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Archivaly - Akte
I/MV 0723 · Akt(e) · 1896-01-01 - 1922-12-31
Teil von Ethnological Museum, National Museums in Berlin

description: Contains:StartVNr: E 239/1900; EndVNr: E 917/1900; and others: Cooperation with the Botanical Museum, pp. 22, 95, the Museum of Natural History, pp. 79 ff., 116, 184, and the German Colonial Museum, Berlin, (1900), pp. 85 - contribution to the Museum für Vor- und Frühgeschichte, Berlin, (1922), pp. 78 - contribution and exchange of doubles to the Museums für Völkerkunde, Leipzig, pp. 12, Lübeck, pp. 132 ff, and Stuttgart, (1900), p. 12 - Cooperation with the British Museum, London, (1900), p. 56 f., 175 ff - Exchange of doublets with private person, (1900), p. 43 ff - Cooperation with the Governors of DOA, pp. 3, and Togo, (1900), pp. 67 - Cooperation with the German Colonial Society, Berlin, (1900), pp. 235 - Programme of the Kroni Expedition, (1900), pp. 35 - Fülleborn: Accompanying letter to the programme, pp. 13 et seq, Broadcast of a part of the estate of the Slg. Götze, (1900), pp. 25 f.- von Luschan: Holiday application for Fülleborn to the AA, p. 27, Evaluation of the Collection Frobenius, p. 152, Report on the division of the Collection Preil with the Museum für Völkerkunde, Leipzig, p. 173, Recommendation of the expedition planned by Heinemann and Schrader, (1900), p. 231 - Stuhlmann: Sending of skulls from Bukoba impossible because of the danger of plague, (1900), p. 38 - Denhardt: Sending of skulls, (1900), p. 40 f. - Denhardt: Sending of skulls, (1900), p. 40 f. - Evaluation of the Collection Frobenius, p. 152, Report on the division of the Collection Preil with the Museum für Völkerkunde, Leipzig, p. 173, Recommendation of the expedition planned by Heinemann and Schrader, (1900), 108 Kersting: Report on iron processing in Bangeli, sheet 51 f., and exploitation of objects, (1900), sheet 141 f.- by Liebert: Report on Massai medicine, (1900), sheet 55.- by Sydow: Acquisition of a Pangwe bridge, (1900), sheet 59.- "Instruktion für ethnographische Beobachtungen und Sammlungen in Deutsch-Ostafrika ..." (Instruction for ethnographic observations and collections in D e u t s c h - O s t a f r i k a ...) In: Mittheilungen aus den deutschen Schutzgebieten : 9 (1896) 2, with notes, pp. 73 ff - Plehn: Donation of skulls, (1900), pp. 131 - Müller: Report on a Bassa tribe, (1900), pp. 161 f - Preil: "Verzeichnis der auf der Grenz-Regulierungs-Expedition Togo-Sudan-Dahomey 1899-1900 gesammelten curiosities. (With 1 card and a foreword.) ...", (1900), duplication, pp. 170 ff.- [Diehl]: "Catalogue for the West African Exhibition ... Wiesbaden", (1900), Druckschr., p. 203 - Heinemann: Report about Wambutti, who wanted to follow Schrader voluntarily to Europe, p. 226, and curriculum vitae., (1900), p. 242 - by Prince: Request for an expert opinion on an Indian bronze figure from DOA, (1900), p. 243 ff. - Bette: Offer of objects from the Stockholm Ethnographic Exhibition of 1878, 1879, (1900), p. 257 - "Collection of Dr. Stierling (East Africa)", (1900), p. 266 et seq. - "Finding a ruined city near Kilwa.", (1900), Ztg. article, p. 273 - Schulz: Announcement of the departure of the German South Cameroon border expedition, (1900); p. 297.

Archivaly - Akte
I/MV 0725 · Akt(e) · 1901-01-01 - 1903-12-31
Teil von Ethnological Museum, National Museums in Berlin

description: Contains:StartVNr: E 654/1901; EndVNr: E 1483/1901; and others: Cooperation with the Museum of Natural History, p. 51, the German Colonial Museum, (1901), p. 293, the Botanical Museum, p. 56, and the Numismatic Collection, Berlin, (1902), p. 227 - Offer, delivery and sale of duplicates to the Städtisches Museum, Braunschweig, p. 250 ff., the Museumsverein, Essen, p. 254 ff., the Prussia Antiquity Society, Königsberg, p. 273 ff.., the School Museum, Mödlingen, pp. 267 ff, the German Colonial School Wilhelmshof, Witzenhausen, pp. 270 ff, the Museums for Ethnology, Karlsruhe, pp. 191 ff, Leipzig, pp. 259 ff, Stuttgart, pp. 26 f, the Reichsmuseum, Leiden, (1901), pp. 188, the Römer-Museum, Hildesheim, pp. 187, and the Museum for Ethnology, Cologne, (1903), pp. 186, pp. 249 ff.186, and the Museum for Ethnology, Cologne, (1863), pp. 249 ff.24., the German Colonial School Wilhelmshof, Witzenhausen, pp. 270 ff. Exchange of duplicates with private person, (1901), pp. 12 ff., 61 - cooperation with the governors of DOA, pp. 62, 310 ff., DSW, pp. 53, Togo, pp. 44, 284, and the judge of Cameroon, (1901), pp. 163 - cooperation with the Society Northwest Cameroon, (1901), pp. 1 f.., pp. 1, pp. 1, pp. 1, pp. 1, pp. 1, pp. 1, pp. 1, and the Dt. Niger-Benue-Tsadsee-Komitee, Berlin, (1902), pp. 296 ff. - Programme of the Dt. Süd-Kamerun-Grenzexpedition, (1901), pp. 104 ff. - Glauning: Report from the station, pp. 19 ff., Report on leather helmets and double-headed birds, pp. 234 ff., Report on skulls, (1901), pp. 302 ff. - Minist. of the intellectuals, (1901), pp. 234 ff. Affairs: Decision on the whereabouts of the so-called war standard of the Sultan of Yendi, (1901), pp. 34 - Mischlich: "Aus dem Fetischleben der Eingeborenen", (1901), pp. 45 ff - Volkmann: Sendung von lebenden Tieren, Abschr., pp. 57 f, Description of a Bushman Game, (1901), pp. 33, 116 f - Gentz: Sendung eines Stabes, (1901), pp. 57 f - Stierling: Sending a skeleton, (1901), p. 75 - Rigler: Wishes to use his collection, (1901), p. 83 f - Fies: Using a fish poison in Togo, (1901), p. 100 f - Hirth: "Report on a collection of Chinese coins of Dr. Stuhlmann.", pp. 120 f., "Report on a collection of Chinese coins of Mr. Justus Strand.", (1901), pp. 122 f. - "Vereine, Versammlungen.". In: Berliner Tagebl.: 1901-10-15, p. 130 - von Zech: Verwendung von Fetischen, (1901), p. 135 ff - Hoesemann: "Some ethnographic diary notes from the expedition against the Esum, Hplg. Semikore, and from the march Jaunde-Watare-Ngilla-Ngutte to the Mbam; 19.II. - 28.IV.01.", pp. 157 ff.- Staudinger: Request for diplomatic behaviour of Luschans, pp. 180 f., Mediation of the Slg. Langheld, (1901), pp. 182 f.- Perrot: Shipment of pearls and coins, and report about a prohibition to collect privately, (1901), pp. 222 ff.- Smend: Skull shipment, (1901), p. 232 - Zenker: Skeleton shipment, (1901), p. 233 - Schulz: Jassa drum shipment, (1901), p. 238 f.- Foerster: Report on his collecting activities and friendship with a "chief's son", (1901), pp. 278 f.- Laasch: Sendung von Skeletten, (1901), pp. 300 f.- von den Steinen: Plan einer Tschadsee-Expedition, (1901), pp. 295.