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BArch, N 42/38 · Akt(e) · 1924-1932
Teil von Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

Contains among other things: Award of the Iron Cross to the Swedish commercial attaché in Berlin Löwengoord, 1924; Award of the Medal of Honor of the German Red Cross to the American journalists William Hearst and Karl von Wiegand as well as to the Austrian Army Minister Vaugoin 1929, 1931; Visit of a Finnish lieutenant colonel to the Reich Ministry of Defence, o. Dat. State Secretary Otto Meissner concerning the training of a Chinese officer as an officer and in flying, 12.05.1930; speech of the Chief of Army Command General of the Infantry Kurt Freiherr von Hammerstein at the farewell breakfast for the French military attaché in Berlin General Tournès, 10.11.1930; antiques dealer Dr. Paul Drey to Lieutenant Colonel Friedrich-Wilhelm v. Willisen concerning the training of a Chinese officer as an officer and in flying, 12.05.1930. the economic situation in the United States of America and the views there on Germany, in particular its internal political situation and its ability to pay reparations, 15.01.1931; Correspondence with State Secretary Otto Meissner concerning the rescheduling of a German property in the former province of Posen, March 1931; Plan of a visit of the British admiral Viscount John Jellicoe of Scapa to Germany, operated by General of the Cavalry Friedrich Graf von der Schulenburg, March/April 1931; Alleged commercial espionage of the Japanese Dr. Job Tamaki, March 1932; from Hagen, Betschuanaland, to Major L. Müldner von Mülnheim concerning colonial questions, 12.04.1932; Planned reception by Sir Stafford Cripps, June 1932

RMG 2.173 · Akt(e) · 1930-1963
Teil von Archive and Museum Foundation of the VEM (Archivtektonik)

Correspondence with Pilgrim Mission St. Chrischona about the takeover of W. Döge, 1930; curriculum vitae and medical certificate, also for bride Marianne Kästner, 1930; correspondence with Walter Döge and Marianne Kästner about engagement and departure matters, 1930-1933; travel letters, reports and circulars from New Guinea, 1930-1937; "Ein Besuch bei den Stämmen im oberen Ramu-Tal", 7 p.., ms., 1933; Negotiations with the American Board of Foreign Missions for taking overöges and sending out his bride, 1935; "Kamong, ein Martyrer", 2 p., ms., 1935; "Report on the baptism in Sarisawu (Laden) on 15.09.1935", 9 p., hs, 1935; Among the untouched tribes on the north coast of New Guinea (Bunabun-Inland), 10 p., ms., 1934; correspondence with Walter Doege on home leave, 1938-1939; correspondence with Walter Doege in Manila, 1940-1942; correspondence with Walter Doegein the USA, 1946-1963; photo of the couple Doege, 1956

Rheinische Missionsgesellschaft
G XII Reports by German Naval Attachés
BArch, RM 12-II/217 · Akt(e) · 9. Febr. - 5. Okt. 1939
Teil von Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

Contains among other things: Turkey; Philippine question; English-French conference in Singapore; Hong Kong; Russian pact; England; Japan; Yemen; expansion of Mers-el-Kebir; visit of the Prince Regent of Yugoslavia to Rome; talks with foreign naval attachés; military measures by France; Spain; war economy and military measures in Albania and Greece; Cameroon

Governor of New Guinea Kraetke, ca. 1900
291969 · Akt(e) · 1900
Teil von Süddeutsche Zeitung Photo

New Guinea: the governor of New Guinea on an inspection trip, here during a visit to a village in the Bamiss landscape. He's with court ace. Schmiele, Dr. Hugo Zöller, Joachim Graf Pfeil, Captain Dallmann and Richard Parkinson / Photographer: Scherl

Kiautschou - General government affairs: vol. 5
BArch, RM 3/6721 · Akt(e) · 1907-1909
Teil von Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

Contains among other things: Visit of a Reichstag delegation in Tsingtau Reports on trips to Tsinafu, Shanghai, Hong Kong Governor's trip to Japan and Manchuria Damage to the quay wall at the shipyard area by Japanese steamship "Tateyama-Maru" in March 1907

Military policy reports - ships: vol. 24
BArch, RM 3/3038 · Akt(e) · 1913
Teil von Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

Contains among other things: Cruiser squadron: (S.M.S. "Tsingtau", "Fatherland", "Tiger"): Reports about riots in China, among others about: Canton, Nanking, Shanghai, Yangtze River; various maps S.M.S. "Leipzig": Events in China S.M.S. "Otter": Events in China S.M.S. "Iltis": Events in China (Hong Kong, Canton) S.M.S. "Emden": Yaß - Rabaul, Events in China S.M.S. "Nuremberg": Events in China S.M.S. "Condor": Japan (test of a telephone), Marianen S.M.S. "Bremen": Port of Spain, Para, Cameroon, Togo, St. Helena, Rio de Janeiro S.M.S. "Dresden": Rodosto (situation in Turkey) S.M.S. "Boars": Madeira, Santa Cruz de Tenerife, Las Palmas, Monrovia, Freetown, Lome Mediterranean Division: Piraeus, Phaleron Bay, Constantinople, visit to the Chataldja Line, Syracus S.M.S. "Vultures": Bojana Estuary, Castelnuovo S.M.S. "Gneisenau": New Pomerania, Kuta S.M.S. "Wroclaw": Bojana, Constantinople, Therapia S.M.S. "Seagull": German East Africa (Riots) S.M.S. "Panther": Cape Town, Southwest Africa S.M.S. "Victoria Luise": Ferrol, Valencia, Palma S.M.S. "Vineta": Ferrol, Santa Cruz de Tenerife, Las Palmas, Porto Grande, Pernambuco, Santos S.M.S. "Loreley": Batum, Sinope, Sebastopol, Yalta, Gagri, Thessaloniki, Therapia, Constantinople (sale of antiquities) S.M.S. "Hertha": Dartmouth, Villagarcia, Horta S.M.S. "Hansa": Bilbao, Palma S.M.S. "Cormoran": Sydney, Norfolk, Iceland, Suva, Samoa Islands S.M.S. "Sea Eagle: Seychelles, Zanzibar, Dar es Salaam Cruise Wing: South Seas (partial unrest) I. Half Flotilla: Stockholm, Wisby S.M.S. "Strasbourg": Mersina, Alexandrette, Alexandria

Military policy reports - ships: vol. 6
BArch, RM 3/3020 · Akt(e) · 1906-1907
Teil von Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

Contains among other things: S.M.S. "Loreley": Rhodes, Lindos, Budrum, Kos, Smyrna, Therapia, Varna, Jaffa, Haifa, Beirut, Athos, Thessaloniki, Galatia, Bender, Erekli S.M.S. "Planet:" Tamatave, St. Petersburg, St. Petersburg, St. Petersburg, St. Petersburg, St. Petersburg, St. Petersburg, St. Petersburg, St. Petersburg, St. Petersburg, St. Petersburg Marie de Madagascar, Mauritius, Rodriguez, Padang, Batavia, Makassar (uprising) S. M. S. "Niobe": Bombay S. M. S. "Falcon": Callao, Valparaeiso (earthquake aftermath), Santiago, Peru, Chile S. M. S. "Stone": Copenhagen, Christiana, Rotterdam, Madaeira, Falmouth, Tangier, Port of Spain, Tenerife, St. Lucia, Martinique, Basseterre S. M. S. "Stosch": Arendal, Stockholm, Horta, Helder, Madeira, Las Palmas, Port Mahon, Syracus, Mogador (riots against Jews), Venice, Corfu, Alexandria S. M. S. "Panther": Bermudas, Kingston, Havana, Canada, Curacao, Cartagena, Antigua, Dominica, St. Pierre, Martinique, Grenada S. M. S. "Sparrow Hawk": Cape Town (riots in Natal), Southwest Africa, Cap Cross, Mossamedes, Loanda, Principe, Great Fischbai, Port Alexander, Elefantbai, Benguella, Lobito-Bai S. M. S. "Charlotte: Bergen, Soguefjord, Vigo, Malaga, Algiers, Corfu, Spezia, Palermo, Syracus, Castelnouvo (visit to Montenegro), Piraeus S.M.S. "Condor": Sydney, Samoa, Auckland, Suva, Bismarck Archipelago S.M.S. "Bremen": Bahia, Montevideo, Rio des Janeiro (Pan-American Congress), Ilha Grande, Port of Spain, La Guayra, Argentina, St. Thomas, Port-au-Prince S. M. S. "Bussard": Kilindini, Mombasa, Zansibar (Military Unrest) S. M.S. 'Sea Eagle': Réunion, Mauritius, Madagascar, Seychelles S.M.S. 'Hansa': Singapore, Rangoon Cruise Wing: China, Japan S.M.S. 'Leipzig': Cadiz, Port Said, Djibouti

ALMW_II._32_52 · Akt(e) · 1930-1960
Teil von Francke's Foundations in Halle

Four fiches. Contains: FICHE No. 52 1 - Marangu 1928. "Resolutions passed by the Conference of Evangelical Missions" - Leipzig 1930. Ihmels to "Friends" - o.O. 1930. ? (Ihmels?) to the mission societies working in East Africa (3 letters) - Machame 1930. Room to the German Protestant missions in Tanganyika Territory - Berlin 1930. Berliner Missionsgesellschaft (Knak) to Ihmels - o.O. 1930 and 1932. ? (Ihmels?) to Oldham (2 letters) Bethel 1930. Bethel mission (Trittelvitz) to Ihmels (2 letters) - o.O. 1930/31. ? (Ihmels?) to Trittelvitz (3 letters) - o.O. 1930. ? (Ihmels?) to Baudert - o.O. 1930. ? (Ihmels?) to Judge - Steglitz 1930. Judge to Ihmels - o.O. 1930. ? (Ihmels?) to Richter, Baudert, Trittelvitz, Johanssen - London 1931. Gibson to Weichert (English) - o.O. 1931. ? (Ihmels?) to Gabriel (2 letters) - Halle 1931. Mission conference in the province Saxony (Gabriel) to Ihmels - Berlin 1931. Berliner Missionsgesellschaft (Weichert) to Ihmels, Trittelvitz - o.O. 1931. ? (Ihmels?) an Knak - Leipzig 1931. Ihmels an die in Ostafrika arbeitenden Missions-Gesellschaften (3fach) - Leipzig 1932. Ihmels an die in Ostafrika arbeitenden Missionsgesellschaften (4 letters; partly 2fach) - London 1931/32. International Missionary Council (Gibson, Oldham) an Ihmels (English; 6 letters) - o.O. 1932. ? (Ihmels) to Gibson (2 letters) - o.k. 1932. ? (Ihmels?) to Handmann - Neukirchen 1932. Orphanage and Mission (Nitsch) to Ihmels - Leipzig 1932. ? Dougall - o.O. 1932. ? (Ihmels?) to Freytag - o.O. 1932. ? Nitsch - o.O. 1932. ? (Ihmels?) an Schlunk - Dresden 1932 "Minutes of the meeting of the missionary societies working in East Africa" (Maschinegeschrieben; 9 p.; 2-fold) - Dresden 1932. Personn: "Die Central-Schule für Eingeborene in Tanganyika Territory (Ostafrika)" (Maschinegeschrieben; 3 p.) - o.J. "Gedanken über die Schulen der Mandats-Regierung im Tanganyika Territory zur Erziehung von Häuptlingssöhnen, sogen. Tribal Schools´" (typewritten; 2 p.) - o.O., o.J., o.J., o.R., "High National Education" (typewritten; 8 p.) - o.J., room: "Securing missionary interests against government school legislation" (10 p.). FICHE NR. 52 2 - Continued - Dresden 1932 Personn: "The Central School for Natives in Tanganyika Territory (East Africa)" (Maschinegeschrieben; 3 p.) - n.a. Room: "The Safeguarding of Missionary Interests against the School Legislation of the Government" (17 p.) - Dresden 1932 Rother: "The Training of Teachers in Tanganyika in the next Future" (English) - Dresden 1932 Rother: "Revision of the Education Ordinance and Regulations for Tanganyika Territory" (English) - o.O. 1932, 1934/34. ? (Ihmels?) to the mission societies working in East Africa (6 letters) - o.O. 1932. ? (Ihmels?) to Nitsch - o.O. 1932. Invoice for reproduction - London 1932. International Missionary Council (Gibson, Oldham) to Ihmels (English; 3 letters) - o.O., o.J. o. Publisher "The Remaking of Man in Africa" (English; typewritten; 12 p.) - o.O. 1932. ? (Ihmels?) to Gibson (2 letters) - London 1932. Gibson to Ihmels (attached: "Draft Memorandum on Missionary Education in Tanganyika Territory"; English; typewritten; 7 p.) - Weimar 1932. Rother to Director - o.O., 1032. ? (Ihmels?) to room, Rother, person - o.O. 1938. "Christian Educational Policy in Tanganyika Territory. (Memorandum based on discussion and memoranda at a Conference of the Lutheran missionary societies)" (English; typed; 5 p.) - o.O., o.J. "Notes of points which might receive further consideration in any revision of the ordinance" - 1932. "Tanganyika Territory Native Education: Note of discussion in African Education Group" - Bethel 1934. Bethel-Mission (Ronicke) an Ihmels - o.O. 1934. ? (Ihmels?) to Ronicke - Berlin 1934 "Minutes of the Meeting of the East Africa Commission" - Dar es Salaam 1936 "Extract from the Minutes of the German Lutheran Missionary Conference in Dar es Salaam 1936" (transcript) - Dar es Salaam 1936 "General German Lutheran Missionary Conference including Augustana Synod. Agenda" (transcript). FICHE NR. 52 3 - Leipzig 1936 Ihmels to the mission societies working in East Africa - Herrnhut 1936/37 Herrnhuter Missions-Direktion (Baudert) to Ihmels (3 letters) - Bethel 1936/37 Bethel-Mission (Ronicke) to Ihmels (3 letters) - Neukirchen 1936/37 Orphanage and Missions Institute (Nitsch) to Ihmels (2 letters) - Leipzig 1936. ? to "brothers" (concerning invitation to the meeting of the mission societies working in East Africa; in appendix: Room: "Expert opinion on the question whether the translation of the Old Testament Roehl´sche should be printed at the expense of the German Evangelical Missions", 2-fold) - Leipzig 1936. ? (Ihmels?) to the members of the literature commission in East Africa (2-fold) - Bukoba o.J. Scholten: "Denkschrift zur Missionslage in Ostafrika" (copy; typewritten; 11 p.) - Leipzig 1937. Ihmels to "Freunde" (presumably members of the East Africa commission) - o.O. 1937. ? (Ihmels?) to Ronicke - Leipzig 1937. Ihmels to the members of the East Africa Commission (3 letters) - Berlin 1937. "Minutes of the meeting of the East Africa Commission of the German Evangelical Mission Day" - Leipzig 1937. ? (Ihmels?) to the members of the literature commission in East Africa - Berlin 1937. Judge to Ihmels - o.O. 1937. ? (Ihmels?) to Judge - Leipzig 1937-1940. ? (Ihmels?) to the mission societies working in East Africa (9 letters) - Berlin 1937. Berliner Missionsgesellschaft (Braun) to Ihmels - Herrnhut 1937. "Minutes of the negotiations of the East Africa Commission of the D.E.M.R." - o.O. 1937. ? (Ihmels?) to Baudert - Leipzig 1937. ? (Ihmels?) to Rother - o.O. 1937. ? (Ihmels?) to Meyer - Marangu 1938. Rother to Director (copy) - Leipzig 1938. ? (Ihmels?) to the members of the Home Council of the East African Federation of Churches - Leipzig 1939. ? (Ihmels?) to the Lutheran Mission Societies (2 letters) - Kigoma 1940. Tanganyika Missionary Council (Bekewell) to Warnshuis (English) - Berlin 1941. Berlin Missionary Society (Knak) to the German Protestant Missions working in East Africa (2 letters) - Berlin 1941. Berliner Missionsgesellschaft (Braun) an Ihmels, Nitsch, Ronicke, Vogt - Programme "Working discussion of the East African missionaries" - Leipzig 1940. Ihmels an die Ostafrika-Missionare in der Heimat - Leipzig 1941. ? (Ihmels?) to the mission societies working in East Africa - Leipzig 1941. Ihmels to the relatives of our missionaries and sisters - o.O. 1941. National Lutheran Council (Long) to Ihmels (English) - Leipzig 1941. Ihmels to the mission societies working in East Africa as well as the Lutheran missions working in India - Leipzig 1944. ? (Ihmels?) to the mission societies working in East Africa - Leipzig 1947. ? to the mission societies working in East Africa (2fold) - Kinampanda 1950. Augustana Lutheran Mission (Anderson) an Ihmels (English) - o.O. 1950. Schiotz an Lutheran Churches in Tanganyika that formerly were served by the Berlin, Bethel and Leipzig Mission Societies (English). FICHE NR. 52 4- - Leipzig 1950/51st ? (Ihmels?) to Brennecke (4 letters, partly 2fold) - Ladismith, Moshi 1951. Brennecke to Ihmels (2 letters) - Pretoria 1951. Brennecke to Freytag, Ihmels, Ronicke - 1951. Brennecke: "Report about the visit of the former German mission fields in Tanganyika" (typewritten; 23 p.) - Dresden 1952. "Reproduction of the lecture by Mission Director Brennecke:Der Mensch in Afrika unter dem Kreuz´"". Geneva, 1958. Lutheran World Federation. Department of World Mission (Sovik) an "All boards and societies with interest in Tanganyika" - Bethel 1959. Bethel-Mission (Albrecht) an die Geschäftsführer der in Tanganyika arbeitenden deutschen Gesellschaften (Abschrift) - Berlin 1960. "Minutes of a Meeting of Tanganyika Decernts of German Evangelical Mission Societies" - Bethel 1959. Kühhirt an von Stackelberg - New York 1960. National Lutheran Council Division of LWF Affairs Dept. of World Mission Cooperation (Rolander) an All European Societies working with DWMC in Tanganyika.

Leipziger Missionswerk