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FA 1 / 22 · Dossier · 1912 - 1913
Fait partie de Cameroon National Archives

Einzelelfälle. - Oertel, medical orderly. - Leaving in cash, 1912 [fol. 1] Native taxes and benefits. - Entry into force of the Native Man Tax Ordinance on 1.4.1913. - Telegraphic order from Governor Dr Ebermaier, 1912 [fol. 2] Cultivation trials. - Cotton. - Exploration of the eastern part of the Joko district by the agricultural expert Dr Simoneit for cotton cultivation possibilities. - Order of the Governor Dr Ebermaier, 1912 [fol. 8 - 9] Local government offices. - Bamenda. - Retention of the administration at the previous location, expansion and fortification of the station (provision of funds), 1912 [fol. 10] Bamum (Fumban). - Establishment of a residence. - Memorandum by Dr Ebermaier, 1912 [fol. 14 - 16] Cameroon Northern Railway - continuation. - Development of the Bamum (Fumban) area after the extension of the Cameroon Northern Railway. - Memorandum by Governor Dr Ebermaier, 1912 [fol. 14 - 16] Personality of Chief Njoya. - Report by Governor Dr Ebermaier, 1912 [fol. 14 - 16] Individual cases. - Adametz, Captain. - Planned appointment as resident in Bamum (Fumban) from spring 1913, 1912 [fol. 14 - 20] Regional border matters. - Ossidinge, 1912 [fol. 17] Offices of the local administration. - Bamenda. - Administrative changes (planning), April 1912 [fol. 18 - 19] Distribution of European civil servants. - Lists. - Filling of administrative posts with officers of the Schutztruppe für Kamerun. - Plans by Governor Dr Ebermaier, 1912 [fol. 20] Reinforcement of the police force in the Dschang district by 10 soldiers. -Approval of the application of the district office by Governor Dr Ebermaier, 1912 [fol. 23] Gold deposits in the Garua (Njum) district. - Discovery of the deposit by The Niger Company, Ltd, 1912 [fol. 24] Cameroon Northern Railway - continuation. - Completion of the exploration for the railway line. - Report by technician Arnold, 1912 [fol. 31] Cameroon Northern Railway - continuation. - Economic importance of the Bamum (Fumban) area. - Report by Technician Arnold, 1912 [fol. 31 - 37] Offices of the Special Administration. - Buea Government Printing Office. - Conditions of the department. - Memorandum, Privy Government Councillor Dr Meyer, 1912 [fol. 39 - 42] Offices of the special administration. - Buea Government Printing Office. - Sanitary conditions of the office. - Expert opinion by government physician Dr Schütz, 1912 [fol. 43 - 44] Offices of the Special Administration. - Buea Government Printing Office. - Conditions of the department and strengthening of the private printing industry. - Report by Governor Dr Ebermaier, 1912 [fol. 45 - 51] Displacement of the Kauri snail as a means of payment from the markets of the Bamum (Fumban) region. - Memorandum by Governor Dr Ebermaier, 1912 [fol. 52] Arrest of the chiefs Tedi Mbassa and Dalugene in the Dume area. - Report by Lieutenant Zipse, 1912 [fol. 53] Establishment of a meteorological service in the Kamerun protectorate. - Memorandum by Governor Dr Ebermaier, 1913 [fol. 62 - 66] Cotton. - Cotton cultivation in Nigeria. - Preparations for a business trip by the agricultural expert Dr Wolff, 1913 [fol. 67-70, 211 - 214] Livestock breeding. - Crossbreeding trials with Allgäu bulls and zebu cows. - Report by the government doctor Immel, Banjo, 1912 [fol. 73 - 78] Livestock breeding. - Stationing of European or zebu breeding bulls in Banjo. - Report of the government veterinarian Immel, 1912 [fol. 75 - 78] Livestock breeding. - Establishment of a breeding station for cattle, sheep and chickens. - Cost estimate by government veterinarian Immel, Banjo, 1912 [fol. 77 - 78] Livestock breeding. - Procurement of livestock for the Djutits livestock breeding station, Dschang district; establishment of the Bamenda livestock breeding station; livestock farming at the Kuti agricultural research station. - Provision of financial resources, 1913 [fol. 83-87, 171 - 173] Administrative and territorial boundaries (tribal boundaries). - Banjo and Bamenda, 1912 - 1913 [fol. 89 - 94] General political, military and economic conditions. - Bali area, especially support for the pro-government Chief Bali, 1913 [fol. 97 - 107] Administrative and territorial boundaries (tribal boundaries). - Dschang and Bamenda, 1912 [fol. 108] Mission and school matters. - Minutes of a meeting between Governor Dr Ebermaier and various experts in Kuti (Kutaba) near Bamum (Fumban), 1912 [fol. 109 - 120] Cattle breeding. - Cattle husbandry of the natives in the resident districts. - Questionnaire form, 1913 [fol. 121] Cameroon-Midland Railway. - Continuation of the Ngaundere Garua railway. - Memorandum by Dr Ebermaier, 1913 [fol. 127 - 128] Affairs of the chiefs. - Maintenance (re-gilding and re-silvering) and repair of the chieftaincy staffs awarded to the chiefs as emblems of sovereignty. - Order by Dr Ebermaier, 1913 [fol. 129] Affairs of the chiefs. - Handover of chiefs' staffs by Governor Dr Ebermaier during the Lake Chad journey. - List of chiefs, January 1913 [fol. 130] Development of the transport system in the Cameroon protectorate. - Memorandum by Government Councillor Schlosser for the colonial writer Zimmermann, 1913 [fol. 140] Europeans. - Budgetary departures of officers and non-commissioned officers of the protection force for Cameroon in the financial year 1913/14 - List of names, 1913 [fol. 144 - 145] Personnel budgets (drafts) for European civil servants and military personnel. - Accounting year 1914/15 [fol. 146 - 158] Local administration, general. - Renaming and administrative changes at the Residenturen. - Decree by Dr Ebermaier: Draft, 26.1.1913 [fol. 151 - 165] Taxes and services of the native. - Collection of poll tax and cattle tax in Lamidat Ngaundere. - Report by Governor Dr Ebermaier on the request of the Lamido, 1913 [fol. 159] General political, military and economic conditions. - New Cameroon (in particular reference to the insufficient German military forces there). - Report by Captain Schwartz, 1913 [fol. 166] Job applications for the financial year 1914/15 (with reasons). - Banjo (Bezirksksamtsmannstelle and discontinuation of the Bezirksleiterstelle) [fol. 174] Vacancy applications for the financial year 1914/15 (with justifications). - Molundu (District Officer's Office) [fol. 174] Europeans. - Personnel changes in the Schutztruppe for Cameroon. - Telegraphic order from Governor Dr Ebermaier, 12.2.1913 [fol. 184] European. - Personnel changes in the administration. - Telegraphic order from Governor Dr Ebermaier, 12.2.1913 [fol. 184] Members of the Special Administration. - Personnel changes in the forestry department after the death of Chief Forester Schorkopf. - Report by Privy Government Councillor Dr Meyer, 1913 [fol. 185] Development of the railway network in the Kamerun Protectorate, taking into account the navigable rivers after the acquisition of New Kamerun. - Report by Engineer Thevos, 1912 [fol. 185 - 206] March Garua Mbassi-Baibokum of the 12th Company (Captain von Raven, First Lieutenant Wanka) also: Representation of German power in the area of the eastern border at the request of Governor Dr Ebermaier, 1913 [fol. 216 - 220] Local administration, general. - Establishment of the administration along the new eastern border on the Logone. - Memorandum by Dr Ebermaier, 1913 [fol. 221 - 223] Land law, land registration, expropriation, land ownership of the natives. - Duala expropriation. - Meeting of the Duala chiefs. - Minutes (extracts), 9 December 1912 [fol. 167] Land law, land registration, expropriation, land ownership of the natives. - Duala expropriation. - Petition of the Duala chiefs to District Officer Röhm. - Transcript, 7 Dec. 1912 [fol. 168] Affairs of the chiefs. - Jaimo, deposed Lamido of Kontcha. - Return from British to German territory. - Statement by Governor Dr Ebermaier on Captain Eymael's report, Banjo, 1913 [fol. 177 - 182] Local government departments. - Ngaundere. - Taking over the business. - Report by Captain von Stephani, 1 February 1913 [fol. 224] Combating unrest and insurrections. - Eastern Frontier, 1907 - 1913 [fol. 216 - 220]

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FA 1 / 700 · Dossier · 1903 - 1905
Fait partie de Cameroon National Archives

Bereitstellung von Tributarbeiter für den Telegrafendurchbau nach Kribi entlang der Küste. - Report by Lieutenant von Sobbe, Edea, 5 September 1904 [fol. 98 - 99] Construction of telephone and telegraph connections. - Duala - Jabassi, 1904 Construction of telephone and telegraph connections. - Recruitment and provision of workers for the construction, operation and maintenance of telegraph and telephone lines in the Cameroon Protectorate, 1889 - 1908 Construction of telephone and telegraph lines. - Duala - Edea, 1902 - 1903 Construction of telephone and telegraph lines. - Kribi - Lolodorf - Jaunde - Akonolinga and plans for the continuation Lomie - Molundu, 1904 - 1908

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FA 1 / 701 · Dossier · 1904 - 1907
Fait partie de Cameroon National Archives

Anwerbung und Bereitstellung von Arbeitern für den Bau, Betrieb und die Unterhaltung der Telegrafen- und Telefonverbindungen im Schutzgebiet Kamerun, 1889 - 1908 Bau von Fernsprech- und Telegrafenverbindungen. - Kribi - Lolodorf - Jaunde - Akonolinga and planning for the continuation of the Lomie - Molundu line, 1904 - 1908 Construction of telephone and telegraph lines. - Extension of the British telegraph connection Jola - Garua. - Planning and discontinuation due to unfavourable British conditions, 1906 - 1908

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FA 1 / 9 · Dossier · 1906 - 1907
Fait partie de Cameroon National Archives

Attroupement et absence sans permission de douze Soldats partis à Kribi ainsi que conditions de l'équipe d'accompagnement d'origine tribale diverse et situation de l'expédition quant aux sous-effectifs et au manque en équipement. - Rapport du Capitaine Förster, 1906nnOrder of intervention by Governor von Puttkamer to Premier-Lieutenant Menzel, 1 November 1905nnnCondamnation of the soldiers who were deserted and of their co-accused Indians. - Judicial files, 1906nnDesertion of twelve soldiers from the German detachment of the French-Austrian Commission for the Frontal Limitation of the Cameroon Middle East due to poor direction given by Captain Cottes and for offences against the Ebolowa military station. - Request for proceedings in defamation on the part of Premier-Lieutenant Heinicke / Captain F., 1906nnExpédition franco-allemande de délimitation frontalière du Cameroun méridional. - Contentieux au sujet du service avec le Chef de la Station militaire d'Ebolowa, 1906 - 1907nnProcédure déficiente contre douze Soldats et demande de révoquation du service du Capitaine Förster remplacé par le Premier-Lieutenant Schwartz comme nouveau Chef du détachement allemand jusqu'à l'accomplissement des travaux à la frontière du Mouni-Espagnol, - Rapport du Premier-Lieutenant Heinicke. Ebolowa, 1906nnProcès en cour martiale par le Capitaine Förster contre douze Soldats pour exactions contre des Indigènes du Protectorat du Cameroun dans les territoires de Campo et du Mouni-Espagnol, 1907nnCondaation illégale en cour martiale par le Capitaine Förster et exécution non-conforme du Gendarme Bobbo de Monrovia par des Soldats de la Troupe coloniale du Protectorat. - Rapport du Premier-Lieutenant Müller, 1907nnEnquête relative à la légalité de la condamnation à mort de son frère et à son exécution. - Demande de l'ancien Gendarme Thomas Fama, Monrovia, 1907nnnConfirmation ultérieure de la condamnation à mort et annulation de la condamnation des autres accusés par le Gouverneur par intérim, le Dr. Gleim, 1907nnViolations of the frontiers by the African soldiers of the Colonial Troop of the Cameroon Protectorate (in reality the German detachment of the Franco-Alemand Commission for the Frontal Delimitation of the Méridional Cameroon). Enquêtes relatives au décret du Ministère des Affaires étrangères en raison des communiqués de presse espagnoles, 1907nnViolations des frontières par des Soldats africains de la Troupe coloniale du Protectorat du Cameroun, 1907nnSoldats africains du détachement allemand de la Commission franco-allemande de délimitation frontalière du Cameroun méridional. - List nominative, 1906nnSoutien insuffisant par les Stations d'Ebolowa, Lomié et Mouloundou. - Plainte auprès du Commandeur de la Troupe coloniale du Protectorat du Cameroun, 1906nnExactions et violations des frontières par des Soldats africains appartenant au détachement allemand et leur absence sans permission de la Troupe ainsi que procès devant la cour martiale subséquent, 1906 - 1907nnAdministration des Districts de Tinto et de Fontemdorf. - Mémorandum du Gouverneur de Puttkammer, Août 1905nn

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FA 1 / 130 · Dossier · (1897 -) 1902
Fait partie de Cameroon National Archives

Dienstreisen des Stationsleiters von Jaunde (Leutnant von Carnap-Quernheimb). - Business trip to the Congo from 15 August to 10 September 1897 (Governor von Puttkamer), 1897 [fol. 7 - 26] Ssanga-Ngoko expedition (Dr R. Plehn). - Journey from Molundu - Bertua, 1899 [fol. 95 - 101] Ssanga-Ngoko expedition (Dr R. Plehn). - Journey to Ndsimu and Bajanga on the Sanaga (5 - 29 June 1899), 1899 [fol. 104 - 116] Ssanga-Ngoko expedition (Dr R. Plehn). - Death of Dr R. Plehn on 24.11.1899 and repatriation of the expedition. - Report by Corporal Peter, 27 Dec. 1889 [fol. 121 - 123] Takeover of official passenger and cargo transports to and from the Ssanga-Ngoko area by the South Cameroon Company and transport difficulties on French territory, January-February 1900 [fol. 130 - 153] Regional border matters. - Ngoko, February 1900 [fol. 145 - 147] Reports from the general administration departments. - Lomie February 1900, 1900 [fol. 149 - 151] Conviction of the Hausa interpreter Dodo Madessa for various offences while on duty. - Pardon at the request of Lieutenant von Stein-Lausnitz, 1900 [fol. 163 - 167] Expeditions of the deputy head of the station at Ngoko (von Lüdinghausen). - Segawo expedition (12-29.4.1900), 1900 [fol. 176 - 181] Organisation of the administration of justice. - Station at Ngoko. - Basic authorisation of the head of the station to exercise jurisdiction in the first instance, 11.7.1900 [fol. 184 - 186] Expeditions of the head of the administration at Ngoko (Lieutenant Baron von Stein-Lausnitz). - Bertua expedition (15.4.-12.8.1902), 1902 [fol. 187 - 215] Activities of Lieutenant Ludwig Freiherr von Stein-Lausnitz as head of the station, (signature uncertain), 1900 - 1913 Ssanga-Ngoko expedition (Dr R. Plehn). - Execution, 1899 Franco-German survey to determine the boundaries of New Cameroon Headquarters South (Major Zimmermann), report, March-June

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