Affichage de 8 résultats

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226 / 66 · Partie · 7. April 1911
Fait partie de Centre for Mission and Ecumenism - North Church Worldwide

[Letters from Africa] Reply to Brackers letter of 21.03.1911. No possibility for the establishment of a Breklumer mission station in North Cameroon. There Islam had already penetrated far too far. In the south of Cameroon, however, the Catholic mission is spreading, which must be met just as urgently as Islam. 'I cannot say how I would be pleased if we could get a new ally for the south of our colony in the struggle with Rome and Islam'.

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Mr Andersen, Shunga
277 / 514 · Partie · 17. August 1914
Fait partie de Centre for Mission and Ecumenism - North Church Worldwide

[Disputes between Andersen and Bock] Bock to Andersen. Bock had previously threatened Andersen that he would force access to Bock's house with the help of the army of the neighbouring station (Boma) because Bock had not opened the door for him. Bock says if Andersen had announced his coming, someone would have been home to open the door for Andersen. Your kind letter should have been rather unwritten. Don't you soon want to stop hanging accusations on my neck that are solely the product of your brain turning facts upside down? What do you write about the forced opening of our doors by the boma? Are you still in your right mind? On Friday morning I received a message from the Boma to be ready at any moment to take charge of the post and bring my wife with me if she does not move to Kigoma. A copy of the order for appointment issued to you was sent with the request to approve Mr Andersen's dismissal from his basic work and to confirm it by signature. And in the accompanying letter the lieutenant expressed his regret to have to tear you out of the middle of the basic work, as we lose a lot as a result. How did you come to deliberately falsify the Tasachen? The image of your personality is getting darker for me.' 'Our house was and still is open to your family.' A reference to the many times Bocks have helped the Andersen family.

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Mr. Building Missionary Andersen, Shunga
277 / 511 · Partie · 28. Juli 1914
Fait partie de Centre for Mission and Ecumenism - North Church Worldwide

[Disputes between Andersen and Bock] Bock to Andersen. Bock about Andersen proposing brother Jessen as arbitrator in the settlement affair. Bock with the assertion that he wished the whole thing had remained in private. He only wanted to change everything for the better by sending Andersen back the account once more so that he could make improvements. If Bock had wanted Andersen to do something bad, he could have simply forwarded the erroneous accounts to the Executive Board. Bock is still ready to restore peace. And if you are willing to express your regret to the board that you have doubted my decency for no reason, I am also willing to express my regret at my letter. Bock asks Andersen to send his original letters to the board to ensure objectivity.

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277 / 510 · Partie · 27. Juli 1914
Fait partie de Centre for Mission and Ecumenism - North Church Worldwide

[Disputes between Andersen and Bock] Bock served Andersen over mail delivery and money. About a stove, a door, a safari table left behind by him. Bock asks what cash these things are paid from and what he should do with them. He also misses a pair of pliers he lent to Mrs. Andersen. Ask if the pliers 'accidentally went with the shunga'. About Andersen's lawsuit against Bock's 'Wankelmut' at the board. That you, as a lay missionary, allow yourself such remarks on the letter addressed to the board: 'Should it not be the case here that the progress of the station is due to the missionary' is really one of the highest you could offer. My comment on this is attached.'

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276 / 439 · Partie · 22. Januar 1918
Fait partie de Centre for Mission and Ecumenism - North Church Worldwide

[Personalakte Walter Bock] Marie Bock to Bracker with the request to write in the mission sheet that Bock will not be available for public speeches in the next weeks. His headache forces him to stay horizontal. Please settle debts.

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277 / 553 · Partie · 19. Januar 1916
Fait partie de Centre for Mission and Ecumenism - North Church Worldwide

[Disputes between Andersen and Bock] Bock to Andersen about the new disputes. Andersen had withheld Bock safari equipment and thus put the family in great danger. Above all his pregnant wife had put Andersen's life at risk through his inhuman behaviour, because the date of confinement was not known. "You raw fellow. 'And attached you managed to write me a long letter about your loved ones (!!!) who you felt guilty to all of them, including me, to show your worst enemies you were guilty!!! I'm really tempted to ask if you were quite sane back then. Such inhuman deed - and touching words from loved ones!!'

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276 / 432 · Partie · 25. März 1918
Fait partie de Centre for Mission and Ecumenism - North Church Worldwide

[Personalakte Walter Bock] Bock (Flensburg) to Bracker with the message that he has a place in the sanatorium in Tübingen since April 03. He wants to return to the service in June. Announcement that he will write a contribution for the mission sheet.

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277 / 505 · Partie · 1. Juni 1914
Fait partie de Centre for Mission and Ecumenism - North Church Worldwide

[Disputes between Andersen and Bock] Bock to Andersen with the hint that an item is missing in the account sent to him for signature. The potatoes and onions grown on the Mission Staion Shunga property had been sold by Mrs Andersen, but the profit had not been included in the accounts. Since it is an amount of about 200 Rp (not a trifle), Bock would like to ask for this item to be included in the official cash report. Bock stresses that it is very difficult for him to draw attention to this point and hopes that Adersen is not angry with him. Jessen doesn't know anything about Bock's criticism of Andersen's cost accounting and asks Andersen to rewrite one page of the cash report. Jessen would also send his suggestions for improvement for the cash report to Andersen, then Andersen could incorporate all corrections as well as the item about the potatoes and onions. 'How I wanted to prevent another quarrel, but at the expense of truth I can't.'

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