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Archival description
Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Abt. Generallandesarchiv Karlsruhe, 456 F 25 · Fonds · 1914-1920
Part of Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Dept. General State Archive Karlsruhe (Archivtektonik)

Brigade Staff: At the beginning of the war, the 84th Brigade belonged to the 29th Infantry Division. The infantry regiments 169 and 170 were subject to it. From March 1915 the staff was separated from the above-mentioned association and used for the formation of the staff of the 104th Infantry Brigade. After the end of the war the mobile staffs took over the tasks of the dissolving deputy units, the deputy command was again given the designation 84th Infantry Brigade. In May 1919, the Brigade Staff was used to form Resolution Staff 55. Inventory history: After the end of the war, the files remained with the settlement office of the Infantry Regiment 169. From January 1920, the establishment of an archive of the XIV Army Corps began, in which the archives of the settlement offices were brought together. In autumn 1920 the corps archive moved to the infantry barracks in Heilbronn. From January 1921, the Corps Archives entered the portfolio of the Reich Ministry of the Interior under the name Aktenverwaltung XIV, before being incorporated into the Reichsarchiv in Potsdam as the Heilbronn archive branch on April 1, 1921. As a result of the merger of the Heilbronn and Stuttgart branches of the Reich Archives, the holdings were transferred to Stuttgart in 1924. The Württembergische Archivdirektion, which took over the administration of the holdings of the Army Archives Stuttgart after the end of the Second World War, handed over the XIV Army Corps to the General State Archives Karlsruhe in the years 1947 to 1949. A very detailed history of the holdings is contained in the foreword of the Deputy General Command of the XIV Army Corps (holdings 456 F 8). 26 fascicles with a circumference of 0.60 linear metres are included in the holdings. References: Die Badener im Weltkrieg 1914/18, edited by Wilhelm Müller-Loebnitz, Karlsruhe 1935.German Military History in six volumes 1648-1939, edited by the Militärgeschichtlichen Forschungsamt Freiburg, Munich 1983.Fenske, Hans: Die Verwaltung im Ersten Weltkrieg, in: Deutsche Verwaltungsgeschichte, vol. 3, Stuttgart 1984, p. 866-908.Fischer, Joachim: Zehn Jahre Militärarchiv des Hauptstaatsarchivs Stuttgart, in: Zeitschrift für Württembergische Landesgeschichte 37 (1978), p. 362-368.Jäger, Harald: Das militärische Archivgut in der Bundesrepublik für die Zeit von 1871 bis 1919, in: Militärgeschichtliche Mitteilungen 1968/2, S. 135-138.Overview of the holdings of the Hauptstaatsarchiv Stuttgart, edited by Joachim Fischer (published by the Staatliche Archivverwaltung Baden-Württemberg, vol. 31), Stuttgart 1983.

Constance District Office
Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Abt. Staatsarchiv Freiburg, B 715/1 · Fonds · (1608, 1725 - 1763, 1774 - 1790, 1800 - 1809) 1810 - 1952 (1953 - 1973)
Part of Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Department of State Archives Freiburg (Archivtektonik)

History of the authorities: The territorial reorganization of Germany by Napoleon brought the former margraviate of Baden between 1803 and 1810 almost a doubling of its territory and an enormous expansion of its population, as well as in 1803 the elevation first to electorate and in 1806 finally to grand duchy. This increase in the size of the country and its people made it imperative that the heterogeneous political system be restructured and unified in administrative terms. The organizational edicts issued between 1806 and 1809 served the realization of this goal. In addition to the Privy Council and Deputy Minister Johann Nicolaus Friedrich Brauer (1754 - 1813), the Baden State and Cabinet Minister Sigismund von Reitzenstein (1766 - 1847) was above all responsible for the administrative reorganization and modernization of the Grand Duchy. The Organisational Edict of 26 October 1809 divided the Grand Duchy of Baden into 66 sovereign and 53 ranked offices. The offices of the rank were gradually abolished, the last in 1849, after the final renunciation of their sovereign rights by the rank masters. In the case of the provincial district offices and upper offices, mergers and dissolutions within the framework of organisational changes led to a reduction in the total number of administrative structures in 1936/1938 from originally 66 to 27 after the changes ordered in the administrative structures during the National Socialist era. Originally, the district offices were purely state authorities and as such primarily responsible for general state administration, but also had to carry out tasks of the police and - until the establishment of their own court organisation in 1857 - of the judiciary, in particular civil jurisdiction. As subauthorities, district offices were subordinated to the district directorates as medium instances - the district office Constance, created in 1809, was first subordinated to the directorate of the Seekreis with its seat in Constance. The organisational reform of 1832 enlarged the scope of these funds and replaced the originally ten district directorates, with the exception of the Seekreis, which was named after rivers, with four district governments: Government of the Seekreis, Oberrheinkreis, Mittelrheinkreis, Unterheinkreis. The Constance district office was now under the control of the Seekreis government. Finally, the Law on the Organization of Internal Administration of October 5, 1863 abolished the district governments without substitution as the medium instances of state administration and subordinated the district offices directly to the Ministry of Interior. As a link between local and central authorities, the law of 1863 (amended 1865) installed four state commissionariats, namely Konstanz, Freiburg, Karlsruhe and Mannheim, each of which was headed by a state commissioner with a seat and vote in the ministry. The Constance District Office was assigned to the Sprengel of the Constance State Commissariat. In 1864, the Grand Duchy of Baden was divided into eleven district associations as local self-governing bodies without state tasks, retaining the district offices and state commissionariats as state administrative authorities. The Konstanz district association, based in Konstanz, comprised the state administrative districts of Engen, Konstanz, Meßkirch, Pfullendorf, Radolfzell (abolished in 1872), Stockach and Überlingen. State organ with the district federations was the administrative official of the district, in which the district federation had its seat, as a district captain. The Executive Board of the Constance District Office was also the District Governor of the Constance District Association. The corporate body of the district association was the district assembly of elected members. The Kreisverband Konstanz is thus the actual "ancestor" of the Landkreis Konstanz as a local self-governing body. 1924 the name of the executive committee of the district had already been changed to Landrat. By the county regulation of 24 June 1939 the 1864 established county federations were abolished and replaced by counties. In the Nazi dictatorship, however, their formally maintained powers of self-administration were only on paper, since the decision-making and decision-making powers were transferred from the district assembly to the district chairman appointed by the Ministry of the Interior, who was assisted by three to six district councils only in an advisory capacity. The area and authority of the new administrative district of Constance as a municipal self-governing body was now congruent with the administrative district of the state administration. In the reorganization of the administration after the end of the war in 1945, the legal supervision of the districts, which now became real local self-governing bodies with democratic legitimation, was initially transferred from the state commissioners to the (South) Baden Ministry of the Interior. Following the formation of the federal state of Baden-Württemberg, it was replaced by the Regierungspräsidium Südbaden as the central authority for the administrative district of Südbaden - the Regierungspräsidium or Regierungsbezirk Freiburg since the administrative reform of 1971. The district and later Landratsamt Konstanz was repeatedly changed from its establishment in 1809 to the year 1952. Particularly noteworthy here is the increase due to the abolition of the Radolfzell district office in 1872, whose municipalities were all assigned to the Constance administrative district. Another increase for the administrative district (since 1939 administrative district) Konstanz brought the abolition of the district office Engen in the course of the law over the new division of the internal administration from 30 June 1936 in the course of the, whose official municipalities were distributed on the sprinkles of the district and/or district offices Konstanz, Donaueschingen and Stockach. Further changes in the district of Constance as a result of the Baden-Württemberg district reform, which came into force on 1 January 1973, lie outside the period under consideration and are therefore not mentioned. Inventory history: Before the beginning of the registration work, the files of the Constance District Office/Landratsamt were distributed among the following holdings:a) B 715/1, /2, /3, /4, /5, /6, /7, /8, /9, /10, /11, /12, /13, /14, /15, /16, /17, /18, /19, /20, /21, B 730a/1b) E 24/1c) G 15/1, /2, /3, /4d) W 499/1e) S 51/1The stocks mentioned under a) and e) were first combined to form stock B 715/1 (new). Foreign provenances in these holdings were taken and either assigned to other holdings of the Freiburg State Archives in accordance with their provenance or handed over to the Karlsruhe General State Archives for reasons of competence. in a second step, the holdings of the Constance District Office, which had been formed from files delivered by the Constance District Office under b), were integrated into holdings B 715/1 (new). Thirdly, all files of the provenance Bezirksamt/Landratsamt Konstanz with a term up to and including 1952 were taken from the holdings mentioned under c) and transferred to the present holdings. In well-founded exceptional cases, such as when the proportion of written documents created after 1952 in a file was limited to a few documents, files with a term beyond 1952 were also included in B 715/1.Fourthly, all files of the provenance "Landratsamt Konstanz" from the provisional stock W 499, which contains the written material from the stocks 129 to 228 of the General State Archives Karlsruhe, which reached the State Archives of Freiburg during the mutual equalization of holdings, were also included. The pre-signature 1 contains the last signature used in the Freiburg State Archives before the new indexing and the pre-signature 2 the penultimate signature used in the Freiburg State Archives or the signature formerly used in the Karlsruhe General State Archives. The present holdings were recorded by Solveig Adolph, David Boomers, Anja Fischer, Joanna Genkova, Edgar Hellwig and Wolfgang Lippke. Dr. Christof Strauß was responsible for the planning, organisation and coordination of the work, final correction and final editing of the finding aid was carried out by the undersigned. The stock B 715/1 now comprises 6347 fascicles after its redrawing and measures 72.00 lfd.m.Freiburg, May 2010 Edgar Hellwig

Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Abt. Staatsarchiv Freiburg, A 69/1 · Fonds · (1785-) 1809-1815 (-1835)
Part of Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Department of State Archives Freiburg (Archivtektonik)

History of the authorities: The organisational rescript of 26 November 1809 divided the Grand Duchy of Baden into ten districts, named after mountains and rivers, with so-called district directorates as administrative authorities, following the example of France. The following circles emerged in the Sprengel of today's Freiburg State Archives:Directorate of the Lake District based in Constance1809-1832Directorate of the Danube District based in Villingen1819 abolished and assigned to the Lake District; only the offices of Hornberg and Triberg were transferred to the KinzigkreisDirektorium des Wiesenkreises with its seat in Lörrach1815 and completely assigned to the DreisamkreisDirektorium des Dreisamkreis with its seat in Freiburg1809-1832Direktorium des Kinzigkreis with its seat in Offenburg1809-1832A district director stood at the head of each directorate, who was assisted by a district council for the legal and state police as well as for the state economic sphere of responsibility. At the beginning, the business circle of the district directorates included the administration of civil law, supervisory activities in the financial and school administration, police tasks and the cultivation of agriculture.1832 the district directorates, which had meanwhile been reduced to six, were replaced by four district governments based in Constance (Seekreis), Freiburg (Oberrheinkreis), Rastatt (Mittelrheinkreis) and Mannheim (Unterrheinkreis). Inventory history: In the course of the inventory exchange from the General State Archive Karlsruhe in the years 2000 and 2002, the State Archive Freiburg received a total of 75.60 linear metres of files in four deliveries, which had previously been integrated into pertinence inventories there. Since August 1, 2002, Bettina Fürderer, a doctoral student, has been working part-time under the supervision of an archivist and has started to create provenance-compliant holdings for the files of accesses 2000/68, 2002/50 and 2002/57. The files of the first access 2000/40 had already been processed at an earlier point in time. Since the end of 2007 the work begun by Bettina Fürderer has been continued by the undersigned. Order and directory work: The structure of the general records was largely based on the pre-Fackler registry order from the 19th century. In addition to files without a local reference, general files also include files that have been created for a single subject for several municipalities or that concern an entire administrative district. The local files were structured according to the Baden official registration order of 1905 by H. Fackler (see below), but without the Roman and Arabic numerals used there, whereby the subdivision planned for individual main points was almost always dispensed with due to the small number of file books. The municipalities are listed alphabetically. For each municipality the respective district is indicated, namely according to today's state, abbreviated with the code letters of the motor vehicles, and with today no more independent municipalities additionally the name of the new municipality. In the case of files with more than ten sheets of paper, "1 fasc." was initially indicated as the circumference; at a later stage of indexing, this was then indicated in centimetres (cm). Freiburg, December 2009 E. KriegThe holdings have been continuously supplemented since 2009 by files of the Wiesenkreisdirektorium found in the district and district office holdings. It now comprises 132 fascicles and measures 4 lfd.m.Freiburg, March 2015 Dr. Christof Strauß

Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Abt. Staatsarchiv Freiburg, B 717/2 · Fonds · (1664 - 1805) 1806 - 1952 (1953 - 1969)
Part of Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Department of State Archives Freiburg (Archivtektonik)

History of the authorities: The territorial reorganization of Germany by Napoleon almost doubled the territory of the former margraviate of Baden between 1803 and 1810. In 1803 it was elevated to the status of electorate and in 1806 to that of grand duchy. This made it necessary to restructure and standardize the administrative structures of the administratively heterogeneous state. The organizational edicts issued between 1806 and 1809 divided the Grand Duchy of Baden into 66 provincial and 53 municipal offices. The offices of the rank were abolished until 1849 or converted into the offices of the sovereign. The number of district offices in Baden was significantly reduced by mergers and abolitions in the course of the 19th and 20th centuries.Originally, the district offices were purely state authorities and as such were primarily responsible for general state administration and for state supervision of the activities of municipal administrations in their respective districts, but they were also responsible for the police and - until the establishment of their own court organisation in 1857 - the judiciary, in particular civil justice. The district office Lahr belonged to the Kinzigkreis. The administrative reform of 1832 replaced the meanwhile remaining six district directorates as central authorities by the district governments of four districts and allocated the administrative district of Lahr to the Middle Rhine District. In 1864 these four districts were dissolved and the district offices were directly subordinated to the Ministry of the Interior. At the same time the Grand Duchy was divided into eleven district associations as local self-governing bodies without state tasks, and the district of Lahr became part of the district of Offenburg. The district offices and district associations were combined into four state commissioner districts for the purpose of handling state administrative supervision. At their head was a state commissioner with a seat and vote in the Grand Ducal Ministry of the Interior. The district office Lahr was assigned to the Landeskommissärbezirk Freiburg. 1864 established district federations were abolished 1939 and the districts were renamed starting from 1 January into districts; their leaders carried already since 1924 the title district administrator. The district administrations thus became a mixed construction of state administration and local self-administration. In the Nazi dictatorship, however, their formally maintained powers of self-administration existed only on paper, since the decision-making and decision-making powers were transferred from the district assembly to the district chairman appointed by the Ministry of the Interior, who was assisted by three to six district councils only in an advisory capacity. When the administration was reorganised after the end of the war in 1945, legal supervision of the districts, which continued to perform state functions but now really also became local self-governing bodies with democratic legitimacy, was initially transferred from the state commissioners to the (southern) Baden Ministry of the Interior. After the formation of the federal state of Baden-Württemberg, it was replaced by the Regional Council of South Baden as the central authority for the administrative district of South Baden. The district area reform in Baden-Württemberg, which came into force on 1 January 1973, brought an end to the administrative district of Lahr, whose towns and municipalities were incorporated into the Ortenau district. Inventory history: Before the beginning of the registration work, the files of the Lahr District Office were distributed among the following holdings:a) B 717/2, /3, /4, /5, /6, /7, /8, /9, /10, /12 and B 720/1 b) E 25/1 c) G 16/1, /2, /5, /6, /7, /8, /9, /11, /12 and S 40/1.Initially, the stocks mentioned under a) were combined to form stock B 717/2 (new). In the process, foreign provenances with a term ending after 1806 and before 1952 were taken and assigned to other holdings of the Freiburg State Archives according to their provenance. Thirdly, the files from the holdings mentioned under c) were incorporated into B 717/2 (new) with the provenance Bezirksamt/Landratsamt Lahr. The S 40/1 holdings were completely integrated into B 717/2 (new), and files from all three groups were separated and transferred to the General State Archive Karlsruhe or to the Ortenau District Archive for reasons of responsibility. In justified exceptional cases, e.g. when the proportion of written documents created after 1952 in a file was limited to a few documents, files with a term beyond 1952 also found their way into B 717/2 (new).Information for use:The sale of real property and company winding-up occurring in the holdings are often coercive measures as a result of the so-called "Ordinance on the Use of Jewish Property".Concordances in the printed version of the finding aid book for B 717/2 (new) show all pre-signatures of the individual files. The pre-signature 1 contains the last signature used in the Freiburg State Archives before the new indexing and the pre-signature 2 the penultimate signature used in the Freiburg State Archives or the signature formerly used in the Karlsruhe General State Archives. The present holdings were recorded by Corina Giesin, Edgar Hellwig, Annika Scheumann, Anja Steeger and Christof Strauß. Christof Strauß was responsible for the planning, organisation and coordination of the work, final correction and final editing of the finding aid was carried out by the undersigned. The stock B 717/2 comprises 9259 fascicles and measures 70.60 running metres Freiburg, July 2013.

Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Abt. Staatsarchiv Freiburg, B 719/1 · Fonds
Part of Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Department of State Archives Freiburg (Archivtektonik)

History of the authorities: The territorial reorganization of Germany by Napoleon brought the former margraviate of Baden between 1803 and 1810 almost a doubling of its territory and an enormous expansion of its population, as well as in 1803 the elevation first to electorate and in 1806 finally to grand duchy. This increase in the size of the country and its people made it imperative that the heterogeneous political system be restructured and unified in administrative terms. The organizational edicts issued between 1806 and 1809 served the realization of this goal. In addition to the Privy Council and Deputy Minister Johann Nicolaus Friedrich Brauer (1754 - 1813), who introduced an archive system based on the principle of pertinence as early as 1801, which determined the work of the General State Archives as well as the registries of the Baden authorities for a century and continues to this day, it was the Baden State and Cabinet Minister Sigismund von Reitzenstein (1766 - 1847) who played a decisive role in the reorganization and administrative modernization of the Grand Duchy. Reitzenstein, who had held the office of bailiff of the Rötteln dominion from 1792 to 1795 and was based in Lörrach, is considered to be the real creator of the modern Baden state in the 19th century. The organisational edict of 26 October 1809 divided the Grand Duchy into 66 sovereign and 53 ranked offices. While the latter were gradually abolished until 1849 at the latest, the district offices and the upper offices were reduced in total over time by merging and abolishing them. originally, the district offices were purely state authorities and as such primarily responsible for general state administration, but also had to carry out tasks of the police and - until the establishment of their own court organisation in 1857 - of the judiciary, in particular the civil judiciary. As subauthorities, they were subordinated to the district directorates as medium instances - the district office Lörrach, created in 1809, first to the directorate of the Wiesenkreis with seat in Lörrach, then after its abolishment in 1815 to the directorate of the Dreisamkreis with seat in Freiburg. In 1832 the originally ten district directorates, named after rivers, were replaced by the district governments of the four districts - Seekreis, Oberrheinkreis, Mittelrheinkreis, Unterheinkreis - and the district office Lörrach was subordinated to the government of the Oberrheinkreis. Finally, the Law on the Organization of Internal Administration of October 5, 1863 abolished the district governments without substitution as the medium instances of state administration and subordinated the district offices directly to the Ministry of Interior. As a link between local and central authorities, the law of 1863 (amended 1865) installed four state commissionariats - Constance, Freiburg, Karlsruhe, Mannheim - each headed by a state commissioner who had a seat and vote in the ministry. The district office Lörrach was assigned to the Sprengel of the Landeskommissär in Freiburg. Furthermore, in 1864, the Grand Duchy was divided into eleven district associations as local self-governing bodies, retaining the district offices as state administrative authorities. The district association Lörrach with seat in Lörrach comprised the sprinkles of the national district offices Lörrach, Müllheim, Schönau and Schopfheim. State organ with the district federations was the administrative official of the district, in which the district federation had its seat, as a district captain. Thus the executive committee of the district office Lörrach was in personal union at the same time district captain of the district association Lörrach. The corporate body of the district association was the district assembly of elected members. The district association Lörrach is thus the actual "ancestor" of the today's administrative district Lörrach as local self-administration body. Already in 1924 the name for the executive committee of the administrative district had been changed into Landrat. By the administrative district order of 24 June 1939 the 1864 established district federations were abolished and replaced by districts. During the Nazi dictatorship, however, their formally maintained powers of self-administration were only on paper, since the decision-making and decision-making powers were transferred from the district assembly to the district chairman appointed by the Ministry of the Interior, who was assisted by three to six district councils only in an advisory capacity. Area and authority of the new administrative district Lörrach as local self-administration body was now congruent with the administrative district of the state administration. When the administration was reorganised after the end of the war in 1945, the legal supervision of the districts, which now again became genuine local self-government bodies with democratic legitimation, was initially transferred from the state commissioners to the (South) Baden Ministry of the Interior. After the formation of the Federal State of Baden-Württemberg, the Regional Council of South Baden took its place as the central authority for the administrative district of South Baden - since the administrative reform of 1971, the Regional Council and the administrative district of Freiburg. The district and later district administration of Lörrach was repeatedly changed from its establishment in 1809 to the year 1952. When it was founded, the Lörrach District Office initially comprised 31 towns and municipalities: Binzen, Brombach, Degerfelden, Efringen, Egringen, Eimeldingen, Fischingen, Grenzach, Haagen, Hägelberg, Haltingen, Hauingen, Herten, Höllstein, Hüsingen, Huttingen, Inzlingen, Istein, churches, Lörrach, Märkt, Ötlingen, Rümmingen, Schallbach, Steinen, Tumringen, Tüllingen, Weil, Wittlingen and Wyhlen.With the dissolution of the Kandern district in 1819, the Lörrach district gained a further 11 towns and municipalities: Blansingen, Hertingen, Holzen, Kandern, Kleinkems, Mappach, Riedlingen, Tannenkirch, Welmlingen, Wintersweiler and Wollbach. At the same time he was assigned the municipality of Warmbach, which until then had belonged to the administrative district of Säckingen. In 1921 this was returned to the district office in Säckingen. Further changes brought the incorporation of Stetten in 1902 and the incorporation of Tumringen and Tüllingen into the town of Lörrach in 1935. The law of 30 June 1936 on the new division of the internal administration brought a considerable change to the administrative district. While the municipalities of Hertingen, Kandern, Riedlingen and Tannenkirch were assigned to the district office of Müllheim, the administrative district of Lörrach received the majority of the municipalities of the abolished district office of Schopfheim. Exceptions were Bernau, Brandenberg, Todtnau and Todtnauberg, which were assigned to the administrative district of Neustadt, and Dossenbach, Minseln, Nordschwaben, Todtmoos and Wehr, which came to the administrative district of Säckingen. Among the communities acquired by the dissolved Schopfheim District Office were also those that had originally been incorporated into the Schönau District Office, because when the latter was abolished in 1924, all the communities of the Schönau District Office had been integrated into the Schopfheim Sprengel. In 1939 the municipalities of Aftersteg and Muggenbrunn fell from the district of Lörrach to the district of Neustadt; however, this was reversed in 1945. At the same time, the municipalities of Todtnau, Brandenberg (since 1936 united with Todtnau) and Todtnauberg, which had been incorporated into the administrative district of Lörrach after the dissolution of the Schopfheim Neustadt district, were incorporated into the administrative district of Lörrach. Inventory history: Before the beginning of the registration work, the files of the Lörrach District Office were distributed among the following holdings:a) B 719/1, /2, /3, /4, /5, /6, /7, /8, /9, /10, /11, /12, /13, /14, /15 as well as B 712/1 and B 732/1b) G 17/1, /2, /3, /4, /5, /6, /7c) W 499.Initially, the stocks mentioned under a) were combined to form stock B 719/1 (new). In a second step, all files of the provenance Bezirksamt/Landratsamt Lörrach with a term up to and including 1952 were taken from the holdings mentioned under b) and transferred to the existing holdings. The inventory G 17/3 was completely merged into B 719/1. In well-founded exceptional cases, such as when the proportion of documents created after 1952 in a file was limited to a few documents, even files with a term beyond 1952 were included in B 719/1.Thirdly, all files of the provenance "Landratsamt Lörrach" from the provisional stock W 499, which contains written material from the stocks 129 to 228 of the General State Archives Karlsruhe that has been transferred to the Freiburg State Archives for mutual compensation of holdings, were also included. The pre-signature 1 contains the last signature used in the Freiburg State Archives before the new indexing and the pre-signature 2 the penultimate signature used in the Freiburg State Archives or the signature formerly used in the Karlsruhe General State Archives. The present holdings were recorded by Volker Beau, David Boomers, Joanna Genkova, Edgar Hellwig and Wolfgang Lippke. Dr. Christof Strauß was responsible for supervising the work, while the undersigned was responsible for the final editing and correction of the finding aid. The stock B 719/1 now comprises 8348 fascicles after its redrawing and measures 82.10 lfd.m.Freiburg, July 2008 Edgar Hellwig

Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Abt. Staatsarchiv Freiburg, B 725/1 · Fonds
Part of Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Department of State Archives Freiburg (Archivtektonik)

History of the authorities: The territorial reorganization of Germany by Napoleon brought the former margraviate of Baden between 1803 and 1810 almost a doubling of its territory and an enormous expansion of its population, as well as in 1803 the elevation first to electorate and in 1806 finally to grand duchy. This increase in land and people made it imperative to reorganize and standardize the administrative structures of the administratively heterogeneous state. The organisational edicts issued between 1806 and 1809 as well as the further changes in the administrative structures of the Grand Duchy and the State of Baden made during the 19th and 20th centuries served to achieve these goals. In addition to the Privy Council and Deputy Minister Johann Nicolaus Friedrich Brauer (1754 - 1813), it was the Baden State and Cabinet Minister Sigismund von Reitzenstein (1766 - 1847) who played a decisive role in the administrative reorganization and modernization of the Grand Duchy at the beginning of the 19th century. The organisational rescript of 26 November 1809 divided the Grand Duchy of Baden into 66 sovereign and 53 ranked offices. While the latter were gradually abolished or converted into provincial district offices by 1849 at the latest, the state district offices and high offices were merged and abolished in the course of time to reduce their total number. Originally, the district authorities were purely state authorities and as such were primarily responsible for general state administration and for state supervision of the actions of municipal administrations in their respective districts, but they also had to carry out tasks of the police and - until the establishment of their own court organisation in 1857 - of the judiciary, in particular civil jurisdiction. With the Peace of Pressburg (1805) the territories of Upper Austria in Breisgau were united with the Electorate and from 1806 the Grand Duchy of Baden. The district office Müllheim was established in 1809, the place of the official seat was elevated to a town in the following year. The district offices established in 1809 were assigned to ten districts, whose executive bodies were the district directorates. The district office Müllheim belonged to the Wiesenkreis with official seat in Lörrach. The administrative reform of 1832 replaced the meanwhile remaining six district directorates as central authorities by the district governments of four districts - Seekreis, Oberrheinkreis, Mittelrheinkreis, Unterrheinkreis ¿ and assigned the district of Müllheim to the Oberrheinkreis with administrative seat in Freiburg. With the Act of 5 October 1863 on the Organisation of Internal Administration, effective from 1 October 1864, these four districts were dissolved, the district governments were abolished without substitution as the central bodies of state administration and the district offices were directly subordinated to the Ministry of the Interior, with the number of offices being reduced to 59 and from 1872 to 52 (from 1898 again 53). At the same time, in 1864, the Grand Duchy was divided into eleven district associations as local self-governing bodies without state responsibilities, retaining the district offices as state administrative authorities. The district of Müllheim was assigned to the district of Lörrach. The district offices and district associations in the four newly formed state commissioner districts of Constance, Freiburg, Karlsruhe and Mannheim were combined to handle state administrative supervision. At their head was a state commissioner with a seat and vote in the Grand Ducal Ministry of the Interior. The district office Müllheim was assigned to the Landeskommissärbezirk Freiburg.1924 the number of district offices was reduced again, from 53 to 40. 1936/1938 the number of district offices was reduced again, from 40 to 27. In addition the 1864 established district associations were abolished, and the previous districts received the designation Landkreise from 1 January 1939. The district administrations thus became a mixed construction of state administration and local self-administration. In the Nazi dictatorship, however, their formally maintained powers of self-administration were only on paper, since the decision-making and decision-making powers were transferred from the district assembly to the district chairman appointed by the Ministry of the Interior, who was assisted by three to six district councils only in an advisory capacity. In the reorganization of the administration after the end of the war in 1945, the legal supervision of the administrative districts, which continued to perform state tasks but now really also became local self-governing bodies with democratic legitimation, was initially transferred from the state commissioners to the (southern) Baden Ministry of the Interior. After the formation of the federal state of Baden-Württemberg, it was replaced by the Regional Council of South Baden as the central authority for the administrative district of South Baden. The district area reform in Baden-Württemberg, which came into force on 1 January 1973, brought an end to the district of Müllheim, whose towns and municipalities were for the most part incorporated into the district of Breisgau-Hochschwarzwald. In the 160 years of its existence, the district office and district administrator's office of Müllheim has undergone repeated changes which cannot be explained in detail here. The district received the largest growth through the dissolution of the Staufen District in 1936, when the municipalities in the southern part of the district were assigned to the Müllheim District Office, which included the following towns and municipalities: Auggen with Hach, Badenweiler, Ballrechten with Kastelhof, Betberg, Britzingen, Buggingen, Dattingen, Dottingen, Gallenweiler, Gittingen, Hügelheim, Laufen, Lipburg, Müllheim, Muggardt, Neuenburg, Niederweiler, Oberweiler, St. Ilgen, Schweighof with the Sirnitzer Höfe, Sehringen, Sulzburg with Sengelberger Hof, Vögisheim, Zienken and Zunzingen. When it was dissolved, the district of Müllheim included the following locations: Auggen, Badenweiler, Ballrechten (today Ballrechten-Dottingen), Bamlach (today district of Bad Bellingen, district of Lörrach), Bad Bellingen (today district of Lörrach), Bremgarten (today district of Hartheim), Britzingen (today district of Müllheim), Buggingen, Dattingen (today part of Müllheim), Dottingen (today Ballrechten-Dottingen), Eschbach, Feldberg (today part of Müllheim), Feuerbach (today part of Kandern, district of Lörrach), Gallenweiler (today part of Heitersheim), Grißheim (today district of Neuenburg), Grunern (today district of Staufen), Heitersheim, Hertingen (today district of Bad Bellingen, district of Lörrach), Hügelheim (today district of Müllheim), Kandern (today district of Lörrach), Bad Krozingen, Laufen (today part of Sulzburg), Liel (today part of Schliengen, district of Lörrach), Lipburg (today part of Badenweiler), Malsburg (today Malsburg-Marzell, district of Lörrach), Marzell (today Malsburg-Marzell, district of Lörrach), Mauchen (today district of Schliengen, district of Lörrach), Müllheim, Neuenburg, Niedereggenen (today district of Schliengen, district of Lörrach), Niederweiler (today district of Müllheim), Obereggenen (today district of Schliengen, district of Lörrach), Obermünstertal (today Münstertal), Rheinweiler (today district of Bad Bellingen, district of Lörrach), Riedlingen (today district of Kandern, district of Lörrach), Schlatt (today district of Bad Krozingen), Schliengen (today district of Lörrach), Schweighof (today part of Badenweiler), Seefelden (today part of Buggingen), Sitzenkirch (today part of Kandern, district of Lörrach), Staufen, Steinenstadt (today part of Neuenburg), Sulzburg, Tannenkirch (today part of Kandern), County Lörrach), Tunsel (today district of Bad Krozingen), Untermünstertal (today Münstertal), Vögisheim (today district of Müllheim), Wettelbrunn (today district of Staufen), Zienken (today district of Neuenburg), Zunzingen (today district of Müllheim). Inventory history: Before the beginning of the registration work, the files of the district office / district office Müllheim were distributed to the following inventories:a) B 725/1, /2, /3, /4, /5, /6, /7, /8, /9, /10, /11, /12, /13, /14, /16; B 793/1; B 793/2b) E 27/1, /3 c) G 18/1, /2, /4, /6, /7, /8, /9, /13, /14, /15, /16, /17, /18, /19The stocks mentioned under a) were first combined to form stock B 725/1 (new). In the process, foreign provenances with a term ending after 1806 and before 1953 were taken and assigned to other holdings of the Freiburg State Archives according to their provenance. In a second step, the holdings listed under b), which had been formed from documents delivered by the District Office Müllheim, were integrated into the holdings B 725/1 (new). Thirdly, the files from the holdings mentioned under c) with the provenance Bezirksamt/Landratsamt Müllheim were incorporated into B 725/1 (new). From all three groups of holdings, files with the end of their term before 1806 and after 1952 were separated and transferred to the General State Archive Karlsruhe or to the District Archive Breisgau-Hochschwarzwald. In justified exceptional cases, e.g. when the proportion of written material created after 1952 in a file was limited to a few documents, files with a duration beyond 1952 were also included in B 725/1 (new).Notes for use:Concordances in the printed version of the finding aid book for B 725/1 (new) show all presignatures of the individual files. The pre-signature 1 contains the last signature used in the Freiburg State Archives before the new indexing and the pre-signature 2 the penultimate signature used in the Freiburg State Archives or the signature formerly used in the Karlsruhe General State Archives. The present holdings were recorded by Corina Giesin, Edgar Hellwig, Dr. Kurt Hochstuhl, Annika Scheumann, Bernhard Schüly, Anja Steeger and Dr. Christof Strauß. Dr. Christof Strauß was responsible for the planning, organisation and coordination of the work, final correction and final editing of the finding aid was carried out by the undersigned with the assistance of Anja Steeger. The stock B 725/1 now comprises 13018 fascicles and measures 102.40 lfd.m.Freiburg, December 2012Edgar Hellwig

Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Abt. Staatsarchiv Freiburg, B 733/1 · Fonds · (1709 - 1805) 1806 - 1952 (1953 - )
Part of Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Department of State Archives Freiburg (Archivtektonik)

History of the authorities: The territorial reorganization of Germany by Napoleon brought the former margraviate of Baden between 1803 and 1810 almost a doubling of its territory and an enormous expansion of its population, as well as in 1803 the elevation first to electorate and in 1806 finally to grand duchy. This increase in land and people made it imperative to reorganize and standardize the administrative structures of the administratively heterogeneous state. The organizational edicts issued between 1806 and 1809 served the realization of this goal. In addition to the Privy Council and Deputy Minister Johann Nicolaus Friedrich Brauer (1754 - 1813), it was the Baden State and Cabinet Minister Sigismund von Reitzenstein (1766 - 1847) who played a decisive role in the administrative reorganization and modernization of the Grand Duchy. The Grand Duchy of Baden was divided into 66 sovereign and 53 rank sovereign offices by the organisational edict of 26 October 1809. While the latter were gradually abolished again by 1849 at the latest, the total number of state district offices and upper offices was reduced in the course of time by merging and abolishing them. originally, the district offices were purely state authorities and as such primarily responsible for general state administration, but also had to perform tasks of the police and - until the establishment of their own court organisation in 1857 - of the judiciary, in particular civil jurisdiction. As subordinate authorities, they were subordinated to the district directorates as intermediate instances. The upper office created in 1807 and from 1809 the district office Säckingen belonged to the province of the Upper Rhine and was assigned to the directorate of the Wiesenkreis with seat in Lörrach. With the organisational reform of 1832, the originally ten district directorates, named after rivers (exception: Seekreis), were replaced by the district governments of the four districts - Seekreis, Oberrheinkreis, Mittelrheinkreis, Unterheinkreis - and the district office of Säckingen was subordinated to the government of the Oberrheinkreis based in Freiburg. As a link between local and central authorities, the law of 1863 (amended 1865) then installed the four state commissioner districts of Constance, Freiburg, Karlsruhe and Mannheim, each headed by a state commissioner who had his seat and vote in the Grand Ducal Ministry of the Interior. The district office Säckingen was assigned to the Sprengel of the Landeskommissärbezirk Konstanz. Furthermore, in 1864, the Grand Duchy was divided into eleven district associations as local self-governing bodies without state responsibilities, retaining the district offices as state administrative authorities. The district Säckingen formed together with the sprinkles of the district offices Bonndorf, Jestetten (1872 finally abolished), St. Blasien, and Waldshut the district association Waldshut with seat in Waldshut. Finally, the Law on the Organization of Internal Administration of October 5, 1863 abolished the district governments without substitution as the medium instances of state administration and subordinated the district offices directly to the Ministry of Interior. Already in 1924 the name for the executive committee of the district had been changed to Landrat. By the county regulation of 24 June 1939 the 1864 established county federations were abolished and replaced by counties. The district administrations thus became a mixed construction of state administration and local self-administration. In the Nazi dictatorship, however, their formally maintained powers of self-administration were only on paper, since the decision-making and decision-making powers were transferred from the district assembly to the district chairman appointed by the Ministry of the Interior, who was assisted by three to six district councils only in an advisory capacity. In the reorganization of the administration after the end of the war in 1945, the legal supervision of the administrative districts, which continued to perform state tasks but now really also became local self-governing bodies with democratic legitimation, was initially transferred from the state commissioners to the (southern) Baden Ministry of the Interior. Following the formation of the federal state of Baden-Württemberg, the regional council of South Baden replaced it as the central authority for the administrative district of South Baden - since the administrative reform of 1971, the regional council or administrative district of Freiburg. According to the Großherzoglich Badischen Regierungsblatt of December 9, 1809, the following locations belonged to the district office of Säckingen in addition to the town of Säckingen itself: Rippolingen, Katzenmoos, Harpolingen, Rickenbach, Hennematt, Bergalingen, Jungholz, Egg, Willaringen, Willadingen, von Zweyer'sche Lehenhof, Wickartsmühle and Schweikhof, Atdorf, Hornberg, Hütten, Rütte, Altenschwand, Glassworks, Hottingen, Obergebisbach, Untergebisbach, Herrischried, Herrischrieder Säge, Herrischrieder Rütte, Herrischwand, Schellenberg, Giersbach, Lochhäuser, Wehrhalden, Lindauer Lehenhof, Warmbach, Nollingen, Karsau, Riedmatt. Due to the frequent changes in the layout of the district sprinkles and the dissolution and re-establishment of district offices on the Upper Rhine, the sprinkles of the Säckingen District and District Office were repeatedly changed from their establishment in 1807 to the year 1952. A complete and detailed account of all these administrative changes would go too far here. So here are just a few examples: The official sprinkler received considerable growth when the Kleinlaufenburg district office, which had existed for only a few years, was dissolved. In addition to the city of Kleinlaufenburg itself, 30 towns were added to the district of Säckingen: Hauenstein, Murg, Rüttehof, Rhina, Diggeringen, Binzgen, Hänner, Oberhof, Niederhof, Zechenwihl, Görwihl, Oberwihl, Rüßwihl, Lochmühle, Tiefenstein, Rotzingen, Burg, Hartschwand, Strittmatt, Engelschwand, Hogschür, Lochmatt, Segeten, Hochsal, Rotzel, Luttingen, Grünholz, Stadenhausen, Schachen and Niederwihl. Also the places of the 1813 abolished office Wehr came to the district Säckingen. The administrative district received further growth with the abolition of the Schopfheim district on 1 October 1936 in the course of the reorganisation of the state of Baden, as the municipalities of the abolished district were divided between the two districts of Lörrach and Säckingen. Stock history: Before the beginning of the registration work, the files of the district office / district office Säckingen were distributed to the following stocks:(a) B 689/1; B 718/1; B 726a/1; B 733/1; B 733/2; B 733/3; B 733/4; B 733/5; B 733/6; B 733/7; B 733/8; B 733/9; B 733/10; B 733/11, B 733/12, B 733/13, B 733/14, B 733/15, B 733/16, B 733/17, B 733/18, B 733/19, B 733/21, B 733/22, B 733/23, B 733/24; B 733/25; B 750a/1 as well as B 37/7;b) G 23/1; G 23/2; G 23/3; G 23/4; G 23/5; G 23/6; G 23/7; G 23/8; G 23/9; G 23/11; G 23/13; G 23/16; G 23/17; G 23/18The stocks mentioned under a) were first integrated into the existing stocks B 733/1. The files of the Nollingen, Beuggen, Wehr and Kleinlaufenburg district offices, which had existed for only a short time, were also integrated into this collection. Foreign provenances in all these holdings were taken and either assigned to other holdings of the Freiburg State Archives in accordance with their provenance or transferred to the Karlsruhe General State Archives for reasons of competence. In a second step, the holdings mentioned under b), which had been formed by the segregation of prior provenances from file deliveries of the Säckingen District Office, were transferred to the holdings B 733/1 of the Säckingen District Office, provided that the term of the files did not exceed 1952. In justified exceptional cases, e.g. when the proportion of written material created after 1952 in a file was limited to a few documents, even files with a duration beyond 1952 were included in B 733/1.Notes for use:- Concordances in the paper index show all presignatures of the individual files. The signature last used in the Freiburg State Archives before the new recording is found under Presignature 1 and the signature second to last in the Freiburg State Archives or the signature formerly used in the Karlsruhe General State Archives under Presignature 2. The present holdings were recorded by Solveig Adolph, David Boomers, Joanna Genkova, Corinna Giesin, Edgar Hellwig, Wolfgang Lippke and Annika Scheumann. Dr. Christof Strauß was responsible for the planning, organisation and coordination of the work, final correction and final editing of the finding aid was carried out by the undersigned. The stock B 733/1 now comprises 7361 fascicles and measures 62.75 m. Freiburg, August 2011 Edgar Hellwig

Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Abt. Staatsarchiv Freiburg, B 747/1 · Fonds · (1702 - 1805) 1806 - 1952 (1953 - 1980)
Part of Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Department of State Archives Freiburg (Archivtektonik)

History of the authorities: The territorial reorganization of Germany by Napoleon almost doubled the territory of the former margraviate of Baden between 1803 and 1810. In 1803 it was elevated to the status of electorate and in 1806 to that of grand duchy. This made it necessary to restructure and standardize the administrative structures of the administratively heterogeneous state. The organizational edicts issued between 1806 and 1809 divided the Grand Duchy of Baden into 66 provincial and 53 municipal offices. The offices of the rank were abolished until 1849 or converted into the offices of the sovereign. The number of district offices in Baden was significantly reduced by mergers and abolitions in the course of the 19th and 20th centuries.Originally, the district offices were purely state authorities and as such were primarily responsible for general state administration and for state supervision of the activities of municipal administrations in their respective districts, but they were also responsible for the police and - until the establishment of their own court organisation in 1857 - the judiciary, in particular civil justice. The district office Überlingen belonged to the Seekreis. The administrative reform of 1832 replaced the meanwhile remaining six district directorates as central authorities by the district governments of four districts and assigned the district Überlingen to the Seekreis. In 1864 these four districts were dissolved and the district offices were directly subordinated to the Ministry of the Interior. At the same time, the Grand Duchy was divided into eleven district associations as municipal self-governing bodies without state responsibilities, and the district of Überlingen became part of the Constance District. The district offices and district associations were combined into four state commissioner districts for the purpose of handling state administrative supervision. At their head was a state commissioner with a seat and vote in the Grand Ducal Ministry of the Interior. The district office Überlingen was added to the Landeskommissärbezirk Konstanz. 1864 established district federations were abolished in 1939 and the districts were renamed in districts starting from 1 January; their leaders carried already since 1924 the title district administrator. The district administrations thus became a mixed construction of state administration and local self-administration. During the National Socialist era, however, their formally maintained powers of self-administration existed only on paper, since the decision-making powers and powers of decision were transferred from the district assembly to the district chairman appointed by the Ministry of the Interior, to whom three to six district councillors merely advised. When the administration was reorganised after the end of the war in 1945, legal supervision of the districts, which continued to perform state functions but now really also became local self-governing bodies with democratic legitimacy, was initially transferred from the state commissioners to the (southern) Baden Ministry of the Interior. After the formation of the federal state of Baden-Württemberg, it was replaced by the Regional Council of South Baden as the central authority for the administrative district of South Baden. During the district reform in 1973, the district of Überlingen was dissolved and most of the municipalities were assigned to the Lake Constance district, the municipalities of the northern district came to the district of Sigmaringen. The Überlingen district underwent various changes over time, the largest being in 1936 when the Pfullendorf district office was abolished and merged with the Überlingen district. Inventory history: Before the beginning of the registration work, the files of the Überlingen District Office were distributed among the following holdings:a) B 747/1, /2, /3, /4, /5, /6, /8, /9, and /10 b) S 24/1 and /2 c) G 27/2, /3, /4, /5, /6, /9, /10, /11, /12, /13, /14, /16, /17, /18, /19, /21, /22, and /25The holdings listed under a) were first combined to form holdings B 747/1 (new). In the process, foreign provenances with a term ending after 1806 and before 1952 were taken and assigned to other holdings of the Freiburg State Archives according to their provenance. The stock B 747/9 was completely integrated into the stock B 729/9 district office Pfullendorf. The holdings B 747/4 and /10 were completely merged into B 747/1 (new).the files from the holdings mentioned under c) with the provenance Bezirksamt/Landratsamt Überlingen were incorporated into B 747/1 (new). From all three groups of holdings, files with a term ending before 1806 and after 1952 were separated and handed over to the General State Archive Karlsruhe or to the Archive of the Lake Constance District. The holdings G 27/17, /18, /19 and /25 went completely to the archives of the Lake Constance district. In well-founded exceptional cases, such as when the proportion of documents created after 1952 in a file was limited to a few documents, files with a term beyond 1952 were also included in B 747/1 (new). Notes on use:Concordances in the printed version of the finding aid book for B 747/1 (new) show all presignatures of the individual files. The signature last used in the Freiburg State Archives before the new recording is found under Presignature 1 and the signature second to last in the Freiburg State Archives or the signature formerly used in the Karlsruhe General State Archives under Presignature 2. The present holdings were recorded by Edgar Hellwig, Annette Riek, Christina Röhrenbeck, Annika Scheumann and Anja Steeger. Planning, organisation and coordination as well as final correction and final editing of the finding aid were carried out by the undersigned. The stock B 747/1 comprises 10886 fascicles and measures 94 lfd.m.Freiburg, November 2014Annette Riek

Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Abt. Staatsarchiv Freiburg, B 748/1 · Fonds · (1759 - 1808) 1809 - 1952 (1953-1981)
Part of Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Department of State Archives Freiburg (Archivtektonik)

History of the authorities: The territorial reorganization of Germany by Napoleon brought the former margraviate of Baden between 1803 and 1810 almost a doubling of its territory and an enormous expansion of its population, as well as in 1803 the elevation first to electorate and in 1806 finally to grand duchy. This increase in the size of the country and its people made it imperative that the heterogeneous political system be restructured and unified in administrative terms. The organizational edicts issued between 1806 and 1809 served the realization of this goal. In addition to the Privy Council and Deputy Minister Johann Nicolaus Friedrich Brauer (1754 - 1813), it was the Baden State and Cabinet Minister Sigismund von Reitzenstein (1766 - 1847) who played a decisive role in the reorganization and administrative modernization of the Grand Duchy. The Organisational Edict of 26 October 1809 divided the Grand Duchy of Baden into 66 sovereign and 53 ranked offices. While the latter were gradually abolished again by 1849 at the latest, the total number of district offices and upper offices was reduced in the course of time by merging and abolishing them. originally the district offices were purely state authorities and as such primarily responsible for general state administration, but also had to perform tasks of the police and - until the establishment of their own court organisation in 1857 - of the judiciary, in particular civil jurisdiction. As sub authorities they were subordinated to the district directorates as middle instances - the district office Villingen created in 1809 first to the directorate of the Danube district with seat in Villingen. In 1819 the Donaukreis was dissolved and united with the Seekreis. The originally ten district directorates, named after rivers (exception: Seekreis), were replaced by the district governments of the four districts - Seekreis, Oberrheinkreis, Mittelrheinkreis, Unterheinkreis - with the organisational reform of the year 1832 and the district office Villingen was subordinated to the government of the Seekreis. Finally, the Law on the Organization of Internal Administration of October 5, 1863 abolished the district governments without substitution as the medium instances of state administration and subordinated the district offices directly to the Ministry of Interior. As a link between local and central authorities, the law of 1863 (amended 1865) installed four state commissionariats - Constance, Freiburg, Karlsruhe, Mannheim - each headed by a state commissioner who had a seat and vote in the ministry. The district office Villingen was assigned to the Sprengel of the Landeskommissariat Konstanz. Furthermore, in 1864, the Grand Duchy was divided into eleven district associations as local self-governing bodies without state responsibilities, retaining the district offices as state administrative authorities. The district association Villingen with seat in Villingen comprised the national administrative districts Donaueschingen, Triberg (up to its dissolution in the year 1924) and Villingen. State organ with the district federations was the administrative official of the district, in which the district federation had its seat, as a district captain. Thus the executive committee of the district office Villingen was in personal union at the same time district captain of the district association Villingen. The corporate body of the district association was the district assembly of elected members. The district association Villingen is thus the actual "ancestor" of the former administrative district Villingen and/or, since 1973, of the today's administrative district Schwarzwald-Baar as local self-administration body. Already in 1924 the name for the executive committee of the administrative district had been changed into Landrat. By the administrative district order of 24 June 1939 the 1864 established district federations were abolished and replaced by districts. In the Nazi dictatorship, however, their formally maintained powers of self-administration were only on paper, since the decision-making and decision-making powers were transferred from the district assembly to the district chairman appointed by the Ministry of the Interior, who was assisted by three to six district councils only in an advisory capacity. Area and authority of the new administrative district Villingen as local self-administration body was now congruent with the administrative district of the state administration. In the reorganization of the administration after the end of the war in 1945, the legal supervision of the districts, which now became real local self-governing bodies with democratic legitimation, was initially transferred from the state commissioners to the (South) Baden Ministry of the Interior. After the formation of the federal state of Baden-Württemberg, the Regional Council of South Baden took its place as the central authority for the administrative district of South Baden - since the administrative reform of 1971, the Regional Council and the administrative district of Freiburg, respectively. The district and later district administration office of Villingen underwent repeated changes from its establishment in 1809 to the year 1952, especially in the first half of the 19th century. In 1834, the administrative district of Villingen comprised 25 municipalities in addition to the town of Villingen itself: Biesingen, Dauchingen, Dürrheim, Fischbach, Grüningen, Kappel, Klengen, Königsfeld, Marbach, Mönchweiler, Neuhausen, Niedereschach, Oberbaldingen, Obereschach, Oberkirnach, Öfingen, Pfaffenweiler, Rietheim, Schabenhausen, Stockburg, Sunthausen, Überauchen, Unterkirnach, Weiler and Weilersbach. In 1850, the city of Vöhrenbach and the municipalities of Langenbach, Linach and Schönenbach were assigned to the administrative district of Villingen from the administrative district of Triberg. The latter received further growth in 1857, when the official district of Hornberg was merged with that of Triberg, namely the towns and municipalities of Brigach, Buchenberg, Peterzell and St. Georgen. When the district office of Hornberg was dissolved in 1924, further towns were added to the Sprengel of the district office of Villingen. The law on the new division of the internal administration of 30 June 1936 did not bring any serious changes to the district office, but since 1939 the district administration office of Villingen, on the other hand, did not bring any serious changes to its district: only the municipality of Grüningen had to be handed over to the district or district administration office of Donaueschingen.The changes in the district of Villingen as a result of the district reform, which came into force on 1 January 1973, with the formation of the district of Schwarzwald-Baar by unification of the districts of Villingen and Donaueschingen are outside the period under consideration and are therefore not mentioned. Inventory history: Before the beginning of the registration work, the files of the Villingen District Office were distributed among the following holdings:a) B 748/1, /2, /3, /4, /5, /6, /7, /8, B 812/1b) E 33/1c) G 24/1, /3, /4, G 28/1d) W 499The holdings mentioned under a) were first combined to form the holdings B 748/1 (new). In a second step, the inventory mentioned under b), which had been formed by the separation of preproveniences from file deliveries of the Freiburg Regional Council, was integrated into the inventory B 748/1 (new) of the Villingen District Office. Thirdly, all files of the provenance Bezirksamt/Landratsamt Villingen with a term up to and including 1952 were taken from the holdings mentioned under c) and transferred to the present holdings. In well-founded exceptional cases, such as when the proportion of documents created after 1952 in a file was limited to a few documents, even files with a term beyond 1952 were included in B 748/1.Fourthly, all files of the provenance "Landratsamt Villingen" from the provisional stock W 499, which contains the written material from the stocks 129 to 228 of the General State Archives Karlsruhe, which reached the State Archives of Freiburg at the time of the mutual equalisation of holdings, were also incorporated. The pre-signature 1 contains the last signature used in the Freiburg State Archives before the new indexing and the pre-signature 2 the penultimate signature used in the Freiburg State Archives or the signature formerly used in the Karlsruhe General State Archives. The present holdings were recorded by David Boomers, Joanna Genkova, Edgar Hellwig and Wolfgang Lippke. Dr. Christof Strauß was responsible for the planning, organisation and coordination of the work, final correction and final editing of the finding aid was carried out by the undersigned. The stock B 748/1 now comprises 5768 fascicles after its redrawing and measures 60.70 lfd.m.Freiburg, December 2009 Edgar Hellwig

Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Abt. Staatsarchiv Freiburg, G 220/1 · Fonds · (1814-1924), 1894-1968
Part of Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Department of State Archives Freiburg (Archivtektonik)

Authority history: After the appointment of district school councillors in eleven district school districts for the middle school supervision in Baden in 1864, the district of Emmendingen belonged to the district school district of Freiburg and then, with effect from 24 June 1882, after the establishment of 13 district school visits, to the district school visitation district of Lahr. Emmendingen became the seat of a middle school supervision authority with the establishment of 18 school districts in Baden with effect from 1 October 1904. The districts of Emmendingen, Ettenheim and Waldkirch belonged to his district. On 1 May 1924 a new division into 14 school districts took place, among them the Emmendingen school district with the official districts of Emmendingen, Lahr and Waldkirch. As a result of the Act on the New Division of the Internal Administration and the State Ministerial Development of 7 November 1936, the school districts were reorganised with effect from 1 December 1936. The districts of Emmendingen and Lahr belonged to the district of Emmendingen after the dissolution of the Waldkirch office. 5 May 1964, the law on the standardisation and organisation of the school system, which came into force on 1 April 1965, turned the district school offices into state school offices, and the district school office into the state school office of Emmendingen.By ordinance of the state government of Baden-Württemberg on the seats and districts of the secondary school offices and the state school offices of 6 November 1973, which entered into force on 1 January 1974, the state school office in Emmendingen was dissolved and the district of Emmendingen was assigned to the state school office in Freiburg. Inventory history: In 1972, the Emmendingen State Education Authority delivered 36.0 m without a list of deliveries. files to the Freiburg branch of the General State Archive in Karlsruhe. The files formed the inventory "Staatliches Schulamt Emmendingen 1972/6". A paper repertory for a part of the general and local files, made by Dr. Werner Baumann, existed, as far as the undersigned remembers, already in 1974. Further organizing work on the stock in the magazine was carried out by the undersigned or under her supervision before 1980. The aim was to improve the usability of even the unlisted files by separating the various file groups: General files, local files, school service files, personal documents, teacher personal files. The personal files were classified in the L 50/1 - Personal files of teachers I under the numbers 12.908-13.393. In addition, the external sources "Bezirksbauinspektion Emmendingen", "Bezirksschulamt Molsheim" and "Kreisschulvisitatur/Kreisschulamt Lahr" were taken from the file groups of the former holdings "Schulamt Emmendingen 1972/6" to form the following holdings: G 220/1 (Generalia), G 220/2 (local files), G 220/3 (personal documents), G 220/4 (school records), Dr. Werner Baumann and inspector candidate Daniel Stihler made the file title recordings of the present inventory. The files come from two different layers of registry. This resulted in the creation of two main groups "Old Registry Plan" and "New Registry Plan" and within these main groups the classification according to the classification scheme of the respective registry plan. The undersigned was unable to determine when and why a new registry plan was introduced. After random checks, individual documents dating from 1948 were already handwritten - probably subsequently - with the new registration marks, namely with a Roman numeral in lower case that deviated from the old registration plan. The different main groups are marked with a capital letter on the file covers, and the signatory completed the process. The Findbuch was compiled with the help of the archiving program MIDOSA 95.Freiburg, January 1999Erdmuthe KriegThe present Findbuch was transferred to the archiving system SCOPE in June 2008 by the archive employee Jennifer Rißmann within the scope of the work emphasis of the conversion of handwritten and typewritten documents. In the process, the formerly separate groups of files were brought together again, with the exception of the holdings G 220/2 (local files). The existing holdings now include the former holdings G 220/1, G 220/3 and G 220/4. The holdings G 220/1 - Schulamt Emmendingen now include 228 numbers in 4.2 m. Freiburg, in July 2008Kurt Hochstuhl

Faecke, Peter (inventory)

Best. 1825 contains files from the estate of Peter Faecke (born 1940) - writer, editor, composer, journalist, reporter, screenwriter, editor and publisher - which form the basis of his work as an author, especially manuscripts and material collections. The estate covers a term from 1961 to 2010.I. Takeover and useThe Peter Faecke of Cologne, who was elected, handed over his estate together with the list of papers to the Historical Archive of the City of Cologne on 29 November 2009. This was acquired under inventory number 2009/52. On 30.06.2010 he added further documents, which were registered under the access number 2010/20. Further taxes remain to be seen. In the tectonics of the archives, the estate is classified under the inventory number 1825 in the department of bequests and collections. six moving boxes filled with standing files, which contained perforated and stapled documents, were taken over. The files showed only minimal damage such as slight wrinkles, compression and dusting. After order and distortion at the end of 2011, the material worthy of archiving was removed from the standing files, cleaned, demetallized, re-bedded for archiving purposes and provided with the assigned signatures. Since January 2012, the original version of the Writers' Legacy has been available in the analogue reading room of the Historical Archive of the City of Cologne and is not subject to any restrictions on use. When citing, the form HAStK, order 1825, no. [] must be observed.II. Order and DistortionFirst of all, the stock was roughly sifted and compared with the list. Accordingly, with a few exceptions, the existing order of files was retained and only repealed where it was possible to create independent contexts or where it could be clearly seen that there had been an erroneous sorting on the part of the predecessor. Following the Bärschen principle, each standing folder and each extracted unit was then assigned a temporary number. After a thorough examination, a comprehensive description of the contents of each file unit was then made. As a result of this and in accordance with the rules for the indexing of estates and autographs, a basic thematic division of the holdings into general documents and documents relating to the work was carried out. In addition, a more specific subdivision of the manuscripts and material collections was made, oriented to the genre, and the units were pre-sorted accordingly. Afterwards an order was operated according to chronological principle and the order after final, sequential numbers was added. Subsequently the data base distortion took place in the archive software ActaPro. The two overarching classification points General, Correspondence and Criticism as well as Works and Collections of Materials were compiled, and the latter was subdivided into novels, radio contributions, screenplays and non-fiction texts. The units were then recorded and assigned to the respective classification points in the same way as the presorting, with the title field usually corresponding to the specific publication title and the exact content being made accessible by means of content and thesaurus notes. The formulation deliberately did not distinguish between manuscripts and typoscripts in the literal sense of the word, but referred to any draft text or concept, whether handwritten or typewritten, as manuscripts. Finally, cross-continuance indexes of objects, locations and persons were carried out and the inventory information was displayed on the meta level. Via an EAD-compliant interface, the data records of the holdings were exported to the archive portal of North Rhine-Westphalia, which guarantees Internet research.The indexing of Peter Faecke's estate was carried out as part of a practical indexing work for the master's degree in archive science at the Potsdam University of Applied Sciences in November and December 2011 in the indexing rooms of the Restoration and Digitisation Centre of the Historical Archive of the City of Cologne by the editor Nancy Nowik under the guidance of Dr. Gisela Fleckenstein, Head of Department 3 - Bequests and Collections.III. BiographyPeter Faecke was born on 3 October 1940 in Grundwald in Silesia. In the course of his expulsion from his homeland, the family moved to Hannoversch Münden in Lower Saxony in 1946. From 1961 to 1965 he studied Romance Languages, German and Philosophy in Göttingen, Berlin, Hamburg and Paris. In 1965 Faecke became the youngest editor to date of Westdeutscher Rundfunk in Cologne and remained loyal to WDR until 1990 as an editor in the Department of Culture and Science. His main role was that of rapporteur on Third World culture. He was significantly involved in the development and expansion of the literary program in radio at all. From 1982 to 1985, he also managed a media development project for German Development Aid in Peru, which was intended to serve the expansion of the state broadcasting system there, but had to be discontinued prematurely due to a worsening civil war. Peter Faecke also worked as a novelist during his studies and continues to do so successfully today. Since 1969 he has been a member of the Writers' Association P.E.N. Centre Germany and the Association of German Writers (VS). In 1971 he was even appointed guest lecturer for German literature at the University of Texas/USA in Austin. 1991 to 2003 he worked as a freelance journalist and writer at the WDR, travelled to Latin America and Africa for longer periods of time for research purposes and took action as a reporter from crisis areas.a. 1965 the Lower Saxony Prize for the Promotion of Literature for Young Artists, 1966 the NRW Prize, 1967 the City of Cologne Prize, 1978 a Villa Massimo Scholarship in Rome and 1991 as well as 1994 scholarships from the German Literature Fund e. V. Darmstadt. At the turn of the millennium he began publishing his own books within the BoD Norderstedt publishing house. With the founding of his publishing house Edition Köln in 2002/2003, Faecke established himself as a publisher of German and international fiction, crime literature and non-fiction. Edition Köln also serves its readers with eBooks.IV, among other things. Bibliography in selection (partly unpublished)The following list is intended to provide an overview of Peter Faecke's audio, literary and editorial oeuvre and thus of the diversity of his media work:a) Novels:1963 Die Brandstifter (former: Die Muschel), first published by Walter-Verlag, Olten und Freiburg;1965 Der rote Milan, first published by Walter-Verlag, Olten und Freiburg;1970-1973 Postversand-Roman - 11 regelmäßige Lieferungen, mit Wolf Vostell, first published by Luchterhand-Verlag, Neuwied/Darmstadt/Berlin;1982 Das unaufstostoppame Glück der Kowalskis. Prehistory, first published by Claassen Verlag, Düsseldorf;1988 Flug ins Leben, first published by Unionsverlag, Zurich;1991 Der Mann mit den besonderen Eigenschaften, unpublished (the manuscript was later completely discarded); after a new beginning this led to the novel Hochzeitvorbereitungen auf dem Lande, in the final version the second volume of the Kowalski project);1995 When Elizabeth Arden was nineteen, first published by Elster-Verlag, Baden-Baden and Zurich (revised version appeared as Landschaft mit Gärtner, first volume of the definitive Kowalski tetralogy);Die Zwei Bücher von der Heimat: I The lost years, and II The livestock dealer, the fool and the writer, publication unclear (precursor of the arrival of a shy man in heaven);2000 Arrival of a shy man in heaven, first published by Edition Köln at BoD, Norderstedt;2003 Wedding preparations in the countryside. The Kowalski Project II, Schelmenroman, first published by Edition Köln, Cologne (revised version of Arrival of a Shy One in Heaven); 2004 The Secret Videos of Mr. Vladimiro. Criminal pictures. The Kowalski Project (third volume of the Kowalski tetralogy), first published by Edition Köln, Cologne;2007 Die Geschichte meiner schönen Mama. The Kowalski Project IV, first published by Edition Köln, Cologne; 2007 Landschaft mit Gärtner. The Kowalski Project I, published by Edition Köln, Cologne (revised version of Als Elizabeth Arden neunzehn war);2007 Der Kardinal, ganz in Rot und frischbügelt (Kommissar Kleefisch-Serie I), first published by Edition Köln, Cologne;2008 Die Tango-Sängerin (Kommissar Kleefisch-Serie II), first published by Edition Köln, Cologne;2010 Fragment Wer getötete Kiki Diamant? (Der dritte Fall für Kleefisch), ebook reading sample published;b) Radio contributions:1965 Preface to the reading Der rote Milan (production: DLF);1966 Book criticism of Dieter Wellershof's Ein schöner Tag (production: WDR, Kulturelles Wort);1966 Criticism of Jacov Lind's Post Scriptum (production: WDR, Literarisches Studio);1966-1967 Kulturkommentare (production: WDR);1967 Erlebte Zeit - Die goldenen Jahre, aus der Sendereihe Wissenschaft und Bildung (Production: WDR);1967 Die Wiener Gruppe: Texte, Gemeinschaftsarbeiten und Chansons vorgestellt von Gerhard Rühm (Production: WDR, Kulturelles Wort);1968 Beitrag Kritisches Tagebuch (Production: WDR);1969 Hörspiel lesen sehen (Produktion: WDR);1969 Sendereihe Dokumente und Collagen (Production: WDR III. Programme, main department radio play);1970 programme Deutsche Wochenschau (production: SWF/SDR);1972 radio play Köln, Hohe Straße (production: WDR);1972 programme Literatur und Wahlkampf: Berichte und Analysen zur Beteiligung von Autoren am Bundestagswahllkampf 1972 mit Jürgen Alberts (production: WDR, Kulturelles Wort);1972 Lang-Gedicht Sätze für zwei und mehr, aus der Sendereihe Literarisches Studio (production: German long poem, sentences for two and more, from the series Literarisches Studio (production: German literary studio): WDR, Kulturelles Wort);1972 Moderationtext Deutsch in Texas - Berichte, Texte, Tonbänder zu einem Arbeitsauf Aufenthalt in den USA (Production: WDR3);1973 Radio play Hier ist das Deutsche Fernsehen mit der Tagessschau mit Rainer Ostendorf und Hein Brühl - Versuch einer alternativen Tagesschau in Zusammenarbeit mit Schülern der Hauptschule Köln-Kalk (Production: WDR III. Programme, main department radio play);1973 programme Die Biographie der Dinge - das Handschuhfach mit Rainer Ostendorf, from the series Literarisches Studio (production: WDR, Kulturelles Wort);1973-1974 radio series Die Fred Kowalski-Show (production: WDR, Kulturelles Wort);1976 radio play 48 PS - Zur Biografie der Autos mit Rainer Ostendorf (production: WDR);1976 programme Kein Fressen für die Banken! - The citizens' initiative Rheinpreußen-Siedlung in Duisburg-Homberg (3), from the series Bürger- und Arbeiterinitiativen in Nordrhein-Westfalen (Production: WDR, Kultur und Wissenschaft, published as audio book in the Studio für Strategische Kommunikation, Reithofen [1980]); 1977 Broadcast "Mit Prozessen überziehen... - Peter Faecke on proceedings against the citizens' initiative Rheinpreußen-Siedlung in Duisburg-Homberg Part 2 (9), from the series Autoren als Gerichtsreporter (production: WDR, Kultur und Wissenschaft);[1977-1979] Langzeit-Reihe Landprojekt (production: WDR, Kultur und Wissenschaft, as editor);[1978] Das Gummersbacher Testament - Zur Geschichte des Niedergangs der oberbergischen Textilindustrie. Materials, Memories, Conversations with Gerd Haag;1979 reportage by Klaus Wildenhahn and Gerd Haag "Da wo die Kamine smäu, da müssen später hin (1), aus der Reihe Leben und Arbeiten in Südwestfalen - ten approaches to the province;1979 Report by Gerd Haag and Heiner Taubert Every cow I put more in the stable has to be abolished by another farmer (2), from the series Life and work in South Westphalia - ten approaches to the province;1979 Report Komm her, was brauchst Du die Gewerkschaft, ein Bier kriest Du von mir (6), from the series Life and work in South Westphalia - ten approaches to the province;1979 Report by Friedhelm Melder Komm schon mal zum Wochenende - Die Bedeutung der Region als Naherholungsgebiet am Beispiel des Biggeseeses (8), from the series Leben und Arbeiten in Südwestfalen - ten approaches to the province;1979 Report by Dirk Gerhard Das Vergangene ist nicht tot, es ist nicht einmal vergangen (10), from the series Leben und Arbeiten in Südwestfalen - ten approaches to the province;1979 Resolut, with headscarf, basket, red cheeks, and something stupid in his head? - Women in the country. Prejudices - judgments, worked out with rural women from the Olpe/Sauerland district in encounter with women from Cologne and Gummersbach, recording and compilation by Mechthild Buschmann and Peter Faecke;1981 Patria o Muerte - Eine Westdeutsche Journalistengruppe in Kuba (production: RB/WDR/SFB);1981 show Guantanamera;1981 We say so openly, the bourgeoisie does not ...- radio stations in Cuba or Radio Reloj: Das Radio mit der Uhr;1983 series Leben und Arbeiten in Dortmund - nine approaches to the Ruhr area with Lothar Romain (production: WDR, Kultur und Wissenschaft);1985 reportage Lima die Schreckliche - report about a working stay in Peru (production: WDR/RB/SFB);1985 Report Lima the Terrible - II Report about a little man with a hat;1985 Report Lima the Terrible - III Report about Presidents;1985 About the Overflowing of the Andes;1985 The Long March of the Miners - Self Testimony of a Peruvian Miner's Woman (Production: WDR, Culture and Science);1986 Living you took her from us... - The Teatro Vivo from Guatemala. Reports on and from Central America on the occasion of a theatre performance (production: RB);1987 Report Das Kreuz des Südens (production: RB/SFB/SWF);1987 Programme Back to the Rio de la Plata - Zur Lage exilierter Rückkehrer nach Lateinamerika mit Hein Bruehl;1988 Report Nicht ich bin der Fremde, die Fremden sind die anderen - Portrait of the songwriter Daniel Viglietti from Uruguay (production: WDR3/RB);1989 reportage Chapinlandia - Ein Reisebericht aus Mittelamerika (Production: WDR1, Kultur und Wissenschaft);1993 broadcast Comrade Führer - Baghdad, two years after the 'Operation Desert Storm': Monitored Observations in Iraq (Production: SFB);1994 reportage Welcome, by my Eyes! - Journey through the autonomous region Kurdistan (Northern Iraq) (Production: SFB/WDR/SWF);1995 Documentation Petrified Forests, Dry Water - Journey through the Republic of Namibia (Southwest Africa) in the 5th Year of Independence (Production: SFB3);1996 Report The Elephant Bull and the Writers - Comments on Cocoa Land in Namibia, the Dying Himba Tribe and the German-Born Romancier Giselher W. Hoffmann, taking into account my own bias as an author (production: WDR/SFB);2000 broadcast Wenn bei uns ein Greis stirbt, dann burnt an entire library, from the series Forum Literatur, a.o. episode Amadou Hampaté Ba, the narrator and cultural archivist of the Sahel countries (production: WDR);2001 radio play Die geheimen Videos des Herrn Vladimiro (production: WDR);o. D. Funkerzählung Ein Fisch zuiel;c) Screenplays:1994 Documentary film screenplay Fritz lebt. Secret offender and Viehlosoph (production: Tiger TV GmbH, director: Elke Baur);1994 feature film script Eine Liebe zum Land (working title);d) factual texts:1964 Krebs und Katze;1967 essay clatch as clatch can;1971 text For example Cologne: Hohe Straße;1972 Excerpt from Als Elizabeth Arden neunzehn war, in: Akzente;Essay Köln: Bahnhofsvorplatz;Article Arbeiterpathos und literarische Sonntagsmalerei;1973 Gefahr ging eigentlich nur von Linksaußen Volkert aus dem Arbeitstitel: About the chancellor election '72 in the FRG;1974 essay Hohe Straße, in: Notebook - Neun Autoren, Wohnsitz Köln, Kiepenheuer

BArch, RM 27-I/143 · File · 1932-1936
Part of Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

Contains among other things: Proposals for the annual meeting of teachers and leaders at naval colleges Training camps/courses for teachers at naval colleges Further training courses for leaders and teachers at naval colleges Regulations for the tasks and formation of teacher working groups Reports on the activities of teacher working groups Preparation of existing teacher working groups Report on the German Colonial Conference in Freiburg i. Br. of 13.-16.6.1935 Decree of the Reich Minister of War and Commander-in-Chief of the Wehrmacht for Political Education and Information of the Wehrmacht

BArch, RM 112 · Fonds · 1914-1918
Part of Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

History of the Inventor: On 29.8.1914, the Commander of the Naval Aviation Departments was appointed, who in 1916 became Commander of the Naval Aviation Departments, later Chief of Naval Aviation and to whom the commanders of the aircraft were subordinated. The naval flight chief was responsible for the provision of all flight personnel and for fulfilling the military requirements for seaplanes and ground organisation. The Naval Air Force consisted of seaplane and naval land flight departments, seaplane and naval land flight stations, training and special units as well as front units of the naval pilots. The seaplane stations also included floating seaplane stations, i.e. aircraft mother ships, and the land-based flight stations also included the fortress (land) flight stations and the Wainoden indoor protection station. (Cf. Hildebrand, Hans H.: Die organisatorische Entwicklung der Marine sowie Stellenbesetzung 1848 bis 1945. Volume 2, Osnabrück 2000, p. 8; Militärgeschichtliches Forschungsamt (Ed.): Deutsche Militärgeschichte in sechs Voländen, Volume 5, Munich 1983, p. 300f.) During the First World War, seaplane stations were built on the North Sea, the Baltic Sea, the Mediterranean Sea and the Black Sea. Some of the stations were located in occupied Belgian territory (e.g. sea flight stations Flanders I and II) and Russian territory (e.g. sea flight station Kerch) or on the territory of allies, e.g. the Ottoman Empire (e.g. sea flight station Chanak). Among the North Sea's seaplane stations were: Borkum Flandern I (=Seeflugstation Zeebrügge) Flandern II (=Seeflugstation Ostend) Helgoland List/Sylt Norderney (See Köhler, Karl: Strukturungs- und Organisationsgeschichte der Marineluftkräfte, Manuskript, 1969, in: MSG 2/1866, S. 5. according to this, the command of the II Seaflieger-Abteilung included the front flight stations Borkum, Norderney, Helgoland and List as well as the air base Tönning. For the history of these sea flight stations see ibid. pp. 20-23 (Borkum), 24-26 (Norderney), 27-29 (Helgoland), 30f (List). For the history of the two naval flying stations in Flanders see Köhler, Karl: Strukturungs- und Organisationsgeschichte der Marineluftkräfte, manuscript, 1969, in: MSG 2/1867, pp. 5-7 (Flanders I), 8-10 (Flanders II). There is no record of the naval flying station Flanders III (naval airfield Nieuwmunster/Neumünster), see ibid., pp. 11-13. On the organisation of the air forces of the naval corps in Flanders see also Hildebrand, Hans H.: Die organisatorische Entwicklung der Marine sowie Stellenbesetzung 1848 bis 1945, Volume 3, Osnabrück 2000, pp. 60-62.) The sea flight stations at the Baltic Sea included: Angernsee (near Engure, west of Riga, Latvia) Apenrade Arensburg (Kuressaare, Ösel/Saaremaa Island, Estonia) Bug on Rügen Flensburg (see RM 113) Hadersleben (moved to Apenrade in March/April 1915), see RM 112/13) (Kiel-)Holtenau Köslin-Nest (Koszalin, Poland) Liebau (Liepâja, Latvia) Papenholm/Papensholm (west of Kihelkonna, island Ösel/Saaremaa, Estonia) Putzig (Puck, Poland (since 1919)) Reval (Tallinn, Estonia) Stralsund and Wiek on Rügen Warnemünde Wiek on Rügen (see Stralsund) Windau (Ventspils, Latvia) (On the history of these naval flying stations see Köhler, Karl: Gliederungs- und Organisationsgeschichte der Marineluftkräfte, Manuskript, 1969, in: MSG 2/1866, p. 46 (Hadersleben), 47 (Apenrade), 48-50 (Flensburg), 51-53 (Holtenau), 56 (Warnemünde), 57f (Bug on Rügen, Stralsund and Wiek on Rügen), 59f (Köslin-Nest), 61f (Putzig), - subsequent stations were built on occupied territory - 75f (Libau), 79-81 (Windau), 82f (Angernsee), 84 (Arensburg), 85 (Papensholm), 87 (Reval).) (Due to unfavourable geographical and meteorological conditions, the main operation of the station was relocated from Stralsund to Wiek on Rügen in 1916. In Stralsund, a partial operation was maintained. See also RM 112/170, Incidents 6 Nov. 1915 and Köhler, Karl: Gliederungs- und Organisationsgeschichte der Marineluftkräfte, manuscript, 1969, in: MSG 2/1866, p. 57.) Among the sea flight stations on the Mediterranean were: Agha Liman and Mersina (southern coast of Anatolia, north of the eastern tip of Cyprus) Chanak (on the southern shore of the Dardanelles near Canakkale) Xanthi (northern shore of the Aegean Sea, Greece (since 1920), see RM 110/22) (On the geographical location and history of the naval flight stations, see Köhler, Karl: Strukturungs- und Organisationsgeschichte der Marineluftkräfte, manuscript, 1969, in: MSG 2/1867, p. 64f, 70f (Chanak), 76f (Mersina). Only the stock RM 110 (RM 110/22) contains a record of the Xanthi sea flight station, for the Xanthi sea flight station see also ibid. p. 79f. For the organization of the seaplanes within the framework of the Sonderkommando Turkey see Hildebrand, Hans H.: Die organisatorische Entwicklung der Marine sowie Stellenbesetzung 1848 bis 1945, Volume 3, Osnabrück 2000, p. 63f.) The seapilot stations on the Black Sea were among the most important: Babadag (Romania) Duingi (near Constanta, Romania) Kawak/Kavak (eastern bank of the Bosporus) Kertsch (Crimea, Ukraine) Konstanza/Constanza (Constanta, Romania) Odessa (Ukraine) Sebastopol/Sewastopol (Crimea, Ukraine) Varna (Varna, Bulgaria) (For the geographical location and history of the sea flight stations see Köhler, Karl: Structure and Organisation History of the Naval Air Force, manuscript, 1969, in: MSG 2/1867, S. 64 and 78 (general), 73 (Kawak), 81f (Varna), 83 (Constanza), 84 (Sebastopol), 85 (Duingi), 86 (Babadag).) The floating seaplane stations included: S.M.H. Answald S.M.H. Glyndwr (see RM 99) S.M.H. Oswald (see also RM 99) S.M.H. Santa Elena S.M.S. Stuttgart (see RM 110/62) (On the history of the floating naval flight stations see Köhler, Karl: Strukturungs- und Organisationsgeschichte der Marineluftstreitkräfte, manuscript, 1969, in: MSG 2/1866, p. 99f (general), 102f (S.M.H. Santa Elena), 104f (S.M.H. Answald), 106 (S.M.H. Oswald), 107 (S.M.H. Glyndwr). The S.M.S. Stuttgart was a Small Cruiser converted into an aircraft mother ship (also known as an aircraft cruiser), see ibid., p. 101.) The naval land flight stations included: Barge Großenhain Hage Kiel Nordholz-Cuxhaven Schlüterhof-Tuckum Speckenbüttel-Geestemünde Tondern Wainoden (see also RM 116/193) Wilhelmshaven-Wangerooge (On the history of the land flight stations see Köhler, Karl: Strukturungs- und Organisationsgeschichte der Marineluftkräfte, manuscript, 1969, in: MSG 2/1866, p. 54f. (Fortress Land Flight Station Kiel); Köhler, Karl: Strukturungs- und Organisationsgeschichte der Marineluftkräfte, manuscript, 1969, in: MSG 2/1867, p. 98-101 (general), 102f (Nordholz), 104f (Barge), 106f (Hage), 108f (Tondern), 110 (Speckenbüttel), 138-140 (Wilhelmshaven). Processing note: The classification of the stock took place in a first step by differentiating between seaplane flight stations, aircraft mother ships (= floating seaplane flight stations) and naval land flight stations in order to show in particular the group of aircraft mother ships separately. The second - and central - classification level is represented by the individual stations or aircraft mother ships. In this way, the overdelivery for a station can be determined. In the case of the maritime stations Flanders I and Flanders II, a more detailed classification at third level was also necessary. In these cases, war diaries, reports and orders/instructions, technical documentation and, in the case of Flanders II, personnel matters, as well as various documents form subordinate classification points. The classification level 'Miscellaneous documents' had to be created because of the heterogeneity of some files. For war diaries in several volumes, corresponding volume sequences were created. The formation of series was dispensed with. In principle, the archival processing was based on the processing of the related stock RM 110 (Command Posts of the Naval Air Force). A provisional finding aid book was available for the inventory, but it did not contain any notes. In addition, titles had to be converted several times (see explanations below). The classification of the preliminary finding aid into seaplane stations and naval land stations was supplemented by the classification point of the floating seaplane stations (aircraft motherships) and deepened in the case of the stations Flanders I and Flanders II (see above). Due to the otherwise retained classification and sorting of the provisional finding aid book, the classification largely coincides with the (ascending) numbering of the files, since the files were sorted and signed on the basis of the stations in the course of the provisional recording. File titles such as "Ganz Geheim" were dissolved and archived titles were created instead. If due to the heterogeneous content only the possibility existed to form a title such as "Various affairs", more extensive content notes were written. In the title field of war diaries, additions such as "Ausfertigung für den Admiralstab der Marine" and "Entwurf" were added in brackets to make it possible to distinguish between the war diaries of the Admiral Staff and those of the respective stations. The latter were only partially identified as drafts by the file-maintaining bodies; an addition to the title of the record was only made in these cases. A further addition to the titles of the war diaries - which necessarily had to be included - was the excerpts. All war diaries were indexed uniformly, taking into account these additions in the title recording. The additions to the title also made it justifiable not to record the organizational unit in charge of the records, since the title specification makes it possible to distinguish between the war diaries of the Admiral Staff and those of the war stations. The (volume sequence) titles each contain the name of the corresponding station; the redundancy with the classification points was accepted in BASYS S for the purpose of searchability. The tape sequence numbers were created for archiving purposes, which can mean that they may differ from those on the file covers. If, for example, only volumes 3, 4 and 5 of a war diary have been preserved, these were recorded as volumes 1, 2 and 3. In the field "File number" in BASYS S only the "Lu", "Ef" and "MK I" file numbers and old signatures (see below) were noted. Other file numbers (e.g.: Ca VIII), some of which also existed, were not included, since they were only present in parts and the field file number in these cases was already assigned the MK I signature. However, the corresponding information can be reconstructed using the file covers. In the case of files in the former folder form, the lid was severed and placed on top in the folder. It is unclear to what extent the MK I numbers are actually file numbers and not rather old signatures. The following indications speak for the latter: - The MK I numbers have been applied in a different colour than the A or C file numbers, which were partly applied in the same colour - and presumably at the same time - with the title - Provided that MK I numbers were present, there was usually also a sticker "Archiv der Marine. War records." the MK I numbers could have been signatures of the Marine Archives. - MK I numbers are comparatively consistently available, as if it were a complete transmission, while large gaps can be observed in the area of A and C file numbers. The latter appears more plausible in view of the cassation decisions made during the (first) archiving in the Navy archives and due to war losses. - A deeper classification or structuring of the MK I signatures does not exist, rather more than 300 consecutive numbers are available, whereas A and C file numbers are partly more deeply structured (e.g. "Ca"). The latter seems more probable for the registry of the Commander of the Naval Corps Fliers (Kofl. M.K.) than a purely sequential numbering. The attempt to reconstruct the file plan on the basis of the preserved file covers appears very difficult, if not impossible, due to large gaps. The F numbers (for files or subject) and any existing PG numbers were entered in separate old signature fields in the Old signature field. It should be noted that an F number usually includes several files; F numbers can therefore occur several times. The old signatures of RM 112/49-56 from the RM 110 inventory were also included (formerly RM 110/612-619). An index of objects, places and persons was not compiled. Description of the holdings: After the end of the First World War, the documents of the disbanded naval stations, including the various commanders of the naval pilots, were collected in the War History Department of the Admiral Staff of the Navy, which had already been established on 15 February 1916, for the purpose of establishing a new naval archive. From 1919 the name of the naval archive was changed to "Head of the Institute for Naval History and Chairman of the Naval Archive". A second renaming took place on 22 January 1936 in "Kriegswissenschaftliche Abteilung der Marine". However, this did not belong to the Reichsarchiv, but was subject until 31 March 1934 to the Inspectorate of Naval Education, then to the Chief of Naval Management, and later as a subordinate authority to the Commander-in-Chief of the Kriegsmarine. During the Second World War, naval records were moved to Tambach Castle near Coburg on 22 November 1943. After the end of the war, the archives were confiscated by US troops and taken to London. There the files were filmed on a large scale, combined into bundles, provided with consecutive F-numbers ("Faszikel", "File" or "Fach") and partly with a seven-digit number with the prefixed letters PG ("Pinched from the Germans"). The archives were then handed over to the British Admiralty. In the 1960s, the marine files were returned to the Federal Republic of Germany as part of the file return process and were transferred to the Document Centre of the Military History Research Office (MGFA) in Freiburg. On the basis of an interministerial agreement between the Federal Minister of Defence and the Federal Minister of the Interior from 1968, the files were transferred from the Document Centre to the Federal Archives. They were finally transferred to the Federal Archives Military Archives, which had been moved from Koblenz to Freiburg. (See the inventory description for RM 110; Author: Michael Weins) The inventory comprises 234 storage units from various sea and land flight stations of the Imperial Navy. With two exceptions (RM 112/44, 137), the duration of the files does not extend beyond the period between 1914 and 1918, i.e. the First World War and the immediate post-war period. Most of the war diaries of the individual stations - both the (draft) copies kept at the stations and the copies for the admiral's staff - have survived; only war diaries of several stations are available. An exception to this is the tradition of the maritime flight stations Flanders I and Flanders II, which also contain reports and documents on personnel and technology. The tradition of the Flanders II seafaring station thus forms the largest portion in RM 112 (53 files). Of the sea flight stations (Kerch, Odessa and Sevastopol) which were not put into operation until 1918 as a result of the occupations in the Ukraine, as well as the stations in Turkey (Agha Liman/Mersina, Chanak and Kawak), Bulgaria (Varna) and Romania (Babadag, Duingi and Constanza), only one or two war diaries are available. Content characterization: War diaries, orders of the day, weekly reports and daily reports are available from various sea flight stations. In addition, collections of orders and activity reports, as well as files on weapons technology and questions of deployment and personnel matters have been handed down from the Flemish Flanders II seaport station. The naval land flight stations are represented with war diary documents. A large part of the documents may have been transferred to the Luftarchiv at that time and destroyed in 1945. The war diaries, reports and commands available from several sea flight stations in the eastern Baltic Sea region (Angernsee, Arensburg, Liebau, Papenholm, Windau and floating sea flight stations S.M.H. Answald and S.M.H. Santa Elena) offer partly illustrated information on the preparation and execution of the "Enterprise Albion". In 1916 and 1917 reconnaissance flights and partly also bombing raids took place especially from the Angernsee seaport station on Riga Bay, which were partly documented photographically. The Russian warships off Arensburg were photographed several times (RM 112/2-5), as well as the destruction of the Russian radio station on Runö (RM 112/4). Since the "Company Albion" is to be regarded as the first joint operation of the German armed forces, i.e. a combined army, navy and partly also air force operation, the relevant documents in inventory RM 112 form an important supplement for research, as they document the role of the air forces (operating under supreme command of the Navy). The files on personnel and technical matters received from the Flanders II naval flying station describe - despite the existing gaps in transmission - several aspects of the everyday operation and profile of a naval flying station and can be used as examples for other naval flying stations. However, it must be pointed out that the equipment and operational profile of the maritime flight stations in Flanders differed from those behind the front due to their proximity to the western front. State of development: Online-Findbuch Scope, Explanation: Stock without increase 5.4 lfm 234 AE Citation method: BArch, RM 112/...

Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Abt. Generallandesarchiv Karlsruhe, 507 · Fonds · 1933-1945 (-1981)
Part of Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Dept. General State Archive Karlsruhe (Archivtektonik)

History of the authorities: After the National Socialists seized power, special courts were added to the existing criminal courts on the basis of the decree of the Reich government of 21 March 1933 (RGBl. I p. 136). The legal basis for this was Chapter II of Part Six of the 3rd Ordinance of the Reich President of 6 October 1931 on Securing the Economy and Finance and Combating Political Violence (RGBl. I p. 565). The special courts were formed for the Higher Regional Court districts and were composed of a chairman and two assessors. The special court rulings were not subject to appeal. By decree of 27 March 1933 on the formation of special courts (Bad. Justizministerialblatt Nr. 6 vom 28.3.1933, p. 47), Mannheim was designated as the seat of the special court for the Karlsruhe Higher Regional Court district. The public prosecutor's office at the Mannheim Regional Court was the prosecuting authority. The registry of the Mannheim Regional Court was also the registry of the Special Court. The allocation of business to the Special Court was made by the President of the Long Court. With effect from 1 November 1940, a separate special court was formed at the Freiburg Regional Court for the districts of Freiburg, Constance, Offenburg and Waldshut. The jurisdiction of the special courts was generally governed by the following provisions:1. § 8 of the Law against Betrayal of the German National Economy of 12.6.1933 (RGBl. I p. 360);2nd Ordinance of the Reich President for the Protection of People and State of 28.2.1933 (RGBl. I p. 83);3rd Ordinance of the Reich President for the Defence against Insidious Attacks against the Government of the National Survey of 21.3.1933 (RGBl. I p. 135);4. law against insidious attacks on state and party and for the protection of party uniforms of 20.12.1934 (RGBl. I p. 1269);5. law for the guarantee of the right peace of 13.10.1933 (RGBl. I p. 723);6. law for the protection of the party uniforms of 13.10.1933 (RGBl. I p. 723);6. law for the protection of the party uniforms of 20.12.1934 (RGBl. I p. 1269) 134 b Reichsstrafgesetzbuch according to the ordinance of the Reich government of 24.9.1935 (RGBl. I p. 136);7. § 134 a Reichsstrafgesetzbuch according to the ordinance of the Reich government of 5.2.1936 (RGBl. I p. 97);8. ordinance of 20.11.1938 (RGBl. I p. 1632) for crimes that belonged to the jurisdiction of the jury court or a lower court if immediate conviction appeared necessary;9th Ordinance on Extraordinary Broadcasting Measures of 1.9.1939 (RGBl. I p. 1683);10. § 1 of the War Economy Ordinance of 4.9.1939 (RGBl. I p. 1609);11. § 1 of the Ordinance Against Popular Pests of 5.9.1939 (RGBl. I p. 1679);12. §§ 1, 2 of the Ordinance Against Violent Criminals of 5.12.1939 (RGBl. I p. 2378);13. § 239 a Reichsstrafgesetzbuch;14. Law against road theft by means of car traps of 22.6.1938 (RGBl. I p. 651);15. § 5 of the War Special Criminal Law Ordinance of 17.8.1938 (RGBl. I p. 1455): according to decree of the Reich Ministry of Justice of 27.5.In 1940, after the jurisdiction of the Wehrmacht courts to convict civilians for criminal offences under § 5 of the War Special Criminal Law Ordinance had been transferred to the general courts, the prosecuting authorities were instructed to bring charges before the Special Court in all significant cases.16Furthermore, charges could be brought before the Special Court for violations of the Act Implementing the Four-Year Plan of 29 October 1936 and of the Ordinance on Penalties and Criminal Proceedings for Violations of Price Regulations of 3 June 1939. History: The establishment of the special court in Mannheim as a department of the regional court there was not without difficulties. The frequent change of court referees had an effect on the conduct of official business. This had a negative effect not least on file management. The office was located in Heidelberg during the war. The court partially met in Karlsruhe. As a result of the district events, the special court files were partially destroyed. Many files were sent to other judicial authorities at the end of the war. During the occupation of the court building in Heidelberg in the spring of 1945, the files of the special court registry were thrown into the cellar, all lacings were loosened and so disordered that the context of the individual case-related documents no longer existed. Some of the files were outsourced by the occupying power in various places. In the summer of 1948, the written material was successively returned to the public prosecutor's office at the Mannheim Regional Court and, from 1976 onwards, several partial deliveries were made to the General State Archives. Order and distortion: The present collection is divided into two main parts. The first part lists the procedural and investigative files. From the years 1933 and 1934, only the reference files of the trial files have survived; of the investigation files, with a few exceptions, the years 1933 to 1935 are completely missing. Since, however, the process and investigation registers recorded in the second part of the finding aid have been preserved, at least the activity of the court can be reconstructed. The entries in the register are shown in a selection in this finding aid (cases for which no files are available). 1976 Mr. Wilhelm Steinbach began with the title entries. The completion or revision was carried out by the undersigned.Karlsruhe, in January 1993Manfred Hennhöfer[slightly revised version of the preface from 1993] Conversion: In 2015, the indexing data were converted to fonds 507 and processed into the available online finding aids. For technical reasons, the structure of the data and the structure of the data records had to be changed. However, the content of the indexing information was retained in its entirety. Alexander Hoffmann was responsible for the conversion and data import, while Dorota Wendler and the undersigned, Karlsruhe, were responsible for editorial work related to the import. In February 2016, Dr. Martin Stingl, published references to the literature: Hans Wüllenweber: Special dishes in the Third Reich. Forgotten crimes of justice. Frankfurt a.M. 1990.Christiane Oehler: The jurisdiction of the special court Mannheim 1933¿1945. Berlin 1997.Homepage of the Arbeitskreis Justiz Mannheim e.V.: .