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Description archivistique
Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Abt. Generallandesarchiv Karlsruhe, 235 Nr. 48313 · Dossier · 1923-1940
Fait partie de Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Dept. General State Archive Karlsruhe (Archivtektonik)

Contains: Applications for an award by the Grand Duke and the deferral or non-granting of such an award (1), the appointment of a Hofrat (2) or a Musikdirektor (3) or Professor (4), the awarding of the Zähringer Löwenorden (5) and the obtaining of the consent of the competent government in the case of nationals of other countries, such as B. the conductor Karl Beines from Prussia in Freiburg and the agreement of the Baden region with the foreign award of Badeners, such as Max Adolf Peter Frey as a teacher at the Kunstgewerbeschule in Dresden, Dr. Albert Osterieth as a writer and editor in Berlin and Dr. Albert Osterieth as an editor in Berlin. Wilhelm Schäfer as Director of the Statistical Office of the City of Dresden as well as the suspensions of the Baden professor title by the gynaecologist Dr. Albert Fränkel in Badenweiler by Baden or Prussia by the Berlin Police Headquarters, the appointment of the garden architect Dr. Albert Fränkel by the Berlin Police Headquarters and the appointment of the garden architect Dr. Wilhelm Schäfer as the director of the Dresden Statistical Office. Brahe von Mannheim to the Prussian garden inspector, the regulation of the classification of academic university teachers in a new edition of the Court and State Manual of 30 June 1904 and the principles on the award of the title of music director and professor to musicians from 7 January 1908 to Berlin Darin: 1.) Festblatt des Schuldirektors Dr. Carl Löschhorn zum am Ostersonntag, 15. April 1900, in Leipzig celebrated 25th anniversary of Dr. Max Oberbreyer (printed matter, 4 pages) 2.) Brochure of the garden architect Fr. Brahe in Mannheim (brosch., illustrated)

Compendium on Military Law, Berlin 1911
Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Abt. Generallandesarchiv Karlsruhe, 456 F 153 Nr. 4 · Dossier · 1911
Fait partie de Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Dept. General State Archive Karlsruhe (Archivtektonik)

In it: I. Military penal code of 01.12.1898 Ia. Ordinance concerning the criminal proceedings against military personnel of the Imperial Protection Forces of 02.11.1909 Ib. Rules relating to the fees of witnesses and experts of 30.06.1878, as published in the notice of 20.05.1898 Ic. Law concerning voluntary jurisdiction and other legal matters in Army and Navy of 28.05.1901 II. Military Criminal Code for the German Reich of 20.06.1872 IIa. Most highest order, concerning the class division of the military officials of the Reichsheeres and the navy of 01.08.1908 III. war article for the army of 22.09.1902 IV. Supreme Ordinance on Disciplinary Penalties for the Army of 31.10.1872 V. Complaint regulations I of 30.03.1895, II of 14.06.1894 VI. Allerhöchste Regulation about the honorary courts of the officers in the Prussian Herre of 09.04.1901, new impression 1910 VIa. The highest decree about the honorary courts of the medical officers in the Prussian Herre from 09.04.1901, new impression 1910 VIb. Most High Decree on the Honorary Courts of the Officers of the Command of the Schutztruppen in the Reichs-Kolonialamt and the Kaiserliche Schutztruppen of 15.06.1897, reprint 1910 VIc. Most High Ordinance on the Honorary Courts of the Medical Officers of the Command of the Schutztruppen im Reichs-Kolonialamt and of the Kaiserliche Schutztruppen of 07.11.1901, New Impression 1910 VII. Criminal Code for the German Reich of 15.05.1871

Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Abt. Generallandesarchiv Karlsruhe, FA N 2522 · Dossier · 21. September 1906-1912
Fait partie de Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Dept. General State Archive Karlsruhe (Archivtektonik)

Contains among other things: English colonial politics (25.3.1907 and others); criticism of the imperial administration in Alsace-Lorraine (17.6.1907); Hedwig von Gemmingen, née Scipio [wife of the district president Karl von Gemmingen-Hornberg] (26.6.1907); public attacks on Friedrich Curtius, his role in Alsace (5.7.1907) Darin: Kondolenz des Generalsekretärs des Badischen Frauenvereins, [Ernst] Müller, zum Tod der Gräfin (1912)

Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Abt. Generallandesarchiv Karlsruhe, 49 · Fonds · 1774-1933 (1944)
Fait partie de Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Dept. General State Archive Karlsruhe (Archivtektonik)

History of the Baden embassies: Until 1871 Baden had maintained its own missions to the German Confederation, in Bavaria, Belgium, France, Hanover (until 1866), Hesse (Grand Duchy of Hesse), Italy, the Netherlands, Austria, Prussia, Saxony, Switzerland and Württemberg, as well as numerous overseas consulates (8 in the USA alone). The same states were also represented in Baden. With Baden's entry into the German Reich, his foreign powers were transferred to it and all Baden embassies were dissolved; only the embassy in Berlin remained in existence until 1918 or 1945. The legations in Stuttgart and Munich were re-established in Munich in 1894 in personal union and functioned until 1919. Conversely, in Karlsruhe after 1871, there were still legations from Bavaria, Belgium, Brazil, Great Britain (chargés d'affaires), Prussia, Russia and Spain, albeit with smaller personnel and fewer competences. Furthermore, numerous consulates remained as before, most of which were based in Mannheim. Tradition: The files of the legations dissolved in 1871 were handed over by the State Ministry to the General State Archives in 1887 with the condition that they be kept as a whole, i.e. not to be torn apart. Friedrich von Weech therefore established a "Gesandtschaftsarchiv" at the Haus- und Staatsarchiv as its abbot IV in accordance with the provenance. In 1934, the files of the Baden legations in Berlin were submitted from 1884 and Munich from 1894 onwards, others followed until 1951. Development: In 1907-1909, the legation files submitted until then were recorded, renumbered after 1950 and copied by typewriter in 1966; in 2010, Ms Sigrun Gees produced an online version of them. Parallel holdings: holdings 48, here: Diplomatic correspondence (counter tradition of the Baden government), embassies, consulates, fonds 233, here: Legations, especially no. 34795-34836 (reports of the Baden legation in Berlin 1874-1933) and no. 34863-34871 (reports of the Baden legation in Munich and Stuttgart 1894-1919). Literature: Günther Haselier, Die Badenische Gesandtschaft in München, in: Archivalische Zeitschrift 73 (1977), p. 99-111; Hansmartin Schwarzmaier/Hiltburg Köckert, Die Bestände des Generallandesarchivs Karlsruhe, Teil 3, Haus- und Staatsarchiv sowie Hofbehörden (46-60), Stuttgart 1991, p. 51-56; Jürgen Schuhladen-Krämer, accredited in Paris, Vienna, Berlin, Darmstadt ... Baden envoy between 1771 and 1945, Karlsruhe 2000.

Infantry Regiment 111 (existing)
Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Abt. Generallandesarchiv Karlsruhe, 456 F 37 · Fonds · 1850-1920
Fait partie de Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Dept. General State Archive Karlsruhe (Archivtektonik)

Regiment history: The regiment was rebuilt on 22 October 1852 as the 3rd Line Infantry Regiment. On 1 July 1871 it was renamed the 3rd Baden Infantry Regiment. As a result of the military convention concluded with Prussia and the associated numbering of the units, the addition no. 111 was added at the same time, following the Prussian model. From 18 December 1892, the unit was given the final designation of 3rd Baden Infantry Regiment Margrave Ludwig Wilhelm No. 111. When war broke out, the regiment belonged to the 56th Infantry Brigade (28th Infantry Division). At the beginning of the war, each infantry regiment, including the Reserve and Landwehr infantry regiments, had set up a replacement battalion for the training of replacements. In January 1915, a further replacement battalion was ordered. In addition to the training of the army replacement, new units were also formed by the replacement battalions. The 1st replacement battalion was erected on 2 August 1914 and stationed in Rastatt. The 2nd replacement battalion was also formed in Rastatt in February 1915. As a result of the demobilisation, from 2 May 1919 only the General Command, four higher dissolution staffs and one liquidation post each for each of the infantry and artillery regiments that were part of the peace budget before 1914 remained in the area of the XIV Army Corps. As a reaction to the so-called "Spartacus Uprising" in February 1919, the Reich and Badische Volksregierung had further voluntary associations set up at all units in addition to the existing voluntary formations. Inventory history: After the end of the war, the files remained at the processing office of Infantry Regiment No. 111. From January 1920, the establishment of an archive of the XIV Army Corps began, in which the archives of the processing offices were brought together. In autumn 1920 the corps archive moved to the infantry barracks in Heilbronn. From January 1921, the Corps Archives entered the portfolio of the Reich Ministry of the Interior under the name Aktenverwaltung XIV, before being incorporated into the Reichsarchiv in Potsdam as the Heilbronn archive branch on April 1, 1921. As a result of the merger of the Heilbronn and Stuttgart branches of the Reich Archives, the holdings were transferred to Stuttgart in 1924. The Württembergische Archivdirektion, which took over the administration of the holdings of the Army Archives Stuttgart after the end of the Second World War, handed over the XIV Army Corps to the General State Archives Karlsruhe in the years 1947 to 1949. A very detailed history of the holdings is contained in the foreword of the Deputy General Command of the XIV Army Corps (holdings 456 F 8). 317 fascicles with a circumference of 8.5 linear metres are included. References: Die Badener im Weltkrieg 1914/18, edited by Wilhelm Müller-Loebnitz, Karlsruhe 1935.German Military History in six volumes 1648-1939, edited by the Militärgeschichtlichen Forschungsamt Freiburg, Munich 1983.Feill, (Heinrich): Das 3. Badische Infanterie-Regiment Nr. 111 in the campaign 1870/71 along with a short prehistory of the Baden troops from 1604 to 1850 and of the establishment of the regiment 1853 to 1870, Berlin 1884.Feill, (Heinrich): Das 3. Badische Infanterie-Regiment Nr. 111 from 1852-1888, Berlin 1895. Fenske, Hans: Die Verwaltung im Ersten Weltkrieg, in: German Administrative History, vol. 3, Stuttgart 1984, p. 866-908. Fischer, Joachim: Ten Years Military Archive of the Hauptstaatsarchiv Stuttgart, in: Zeitschrift für Württembergische Landesgeschichte 37 (1978), p. 362-368 [Infantry Regiment 111]: Experiences of a deserter of the regiment Margrave Ludwig Wilhelm (3rd Baden) No. 111 in the French Foreign Legion 1889-1896, Baden-Baden 1898.Infanterie-Regiment 111]: Ehren-Tafel, list of the officers, non-commissioned officers and crews of the Infanterie-Regiment Markgraf Ludwig Wilhelm (3. Badisches) No. 111, Karlsruhe 1924 who remained in the field of honour. [Infanterie-Regiment 111]: Festbuch, Regimentstag on the occasion of the 75th anniversary of the foundation of the I. regiment.R. 111, Rastatt 1927.Jäger, Harald: The military archival material in the Federal Republic of Germany for the period from 1871 to 1919, in: Militärgeschichtliche Mitteilungen 1968/2, pp. 135-138.Kilian: Stock list of the officers' corps of the infantry regiment Margrave Ludwig Wilhelm (3rd ed. 1968/2, pp. 135-138). Baden) No. 111, 1852-1912, Rastatt 1912 Merz, Johann: Experiences of a soldier of the 3rd Baden Infantry Regiment Margrave Ludwig Wilhelm No. 111 in the campaign 1870/71, Karlsruhe 1897.Overview of the holdings of the Hauptstaatsarchiv Stuttgart, edited by Joachim Fischer (publication of the Staatliche Archivverwaltung Baden-Württemberg, vol. 31), Stuttgart 1983.Zahn, Th.: Das Infanterie-Regiment Margraf Ludwig Wilhelm (3. badisches) Nr. 111 im Weltkriege 1914-1918, Wiesbaden 1936.

Infantry Regiment 142 (existing)
Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Abt. Generallandesarchiv Karlsruhe, 456 F 41 · Fonds · 1870-1920
Fait partie de Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Dept. General State Archive Karlsruhe (Archivtektonik)

Regiment history: The regiment was established on 1 April 1890. At the outbreak of war, it was part of the 58th Infantry Brigade (29th Infantry Division). at the beginning of the war, each infantry regiment, including the Reserve and Landwehr Infantry Regiments, had set up a replacement battalion for the training of replacements. In January 1915 the erection of another replacement battalion was ordered. In addition to the training, new troops were set up by the replacement battalions. The 1st Replacement Battalion was erected at the beginning of August 1914 and stationed in Müllheim. The Second Replacement Battalion was erected in February 1915 and moved to Heitersheim. As a result of the demobilisation, from 2 May 1919 only the General Command, four higher dissolution staffs and one liquidation post each for each of the infantry and artillery regiments that were part of the peace budget before 1914 remained in the area of the XIV Army Corps. As a reaction to the so-called "Spartacus Uprising" in February 1919, the Reich and Badische Volksregierung had further voluntary associations set up at all units in addition to the existing voluntary formations. Inventory history: After the end of the war, the files remained with the settlement office of Infantry Regiment No. 142. From January 1920, the establishment of an archive of the XIV Army Corps began, in which the archives of the settlement offices were brought together. In autumn 1920 the corps archive moved to the infantry barracks in Heilbronn. From January 1921, the Corps Archives entered the portfolio of the Reich Ministry of the Interior under the name Aktenverwaltung XIV, before being incorporated into the Reichsarchiv in Potsdam as the Heilbronn archive branch on April 1, 1921. As a result of the merger of the Heilbronn and Stuttgart branches of the Reich Archives, the holdings were transferred to Stuttgart in 1924. The Württembergische Archivdirektion, which after the end of the Second World War took over the administration of the holdings of the Stuttgart Army Archives, handed over the records of the XIV Army Corps to the General State Archive in Karlsruhe between 1947 and 1949. References: Die Badener im Weltkrieg 1914/18, edited by Wilhelm Müller-Loebnitz, Karlsruhe 1935.German military history in six volumes 1648-1939, edited by the Militärgeschichtlichen Forschungsamt Freiburg, Munich 1983.Fenske, Hans: Die Verwaltung im Ersten Weltkrieg, in: Deutsche Verwaltungsgeschichte, Vol. 3, Stuttgart 1984, p. 866-908.Fischer, Joachim: Zehn Jahre Militärarchiv des Hauptstaatsarchivs Stuttgart, in: Zeitschrift für Württembergische Landesgeschichte 37 (1978), p. 362-368.Gaedecke, Arnold v.Former 7th Baden Infantry Regiment No. 142, Berlin 1938.Jäger, Harald: Das militärische Archivgut in der Bundesrepublik für die Zeit von 1871 bis 1919, in: Militärgeschichtliche Mitteilungen 1968/2, p. 135-138.Schmidt, Walter: Das 7th Baden Infantry Regiment No. 142 im Weltkrieg 1914-1918, Freiburg 1927.Overview of the holdings of the Hauptstaatsarchiv Stuttgart, edited by Joachim Fischer (Publication of the Staatliche Archivverwaltung Baden-Württemberg, vol. 31), Stuttgart 1983.

Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Abt. Generallandesarchiv Karlsruhe, FA N 2764 · Dossier · 1902-1912
Fait partie de Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Dept. General State Archive Karlsruhe (Archivtektonik)

Contains among other things: Stays in Kiel (partly Kieler Woche), imperial programme, imperial yachts; German-English relations, English press; stays in England; visit of King Edwards VII of England to Berlin (12.2.1909), his death (7.5.1910); trip to Sweden (1911); obituary on Bodo von dem Knesebeck (18.11.1911); [2.] Morocco crisis and politics of the Colonial Office (6.11.1911); passing on a letter of the Grand Duchess [on Bülow's policy towards England?] to the Reich Chancellor, activity of Allen Baker (o.D..), probably spring 1912); London Conference of German-English Understanding Groups (27.7.1912 and many others); death of Adolf Marschall von Bieberstein, rejection of his successor as London ambassador (29.9.1912) Darin: Mitglieder und Programmtexte des englisch-German kirchlichen Comités (1910? 1913?); Strandpromenade von Cowes (picture postcard, 8.8.1912)

Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Abt. Generallandesarchiv Karlsruhe, FA N 2999 · Dossier · 1906-1915
Fait partie de Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Dept. General State Archive Karlsruhe (Archivtektonik)

Contains among other things: Use of the Grand Duchess for Prince Alexander von Sayn-Wittgenstein (1906); dismissal (1909); death of Bodo von dem Knesebeck (1911); Italy's entry into the war, Austria's role (1915) Darin: Berliner Tagblatt, 25.3.1906 (Colonial policy, Bülow and Hereditary Prince [Ernst] von Hohenlohe-Langenburg); letter by Princess [Maria] von Bülow (1909)

Special Court Mannheim (Stock)
Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Abt. Generallandesarchiv Karlsruhe, 507 · Fonds · 1933-1945 (-1981)
Fait partie de Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Dept. General State Archive Karlsruhe (Archivtektonik)

History of the authorities: After the National Socialists seized power, special courts were added to the existing criminal courts on the basis of the decree of the Reich government of 21 March 1933 (RGBl. I p. 136). The legal basis for this was Chapter II of Part Six of the 3rd Ordinance of the Reich President of 6 October 1931 on Securing the Economy and Finance and Combating Political Violence (RGBl. I p. 565). The special courts were formed for the Higher Regional Court districts and were composed of a chairman and two assessors. The special court rulings were not subject to appeal. By decree of 27 March 1933 on the formation of special courts (Bad. Justizministerialblatt Nr. 6 vom 28.3.1933, p. 47), Mannheim was designated as the seat of the special court for the Karlsruhe Higher Regional Court district. The public prosecutor's office at the Mannheim Regional Court was the prosecuting authority. The registry of the Mannheim Regional Court was also the registry of the Special Court. The allocation of business to the Special Court was made by the President of the Long Court. With effect from 1 November 1940, a separate special court was formed at the Freiburg Regional Court for the districts of Freiburg, Constance, Offenburg and Waldshut. The jurisdiction of the special courts was generally governed by the following provisions:1. § 8 of the Law against Betrayal of the German National Economy of 12.6.1933 (RGBl. I p. 360);2nd Ordinance of the Reich President for the Protection of People and State of 28.2.1933 (RGBl. I p. 83);3rd Ordinance of the Reich President for the Defence against Insidious Attacks against the Government of the National Survey of 21.3.1933 (RGBl. I p. 135);4. law against insidious attacks on state and party and for the protection of party uniforms of 20.12.1934 (RGBl. I p. 1269);5. law for the guarantee of the right peace of 13.10.1933 (RGBl. I p. 723);6. law for the protection of the party uniforms of 13.10.1933 (RGBl. I p. 723);6. law for the protection of the party uniforms of 20.12.1934 (RGBl. I p. 1269) 134 b Reichsstrafgesetzbuch according to the ordinance of the Reich government of 24.9.1935 (RGBl. I p. 136);7. § 134 a Reichsstrafgesetzbuch according to the ordinance of the Reich government of 5.2.1936 (RGBl. I p. 97);8. ordinance of 20.11.1938 (RGBl. I p. 1632) for crimes that belonged to the jurisdiction of the jury court or a lower court if immediate conviction appeared necessary;9th Ordinance on Extraordinary Broadcasting Measures of 1.9.1939 (RGBl. I p. 1683);10. § 1 of the War Economy Ordinance of 4.9.1939 (RGBl. I p. 1609);11. § 1 of the Ordinance Against Popular Pests of 5.9.1939 (RGBl. I p. 1679);12. §§ 1, 2 of the Ordinance Against Violent Criminals of 5.12.1939 (RGBl. I p. 2378);13. § 239 a Reichsstrafgesetzbuch;14. Law against road theft by means of car traps of 22.6.1938 (RGBl. I p. 651);15. § 5 of the War Special Criminal Law Ordinance of 17.8.1938 (RGBl. I p. 1455): according to decree of the Reich Ministry of Justice of 27.5.In 1940, after the jurisdiction of the Wehrmacht courts to convict civilians for criminal offences under § 5 of the War Special Criminal Law Ordinance had been transferred to the general courts, the prosecuting authorities were instructed to bring charges before the Special Court in all significant cases.16Furthermore, charges could be brought before the Special Court for violations of the Act Implementing the Four-Year Plan of 29 October 1936 and of the Ordinance on Penalties and Criminal Proceedings for Violations of Price Regulations of 3 June 1939. History: The establishment of the special court in Mannheim as a department of the regional court there was not without difficulties. The frequent change of court referees had an effect on the conduct of official business. This had a negative effect not least on file management. The office was located in Heidelberg during the war. The court partially met in Karlsruhe. As a result of the district events, the special court files were partially destroyed. Many files were sent to other judicial authorities at the end of the war. During the occupation of the court building in Heidelberg in the spring of 1945, the files of the special court registry were thrown into the cellar, all lacings were loosened and so disordered that the context of the individual case-related documents no longer existed. Some of the files were outsourced by the occupying power in various places. In the summer of 1948, the written material was successively returned to the public prosecutor's office at the Mannheim Regional Court and, from 1976 onwards, several partial deliveries were made to the General State Archives. Order and distortion: The present collection is divided into two main parts. The first part lists the procedural and investigative files. From the years 1933 and 1934, only the reference files of the trial files have survived; of the investigation files, with a few exceptions, the years 1933 to 1935 are completely missing. Since, however, the process and investigation registers recorded in the second part of the finding aid have been preserved, at least the activity of the court can be reconstructed. The entries in the register are shown in a selection in this finding aid (cases for which no files are available). 1976 Mr. Wilhelm Steinbach began with the title entries. The completion or revision was carried out by the undersigned.Karlsruhe, in January 1993Manfred Hennhöfer[slightly revised version of the preface from 1993] Conversion: In 2015, the indexing data were converted to fonds 507 and processed into the available online finding aids. For technical reasons, the structure of the data and the structure of the data records had to be changed. However, the content of the indexing information was retained in its entirety. Alexander Hoffmann was responsible for the conversion and data import, while Dorota Wendler and the undersigned, Karlsruhe, were responsible for editorial work related to the import. In February 2016, Dr. Martin Stingl, published references to the literature: Hans Wüllenweber: Special dishes in the Third Reich. Forgotten crimes of justice. Frankfurt a.M. 1990.Christiane Oehler: The jurisdiction of the special court Mannheim 1933¿1945. Berlin 1997.Homepage of the Arbeitskreis Justiz Mannheim e.V.: .

Wilhelm Solf [1862-1936, Diplomat]
Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Abt. Generallandesarchiv Karlsruhe, FA N 5598 · Dossier · 1916-1923
Fait partie de Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Dept. General State Archive Karlsruhe (Archivtektonik)

Contains among other things: Speeches by Solf on colonial policy (6.1917, with drafts); Hans Sachs [press officer in the Colonial Department of the Foreign Office], memorandum on the German parties (28.8.1917); German propaganda against England; Solf's dismissal (13.12.1918); remembrance of Hindenburg's ceasefire ultimatum (2.3.1919); Democratic Party, Heidelberger Vereinigung, relationship with Prince Max (28.9.); German political party, Heidelberg Association, relationship with Prince Max (28.9.); German political party, Hindenburg (2.3.1919); German political party, Heidelberg Association, relationship with Prince Max (28.9.1919); German political party, Hindenburg (2.3.1919); German political party, Hindenburg (2.3.1919); German political party, Heidelberg Association, relationship with Prince Max (28.9.).1919, to Lina Richter); editorial work on the "Erinnerungen"; [alleged German-Japanese secret contract under Prince Max] (18.8.1921 et al.); loss of a project letter of Wilhelm II on the separation of England from France, October 1918 (1923) Darin: Lriefe Solfs an Lina Richter, Brief Hahns an Johannes Lepsius (11.5.1918); Martin Hobohm, Wir brauchen Kolonien, Berlin, Oct. 1918 (The Popular Enlightenment No. 3), brochure; [Benjamin] De Jong van Beek en Donk, Die Politik Solfs (newspaper clipping 19.12.1918); portrait in: Colonial number (watch fire. Künstlerblätter zum Krieg 1914/18 Nr. 179, Portrait Solf as title drawing); Photo as business carrier in Tokyo (newspaper cut-out); Correspondence of the German Peace Delegation (War Captivity of Heinz Schützinger, 20.12.1919); Letter from [Julius] Ruppel about Solf's Colonial Policy before the War (27.3.1922) Table of Contents [Order meaningless, chronologically rearranged, supplemented by further letters]