Affichage de 18 résultats

Description archivistique
Landeshauptarchiv Schwerin, 5.12-3/1 · Fonds · 1849 - 1953
Fait partie de Schwerin State Archives (archive tectonics)

The Ministry of the Interior, created by the Decree of 10 October 1849, was the supreme head of the internal administration of the Land, insofar as it did not fall within the remit of other ministries or the State Ministry. The Ministry was in charge of the supervision of all local authorities and was entrusted with the management of the sovereign police force and the supervision of all police authorities and institutions. His tasks also included the handling of economic and general agricultural matters, including the regulation of property, farm and day labour relations, transport, association and press matters, the administration of roads and hydraulic engineering as well as social services. In addition, the Ministry's portfolio included citizenship matters, border and electoral matters, as well as civilian administration matters related to the military. Essentially, the business circle of the Ministry remained unchanged until 1945. It was extended in 1875 to include the civil status system. In 1905, the Ministry of Justice, Department of Education, transferred the affairs of the technical and commercial technical and further education school system from the Ministry of Justice to the Ministry of the Interior. During the First World War, the Ministry was responsible for controlling the food supply and the war economy, and after the war it was responsible for civilian demobilization. In 1919 the newly founded Ministry of Agriculture, Domains and Forests (see 5.12-4/2) took over the handling of agricultural matters, including rural labour and ownership, and in 1937 also agricultural water matters. There are gaps in the file tradition. Major losses were caused by the fire in the government building in 1865. At the beginning of 1945, files from 1933 to 1945 were deliberately destroyed in the Ministry. Most of the files of the Department of Social Policy from the period after 1918 were also lost. A. GENERAL DEPARTMENT Registrar's aids and file directories - ministries: Rules of procedure and operation; Circulars and circulars; Imperial legislation and Imperial authorities; State legislation; Administrative jurisdiction; Secret and main archives; Museums, monuments and associations; Government library and public libraries; Service buildings; Law gazettes; Newspapers and calendars; State handbook. B. STAFF DISTRIBUTION Service and pay relationships of ministries in general - Ministry of the Interior and subordinate departments: General personnel matters; individual personnel files. C. MUNICIPAL DEPARTMENT I. Cities: General municipal policy; relations with the state government and the countryside; city constitution, city and municipal regulations; citizenship; city ordinances; city councils; councils of municipalities (magistrates); municipal institutes; taxation; finance; plots of land; field, pasture and forest management; road and ambulance police; marksmen's guilds in general and in individual cities or administrative districts: Dominatrix and knighthood offices; official regulations (Includes, among other things, the following District division, territorial consolidation in accordance with the Greater Hamburg Act); official assembly and official committees; district administration and rural communities: Rural community regulations; community organisation in knightly, monastic and treasurer villages; community boundaries and place names; community representations and schools; community administration; community encumbrances, taxation; poor coffers and auxiliary shop funds; community estates; rural ownership relationships (contains: small ownership and farm workers); expropriations; medical police; fire extinguishing special purpose associations of offices or districts, towns and communities. II. special files city districts: Rostock with Warnemünde; Schwerin; Wismar; Güstrow; Neustrelitz. offices and/or districts. Inventory content: General administration; cities belonging to districts; individual rural communities. D. MECKLENBURG-SCHWERINSCHER LANDESVERWALTUNGSRATTUNG I. General affairs organisation and business operations; minutes of meetings - decisions and resolutions: in accordance with city, official and rural community regulations; in midwifery, school, evacuation and fire-fighting associations; in hunting, water and lake-building matters; in outfitting and incorporation - approval of bonds - confirmation of statutes. II. individual cities Inventory content: city council; civil service; finance and taxation; poor affairs; police; urban property and urban district. III. individual offices or districts Inventory content: Constitution and administration; finance and taxation; poor affairs; fire-fighting; road maintenance; community affairs; individual rural communities. E. LANDESGRENZSACHEN General - Land border against Lübeck - Land border against the Principality of Ratzeburg - Land border against Lauenburg - Land border against Hanover - Southern Land border against Prussia - Land border against Mecklenburg-Strelitz (Land Stargard) - Former Mecklenburg-Strelitzsche Land border against Prussia - Eastern Land border against Prussia (Pomerania). F. Elections to the Reichstag: Election to the Reichstag of the North German Federation; Reich Electoral Law of 31 May 1869, electoral associations and agitation; elections to the German Reichstag 1871-1912; election to the German National Assembly; elections to the German Reichstag 1920-1938 - Reich presidential elections - other votes, petitions for a referendum and referendums - Landtag elections: Electoral law and regulations; elections to the constituent and to the 1st to 7th state parliaments; other votes G. PERSONNESSTANDSWESEN General and legislation - certification and determination of the civil status - legitimation - name changes - adoption of children - registry offices: organization and business; registry office matters and districts. H. STATE ASSENTIALITY: General: Laws and Regulations; Relations with German Federal States; Relations with Non-German States - Marriages of Non-Mecklenburgers or Foreigners in Mecklenburg: General; Register - Register of Applications for the Issue of Certificates of Residence - Naturalisation: Register; Admission Certificates - Re-Lending of Citizenship - Options - German Citizenship East: Register - Special Files - Naturalisations: General; Register; Special files - Emigration: General; Emigration agencies, reports on their activities and lists of emigrants; Marriage of emigrants; Consensus on emigration (Contains: Register, Special files, Various entries and inquiries) - Expatriations after 1933 - Matters of foreign inheritance. I. PASSWESEN General - General files of the Trade Commission in passport matters - Passport register - Individual passport applications. K. ECONOMIC DEPARTMENT I. Banks and credit institutions in general - Individual banks and credit institutions: Ritterschaftlicher Kreditverein; Rostocker Bank; Mecklenburgische Lebensversicherungs- und Sparbank zu Schwerin; various banks and credit institutions - advance institutions - savings banks. II. insurance supervision Insurance supervision: general; life insurance; fire and fire insurance; livestock insurance; miscellaneous non-life insurance; knighthood insurance associations - social insurance: general and legislative; public authorities (Contains: (e.g. the State Insurance Office, the State Insurance Offices, the State Insurance Institution); accident insurance; disability and old-age insurance; health insurance; war-affected persons insurance; catering, sickness and death funds for journeymen and manual workers; pension, death and widow's funds. III. Geological Survey IV. Trade General - Trade powers in Mecklenburg - Markets - Customs and trade with foreign countries - Trade associations and chambers of commerce - Commercial courts. V. Trade Legislation - State and public institutions: Trade Inspector, Trade Commission, Trade Inspectorate; Decisions of the Trade Commission; Chamber of Crafts and Labor; Trade Courts; Trade Associations - Industrial Employment Relationships - Master Craftsmen's, Journeymen's and Apprentices' Guilds: General; guilds on a national scale; individual guilds A-Z. - Travelling trades and peddlers - Travelling actors and musicians - Privileged trades: Musicians; Frohnereien (Contains: General and legislation, individual Frohnereien); chimney sweeps; livestock cutters - cooperatives - Price testing - Dimensions and weights, weights and measures - Technical commission (supervision of steam boilers and mills). VI. trade and technical education trade schools: General information; individual vocational schools - technical colleges: Building trade schools (Contains: Neustadt-Glewe, Schwerin, Sternberg, Teterow); Engineering school Wismar - Various technical schools - Business schools and commercial colleges - Agricultural schools: Dargun; Zarrentin - Commercial and commercial educational institutions outside Mecklenburg. VII. Industry in general - Individual branches of industry - Enterprises and industries in individual cities - Grand Ducal Industrial Fund. VIII Exhibitions and congresses IX. Mining Mecklenburg Mining Authority - Mining facilities and operations (Contains: Conow, Jessenitz, Lübtheen, Malliß, Sülze) - Conditions of miners - Storage of mineral resources. X. Electricity supply XI Agriculture and forestry Agricultural Council and Chamber of Agriculture - Agricultural reports and exhibitions - Promotion of agricultural and forestry activities - Fisheries: general and legislative; coastal and deep-sea fishing; inland fishing - Rural conditions: General; Individual goods and places - Conditions of day-labourers (regulations) - Grand Ducal Settlement Commission and Settlements. XII Statistics Population and poor statistics - Labour, trade and commerce statistics - Agriculture and forestry statistics - Shipping statistics - Finance statistics - Local directories. XIII Surveying XIV Regional Planning and Settlement Office XV Sale of Jewish Property L. TRANSPORT DEPARTMENT I. Railways Relationship with the Reich: General administration (contains, among other things: annual reports of the Mecklenburg railways); railway police; equipment; construction; transport; use of the railways for military purposes and during wars; employment; cash and accounting; statistics - Mecklenburgische Eisenbahnen: Nationalisation; Commission files on nationalisation; Bonds and state bonds; Individual routes or companies before nationalisation; Großherzoglich-Mecklenburgische Friedrich-Franz-Eisenbahn; Railway matters after nationalisation. II Shipping General: Legal provisions; registration and registers of merchant ships; annual reports of shipping companies; prevention of ship accidents; customs and smuggling; receipt and dissemination of information; scientific institutions; associations - ship surveying - ship telegraphy - Maritime Office, examination system - maritime schools: General information; Wustrow Nautical School; Dierhagen Navigation Preparatory School; Other Nautical Schools - Seemannsordnung, Seamen's Employment Relationships - Seaports - Reichshilfe für die Seeschiffahrt, War Compensation (Second World War). III. circulation of bicycles, motor vehicles and aircraft M. SOCIAL ASSISTANCE AND SOCIAL POLICY I. Homeland and poor affairs General legislation on homeland, poor affairs and settlement - Commission for Homeland affairs - Local affiliations - Settlement in the Domanium - Poor affairs - Appeals and complaints regarding support for the poor. II. social welfare and social policy general welfare and welfare institutions - Landeswohlfahrts- und Landesjugendamt, Landespflegeausschuss, Wohlfahrtspflegerinnen - welfare: youth welfare; tuberculosis and other health care; maternal and child welfare; care for the unemployed; war welfare; pension welfare; groups of people in need of assistance; food price reduction for the underprivileged; donations and collections - labour matters: Housing assistance: Landeswohnungsamt; General housing assistance and housing guidance; Tenant protection; Housing construction and small settlements - War relief fund and war credit committees - Refugee assistance: General; Regional committee for refugee assistance; Mecklenburgische Ostpreußenhilfe foundation; Accommodation of refugees in the Second World War Foundations and Collections - Landarbeitshaus Güstrow: Rules of procedure and operation, administrative reports; establishment and occupancy; service and salary relationships, personnel matters; budgeting, cash management and accounting; general economic matters and construction; goods Federow and Schwarzenhof (secondary institutions); children's home and children's hospital Güstrow. N. MILITARY AREAS Military legislation and general military affairs - Military administration - Relations with the German federal states and abroad - Individual military branches - Recruitment and replacement - Services of the population for the military: quartering and service; benefits in kind; marches through, troop and shooting exercises; benefits in case of war - mobilization and wars of 1870/71 and 1914/18: preparation of mobilization in peace; mobilization, war benefits and measures of 1870/71; mobilization 1914 and World War I (Includes: General measures, measures taken by civilian authorities, propaganda, use of civil servants and civil servants for military service, measures taken by military authorities, monitoring of printed matter and correspondence, monitoring of foreigners, prisoners of war, collections and confiscations, patriotic assistance and young men).support for military servants and their for invalids and veterans. O. VOLKSERNÜHRUNG (First World War and post-war period) conferences and publications on popular nutrition - business and personnel affairs of the Department of Popular Nutrition - reporting and statistics - Reichsbehörden für Volksernährung - State authorities in the field of public nutrition: State and district authorities for public nutrition, municipal associations, state feed agency, state fat agency; price inspection agencies, usury office, usury courts; state price office; state grain office and district grain offices; workers' and farmers' councils. P. WAR AND AFTERWAR ECONOMY (FIRST WORLD WAR) General - Banking, Securities Trading - Bankruptcy Proceedings - Trade - Employment Relationships, Foreign Workers - Industry: General; Individual Industries - Agriculture - Fuel Supply - Foreign Assets: General; Forced Administration or Liquidation (Includes: Rostock Shipowners, Banks, Land and Companies). Q. War damage in the Second World War General - Individual war damage: Rostock and Warnemünde; Schwerin; Wismar; Other cities and municipalities; Forestry, official reserves, frohneries; Electrical network. R. POLICE DEPARTMENT I. Political and Security Police From 1830 to 1918: Gendarmerie (Contains: General, gendarmerie stations, personnel and salary matters, budget, cash and accounting); criminal police law; rights of the manor, patrimonial jurisdiction; knightly police associations and offices; popular movements before and after 1848; security police; surveillance and combating of the social democratic movement, of anarchists and communists; press police (surveillance of bookstores, book printing houses and lending libraries); surveillance and prohibition of political associations and assemblies. From 1918/19 to 1945: Political Police (Contains: November Revolution and post-war crisis, surveillance and prohibition of political parties, associations and organizations, fight against the KPD); news collection point; local defence services; state commissioner for disarmament (contains, among other things, weapons delivery in individual cities, offices and communities); security police 1919-1921; order police 1921-1934 (contains: Police administration, organisational strength, official regulations, individual commands and stations, agendas and orders, activity, training, exercises, training areas and weapons, cash and accounting, equipment and catering, accommodation and official housing, general personnel matters, personnel files); Landesgendarmerie und ihre Tätigkeit; Landeskriminalamt, Krimi-nalpolizeistelle Schwerin; Organisation der Polizei von 1934-1945. II. Gerichtspolizei III. Sittenpolizei IV. Medical Police V. Building and Fire Police S. STRASSEN- UND WASSERBAUVERWALTUNG I. General administration Organisation and business operation - Budget, cash and accounting - Service and remuneration - General personnel matters: Road and hydraulic engineering administration as a whole; roadside inspections and roadside fee collectors; road and hydraulic engineering offices; road attendants and road workers, beach and dune supervisors; lock masters and lock attendants - service properties - equipment and vehicles - surveying - files of the Karl Witte construction council. II. roads and roads General road and road construction matters: Forwarding, pricing, wage rates of the construction industry; technical construction; maintenance obligation; cycle paths; rights of third parties, ancillary facilities; road traffic regulations, signage, meteorological service - Chausseegehöfte der Straßenbauämter Güstrow, Neustrelitz, Parchim, Rostock, Schwerin, Waren.- Chausseen: Roadside Police Regulations and Roadside Money Tariff; Creation and maintenance of roads in general; main roads in the area of the road construction offices Güstrow, Parchim, Rostock, Schwerin, Waren; Nebenchausseen in the offices Grevesmühlen, Güstrow, Hagenow, Ludwigslust, Malchin, Parchim, Rostock, Schwerin, Waren, Wismar; Chausseen in the district Stargard and in the former principality Ratzeburg; Chausseeinventare (Contains: General, Individual inventories of the road construction administrations Güstrow, Neustrelitz, Schwerin, Waren).- Reichsstraßen.- Landstraßen I. Ordnung.- Landstraßen II. Order. - Bridges: General; Single Bridges (Contains: Elbe, state road Berlin-Hamburg, catchment areas of Sude, Boize, Elde, Havel, Stepenitz, Warnow, Recknitz and Peene, Wallensteingraben): General information; Imperial roads; country roads I. order; country roads II. order; country roads II. order Road construction planning - Execution and status of construction works - Emergency works - Road directories. III. Roads Right of Way and Road Order.- Road Police.- Legal Decisions and Complaints.- General Road Matters.- Road Construction.Load.- Main.Routes.: Directories.; Surveys.on.Main.Routes.- Communication.Routes.- Establishment.of.New.Routes.- Routing.- Public.Routes.- Public.Routes.Closed.- Footpaths.- Church.and.School.Routes.- Bridges. IV. Baltic Sea and waterways Baltic Sea: General information; storm surges; coastal protection, beach regulations - waterways: General; Accessibility; Sea waterways (Contains: Laws and Ordinances, Maritime Emergency Notification, Weather and Icebreaking Services, Water Levels and Pollution, Maritime Marks and Signals, Pilotage, Seaports, Ferries, Land and Construction); Inland Waterways (Contains: General information, statistics on ship and raft traffic, water levels, individual inland waterways, canal and navigable objects, port facilities and loading stations, locks and culverts, lock masters, lock keepers and river supervisors, hydroelectric power stations and waterworks, high-voltage and telegraph facilities, industrial facilities, mills, water police permits, compensation, fishing and hunting). V. Water management Water law - Soil improvement cooperatives, expansion and clearing of watercourses - Schwerin lakes - Waste water.

BArch, R 55/727 · Dossier · 1941-1942
Fait partie de Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

Contains among other things: Heimatkunst exhibition "Lüneburger Land, Hermann Löns-Land", 1942 procurement of material on Hungarian nationality politics, 1942 study trip of students of the Belgian colonial university Antwerp to Hamburg, 1942 community celebrations in resettler camps, 1942 Christmas campaign for resettlers, 1941-1942 motor vehicle for the German ethnic group leader in Hungary, Dr. Basch, 1941-1942 Use of female forces in popular growth work, 1942 Paracelsus exhibition in Salzburg, 1941-1942 popular propaganda in the West Banat and in the rest of the occupied Serbian territory, 1941-1942 "Warum Kampf mit Stalin?", brochure, French edition, 1941 "Die deutschen Leistungen für die Völker der Erde", A. Petrau. Support of the author, 1941-1942 Propagandaplan für Oberkrain und Untersteiermark, 1942 trip of Flemish young teachers to Germany, 1941-1942 care of ethnic Germans and resettlers in the eastern regions, 1941-1942 guide pictures and illustrated books for the German ethnic groups in Hungary and Romania, 1942

Archivaly - Akte
I/MV 0751 · Dossier · 1911-01-01 - 1959-12-31
Fait partie de Ethnological Museum, National Museums in Berlin

description: Contains:StartVNr: E 1761/1911; EndVNr: E 1596/1912; and others: Cooperation with the Meereskundemuseum, (1911), pp. 20, and the Naturkundemuseum, Berlin, (1912), pp. 107, 164, 316 - Exchange with the Kunstgewerbemuseum, Berlin, (1911, 1912), pp. 13, 253 - Cooperation with the Museum für Völkerkunde, Leipzig, (1911, 1912), pp. 26 f., 396 et seq., the Kaiser Friedrich Museum, Görlitz, (1912), p. 90 - Distribution or exchange of doublets with the Museums für Völkerkunde, Basel, p. 184, Hamburg, p. 179, 184 et seq, Lübeck, pp. 73 ff., Frankfurt a.M., pp. 183, 186 f., and Stuttgart, (1912), pp. 184, 189 - Cooperation with the Royal Library, Berlin, (1912), pp. 93 f.- Cooperation with the Governor of Togo, (1911), p. 19 - Cooperation with the Gesellschaft Süd-Kamerun, Hamburg, (1911), p. 59, and the Kriegsmarine-Ausstellung, Fulda, Magdeburg, (1911, 1913), p. 63 - Graetz: Report on the "German Motorboat Expedition through Africa", p. 113 ff.., "The Watua (Batua).", (1912), pp. 123 ff. - Staudinger: Skeletons, (1912), pp. 168 ff. - Ankermann: Visit of the Collection Kracke, p. 198, the Collection Konietzko, p. 400, and report on a business trip to Hamburg and Lübeck, (1912), p. 344 - van Gennep: Report on cultural circles, p. 229 ff., and on textiles from North Africa, (1912), p. 246 ff. Fischer: Report on Bushman art and a grave, (1912), pp. 321 ff. - Negotiations with the Reichskolonialamt, Berlin, and the Kolonialinstitut, Hamburg, on the exploration of the ruins in East Africa, (1912), pp. 332 ff. - Report on Nomoli (soapstone figures) from French Guinea, [1912], pp. 408 f. - Re-inventarization, (1959), pp. 346.

Archivaly - Akte
I/MV 0750 · Dossier · 1910-01-01 - 1959-12-31
Fait partie de Ethnological Museum, National Museums in Berlin

description: Contains:StartVNr: E 2210/1910; EndVNr: E 1670/1911; and others: Cooperation with the Botanical Museum, pp. 387, and the Museum of Natural History, Berlin, (1911), pp. 110, 387 ff. - Sale of doublets to the Anthropological Institute of the University, Wroclaw, (1910), pp. 33 ff., the Museums für Völkerkunde, Leipzig, pp. 78 ff, Hamburg, pp. 280, Munich, (1911), pp. 383, and Stuttgart, (1910, 1913), pp. 14 ff., 148 on loan from the Saalburgmuseum, Homburg v.d.H., (1911, 1959), pp. 360 - Cooperation with the Kolonialinstitut, Hamburg, (1911), pp. 62 f. - Distribution of duplicates to private individuals, (1911), pp. 154 ff, 199, 238, 249, 372 - Cooperation with the editors of the Globus, (1910), p. 56, the Kolonialkriegerdank Association, p. 87, 129, 233, the Command of the Schutztruppen, p. 133, the Ethnological Assistance Committee, p. 220 ff, the German Colonial Society, Berlin, pp. 240 ff., the Kriegsmarine-Ausstellung, Oldenburg, pp. 50, and the Command of the Schutztruppe, Windhoek, (1911), pp. 130 - Cooperation with the White Fathers, (1910, 1911), pp. 58 ff, 251 ff. - Fechtner: Skull Shipment, (1911), p. 75 - Siegmann: Origin of the Skeletons Sent in by Maercker, (1910), p. 121 - von Sick: Corrections and Negotiations for His Work on the Wanyaturu, (1911), p. 138 ff - Lunkenbein: Offer of Skeletons, (1911), p. 160 - "General Adjustment pr. Steamship 'Oron' ...", (1911), duplication, pp. 170 ff.- [Peters:] "Ophir of the ancients. Dr. Carl Peters' theories..." [1911], Ztg.-Article, pp. 202 f.- Braunschweig: Report on planned colonial activities in the southeast of DOA, (1911), pp. 228 f.- His: "Description of the ... Poison arrows and daggers of the Herero..." (1911), Bl. 247.- Minist. the Spiritual Affairs: Report on awards, (1911), p. 283 - van Gennep: Report on his collecting activities and contacts among Mediterranean cultures, (1911), p. 293 ff - "From Grootfontein. In: Südwest-Afrikanische Ztg. : 1911-06-13, p. 326 - Staudinger: Request for support for Crompton, (1911), p. 342 ff.

Archivaly - Akte
I/MV 0724 · Dossier · 1900-01-01 - 1905-12-31
Fait partie de Ethnological Museum, National Museums in Berlin

description: Contains:StartVNr: E 950/1900; EndVNr: E 644/1901; and others: Cooperation with the Natural History Museum, (1901), p. 140, and the German Colonial Museum, Berlin, (1900), p. 10 - Cooperation with the Museum für Völkerkunde, Leipzig, p. 114 f., and the Natural History Museum, Cologne, (1901), p. 183 ff. Cooperation with the governors of DOA, (1900, 1901), pp. 13, 104, and Togo, (1901), pp. 220 - Cooperation with the Krupp Educational Association, Altendorf, pp. 128, 187 f., the Colonial Economic Committee, pp. 119, the Northwest Cameroon Society, Berlin, pp. 268, and the South Cameroon Society, Hamburg, (1901), pp. 226 ff. Cooperation with Herrnhuter Missionaren, p. 70, and the Norddeutsche Missionsgesellschaft, (1901), p. 100 - Müller: Acquisition of the Götzen Ekongolo unmöglich, (1900), p. 24 f. - Rigler: Remarks on the Distribution of His Collection to German Museums, (1900), p. 34 f. - Meinhof: Attitude of colonial officials towards the native population, (1901), p. 67 - von Luschan: Assessment of the Collection of Zech, p. 72, Assessment of the so-called war standard of the Sultan of Yendi, p. 87 f., 95 f., 172 f., Bitte an von Götzen und Fülleborn sich nach Sinne des ethnographischen Sammelns einzubommen, p. 127, Exclusive acceptance of lawfully acquired objects for the MV, (1901), p. 170 - "Art, Science, and Literature" In: Dt. Reichs- und Preußischer Staatsanzeiger, (1900), Abschr., p. 89 - Ubisch: Sammelauftrag des Zeughaus, Berlin, (1901), p. 90 - Minist. der geistl. Affairs: Refusal to support the expedition of Heinemann and Schrader, (1901), p. 107 - Schrader: Lebenslauf, (1900), p. 109 - Dt. Kolonialschule Wilhelmshof: "Timetable for the winter semester 1900/1901", and "Schülererverzeichnis des Sommersemesters 1900.", printed version, p. 107 - Schrader: Lebenslauf, (1900), p. 109 - Dt, Bl. 123 f.- "Deutsch-Ostafrikanische Sonder-Ausstellung C.G. Schillings (2nd Journey 1899/1900)", (no year), printed by.., pp. 131 f. - Founding minutes of the Museum Association, Essen, (1901), pp. 187 f. - Mischlich: Bericht zur Zahnpflege, (1901), Abschr., pp. 221 ff. - Laasch: Bericht über einen Fetisch, (1901), pp. 252 f. - Maas: Bericht über einen arabischen Frauenschmuck, (1901), pp. 260 ff - Gruner: Sendung eines Skeletts, (1901), pp. 282.

Stadtarchiv Worms, 170/02 · Fonds
Fait partie de City Archive Worms (Archivtektonik)

Inventory description: Dept. 170/2 estate Georg and Barbara Freed Scope: 819 units of description (= 23 linear metres of archive cartons and 9 linear metres of rolled plans) = add. 32 m Running time: 1792 - 1941 Family and foundation In the course of establishing a foundation to the City of Worms, which was decreed in the will, the Worms architect Georg Ludwig Freed (1858-1936) and his sister Barbara (Babette 1855-1941) bequeathed documents to the then museum and the municipal cultural institutes, which were taken over by Dr. Illert in 1942 (cf. Der Wormsgau 2, p. 99). Members of the Freed family had been resident in Worms since the beginning of the 19th century as master painters and whitewashers. They already held important positions in bourgeois associations in the pre-March period, including the Schützengesellschaft, the gymnastics community of 1846 Worms and the fire brigade. Both siblings remained unmarried throughout their lives, their sister Anna Maria (1854) was the wife of the museum director and since 1898 city archivist August Weckerling. The material of the 'Stiftung Freed' includes personal letters, postcards and papers, diaries, documents as well as artisan, artistic and family history documents in a large variety (especially about 1850 to 1935), without any documents obviously being collected after the death of the siblings. A large part of the estate is occupied by the actual architect Freed (numerous sketches, drawings, maps, plans, newspapers, etc.), whose temporal focus lies in his Mannheim years between 1889/93 and 1914. In addition, there are association documents from the entire Protestant-national-liberal milieu, including militaria and national teams or academic associations of the TH Darmstadt. In addition to the documents of his father Georg Fr. Freed from the time since approx. 1840, the closed file tradition of the house Wollstr. 28, which has been inhabited since 1800 and bequeathed to the city of Worms in 1941/42 and later sold privately by the latter (house preserved, part of a monument zone) is also relevant. Family grandfather of G. Freed: Johann Ph. Freed 1794-1845 married with Johanna Friederika Uswald 1798-1823 (daughter of:) Carl Ernst Ußwald from Oelsnitz/Vogtland 1754, from 1796 in Worms, 1818 (= great-grandfather of G. Freed), married Anna Katharina Köhler née. Völcker (1776-1846), was a painter and master draughtsman (family book: no. 87, description Reuter 1968, p. 204 no. 3), three other family books described on p. 212. Elisabeth Margareta Freed, Stiefenkelin of C.E. U.., born 1826 sister: Katharina Anna, 1825-1912 disproportionate stepbrother: Georg Friedrich F., born 1823 Worms (= grandson of C. E. Uswald) learned the painting and whitewashing trade, journeyman years Wiesbaden 1843/44, Dresden 1844, Vienna 1845; in Worms marriage 1851 with Elisabeth Müller (1825-1899), ev, City councillor 1874-1892; 1837-1851 pedigree book (description Reuter 1968 p. 212); died 1896 = father of Georg, Babette and Anna Maria Freed (Anna M. Freed (*1854) married with August Weckerling, who was thus the brother-in-law of the two Freeds, this certainly justified the willingness to donate the collection to the museum run by Weckerling, whose successor Illert acted as executor of the will after Barbara's death in 1941), Son of the pensioner, master whitewasher and town councillor Georg Friedrich Freed (1823-1896, married to Elisabeth Freed née. Müller), 1865-1869 attends preschool, 1869-1875 secondary school in Worms; takes private lessons in higher mathematics and languages in 1875, passed entrance examination, eight semesters as a regular student of the building school enrolled at the TH Darmstadt; also occupies the subjects prescribed for civil service, final examination in autumn 1879 together with the civil service aspirants, participation in study trips and excursions, etc.a. 1878 World Exhibition Paris, 1.4.1880 One-year volunteer reg. 118 Worms, from summer 1881 to summer 1885 for further mainly artistic education in Munich in the studio of Prof. Hauberrisser, there collaboration on large building projects, 1885-1887 active in Berlin in studios of architect Kayser u. v. Großheim, Erdmann

Foreign exhibitions
PrAdK 0395 · Dossier · 1868 - 1886
Fait partie de Archive of the Academy of Arts

Table of Contents/Rubrum (pages 1-3). Invitations to participate in exhibitions, programs (prints). Prize Exhibition of Objects of Science...' in Zaragoza, 1868 (page 4). International Art Exhibitions in Munich 1869 (pp. 5-15), 1879 (pp. 101-113, 119f., 139), 1883 (pp. 250-258, 264-266, 306f.), Statute (pp. 177f., 251f.). International Art and Trade Exhibition in London 1871 (pp. 16-21), Regulativ für diese Ausstellung (pp. 19f.), exhibition in the Crystal Palace 1884 (pp. 328-330, 338).<br />Great three-year art exhibition in Gent 1871 (pp. 22, 32-36, 61f.), 1877 (pp. 78), 1880 (pp. 136f.). Art and Industry Exhibition in Trieste, Sept. to Oct. 1871 (pp. 24f.).<br />World Exhibition in Philadelphia 1876 (pp. 37-49, 65-75).<br />Art Exhibition in Brussels 1875 (pp. 50-54), 1878 (pp. 89-93).<br />Vienna Historical Art Exhibition 1876 (pp. 55, 58). General Art Exhibition in Madrid 1875 (pp. 56f.), 1877 (pp. 79-83, 150), 1881 (pp. 149, 151, 174f.), 201-205).<br />Art and crafts exhibition in Munich 1876 (pp. 58-60).<br />General Swiss Art Exhibition 1877 (pp. 63), 1878 (pp. 86), 1880 (pp. 131), 1881 (pp. 153).<br />Art exhibitions of the Königlich Sächsischen Akademie der bildenden Künste zu Dresden, 1877 (pp. 76), 1878 (pp. 94-97, letter by Julius Hübner pp. 94, catalogue pp. 96), 1879 (pp. 117f., 121), 1882 (pp. 233f.).<br />Art exhibition of the Kölnischer Kunstverein 1877 (pp. 84).<br />Permanent exhibition of the Zürcherische Künstlergesellschaft 1878/1879 (pp. 87). Exhibitions of the National Association of Fine Arts in Hungary 1878 (pp. 98f.). Art exhibition in Riga, 1879 (pp. 114-116). General exhibition of art, science and industry products for young people 1879 (page 123). Exhibition at the Milan Art Academy 1879 (pp. 125-130). International exhibition in Melbourne 1880 (pp. 132f.). Exhibition Siebenbürger Volkstrachten 1880 (pp. 134f.). IV. General German Art Exhibition 1880 (pp. 140, 155). Exhibition of paintings in Florence 1880 (pp. 143-147).<br />Commercial and Industrial Exhibition in Hall 1881 (pp. 154, 158).<br />Permanent Art Exhibition in Leipzig (pp. 157). General Construction Exhibition in Braunschweig 1881 (pp. 162-166).<br />Exhibitions of the Leipziger Kunstverein 1881 (pp. 167).<br />Art Exhibition in Lille (pp. 169f.).<br />International Art Exhibition in Vienna 1882 (pp. 171, 176, 174, 176-220, 225-228, 231, 40 and more).<br />International Art Exhibition in Vienna 1882 (pp. 171, 176, 174, 176-220, 225-228, 231, 40 and more)a. Efforts of the Main Board of the German Art Cooperative to Grant State Subsidies for a Representative Participation of German Artists, pp. 174, 181, 194-200, 231f.; Meetings of the Commission for the Vienna Art Exhibition, 5 Nov. 1881, pp. 207f., 22 Dec 1881 sheet 206). Report by Adolf Heyden on the trip to Vienna for the planned participation in the exhibition (pp. 210-215.). Ground plan and cross-section of the Künstlerhaus in Vienna, print (p. 216). Plan of the exhibition hall for the German Reich, ink [by Hand Heydens] (p. 217). Allgemeine Deutsche Patent- und Mustererschutz-Ausstellung in Frankfurt a.M. 1881 (pp. 172).<br />Exhibitions of the Ostdeutscher Kunstverein 1882 (pp. 221-223), 1886 (pp. 347). International Art Exhibition in Rome 1882/1883 (pp. 229, 244). Exhibitions of the Kunstverein für die Rheinlande und Westfalen 1882 (pp. 236), 1883 (pp. 299), 1884 (pp. 337). Exhibition of student works of the Königliche Kunstgewerbeschule Dresden (Bl. 237). Exhibition of paintings of old masters by J. H. Hassk in Hamburg, Apr. 1882 (Bl. 238f.). Art exhibition in Antwerp 1882 (pp. 241f.), 1885 (pp. 344-346). International Colonial and Export Exhibition, Art Department, Amsterdam 1883 (pp. 245-248, 309-313, 331-336). Electrical engineering exhibition in Munich (pp. 249, 267, 308, 314-316, 340-343 and others). Report on the use of the electrical s for art and teaching purposes, pp. 269-291. Exhibition of the Art Association for Bohemia in Prague 1883 (pp. 260-262), 1884 (pp. 325-327). Exhibition of the Association of German Drawing Teachers of student drawing works and teaching aids for drawing lessons 1884 (pp. 292-298).<br />International Special Exhibition of Graphic Arts in Vienna 1883 (pp. 300-305, Statute pp. 304). Grand Foreign Exhibition Boston 1883 (pp. 317-320). Eduard Almond Exhibition of the art dealer Amsler

BArch, R 1001/6813 · Dossier · Nov. 1885 - Juni 1890
Fait partie de Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

Contains among other things: Description of the trade exhibition (exhibition of overseas raw materials and semi-finished products) following the Hamburg Trade and Industry Exhibition 1889, Hamburg 1889 Lands and plantations of the Deutsche Handels- und Plantagen-Gesellschaft der Südsee-Inseln zu Hamburg in Samoa, 1888 Official catalogue of the Trade Exhibition Bremen, June 1890

BArch, R 4601 · Fonds · (1922) 1933-1945 (1952,1973)
Fait partie de Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

History of the Inventory Designer: Introduction Prehistory up to 1933 The rapid increase in car traffic after the First World War meant that road construction in Germany had to face up to these new requirements. The aim was to rapidly improve the existing road conditions and adapt them to the new requirements of increasing motorisation by extending the existing country roads and building motorways. Contemporary statistics show that in 1924 every 321st inhabitant in Germany owned a "car", while at the same time in France every 90th, in Great Britain every 71st and in the USA already every 7th inhabitant owned a car. The private German vehicle fleet in the country doubled in the years from 1923 to 1926 from 100,340 cars to 206,456. In 1933, only seven years later, almost 800,000 motor vehicles were registered in Germany. The construction of the Berlin AVUS (Automobil-Verkehrs- und Übungs-Straße) in 1921 as well as the activities of the Studiengesellschaft für Automobilstraßenbau (STUFA) played a special role, the latter in particular with regard to the extension of the existing country roads. However, the war and its consequences prevented a resumption of this discussion until the mid-twenties. With the founding of the association HAFRABA and its transition to GEZUVOR, plans for the new motorways in particular took shape, which, after the National Socialists took power, were quickly declared to be the "Führer's Roads". In the course of its work, HAFRABA drew up about 70 plans for a motorway network in Germany. The later central and territorial road construction administrations were able to profit from many results of their complex research, test series, but also from studies for the job creation of larger quantities of labour. The existing conditions with regard to the road administration in the respective sovereign jurisdiction on the one hand and the (Reich) legislator on the other, as well as the increasing blockage of road construction plans from Reich railway and financial circles, but also from the Länder and provinces, forced the necessity of a reorganisation of the road system in Germany to a certain extent, which did not take long after the seizure of power by the Hitler dictatorship. Adolf Hitler was not yet Chancellor of the Reich for two weeks when he put the construction of intersection-free motorways up for discussion in the cabinet. As early as 11 February 1933 he announced the "initiation and implementation of a generous road construction plan", with which both a modern transport system was to be created and unemployment effectively combated, but also reaped the opposition of Reichsbahn General Director Dorpmüller and Reich Finance Minister Count Schwerin von Krosigk. Nevertheless, he was determined to discuss the necessity of motorways with transport experts and leading representatives of the economy. In a conversation with HAFRABA managing director Willy Hof on 6 April 1933, he was informed in detail about the association's plans. As early as 27 June 1933, the Reich government announced, against the will of the Reichsbahn representatives, the formation of the company "Reichsautobahnen", which initially acted as a branch of the Deutsche Reichsbahn-Gesellschaft. One day later, Hitler appointed Dr. Fritz Todt, a highly intelligent civil engineer who was loyal to the line, as "Inspector General for German Roads". With the later "Decree on the General Inspector for the German Road System" of 30.11.1933, Todt was also transferred the business area of the company "Reichsautobahnen". The decree states: "For the execution of the construction of the Reichsautobahnen ... a supreme Reich authority shall be established with its seat in Berlin, the head of which shall be given the official title of 'General Inspector for the German Road System'. He is appointed by the Reich President at the suggestion of the Reich Chancellor and reports to the Reich Chancellor. Hitler was convinced of Todt's suitability after he had read his so-called "Brauner Bericht" (Brown Report), a memorandum on "Road Construction and Road Administration", in which Todt deals with the previous conditions of road construction in Germany and formulates objectives for the time of National Socialism. The new authority had the task to organize the construction of the "Reichsautobahnen" and the maintenance of the country roads, as far as they had belonged so far to the responsibility of the Reich Minister of Transport. Legal foundations The "Gesetz über die Errichtung eines Unternehmens Reichsautobahnen" of 27 June 1933, the first ordinance of 7 August 1933 and the "Gesetz zur Änderung Gesetz über die Errichtung eines Unternehmens Reichsautobahnen" of 18 December 1933 provided the Inspector General with a foundation of powers and authority which enabled him to implement the goals set by the Reich leadership as quickly as possible. This included the right to route and design the Reich's motorways as well as the right to levy charges, the right of expropriation and the assumption of state sovereign rights over the motorways. With the "Act on the Temporary New Regulation of the Road System and the Road Administration" of 26 March 1934, the division of roads into 1st motorways, later "Reichsautobahnen", 2nd Reich roads, 3rd country roads of the 1st order, 4th country roads of the 2nd order, was also introduced. The law of the land was amended in accordance with the provisions of the first order, and further regulations were made regarding the distribution of the road construction load, the administration of the Reich roads and the country roads of the first order, the road supervisory authority, etc. A general power of attorney to the greatest extent possible was granted to the Inspector General with the formulation written down in § 1 "The Inspector General for the German Road System determines which roads are subject to the provisions of this Act and which roads have the characteristics of Imperial roads and of Land Roads I. and II. I'll give you the order." The prerequisites created by the aforementioned legal bases were very soon reflected in the structure and organisation of the office of the Inspector General for German Roads. Organization and Structure In 1934, the Inspector General's Division comprised the two major areas of responsibility, Land Roads and Reich Motorways, as well as the resulting connections to the 30 Supreme Road Authorities with 176 State Construction, Road and River Offices of the Länder and Provinces on the one hand and the 15 Supreme Construction Supervisors with 65 Construction Departments for the motorways on the other. As a result, the internal service structure was as follows: Four departments were assigned to the Inspector General for German Roads. 1. department Landstraßen (L), 2. department Administration/Administration (V), 3. department Research/Exhibition/Congress (F) 4. department Reichsautobahnen (A) Furthermore, a landscape consultant was assigned to the Inspector General. In addition to a joint press and socio-political speaker, departments L and A were each assigned 5 speakers (L1 to L5 and A1 to A5), whose fields of work extended to cooperation with the road construction authorities in the Länder and provinces and with the supreme construction managers of the motorways. After that the following (territorial) competences arose: L1: Hanover, Oldenburg, Brunswick, Westphalia, Rhine Province, Hesse-Kassel, Schaumburg-Lippe, Lippe-Detmold L2: Bavaria, Baden, Württemberg, Hohenzollern, State of Hesse, Hesse-Wiesbaden L3: Thuringia, State of Saxony, Upper Silesia, Lower Silesia, East Prussia L4: Brandenburg, Grenzmark, Pomerania, Mecklenburg, Schleswig-Holstein, Province of Saxony, Anhalt L5: General affairs of the rural road sector, special tasks Job creation Department A - Reichsautobahnen A1: Site management Stettin, Hannover, Altona, Königsberg A2: Site management Breslau, Dresden, Halle, Kassel A3: Site management Essen, Cologne, Frankfurt/Main A4: Site management Munich, Stuttgart, Nuremberg A5: Special tasks: In the summer of 1934 Todt presented his first report on the activities of his authority. An overview of the road construction authorities from 1935 under the authority of the Inspector General illustrates the striving for a strongly centralised connection of road construction tasks in Germany. After Hitler's declaration on January 30, 1937, that the German Reich had regained unrestricted sovereignty over the Deutsche Reichsbahn and that the Deutsche Reichsbahn had been converted into a pure Reich administration by the law of February 10, 1937, the Reichsautobahnen were to be given a position similar to that of the Deutsche Reichsbahn. This was done in the "Gesetz zur Neuregelung der Verhältnisse der Autobahn" of 1 July 1938 and by the "3. Verordnung zur Durchführung des Gesetz über die Errichtung eines Unternehmen 'Reichsautobahnen'" of 1 June 1938. Fritz Todt was appointed chairman of the board of the Reichsautobahnen. The offices of the company became direct Reich authorities. Thus the company Reichsautobahnen lost its character as a society. The "Führerprinzip" (leader principle) practiced in all authorities of the "Third Reich" dominated the organization of the Reich's motorways at the latest since the enactment of this law. With the rapid progress of the political and economic processes in Germany, with rearmament, with the creation of ever new political and organizational structures in the Reich territory, with the invasion of Austria and the Sudetenland, with the erection of the Westwall after the occupation of the demilitarized Rhineland and finally with the beginning and course of the war, ever new and different organizational units and focal points of work developed within the office. The supreme construction management of the Reichsautobahnen was extended by similar authorities in the occupied areas. In the construction of the Westwall from the middle of 1938 onwards, the 22 superstructure superstructure lines at the German western border were firmly integrated, after Hitler, under heavy accusations against the General Staff of the Army, had given this task to Todt without further ado - it was the hour of birth of the "Organisation Todt". It had its first seat as Abteilung West in Wiesbaden. In the files of the Inspector General for the German Road System, an interweaving of tasks with other ministries (e.g. Reich Ministry of Transport, Reich Ministry of Finance), the NSDAP as well as the cooperation with many other organisations is reflected in many ways, e.g. the National Socialist Association of German Technology (NSBDT), the German Labor Front (DAF), the National Socialist Motor Corps (NSKK) and the German Automobile Club (DDAC), and many others. The business distribution plan of the Inspector General of October 28, 1938 clearly expresses that the company was already at the level of political development. Directly subordinate to the Inspector General were now not only the 4 departments but also three other business areas: Research, NSDAP compounds, imperial defence and defence (cf. Fig. page XII). Fritz Todt held a number of political offices. From 1933 he was not only Inspector General for German Roads, but also Head of the Main Office for Technology of the NSDAP, 1938 he became General Plenipotentiary for the Regulation of the Construction Industry, 1940 Reich Minister for Armament and Ammunition as well as Inspector General for the Special Tasks in the Four-Year Plan, 1941 Inspector General for Water and Energy. At the height of his political career Todt died in a plane crash on 8 February 1942 near the "Führerhauptquartier" near Rastenburg/ East Prussia. Albert Speer took office on 9 February 1942. Inventory description: Inventory history The inventory summarised in inventory R 4601, General Inspector for the German Road System, consists of several parts from the former GDR and the Federal Republic of Germany. This includes around 2,300 files and almost 1,800 card index sheets from the former Central State Archives of the GDR, which were formerly kept there as holdings 46.01 and were recorded in a finding aid file, some of them with very general and inaccurate title records. The files of the holdings R 65 I to R 65 IV described below were added from the Federal Archives. Here, finding aids with precise title entries and notes on contents were available. In addition to Todt's "Brounen Denkschrift" (Brown Memorandum), the R 65 I holdings included 34 other files from US returns from 1934 to 1945, as well as files from the Building Department Wittlich 1941 (1), the Wiesbaden Department 1938-1943 (2), the Böttger 1938-1945 (11), Bonacker 1937, 1942-1944 (2), Dittrich 1926-1952 (67), Schönleben 1939-1944 (6), and supplements 1939 (1). The collection R 65 II contained 141 files of the Reichsautobahndirektion Berlin and was handed over to the Federal Archives by the Federal Minister of Transport in 1962 (official files of the Federal Archives, file no.: 3115/4, note dated 31 Jan. 1962). The inventory R 65 III was a collection of decrees of the Inspector General. The inventory R 65 IV contained personal files, of which 112 files have been catalogued and a further 12 running metres have not been catalogued. Archival evaluation and processing The inventory was indexed using the above-mentioned finding aids by entering it into the BASYS-S database of the Federal Archives for the purpose of making the finding aid data available online. A physical reception of the files did not take place due to time reasons with some exceptions. The archive signatures of the Potsdam holdings were largely retained during the indexing process, but each volume was given its own archive signature for found files with volume numbers. The signatures begin: at no. 1 for the former stock 46.01, at no. 3001 for the former stock R 65 I, at no. 4001 for the former stock R 65 II, at no. 5001 for the former stock R 65 III, at no. 10001 for the former stock R 65 IV. The 112 personal files already opened up have been newly recorded, but are not part of this finding aid book. The existing classification was largely renewed and is based both on the organizational structure of the inventory generator and on its functional responsibilities. The internal order of the files has been maintained. The inventory has already been moved from standing folders to folders. Characterisation of content: management and organisation of the road sector: legislation, decrees (57). Organization, administration and human resources: General (74), personnel matters (78), land and planning matters (15), public procurement (59), construction machinery, equipment and vehicles (29), motor vehicles (47), construction materials and fuels (47), traffic regulation and safety (27), winter services (90), tourism (25), statistics( 19), Mobilisation, war deployment, occupied territories (27), map system (37), hand-files of leadership (40), hand-files of the department L-Landstraßen (19), hand-files of the department A-Autobahnen (27), hand-files of the department V-Verwaltung (11), hand-files of administrators for special questions of the departments L and A (3). Department West, Wiesbaden (5). Potsdam Alte Zauche alternative (5). Country roads: Imperial roads: General administrative affairs of the Reichsstraßen (32), financing of the Reichsstraßen (90), technical execution of the road construction and execution of construction measures (136), construction project (48), index sheets Reichsstraßen (14), road books Reichsstraßen (133). Roads I. and II. Order: General administrative matters of the country roads I. and II. Order (28), Financing of rural roads - Öffa (20), Building projects (60), Roads map sheets (2). Bypasses, town crossings, feeder roads (105) Individual projects (45). Imperial highways: Legislation and general administrative matters of the Reichsautobahnen (83), financing of the Reichsautobahnen, budget and treasury matters (36), property and spatial planning matters (8), project planning and routing (46), landscape and urban architecture, animal protection, nature conservation, monuments (38), cooperation with other Reich services (27). Material-technical infrastructure and operational services: planning approval and reallocations (13), fuel and petrol stations (15), motorway and road connections with foreign countries (10), operational services (24), building materials, road surfacing (40), technical execution of road construction and execution of construction measures (9). Personnel infrastructure: deployment and accommodation of labour (61), wages, tariffs, special arrangements (29), personnel matters (27). Files of the Reichsautobahndirektion Berlin: Direktionsakten (18), Gebiete der Obersten Bauleitungen (124). Top construction management: Berlin (25), Wroclaw (15), Dresden (12), Essen (18), Frankfurt/Main (25), Halle (6), Hamburg (12), Hanover (3), Kassel (7), Cologne (12), Königsberg (3), Linz (7), Munich (13), Nuremberg (9), Stettin (4), Stuttgart (6), Vienna (5), Wittlich Construction Department of the Reichsautobahnen (1), Dresden (12), Essen (18), Frankfurt am Main (25). Public relations, press matters, lectures (21), accidents (20). Level crossings (45), bridges and structures (63), cycle paths and hiking trails (32), research, development, standardisation (182), congresses, conferences, exhibitions, work of professional associations (50). Personnel files A-Z 1938-1973 (112), 12 running meters untapped. Citation style: BArch, R 4601/...

leaflets, pamphlets
Pa BLB 27 · Dossier · 1912-[1913], [1927], [1951]
Fait partie de Regional Church Archive Wolfenbüttel

What does the ethnological exhibition of the Basler und Leipziger Mission want? (Flyer, ed.: Der geschäftsführende Ausschuss (among others Domprediger von Schwartz, Pfarrer Eisenberg), print: Friedr. Bosse, Braunschweig, 23x 29,5 cm) 1912;How does the Christliche Preßverband Braunschweig work? (pamphlet, annual report 1913/1914, signed Pfarrer Querfurth, print: Druckerei des Rauhen Haus Hamburg, 14,5 x 22,5) [1914];The plight of social loneliness and its overcoming in a new national community. Church in the people/Volk in the church. What does the church-social alliance want? (Flyer, ed.: [Kirchlich-Sozialer Kongress], print: Montanus, Berlin, 23.5 x 32 cm) [1927]; Handbook for a report to Protestant-Lutheran congregations about the diaspora care of the Martin-Luther-Bund, Erlangen (flyer, ed.: Martin-Luther-Bund, Erlangen, print, 21.5 x 30 cm) [ca. 1951].

BArch, R 15-IV · Fonds · 1934-1945(-1961)
Fait partie de Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

History of the Inventory Designer: The "Reichsstelle für Garten- und Weinbauerzeugnisse" (Reichsstelle) was established on 01 November 1936. The legal basis for the establishment was the Act on the Sale of Horticultural and Viticultural Products of 30 September 1936 (RGBL. I p. 854). The Reich Office carried out a state economic activity. Its main task was to monitor and direct the import of the products farmed, in terms of quantity, place and time, in accordance with the requirements of the internal market and, at the same time, to guide the pricing of these products in such a way as to avoid, as far as possible, disturbances resulting from the difference between world prices and domestic prices. The Reich Office was thus also involved in the internal market equalization process and in stock management. They were the only means by which horticultural and wine-growing products imported from a customs territory or a customs exclusion area could be placed on the market in the customs territory. All horticultural and wine-growing products to be imported from a customs foreign country or from a customs exclusion area which were subject to the Act on the Trade in Horticultural and Wine-growing Products of 30 September 1936 were therefore to be offered for sale to the Reich Agency. The takeover by the Reich Office was effected by means of a takeover certificate, the issuance of which the importer applied for from the Reich Office. The Reich agency was not obliged to take over the offered horticultural and wine-growing products. The import of the goods could therefore be stopped at any time. The horticultural and wine-growing products placed on the domestic market by the domestic producer were not subject to the restrictions of the Horticultural and Wine-growing Products Trade Act in view of the market organisation implemented for them. Only the products imported from a customs foreign country or a customs exclusion area were managed by the Reich Office. Its scope resulted from Article III of the seventh Regulation implementing and supplementing the Law on the marketing of horticultural and wine-growing products of 7 June 1940 (RGBl. I p. 862). The Imperial Agency mainly imported products from the following countries: - European countries of origin: Baltic States, Belgium, Bulgaria, Denmark, Finland, France, Greece, Italy, Yugoslavia, the Netherlands, Norway, Romania, Russia, Sweden, Switzerland, Slovakia, Spain, Hungary and Portugal. - Non-European countries of origin: Afghanistan, Egypt, Australia, Argentina, Brazil, Chile, China, Japan, India, Iran, Cameroon, Canada, Mexico, Palestine, Somalia, South African Union, Syria, Turkey, USA, West Indies and Cameroon. Imported products have been grouped into the following product groups: - Vegetables, fruit, tropical fruits, potatoes, vegetable seeds, flower seeds, tobacco seeds, caraway seeds, azaleas, cut flowers and reindeer lichen. The Reich Office was divided into main departments, departments and subject areas. The division into departments and their subdivision into subject areas resulted from the business allocation plan. The "Überwachungsstelle für Gartenbau-Erzeugnisse, Getränke und sonstige Lebensmittel" (Überwachungsstelle), which was established on 24 September 1934 (Deutscher Reichs- und Preußischer Staatsanzeiger 1934 No. 209), was merged with the Reichsstelle to form the "Reichsstelle für Garten- und Weinbauerzeugnisse als Überwachungsstelle" (Reichsstelle as Überwachungsstelle) by ordinance of 6 December 1938 (Deutscher Reichs- und Preußischer Staatsanzeiger 1938 No. 291). The merger brought together, as far as possible, bodies of the same or a similar nature from the two services, such as money, assets, staff and materials management, registers, the law firm, the post office and the branches located in the same place. The former Main Department III of the Reich Office and the country groups I - VI of the Surveillance Office were also merged, so that the applications for the issue of foreign exchange certificates and takeover certificates could be dealt with in one operation. The Reich Office as a supervisory office was now divided into 5 main departments, 6 departments, 21 subdivisions and 15 subject areas. The range of tasks of the Reich Office as such, however, remained unchanged in principle. In addition, the tasks of the supervisory authority remained essentially unchanged, namely the examination of applications for foreign exchange certificates submitted by importers from a formal and economic point of view, in particular in accordance with the rules on foreign exchange control, the import of vegetables, fruit, juices, wines, tea and live plants, and their allocation. It also issued foreign exchange certificates applied for and checked that the importers used the certificates issued in due time and in the proper manner. The tasks of the Reich Office as a supervisory authority were thus also determined by the Foreign Exchange Control Act. Pursuant to § 2 (2) of this Act, in addition to the foreign exchange offices, the monitoring offices also took their measures and made their decisions in accordance with guidelines drawn up by the Reich Office for Foreign Exchange Management in agreement with the Reich Minister for Economic Affairs and the Reich Minister for Food and Agriculture. These directives delimited the tasks of the supervisory authorities in that they supervised the import and payment of goods and controlled purchase prices. They also had to take measures in the field of internal management (e.g. processing and export bans). The Reich Office as well as the Surveillance Office were corporations under public law, i.e. legal entities of their own, which financed themselves and were not maintained from Reich funds. They were subject to the supervision of the Reich Ministry of Food and Agriculture. The Reichstelle, as the supervisory authority, also had to obtain approval for the scale of fees from this authority. Examples of chargeable events were the issue of foreign exchange certificates and the issue of expert opinions on private settlement transactions. However, the monitoring agency carried out book and company audits free of charge, unless the audit revealed that a company had violated official orders. After the outbreak of the war, the Reich Office was confronted with new tasks as a supervisory office with regard to the procurement of goods. All enemy states and a large part of the neutral states failed as suppliers, while the demand for food imports of all kinds grew steadily. As a result, prices abroad also rose sharply, so that the Reich Office's previous task of raising foreign prices to the German price level by means of differential amounts became illusory and was finally reversed in the opposite direction, namely that of reducing the price of imported goods. The other task, the territorial control of the import of goods, had already been transferred to a greater extent to the main associations (e.g.: Main Association of the German Horticultural Industry) at the outbreak of the war, so that only the area of responsibility of the supervisory authority remained. The Reich office as such was therefore closed at the beginning of July 1943. In the course of the effects of the war, the surveillance agency took on ever greater dimensions as the difficulties in procuring goods grew. After the end of the war, the assets of the Reichsstelle were liquidated by the Allies. The storage and import point in Hamburg was authorized by § 5 No. 2 of the Ordinance of the Central Office for Food and Agriculture of 17 August 1946 (Official Gazette for Food and Agriculture No. 2 of 24 August 1946) and by decree of the Food and Agriculture Council in Stuttgart of 04 July 1946 to liquidate the assets of the Reich Office, insofar as they were located in the American and British occupation zone. The branch office in Bavaria was handled by the office of the trade associations. A trustee was appointed to carry out the liquidation, who received his activity permit from the competent British supervisory authority and headed the 'Liquidation Office of the Reich Office for Horticultural and Viticultural Products as a Supervisory Office' in Berlin and the 'Liquidation Office of the Main Association of the German Horticultural Industry and Reich Office for Horticultural and Viticultural Products as a Supervisory Office - Munich Branch'. The final dispute over the assets of the former Reich offices within the four occupation zones was reserved for the decision of the Allied Control Council. Inventory description: Inventory description The files of the Reich Office for Horticultural and Viticultural Products were transferred to the Federal Archives in Koblenz in 1974 from the Oberfinanzdirektion Berlin, which was responsible for handling the Reich's food supply. The 248 files have a term from 1930 to 1973, whereby the mass of the files originated between 1936 and 1945. The documents contain above all documents which have arisen as a result of the Reich Office's business relations with the importers: agreements on quantities and prices for various products, currency certificates and takeover certificates, notes on business trips and company audits. The inventory can also be used to a limited extent as a substitute for the insufficient inventory of inventory R 3601 (Reich Ministry of Food and Agriculture) due to war damage. No cassations were made. A file plan for the Reich Office did not exist. There was also no registry in the Reich office. The order of the files and their filing was carried out by the employees of the Reich Office according to their respective tasks and priorities. The rules of procedure are therefore partly unconventional and unsystematic. Consequently, there are documents in the files with different thematic classifications. Only an order according to individual countries is recognizable. The classification in the finding aid is based on this order by country. Only a few files were prearchived with titles. The file titles were therefore formed according to the predominant factual content of the file. The units of description were, if necessary, indexed more deeply by means of contained annotations. Characterisation of content: The main focus of the text is on documents relating to the business activities of the Reich Office, in particular ministerial decrees and materials for foreign trade with European and non-European countries: BArch, R 15-IV/...

Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Abt. Staatsarchiv Ludwigsburg, PL 5 · Fonds · 1828-1980 (Vorakten ab 1819)
Fait partie de State Archives Baden-Württemberg, Dept. State Archives Ludwigsburg (Archivtektonik)

The history of the Franck company ranges from the foundation of the chicory factory in Vaihingen in 1828 to the transition to Nestlé Deutschland AG, Frankfurt in 1987. A description of the company history was omitted in favour of a chronicle in tabular form. The files recorded in this finding aid book originate from a file delivery from 1978, which took place on the occasion of the firmation with Nestlé Gruppe Deutschland GmbH, Frankfurt (since 1987 Nestlé Gruppe Deutschland AG) and the transfer of the management of Unifranck Lebensmittelwerke GmbH to Munich. The printed company chronicles were taken from the previously unrecorded library records in the Ludwigsburg State Archives, which were also handed over in 1978, to complete the unprinted company chronicles of inventory PL 5. The structure of the records was based on the organisational plan of the Heinrich Franck Sons Central Administration of 1919 (PL 5 Bü. 145) and the existing old signatures. The registry order to be derived from the organizational plan and the old signatures, which was arranged according to the type of products manufactured, the central connection to Ludwigsburg or Berlin and the location of the branch, was reduced to the location and departmental responsibility according to the organizational plan of 1919 due to the incomplete nature of the archive records (some registry signatures were missing completely) and easier access. The products manufactured were not taken into account as distinguishing features. Little can be said about the history of the company archive. The central offices in Ludwigsburg and Berlin had the main significance. In 1935 the trademarks were transferred "for security reasons" from the registries in Ludwigsburg and Linz to Berlin (StAL PL 5 Bü. 145). From 1943 to 1947, a large-scale transfer of files and advertising material to Ludwigsburg took place (StAL PL 5 Bü. 1). To what extent and according to which criteria cassations were carried out until the files were delivered to the Ludwigsburg State Archives in 1978/1981 must remain open. The fact that they took place can be concluded from the incomplete registry signatures. Dr. Ruth Kappel was responsible for organising and indexing the finds as part of her practical training as a business archivist from October to December 1991. Dr. Günter Cordes took over the indexing and completion of the finding aid in 1992. The inventory was packaged by Bruno Wagner. The data acquisition was done by Hildegard Aufderklamm.Ludwigsburg, January 1992Ruth Kappel Company chronicle: 1827First attempts at chicory coffee production by Johann Franck, owner of a confectionery and speciality shop in Vaihingen/Enz1828Establishment of the chicory factory in Vaihingen/Enz by Johann Heinrich FranckEstablishment of chain stores for the production of intermediate products:- 1832 Darre in Steinbach (today Wernau, district of Esslingen)- 1844 Darre in Großgartach (today Leingarten, district of Heilbronn)- 1851 Darre with roasting plant and mill in the Rieter valley near Enzweihingen (today Vaihingen, district of Ludwigsburg)- 1855 Darre in Meimsheim (today Brackenheim, district of Heilbronn)Later foundations with freight railway connection:- 1855 Darre in Bretten (Baden)- 1880 Darre in Eppingen (Baden)- 1880 Darre in Marbach/Neckar1867 Death of company founder Johann Heinrich Franck1868 Relocation from Vaihingen to Ludwigsburg (direct railway connection)1871 Firmation to Heinrich Franck Söhne OHG, LudwigsburgFoundation of branches:- 1879 Linz/Donau- 1883 Komotau (today CR)- 1883 Milan 1883 Basel- 1887 Bucharest H. F. S. OHG, since 1924 AG- 1888 Kaschau (today CR)- 1892 Agram (today Zagreb)- 1895 Flushing (near New York)- 1896 Pardubitz (today CR)- 1909 Nagykanizsa (Hungary)- 1910 Skawina near Krakow (today Poland)- 1911 Mosonszentjanos (Hungary)Acquisition of the factories and market shares of competing German coffee producers until 1928:- 1883 Daniel Voelcker in Lahr/Baden (founded in 1883) 1806)- 1897 Gebrüder Wickert in Durlach- 1899 Ch. Kuntze und Söhne GmbH in Halle a.d. Saale- 1899 Krause und Co. in Nordhausen/Harz- 1900 C. Trampler in Lahr/Baden (founded in 1793)- 1908 Emil Seelig AG in Heilbronn- 1910 Bethge and Jordan in Magdeburg- 1911 F.F. Resag AG in Köpenick- 1911/12 Spartana-Nährsalz GmbH in Dresden- 1914 G.G. Weiss in Stettin (founded in 1793) 1866)- 1916 Pfeiffer and Diller in Horchheim- 1916 August Schmidt in Hamburg- 1917 Hillmann and Kischner in Breslau- 1917 Richard Porath GmbH in Pyritz- 1920 A.F.W. Röpe (descendant) in Hamburg- 1926 J.G. Hauswaldt in Magdeburg- 1928 Georg Josef Scheuer in Fürth (founded in 1928) 1812)1911 Participation of Heinrich Franck Söhne OHG and Kathreiner-Malzkaffee-Fabriken, Munich, in Resag AG Berlin-Köpenick1913 Founding of Kornfranck GmbH in NeussAffiliation of Heinrich Franck Söhne to Internationale Nahrungs- und Genußmittel AG (INGA) in Schaffhausen1914 Establishment of the northern sales management in BerlinTransfer of the registered office of the newly founded Heinrich Franck Söhne GmbH from Halle to BerlinConversion of Heinrich Franck Söhne OHG Ludwigsburg into a GmbH 1918 At the end of the first quarter of 1918, Heinrich Franck Söhne OHG Ludwigsburg was converted into a GmbH 1918. World War IIIn the successor states of the Danube Monarchy, independent Franck companies are formed in the form of national stock corporations. foundation of the Central European Agricultural and Operating Company in Berlin, Großwerther since 1928, for improved raw material supply. 1920 foundation of the FUNDUS Handelsgesellschaft mbH in Linz with significant participation of Heinrich Franck and sons. In 1922, Heinrich Franck Söhne firms in Germany join Allgemeine Nahrungsmittel GmbH (ANGES) in Berlin (after 1930 renamed ZIMA Verwaltungs-GmbH, Berlin). ANGES' task: Coordination of procurement, technology, sales and finances1928 Centenary celebrations in Ludwigsburg and Halle1933 After the seizure of power, the international interdependence of the economy is increasingly restricted.1939 Outbreak of the Second World WarIncreasing shortage of raw materials leads to rapprochement between Heinrich Franck and sons as well as the competing company Kathreiner.1943 Beginning outsourcing of the Berlin administration to Ludwigsburg1944 Merger of Franck and Kathreiner to form Franck und Kathreiner GmbH, Vienna1945 After the end of the war, reconstruction began in the western zones in:- Karlsruhe (founded by Kathreiner)- Ludwigsburg (founded by Franck) - Neuss (founded by Franck)- Regensburg (founded by Kathreiner)- Uerdingen (founded by Kathreiner)Headquarters of the company management becomes Ludwigsburg.1964 The Austrian plants in Linz and Vienna become independent.1964 The Austrian plants in Linz and Vienna become independent. By entering the delicatessen ("Thomy's") business, the company name was changed to Unifranck Lebensmittelwerke GmbH1965 Franck is now the leading supplier of over 70
n of the INGA.1970 Transformation of INGA into Interfranck Holding AG, Zurich1971 Merger of Interfranck-Holding AG with Ursina AG to form Ursina-Franck AG, Bern1973 Takeover of the corporate assets of Ursina-Franck AG by Nestlé Alimentana AG, Vevey (Switzerland)1976 formation of Allgäuer Alpenmilch-Unifranck-Vertriebsgesellschaft mbH (Allfa), Munich1978 Allgäuer Alpenmilch AG takes over the majority of Unifranck's share capital, Munich1978 relocation of Unifranck's head office to Munich and merger with Allgäuer Alpenmilch AG. In Ludwigsburg, the only factory that can still continue the tradition of the company's founding as a producer of coffee products remained to this day. In 1987, Nestlé Maggi GmbH and Allgäuer Alpenmilch AG merged to form Nestlé Deutschland AG. Unifranck Lebensmittelwerke GmbH became a minority shareholder of Nestle Deutschland AG, Frankfurt. The group comprises 23 factories in Germany. Organisation of the Heinrich Franck Söhne headquarters from 1919 onwards: 010 Management - Regional Committees and Advisory Boards014 Executive Person020 Central Department for Organisation024 Organisation, Central Office030 Central Department for General Administration:031 Business Accounting032 Money and Financial Accounting034 Delivery Accounting036 Legal Department037 Tax Department040 Central Department for Commercial Factory Management:041 Good Purchasing045 Permanent Witness Purchasing047 Warehouse Witness Purchasing049 Goods Directorate050 Central Department for Technical Factory Management:051 Processing of goods and production054 Printing office055 Central technical office060 Central sales department:061 Central sales office070 Central social administration department:071 Employees075 Social security and financial services employees076 General workers080 Central control department:081 Farm accounting082 Calculation of costs088 Variety statistics089 Freight and tariff officePost office of the central branches Literature: 100 years Franck 1828-1928, Ludwigsburg/Berlin, 1928.Wolfgang Schneider: The Unifranck Advertising Media Archive in Ludwigsburg, in: Ludwigsburger Geschichtsblätter, 31/1979, pp. 79-83 The capital of Cichoria, Ludwigsburg and the coffee media company Franck, catalogue for the exhibition of the Ludwigsburg Municipal Museum, 1 Dec. 1989 to 1 Dec. 1990, Ludwigsburg 1979.