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Landesarchiv NRW Abteilung Westfalen (Archivtektonik) Geschichte Englisch
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Complete Archives of Landsberg-Velen (Dep.) Gemen (holdings)

The history of the Gemen dominion is divided into the following sections: up to 1492 noblemen to Gemen up to 1640 counts to Holstein-Schauenburg up to 1800 counts to Limburg-Styrum up to 1822 Aloys Sebastian Reichsfreiherr v. Bömelberg zu Erolzhei...

In: Landesarchiv NRW Department of Westphalia (Archivtektonik) >> NON-GOVERNMENTAL DOCUMENT >> GEWERBEBETRIEBE, ADELIGE HÄUSER, FAMILIEN, HÖFE >> Aristocratic houses, families, courtyards >> Complete Archives of Landsberg-Velen (Dep.) (holdings) >> Gesamtarchiv von Landsberg-Velen (Dep.) / Gemen - Files