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BArch, R 61 · Fonds · 1927-1945
Part of Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

History of the Inventory Designer: Founded in 1933, since 1934 as a public corporation of the Reich subject to the supervision of Reichsju‧stizministers and Reich Minister of the Interior, responsible for the promotion and Ver‧wirklichung of the "National Socialist Program in the Entire Field of Law" Long Text: Founding and Legal Foundations The Academy for German Law was constituted on 26 March 1933. The constituent meeting was attended by the Reich Secretary of the Federation of National Socialist German Lawyers Dr. Heuber, Professors Dr. Wilhelm Kisch and Dr. von Zwiedineck-Südenhorst, the General Director of the Munich Reinsurance Company Kißkalt, two representatives of the business community and the future Director Dr. Karl Lasch. On 22 September 1933 a Bavarian law was passed (Bayerisches Gesetz- und Verordnungsblatt No. 37, p. 277), the only article of which granted the Academy the status of a public corporation. The articles of association were attached as an annex, according to which the provisional seat was to be Munich and which outlined the tasks of the new corporation as follows: By "applying proven scientific methods" it should "promote the reform of German legal life (...) and implement the National Socialist programme in the entire field of law and economics (...) in close and permanent liaison with the bodies responsible for legislation". In detail, her sphere of activity included cooperation in drafting laws, in the reform of legal and political science education, in scientific publications and the financial support of practical scientific work for the research of special fields of law and economics, the organisation of scientific conferences and teaching courses as well as the cultivation of relations with similar institutions abroad. The office of the Führer of the Academy was to be held in personal union by the head of the Reichsrechtsamt of the NSDAP; he was responsible for the external representation of the ADR, its internal management, all personnel decisions and the decision on amendments to the statutes as well as the dissolution in agreement with the Führer of the NSDAP. As auxiliary organs a deputy, a leader staff and a treasurer as well as the department heads of the specialized departments to be created were intended. The Bavarian State Ministry of Justice should be responsible for supervision. The members of the Academy, whose number should not exceed two hundred, were to be appointed for four years; ordinary, extraordinary, sponsoring and corresponding members were distinguished. At the first German Lawyers' Day in Leipzig, the establishment of the Academy for German Law was solemnly proclaimed on 2 October 1933. This already showed that Frank was striving to turn the Academy into an institution of the Reich, which would give him the opportunity to influence the Gleichschaltung der Justitz in the Länder even after he had completed his work as Reich Commissioner for the Unification of the Justitz. On 18 June 1934, the draft of a law on the Academy for German Law was sent to the head of the Reich Chancellery for submission to the cabinet (BA, R 43 II/1509). The Reich Minister of Justice agreed after it had been clarified that the Academy should receive its own funds and not burden the Reich, the Länder or the communities. At the request of the Reich Ministry of the Interior, the draft was amended to provide for joint supervision of the Academy by the Reich Ministry of Justice and the Reich Ministry of the Interior. After adoption in the cabinet meeting of 3 July 1934, the law was passed on 11 July 1934 (RGBl. I. S. 605), with which the Academy for German Law became the public corporation of the Reich; a new statute was attached. With this law, the Academy's tasks changed only to the extent that the responsibility for the reorganization of German legal life in the field of business ceased to exist. The headquarters remained in Munich. The Führer of the Academy became an honorary president, whose appointment was made by the Reich Chancellor. The binding of the office to the management of the Reichsrechtsamt of the NSDAP ceased. As an organ of the Academy, in addition to the President, a Presidium also provided support and advice. The maximum number of members was set at 300. Committees were set up to carry out the practical work of the Academy. The law of 11 July 1934 was not amended until 1945. In November 1934 a change was planned, which provided for a salary for the president according to the regulations for Reich officials. However, the draft was removed from the agenda of the cabinet meeting of 4 December 1934 (BA, R 22/198, R 43 II/1509) on Hitler's instructions. On the other hand, two amendments were made to the statutes, first on 16 October 1935 (RGBl. I. p. 1250). It provided that, in the event of the dissolution of the Academy, its assets would fall to the Reich, due to the taking up of a high mortgage, which the Academy had taken up to expand its Berlin house. More serious in its significance was the second amendment of 9 June 1943 (Reichs- und Staatsanzeiger of 9 June 1943). It was initiated by the new President, Reich Minister of Justice Dr. Otto Thierack. He prohibited the acceptance of private donations for the Academy and abolished the office of treasurer. The new constitution submitted to the Reich Ministry of Justice by the director of the Academy Gaeb on 10 December 1942 was to take this into account and at the same time streamline the provisions (BA, R 22/199). After consultations in the participating Reich ministries, the new constitution was finally formulated in a meeting on 8 June 1943 between representatives of the Reich Ministry of Justice, the Reich Ministry of the Interior and the Academy, signed on 9 July 1943 and published on the same day. In addition to the abolition of the office of treasurer and the institution of supporting members, the main changes were the inclusion of provisions on the President's auxiliary organs and the scientific structure of the Academy, which had previously been included in the structure regulations and the administrative regulations, as well as in a clear arrangement. The aforementioned Aufbauordnung had been issued on 15 December 1936 as an order of the President concerning the reorganization of the scientific work of the Akademie für Deutsches Recht (Zeitschrift der Akademie für Deutsches Recht 1937, p. 23). It defined the structure of the scientific apparatus of the Academy. The first of these, the Honorary Senate, was of little importance, while the other two, the Department of Legal Policy for Legal Policy and the Department of Legal Research for Scientific Research, were of decisive importance. It also dealt with the future centre of the Academy, the "House of German Law", for which the foundation stone had been laid a few months earlier and which was to house the research and educational facilities of the Academy. On April 1, 1937, the President had supplemented and extended the Academy's administrative regulations (Zeitschrift der ADR, p. 405f.) by enacting them, which outlined in more detail the tasks of the individual organs, namely the treasurer and the director, who were responsible for the financial and general administration of the Academy, the director of scientific and legal policy work, the committee chairmen, and the class secretaries entrusted with the direction of the classes. Eight administrative units were also listed, one each for the Legal and Legal Research, Personnel and Legal Office, Organisation, Libraries, Periodicals and Press, International Transport and Cash and Accounting departments. After the amendment of the statutes of 9 June 1943, on 10 June 1943 there was also an amendment to the administrative regulations (Zeitschrift der ADR 1943, p. 37f.), in which the provisions on the treasurer's office were completely omitted and the explanations on the administration were greatly shortened. The extensive information on the administrative departments has been replaced by brief information on the division of units, which has existed for a long time. Organisation and staffing The President of the Academy possessed extensive powers - apart from his ties to the supervisory ministries. His appointment by Hitler and the honorary position, which presupposed a further office securing its holder financially, could give him weight vis-à-vis the authorities and party offices. Its founder, Dr. Hans Frank, was appointed the first President on August 1, 1934. In his memoirs "In the Face of the Gallows" he confesses that the Academy was to be an important means of shaping law for him, especially since the Reichsrechtsamt, of which he had been head since 1929 and which secured him a place in the highest party hierarchy, lost more and more of its importance in the period after the assumption of power, and the NS-Rechtswahrerbund, of which he had held the leadership since 1928, offered only little scope for influencing legislation. Frank's ideas were acknowledged when, after his assignment as Reich Commissioner for the Gleichschaltung der Justiz in den Ländern had ended, he was dismissed by Hitler on 19 March. In the letter of appointment, the Akademie für Deutsches Recht was described as an institution which enabled him "to participate in the implementation of the National Socialist ideology in all areas of law without restriction to the judiciary in the narrower sense", i.e. an expansion of the scope of duties beyond the framework of law-making into the other areas of legal life, which in this form emanating from Hitler represented an important expansion of power. Frank could thus see himself in possession of a kind of special ministry for National Socialist legal formation in competition with Gürtner's Reich Ministry of Justice. In the years up to 1939, Frank, whose ministerial office moved from his first residence at Voßstraße 5 in Berlin to the Berlin building of the Academy at Leipziger Platz 15 on July 3, 1935, remained closely involved with the work of the Academy and legal policy. His attempt in 1939 to free himself from the annoying supervision of the Reich Ministry of Justice and the Reich Ministry of the Interior, which made him dependent on Gürtner and Frick above all with regard to possible changes to the statutes, but also in financial matters, and to subordinate the Academy to his supervision as minister remained unsuccessful (BA, R 2/24103). Frank's presidency ended in August 1942, after his appointment as Governor General in Poland on 12 October 1939, when business had been conducted practically by the Deputy President. Hitler released Frank from his office as President of the Academy with a deed of August 20. It was not true, however, when Frank told his deputy Professor Emge that the reason for the dismissal was the "overcrowded and ever increasing burden" of his duties in the Generalgouvernement. On the contrary, Frank had aroused Hitler's displeasure because between 9 June and 21 July 1942 he had defended law, judicial independence, personal freedom and humanity against the police state in four speeches at the universities of Berlin, Munich and Heidelberg as well as at the Academy of Sciences in Vienna (cf. H. Weinkauff, Die deutsche Justitz und der Nationalsozialismus, 1968, p. 74, 161f.) This solo effort, which was directed primarily against Himmler and Bormann, also led to a ban on speaking and the loss of his position as Reichsrechtsführer and head of the Reichsrechtsamt, which was dissolved. This also involved a change in the office of deputy president, which had to be appointed by the president according to the statutes of 1934 and confirmed by both supervisory ministries. Frank had been represented since 1937 by Dr. Carl Emge, Professor of Philosophy of Law at the University of Berlin, after the Vice-President Privy Councillor Prof. Dr. Wilhelm Kisch, Professor of Civil Procedure and German Civil Law at the University of Munich, who had been appointed in 1933, had resigned for health reasons from his office. Emges was replaced in November 1942 by the State Secretary in the Reich Ministry of Justice, Dr. Rothenberger. Whether after Rothenberger's dismissal (January 1944) his successor, Herbert Klemm, was also appointed deputy president of the academy after Rothenberger's dismissal as state secretary cannot be determined. The second organ of the Academy, besides the President, was the Presidium. Emerging from the Führerrat of the Academy provided for in the 1933 Law, it had the task of supporting and advising the President, determining the budget and carrying out the preliminary audit of the budget account. According to the administrative regulations issued in 1937, the president, his deputy, the treasurer and the head of the scientific and legal-political work belonged to him by virtue of office. For this purpose, the President could appoint further members of the Academy to the Presidium, which should meet at least once a year. In accordance with the new administrative regulations of 10 June 1943, the Reich Ministers of Justice and Home Affairs joined as new permanent members. The Reich Minister and head of the Reich Chancellery Lammers also belonged to the Presidium. The actual work of the Academy in the fields of legal policy and legal research was directed by the Head of Scientific and Legal Policy Work, who was appointed by the President from among the members and who gave guidelines and assigned tasks to the Legal Structuring and Research Departments. This office, which was particularly important for the work of the Academy after the strong use of Frank by his tasks in the Generalgouvernement, was initially held by State Secretary Freisler, later by the Deputy President. As long as the Academy was supported entirely or to a considerable extent by the voluntary donations of its supporting members, the Treasurer was of great importance. He was responsible for all financial and property management, in particular the supervision of the budget and all contracts affecting the Academy's finances. From the beginning, the function was held by a close confidant of Frank, General Director Arendt, who kept it until its abolition in 1942. However, the treasurer had already lost influence in 1939, since the Reich made an ever larger subsidy to the academy budget and its control thus became stronger and stronger. The general questions of organization, administration, and human resources of the Academy for German Law, as well as the liaison with the Reich authorities, lay with the Director of the Academy. Dr. Karl Lasch held this post from 1933 until his appointment as governor of the Radom district in 1939, after which Dr. Gaeb took over the post as deputy director of the Diplomvolkswirt, which he held until 1945. The members of the Academy were divided into different groups according to their rights and tasks. The core consisted of 300 full members, initially appointed for four years; the number was maintained in 1943, and membership was extended to 10 years. According to Frank, the limitation to a relatively small number should emphasize the elitist character of the academy and awaken an elite consciousness among its members. In addition to legal, political and economic scientists, lawyers and senior civil servants, there were also some corporate members, including the law and political science faculties of the universities, which were represented by their deans. Extraordinary members by virtue of office were the Reich Ministers of Justice and Home Affairs. Foreigners who were interested in the Academy's work and were willing and qualified to contribute to it were accepted as corresponding members. The sponsoring members should maintain the Academy financially. These were mostly commercial enterprises, some of which were actively established and were prepared to make a contribution that varied according to their financial means for the honour of formally belonging to the Academy. The disadvantage of this financing system was that it created a financial dependence on the donations and could arouse suspicion that the donors were influencing the work of the Academy. It was eliminated by prohibiting any acceptance of donations in 1942. The work of the Academy was carried out in the Departments of Legal Design and Legal Research. All ordinary members of the Academy were organised, supervised and directed by the head of scientific and legal policy work. The Legal Department, to which all full members belonged, had to bear the main burden. In numerous (up to over 70) committees which changed over the years, often divided into main, sub and special committees as well as working groups or central committees, it discussed current questions of legal policy and participated in the legislative preparations of the ministries through proposals, statements, expert opinions and drafts. At the Academy's tenth anniversary in June 1943, Thierack was able to point to a considerable number of laws in which it had played a significant role until 1941, including the German Community Code and the 1935 Wehrgesetz (Wehrgesetz - Wehrgesetz - Wehrgesetz - Wehrgesetz - Wehrgesetz - Wehrgesetz - Wehrgesetz - Wehrgesetz - Wehrgesetz - Wehrgesetz - Wehrgesetz - Wehrgesetz - Wehrgesetz - Wehrgesetz - Wehrgesetz - Wehrgesetz - Wehrgesetz - 1935, the 1937 German Civil Service and Stock Corporation Laws, the 1938 Youth Protection and Marriage Laws, the 1939 Law on the Introduction of Compulsory Insurance, and the 1939 Law on the Introduction of Legal Structure, which dealt particularly intensively with the reform of criminal law and the creation of a new People's Code. After the beginning of the war, numerous committees were suspended and, as the war lasted longer, dissolved. Nevertheless, the work did not come to a standstill. Only the emphasis shifted to all matters related to the war, e.g. air-raid protection law and, above all, nationality and international law. The relevant committees dealt in detail with issues relating to the reorganisation of the European continent, but also with maritime and land warfare and relations with the USA. At Frank's request, the Academy also took a stand on questions of German politics in the East and a reorganisation of the Generalgouvernement; it issued a secret report in January 1940: "Rechtsgestaltung deutscher Polenpolitik nach volkspolitischen Gesichtspunkten" (BA, R 61/243, Document 661-PS of the Nuremberg Trial against the Chief War Criminals). In 1942 the Academy still had 76 committees with eleven subcommittees. After all committees that had dealt with peace issues had been gradually suspended or completed their work, by the end of 1943 only committees with directly war-related tasks remained, including the committees on social security and international law. The committees involved in the drafting of the planned National Code also suspended their work, with the exception of the main committee, which only continued the necessary work. The scientific work was carried out within the Academy of German Law by the Department of Legal Research. Only scientists have been appointed to this department. Her task was to research the history, methodology and knowledge of the law and later also of the economy; she met in working groups, which were grouped into classes. First there were three classes, of which class I dealt with the study of the history and basic questions of law, class II with the study of the law of "people and empire" and class III with the study of the "people's federal" legal life. Each class was headed by a class leader. The management was carried out by a class secretary. The offices were initially filled as follows: Class I: Chairman: Prof. Dr. Heymann, Secretary: Prof. Dr. Felgentraeger Class II: Chairman: Prof. Dr. von Freytag-Loringhoven, Secretary: Prof. Dr. Weber Class III: Chairman: Prof. Dr. Weber Dr. Hedemann, Secretary: Prof. Dr. Lange After the war began, there were only class secretaries left, namely for Class I Prof. Dr. Heymann, for Class II Prof. Dr. Gleispach, for Class III Prof. Dr. Hueck. The Department for Legal Research published the series of publications, the working reports and the yearbook of the Academy for German Law and from 1941 also "Das deutsche Rechtsschrifttum". She was also in charge of the quarterly "Deutsche Rechtswissenschaft" and the collection of non-German penal codes. Within the framework of the department there was a committee for the examination of the law study regulations, which in 1939 presented its results to the Reich Ministry for Science, Education and People's Education. In 1940 a fourth class came into being with increasing importance of economic questions, which was responsible for the research of the "national economy" and which was to make the results of economic science accessible to the authorities and offices for the execution of practical tasks. In August 1944, on the instructions of the President, the work of the remaining committees and working groups was discontinued "for the further duration of the war" as well as the promotion of the individual members of special research commissions (letter from Thierack to Lammers of 12 August 1944, BA, R 43 II/1510a). The Academy maintained close contact with foreign countries through its corresponding members. Visits by foreign scientists, students, but also politicians were frequent. In addition, the German sections of various foreign institutions were affiliated to it. On the other hand, efforts were made to expand the Academy's sphere of influence by establishing new companies or maintaining close contact with existing companies in Germany. For the work abroad, there was a separate department in the administration of the Academy, which looked after the associations; as far as purely German organisations were concerned, the support was provided by the specialist departments of the Legal Structuring Department. In the period of its existence the following associations were affiliated to the Academy of German Law: 1. German Section of the International Institute of Administrative Sciences 2. German National Group of the International Law Association 3. German Association for the Protection of Intellectual Property and Copyright 4. International Association for Financial and Tax Law 5. German Society for Financial and Tax Law 6. German Society for Prisoners (affiliated since 1935) 7. Society for Legal and Political Sciences in Vienna 8th Society for German Criminal Law 9th Working Groups: a) for the German-Bulgarian legal relations b) for the German-Italian legal relations c) for the German-Polish legal relations (until 1939) d) for the German-Hungarian legal relations Library and Publications The establishment of a reference library for academics working in the Academy began early on. It was Frank's aim to develop this library into a central collection point for all important legal literature and related areas. The basis was the purchase of the library of the legal historian Prof. Karl von Amira, who died in 1930; later the library of the Munich jurist Prof. Konrad Beyerle was also acquired. Further accesses from various sources, mostly through taxes from authorities (e.g. the library of the former R e i c h s k o l o n i a l a m t , the duplicate holdings of the R e i c h s c h s a r k a m e in Potsdam as well as duplicates of foreign law collections and periodicals from the R e i c h s t a g s a l bibliothek) brought the holdings to around 60,000 publications by 1937. Although the library was primarily intended to serve the Academy, it was basically open to any qualified interested party. An "archive" was attached to the library, which, on Frank's instructions, created 1. a "card index of Jewish legal authors", which "eradicated Jewish literature from the library or from the library". The aim was to remove the works of Jewish authors from all public libraries or libraries serving study purposes and to transfer them to their own departments "which were to indicate the activities of the Jews and the Jewish people"; 2. to edit a card index of general legal writers by author and by work. In addition, a collection of portraits of lawyers, a collection of press clippings on the topics "Law in the Press" and "Academy in the Press" as well as a collection of journal articles from the entire body of jurisprudential literature were in the works. The first library director, Utschlag, also designed a large exhibition on legal history and law in general, which the Academy organized in conjunction with the Faculty of Law of the University of Munich on the occasion of the 1936 Annual Conference in Munich under the title "Das Recht" (The Law). The journal of the Akademie für Deutsches Recht, founded in 1934, provided information on the ongoing work of the Academy and on current legal issues. It was initially supervised by the Academy's own office for writing and finally transferred to the C-H. Becksche Verlagsbuchhandlung in 1937, where it was published until 1944. In addition to detailed reports on the representative events of the Academy (often also as special supplements or commemorative editions), it produced essays, news on organisational changes and the activities of the Academy's working committees, as well as book reviews. In addition, the journal published court decisions of a fundamental nature from 1935 onwards. The decisions were forwarded to the Academy by the courts via the Reich Ministry of Justice. The President acted as editor, the main editor was initially Director Dr. Lasch, then Kammergerichtsrat Dr. Lauterbacher. From 1 January 1939, Deutsche Rechtswissenschaft was published quarterly as the second journal. With the consent of the Reich Minister for Science, Education and Popular Learning, it was transferred from the previous editor Prof. Dr. Karl August Eckhardt to the Department of Legal Research. They brought treatises, contributions and book reviews. The Academy also published the Zeitschrift für Wehrrecht and was involved in the publication of the Zeitschrift der Vereinigung für gewerblichen Rechtsschutz, the Zeitschrift für vergleichende Rechtswissenschaft, the Blätter für Gefängniskunde and the Gerichtssaal. The yearbook of the Academy for German Law should give an overview of the work within one year. It was also published by the President and in its first editions offered a good overview of the most important events in the Academy and its committee work, while later larger treatises on individual issues predominated. In the first years, detailed information on the committee's activities could be obtained from the work reports, which were produced in small print runs using the transfer printing process and were intended only for the confidential information of party offices and authorities and were not to be circulated further. In addition, there was another - public - series of working reports of the Academy for German Law, in which the chairmen published the results of their committees. For more extensive scholarly work that had emerged from the Academy, the series was to serve the Akademie für Deutsches Recht, of which about 80 volumes were published; it was divided into individual groups according to subject areas. Finally, the Academy continued the collection of non-German penal codes organized by the editor of the Zeitschrift für die gesamte Strafrechtswissenschaft and published individual writings on special occasions, e.g. on the occasion of the opening of the House of German Law. Financing and assets In his memoirs of 1946, Frank emphasized the financing of the Academy for German Law, which was independent of the "Reich, State, and Party," with which he had hoped to preserve the actual non-partisanship of his institute. In fact, in the first years of its existence, the Academy was almost entirely maintained by donations from third parties, the supporting members, which included both private individuals and business enterprises. The Reichsjustizministerium had also made its approval of the transfer to the Reich dependent on the academy having to carry itself. In the accounting year 1935/36, donations reached the record level of over 1 million RM, and in 1936, 70 donors raised just over 500,000 RM. This was sufficient to cover the expenses, especially since the Reich Ministry for Science, Education and Popular Education had made available a one-time sum of 250,000 RM for the promotion of scientific work. On the other hand, already in 1937, despite a donation volume of almost 700,000 RM by 94 donors, there was a shortfall which had to be covered by donations for the accounting year 1938. In March 1938, General Director Arendts, the Treasurer of the Academy, declared in a meeting with the responsible adviser of the Reich Ministry of Finance, in which also Director Lasch took part, "that the Academy would strive for its entire budget of about 750 - 800,000 RM to be gradually fully supported by contributions from the Reich over the course of about three years," and justified this with the "aim of developing it into a legislative institution of the Reich. In its audit report for the years 1936-1937 of 24 March 1939, the Court of Audit of the German Reich also took the view that a continuation of the previous method of financing was not compatible with the reputation of the Reich; it was the duty of the Reich to "place the financing of the tasks on a sound basis" (BA, R 2/24103). This became indispensable after the Reich Minister of the Interior, in agreement with the deputy Führer, finally rejected a collection permit for the Academy in July 1939 on the basis of the Collection Act of 5 November 1934. This also meant that advertising had to be discontinued for which the company had used its own advertising specialist. In the accounting year 1939/40, the donations fell to 290,000 RM, and for the first time a subsidy from the Reich of about 480,000 RM was granted towards the running costs, so that these were now predominantly borne by the Reich. Although in 1940/41 the income from donations increased again somewhat, the donations already received for 1942 were transferred to the Dankspendenstiftung des Deutschen Volkes on Thierack's instructions. The Academy for German Law was now financed entirely from the Reich's budget. The Akademie für Deutsches Recht used considerable financial resources to provide representative accommodation. On 6 June 1935, the Lachmann-Mosse trust administration acquired the house and property at Leipziger Platz 15 from a foreclosure sale for the Berlin office at a price of RM 1.25 million. Of the purchase amount, one million RM was raised by eight mortgages of a group of insurance institutions, for which the Reich took over the interest and redemption service at the expense of the budget of the Reich Ministry of Justice; this was the reason for the amendment of the statutes that, in the event of the dissolution of the Academy, its assets would fall to the Reich. The annual contribution to be paid by the Reich was 50,000 RM for a period of 25 years. The remaining purchase price of 250,000 RM was to be paid interest-free in five annual instalments of 50,000 RM, which were to be raised from donations. Much more elaborate was the construction of a "House of German Law" at the Academy's headquarters in Munich. The first plans from January to June 1936 provided for three components, for which over 5.3 million RM were estimated. In the course of the negotiations, the mammoth project shrank to two construction phases. On October 24, 1936, on the occasion of the second annual conference of the Academy, Reichsminister Rust laid the foundation stone for Building I, front building and reading hall. The costs were to amount to RM 2,2 million, raised by a loan from the Reich Insurance Institution for Employees, the interest and repayment service of which was taken over by the Reich. Already on 31 October 1937 the academy could celebrate the topping-out ceremony, on 13 May 1939 the opening of the building unit I. The former Max-Joseph-Stift, which was to be renovated and extended by a festival hall, was acquired as Building II for a price of more than RM 1.3 million; in June 1938, the Reichsversicherungsanstalt took out a further loan of RM 2.2 million, the remainder of which was frozen at RM 900,000, however, when construction work was stopped after the outbreak of the war. Administration and registry The administrative apparatus of the Academy gradually developed from July 1934. Initially, most of the service operations were carried out in the Berlin office building; in addition, there was a small office mainly for the construction of the planned extensive library at the headquarters in Munich. It was only after the completion of Building I of the House of German Law in 1939 that the construction of a larger, structured office began, the management of which was placed in the hands of a speaker of its own. According to the rules of procedure, which the Academy submitted to the Reich Ministry of Justice in September 1935 (BA, R 22/198), the administration was divided into departments, headed by a speaker, assisted by an assistant. The speakers were assessors or younger officials on leave in the starting positions of their careers, provided they had knowledge of economics. The president used a presidential chancellery as his personal office. The management of the entire service operation was the responsibility of the Director of the Academy, who had a personal consultant at his disposal. The Director was also in charge of the Organisation Division, which was responsible for the preparation and implementation of the events. The office service was headed by a personnel officer who, in addition to personnel processing, was also in charge of registry and law offices, house and property administration as well as budget monitoring tasks. Other speakers assisted the committee chairmen of the Legal Department, generally one for four committees. In contrast, only assistants were assigned to the secretaries of the three research classes. For the entire financial and asset management, the preparation of the budget, the cash and bookkeeping, accounting, for the conclusion of contracts and the remaining budget management, the treasurer provided the necessary forces free of charge with the exception of an advertising expert and an assistant. The foreign department, which in addition to maintaining foreign contacts also supervised foreign publications, the exchange of journals and literature and the management of the affiliated international societies and associations, was relatively well staffed with a speaker and his deputy, a scientific assistant, an interpreter and a (part-time) unskilled worker for Slavic languages. The administrative regulations of the Academy of 1937 combined the previous organizational forms into nine administrative offices, which in January 1938 comprised one to seven departments, depending on the area of responsibility. These units corresponded to the previous departments. The most extensive was the Administrative Office for Legal Structuring with seven units (I - VII). The administrative office for magazines and press had two (X, XI), the others (legal research, libraries and international transport) had only one each (VIII, IX, XII), as did the administrative offices for cash and accounting (XIV), organisation (XV) and human resources and law firms (XIII), which, however, were also grouped under a central unit. In addition, there was a unit XVI (Legal Office) as the "Legal Office of the ADR". This organization continued to exist in principle even during the war, but with the resulting drastic personnel restrictions, which in the beginning practically paralyzed the entire academy apparatus, but later allowed it to remain in operation. After the closure of the Academy's work, whose offices were moved to the Reich Ministry of Justice building at Wilhelmstraße 65 on 10 January 1944, most of the staff was released at the end of 1944, but parts (finance) continued to work until March 1945. The files produced during the Academy's activities were initially kept in so-called departmental registries, i.e. the written records of the individual speakers. It was not until 1938 that the at least partial compilation of the written material produced so far began in a central registry. The consultant responsible for the law firm was in charge of the execution. At first, the registry business of the Legal Department was taken over, later that of the main administrative office (without the personnel files). The Department of Legal Research initially refrained from handing over its records to the Central Registry. The registry of the foreign department remained independent. Nothing significant could be ascertained about later changes in the registry system. During the establishment of the House of German Law in Munich, a registry was also set up there. It is certain that since the merger of the registries in 1938 the corresponding files have been filed according to a uniform and systematically structured file plan. As of 1940, this plan (BA, R 61/34) comprised seven main areas divided into three groups and sub-groups. The file plan was structured according to the decimal system with four-digit digits, to which an additional digit and a year could be added by slash if necessary. In addition to the documents produced in the course of administrative activities, an extensive complex of documents, characteristic of the Academy and its work, has emerged in the form of minutes of meetings of the committees and other specialist bodies, some of which are based on extensive stenographic notes. Copies were kept in the registry and in the "archive" of the magazines and press department. They form the most important part of the stock. Timetable on the history of the Academy 1933 June 26 Constitution in the Bavarian Ministry of Justice September 22 Granting of the rights of a public corporation in Bavaria by Bavarian law October 2 Ceremonial proclamation of the Academy for German Law at the German Lawyers' Day in Leipzig November 5 1st 1st plenary session in Berlin 1934 January 1st opening of the Berlin offices January 29th 2nd plenary session March 17th 3rd plenary session May 26th founding of the journal of the Academy for German Law 26th founding of the journal of the Academy for German Law in Berlin June 1st Annual Meeting in Munich, at the same time 4th plenary session July 11 elevation to public corporation of the Reich by Reich Law August 9 appointment of Dr. Hans Frank, former leader of the Academy, as President November 13 5th plenary session in Berlin November 18-22 trip to Bulgaria Frank December 19 appointment of Frank as Reich Minister without portfolio 1935 February 27 6th plenary session June 26-28 2nd Annual Meeting with ceremony in the presence of Hitler, at the same time session 21 August Celebratory session on the occasion of the XI International Congress on Criminal Law and Prison Law, also 8th plenary session 15 October Inauguration of the building in Berlin, Leipziger Platz 15 16 October Amendment to the Statutes 30 November 9 plenary session 1936 28 February 10 plenary session 12-17 March Poland trip Frank at the invitation of the University of Warsaw 2-8 April Visit Frank to Rome 2 June Celebratory session on the occasion of the International Congress on Industrial Property 21-24 October 3rd Annual Meeting, also 11th plenary session May 17 Opening of the Chair of German Law at the University of Sofia by Director Lasch June 19 Constituting the Department of Legal Research of the Academy of German Law (with 1st class session) October 28-31 4th 4th Annual Meeting in Munich, also 13th plenary session and event of the Association of Foreign Friends of the Academy of German Law 2nd Annual Meeting in Munich, at the same time 13th plenary session and event of the Association of Foreign Friends of the Academy of German Law at the University of Sofia. November Foundation of the Association for German-Italian Legal Relations December Competition: "State and Party in Italy" 1938 1 June Opening of a series of guest lectures at the University of Vienna 16-18 June 5th Annual Conference in Munich, at the same time 14th Plenary Session 1939 13 May Inauguration of the House of German Law July Prohibition on further donations 12 October Appointment of Frank as Governor General for the Occupied Polish Territories 13 October Appointment of Director Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Lasch becomes district governor in Radom and is represented by Dr. Gaeb 1940 10 January Establishment of the IV class (research of the national economy) in the Department of Legal Research 22-24 November 7th Annual Conference in Munich with plenary session 1942 9. June to July 21 Speeches by Frank in Berlin, Vienna, Munich and Heidelberg against the police state August 20 Dismissal of Frank as President and Appointment of the Reich Minister of Justice Dr. Thierack October Resignation of the Deputy President Prof. Dr. Emge 3. November State Secretary Dr. Rothenberger appointed Deputy President 1943 9 June Announcement of a new constitution of the Academy for German Law 1944 10-12 January Transfer of the Berlin office to the Reich Ministry of Justice 12 August Closure of all legal-political and scholarly work Inventory description: Inventory history Like many of the holdings of the Federal Archives, the documents of the Academy for German Law are only incompletely handed down and divided as a result of war losses. The division began as early as 1943, when the two offices moved files, books and inventory to smaller towns in the area to protect them from air raids, the Munich office to Altötting, Griesbach and Wegscheid (district court), the Berlin offices primarily to the Feldberg (Mecklenburg), Havelberg, Prenzlau, Zehdenick and probably also Templin storage sites also used by the Reich Ministry of Justice, and the Cochem Castle. Some of the files removed from Berlin were confiscated by Russian troops. Since 1957 they have been in the Central State Archives in Potsdam, where they formed the holdings 30.13 (Overview of the holdings of the German Central Archives 1957, p. 86). This had a volume of 155 volumes from the period 1933-1942, 33 of which refer to the activities of the committees and 31 of which apparently originate from the foreign department of the Academy; the holdings include files of the Association for the Improvement of Prisoners (25 volumes) and the German Society for Prison Science. In the hands of American troops fell, in addition to Munich files, the documents still available in the Berlin office at the end of the war, as well as files that had apparently still been brought from Zehdenick to Thuringia in 1945. Most of this stock was transferred via the Ministerial Collecting Center near Kassel to the World War II Records Division of the American National Archives in Alexandria, Va., where it formed the Record Group 1036 with other German documents. A smaller part was handed over to the Federal Ministry of Justice at the beginning of the 1950s, and the file of lawyers and economists remained with a branch of the US Army in Germany. In Alexandria the files were filmed in 1958 by the American Historical Association and described in 1959 in volume 6 of the Guides to German Records Microfilmed at Alexandria, Va., pp. 14-27. In 1960 this part of the collection was transferred to the Federal Archives, which in 1962 was also able to take over the remaining files from the Federal Ministry of Justice and the aforementioned index. In a final return, the Federal Archives received documents from the Academy in 1973 from the Library of Congress, Washington D.C. Some files of the Committee for German-Italian Legal Relations had been transferred to the Institut voor Oorlogsdocumentatie in Amsterdam after the end of the war; they were also made available to the Federal Archives by the latter in 1974 for further completion of the R 61 collection, which had meanwhile been formed from the existing files. Finally, the Institute for Contemporary History, Munich, which had been able to acquire some of the copies of the minutes of the committee meetings collected in Munich and the reference files of the ordinary professor Dr. jur. Hermann Krause (1939-1944 member of the main committee of the academy), also left its documents to the Federal Archives; and in March 1976, it was able to acquire the reference files of Reg. Dir. a.D. and then member of the board of Deutsche Centralbodenkredit AG, Oesterlink, member of the Mortgage Legal Committee of the Academy, will close a lore gap in this area. Thus all surviving traditions of the Academy for German Law outside the GDR were probably brought together in inventory R 61. In 1990, the part of the archive that had been preserved in the Central State Archives of the GDR was merged with R 61. Archivische Bewertung und Bearbeitung (only old stock R 61, without ZStA 30.13) The written material of the Akademie für Deutsches Recht consists essentially of two parts which are already clearly separated from each other. In addition to an extensive collection of factual and correspondence files, the "Archive" of the Press and Periodicals Office contains a considerable part of the collection of minutes and minutes of meetings, some of which can also be found in the files of the Legal Department. From 1938, with a few exceptions, the Academy's documents were filed in a central registry according to a systematic file plan. The filing was done chronologically from bottom to top, but was often disturbed afterwards. In order to eliminate the - often severe - irregularities and to improve the usability of the holdings, all subject units and individual processes were placed in an official filing system (from top to bottom) when the holdings in the Federal Archives were organized and listed in 1967, and torn file units were reunited in the process. Loose written material was reformed after factual matters. The files are therefore no longer in the same condition as they were when they were filmed in the USA, so that an identity between the volumes with the American signatures ADR 1 to ADR 238, some of which also referred to documents of other provenances, and the volumes signed in the Federal Archives exists only rarely; as far as possible, however, the corresponding American signatures were noted, and in addition the concordance between the signatures of the Federal Archives and the role designations of the microfilm T-82 (below pp. 87-90) makes a comparison possible. Cassations were primarily carried out in subject groups, most of which have been preserved in their entirety in the Federal Archives. In addition to the removal of numerous duplicates, administrative documents in particular were freed from all insignificant correspondence. Most of the submissions to committees on private legal matters of no general importance were also largely destroyed. Since the records and minutes were originally also available in the registry of the Academy, the reorganization of the status quo, which is not, moreover, based on the old file plan scheme, attempted to restore the old unit of records and minutes of the individual committees and other working bodies of the Academy of German Law as far as possible, whereby the internal "provenance" (registry or "archive") in the file directory is expressed only by the old signature. The records filed in the registry shall bear the letter "P" in front of the file number, unless they are in correspondence, and the "archive" copies shall not bear a signature. In order to indicate the separation of the holdings into the partial provenances of Berlin and Munich, the place of origin has also been entered in the Remarks column, as far as determined. In addition, the structure of the holdings in simplified form is based on the structure of the Academy. Content characterisation: Part 1 (formerly: ZStA, 30.13): Legal bases, organisation, service administration, librarianship and Veröffentli‧chungen 1933-1945 (68), Jurisprudence - Department of Legal Research 1936-1945 (47), Legal Policy - Department of Legal Structuring General committee files 1935-1943 (6), individual committees 1933-1944 (365) Part 2 (formerly: BArch, R 61): Committees 1933-1940 (36), foreign countries 1934-1942 (34), international congresses, conferences 1935-1941 (16), journal of the Academy for German Law 1935-1939 (10), Sitzungsan‧gelegenheiten, invitations, minutes 1935-1939 (7), reference files, internals, individual items 1934-1944 (26), association for the improvement of prisoners 1934-1942 (26), German Ge‧sellschaft for prison science 1927-1939 (7) state of development: Publication Findbuch: Werhan, Walter; Fensch, Elsa: Akademie für Deutsches Recht (fonds R 61) (Findbücher zu Bestände des Bundesarchivs, Bd. 9), 2nd up, Koblenz 1976; find card index citation method: BArch, R 61/...

BArch, R 55 · Fonds · 1920-1945
Part of Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

History of the inventor: Joseph Goebbels, who had already been head of the NSDAP's Reich Propaganda Department since 1929, had certainly developed plans for a Ministry of Propaganda even before the seizure of power.(1) The Reichskabinett (Reich Cabinet) dealt with the issue of the Propaganda Department on 11 September. The arguments for the foundation, which the Reich Chancellor (Hitler) himself presented, sounded extremely harmless ex post and far from future realities: "One of the predominant tasks of this ministry would be the preparation of important acts of government. On the oil and fat issue, for example, which now occupies the cabinet, the people should be enlightened in the direction that the farmer would perish if something were not done to improve the sale of his products. The importance of this matter also for the war measures would have to be pointed out ..." Government action would only begin if the awareness-raising work had taken place and worked for some time. ..."(2) On 16 March 1933, however, Goebbels described the future tasks of his ministry programmatically three days after his appointment in a remarkably open manner in front of press representatives: "If this government is now determined never to give way again, never and under no circumstances, then it need not make use of the dead power of the bayonet, then in the long run it will not be able to be satisfied with knowing 52 percent behind it ..., but it will have to see its next task in winning the remaining 48 percent for itself. This is not only possible through objective work". And about the nature of his propaganda he proclaimed: "Not any aesthete can judge the methods of propaganda. A binding judgment can only be given on the basis of success. For propaganda is not an end in itself, but a means to an end.(3) A timid attempt by Hugenberg to at least delay the decision to establish the Ministry of Propaganda in the cabinet meeting of March 11, 1933 failed miserably. Already on 13 March 1933 the law on the establishment of the RMVP was signed by the Reich President and the "writer" Dr. Goebbels was appointed minister.(4) Almost three weeks later, on 5 April 1933, Goebbels noted in his diary: "The organisation of the ministry is finished".(5) In difficult negotiations(6) with the ministries, which had to cede parts of their competences to the new ministry, the responsibilities were determined in detail. The RMVP was responsible for all tasks relating to intellectual influence on the nation, advertising for the state, culture and economy, informing the domestic and foreign public about them, and the administration of all institutions serving these purposes. As a result, the business area of the RMVP will be: 1. from the business area of the Federal Foreign Office: News and education abroad, art, art exhibitions, film and sports abroad. 2. From the RMI division: General Domestic Enlightenment, Hochschule für Politik, introduction and celebration of national holidays and celebration of national holidays with the participation of the RMI, press (with Institute for Newspaper Science), radio, national anthem, German Library in Leipzig, art (but without art-historical institute in Florence, copyright protection for works of literature and art, directory of nationally valuable works of art, German-Austrian Convention on the Export of Art, Protection of Works of Art and Monuments, Protection and Maintenance of Landscape and Natural Monuments, Nature Parks, Preservation of Buildings of Special Historical Importance, Preservation of National Monuments, Verband Deutscher Vereine für Volkskunde, Reich Memorial), Music Conservation, including the Philharmonic Orchestra, Theatre Matters, Cinema, Combating Trash and Dirt 3. From the business areas of the Reich Ministry of Economics and the Reich Ministry of Food and Agriculture: Economic Advertising, Exhibitions, Trade Fairs and Advertising 4. From the business areas of the Reich Ministry of Posts and the Reich Ministry of Transportation: Traffic Advertising Furthermore, all radio matters dealt with by the Reich Ministry of Posts and the Reich Ministry of Transportation are transferred from the business area of the Reich Ministry of Posts, unless they concern the technical administration outside the premises of the Reich Broadcasting Company and the radio companies. In matters of technical administration, the RMVP shall be involved to the extent necessary to carry out its own tasks, in particular in determining the conditions for the awarding of broadcasting rights and the regulation of fees. In particular, the representation of the Reich in the Reichsrundfunkgesellschaft and the broadcasting companies is fully transferred to the RMVP. The RMVP is in charge of all tasks, including legislation, in the designated areas. The general principles shall apply to the participation of the other Reich Ministers." (RGBl. 1933 I, p. 449) These competences were exercised by seven departments, so that the business distribution plan of 1 Oct. 1933 (7) shows the following picture: Ministerial office (with five employees), directly subordinated to the Minister. State Secretary, at the same time Head of Press of the Reich Government I. Administration and Law with one main office Administration, three departments as well as the registry II. Propaganda with 10 departments 1. Positive world view propaganda, shaping in state life, press photography 2. Jewish question, foundation for victims of work, Versailles treaty, national literature, publishing etc. 3. Demonstrations and regional organisation 4. Opposing world views 5. German University of Politics 6. Youth and sports issues 7. Economic and social policy 8. Agricultural and eastern issues 9. Transport 10. Public health III. Broadcasting with three sections 1. Broadcasting 2. Political and cultural affairs of broadcasting 3. Organisation and administrative issues of German broadcasting IV. Press, simultaneously press department of the Reich government with eleven papers V. Film with three papers VI. Theatre, music and art with three papers VII. Defence (defence against lies at home and abroad) with eight papers Goebbels was obviously not satisfied with the official title of his ministry. The extensive tasks in the fields of culture and the arts did not come into their own and the word propaganda, of which he was aware, had a "bitter aftertaste" (8). His proposal to rename his department "Reichsministerium für Kultur und Volksaufklärung", however, met with Hitler's rejection. (9) In July 1933, a circular issued by the Reich Chancellor drew the attention of the Reich governors to the exclusive competence of the Reich or of the new Ministry for the above-mentioned competences and called on them to cede to the RMVP any existing budget funds and offices of the Länder. (10) At the same time, 13 regional offices were established as the substructure of the Ministry, the sprinkles of which corresponded approximately to those of the regional employment offices, and 18 imperial propaganda offices, which subdivided the territory of the regional offices once again. After the Reichspropagandastellen were already converted after short time (approx. 1934) to Landesstellen, in each Gau of the NSDAP a Landesstelle of the RMVP was located. Their leaders were in personal union at the same time leaders of the Gaupropagandaleitungen of the NSDAP, which in its leadership, the Reichspropagandalleitung, was also perceived by Goebbels in personal union. (11) As a result, conflicts of loyalty between the Gaupropaganda leaders/leaders of the RMVP regional offices were unavoidable in disputes between Goebbels and individual Gauleiters. According to theory, the regional offices were supposed to monitor and implement the political decisions made in the ministry in the individual districts, but in practice their heads were often more dependent on their respective Gauleiter than on the ministry due to the above-mentioned personal union. By the Führer decree of 9 September 1937 (RGBl. 1937 I, p. 1009), the Landesstellen were renamed Reichspropagandaämter and elevated to Reich authorities. After the integration of Austria there were no less than 42 Reichspropagandaämter with 1400 full-time employees. (12) In addition to the state offices and Reich Propaganda Offices, a whole range of offices, organizations, associations, societies and societies soon developed, which are to be counted to the subordinate area of the Ministry. (13) Despite the apparently clear regulation on the responsibilities of the RMVP, the 13 years of its existence were marked by disputes over responsibilities with other ministries, in particular with the ministers Rust, Rosenberg and Ribbentrop, of whom Goebbels, as is known, held very little personally. Successes and failures in the competence disputes cannot be followed in detail here; they depended to a large extent on Hitler's relationship with Goebbels. For example, Goebbels did not succeed in extending his competence in theatre to the Prussian State Theatres in Berlin. By contrast, in 1943 the RMVP assumed responsibility for carrying out the Eastern propaganda, while Rosenberg, as Reich Minister for the occupied Eastern territories, was left with only the authority to issue guidelines. (14) In the conflict with the Federal Foreign Office over the delimitation of responsibilities for foreign propaganda, an arrangement was reached in a working agreement in October 1941. (15) Wehrmacht propaganda also remained long and controversial. Despite many efforts (16), Goebbels did not succeed in making a decisive break in the competencies of the OKW/Wpr department until the end of the war in March 1945. Propaganda into the Wehrmacht and about the Wehrmacht at home and abroad was then to be taken in charge by the RMVP. It is not possible to determine whether the planned organizational consequences have yet been implemented. (17) Another major success for Goebbels was the establishment of the Reichsinspektion für zivile Luftschutzmaßnahmen (Reich Inspection for Civilian Air Defence Measures), which was headed by the RMVP (18), and his appointment as Reich Plenipotentiary for Total War Operations by Führer Decree of 25 July 1944 (19). For the last months of the Third Reich, Goebbels had reached the zenith of power with this function, apart from his appointment as Reich Chancellor in Hitler's last will and testament of April 29, 1945, which had become effective only theoretically. As Reich Plenipotentiary for the total deployment in war, he had extremely far-reaching powers over the entire state apparatus with the exception of the Wehrmacht. (20) Until that date, the competences of the RMVP had changed only slightly in the main features of all disputes over jurisdiction. That it nevertheless grew enormously and steadily until 1943 (21) was mainly due to diversification and intensification in the performance of its tasks. After 1938, the expansive foreign policy of the Third Reich necessitated further propaganda agencies to direct and influence public opinion in the incorporated and occupied territories. In the occupied territories with civil administrations, "departments" (main departments) for "popular enlightenment and propaganda" were usually set up in the territories with military administration, "propaganda departments", which exercised roughly the functions of the Reich Propaganda Offices. Their position between their superior military services and the RMVP, which sought to influence the content of the propaganda and from where part of the personnel came, was a constant source of conflict. As an indication for the weighting of the individual areas of responsibility of the Ministry in relation to each other, the expenditures for the individual areas in the 10 years from March 1933 to March 1943 are mentioned. With a total volume of 881,541,376.78 RM (22), the expenses for the Active propaganda: 21.8 Communications: 17.8 Music, visual arts, literature: 6.2 Film: 11.5 Theatres: 26.4 Civil servants and equipment: 4.3 Salaries, business needs, including film testing agencies and RPÄ: 12.0 By 1942, the RMVP and its division had been continuously expanded, before facilities in the subordinate area were shut down and departments in the ministry were merged as part of the total war from 1943 onwards. The business distribution plan of Nov. 1942 was as follows: (23) Ministerial Office, reporting directly to the Minister with adjutants, personal advisers and press officers of the Minister, a total of 10 employees State Secretaries Leopold Gutterer, Reich Press Head Dr. Otto Dietrich, Hermann Esser Budget Department (H) with 11 departments; reporting to the Head of the Department, the Main Office and the House Administration Personnel Department (Pers) with seven departments Legal and Organisation Department (R) with three departments Propaganda Department (Pro) with the following ten departments: 1. Political Propaganda 2. Cultural Propaganda 3. Propaganda Exploration 4. Public Health, Social Policy 5. Economy 6. Imperial Propaganda Offices 7. Major Events 8. Youth and Sports 9. Representation 10. Budget of the Department, Preparation of the Peace Treaties, Stagma and other Press Department of the Imperial Government I. Department German Press (DP) with 13 Speeches II. Foreign Press Department (AP) with 19 papers III. Journal Press Department /ZP) with five papers Foreign Press Department (A) with the following five groups: 1. Organization 2. Europe and Middle East 3. Non-European 4. Propaganda Media 5. Deployment abroad and in the Reich Tourism Department (FV) with four units Broadcasting Department (Rfk) with the following eight units 1. Coordination, Interradio and others 2. Broadcasting Command Office 3. Mob Department 4. Broadcasting Programme Support 5. Foreign Broadcasting 6. Broadcasting Industry 7. Broadcasting Organisation 8. Rundfunk-Erkundungsdienst Filmabteilung (F) with five departments Schrifttumsabteilung (S ) with eight departments Theaterabteilung (T) with seven departments Bildende Kunst (BK) with four departments Musik-Abteilung (M) with ten departments Reichsverteidigung (RV) with six departments Abteilung für die besetztischen Ostgebiete (Ost) with twelve departments Generalreferate with State Secretary Gutterer directly subordinated: 1. Exhibitions and Fairs 2nd General Cultural Department (General Cultural Department for the Reich Capital) 3rd General Department for Reich Chamber of Culture Matters 4th Technology (propaganda, radio, film, sound, stage, press, service installations of the RMVP) Press Recording Office for the PK reports of the Press Department of the Reich Government (directly subordinated to the Reich Press Head) A major change in this distribution of responsibilities took place in September 1944 (24). The art departments of theatre, music and visual arts were dissolved and merged into a single department of culture (cult). The East Department was integrated into the Propaganda Department as a main department, the Tourism Department was shut down and the General Departments of the Reich Cultural Chamber, Armaments and Construction and Propaganda Troops were dissolved. Notes (1) J. Goebbels: Vom Kaiserhof zur Reichskanzlei, p. 28. (2) R 43 II/1149, p. 5, excerpt from the minutes of the ministerial meeting of 11 March 1933. (3) R 43 II/1149, pp. 25 - 29, wording of Goebbels' speech of 16 March 1933 according to W. T. B. (4) R 43 II/1149, RGBl. 1933 I, p. 104 (5) J. Goebbels: Vom Kaiserhof zur Reichskanzlei, p. 293 (6) In an elaboration presumably by Goebbels on a "Reichskommissariat für Volksaufklärung und Propaganda" to be created (R 43 II/1149, pp. 49 - 53) further competences had been demanded. In particular, additional responsibilities were demanded of the German section of the RMI and section VI of the AA, as well as in foreign propaganda. (7) R 43 II/1449, pp. 126 - 133. Heiber gives a diagram of the organisational development of the RMVP at department level with the names of the department heads on the inside of the cover of his Goebbels biography. (8) See speech to representatives of the press on the tasks of the RMVP of 16 March 1933 in R 43 II/1149. It was not without reason that there was a language regulation for the press according to which the term propaganda was to be used only in a positive sense (R 55/1410, Decree of the RMVP to the RPA Nuremberg, 8 Nov. 1940). (9) R 43 II/1149, p. 169, Note by Lammers of 9 May 1934 on a lecture to the Reich Chancellor. (10) R 43 II/1149. (11) After the establishment of the Reichskulturkammer organization, they were also state cultural administrators in the substructure of the RKK. (12) Boelcke, Kriegspropaganda, p. 185. (13) Ebendort, p. 136 ff. there are hints for some institutions. (14) The Führer's order concerning the delimitation of responsibilities dated 15 Aug. 1943, cf. R 55/1435, 1390. (15) Boelcke, Kriegspropaganda, p. 126/127. (16) Lochner, Joseph Goebbels, p. 334, p. 442. (17) R 55/618, p. 123; cf. also the depiction of Hasso v. Wedel, the propaganda troops of the German Wehrmacht. Neckargemünd 1962, Die Wehrmacht im Kampf, vol. 34 (18) Führer decree of Dec. 21, 1943, R 55/441 (19) RGBl. 1944, p. 161, R 43 II/664 a. (20) This competence is virtually not reflected in the RMVP files available in the BA. However, it is well documented in R 43 II. See R 43 II/664 a. (21) See the annual budget negotiations on increasing the number of posts in R 2/4752 - 4762. (22) R 55/862, Statistical overview of monetary transactions. Accordingly, 88,5 % of the expenditure was covered by the licence fee. It remains unclear whether the old budgetary expenditure has been taken into account. (23) R 55/1314 According to this schedule of responsibilities, the files held in the Federal Archives were essentially classified. (24) Newsletter of 13 Sept. 1944 in R 55/441. Inventory description: Inventory history The RMVP records have suffered substantial losses, although the main building of the Ministry, the Ordenspalais am Wilhelmplatz, was destroyed relatively late and almost accidentally in March 1945. Large parts of the old registries, including the previous files from the Federal Foreign Office and the Reich Ministry of the Interior (1), had already been destroyed by air raids in 1944. Moreover, in the last days of the war before and during the conquest of Berlin by the Soviet Russian army, files were also systematically destroyed. (2) In view of the total collapse and devastation of Berlin by the air war, it is not surprising that hardly any manual or private files of RMVP employees have been handed down. Notable exceptions are, in particular, documents from Ministerialrat Bade (press department) (3) and hand files of the head of the broadcasting department, Ministerialdirigent Fritzsche. In this context, the diaries of Goebbels should also be mentioned, which, with the exception of those edited by Lochner in 1948, had been lost for almost 30 years. (4) The bulk of the volumes available in the Bundesarchiv Koblenz until 1996 was transferred from Alexandria (cf. Guide No. 22) and from the Berlin Document Center to the Bundesarchiv in the years 1959 - 1963. The personnel files still held back were added to the portfolio in 2007. The RMVP files kept by the Ministry of State Security of the GDR (mainly personnel files, personnel processes of the theatre, music and defence departments), which were stored in the so-called NS archive until 2006, are also assigned to the holdings. Not in Allied hands was only a small collection from the Music Department and some documents from the German Press Department, which were transferred to the Federal Archives in 1969 as part of the land consolidation with the Secret State Archives of the Prussian Cultural Heritage Foundation. Some original RMVP files can still be found at the Hoover Institution Standford, the Yivo Institute New York and the Wiener Library London. Fortunately, all three institutions were willing to produce microfilms for the Federal Archives (5). In 1974, the Rijksinstitut voor Oologsdocumentatie Amsterdam (Rijksinstitut for Oologsdocumentatie Amsterdam) kindly handed over some original fragments of files to the Federal Archives. In 1946, officers of the French and Soviet secret services found films of about 35,000 documents that had been filmed in the RMVP and buried near Potsdam at the end of the war with the help of an American mine detector (6). The films were taken to Paris to make re-enlargements of them, and it is possible that they will still be kept in the French secret service. The Americans apparently did not receive copies because they had withheld from the French documents of other provenance found in the CSSR. Only incomplete information is available about the content of the films; it can be assumed, however, that not exactly unimportant files have been filmed. Notes (1) Only a few handfiles and a few volumes on the promotion of music have survived. (2) Files of the Reichsfilmarchiv that had been moved to Grasleben/Helmstedt were even to be destroyed by agents of the RSHA when they threatened to fall into the hands of the English (cf. R 55/618). (3) Cf. Kl. Erw. 615, which is a selection of the bath papers from the time around 1933 in the Hoover library. (4) Frankfurter Allgemeine, 21 Nov. 1974, reader's letter. Insignificant fragments from Goebbels' estate from his student days can be found in the Federal Archives under the signature Kl. Erw. 254. (5) A collection of newspaper clippings concerning Goebbels in the amount of 82 Bde for the years 1931 - 1943 was not filmed at the Yivo-Institut. (6) See the documents in: National Archives Washington, RG 260 OMGUS 35/35 folder 19. Archival processing The order and indexing work on the holdings was relatively time-consuming and difficult, as the order of the files was extremely poor. On the one hand there were no detailed file plans or other registry aids for the mass of files from the budget and personnel departments, on the other hand the file management in the ministry, which at least in its development phase was always deliberately unbureaucratic, left a lot to be desired. Especially during the war, when inexperienced auxiliaries had to be used more and more during the war, the Ministry's staff often complained about the inadequacy of the registries. The organisation of the RMVP's records management showed typical features of office reform (1): Registries were kept on a departmental basis, with each registry having a "self-contained partial list of files". The documents were stored in standing folders (System Herdegen). Instead of a diary, an alphabetical mailing card was kept, separated according to authorities and private persons. The reference numbers consisted of the department letter, file number, date as well as an indication, on which card of an order file the procedure was seized. All in all, the files of the Budget and Human Resources Department were in a certain, albeit unsatisfactory, state of order when they entered the Federal Archives. Numerous volumes from the other departments, on the other hand, were formed in a chaotic manner, possibly as a result of a provisional recording of loose written material when it was confiscated. These were often amorphous and fragmentary materials that lacked the characteristics of organically grown writing. So it was practically impossible to form meaningful band units in all subjects. In the case of some "mixed volumes" with written material on numerous file numbers, only the most frequent ones were noted in the finding aid book. Due to the high loss of files, no strict evaluation standard was applied to the files. The main items collected were volumes from the budget department on preliminary checks in the subordinate area and individual procedures for the procurement and management of managed goods for the purposes of the Ministry. Formal records of non-compliant positions in the business division and a number of unarchivalable documents from the Human Resources Department will still be kept for the foreseeable future for the purpose of issuing service time statements. It is not listed in this guide. Preparatory work for the indexing of the Koblenz part of the stock was carried out by Mr. Oberarchivrat Regel (1967) with regard to the files of the budget department on the Reich's own film assets, Mr. Ltd. Archivdirektor Dr. Boberach (1966) with regard to correspondence and the reference files of the head of the broadcasting department, Hans Fritzsche and Ms. Archivoberinspektorin Schneider, née Fisch (1966) for files of the propaganda department. In 2005, the inventories of the finding aids of both sections of the Reich Ministry for Popular Enlightenment and Propaganda were imported into the database of the Federal Archives via a retroconversion procedure. The data records were then combined in a classification. Despite the inhomogeneity of the traditions of most specialist departments, it was advisable to maintain the division by departments. (2) Within the departments, the structure was essentially based on file numbers and factual contexts. The file numbers used in the RMVP were - as far as possible - used as aids for further subdivision. The final step was the integration of the personnel files and personal documents from the NS archive (approx. 5000 individual transactions) and the former Berlin Document Center (approx. 700 transactions). The documents taken over are mainly documents from the personnel department (in addition to personnel files also questionnaires and index cards), theatre (applications, appointments, confirmation procedures) and imperial defence (applications in propaganda companies). The personal records also contain isolated documents on denazification from the period 1946-1950. Since a relatively large number of individual transactions from the NS archives were often only a few sheets, transactions that objectively related to one transaction (e.g. applications for interpreting) were merged into one file. The names of the individual persons as well as the old signatures from the NS archive can still be traced via the BASYS-P database. Both the files from the NS archive and those from the former BDC are not always filed according to the provenance principle. However, the files were not separated again. Most of the files taken over from the former BDC are personal files and questionnaires as well as personnel index cards of individual employees of broadcasting stations. A search is still possible via the BASYS-P database. The procedures for the donation "Artist's thanks" still present in the personal records of the former BDC concerning the Theatre Department were not adopted in this context (approx. 15,000 procedures). The names are entered in the BASYS-P database and can be searched there. Notes (1) Rules of Procedure and Registration of 8 May 1942 in R 55/ 618. (2) The structure of the business distribution plan of Nov. 1942 was used as a basis. Abbreviations AA = Federal Foreign Office Department A = Department Abroad AP = Foreign Press BDC = Berlin Document Center BdS = Commander of the Security Police ChdZ = Chief of the Civil Administration DAF = German Labour Front DASD = German Amateur Broadcasting Service e.V. DNB = Deutsches Nachrichtenbüro DRK = Deutsches Rotes Kreuz Dt. = Deutsch DVO = Durchführungsverordnung french = French Gestapo = Geheimes Staatspolizeiamt KdF = Kraft durch Freude KdG = Kommandeur der Gendarmerie KdS = Kommandeur der Sicherheitspolizei Kl. Erw. Small acquisition KLV = Kinderlandverschickung LG = District Court MA = Military Archives, Department of the Federal Archives MdR = Member of the Reichstag MinRat = Ministerialrat MdL = Member of the Landtag NDR = Norddeutscher Rundfunk NSV = National Socialist Volkswohlfahrt o. Az. = without file number or date = without date OKW = Oberkommando der Wehrmacht OLG = Oberstes Landesgericht OLT = Oberleutnant ORR = Oberregierungsrat OT = Organisation Todt PG = Parteigenosse PK = Propagandakompanie RAVAG = Österreichische Radio-Verkehrs-AG Reg. Pres. RMI = Reich Ministry of the Interior RMJ = Reich Ministry of the Interior RMK = Reich Ministry of Justice RMK = Reich Chamber of Music RMVP = Reich Ministry of Education and Propaganda ROI = Reichsoberinspektor RPA = Reichspropagandaamt RPÄ = Reichspropagandaämter RPL = Reichspropagandalleitung RR = Regierungsrat RRG = Reichsrundfunkgesellschaft RS = Reichssender RSHA = Reichssicherheitshauptamt RSK = Reichsschrifttumskammer SBZ = Soviet Occupation Zone SD = Security Service SD-LA = SD-Leitabschnitt SDR = Süddeutscher Rundfunk Sipo = Security Police STS = Secretary of State and a. = among others v. a. = above all VGH = Volksgerichtshof VO = Regulation WDR = Westdeutscher Rundfunk ZSTA = Zentrales Staatsarchiv (Potsdam) citation method: BArch R 55/ 23456 Content characterization: Rounded delivery complexes are available only from the budget department and from the personnel department. From the point of view of financing and personnel management, they illuminate almost all areas of the Ministry's activities. From the specialist departments, the volumes from the Propaganda Department should be emphasized, which document above all the design of propaganda and the propagandistic support of foreign workers and resettled persons in the last years of the war. Also worth mentioning are mood and activity reports of individual RPÄ and suggestions from the population for propaganda and for leading the total war. In the Radio Department there is some material about the design of the radio program and the propaganda reconnaissance with reports about the opposing propaganda, which were compiled from the bugging reports of the special service Seehaus. A separate complex of this department are 14 volumes of pre-files from the RMI with handfiles of the Oberregierungsrat Scholz as representative of the Reich in supervisory committees of broadcasting companies in Berlin from 1926 - 1932. Of the film department there are only a few, but interesting volumes about the film production of the last war years with numerous ministerial documents. The majority of the theatre department's traditions are based on documents on professional issues and the Reich's dramaturgy. From the music department the promotion of musical organizations from the years 1933 - 1935 with pre-files from the RMI, the support and job placement of artists as well as material about the musical foreign relations is handed down. The files of the Department for the Occupied Eastern Territories offer rich sources for questions of Eastern propaganda. The losses are greatest in the departments Law and Organization, Magazine Press, Foreign Press, Foreign Countries, Tourism, Literature and Fine Arts. State of development: Publication Findbuch (1976, reprint 1996), Online Findbuch (2007). Citation style: BArch, R 55/...

BArch, R 113 · Fonds · 1935-1945
Part of Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

History of the Inventor: The Act of 29 March 1935 on the Regulation of Public Land Requirements (Gesetz über die Regeung des Landbedarfs der öffentlichen Hand) (1) issued by the Reich Ministry of Food and Drink (Reichsernährungsministerium) established an Imperial Authority which, with the Führer Decree of 26 June 1935, was to assume the role of "Reich Office for Spatial Planning (RfR)" (Reichsstelle für Raumordnung) "for the entire territory of the Reich"(2). The expansion of planning to the Reich and state level led to the separation of spatial planning from local political sovereignty. "In agreement with the Reich and Prussian Ministers of Labor, the head of the Reich Office for Spatial Planning shall in particular regulate the organization of the planning associations and supervise them. (3) The RfR with its seat in Berlin, as the supreme Reich authority, was directly subordinate to the Führer and Reich Chancellor and, in fulfilling its tasks, made use of the Society for the Preparation of Reich Planning and Regional Planning (Gezuvor) (4), later known as the Reichsplanungsgemeinschaft e.V. (Reich Planning Association). (RPG). Head of the RfR and President of the RPG was the Reich Minister and Prussian State Minister Hanns Kerrl, who also headed the Reich Ministry for Church Affairs (RKM) in personal union. After his death in 1941, Hermann Muhs, until then State Secretary in the Reich Ministry for Church Affairs, took over the management of the official business. Due to close personal and organizational ties, the Reichsplanungsgemeinschaft appeared in the business distribution plan of the RfR from June 1937. Both as members of an organization in which the Reich Office for Spatial Planning was assigned the task of "administration", the Reich Planning Community the task of "design". The business distribution plan named two registries which served both offices according to the subject area. (5) The joint budget for the financial year 1937 stated: "Since the fields of activity of the RfR and the RPG overlap in many respects, there has been no complete administrative and budgetary separation between the RfR and the RPG, either in terms of the specific nature of the tasks to be performed or in terms of the appropriate use of all manpower. (6) Kerrls Erste Verordnung zur Durchführung der Reichs- und Landesplanung vom 15. Februar 1936(7) contains the regulations on the organization of subordinate agencies. The organic structure of the regional planning administration should correspond to the dual task of Nazi regional planning - political leadership on the one hand and coordination of all spatially relevant issues on the other. The Reich Office for Spatial Planning was established as an "organ of state and party, and it must be emphasized in particular that its competence is not limited to regulatory work in relation to agriculture, housing and industry, but that it is also co-determinative in the requirements of terrain for the public sector". (8) In organisational terms, a distinction was made between planning authorities and state planning associations. The former were the governors of the Reich and the presidents of Prussia. They supervised the state planning communities and had the task of enforcing the guidelines issued by the central office. They were able to arrange for an annual audit of the accounts and approve the relevant budget. The actual planning work was carried out by the regional planning associations, of which 22 were established throughout the country and whose number increased to 33 by 1941 as a result of the annexations that began in 1938. (9) Its members consisted of rural and urban districts, Reich and Land authorities, self-governing bodies, the administrations of professional organisations and the scientific institutions appointed to promote Reich and Land planning. The managing directors were the state planners. The statutes of the Landesplanungsgemeinschaften were based on the model statutes issued by the head of the Reich Office. Hanns Kerrl had set this up in order to maintain uniformity within the organisation. The statutes provided for the head of the planning authority as chairman and also ensured a close link between the planning communities and planning authorities in the further administrative substructure. According to the model scale of contributions, costs were borne in the following proportions: 51% was borne by the Reich, the remainder was borne equally by the member groups "self-government" (e.g. provincial associations, urban and rural districts) and "economy" (e.g. German Labour Front, Reichsnährstand, Chambers of Industry and Commerce). (10) The Landesplanungsgemeinschaften were treated as public corporations. (11) The services of the State, local authorities and professional organisations were required to provide administrative and administrative assistance to planning authorities and associations. Created as a management and coordination body for territorial planning in the entire territory of the Reich, the RfR was first to "ensure that the German area was shaped in a manner appropriate to the needs of the people and the state". (12) In addition to civilian settlement planning and management, the armament programme also dealt with the location distribution of military installations and traffic routes. Nevertheless, the decisive plans were ultimately drawn up by the Wehrmacht, the Reich Ministry of Economics and the four-year plan officers. (13) The Reich Office had practically no decision-making powers and could only veto them in individual cases. Its activities were thus limited to administrative supervision of regional planning authorities, state planning associations and the Reichsarbeitsgemeinschaft für Raumforschung, which directed and coordinated research results on questions of territorial planning. In cooperation with the Reich Minister for Science, Education and People's Education, "the faculties of all German universities were called upon in the largest form to cooperate". (14) With the help of the scientific universities, expert opinions were developed on issues of emergency and conurbation rehabilitation in the pre-war period, with the focus after the outbreak of war also on the integrated eastern regions. As the central control authority, however, the Reich Office for Spatial Planning gradually lost its authority, at the latest at the time of the intensive work of the office of the Reich Commissioner for the Consolidation of the German People, created under Heinrich Himmler, in shaping the "living space in the East". (15) The ban of all post-war planning imposed by Hitler during the war led to the cessation of the actual professional activity. The personnel of the RfR (16) was increasingly reduced. The exemptions from military service required by the planning institutions were no longer granted after the defeat of Stalingrad. On 6 February 1943, the head of the Reich Chancellery, Dr. Lammers, informed the Supreme Reich Authorities that the Reich Office would now only administer its documents and provide information on request. (17) For reasons of air-raid protection, the documents were transferred to Wittenberg in 1943/44 together with those of the Reichsarbeitsgemeinschaft für Raumforschung and parts of the Reich Ministry for Church Affairs. Notes (1) RGBl. 1935, I, p. 468 (2) RGBl. 1935, I, p. 793 (3) RGBl. 1935, I, p. 1515 (4) Previously Gesellschaft zur Vorbereitung der Reichsautobahnen e.V. (until 1935) (5) BArch, R 113/2030 (6) BArch, library 96.11.22, p.3 (7) RGBl. 1936, I, p.104 (8) BArch, R 113/2439 (9) Michael Venhoff, "Die Reichsarbeitsgemeinschaft für Raumforschung (RAG) und die reichs- deutsche Raumplanung seit ihrer Entstehung bis die Ende des Zweiten Weltkrieges 1945", Hanover 2000, p.15 (10)Pfundtner/Neubert, Das neue Deutsche Reichsrecht I b 25 p.12 (11)See, inter alia, Werner Weber, "Die Körperschaften, Anstalten und Stiftungen des öffentlichen Rechts", Munich and Berlin, 1943, p.52 (12)See §3 of the Gesetz über die Regelung des Landbedarfs der öffentlichen Hand vom 29.3.1935 (13) "Special planning in the individual fields of activity continues to be the responsibility of the responsible departments. They have the obligation to announce their planning plans to the Reich Office for Spatial Planning." (2nd decree on the Reich Office for Regional Planning of 18 Dec. 1935), R 113/128 (14)BArch, R 113/2439 (15)Cf. Michael Venhoff, see above, p.73 (16)Exact number of employees not available (17)BArch, R 43 II/708, p.51 Inventory description: In March 1946, Martin Mäckler, then Director of Construction in the sector of the British military government, was commissioned by the Berlin magistrate to initiate the return of files from the Reich Office for Regional Planning in Wittenberg. After they had been reviewed, part of these documents were sent in 1947 to the Department of Housing, Urban Planning and Regional Planning of the Central Office of the Labour Department of the British Occupation Zone in Lemgo. After the dissolution of the head office, the maps, files and books were first forwarded to the local tax office and finally requested by the Federal Ministry of Housing. Another much larger part went to the Berlin Main Office for Overall Planning of the West Berlin Magistrate, including personnel files, and was finally handed over to the Berlin branch of the Institute for Spatial Research (Bad Godesberg). The transfer to the Berlin main archive, which had been responsible for official files since 1946 (since 1963 again Secret State Archive), took place in 1959, where the indexing began under the signature Rep.325. In 1962 2295 maps and plans as well as 1717 files in the form of a card index were listed. A mixed collection returned from the USA in April 1962 contained 15 volumes of RfR files, which were combined with the archival records in the main archive. In the course of the exchange of archival records in 1969, the Secret State Archives transferred to the Federal Archives not only the files but also the entire map section of the RfR, which was stored in Koblenz in 1971. On the basis of the first file indexing carried out in the Secret State Archives, the new indexing of the files began in 1987 in the Federal Archives under the inventory signature R 113. A first finding aid book for the approx. 2400 files has been available since 1990. The merger of Koblenz and Potsdam files in the Federal Archives in Berlin-Lichterfelde was completed in 1993. The latter, mainly newspaper clippings, printed publications, and annual and working reports, had been handed over to the German Central Archive in Potsdam by the Magdeburg State Archives in 1957 and by the Wittenberg District Council in 1963. During the database-supported recording of the stock a revision of file titles and classification took place, whereby based on the finding aid book from the year 1990 however it was renounced to sift each of the altogether more than 3000 file volumes again. The majority of series and tape sequences were archived. The map holdings held in Koblenz were not taken into account here. For data protection reasons, the personnel files available in portfolio R113 are not shown in the online find book. Requests in this respect should be addressed directly to the relevant Unit R 3. Characterisation of content: The general organisation and working methods of the Reich Office for Spatial Planning and its branches are documented in the files of the office administration and planning authorities. The traditions of the individual regional planning communities provide an insight into concrete tasks, procedures and areas of activity. The focus here is on documents relating to various economic sectors. The intention to incorporate scientific aspects of spatial research into regional economic and social structures is illustrated, among other things, by the files of the Reichsarbeitsgemeinschaft für Raumforschung and the Deutsche Akademie für Städtebau. Ultimately, the collection contains material collections from the archive and the press office, most of which consist of newspaper clippings and printed matter. Supplementary records are the R 164 Reichsarbeitsgemeinschaft für Raumordnung and the RfR map collection (R 113 Kart) in the Federal Archives in Koblenz. State of development: Findbuch (2013) Citation method: BArch, R 113/...

BArch, N 253 · Fonds · 1865-1930
Part of Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

History of the Inventory Designer: Grand Admiral Alfred Peter Friedrich von Tirpitz Life data March 19, 1849 born in Küstrin/Oder as son of the Court of Appeal Rudolf Tirpitz March 6, 1930 died in Munich Career (1) April 24, 1865 Entry as a cadet in the Prussian Navy 15. May 1865 Corvette "Arkona" Mid June 1865 Sail training ship Frigate "Niobe" 24 June 1866 Nautical cadet July-September 1866 Frigate "Gazelle" October 1866 - April 1867 Sail training ship Brig "Musquito" Spring 1867 Main Division Baltic Sea July-August Frigate "Gefion" August 1867 - June 1868 Frigate "Thetis" 3 August 1868 -1 -1. July 1869 Naval school Kiel 22 September 1869 Lieutenant at sea Cannon ship "Barbarossa" October 1869 Regular Division Baltic Sea May 1870 - January 1871 Armour frigate "King Wilhelm" July 1871 - September 1872 First officer on cannon boat "Blitz" 25. May 1872 Lieutenant at sea October 1872 - April 1874 Officer on watch on the brig "Musquito" June - October 1874 Corvette "Nymph" October 1874 - May 1876 Naval academy and exercises as artillery officer 18. November 1875 Captain Lieutenant May - August 1876 Artillery officer on the "Kronprinz" armoured frigate September 1876 Artillery officer on the "Kaiser" armoured frigate December 18, 1877 Transfer to the Admiral Staff from January 1, 1877 Repeatedly commands to service the Admiralty/Decernate T/Torpedoangelegenheiten Commanded 17. September 1881 Corvette Captain 1884 - 1887 (summer months) Chief of the Torpedo Boat Flotilla (16 March) 1886 Inspector of Torpedo Navy 24 November 1888 Captain at sea 12 March 1889 Commander of the armoured ship "Prussia" 10. March 1890 commander of the armoured ship "Württemberg" 10 September 1890 with decommissioning of the "Württemberg" (30 November 1890) chief of the staff of the command of the naval station of the Baltic Sea 20 January 1892 chief of the staff of the supreme command of the navy 13 May 1895 Rear Admiral 31. March 1896 Head of the Kreuzerdivision 31 March 1897 Representative of the State Secretary of the Reichsmarineamt on leave 15 June 1897 State Secretary of the Reichsmarineamt 25 June 1897 Plenipotentiary to the Bundesrat 28 March 1898 State Minister and Member of the State Ministry 5. December 1899 Vice Admiral 14 November 1903 Admiral 5 April 1908 Appointment to the manor house of the Prussian Parliament for life 27 January 1911 Grand Admiral 15. March 1916 Resignation as State Secretary of the Reich Navy Office September 1917 First Chairman of the German Fatherland Party 1924 Member of the Reichstag of the German National People's Party 1928 Farewell from the Reichstag and withdrawal from political work ---------- (1) see also copy of the personal sheet in No. 10. The personal file has not been handed down. Orden und Ehrenzeichen 31. December 1871 War Memorial Coin for Combatants 2. December 1879 Royal Prussian Red Eagle Order 4. Class 26. April 1881 Cross 2. Class of the Royal Spanish Order for Merits at Sea 16. March 1886 Royal Prussian Crown Order 3. Class 9. June 1888 Service Award Cross 9. November 1889 Royal Prussian Red Eagle Order 3. Class with Ribbon 17 December 1889 Commander's Cross of the Royal Greek Order of Redeemer 2 July 1890 Commander's Cross 2 Class of the Royal Swedish Order of the Redeemer 3 September 1892 Royal Prussian Crown Order 2 Class 15 September 1893 Grand Officer's Cross of the Order of the Italian Crown 21 September 1894 Cross of the Royal House Order of Hohenzollern 3 July 1895 Grand Cross of the Royal Swedish Order of the Redeemer 3 July 1890 Austrian Franz Joseph Order 10 July 1895 Commander Cross of the French Legion of Honour 22 October 1895 Grand Commander Cross of the Royal Bavarian Order of Military Merit 1895 Cross of Honour 1st Class of the Princely Schaumburg-Lippe House Order 18. January 1897 Royal Prussian Red Eagle Order 2nd class with oak leaves 18 January 1898 Star to Royal Prussian Crown Order 2nd class 14 October 1898 Grand Cross of the Royal Württemberg Frederick's Order ca. 1898 Ksl. Commemorative steel coin for services to the expedition in China 11 January 1899 Grand Cross of the Royal Bavarian Military Order 27 January 1899 Star of the Royal Prussian Red Eagle Order 2nd Class with oak leaves 20 May 1899 Grand Cross of the Royal Spanish Military Order 9. June 1899 Grand Cross with oak leaves of the Grand Ducal Baden Order of the Zähringer Lion July 7, 1899 Grand Cross of the Royal Saxon Albrecht Order October 9, 1899 1st Class of the 2nd Class of the Chinese Order of the Double Dragon January 27, 1900 Royal Prussian Red Eagle Order 1st Class with oak leaves February 1900 Ksl. Russian White Eagle Order 18 April 1900 Grand Cross of the Grand Duke of Hesse Order of Merit of Philip the Magnanimous 23 May 1900 Grand Cross of Ksl. Austrian Order of Leopold August 1900 Grand Cross of Honour of the Grand Duke of Oldenburg House and Order of Merit of Duke Peter Ludwig Friedrich June 20, 1901 Golden Chain to the Grand Cross of the Grand Duke of Baden Order of the Zähringer Lion September 13, 1901 Commander's Cross and Star of the Royal King House Order of Hohenzollern 9 November 1901 Grand Cross of the Grand Duke of Mecklenburg-Schwerinischer Greifenordens 27 October 1902 Grand Cross of the Royal Spanish Order for Merits at Sea 20 December 1902 Grand Cross of the Duke of Brunswick Order of Henry the Lion December 1902 Ksl. Russian Alexander Nevsky Order 31 January 1903 Grand Cross of the Royal Italian Order of St Mauritius and Lazarus, Royal Order 1903 Grand Cross of the Royal Prussian Crown Order with Crown 1 July 1904 Grand Cross of the Royal British Victoria Order December 1905 Grand Cross of the Royal Greek Order of the Redeemer 27 Febrauar 1906 Commemorative Signs on the occasion of the Silver Wedding of Emperor Wilhelm II. September 1906 Memorial Medal on the occasion of the inauguration of the Kaiser-Friedrich-Museum in Berlin November 13, 1906 Grand Cross of the Royal Spanish Order of Charles III December 15, 1906 Grand Cross of the Royal Norwegian Order of St. Olav December 31, 1906 Grand Cross of the Royal Danish Order of Danubia January 27, 1907 Royal Prussian Black Eagle Order November 2, 1907 Ksl. Commemorative steel coin for services rendered on the occasion of the uprising in South West Africa 6 June 1908 Grand Cross of the Royal Swedish Wasa Order 1908 Ksl. Russian Alexander Nevsky Order with Brilliants April 16, 1909 Grand Cross of the Star of Romania November 21, 1909 Grand Cross of the Grand Ducal Saxon-Weimar House Order of Vigilance or of the White Falcon 1909 Ks. Japanese Paullownia Order 24 December 1910 Grand Cross of the Order of the Wüttembergische Krone 1910 Grand Cross of the Duke of Saxony-Ernestine House Order 30 August 1911 Grand Cross of the Royal Hungarian Order of St. Stephen 22 May 1912 Diamonds to the Royal Prussian Black Eagle Order 18 September 1912 Chilean Order of Merit 1st Class 1912 Grand Cross of the Royal Bulgarian Order of St. Alexander 1912 Ksl. Turkish Osmanié Order 1st Class 4th June 1913 Grand Ducal Baden House Order of Faithfulness 16th June 1913 Grand Commander Cross of the Royal House Order of Hohenzollern 16th June 1913 Honorary Doctorate of the Georg August University Göttingen 24th April 1915 Swords to the Grand Commander Cross of the Royal House Order of Hohenzollern 10th August 1915 Order pour le mérite 3. October 1915 Austro-Hungarian Military Service Cross 1st Class with War Decoration 19 October 1915 Hamburg Hanseatic Cross 2nd November 1915 Lübeck Hanseatic Cross 10th November 1915 Bremen Hanseatic Cross 15th December 1915 Grand Cross with Star in Gold and Silver Crown and Swords of the Royal King Saxon Albrecht Order 15 March 1916 Star of the Grand Commander with Swords of the Royal House Order of Hohenzollern 15. January 1917 Honorary citizen of the city of Frankfurt/Oder Description of the holdings: The estate of the officer and politician Alfred von Tirpitz contains rich sources on seven decades of German history: from the entry of the sixteen-year-old into the Royal Prussian Navy in 1865 to his service in the Imperial Navy as founder of fleet building and as long-standing State Secretary of the Reichsmarinemat, from his political service in the World War II as Chairman of the German Fatherland Party to his work for the German National People's Party. Since Tirpitz's research concentrated for a long time on fleet construction and fleet policy in Wilhelmine Germany, the part of the estate on this topic that had been developed until 1991 was intensively evaluated. The hand files and correspondence from the period of service as State Secretary of the R e i c h s m a r i n e a m t , which form a focal point of the collection, were particularly used for this purpose. The value of these documents is only marginally diminished by the publication of Tirpitzen's "Political Documents", since the texts published here are sometimes incomplete. Even more than the hand files, some of which had been compiled from copies and multiple copies of the official records, the letters from those years supplement the tradition of the R e i c h s m a r i n e a m t . Contrary to the papers of the politician Tirpitz, the openly and impartially written letters of the young Tirpitz to his parents from the decade around the foundation of the Reich - from 1865 to 1878 -, filling several volumes, convey a vivid picture of everyday life in the Prussian, then the North German, and finally the Imperial Navy. They also give an impression of the young Tirpitz's view of history and of the national ideas of the time when the Reich was founded. In addition, the estate documents the career of an officer in the Imperial Navy, but also the private ties within the officer corps. In the history of naval affairs, the sources on the development of the torpedo system deserve special mention; in foreign policy, the letters and documents on the representation of German interests in East Asia deserve special mention, as do the sources on the development of German-English relations against the background of German fleet building. After all, the collection is also rich in cultural history, as it reflects something of the lifestyle of a state secretary in Wilhelmine Germany. Tirpitz's activities after his resignation as State Secretary were focused both on the past and on the current political problems. Both have been reflected in the estate. The justification of fleet policy is documented, among other things, in the fragmentarily preserved drafts of the "Memories" and "Political Documents" as well as in the correspondence on these publications. The rich materials on the submarine war refer both to the policy of State Secretary Tirpitz and to his evaluation of the submarine war after his resignation; they form a bracket between the work in the civil service and the work afterwards. A not inconsiderable part of the collection comes from the party political commitment after 1916, first for the German Vaterlandspartei, of which he was first chairman, then for the Deutschnationale Volkspartei, whose Reichstag fraction he belonged to from 1924 until his age-related withdrawal from politics in 1928. The extensive correspondence from the work of the party politician Tirpitz, his speeches, essays and notes on his work as a member of the Reichstag, equally informative sources on the foreign and domestic policy of the Weimar Republic, only attracted the interest of research in recent years. Reference is made to Hagenlücke's monograph on the German Fatherland Party published in 1997 and Scheck's work on Tirpitz as a politician of the right wing 1914-1930 published in 1993 (see bibliography). For research into the activities of the Imperial Navy, the tradition from the period of service, including the related materials from the last phase of life, forms a comprehensive and far from exhausted fund. The rich private correspondence opens the way to further sources: since part of the correspondence is a recipient tradition and the drafts or copies of Tirpitz letters are only partially available and rather from his last decade of life, the determination of his letters in the estates of the correspondence partners is still a worthwhile object of research. References to other stocks 1. Bundesarchiv Abteilung B N 1275 Nachlass Oskar Messter N 1549 Nachlass Theobald von Bethmann Hollweg Siegfried Graf von Eulenburg-Wicken Walter von Keudell Abteilung R, Berlin R 43 Reichskanzlei R 301 Bundesrat/Reichsrat R 8048 Alldeutscher Verband Abteilung Militärarchiv, Freiburg RM 3 Reichsmarineamt RM 5 Admiralstab der Marine RM 27 III Inspection of Torpedoes RM 31 Marinestation der Ostsee RM 43 Dienst- und Kommandostellen der Kaiserlichen Marine im Heimtbereich N 170 Eduard von Capelle N 156 Wilhelm Souchon N 568 Johann-Bernhard Mann 2. Secret State Archives of Prussian Cultural Heritage (GStA), Berlin I. HA, Rep. 169 A Mansion of the Prussian Parliament I. HA, Rep. 90 Ministry of State HA VI Family of Bissing Citation method: BArch, N 253/...

Tirpitz, Alfred von