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BArch, R 4601 · Bestand · (1922) 1933-1945 (1952,1973)
Teil von Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

History of the Inventory Designer: Introduction Prehistory up to 1933 The rapid increase in car traffic after the First World War meant that road construction in Germany had to face up to these new requirements. The aim was to rapidly improve the existing road conditions and adapt them to the new requirements of increasing motorisation by extending the existing country roads and building motorways. Contemporary statistics show that in 1924 every 321st inhabitant in Germany owned a "car", while at the same time in France every 90th, in Great Britain every 71st and in the USA already every 7th inhabitant owned a car. The private German vehicle fleet in the country doubled in the years from 1923 to 1926 from 100,340 cars to 206,456. In 1933, only seven years later, almost 800,000 motor vehicles were registered in Germany. The construction of the Berlin AVUS (Automobil-Verkehrs- und Übungs-Straße) in 1921 as well as the activities of the Studiengesellschaft für Automobilstraßenbau (STUFA) played a special role, the latter in particular with regard to the extension of the existing country roads. However, the war and its consequences prevented a resumption of this discussion until the mid-twenties. With the founding of the association HAFRABA and its transition to GEZUVOR, plans for the new motorways in particular took shape, which, after the National Socialists took power, were quickly declared to be the "Führer's Roads". In the course of its work, HAFRABA drew up about 70 plans for a motorway network in Germany. The later central and territorial road construction administrations were able to profit from many results of their complex research, test series, but also from studies for the job creation of larger quantities of labour. The existing conditions with regard to the road administration in the respective sovereign jurisdiction on the one hand and the (Reich) legislator on the other, as well as the increasing blockage of road construction plans from Reich railway and financial circles, but also from the Länder and provinces, forced the necessity of a reorganisation of the road system in Germany to a certain extent, which did not take long after the seizure of power by the Hitler dictatorship. Adolf Hitler was not yet Chancellor of the Reich for two weeks when he put the construction of intersection-free motorways up for discussion in the cabinet. As early as 11 February 1933 he announced the "initiation and implementation of a generous road construction plan", with which both a modern transport system was to be created and unemployment effectively combated, but also reaped the opposition of Reichsbahn General Director Dorpmüller and Reich Finance Minister Count Schwerin von Krosigk. Nevertheless, he was determined to discuss the necessity of motorways with transport experts and leading representatives of the economy. In a conversation with HAFRABA managing director Willy Hof on 6 April 1933, he was informed in detail about the association's plans. As early as 27 June 1933, the Reich government announced, against the will of the Reichsbahn representatives, the formation of the company "Reichsautobahnen", which initially acted as a branch of the Deutsche Reichsbahn-Gesellschaft. One day later, Hitler appointed Dr. Fritz Todt, a highly intelligent civil engineer who was loyal to the line, as "Inspector General for German Roads". With the later "Decree on the General Inspector for the German Road System" of 30.11.1933, Todt was also transferred the business area of the company "Reichsautobahnen". The decree states: "For the execution of the construction of the Reichsautobahnen ... a supreme Reich authority shall be established with its seat in Berlin, the head of which shall be given the official title of 'General Inspector for the German Road System'. He is appointed by the Reich President at the suggestion of the Reich Chancellor and reports to the Reich Chancellor. Hitler was convinced of Todt's suitability after he had read his so-called "Brauner Bericht" (Brown Report), a memorandum on "Road Construction and Road Administration", in which Todt deals with the previous conditions of road construction in Germany and formulates objectives for the time of National Socialism. The new authority had the task to organize the construction of the "Reichsautobahnen" and the maintenance of the country roads, as far as they had belonged so far to the responsibility of the Reich Minister of Transport. Legal foundations The "Gesetz über die Errichtung eines Unternehmens Reichsautobahnen" of 27 June 1933, the first ordinance of 7 August 1933 and the "Gesetz zur Änderung Gesetz über die Errichtung eines Unternehmens Reichsautobahnen" of 18 December 1933 provided the Inspector General with a foundation of powers and authority which enabled him to implement the goals set by the Reich leadership as quickly as possible. This included the right to route and design the Reich's motorways as well as the right to levy charges, the right of expropriation and the assumption of state sovereign rights over the motorways. With the "Act on the Temporary New Regulation of the Road System and the Road Administration" of 26 March 1934, the division of roads into 1st motorways, later "Reichsautobahnen", 2nd Reich roads, 3rd country roads of the 1st order, 4th country roads of the 2nd order, was also introduced. The law of the land was amended in accordance with the provisions of the first order, and further regulations were made regarding the distribution of the road construction load, the administration of the Reich roads and the country roads of the first order, the road supervisory authority, etc. A general power of attorney to the greatest extent possible was granted to the Inspector General with the formulation written down in § 1 "The Inspector General for the German Road System determines which roads are subject to the provisions of this Act and which roads have the characteristics of Imperial roads and of Land Roads I. and II. I'll give you the order." The prerequisites created by the aforementioned legal bases were very soon reflected in the structure and organisation of the office of the Inspector General for German Roads. Organization and Structure In 1934, the Inspector General's Division comprised the two major areas of responsibility, Land Roads and Reich Motorways, as well as the resulting connections to the 30 Supreme Road Authorities with 176 State Construction, Road and River Offices of the Länder and Provinces on the one hand and the 15 Supreme Construction Supervisors with 65 Construction Departments for the motorways on the other. As a result, the internal service structure was as follows: Four departments were assigned to the Inspector General for German Roads. 1. department Landstraßen (L), 2. department Administration/Administration (V), 3. department Research/Exhibition/Congress (F) 4. department Reichsautobahnen (A) Furthermore, a landscape consultant was assigned to the Inspector General. In addition to a joint press and socio-political speaker, departments L and A were each assigned 5 speakers (L1 to L5 and A1 to A5), whose fields of work extended to cooperation with the road construction authorities in the Länder and provinces and with the supreme construction managers of the motorways. After that the following (territorial) competences arose: L1: Hanover, Oldenburg, Brunswick, Westphalia, Rhine Province, Hesse-Kassel, Schaumburg-Lippe, Lippe-Detmold L2: Bavaria, Baden, Württemberg, Hohenzollern, State of Hesse, Hesse-Wiesbaden L3: Thuringia, State of Saxony, Upper Silesia, Lower Silesia, East Prussia L4: Brandenburg, Grenzmark, Pomerania, Mecklenburg, Schleswig-Holstein, Province of Saxony, Anhalt L5: General affairs of the rural road sector, special tasks Job creation Department A - Reichsautobahnen A1: Site management Stettin, Hannover, Altona, Königsberg A2: Site management Breslau, Dresden, Halle, Kassel A3: Site management Essen, Cologne, Frankfurt/Main A4: Site management Munich, Stuttgart, Nuremberg A5: Special tasks: In the summer of 1934 Todt presented his first report on the activities of his authority. An overview of the road construction authorities from 1935 under the authority of the Inspector General illustrates the striving for a strongly centralised connection of road construction tasks in Germany. After Hitler's declaration on January 30, 1937, that the German Reich had regained unrestricted sovereignty over the Deutsche Reichsbahn and that the Deutsche Reichsbahn had been converted into a pure Reich administration by the law of February 10, 1937, the Reichsautobahnen were to be given a position similar to that of the Deutsche Reichsbahn. This was done in the "Gesetz zur Neuregelung der Verhältnisse der Autobahn" of 1 July 1938 and by the "3. Verordnung zur Durchführung des Gesetz über die Errichtung eines Unternehmen 'Reichsautobahnen'" of 1 June 1938. Fritz Todt was appointed chairman of the board of the Reichsautobahnen. The offices of the company became direct Reich authorities. Thus the company Reichsautobahnen lost its character as a society. The "Führerprinzip" (leader principle) practiced in all authorities of the "Third Reich" dominated the organization of the Reich's motorways at the latest since the enactment of this law. With the rapid progress of the political and economic processes in Germany, with rearmament, with the creation of ever new political and organizational structures in the Reich territory, with the invasion of Austria and the Sudetenland, with the erection of the Westwall after the occupation of the demilitarized Rhineland and finally with the beginning and course of the war, ever new and different organizational units and focal points of work developed within the office. The supreme construction management of the Reichsautobahnen was extended by similar authorities in the occupied areas. In the construction of the Westwall from the middle of 1938 onwards, the 22 superstructure superstructure lines at the German western border were firmly integrated, after Hitler, under heavy accusations against the General Staff of the Army, had given this task to Todt without further ado - it was the hour of birth of the "Organisation Todt". It had its first seat as Abteilung West in Wiesbaden. In the files of the Inspector General for the German Road System, an interweaving of tasks with other ministries (e.g. Reich Ministry of Transport, Reich Ministry of Finance), the NSDAP as well as the cooperation with many other organisations is reflected in many ways, e.g. the National Socialist Association of German Technology (NSBDT), the German Labor Front (DAF), the National Socialist Motor Corps (NSKK) and the German Automobile Club (DDAC), and many others. The business distribution plan of the Inspector General of October 28, 1938 clearly expresses that the company was already at the level of political development. Directly subordinate to the Inspector General were now not only the 4 departments but also three other business areas: Research, NSDAP compounds, imperial defence and defence (cf. Fig. page XII). Fritz Todt held a number of political offices. From 1933 he was not only Inspector General for German Roads, but also Head of the Main Office for Technology of the NSDAP, 1938 he became General Plenipotentiary for the Regulation of the Construction Industry, 1940 Reich Minister for Armament and Ammunition as well as Inspector General for the Special Tasks in the Four-Year Plan, 1941 Inspector General for Water and Energy. At the height of his political career Todt died in a plane crash on 8 February 1942 near the "Führerhauptquartier" near Rastenburg/ East Prussia. Albert Speer took office on 9 February 1942. Inventory description: Inventory history The inventory summarised in inventory R 4601, General Inspector for the German Road System, consists of several parts from the former GDR and the Federal Republic of Germany. This includes around 2,300 files and almost 1,800 card index sheets from the former Central State Archives of the GDR, which were formerly kept there as holdings 46.01 and were recorded in a finding aid file, some of them with very general and inaccurate title records. The files of the holdings R 65 I to R 65 IV described below were added from the Federal Archives. Here, finding aids with precise title entries and notes on contents were available. In addition to Todt's "Brounen Denkschrift" (Brown Memorandum), the R 65 I holdings included 34 other files from US returns from 1934 to 1945, as well as files from the Building Department Wittlich 1941 (1), the Wiesbaden Department 1938-1943 (2), the Böttger 1938-1945 (11), Bonacker 1937, 1942-1944 (2), Dittrich 1926-1952 (67), Schönleben 1939-1944 (6), and supplements 1939 (1). The collection R 65 II contained 141 files of the Reichsautobahndirektion Berlin and was handed over to the Federal Archives by the Federal Minister of Transport in 1962 (official files of the Federal Archives, file no.: 3115/4, note dated 31 Jan. 1962). The inventory R 65 III was a collection of decrees of the Inspector General. The inventory R 65 IV contained personal files, of which 112 files have been catalogued and a further 12 running metres have not been catalogued. Archival evaluation and processing The inventory was indexed using the above-mentioned finding aids by entering it into the BASYS-S database of the Federal Archives for the purpose of making the finding aid data available online. A physical reception of the files did not take place due to time reasons with some exceptions. The archive signatures of the Potsdam holdings were largely retained during the indexing process, but each volume was given its own archive signature for found files with volume numbers. The signatures begin: at no. 1 for the former stock 46.01, at no. 3001 for the former stock R 65 I, at no. 4001 for the former stock R 65 II, at no. 5001 for the former stock R 65 III, at no. 10001 for the former stock R 65 IV. The 112 personal files already opened up have been newly recorded, but are not part of this finding aid book. The existing classification was largely renewed and is based both on the organizational structure of the inventory generator and on its functional responsibilities. The internal order of the files has been maintained. The inventory has already been moved from standing folders to folders. Characterisation of content: management and organisation of the road sector: legislation, decrees (57). Organization, administration and human resources: General (74), personnel matters (78), land and planning matters (15), public procurement (59), construction machinery, equipment and vehicles (29), motor vehicles (47), construction materials and fuels (47), traffic regulation and safety (27), winter services (90), tourism (25), statistics( 19), Mobilisation, war deployment, occupied territories (27), map system (37), hand-files of leadership (40), hand-files of the department L-Landstraßen (19), hand-files of the department A-Autobahnen (27), hand-files of the department V-Verwaltung (11), hand-files of administrators for special questions of the departments L and A (3). Department West, Wiesbaden (5). Potsdam Alte Zauche alternative (5). Country roads: Imperial roads: General administrative affairs of the Reichsstraßen (32), financing of the Reichsstraßen (90), technical execution of the road construction and execution of construction measures (136), construction project (48), index sheets Reichsstraßen (14), road books Reichsstraßen (133). Roads I. and II. Order: General administrative matters of the country roads I. and II. Order (28), Financing of rural roads - Öffa (20), Building projects (60), Roads map sheets (2). Bypasses, town crossings, feeder roads (105) Individual projects (45). Imperial highways: Legislation and general administrative matters of the Reichsautobahnen (83), financing of the Reichsautobahnen, budget and treasury matters (36), property and spatial planning matters (8), project planning and routing (46), landscape and urban architecture, animal protection, nature conservation, monuments (38), cooperation with other Reich services (27). Material-technical infrastructure and operational services: planning approval and reallocations (13), fuel and petrol stations (15), motorway and road connections with foreign countries (10), operational services (24), building materials, road surfacing (40), technical execution of road construction and execution of construction measures (9). Personnel infrastructure: deployment and accommodation of labour (61), wages, tariffs, special arrangements (29), personnel matters (27). Files of the Reichsautobahndirektion Berlin: Direktionsakten (18), Gebiete der Obersten Bauleitungen (124). Top construction management: Berlin (25), Wroclaw (15), Dresden (12), Essen (18), Frankfurt/Main (25), Halle (6), Hamburg (12), Hanover (3), Kassel (7), Cologne (12), Königsberg (3), Linz (7), Munich (13), Nuremberg (9), Stettin (4), Stuttgart (6), Vienna (5), Wittlich Construction Department of the Reichsautobahnen (1), Dresden (12), Essen (18), Frankfurt am Main (25). Public relations, press matters, lectures (21), accidents (20). Level crossings (45), bridges and structures (63), cycle paths and hiking trails (32), research, development, standardisation (182), congresses, conferences, exhibitions, work of professional associations (50). Personnel files A-Z 1938-1973 (112), 12 running meters untapped. Citation style: BArch, R 4601/...

Geheimes Staatsarchiv Preußischer Kulturbesitz, IV. HA, Rep. 7 · Bestand
Teil von Secret State Archive of Prussian Cultural Heritage (Archivtektonik)

1.1 Prussian Officer's Witwenkasse The Prussian Officer's Witwenkasse was founded in 1792 as an insurance institution for married officers of the Prussian army with state guarantee and support. Active officers were not required to join until 1810; previously, only voluntary membership was planned. Inactive officers were allowed to join on a voluntary basis from 1813. Civil servants of the military administration were required to join since 1818 (cf.: GStA PK, IV. HA, Rep. 7, No. 7416). Until 1824, the Offizierswitwenkasse was organizationally linked to the Allgemeine Witwenverpflegungsanstalt, which had already been founded in 1775. The name of the Offizierswitwenkasse was later changed to Militärwitwenkasse and finally to Militärwitwenpensionsanstalt. The basis for the activities of the insurance company was the regulations for the Royal Prussian Officer's Witwenkasse of 3 March 1792 (cf.: GStA PK, IV. HA, Rep. 7, No. 7413), which was amended over time by the following laws and instructions: - Act of 3 March 1792, of 17 July 1865 (see: Collection of Laws for the Royal Prussian States, 1865, pp. 817-840; GStA PK, IV. HA, Rep. 7, no. 7417) - Instruction on the execution of the Act of 17 July 1865, some amendments to the regulations for the Officer's Widow Fund of 3 March 1792, of 26 March 1792. September 1865 (cf.: Ministerial-Blatt für die gesamte innere Verwaltung in den Königlich Preußischen Staaten, 1865, p. 311-315; GStA PK, IV. HA, Rep. 7, no. 7417) - Law concerning amendments to the regulations for the Königlich Preußische Offizierswitwenkasse, of 15 June 1897 (cf.: Gesetzsammlung für die Königlich-Preußischen Staaten, 1897, p. 185-186; GStA PK, IV. HA, Rep. 7, no. 7417). By instruction of September 26, 1865, the group of military persons who were obliged or entitled to join the Officer's Witwenkasse, among other things, was bindingly defined. There was an obligation to join: - all active officers of the army (including gendarmerie) and the navy; - all officers of the army and navy on salary or pension; - all active military and navy officers with an annual salary of more than 250 talers; - all military and navy officers on salary or pension with an earlier annual salary of more than 250 talers; - civil officers of the Ministry of War who receive an annual salary of at least 250 talers from the army or navy budget. Furthermore, the following were entitled to join on a voluntary basis: - the officers who left active service with the prospect of reemployment; - the military and naval officers who left active service with the prospect of reemployment with an earlier annual salary of more than 250 talers; - the officers of the Landwehr on leave; - the military and naval officers with an annual salary of less than 250 talers; - the officers and officials who enter military service during a mobilization for the duration of the state of war. The law of 20 May 1882 on the welfare of widows and orphans of direct state officials (cf.: Gesetzsammlung für die Königlich-Preußischen Staaten, 1882, pp. 298-304) amended the provision for the survivors of Prussian state officials. Section 23 of this Act granted military officials previously insured with the Military Witwenkasse a right of resignation within a period of three months. Military officials could no longer be accepted as members of the military widow's fund. The law of 17 June 1887 concerning the welfare of widows and orphans of members of the Imperial Army and Imperial Navy (cf.: Reichsgesetzblatt, 1887, p. 237-244; GStA PK, IV. HA, Rep. 7, no. 7421) introduced the provision for survivors of officers, military doctors and military officials of the Imperial Army and Imperial Navy. As a result of this law, the military widow's fund was no longer obliged to become a member and its members had the opportunity to withdraw from the fund within a period of 3 months. In addition, § 29 of this Act stipulates that no new members may be admitted. However, the Prussian military widow's fund continued to exist after 1887 to carry out its tasks. Those members and widows who had not made use of their right of withdrawal could continue to receive benefits from the Military Widow's Fund. Due to considerable financial problems, payments could only be maintained before the First World War with the help of grants from the Reich. In the course of inflation, the pensions still paid out up to then were completely devalued and payments stopped completely at the end of 1923. The Prussian Military Witwenkasse and its affiliated institutions were finally dissolved (cf: Bitter, Rudolf von: Handwörterbuch der Preußischen Verwaltung, 3rd ed., Berlin and Leipzig 1928, vol. 2, p. 167). 1.2 Affiliated military widow and orphan funds As a result of the German War of 1866, the military pension funds of the annexed states of Hanover, Kurhessen and Nassau were affiliated to the Prussian military widow funds. However, the funds were not formally dissolved but continued to exist for the members entitled to a pension and continued to be administered by the Prussian Military Witwenkasse until the final liquidation in 1923. These are the following funds: - Hannoversche Unteroffizierswitwenkasse (cf. GStA PK, IV. HA, Rep. 7, No. 6834[regulations of 1850]) - Kurhessische Militärwitwen- und waisenanstalt (cf. GStA PK, IV. HA, Rep. 7, No. 7420[Statutes of 1858]) - Nassau Officer's Widows and Orphans Fund (see GStA PK, IV. HA, Rep. 7, No. 7444[Statutes of 1828]). In 1902 the Unteroffizierswitwenkasse des Mecklenburg-Schwerinschen Kontingent was added (cf. GStA PK, IV. HA, Rep. 7, No. 7418[Statutes of 1904]). This had emerged from the noncommissioned officers' committee of the Mecklenburg-Schwerin contingent, which had existed since the middle of the 19th century. 1.2 Pensions Department of the War Ministry The Department of Disability, which was later called the Pensions Department, was responsible for dealing with the pension and pension matters of the Prussian army. After the end of the First World War, the military supply agencies were first run by the Pensionsabteilung (Abw) des Heeresabwicklungsamtes Preußen and later by the Abteilung Preußen des Reichspensionsamtes für die ehemalige Wehrmacht. At the beginning of the 1920s, the pension files were handed over to the responsible pension offices. A part of the pension files was taken over by the main pension office Brandenburg-Pommern and finally reached the secret state archive PK via this office. 1.3 Pensions Department of the Imperial Navy Office In the Imperial Navy Office, Department A II (Department of Justice and Pensions) was responsible for processing the pension and support cases of naval officers and officials. After the First World War, this department was also handled by the following departments: - Reichswehrministerium, Admiralität, Abteilung für die Abwicklung der Hinterbliebenen- und Unterstützungsangelegenheiten - Reichsministerium des Innern, Pensionsabteilung (former Marine) - Reichspensionsamt für die ehemalige Wehrmacht, Abteilung Marine. Eventually, the navy's pension files were distributed to the responsible pension offices and thus also reached the main pension office of Brandenburg-Pomerania and, in this way, the secret state archive of the PK. 1.4 Main Supply Office The Main Supply Office Brandenburg-Pomerania was a Reich authority directly subordinated to the Reich Ministry of Labour for the management of the Reich's supply system in the area of the provinces Brandenburg and Pomerania. The various regional pension offices were subordinate to the main pension office. The Reich's care system concerned the care of military personnel who were entitled to care or medical treatment to restore their health as a result of service damage or disability. The provision of care for the surviving dependents of soldiers who died in the First World War or military personnel who died as a result of service damage also belonged to the area of responsibility of the Reich's pension system (cf: Bitter, Rudolf von: Handwörterbuch der Preußischen Verwaltung, 3rd ed., Berlin and Leipzig 1928, vol. 2, p. 937). The basis for the activities of the main pension office and the pension offices was the law on the provision of benefits for military personnel and their surviving dependents in the event of official disability (Reichsversorgungsgesetz) of 12 May 1920 (cf.: Reichsgesetzblatt, 1920. pp. 989-1019). The establishment of the authorities was initially provisionally regulated by the Law on the Pension Authorities of 15 May 1920 (cf.: Reichsgesetzblatt, 1920, p. 1063f) and finally by the Law on the Procedure in Pension Matters of 10 January 1922 (cf.: Reichsgesetzblatt, 1922, p. 59-85). 2. inventory history 2.1 Militärwitwenkassen At first, only the documents of the Prussian Offizierswitwenkasse of the Reichsarchiv, Berlin Department, which had grown up until the dissolution of the old army in 1806, were handed over to the Geheime Staatsarchiv PK (see: GStA PK, I. HA, Rep. 178 C 4, No. 2585[Accessionsjournal 1910-1926]). This was a relatively closed registry, which at the time had been transferred to the Reichsarchiv via the Secret Archive of the War Ministry. The holdings included the so-called acts of reception (acts of accession of the members) ordered by troop units and were given the title He. A. Rep. 7 A Officer's widow's box office - Old filing cabinet. The general files and loan files (files on borrowed capital of the Fund) created before 1806 were already collected in 1865. Also affected by the cassation were the widow's files, insofar as they were not transferred to the new registry (Meisner, Heinrich Otto; Winter, Georg: Übersicht über diebestand des Geheimen Staatsarchivs zu Berlin-Dahlem, 2. Teil, Leipzig 1935, pp. 110-112) with the processes from the reception files. These files were transferred to the Army Archive in Potsdam in the 1930s as part of the demarcation of the holdings and were probably destroyed there during the war-related destruction of this archive in 1945. There is only a list of members arranged according to units, which gives an idea of the scope of the destroyed reception files of the "Old Registry" (see GStA PK, IV. HA, Rep. 7, No. 7598). In 1935, the Reichsarchiv, Berlin Department, also took over the archival records of the Officer's Witwenkassen, which had been created after 1806, and used them as a collection He. A. 7 B Offizierswitwenkasse - Neue Registratur reponiert (Meisner, Heinrich Otto; Winter, Georg: Übersicht über diebestände des Geheimen Staatsarchivs zu Berlin-Dahlem, 2. part, Leipzig 1935, pp. 110-112). The files taken over included the general files, accounting documents, name registers, membership files and widow files of the Prussian Officer's Witwenkasse as well as the documents of the affiliated military widwenkassen administered by the Prussian Military Witwenkasse (the former Hanoverian, Kurhessian and Nassauian armed forces, and the Mecklenburg-Swabian contingent). In the course of the above-mentioned demarcation of the holdings, large parts of this holdings (including the member and widow files) were also transferred to the Army Archive in Potsdam, where they were also destroyed when this archive was destroyed. The extent of the lost member and widow files can only be guessed from the observation that in 1935 about "1000 large packages of officers' widow's fund" files were transferred to the Secret State Archives PK (cf.: GStA PK, I. HA, Rep. 178 C 4, Nr. 2586[Zugangsbuch für Archivalien 1927-1935]). Only a small number of general files and some accounting documents remained in the Secret State Archives of the PK. In addition to the member cadastre (list of members), a number of name registers and lists of files have been preserved. However, these only provide very little information about the members of the military widow's fund or their relatives. 2.2 Supply files The supply files created in the supply departments of the War Ministry and the Imperial Navy Office were submitted to the Brandenburg-Pomerania Main Supply Office after the relevant military authorities had been wound up. In October 1946 the pension files were taken over by the Secret State Archives PK (cf.: GStA PK, I. HA, Rep. 178 C 4, No. 2586). Due to the effects of the war only a reduced part of the originally considerably more extensive file material was available at this time. The acquired files were evaluated in 1946 (cf.: Preface to the Old Find Book of the former GStA PK, X. HA, Rep. 101). At that time, the supply files of the following groups of military personnel were classified as worthy of archiving: - Officers (from the rank of colonel or captain at sea) - military physicians - veterinarians - building officials - administrative officials - judges and auditors - geographers, topographers and cartographers - professors and teachers at military schools - army pastors - members of colonial protection troops - participants in colonial campaigns. Selected individual cases have also been passed down. The remaining files have been collected. The position GStA PF, X. HA, Rep. 101 Versorgungsakten was formed from the transferred pension files. These files contain a variety of biographical materials such as farewell requests, service career certificates, pension statements, salary questionnaires and support requests. Together with the supply files, probably also the file lists and pension recipient lists as well as individual files of the supply departments of the War Ministry or the Reich Marine Office, which were also kept in the main supply office Brandenburg-Pomerania, were transferred to the secret state archive PK. This partial stock was not distorted. The collection also contains a number of files from foundations and troop funds supporting former military personnel, including the National Appreciation for Veterans Foundation. These foundations were administered by the pension department of the War Ministry. The files were also transferred to the Secret State Archive PK via the Brandenburg-Pomerania main public utility office. The documents handed down are primarily a manageable number of documents on the accounting and capital management of the foundations. However, with one exception (see GStA PK, IV. HA, Rep. 7, No. 6931), there are no directories with the names of beneficiaries. As part of the reorganisation of the holdings in 2009 and 2010, the existing reference book from 1949 was retroconverted by archive employee Guido Behnke. In addition, the previously unlisted archival records (registers and registers of the military widow's funds and the utilities departments) were listed. The stock was sorted according to a newly created classification. 3. instructions for use 3.1 Military Witwenkassen An important source for the determination of biographical information on officers of the Prussian army is the so-called. Officer's nomenclature (see: GStA PK, IV. HA, Rep. 1, No. 71-95). This is an alphabetical list of military data of officers for a period from the 18th century to about 1873/74; unfortunately, some volumes of the officers' nomenclature have not been preserved in the holdings of the PK Secret State Archives. In this context, the list of members of the Prussian officer's widow's fund can be a useful addition. However, it must be emphasized that only the names of those officers or military officials who belonged to the circle of eligible members of the Military Widow Fund are included in this list. This means above all that they were married at the time of their military career. It is also important that only a relatively small amount of biographical data (e.g. date of birth and death, name of wife, unit) is available in the member lists. However, it should be noted that the original member and widow files have not been handed down. To use the membership lists, it is first necessary to determine the membership number of the military person you are looking for. The alphabetical name registers (classification group 01.07.01) can be used for this. As soon as the membership number is known, the relevant chronologically ordered membership lists can be reviewed. This is first of all the so-called. Member cadastre, which contains all members who have joined the Offizierswitwenkasse since its foundation in chronological order. In addition to the member cadastre, the so-called. Special manual available, which is also sorted by member numbers. Several membership numbers were also assigned to individual persons (e.g. when changing the pension amount, remarrying). In the special manual, the relevant entry is in this case always below the lowest member number. The other member numbers only contain references to the first entry. Since the special manual sometimes contains more detailed information than the member cadastre, it should also be used for research purposes. However, the special manual is only available from 1835 (starting with member number 13001). A widow's number is also listed in the member cadastre and in the special manual, provided that the insured event has occurred and a widow's pension has been paid. On the basis of this widow number, the chronologically ordered widow lists (classification group 01.08.02) can also be looked through, which may contain some further information on the widow of the sought military person. The individual steps of the drilldown reporting are now explained using an example: We are looking for information about Lieutenant General August von Witzleben. 1.) In the classification group 01.07.01, the membership number (No. 20369) and the widow's number (No. 10577) can be determined in the relevant volume of the alphabetical list of names (GStA PK, IV. HA, Rep. 7, No. 7394). 2.) Based on the membership number, the relevant volume of the member cadastre (GStA PK, IV. HA, Rep. 7, No. 6935) or special manuals (GStA PK, IV. HA, Rep. 7, No. 7197) can be determined and reviewed in classification group 01.07.02. 3.) On the basis of the widow's number, you can then search in classification group 01.08.02 in the relevant volume of the widow's register (GStA PK, IV. HA, Rep. 7, No. 7178). For the military widows' and orphans' funds affiliated to the Prussian Military Widow Fund, there are also individual member directories and widows' and orphans' directories in the holdings. 3.2 Medical care files The medical care files are listed in the search book alphabetically according to the name of the corresponding military member under the classification 08. For this reason, this reference book does not have a register of names. In addition to the rank of the person concerned, the names of some widows and other surviving dependents are also listed. This, albeit reduced, file holdings are of considerable importance for biographical research on individual officers and military officials, since the war-related destruction of the army archive in 1945 destroyed a very large number of files containing biographical material, such as, for example, in the specific case the member and widow files of the Offizierswitwenkasse (Devantier, Sven Uwe: Das Heeresarchiv Potsdam - Die Bestandsaufnahme in der Abteilung Militärarchiv des Bundesarchivs, in: Archivar, 61st ed, Issue 4, 2008, pp. 361-369). The pension recipient lists of the War Ministry and the Navy Office listed in the classification groups 05.04 and 06.02 contain only little information. However, as already mentioned, due to the consequences of the war and the cassation, a large part of the supply files has not been handed down, so that in individual cases at least the basic information on the military personnel concerned can be researched. 4. references to other holdings of the Secret State Archives PK A small number of files on supply matters of individual officers can be found in classification group 13.5 Military Cases/Personnel Matters of the holdings of GStA PK, I. HA, Rep. 89 Secret Civil Cabinet (cf.: Findbuch des Bestandes GStA PK, I. HA, Rep. 89, Vol. 17, p. 2805-2812). In addition, individual files on the officers' widow's fund and military supply matters can also be found in the following holdings: - GStA PK, I. HA, Rep. 77 Ministry of the Interior - GStA PK, I. HA, Rep. 84a Ministry of Justice - GStA PK, I. HA, Rep. 89 Secret Civil Cabinet - GStA PK, I. HA, Rep. 91 C Military and Civil Government for the country between Weser and Elbe in Halle and Halberstadt - GStA PK, I. HA, Rep. 151 Ministry of Finance - GStA PK, II. HA General Directorate - GStA PK, III. HA Ministry of Foreign Affairs - GStA PK, IV HA, Rep. 16 Staff Regulations. 5. notes, order signature and method of citation Scope of inventory: 7571 CA (40 running metres) Duration: 1792 - 1945 Non-issued signatures: 581, 867-876, 1034-1043, 1154-1158, 1443, 1864 Last signature issued: The files must be ordered: IV. HA, Rep. 7, No. () The files are to be quoted: GStA PK, IV HA Prussian Army, Rep. 7 Offizierswitwenkasse und andere militärische Versorgungsstellen, Nr. () Berlin, March 2011 (Guido Behnke) finding aids: database; find book, 5 vol.

BArch, R 72 · Bestand · 1918-1939, 1946-1956
Teil von Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

History of the inventor: Under the chairmanship of the factory owner and war-disabled reserve officer Franz Seldte, the Stahlhelm was founded in Magdeburg on 25 December 1918. In particular, former soldiers and officers of the Infantry Regiment 66 quartered in Magdeburg, to which Franz Seldte also belonged, were among the first members. The primary purpose was to "maintain peace and order," i.e., to protect oneself and the police against revolutionary unrest, to "foster comradeship founded in the field," to represent the interests of former front-line soldiers and their relatives (1), and to promote entry into the Free Corps. Almost a year after its foundation, on 21 September 1919, the Stahlhelm with its already existing local groups and other similar groups constituted itself as the Reichsbund der Frontsoldaten (Reich League of Front Soldiers). Magdeburg (2) initially became the administrative centre. The 1st Reichsfrontsoldatentag took place there on 14 March 1920, in the course of which Franz Seldte was elected the 1st Federal Leader of the steel helmet and replaced the previous chairman Dr. Gustav Bünger (3). Seldte maintained this position until the dissolution of the Confederation in 1935. In the following two years, the Federation succeeded in gradually expanding its organization beyond Central Germany, including in Berlin, Brandenburg, Lower Saxony, Pomerania, Silesia and Westphalia. If the steel helmet confessed itself to the new republican form of government when it was founded and as standing above the parties, this gradually changed. He approached the political right, including the German National People's Party (DNVP), and oriented himself "German-racial". The local group in Halle under its leader, the DNVP functionary Kurt Werner, played a major role in this (4). This development was temporarily halted by the prohibition of the steel helmet in Prussia on 2 July 1922, which was effective until 26 January 1923, following the assassination attempt on Reich Foreign Minister Walther Rathenau. In the turbulent year 1923, which was characterized by domestic political conflicts, occupation of the Ruhr, inflation, famine, separatist and communist uprisings and the climax of which was the Hitler-Ludendorff Putsch, which took place in Munich on November 8-9, the anti-democratic orientation of the steel helmet took on more and more form. Again the radical part of the alliance, the Gau Halle, in particular its new leader Theodor Duesterberg, was leading the way (5). If a national dictatorship was now advocated for the stabilization of conditions, coup d'état - at least in its official announcements - was rejected (6). On 9 March 1924 Theodor Duesterberg was appointed the 2nd Federal Leader alongside Franz Seldte. In the official presentation as a milestone in the history of steel helmets, in reality the mutual relationship was marked by repeated differences. With the increasing establishment of parliamentary democracy in the German Reich, the top management of the Stahlhelm was now thinking about the future. The Front Fighters Association wanted to be more than just a pure veteran association. He wanted to "implant" the propagated "spirit of front comradeship" to the entire German people (7). Under the motto "Über die Organisation zur Macht" (8), since the spring of 1924 its activities were extended to include young people (Jungstahlhelm and Scharnhorst) and the generation of over 24-year-olds (Stahlhelm-Landsturm, later Ringstahlhelm) who had no longer been able to participate in the First World War. Here above all the pre-military training stood in the foreground, the steel helmet understood itself nevertheless also as reservoir of the Reichswehr. In 1929, the steel helmet student association "Langemarck" was founded, which brought together the student youth. The steady growth of the covenant exerted an attraction on other federations, which led to them joining the steel helmet (9). In addition to the organizational expansion, the steel helmet also attempted to influence the politics of the Weimar Republic in other ways, albeit with strict emphasis on its "non-partisanship". To achieve this goal, in addition to mass events, propaganda campaigns and appeals to the patriotic sense of duty, personalities with political influence close to the steel helmet also served. The Reich President of Hindenburg was appointed honorary member. The transformation from an original self-protection organization to a political defense organization took on concrete forms. In the mid-twenties, however, it soon became clear that the Frontkämpferbund was often at odds with its principle of "standing above the parties" and its claim to political leadership. One had to leave the extra-parliamentary level in order to gain weight in politics. "Into the state" was now the slogan (10). Although they avoided founding their own party, they formed alliances with others, such as the DVP and the German nationalists, to whom close personal ties had always existed. In the Reich and Prussian state elections of 1928, for example, Stahlhelm members were placed on DNVP lists (11). However, these remained fruitless attempts, which only led to conflicts, which finally prompted the federal leadership to conduct politics on its own initiative (12). First the Federation specified its antirepublican oriented program in the first and second "Steel Helmet Embassies" as well as the "Fürstenwalder Hassbotschaft" (13). According to its self-image, the Federation saw itself as the spearhead of a freedom movement whose goals were "the external and internal liberation of Germany" (14). At the Front Soldier Days in Berlin and Hamburg in 1927 and 1928, as well as at several other propaganda demonstrations, the steel helmet publicly displayed its aversion to the Republic. However, a series of unfortunate decisions, including the 1928 referendum to amend the constitution and the 1929 referendum against the Young Plan, combined with disagreements in federal leadership and political inexperience, showed that the activities of the Stahlhelm in this area were limited. Subsequently, disputes arose, especially with the growing National Socialists, over who should take the lead in the right-wing camp. During the Reichstag elections in September 1930, it became clear that the NSDAP played the leading role. Increasingly, members of the steel helmet, in part even entire local groups, joined this party and the organizations belonging to it (above all SA and SS). The meeting of the leading right-wing parties and associations held in Bad Harzburg in October 1931 and the merger to form the "Harzburger Front" were unable to bridge the existing gap. In the 1932 Reich presidential elections, the competition between the NSDAP and the steel helmet again came to light, with both of their own candidates entering the race: Adolf Hitler stood for the National Socialists, Theodor Duesterberg for the front soldiers (15). After the disastrous outcome of the Reich presidential elections for the Federation, disillusionment spread. The steel helmet put its political ambitions on ice and now turned its attention again increasingly to military sports activities and voluntary work, which was regarded as a substitute for compulsory military service (16). The assumption of political power by the NSDAP in January 1933 was welcomed despite all differences. Among other things, several steel helmets participated in the auxiliary police founded by Hermann Göring in February of the same year together with SA and SS in equalization measures (17). Franz Seldte received the post of Reich Labour Minister (18) in Adolf Hitler's cabinet. In June 1933 the gradual dissolution of the Frontsoldatenbund began. The Scharnhorst-Bund for youths up to the age of 18 was integrated into the Hitler Youth, while the over-18 to 35-year-olds were subordinated to the SA as "Wehrstahlhelm". As a result of the enormous increase in members, a reorganisation of the SA was ordered at the end of 1933. In the course of this now also the core steel helmet (members over 35 years) came as a SA reserve under their command (19). In March 1934 it came to the reestablishment into the National Socialist German Frontkämpferbund (steel helmet). On 7 November 1935 the Frontsoldatenbund was finally dissolved, after it had led only a shadowy existence since the beginning of the "Third Reich". In 1951 a new organization was founded in Cologne under the name of Stahlhelm, Bund der Frontsoldaten (Steel Helmet, Federation of Front Soldiers). In 1952 the former Field Marshal Albert Kesselring was elected as its federal leader. Notes (1) See Graff, Siegmund: Foundation and Development of the Federal Government, in: Der Stahlhelm. Memories and Pictures, Vol. 1, p. 30-32. (2) See ibid., p. 38. (3) Due to the so-called "Kapp Putsch", which had begun one day earlier, it was, however, only a board meeting and not a mass event like the later Front Soldier Days, which took place annually until 1933, see Berghahn: Stahlhelm, p. 28. (4) See ibid.., (5) Duesterberg, former professional officer, had already been a member of the Halle Stahlhelm since the end of 1919 and at the same time managing director of the Halle-Merseburg constituency of the DNVP, see Berghahn: Stahlhelm, p. 24-25. On 21 April he became the leader of the Halle Stahlhelm-Gaus. (6) Cf. on this subject Berghahn: Stahlhelm, S. 39-53. (7) S. Graff: Gründung, S. 53 (8) S. Berghahn: Stahlhelm, S. 64. (9) So e.g. the Cherusker-und Westfalenbund in October 1924 and the Bund Reichsflagge in October 1927, s. Mahlke: Stahlhelm, S. 150, Sp. 2. (10) This term initially led to misunderstandings in the sense of a turn towards the Republic. In reality one wanted to penetrate the state from within and transform it according to one's own goals, see Berghahn: Stahlhelm, p. 103; Mahlke: Stahlhelm, p. 149, Sp. 1; Graff: Gründung, p. 62-63. (11) Cf. Berghahn: Stahlhelm, p. 109ff. (12) See ibid., p. 112. (13) S. Mahlke: Stahlhelm, p. 151, Sp. 2. (14) S. Graff: Gründung, p. 63. (15) Finally, Hindenburg won again with 53 votes, see Berghahn: Stahlhelm, p. 219. (16) See Berghahn: Stahlhelm, p. 232. (17) S. ibid., p. 252ff. (18) He held this office, albeit without much political influence, until the end of the Third Reich. (19) Cf. Mahlke: Stahlhelm, S. 155, Sp. 1-2. Inventory Description: History of the Inventory With the dissolution of the steel helmet in 1935, the files of the Federal Government reached the Reichsarchiv in Potsdam. The stock was removed around 1944/45 and thus escaped destruction - the Reichsarchiv was bombed on 14 April 1945. The files remained in Potsdam after the Second World War, now in the area of the Soviet occupation zone, and were taken over by the German Central Archive (DZA; later: Central State Archive of the GDR), which was founded there in 1946. They were archived there under the inventory signature 61 Sta 1. In the course of the reunification of the German states in 1990, the documents finally reached the Federal Archives through the integration of the Central State Archives of the GDR. To date, the Federal Archives themselves had preserved only minor remains of the steel helmet under the signature R 72, which had been acquired from private sources (see Gerhard Granier: Das Bundesarchiv und seine Bestände, 3. Aufl., Boppard 1977, p. 437). Archival evaluation and processing The first verifiable processing of the disordered holdings kept in the German Central Archives took place in the years 1957-1960. The work was made more difficult by the fact that the archives did not have any organisational documents or file directories of the steel helmet. In 1967, through the mediation of V.R. Berghahn (author of the book "Der Stahlhelm Bund der Frontsoldaten 1918-1935, Düsseldorf 1966"), the DZA was able to acquire a copy of a list of contributions from the Stahlhelm-Bundesamt from 1935. This list originally came from the possession of Dr. Heinz Brauweiler, last head of the political department of the Stahlhelm-Bundesamt, and was intended to list all files to be handed over to the Reichsarchiv. With the help of this directory, the indexing according to the principles of order and indexing for the state archives of the GDR was completed in 1970. A revision in 1967 of the files of the classification groups 1 (correspondence of the Federal Government), 2 (printed publications) and 4 (pictures) with the help of the above-mentioned list of duties produced the following picture: Classification groups 1: Available: 193 volumes Missing: 28 volumes = approx. 12 classification groups 2: Available: 117 volumes Missing: 55 volumes = approx. 47Classification groups 4: Available: 70 volumes Missing: 33 volumes = approx. 32The particularly high losses in groups 2 and 4 in particular can be explained by a presumably incomplete transfer to the Reich Archives as well as losses during the war-related relocation of the Reich Archives' holdings. In 2003 the steel helmet was re-signed from its former location in the Koblenz office of the Federal Archives and merged with the old Potsdam part under the stock signature R 72. Subsequently, the data from the finding aids were converted into electronic form and transferred to the Basys database. Since the indexing data from the finding aids did not comply with the modern indexing guidelines of the Federal Archives, a revision of the data was necessary, which was carried out in the years 2007-2011. The main focus was on the creation of volume and series sequences, streamlining of the contained notes by highlighting the essential content, review and adjustment, partial modification of the classification. From the collection "NS-Archive of the Ministry for State Security of the GDR" files of the provenance steel helmet were extracted and integrated into the stock R 72. Classification groups 1-3 were particularly affected by this work. Characterization of the contents: The collection provides a good insight into the organizational development of the steel helmet and its affiliated associations, especially at the level of the federal leadership and the regional associations or Gaue, as well as into its activities of various kinds, especially from the beginning of the twenties until its dissolution in 1935. The files of the classification groups 1 and 3 represent the largest part of the transmission of the steel helmet. While in classification group 1 the correspondence of the federal leadership with the regional steel helmet associations as well as other associations, organisations and private persons on the one hand, and on the other hand the files on the Front Soldier Days form the focus of content, in group 3 primarily domestic and foreign policy questions as well as events during the Weimar Republic or at the beginning of the Third Reich are documented. Personal documents are only available on a larger scale to the extent that they concern higher-ranking members of the steel helmet or persons from contemporary history or public life. Membership lists or local group passes are only part of the stock in extremely small quantities. State of development: Findbuch Nachträge in Datenbank Umfang, Explanation: 2336 AE Citation method: BArch, R 72/...

Topographical Section - Annual Reports: Vol. 3
BArch, PH 34/22 · Akt(e) · 1901-1910
Teil von Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

Contains among other things: Annual Report 1901/02 - Brandenburg, Silesia, Hessen-Nassau, Rhineland, East Prussia, Saxony, fortress Neubreisach and Metz Annual Report 1902/03 - Saxony, Brandenburg, Silesia, Upper Silesia, East Prussia, Berlin Annual Report 1903/04.- Saxony, Hesse-Nassau, Brunswick, East Prussia, Poznan, fortress area Cologne and Metz annual report 1904/05 - Saxony, Hesse-Nassau, East Prussia, Prussia, Brandenburg, fortress area Mainz annual report 1905/06.- Oldenburg, Rhine Province, Hesse-Nassau, Saxony, Brunswick, Hanover, East Prussia, fortress Mainz, Metz and Diedenhofen Annual Report 1906/07 - East Prussia, Silesia, Saxony, Brandenburg, Mecklenburg, Westphalia, Rhine Province, Hesse-Nassau, Hesse, Principality Waldeck, Alsace-Lorraine, fortress Wesel, Mainz and Metz, manoeuvring areas Annual Report 1907/08.- Saxony, Hanover, Hesse-Nassau, Hesse, Brunswick, Thuringia, Silesia, Westphalia, Württemberg, Manoeuvring Areas Annual Report 1908/09 - Brunswick, Saxony, Hanover, West Prussia, Prussia, Poznan, Alsace-Lorraine, Rhineland, Manoeuvring Areas, German Southwest Africa, Central Africa, Spitsbergen, Greece, Asia Minor Annual Report 1909/10.- West Prussia, East Prussia, Russian border, Poznan, Pomerania, Schleswig-Holstein, Rhine province, Alsace-Lorraine, Württemberg, military training areas, area of the emperor maneuver annual report 1910/11.- Principality of Lippe, East Prussia, West Prussia, Russian border, Hesse, Rhine province, Poznan, Silesia, Brandenburg, Alsace-Lorraine, Berlin, area of the emperor manoeuvre, manoeuvre area, fortress war exercise Thorn and Cologne, German Southwest Africa

Geheimes Staatsarchiv Preußischer Kulturbesitz, I. HA Rep. 83 · Bestand
Teil von Secret State Archive of Prussian Cultural Heritage (Archivtektonik)

I. History of the authorities The peace treaty between France and Prussia was signed in Tilsit on 9 July 1807. A few days later, on 12 July, a military convention was concluded in Königsberg, which provided in Article 6 for the settlement of outstanding issues by French and Prussian Commissioners. Among others, the Prussian side appointed Johann August Sack (1764-1831), Privy Councillor of Finance, as commissioner. In the course of further negotiations with France, the Immediate Commission for the Enforcement of the Tilsit Peace was finally formed, as its president Sack was again appointed (further in the find-book introduction to the collection GStA PK, I. HA Rep. 72 Immediate Commission for the Enforcement of the Tilsit Peace). After the settlement of the question of contribution and the withdrawal of French troops, the Peace Enforcement Commission was dissolved on 16 December 1808. With the evacuation of the provinces and the abolition of the French control authorities, the administration passed completely into Prussian hands. The general civil commissioners' offices were abolished and replaced by supreme presidencies whose rules of procedure ("Instructions") were issued on 23 December 1808. As Chief President of Brandenburg and Pomerania, Sack was once again appointed in Berlin, but he was still responsible for the contribution payments to France. The war and domain chambers, whose renaming as "governments" has already been promised, were subordinated to the supreme presidencies. The instruction explained the appointment of the chief presidents from the need to reorganize the financial administration to raise the contribution payments to France. The Chief Presidents were entrusted with executive, supervisory and consultative tasks. They should represent the highest state authorities vis-à-vis governments, estates, corporative institutions, heads of military corps, chief post offices and post offices, and all sub-offices in the provinces. They should also be in charge of the safety and sanitation facilities and animal disease control facilities and lead the measures to improve the country. In these matters, they were allowed to issue decrees to the governments, which then had to implement them. As far as the other functions of the governments were concerned, the presidents had only the right of supervision. In particular, they were responsible for reviewing the management of the government and the supervision of personnel. Their disciplinary authority lasted until suspicious civil servants were suspended. While the Presidents were able to request reports from governments, they should not do so excessively. In order to obtain information, the Chief President had to visit the governments and other authorities at their headquarters, have himself reported orally there and check the management on the basis of the files submitted. He had to send an annual report on his findings to the highest internal and financial administration in Berlin. The instruction emphasized that the Presidium did not form intermediate instances between the supreme authorities in Berlin and the governments in the provinces. The course of business between the central and provincial administrations should continue to run directly, i.e. without the involvement of the chief presidents. Governments also had the right to appeal to their superior's office in Berlin in control and auditing matters against the orders of the chief presidents. Only when "danger was imminent" did the rulings have to be implemented immediately. These ultimately very limited powers of the chief presidents were underlined by the fact that they had only a very small staff at their disposal, consisting of a governmental or presidential council, a travel agent, a copyist and a messenger. As early as November 3, 1810, the presidencies were dissolved again - to expand the business circle of the district presidents, as it was said in the corresponding cabinet order. With immediate effect, Sack was appointed head of a Department of Public Order ("Polizey") and Medical Affairs in the Ministry of the Interior. He was also appointed a member of the Council of State. II. Inventory History When the tradition of the upper presidency of Brandenburg and Pomerania was handed over to the secret state archive is just as little known as the issuing authority. The stock was originally divided into the parts A. Generalia, B. Neumark, C. Kurmark and D. Pommern. The finding aids, which are also subdivided, are still available in the old finding aids collection of the GStA PK. In 1875 the stock was revised and reorganized. In 1877 102 acts were removed from the tradition of the Ministry of Culture and classified according to the tradition of the Supreme Presidium. Other files, which the Ministry of Culture handed over to the GStA PK in 1880, were also added to this collection. An inventory revision was carried out in 1884. In 1918 a small entrance with files of the Generalkommissariat for the province Brandenburg and Pommern was taken over and classified into the stock by Melle Klinkenborg. During the Second World War, the tradition was moved to the German Central Archives in Merseburg after 1945, where it was indexed on index cards. The index cards were entered into the archive database in 2013 by the typist Petra Kühnel, title formation and classification were subsequently revised by the archive employee Guido Behnke. Dr. Mathis Leibetseder (Archivrat) finding aids: database; finding book, 1 vol.