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'Exploration of Adamaua; Volume 1'
FA 1 / 72 · Dossier · 1885 - 1902
Fait partie de Cameroon National Archives

'Mutation des Soldats Haoussa du Togo à Yaoundé afin d'y établir un contact avec les caravanes de marchands Haoussa de l'Adamaoua et leur redirection vers la côte du Protectorat du Cameroun. - Arrêté du Ministère des Affaires étrangères

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FA 1 / 102 · Dossier · 1895 - 1896
Fait partie de Cameroon National Archives

Statements of various companies against the execution, January 1895 [fol. 34 - 38] European expedition members. - Directory, 1 April 1895 [fol. 41] Investigation against Chief Bome of Edea for treason and his death by drowning and escape during transport to Douala, June-July 1895 [fol. 71 - 83] Public safety. - Expulsion of Duala traders from Edea and the Sanaga area for supplying primers to natives, especially the Bakoko, June-July 1895 [fol. 57 - 70] Conducting military reconnaissance of the Sanaga area against the intentions of the governorate. - Reports of Deputy Governor von Puttkamer, 9-18 August 1895 [fol. 99 - 107] Reconnaissance of the Sanaga area. - Reports by Rittmeister von Stetten, June 1895 [fol. 108 - 116] Transport. - Itinerary Kribi Jaunde. - Description, 1895 [fol. 128 - 129]

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FA 1 / 136 · Dossier
Fait partie de Cameroon National Archives

Schwierigkeiten des Bezirksamtes Jaunde bei der Trägerbeschaffung für durchreisende amtliche Expeditionen und Handelsexpedition. - Report by District Officer von Krosigk, March 1907 [fol. 27 - 28] Business trip to the upper Njong from 7 November to the end of December 1906 (Captain Schlosser), 1906 [fol. 31 - 34] North Maka expedition from 22 November 1906 - 20 January 1907 (Captain Dominik and Captain Schlosser), 1906 - 1907 [fol. 35 - 130] Akonolinga. - Filling the post of station master until the return of Sergeant Liebert, who had transferred to the civil administration, June-July 1907 [fol. 55 - 64] Akonolinga. - Handover of the station, 1 August 1907 - 1 April 1908 [fol. 59 - 133] Jaunde. - Handover of the station to Bezirksamtmann von Krosigk by Captain Dominik, 23.1.1907 [fol. 72 - 76] Murder of the labour recruiter Voss of the Bimbia plantation of the company C. Woermann on 11.3.1907 near Jaunde. - Enquiry into alleged political motives, 1907 [fol. 78 - 109] Alleged links between a case of cannibalism by Mbo people on a Yaoundé man in Victoria, the murder of Voss and the feared effects of this offence on the administration of the reserve with increasing neglect of the supervision of the Yaoundé tribe. - Statement of the recalled Governor von Puttkamer, 1907 [fol. 93 - 119] Chief Ngutte. - Pardon at the request of Captain Dominik, December 1907 [fol. 113] Strength of the protection force for Cameroon on the occasion of the Anjang uprising and stationing of a powerful expeditionary company in Kribi as an intervention reserve against feared uprisings by the Yaoundé, Bule and other tribes in the Southern District. - Memorandum, 22 August 1907 [fol. 120 - 121] Tour of the Yaoundé district in May 1907 (Lieutenant Müller), 1907 [fol. 136 - 146] Akonolinga. - Conversion into a station to enhance the reputation of the provisional station commander. - Application by Captain Dominik, April 1907 [fol. 134] Bafia. - Report by Major General Müller, about 1907 [fol. 147 - 148]

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