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ALMW_II._32_36 · File · 1915-1920
Part of Francke's Foundations in Halle

Seven fiches. Contains: FICHE NR. 36 1 - Leipzig 1915. Paul resp. Weishaupt to relatives and friends of the German East African missionaries resp. expected back missionaries and families (7 letters) - Moshi 1917. District Political Officer "Circular to all enemy subjects." (2 letters) - Tübingen 1919. German Institute for Medical Mission to Paul - "Addresses of our captured German East African missionaries" - "Directory of the members of the mission in German East Africa". - o.O. 1919. Paul an Hauptmann - Berlin 1919. Berliner Missionsgesellschaft an Paul -o.O., o.J. Newspaper article "Return from East Africa! - Merseritz 1919. Schachschneider - o.O. 1919. Paul an Stier (3 letters) - Berlin 1919. Ev.-luth. church (bull) - Berlin 1919. Wagner - Leipnitz 1919. Alberti - Schwabach 1919. Wall - Berlin 1919. Berliner Missionsgesellschaft an Paul und Bodelschwingh - o.O. 1919. Paul an Missionsdirektor Axenfeld - o.O. 1919. Paul an Hauptmann - Dresden 1919. ? - Berlin 1919. telegram from Michel, Thiele, Mauer, Hauptmann - Nuremberg 1919. telegram Paul - "transcript of the conversation held in the Mission House on 28 June 1919". (with returned mission members) - Belgaum 1919. Fox - o.O. 1920. Weishaupt an Stier - o.O. 1920. Weishaupt an Fehlberg - Sidi Bishr 1919. Everth - Leipzig 1919. Kollegium an die Ortskohlenstelle (betr. Paul an Fehlberg - Oeynhausen 1919 Michel - Sidi Bishr 1919 Schachschneider - Hamburg 1919 Reinhard - Maadi 1919. Wärthl - Sidi Bishr 1919. Thiele - Cairo 1919. 2 telegrams (English) - Leipzig 1919. An Wärthl - Dresden 1919. Photo shop Hüttig an Paul - Brunsbüttelkoog 1919. Thiele, Wärthl, Schachschneider - Hamburg o.J. Fehlberg - Brunsbüttelkoog 1919. chess cutter (telegram) - Lockstedter camp 1919. wall, Klöpfel, Gauth - Borsdorf 1919. Luthard - Leipzig 1919. Stamberg (welcome greeting for homecoming). FICHE NR. 36 2 - Continued - Leipzig 1919. Paul to relatives and friends of East African missionaries - Lockstedt 1919. Stelzner - Brünsbüttelkoog 1919. Michel - Hamburg 1919. Fehlberg (telegram) - Lockstedt 1919. Michel (2 letters) - Leubnitz-Neuostra 1919. Michel (2 letters) - Hamburg 1919. Fehlberg - 1919. Krüger - Worship regulations for the annual celebration of the Leipzig branch association for evangelical church - Leipzig 1919.luth. Heidenmission 1919 (printed) - Ordnung der Öffentlichen Missionsversammlung 1919 (printed) - Leipzig 1919. Paul an Young Men´s Christian Association, Cairo - various newspaper clippings concerning the homecoming of the prisoners of war - Hohenstrauß 1920. Schieder - Moshi 1920. political officer to Schöne (English) - Marangu 1920. room to Paul (transcription) - 1920. Müller (telegram) - list with names - "church journal of the evangelical lutheran synod of Iowa" 1920 - Eschenbach 1920. ? - Ohlau Bz. Breslau 1920. beautiful - Ronneburg 1920. Knittel - Barver 1920. ? to Mrs. Missionsdirektor - Eschenbach 1920. Wärthl (2 letters) - Oberfrohna 1920. Thiele - Leubnitz-Neuostra 1920. Michel - Wesel 1920. telegram from Raum - Leipzig 1920. Paul telegram to Müller - Leipzig 1920. Paul an Raum - Leipzig 1920. Kollegium an Ernährungsamt der Stadt Leipzig (concerning request for special allocation of food) - Berlin 1920. ? - Eschenbach 1920. room (telegram) - manuscript of a speech / sermon of Paul - poem "Zur Rückkehr der letzten deutschen Missionare aus Deutsch-Ostafrika" - Berlin 1920. Gutmann - "Die zweite Fahrt der Golconda" (cover page): - 1916. Government of Madras. Judicial Department. Memorandum No. 368 W-2. Delhi 1916. Gov. of India. Home Dep. Notefication No. 500. FICHE NO 36 3 - Continued - "Rules for examining officers in the Bombay Presidency under the Hostile Foreigners (Repatriation) Order." - Berlin 1916: Kuratorium der Gossnerschen Missionsgesellschaft an die Deutsch-Ostindischen Missionsgesellschaften (betr. "Golconda") - 1916: Copy of a telegram from "Chief Secretary" to Gov. of Madras and District Magistrate of Tanjore - Wulsdorf 1914: von Hanffstengl - Altdorf b. Nürnberg 1916: ? - Basel 1916. mission inspector Frohnmeyer (concerning possible arrival of the Golconda) - 1916. 2 letters from board of the Golconda to Paul (English) - Leipzig 1916. Paul to "the relatives and friends of our Indian missionaries". - o.O., o.J. Newspaper clipping - 1916. Zacharias - Dresden 1916. Schauer an Mission zu Leipzig - Basel 1916. Ev. Missionsgesellschaft an Paul - Berlin 1916. Deutsche Ev. Missions-Hilfe an Paul - Hamburg 1916. Fehlberg - "List of the members of the Evangelical Lutheran Mission in Leipzig who are expected on the second Golconda Flight from Bombay". - Bad Eppelsdorf 1916. Frey - Leipzig 1916. Paul (letter of thanks for greetings and the like at first Golconda trip) - "The second Golconda trip" (handwritten) - "Official welfare" (cover page) - "Children of the second travel company" - Leipzig 1916. Paul to "the German mission societies active in East India" (2 letters) - Breklum 1916. Missionsgesellschaft (2 letters) - Hermannsburg 1916. Missionsanstalt - Herrnhut 1916. Committee of the German ev. missions - Basel 1916. Ev. Missionsgesellschaft - Berlin 1916. Gossnersche Missionsgesellschaft - Zwötzen 1916. Säuberlich - Barmen 1916. ? - Cöln 1916 Royal Railway Directorate to College - Leipzig 1916 Paul to Royal Railway Directorate - o.O. 1916 Paul to War Committee for Vegetable and Animal Fats and Oils, G.m.b.H., Berlin - o.O. 1916. Paul an das Generalkommando des XIX. Armeekorps, Leipzig-Gohlis - Rotterdam 1916. Imperial German Consulate (copy) - List of the members and members of the Leipzig Mission who arrived in Rotterdam in 1916 with steamship Kilkenny / Golconda - o.O. 1917. Foreign Office (English; copy) - Berlin 1917. Federal Foreign Office to Committee of German Protestant Mission Societies (copy) - Herrnhut 1917. German Protestant Mission Committee to various mission societies (2 letters) - "Abholung" (cover page) - Leipzig 1916. Paul to "the members of our Tamulen and Kamba Mission coming to Germany from India with the second Golconda journey". - o.O., o.J. Paul an Lohmann - 1916. Rüger telegram to Paul - Leipzig 1916. Ev.-luth. mission to "the relatives and friends of our Tamulen - and Kmbammissionare." - Dresden 1916. Gäbler (telegram) - 1916. Telegram to Paul. FICHE NR. 36 4 - "Verhandlungen btr. Freilassung der in London gefangen gehaltenen Missionare" (cover page) - Ansbach 1916. Protestant Consistory (certificate for Hofmann about received ordination) - 3 telegrams - Berlin 1916. Gossnersche Missionsgesellschaft (4 letters) - Leipzig 1916. Paul an "die in Ostindien tätigen deutschen Missionsgesellschaften" (handwritten and machinegeschrieben; 2 letters) - Breklum 1916. Schleswig-Holsteinische ev.-luth. mission society - Herrmannsburg 1916. mission institute (4 letters) - Herrnhut 1916. mission institute of the Ev. Brüder-Unität - Kolberg 1916. ? - Leipzig 1916. Paul to "the relatives of the missionaries held captive in London." - Basel 1916 Evangelical Mission Society (2 letters) - Riedisheim 1916 Willkomm - Bleckmar 1916 Missionsanstalt der Hannoverschen luth. Freikirche (2 letters) - Recommendation of the sample number of the Leipziger Missionsblatt (printed) - Schwerin 1916 Oberkirchenrat - o.O., o.J. Paul an Hammitzsch - o.O., o.J. Paul an Ruckdaeschel - "Conference with the people of London ... missionaries who came to Leipzig ... 1916" - List of costs "accepted" by Englishmen for crossing - List of available mission certificates - "Government aid for families coming from India" (cover sheet) - Leipzig 1915. Paul to 5 mission societies and the Foreign Office - Leipzig 1915. Paul to "the German mission societies active in East India" (3 letters) - "A letter of our provost Meyner. Kilpak, ... 1915"; "A remarkable rally of English churchmen in southern India." (printed) - o.O. 1915. College to Royal Railway Directorate (2 letters) - Vlissingen 1915. Imperial German Consulate to Imperial General Consulate (copy) - Hall 1915. Royal Railway Directorate to College - Herrmannsburg o.J. Missionsanstalt - Cöln 1915. Royal Railway Directorate (copy) - Vlissingen 1916. Imperial German Consulate of His Excellency the Imperial Chancellor Dr. von Bethmann-Hollweg (copy); with copy of a letter of the Foreign Office to the Committee of the German Evangelical Mission Societies; with attachments "List of names of those German returnees who were on board the Golconda´ of ... Landed in Vlissingen in 1916 and ... "who have travelled on." - Herrnhut 1916. committee of the German ev. missions - Berlin o.J. deputy general staff - "collection of our returning families" (cover page). FICHE NR. 36 5 - Berlin 1915. board of trustees of the Gossnerschen Missionsgesellschaft (original and copy) - Vlissingen 1916. Rüger (2 letters) - Goez 1916. Rüger - Leipzig 1916. Paul to the "brothers and sisters returning from India" - Radebeul 1916. Rüger (2 letters) - Wulsdorf 1916. Hanffstengel - Leipzig 1916. Paul to "the relatives and friends of our Indian missionaries" - Leipzig 1916. Paul to ? - Berlin-Fiedenau 1916. Foertsch (2 letters) - Leipzig 1916. Paul an Rüger - 1916. 6 telegrams from Rüger - "Empfang und Welßungs-Feier in der Nikolai-Kirche" (cover page) - Radebeul 1916. Kleinpaul an "die Helfer der sächsischen Missionskonferenz" - Leipzig 1916. Kollegium (invitation letter to the invitation; printed) - Ratzeburg 1916. Missionsausschuss (Lange) - Hamburg 1916. Reinhard an Kollegium - Leipzig 1916. Diakonissenmutterhaus - Breslau 1916. Ober-Kirchen-Kollegium an Kollegium - Stade 1916. Board of the Stader Bibel- und Missionsgesellschaft - Bückeburg 1916. Türnau an Kollegium - Sondershausen 1916. Köhn an Kollegium - Dresden 1916. Hohlschütter (2 letters) - Lüneburg 1916. Straier an Kollegium - Nürnberg 1916. Ev.-luth. Zentral-Missions-Verein an Kollegium - "Verzeichnis der vtimmberechtigten Vereine" - Göttingen 1916. Steinmetz - Rendsburg 1916. Schomerus - Leipzig 1916. Dietze - o.O., o.J. ? (3 letters) - L. 1916. Schreck (2 letters) - Altenburg 1916. Lohoff (2 letters) - Leipzig 1916. Frenzel - Leipzig 1916. Rönger - Request for reserved seats for Regierungsrat Jeremias - Leipzig 1916. Guth - Kamenz 1916. Nollau - Dresden 1916. Bach - Munich o.J. Bauernfeind - Hoyerswerda 1916. Dobrucky (telegram) - Leipzig o.J. Fritzsche - Dresden 1916. ? - Dresden 1916. Ev-luth. deaconesses-institute - 1916. Bergau - Hildesheim 1916. Fleischhauer - Leipzig 1916. Riemer - Leipzig 1916. Frommannshausen. FICHE NR. 36 6 - continued - Leipzig 1916. Röntzsch - Rudolstadt 1916. Braun - Dresden 1916. ? - 1915 Paul to the parish office St. Nikolai - listing of the "maps for the altar place" - 1916 telegram - order of the "celebration to welcome the missionaries returned from India" 1916 (printed; 3-fold) - list of telegrams to be sent - listing "maps for the northern gallery" - "Propst Meyners captivity in London and his liberation" (cover sheet) - Leipzig 1916. Invitation of the college to the service on the occasion of the homecomers from India - 1916. telegram - London 1916. Meyner to Paul or family members (6 letters; partly in copy) - Kirn 1916. Miersch - Leipzig 1916. Paul an Meyner (2 letters) - Angermünde 1916. Meyner (6 letters) - Riehen b Basel 1916. Würz - Berlin 1916. Deutsche Ev. Missionshilfe - Herrmannsburg 1916. Missionsanstalt - Bonn 1916. Brill (original and copy) - Berlin 1916. Stosch. FICHE NR. 36 7- - Angermünde 1916. Meyner (4 letters) - Riehen b Basel o.J. Würz - London 1916. Meyner - 1916. Meyner (telegram) - 1916. Kollegium an Meyner - Angermünde 1916. Meyner (3 letters) - "Die erste Golcondafahrt" (cover page) - Basel 1915. Ev. Missionsgesellschaft - 1916 "Rules for the Repatriation of Aliens in the S.S.GOLCONDA´" (English) - "General Instructions to Passengers for the S.S. `GOLCONDA´" (English) - "List of aliens to be repatriated" - "Government of India. Home department. (Political) Notification. No.4348." (English) - Wulsdorf 1915. Hanffstengel (3 letters) - Berlin 1915. Kuratorium der Gossnerschen Missionsgesellschaft an die in Ostindien tätigen deutschen Missionsgesellschaften - Basel 1915. Ev. Missionsgesellschaft - 1915. telegram v. Brutzer an Danish Mission (English) - Leipzig 1915. Paul an Mitglieder des Kuratorium - Leipzig 1915. Paul an "die Angehörigen und Freunde unserer indischen Missionare." (Paul to the relatives and friends of our Indian missionaries.) - Leipzig 1915. Paul to the "German Mission Societies Active in India." (2 letters) - 1915. Muntschick - Bremen 1915/1916. Reimers (3 letters) - Belitz 1915. ? - Zwenkau 1915. ? - Excerpt from a letter from Reichel - List of those returned - List of those detained in England.

Leipziger Missionswerk