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Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Abt. Hauptstaatsarchiv Stuttgart, M 17/1 · Fonds · 1844-1923
Part of Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Dept. Main State Archives Stuttgart (Archivtektonik)

History of the authorities: Military administrative tasks such as "money and natural catering", "clothing", "equipment" and "quartering" of the troops, "new buildings and conversions", "construction supervision", "sick and disabled care" had been performed directly by the War Ministry in Württemberg since the beginning of the 19th century. The alignment of the military administration of the individual states with Prussian conditions stood in the way of maintaining this administrative organization. This also applied to those individual German states which had still retained special (administrative) powers, such as their own war ministries. For Württemberg it followed from this that, on the basis of the "Military Convention with the North German Confederation" of 21 and 25 November 1870, the Württemberg War Ministry was first restructured. A central office, a military department and an economics department were formed and the Prussian military administrative regulations introduced. At first, however, a Württemberg tradition consciousness remained a special feature documenting the history of the region: the directorate to be created according to the Prussian model remained within the Economics Department of the Württemberg War Ministry. However, a separate authority was then spun off. On 23 February 1874 the "Intendantur XIII (Königlich Württembergisches) Armeekorps" in Stuttgart and the two Divisions-Intendanturen (the 26th Division in Stuttgart and the 27th Division in Ulm (= 1st and 2nd Königlich Württembergische Division) were established. The administrative structures in this area were thus fully in line with the Prussian model, right down to the division into individual departments. The files indexed in the present repertory were created in the Corps Directorate, which, apart from the Director General's area of responsibility, is also the Director General's office. Department 1: Budget, cash and accounting (cash administrations, paymasters) Department 2: Meals in kind (provisions offices) and mobilisation matters Department 3: Clothing and equipment (clothing office; patterning of corps troops), travel expenses, transport, workers' insurance, pension and accident matters, remonte and horse matters.Division 4: Garrison administration (garrison administration, accommodation of troops, barracks, service buildings and housing, drill grounds, firing ranges and military training areas) Division 5: Hospital administration (administration) including disability and pension matters Division 6 (from 1902 Divisions VI a and VI b: Construction (military building offices and construction management) Processing of all construction matters in the corps area in conjunction with the other departments of the corps directorate.As local administrative units, so-called "local offices" were set up, whose activities were co-administered by the Directorate General. On the spot, the following offices/individual offices acted: cash administrations: (paymaster) at each troop unit Provision offices: Stuttgart, Ludwigsburg, Ulm, Weingarten, Wiblingen, (since 1896:) MünsingenGarnisonsverwaltungen: Stuttgart, Ludwigsburg (until 1883 Hohenasperg), Ulm, Weingarten, Gmünd, Mergentheim, Tübingen, Heilbronn, MünsingenLazarett administrations: Like garrison administrations (at smaller locations without civil servants, only with an accountant)Garrison building offices, later military building offices: Stuttgart, Ludwigsburg (from 1900 I and II), Ulm (from 1898: ) I and II; according to need additionally local construction management, military new building offices (army multiplication)mounting depot: (until 1874:) Stuttgart, later Heilbronn; (since 1889:) Bekleidungsamt Ludwigburg; (since 1907:) civilian craftsmen instead of the previously appointed teamsOn August 2, 1914, the Corps Directorate was divided. A mobile Field Directorate XIII. army corps and a deputy (immobile) In tendantur XIII. army corps in Stuttgart were created, and in January 1817 an additional Field Directorate was established at the General Command for special use No. 64.Field directorates were established at the divisions: in 1914 at the 26th and 27 infantry divisions, then the 54 reserve divisions, in 1915 at the 2nd and 7th Landwehr divisions, in 1916 at the 204th infantry division, in 1917ff at the 242nd and 243 infantry divisions and at the 26th Landwehr division. In the course of the war, the Deputy General Director was faced with such a large number of new tasks that the personnel rose from 59 (May 1914) to 424 (1918) - 60 of them women as civilian employees.The installation of new field and replacement formations, over 90,000 men in the occupation army, approx. 248,000 men in the Württemberg field troops, necessitated divisions in the individual existing departments and new business areas. These were:(K) prisoner of war department (10 camps with about 50,000 prisoners)(N) estate department (III b)(V) supply department - later supply office: widows, orphans, invalids and pensions, support payments (with over 82,000 dead and 190.000 wounded from Württemberg alone) After the armistice had been concluded, the field troops were finally repatriated, dissolved and dismissed, and from December 1918 the formation of security companies and Schutztruppen was added to their duties. From October 1919, the Intendantur was then referred to as "Abwicklungsintendantur XIII. Armeekorps", until it was dissolved on 31 March 1921 after 47 years of existence.The names of the directors of the XIIIth Army Corps (Corps Director) were: 1872 Metzger, 1874 von Bartholomäi (Real Secret War Council) 1885 von Deuschle1894 von Bürger1901 von Wunderlich (Real Secret War Council)1906 von Haldenwang (1912 Real Secret War Council) 1914 (2. August) Schall1915 (March) von Haldenwang (back from the "Einsatz im Feld") Inventory history: The majority of the files recorded here as a whole originated in the Corps Directorate, whose activities in the administrative functions were also continued in extended form and after addition of new functions as far as possible continuously. Accordingly, the given registry layers were considerably extended, the registry plan (cf. order number 20) was supplemented by whole sections, but not newly formed. This did not result in an additional new registry layer; not even when the name of the Corps Directorate was changed to "Deputy Directorate General" or "Settlement Office", etc. The continuity or the number of points of contact of most administrative activities stood in the way of the exceptions to this rule, or a separate registry layer formed the inventory M 17/2, Deputy Directorate General. However, this separate, completed part of the registry contains only partial aspects of what would actually have corresponded to this authority's area of responsibility from 1914. It contains only those parts which were actually new in 1914 and thus could hardly be integrated into the existing structures. These were above all the personnel matters which were very extensive due to the war conditions. After all these documents had been taken over by the Reichsarchiv branch office, they were set up there in accordance with the last rules of procedure (cf. Registraturplan Bü 17 and 20) and finally (1941) listed. Subsequently, 1941-1946 extensive cassations were carried out, which are documented in the lists drawn up in 1941. The cash-flow was mainly in the areas of accident cases, equipment matters, army strength increase, trial files, construction matters. The destruction of a large number of building plans is particularly painful. The index tries to keep the traditional registry scheme. In the conversion to the possibilities of digital finding aids, this results in a four-stage classification according to the decimal system. The departments are left as upper groups; the focus remains on department 4 (garrison administration department). Bernhard Zaschka and Hansjörg Oswald were involved in the recording, along with a large number of candidates. As one of the first larger holdings, the title recordings completed in Midosa/Midetit by 1995 were converted to Midosa 95. The further work, including classification and fine-tuning, as well as the final editing of the holdings, was carried out by the signatories. The stock comprises 1247 title records or 36.5 linear metres of shelf space files. Stuttgart, August 2000