Affichage de 26 résultats

Description archivistique
Universitätsarchiv der Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg Anglais
Options de recherche avancée
Aperçu avant impression

Anatomical Institute and donations received

Contains: Reptilian collection; collection of anatomical images and photos by Alexander Ecker; collection of skulls by general physician Dr. von Beck (14 pieces, antiquity-17th century); donation of 2 pictures by Mrs. Ecker; osteological specimens...

In: University Archive Freiburg (Archivtektonik) >> 2.1 Central University Administration and Rectorate >> Rectorate, files of the university administration (holdings)

Assistants, Geological-Mineralogical Institute

Includes: Salary matters, Aversum.<br />Individual cases: Carl Schmidt, Carl Futterer, Carl Lent, Friedrich Pfaff, Otto Hug, Karl Schnarrenberger, Max Mühlberg, Theodor Lorenz, G. Vollmer, Wilhelm Paulcke, Walter Schiller, Otto Wilckens, Ott...

In: University Archive Freiburg (Archivtektonik) >> 2.1 Central University Administration and Rectorate >> Rectorate, files of the university administration (holdings)

Association for the German Abroad and Reichskolonialbund

Contains: Joined the university as a corporate member; annual report 1927, 1931, 1932; colonial exhibition 1939; no membership in the Verein für das Deutschtum im Ausland 1959;

In: University Archive Freiburg (Archivtektonik) >> 2.1 Central University Administration and Rectorate >> Rectorate, files of the university administration (holdings)

Chair of Geography

description: Contains: Personnel: Karl Ludwig Neumann; Carl Sapper (*6.2.1866); Norbert Krebs (*1876); Leonhard Schulze-Jena (*28.5.1872); Franz Thorbecke (*1875); Hugo Hassinger (*1877); Otto Maull (*8.8.1887); Hans Mortensen (*17.1.1894); Karl T...

In: University Archive Freiburg (Archivtektonik) >> 2.1 Central University Administration and Rectorate >> Rectorate, files of the university administration (holdings)

Chair of Mineralogy

Includes: Personalia: Franz Gräff; Paak; Karl Alfred Osann (*1859); E.A. Wülfing; Franz Siegfried Willy Bruhns; Wilhelm Schultze; Hans Schneiderhöhn (*1887); Wilhelm Eitel (*1891); Oskar Weigel (*1881); Julius Söllner; Karl Willmann;* description:...

In: University Archive Freiburg (Archivtektonik) >> 2.1 Central University Administration and Rectorate >> Rectorate, files of the university administration (holdings)

Donations to the University and its Institutes

Contains: Feedback for the prorectorate reports; painting by Alexander Ecker by university painter Hermann (1887); donation by Robert Wiedersheimer of Ethnographica from New Guinea to the Museum für Urgeschichte; psychiatric objects by Mr. Langerm...

In: University Archive Freiburg (Archivtektonik) >> 2.1 Central University Administration and Rectorate >> Rectorate, files of the university administration (holdings)

Enquiries and information

Contains: Students and other persons, Nobel Prize brochure; doctorate Louis Lubowski; reconstruction of Heidelberg Castle; Badischer Militärverein; Katherina Seipp Prize; Scheffelbund; communications from other universities; Frauen-College Bryn Ma...

In: University Archive Freiburg (Archivtektonik) >> 2.1 Central University Administration and Rectorate >> Rectorate, files of the university administration (holdings)

Forestry Science and Study of the Timber Industry

Contains: Karl Abetz; Zur Frage der Erhaltung der Forstlichen Lehrstätte an der Universität Freiburg, 1934; Minutes of a discussion with Rector, President of the Forest Directorate and Württ. university lecturer; Agreement between the Ministries o...

In: University Archive Freiburg (Archivtektonik) >> 2.1 Central University Administration and Rectorate >> Rectorate, files of the university administration (holdings)

Holding of new lectures

Contains: Lectures on: Versailles Peace Treaty, civics, colonial science, transportation, aeronautical engineering; establishment of professorships for sinology Darin: Übersicht über "Die Schriften der deutschen Liga für Völkerbund", Druck

In: University Archive Freiburg (Archivtektonik) >> 2.4 Faculties >> Faculty of Philosophy (holdings)

Lectures and lecture series by university members

Includes: lecture on Austria by Friedrich Metz (1938); lecture series on law and political science; history of German universities; colonial lectures; travel impressions of Japan by Uhlenhuth; Sudetenland; foreign trade; lectures by popular educat...

In: University Archive Freiburg (Archivtektonik) >> 2.1 Central University Administration and Rectorate >> Rectorate, files of the university administration (holdings)

Promotion of studies abroad and studies abroad

Contains: Memorandum and statement of the faculties; minutes of the Rectors' Conference; application for extra ordination and teaching position for Western European History for Wolfgang Michael; formation of a commission; report by Eugen Fisc...

In: University Archive Freiburg (Archivtektonik) >> 2.1 Central University Administration and Rectorate >> Rectorate, files of the university administration (holdings)

Reichstag elections, Saar referendum, constitutional day celebration

Contains: among others: Candidature Gerhart von Schulze-Gävernitz for the Reichstag, 1911; right of students to vote; members of the Badischer Landtag, 1933/34; citizenship of students from Southwest Africa (Namibia); messenger from Freiburg, 19.1...

In: University Archive Freiburg (Archivtektonik) >> 2.1 Central University Administration and Rectorate >> Rectorate, files of the university administration (holdings)

Scientific Collections

Contains: Printed material of the scientific programmes received from the "German protectorates" and their distribution, especially botanical and zoological items.

In: University Archive Freiburg (Archivtektonik) >> 2.1 Central University Administration and Rectorate >> Rectorate, files of the university administration (holdings)

The holding of lectures and presentations by non-habilitated persons and guest lecturers

Contains: Language courses, technique of speaking, student house and student assistance, border fund, Japan institute, lecture on colonial questions, greeting by Rector Uhlenhut (1928), position of the city of Gdansk under international law, quest...

In: University Archive Freiburg (Archivtektonik) >> 2.1 Central University Administration and Rectorate >> Rectorate, files of the university administration (holdings)

Use of lecture halls by third parties

Contains: among others: Military; women's associations; Association for the German Abroad; Association for Volunteer Nurses in War; Young Citizens' Association; Art Society; German Society for Combating Sexual Diseases; Alsace-Lorraine D...

In: University Archive Freiburg (Archivtektonik) >> 2.1 Central University Administration and Rectorate >> Rectorate, files of the university administration (holdings)

Use of lecture halls by third parties

Contains: among others: Garden Associations; Student Associations; Hiking Associations; Schools; Music Associations; Association for the German Abroad; Hausfrauenbund; Lecture Doegen, Prussian State Library; Women's Associations; Anthroposoph...

In: University Archive Freiburg (Archivtektonik) >> 2.1 Central University Administration and Rectorate >> Rectorate, files of the university administration (holdings)

Use of lecture halls by third parties

Contains: Military; Red Cross; Badische Gefangenenfürsorge; Frauenvereine; Kulturwissenschaftliche Gesellschaft; Badische Jugendwehr; Deutsche Kolonialgesellschaft; Akademischer Hilfsbund; Kindergärtnerinnenenseminar; Deutsche Gesellschaft zur Bek...

In: University Archive Freiburg (Archivtektonik) >> 2.1 Central University Administration and Rectorate >> Rectorate, files of the university administration (holdings)

doctoral studies

Contains: Promotionsordnungen, Gebühren; Rechtsgutachten über Prüfungsungsgebühren (Fritz Marschall von Bieberstein, van Calker), 1934; Edict of the Minister of Culture on Examination Content (Weltanschauung und Politik) in Exams with Minor in Phi...

In: University Archive Freiburg (Archivtektonik) >> 2.1 Central University Administration and Rectorate >> Rectorate, files of the university administration (holdings)

general university matters, circulars and activity reports of the Lecturers' Association

Contains: Care of the wounded and events for the wounded, provision for war victims; Reich Assistants' Regulations (1941); performance records of students; relocation of the "Badisches Ministerium des Kultus und Unterrichts" to Stra...

In: University Archive Freiburg (Archivtektonik) >> 2.2 Central bodies and institutions >> NS-Dozentenführer / Lozentenbund Freiburg (holdings)