba to Moshi for his rest) - "2nd missionary work in church and school." (SW: Chief Meli - meetings; attendance at church service; school attendance; departure of Miss. Walthers; presentation of pictures by Miss. Mc Gregor; arrival of European things; sermon place Mdawi - wedding of the chief; conversation with a Swahili; right) - "3. instruction and baptism of three young men". (SW: Baptism candidates; new baptism registrations) - "4. A new teaching place." (SW: Building of a schoolhouse with Chief Mlatie in Pokomo)

Leipziger Missionswerk