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Archival description
10 - Depot A
10 · Fonds
Part of Stuttgart City Archive

Brief description: In the second half of the 19th century, the municipal administration became increasingly differentiated. Little by little, individual municipal offices were established instead of the council deputations that had been active up to then. Portfolio 10 Depot A contains the files of the administrative offices (in contrast to the technical and building offices, which can be found in portfolio 11 Depot B). Scope: 5604 units/155 linear metres Content: files on land register, guardianship, municipal and commercial court, seizure, registry office; city relations with king and country; citizenship and emigration; municipal residents; military; statistics; celebrations and anniversaries; savings, insurance and provident funds; welfare and charity; fire protection; agriculture and forestry; public facilities and squares; trades and guilds; measure and weight; transport. In the Second World War they were lost: Files on the subjects of medicine, police, church, education, sport, art, science, sociability, financial management. Duration: 1504 - 1949 Instructions for use: The 10 Depot A portfolio was provided with new, simple signatures in 2006/2007. If you are looking for units of stock using the old signatures, please note the notes in the preface. Foreword: Notes on use The title recordings of the Depot A holdings correspond to the original titles of the files as they were noted on the file covers. Since the contents of the files were not checked when the holdings were recorded at the time, the contents of a file may therefore go beyond the title given or contain only general or indirect information on the subject given (e.g. only newspaper cuttings). When searching for relevant documents, it makes sense to carry out a broad search in terms of content. Similarly, when searching via classification, it should be noted that the respective assignment of the units to a classification point was originally very abstract and therefore different points should be considered. Occasionally, file covers do not contain any documents. As a rule, these are the units that do not have a scope. Exceptions are possible, however, as units were inadvertently omitted during surveying. The portfolio was renumbered in 2006/2007 and the units consecutively numbered (for details see next page "Further information on the portfolio"). The signatures 1281, 2560 to 2659, and 5233 were not assigned. A concordance of the old and new signatures can be found in the appendix to the inventory. Extensive units were divided for better manageability during the re-signing process. Divisions can be identified by the note "Continuation No. ..." or "Continuation of No. ...". Existing page numbers in the title were not adjusted. Numbers 5535-5602 follow number 2814 in the Findbuch, but it should be noted that in the case of the duration information, the entire time frame of the event or topic covered by the file was often given, or in the case of personal units (especially personal files and honorary citizen files) the life data of the person concerned and not the dates of the documents contained. Due to losses during the Second World War, about half of the original stock has been preserved. The collection comprises a total of 5530 units with a running time of 1504 to 1949, with a focus on the period from the beginning of the 19th century to the 1930s. When ordering units, you need the following information: 10 - Unit number If you refer to documents from the inventory, please attach a source reference according to this sample: City Archive Stuttgart - 10 - Number of Unit Further information on the holdings History of the authorities Around 1870 the central administrative and notarial registry of the city of Stuttgart was established, as well as a separate building registry for the building and building police department with the technical offices. The main tasks included the administration of the files, the keeping of diaries with entry of entries and exits, the supervision of appointments, the examination of the newspapers for articles concerning the city administration and the appropriate forwarding of these, as well as the preparation of various lists and the execution of other activities, often not belonging to the direct field of duties. The "administrative registry" and the "building registry" were merged into the "registry" office in 1912 by municipal council resolution. Some of the previous tasks were transferred to other departments of the city administration. Until the 1930s, however, the two registries were kept separate despite the merger. During the gradual departure of the municipal offices from the town hall, the older, no longer needed documents were left there and thus formed the main part of the two registries. History of the holdings In the course of the foundation of the Stuttgart City Archive on 01.10.1928, the existing archive holdings were divided into a historical archive and an administrative archive. The period 1820-1850 was defined as the approximate boundary between the two archives. The administrative archives contained above all the two large registries that had grown up at the head office: firstly, the administrative registry of the city, known in the archives as Depot A, and the building registry, known in the archives as Depot B. These holdings were supplemented in the archives after 1945 by mostly older documents that were thematically related but of a different origin (provenance). These additions were not marked in detail, a reconstruction of the holdings with regard to their origin (according to the provenance principle usual today) would be theoretically possible due to the original file covers which are usually still preserved. The holdings Depot A is thus a kind of thematic collection, in which however 90 documents correspond to the provenance principle. The duration of the collection covers the period from 1504 to 1949, with the focus ranging from the beginning of the 19th century to the middle of the 1930s. The preserved documents of the administrative registry of the city of Stuttgart (Depot A), which was established around 1870, together with the building registry (Depot B), represent the central file on the history of Stuttgart up to approx. 1935. The original registry signatures were largely retained in the archive until 2007 as archive signatures and the signature system for the documents thematically supplemented in the archive (see above) was extended accordingly if required. The depot A comprises the main groups already formed in the registry A. Justice Administration B. Regiminal Administration C. Police Administration D. Church system E. Education F. Care of sociability and entertainment G. Financial administration These are files of all areas of activity of the city administration. After the Second World War, Bruno Lenz ordered and recorded the files of the collection. For this purpose, the files were recorded in the order of the registry with the registry numbers specified in the file plan and a short title taken from the envelope of the respective Federation of Files, without, however, checking the contents of the file. A more detailed property and person index with details of the units was completed by Robert Starnitzki in 1969. This can be seen in the reading room of the city archive, but it refers to the old signatures. Processing of the holdings 2006/2007 The original finding aid book of the holdings Depot A with a total of 5530 units, available in typewritten form in 3 volumes, was transferred from September 2006 to February 2007 to the Augias 8 indexing software by Gerd Lange under the supervision of Sabine Schrag and Christina Wewer. Unusual abbreviations within the original find book were resolved. The following changes were made to the portfolio: New signatures: In preparation for the transfer of the find books, Volker Hauptfleisch resigned the old registry signatures, which continued to be used in the archive and consisted of upper and lower case letters and Roman and Arabic numerals, to simple, consecutive Arabic numerals in the order of the old signatures. In this way, the ordering of files is simplified for the user and confusion is avoided. The original signatures reflected the file plan and/or the table of contents (also classification or systematics) of the existence with its hierarchical and logical stages. Below these logical levels, the units were numbered consecutively in volumes (these were not bound volumes, but a further logical subdivision), and below them again in individual numbers, which represented the actual orderable units. Example: B I, 5, vol. 1 no. 1 The last level (no.) is occasionally divided into further units by lower-case letters. Through the re-signing the signature B I, 5, vol. 1, no. 1 became the signature no. 770. The old signature was noted at each unit. Due to an oversight during the re-signing, a gap of 100 numbers has arisen in the new numbering. The numbers 1281, 2560 to 2659 were not assigned. The number 2559 is therefore directly followed by the number 2660. The number 5233 was also not assigned. In some cases, signatures were assigned twice. Letters were attached to these signatures in order to identify them unambiguously (example: No. 1870 a and No. 1870 b). These letter annexes therefore do not refer to a substantive connection between the units. Units which were lost by other means only after the war losses were marked with the note "missing", partly with the date when the absence was discovered. They will continue to be listed in the search book in order to record which files were originally available. In a few cases, numbers were accidentally assigned to units that no longer existed. The units were also measured during the relocation and the circumference was given in cm (with a few exceptions). The units no. 5535-5602 (old signatures B IX, 1, vol. 1, no. 10a, reg. no. 1 to B IX, 1, vol. 1, no. 10a) already follow the number 2814 in the find book. Revised classification: The classification (table of contents, systematics) was adapted to the same extent as the signatures: instead of combinations of letters and numbers, a hierarchically structured system consisting of Arabic numerals was used. The classification point C VIII 3 d aa became, for example, The classification or the table of contents of the original search book is based on the file plan of the administrative registry. In the appendix volume of the inventory all original classification points are contained, in the table of contents of the present finding aid book only those classification points were specified, to which documents exist. Documents that no longer existed were destroyed by the effects of war. The classification points, which are thus no longer occupied by units, are an important indication of what documents were once available in the city administration. Overall, more than half of the classification points are no longer documented. The classification point 01.03.03. Guardianship, inheritance and notary system was supplemented during the software input by further subitems, since in the original find book such a division was already given by headings. December 2008 Christina Wewer See also fonds 13 Hauptaktei (called: Bürgermeisteramt), 1897-1945.

Staatsarchiv Bremen (STAB), 2-M.6. · Fonds
Part of State Archives Bremen (STAB) (Archivtektonik)

Content: Foundation of the North German Confederation, also election to the first Reichstag, 1866-1871 - Emperor and Imperial House 1868-1902 - Constitution 1866-1885 - Trade and traffic conditions 1867-1875 - Postal conditions, in particular post and telegraph facilities in Bremen, 1867-1910 - Railways 1868-1897 - Customs 1866-1900 - Stock Exchange Act 1891-1904 - Shipping to sea 1867-1901 - Seamen's Association and Seamen's Regulations 1867-1902 - Maritime Marks, Reichskanzler 1867-1901 - Bundesrat, in particular Bremischer Bevmächtigter beim Bundesrat, 1867-1933 - Reichstag, in particular Reichstag elections in Bremen, 1867-1918 - Various matters in the fields of legislation and administration, in particular passwords 1867-1871, civil status and marriage 1868-1891, Insurance 1877-1903, measures and weights 1868-1897, emigration 1891-1903, trade regulations 1867-1908, statistics 1867-1900, labour law 1914-1928 - Franco-German War 1870/71, in particular measures to protect the Weser and claims for compensation for angry ships, 1870-1897 - Colonialism 1885-1907

Landeshauptarchiv Schwerin, 5.12-3/1 · Fonds · 1849 - 1953
Part of Schwerin State Archives (archive tectonics)

The Ministry of the Interior, created by the Decree of 10 October 1849, was the supreme head of the internal administration of the Land, insofar as it did not fall within the remit of other ministries or the State Ministry. The Ministry was in charge of the supervision of all local authorities and was entrusted with the management of the sovereign police force and the supervision of all police authorities and institutions. His tasks also included the handling of economic and general agricultural matters, including the regulation of property, farm and day labour relations, transport, association and press matters, the administration of roads and hydraulic engineering as well as social services. In addition, the Ministry's portfolio included citizenship matters, border and electoral matters, as well as civilian administration matters related to the military. Essentially, the business circle of the Ministry remained unchanged until 1945. It was extended in 1875 to include the civil status system. In 1905, the Ministry of Justice, Department of Education, transferred the affairs of the technical and commercial technical and further education school system from the Ministry of Justice to the Ministry of the Interior. During the First World War, the Ministry was responsible for controlling the food supply and the war economy, and after the war it was responsible for civilian demobilization. In 1919 the newly founded Ministry of Agriculture, Domains and Forests (see 5.12-4/2) took over the handling of agricultural matters, including rural labour and ownership, and in 1937 also agricultural water matters. There are gaps in the file tradition. Major losses were caused by the fire in the government building in 1865. At the beginning of 1945, files from 1933 to 1945 were deliberately destroyed in the Ministry. Most of the files of the Department of Social Policy from the period after 1918 were also lost. A. GENERAL DEPARTMENT Registrar's aids and file directories - ministries: Rules of procedure and operation; Circulars and circulars; Imperial legislation and Imperial authorities; State legislation; Administrative jurisdiction; Secret and main archives; Museums, monuments and associations; Government library and public libraries; Service buildings; Law gazettes; Newspapers and calendars; State handbook. B. STAFF DISTRIBUTION Service and pay relationships of ministries in general - Ministry of the Interior and subordinate departments: General personnel matters; individual personnel files. C. MUNICIPAL DEPARTMENT I. Cities: General municipal policy; relations with the state government and the countryside; city constitution, city and municipal regulations; citizenship; city ordinances; city councils; councils of municipalities (magistrates); municipal institutes; taxation; finance; plots of land; field, pasture and forest management; road and ambulance police; marksmen's guilds in general and in individual cities or administrative districts: Dominatrix and knighthood offices; official regulations (Includes, among other things, the following District division, territorial consolidation in accordance with the Greater Hamburg Act); official assembly and official committees; district administration and rural communities: Rural community regulations; community organisation in knightly, monastic and treasurer villages; community boundaries and place names; community representations and schools; community administration; community encumbrances, taxation; poor coffers and auxiliary shop funds; community estates; rural ownership relationships (contains: small ownership and farm workers); expropriations; medical police; fire extinguishing special purpose associations of offices or districts, towns and communities. II. special files city districts: Rostock with Warnemünde; Schwerin; Wismar; Güstrow; Neustrelitz. offices and/or districts. Inventory content: General administration; cities belonging to districts; individual rural communities. D. MECKLENBURG-SCHWERINSCHER LANDESVERWALTUNGSRATTUNG I. General affairs organisation and business operations; minutes of meetings - decisions and resolutions: in accordance with city, official and rural community regulations; in midwifery, school, evacuation and fire-fighting associations; in hunting, water and lake-building matters; in outfitting and incorporation - approval of bonds - confirmation of statutes. II. individual cities Inventory content: city council; civil service; finance and taxation; poor affairs; police; urban property and urban district. III. individual offices or districts Inventory content: Constitution and administration; finance and taxation; poor affairs; fire-fighting; road maintenance; community affairs; individual rural communities. E. LANDESGRENZSACHEN General - Land border against Lübeck - Land border against the Principality of Ratzeburg - Land border against Lauenburg - Land border against Hanover - Southern Land border against Prussia - Land border against Mecklenburg-Strelitz (Land Stargard) - Former Mecklenburg-Strelitzsche Land border against Prussia - Eastern Land border against Prussia (Pomerania). F. Elections to the Reichstag: Election to the Reichstag of the North German Federation; Reich Electoral Law of 31 May 1869, electoral associations and agitation; elections to the German Reichstag 1871-1912; election to the German National Assembly; elections to the German Reichstag 1920-1938 - Reich presidential elections - other votes, petitions for a referendum and referendums - Landtag elections: Electoral law and regulations; elections to the constituent and to the 1st to 7th state parliaments; other votes G. PERSONNESSTANDSWESEN General and legislation - certification and determination of the civil status - legitimation - name changes - adoption of children - registry offices: organization and business; registry office matters and districts. H. STATE ASSENTIALITY: General: Laws and Regulations; Relations with German Federal States; Relations with Non-German States - Marriages of Non-Mecklenburgers or Foreigners in Mecklenburg: General; Register - Register of Applications for the Issue of Certificates of Residence - Naturalisation: Register; Admission Certificates - Re-Lending of Citizenship - Options - German Citizenship East: Register - Special Files - Naturalisations: General; Register; Special files - Emigration: General; Emigration agencies, reports on their activities and lists of emigrants; Marriage of emigrants; Consensus on emigration (Contains: Register, Special files, Various entries and inquiries) - Expatriations after 1933 - Matters of foreign inheritance. I. PASSWESEN General - General files of the Trade Commission in passport matters - Passport register - Individual passport applications. K. ECONOMIC DEPARTMENT I. Banks and credit institutions in general - Individual banks and credit institutions: Ritterschaftlicher Kreditverein; Rostocker Bank; Mecklenburgische Lebensversicherungs- und Sparbank zu Schwerin; various banks and credit institutions - advance institutions - savings banks. II. insurance supervision Insurance supervision: general; life insurance; fire and fire insurance; livestock insurance; miscellaneous non-life insurance; knighthood insurance associations - social insurance: general and legislative; public authorities (Contains: (e.g. the State Insurance Office, the State Insurance Offices, the State Insurance Institution); accident insurance; disability and old-age insurance; health insurance; war-affected persons insurance; catering, sickness and death funds for journeymen and manual workers; pension, death and widow's funds. III. Geological Survey IV. Trade General - Trade powers in Mecklenburg - Markets - Customs and trade with foreign countries - Trade associations and chambers of commerce - Commercial courts. V. Trade Legislation - State and public institutions: Trade Inspector, Trade Commission, Trade Inspectorate; Decisions of the Trade Commission; Chamber of Crafts and Labor; Trade Courts; Trade Associations - Industrial Employment Relationships - Master Craftsmen's, Journeymen's and Apprentices' Guilds: General; guilds on a national scale; individual guilds A-Z. - Travelling trades and peddlers - Travelling actors and musicians - Privileged trades: Musicians; Frohnereien (Contains: General and legislation, individual Frohnereien); chimney sweeps; livestock cutters - cooperatives - Price testing - Dimensions and weights, weights and measures - Technical commission (supervision of steam boilers and mills). VI. trade and technical education trade schools: General information; individual vocational schools - technical colleges: Building trade schools (Contains: Neustadt-Glewe, Schwerin, Sternberg, Teterow); Engineering school Wismar - Various technical schools - Business schools and commercial colleges - Agricultural schools: Dargun; Zarrentin - Commercial and commercial educational institutions outside Mecklenburg. VII. Industry in general - Individual branches of industry - Enterprises and industries in individual cities - Grand Ducal Industrial Fund. VIII Exhibitions and congresses IX. Mining Mecklenburg Mining Authority - Mining facilities and operations (Contains: Conow, Jessenitz, Lübtheen, Malliß, Sülze) - Conditions of miners - Storage of mineral resources. X. Electricity supply XI Agriculture and forestry Agricultural Council and Chamber of Agriculture - Agricultural reports and exhibitions - Promotion of agricultural and forestry activities - Fisheries: general and legislative; coastal and deep-sea fishing; inland fishing - Rural conditions: General; Individual goods and places - Conditions of day-labourers (regulations) - Grand Ducal Settlement Commission and Settlements. XII Statistics Population and poor statistics - Labour, trade and commerce statistics - Agriculture and forestry statistics - Shipping statistics - Finance statistics - Local directories. XIII Surveying XIV Regional Planning and Settlement Office XV Sale of Jewish Property L. TRANSPORT DEPARTMENT I. Railways Relationship with the Reich: General administration (contains, among other things: annual reports of the Mecklenburg railways); railway police; equipment; construction; transport; use of the railways for military purposes and during wars; employment; cash and accounting; statistics - Mecklenburgische Eisenbahnen: Nationalisation; Commission files on nationalisation; Bonds and state bonds; Individual routes or companies before nationalisation; Großherzoglich-Mecklenburgische Friedrich-Franz-Eisenbahn; Railway matters after nationalisation. II Shipping General: Legal provisions; registration and registers of merchant ships; annual reports of shipping companies; prevention of ship accidents; customs and smuggling; receipt and dissemination of information; scientific institutions; associations - ship surveying - ship telegraphy - Maritime Office, examination system - maritime schools: General information; Wustrow Nautical School; Dierhagen Navigation Preparatory School; Other Nautical Schools - Seemannsordnung, Seamen's Employment Relationships - Seaports - Reichshilfe für die Seeschiffahrt, War Compensation (Second World War). III. circulation of bicycles, motor vehicles and aircraft M. SOCIAL ASSISTANCE AND SOCIAL POLICY I. Homeland and poor affairs General legislation on homeland, poor affairs and settlement - Commission for Homeland affairs - Local affiliations - Settlement in the Domanium - Poor affairs - Appeals and complaints regarding support for the poor. II. social welfare and social policy general welfare and welfare institutions - Landeswohlfahrts- und Landesjugendamt, Landespflegeausschuss, Wohlfahrtspflegerinnen - welfare: youth welfare; tuberculosis and other health care; maternal and child welfare; care for the unemployed; war welfare; pension welfare; groups of people in need of assistance; food price reduction for the underprivileged; donations and collections - labour matters: Housing assistance: Landeswohnungsamt; General housing assistance and housing guidance; Tenant protection; Housing construction and small settlements - War relief fund and war credit committees - Refugee assistance: General; Regional committee for refugee assistance; Mecklenburgische Ostpreußenhilfe foundation; Accommodation of refugees in the Second World War Foundations and Collections - Landarbeitshaus Güstrow: Rules of procedure and operation, administrative reports; establishment and occupancy; service and salary relationships, personnel matters; budgeting, cash management and accounting; general economic matters and construction; goods Federow and Schwarzenhof (secondary institutions); children's home and children's hospital Güstrow. N. MILITARY AREAS Military legislation and general military affairs - Military administration - Relations with the German federal states and abroad - Individual military branches - Recruitment and replacement - Services of the population for the military: quartering and service; benefits in kind; marches through, troop and shooting exercises; benefits in case of war - mobilization and wars of 1870/71 and 1914/18: preparation of mobilization in peace; mobilization, war benefits and measures of 1870/71; mobilization 1914 and World War I (Includes: General measures, measures taken by civilian authorities, propaganda, use of civil servants and civil servants for military service, measures taken by military authorities, monitoring of printed matter and correspondence, monitoring of foreigners, prisoners of war, collections and confiscations, patriotic assistance and young men).support for military servants and their for invalids and veterans. O. VOLKSERNÜHRUNG (First World War and post-war period) conferences and publications on popular nutrition - business and personnel affairs of the Department of Popular Nutrition - reporting and statistics - Reichsbehörden für Volksernährung - State authorities in the field of public nutrition: State and district authorities for public nutrition, municipal associations, state feed agency, state fat agency; price inspection agencies, usury office, usury courts; state price office; state grain office and district grain offices; workers' and farmers' councils. P. WAR AND AFTERWAR ECONOMY (FIRST WORLD WAR) General - Banking, Securities Trading - Bankruptcy Proceedings - Trade - Employment Relationships, Foreign Workers - Industry: General; Individual Industries - Agriculture - Fuel Supply - Foreign Assets: General; Forced Administration or Liquidation (Includes: Rostock Shipowners, Banks, Land and Companies). Q. War damage in the Second World War General - Individual war damage: Rostock and Warnemünde; Schwerin; Wismar; Other cities and municipalities; Forestry, official reserves, frohneries; Electrical network. R. POLICE DEPARTMENT I. Political and Security Police From 1830 to 1918: Gendarmerie (Contains: General, gendarmerie stations, personnel and salary matters, budget, cash and accounting); criminal police law; rights of the manor, patrimonial jurisdiction; knightly police associations and offices; popular movements before and after 1848; security police; surveillance and combating of the social democratic movement, of anarchists and communists; press police (surveillance of bookstores, book printing houses and lending libraries); surveillance and prohibition of political associations and assemblies. From 1918/19 to 1945: Political Police (Contains: November Revolution and post-war crisis, surveillance and prohibition of political parties, associations and organizations, fight against the KPD); news collection point; local defence services; state commissioner for disarmament (contains, among other things, weapons delivery in individual cities, offices and communities); security police 1919-1921; order police 1921-1934 (contains: Police administration, organisational strength, official regulations, individual commands and stations, agendas and orders, activity, training, exercises, training areas and weapons, cash and accounting, equipment and catering, accommodation and official housing, general personnel matters, personnel files); Landesgendarmerie und ihre Tätigkeit; Landeskriminalamt, Krimi-nalpolizeistelle Schwerin; Organisation der Polizei von 1934-1945. II. Gerichtspolizei III. Sittenpolizei IV. Medical Police V. Building and Fire Police S. STRASSEN- UND WASSERBAUVERWALTUNG I. General administration Organisation and business operation - Budget, cash and accounting - Service and remuneration - General personnel matters: Road and hydraulic engineering administration as a whole; roadside inspections and roadside fee collectors; road and hydraulic engineering offices; road attendants and road workers, beach and dune supervisors; lock masters and lock attendants - service properties - equipment and vehicles - surveying - files of the Karl Witte construction council. II. roads and roads General road and road construction matters: Forwarding, pricing, wage rates of the construction industry; technical construction; maintenance obligation; cycle paths; rights of third parties, ancillary facilities; road traffic regulations, signage, meteorological service - Chausseegehöfte der Straßenbauämter Güstrow, Neustrelitz, Parchim, Rostock, Schwerin, Waren.- Chausseen: Roadside Police Regulations and Roadside Money Tariff; Creation and maintenance of roads in general; main roads in the area of the road construction offices Güstrow, Parchim, Rostock, Schwerin, Waren; Nebenchausseen in the offices Grevesmühlen, Güstrow, Hagenow, Ludwigslust, Malchin, Parchim, Rostock, Schwerin, Waren, Wismar; Chausseen in the district Stargard and in the former principality Ratzeburg; Chausseeinventare (Contains: General, Individual inventories of the road construction administrations Güstrow, Neustrelitz, Schwerin, Waren).- Reichsstraßen.- Landstraßen I. Ordnung.- Landstraßen II. Order. - Bridges: General; Single Bridges (Contains: Elbe, state road Berlin-Hamburg, catchment areas of Sude, Boize, Elde, Havel, Stepenitz, Warnow, Recknitz and Peene, Wallensteingraben): General information; Imperial roads; country roads I. order; country roads II. order; country roads II. order Road construction planning - Execution and status of construction works - Emergency works - Road directories. III. Roads Right of Way and Road Order.- Road Police.- Legal Decisions and Complaints.- General Road Matters.- Road Construction.Load.- Main.Routes.: Directories.; Surveys.on.Main.Routes.- Communication.Routes.- Establishment.of.New.Routes.- Routing.- Public.Routes.- Public.Routes.Closed.- Footpaths.- Church.and.School.Routes.- Bridges. IV. Baltic Sea and waterways Baltic Sea: General information; storm surges; coastal protection, beach regulations - waterways: General; Accessibility; Sea waterways (Contains: Laws and Ordinances, Maritime Emergency Notification, Weather and Icebreaking Services, Water Levels and Pollution, Maritime Marks and Signals, Pilotage, Seaports, Ferries, Land and Construction); Inland Waterways (Contains: General information, statistics on ship and raft traffic, water levels, individual inland waterways, canal and navigable objects, port facilities and loading stations, locks and culverts, lock masters, lock keepers and river supervisors, hydroelectric power stations and waterworks, high-voltage and telegraph facilities, industrial facilities, mills, water police permits, compensation, fishing and hunting). V. Water management Water law - Soil improvement cooperatives, expansion and clearing of watercourses - Schwerin lakes - Waste water.

Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Abt. Staatsarchiv Freiburg, A 66/1 · Fonds · (1629-) 1809-1832 (-1864)
Part of Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Department of State Archives Freiburg (Archivtektonik)

History of the authorities: The organisational rescript of the 26. In November 1809, the Grand Duchy of Baden was divided into ten districts named after mountains and rivers, with so-called district directorates as administrative authorities, following the example of France. The following district directories were located in the area of today's State Archives in Freiburg:Directorate of the Lake District based in Constance1809-1832Directorate of the Danube District based in Villingen1819 abolished and assigned to the Lake District; Only the offices of Hornberg and Triberg were abolished for the KinzigkreisDirektorium des Wiesenkreises with its seat in Lörrach1815 and completely assigned to the DreisamkreisDirektorium des Dreisamkreis with its seat in Freiburg1809-1832Direktorium des Kinzigkreis with its seat in Offenburg1809-1832A district director stood at the head of each directorate, who was assisted by a district council for the legal and state police as well as for the state economic area of responsibility. At the beginning, the business circle of the district directorates included the administration of civil law, supervisory activities in the financial and school administration, police tasks and the cultivation of agriculture.1832 the district directorates, which had meanwhile been reduced to six, were replaced by four district governments based in Constance (Seekreis), Freiburg (Oberrheinkreis), Rastatt (Mittelrheinkreis) and Mannheim (Unterrheinkreis). Inventory history: In the course of the inventory exchange from the General State Archive Karlsruhe in the years 2000 and 2002, the State Archive Freiburg received a total of 75.60 linear metres of files in four deliveries, which had previously been integrated into pertinence inventories there. Since August 1, 2002, Bettina Fürderer, a doctoral student, has been working part-time under the supervision of an archivist and has started to create provenance-compliant holdings for the files of accesses 2000/68, 2002/50 and 2002/57. The files of the first access 2000/40 had already been processed at an earlier point in time. Since the end of 2007 the work begun by Bettina Fürderer has been continued by the undersigned. Order and distortion work: The structure of the general records was largely based on the pre-Fackler registry order from the 19th century. In addition to files without a local reference, general files also include files that have been created for one subject for several municipalities or that concern an entire administrative district (example: district medical office in the administrative district of Lörrach). The local files were structured according to the Baden official registration order of 1905 by H. Fackler (see below), but without the Roman and Arabic numerals used there, whereby the subdivision planned for individual main points was almost always dispensed with due to the small number of file books. The municipalities are listed alphabetically. For each municipality, the respective district is indicated, according to today's status, abbreviated with the identification letters of the motor vehicles, and for municipalities that are no longer independent today, the name of the new municipality is also indicated. The person index contains the names of natural persons as well as the names of professional and lordships, and in the case of files with up to ten sheets of paper, the number of sheets was always mentioned. In the case of files with more than ten sheets of paper, "1 fascicle" (fasc.) was initially indicated as the circumference; in a later phase of distortion, it was then indicated in centimetres (cm). Freiburg, October 2009 Erdmuthe KriegThe holdings have been continuously supplemented since 2009 by files of the Dreisamkreisdirektorium found in the district and district office holdings. It now comprises 743 fascicles and measures 20.2 running metres Freiburg, March 2015 Dr. Christof Strauß Classification for the Grand Duke of Baden official registries: I.Right of residence and poor affairsII.MiningIII.ExpropriationIV.FisheriesV.ForestryVI.Municipal administration1.Municipal organisation (general)2.Municipal services3.Municipal assets4.Citizenship and enjoymentVII.Trade and commerce, tourism1. organisation of trade economy2. structure of trade economy3. promotion of trade education4. catering industry5. markets, livestock trade and itinerant trade6. prices and wages7. energy supply8. trade supervision and care for the unemployedVIII. hunting matters IX. judicial system1. civil law2. voluntary jurisdiction3. criminal lawX. churches and religious communitiesXI.CostsXII.Credit and bankingXIII.County and district associationsXIV.Arts and scienceXV.SurveyingXVI.Agriculture1.Agriculture and national culturea)General cultural care)Viticulture and vine pestsc)General pest control)Business management, cultivation and harvest statistics)Agriculture2.Animal breeding3.Property traffic4.Associations and exhibitionsXVII.Measure and WeightXVIII.Medicine1.Medical Staff2.Healthcare in General3.Food4.Diseases5.Hospitals6.Loonies7.Corpses and FuneralsXIX.Military and WarfareXX.Natural Events and AccidentsXXI.Orders and AwardsXXII.Police1.General Police Administration2.Police Criminal Matters3.Security Policea)Public Order and Security in Generalb)Defense of State Enemy Activity until 1933c)Desgl. after the "seizure of power "d)Passport and legitimation system4.Morality police5.Building industry6.Fire police and fire cases7.Associations and meetings8.Found objects9.Nature conservationXXIII.Post and telegraph systemXXIV.Press and publicationsXXV.Citizenship and emigrationXXVI.State Finance1.State Property and State Accounting2.Tax Matters3.Customs Matters4.Coin MattersXXVII.State Organization1.Reich Constitution and Reich Matters2.Grand Ducal House3.State Constitution4.State Administration5.District Administration6.State Service XXVIII.State Relations with AbroadXXIX.LandlordsXXX.StatisticsXXXI.FoundationsXXXII.PrisonsXXXIII.Roads, roads and railwaysXXXIV.Education and training1.Educational establishments2.Educational establishments3.Compulsory educationXXXV.Insurance1.Workers' insurancega)Generalb)Health insurancec)Accident insurancegd)Invalidity insurance)Unemployment insurance2.Employee insurance3.Fire insurance4.Agricultural insurancega)Hail insurancegb)Livestock insurance5.Other insuranceXXXVI. veterinary insuranceXXXVII.Water and shippingXXXVIII.Welfare facilities

Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Abt. Staatsarchiv Ludwigsburg, E 175 · Fonds · 1818-1924 (Vorakten ab 1805, Nachakten bis 1960)
Part of State Archives Baden-Württemberg, Dept. State Archives Ludwigsburg (Archivtektonik)

The history of the district governments: The district governments were established by the 4th Edict of 18 Nov. 1817 at the same time as the district chambers of finance were revoked in 1849. Previously, the entire administration in Württemberg had been led by a central government college, in which sections had been formed for the various branches of the administration, in addition to the district governorates, which had only little competence and were called bailiwick bailiwicks from 1810 onwards, as well as the municipal and district authorities. The division of the country into districts and the creation of provincial colleges was modelled on the French Departmental Constitution of 1789, which also formed the basis for a new administrative organisation in other German states at the beginning of the 19th century. In 1818 it was put into effect, and at the same time the sections of internal administration, medicine, roads, bridges, hydraulic engineering, local government and the Commission for Municipal Use and Allodification of Farm Loans existing in the Ministry of the Interior, the section of crown domains, the section of state accounts, the section of agriculture, the section of state coffers in the Ministry of Finance, the section of foundations in the Ministry of Church and Education were abolished.After the instruction of Dec. 21. In 1819, the district governments were the supreme authorities in their area for all matters of state administration in the field of regimes (sovereign administration), the state police and the state economy, and for the administration of the property of municipalities, official bodies and foundations, insofar as these objects were not assigned to other district or central offices (Chambers of Finance as well as Protestant Consistory, Catholic Church Council, Academic Council, Superior Building Council, Provincial Stud Commission, Medical College, Superior Chamber of Accounts, Tax College, Forestry Council and Bergrat).The old 1819 directive was valid for 70 years, it was only replaced by the Decree of 15 Nov 1889 on the organisation of district governments and the course of their business. Their business was handled by a president as a member of the board, administrative councils and collegial assessors as well as the necessary office staff. For the technical consultation a county medical council was temporarily assigned to the health service, for the road, bridge and hydraulic engineering of the municipalities a construction council, another for the building industry of the municipalities and foundations an expert was assigned, for the permissions of steam boiler plants. Business was transacted partly through collegial consultation and decision-making, partly through the office.In the course of time, a number of important tasks were transferred from the original tasks of the district governments to other middle and central authorities, such as the Ministerial Department for Road and Water Construction (1848), the Central Office for Agriculture (1848), the Central Office for Trade and Commerce (1848), the Ministerial Department for Building Construction (1872), the Corporate Forestry Directorate (1875), the Medical College (1881) and the Higher Insurance Office (1912).After 1870, new tasks arose for the district governments through new Reich and state laws, namely the Industrial Code, the laws on the formation of district poor associations, on the administration of administrative justice, on the representation of Protestant church and Catholic parishes and on the compulsory expropriation of land. In addition, at the beginning of the 20th century, the water law was reorganized, social legislation was expanded and direct supervision of large and medium-sized cities was allocated. In 1924, in the course of the dismantling of civil servants and offices, the district governments were replaced by a new ministerial department for district and corporate administration, affiliated to the Ministry of the Interior, for all competences which were not transferred to the higher offices and the ministry.Literature- Alfred Dehlinger, Württembergisches Staatswesen, 1951 - 1953 (esp. § 127)- Handwörterbuch der württembergischen Verwaltung, edited by Dr. Friedrich Haller 1915- Denkschrift über Vereinfachungen in der Staatsverwaltung vom 27.2.1911, in: Verhandlungen der Württ. Zweiten Kammer 1911/12, Beilage 28, S. 385ff. (Dep. of the Interior). To the district government of Ellwangen: The seat of the Jagstkreis government established at the beginning of 1818 was Ellwangen. She was in charge of the higher offices of Aalen, Crailsheim, Ellwangen, Gaildorf, Gerabronn, Gmünd, Hall, Heidenheim, Künzelsau, Mergentheim, Neresheim, Öhringen, Schorndorf and Welzheim. While the number of senior offices in the district government remained constant, the composition of the districts was changed by the law of the 6th District Court in 1889.7,1842 The change in the delimitation of the upper administrative districts concerned the following change: from OA Aalen the municipality Jagsthausen to the municipality Westhausen, OA Ellwangen and from OA Schorndorf the municipality Aichschieß with Krummhardt to OA Esslingen.Until 1839, the district government was jointly responsible with the district finance chamber for the administration of the old Ellwang archive, which was subsequently under the direction of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the archive management until it was handed over to the state branch archive in Ludwigsburg in 1868. Four years later, the latter was entrusted with the exclusive supervision of this archive (information from Dr. A. Seiler. The records of Ellwangen Monastery and Abbey in the Ludwigsburg State Archives, 1976, page 7 and E 175 Bü 214). Structure, order and distortion of the inventory: In November 1924, the processing office - registry of the district government of Ellwangen - handed over the remainder of the registry to the state branch archive in Ludwigsburg (from 1938: state archive of Ludwigsburg) - in contrast to the other 3 district governments, which had already made larger deliveries to the archive of the Interior around 1900, the first delivery of their own files since the foundation of the district government to a competent archive (so far inventory E 175 I/III files and volumes). Among these irreplaceable written materials were the older personal files of the officials of the district government and the upper offices, the diaries and directorates of the district government until 1870 and the upper office visits until 1889. Other documents were transferred to the successor authorities as a result of the transfer of responsibilities (see above) and in the course of the liquidation transactions, in 1924 primarily to the higher offices and the ministerial department for district and corporate administration in Stuttgart. The old plans of Ellwangen, which were kept in the registry of the district government, were handed over to the Ellwangen Antiquities Society by the settlement office, as can be seen from a letter of the Ministerial Department for District and Corporation Administration dated 3 Nov. 1924 in E 175 Bü 214 (see E 175 Büschel 207 and 214 for the history of the registry).From the files and volumes of the district government (inventory E 175 I) delivered at the end of 1924 with a handover index of 39 pages (inventory E 175 I), a handwritten find book was produced in 1936/37 according to the fascicle inscriptions. The separation and redrawing of the volumes followed in 1977 (inventory E 175 III). Two supplementary volumes produced in the years 1970 and 1983 recorded the files of the district government, which were partly separated by the ministeiral department itself, partly from their holdings in the State Archives Ludwigsburg during indexing work (holdings E 173 II). The newly formed holdings E 175 consist of the previous partial holdings as follows:- E 175 I Kreisregierung Ellwangen - Akten, alt Bü. 1-531, now E 175 Bü. 174-6483.- E 175 III Kreisregierung Ellwangen - volumes, old vol. 1-173, now E 175 volume 1-173 - E 175 II Kreisregierung Ellwangen - files (supplements), old vol. 1-1069, now E 175 vol. 6484 - 7564 The new indexing of the before only roughly indexed main stock E 175 I took place in the given order of the files and groups of files which largely corresponded to the original arrangement at the Kreisregierung (groups of files in simple alphabetical order). In the subsequent structuring of the finding aid book, larger and thus clearer main groups were formed, whereby the composition of the subgroups themselves was not changed and as such appear in the system; the more recent title entries for the volumes and supplements could be transferred to the main holdings almost unchanged. Of these, 0.6 linear metres were classified in inventory F 169 Oberamt Gmünd, 1.5 linear metres of economic and bar licences from the years 1798-1822 were formed as a separate file inventory E 251 V Steuerkollegium, further documents (duplicates of forms and printed matter) in the amount of 0.3 linear metres. For 471 plans and cracks still attached to the files, reference maps for the inventory JL 590 were produced. The indexing of the files and indexing according to places and persons was carried out by the archivist Erwin Biemann from March 1988 to May 1992. The structure and editing of the finding aid book was provided by the undersigned, the fair copy of the finding aid book by means of EDP provided Mrs. Hildegard Aufderklamm. The title entries of the finding aid book and the corresponding indices contain all individual cases by place and person (in the case of families only the name of the applicant) due to the detailed indexing of the file groups citizenship - citizenship and emigration. Ludwigsburg, February 1995Hofer Zur Retrokonversion: This finding aid book is a repertory that was previously only available in handwritten or typewritten form and was converted into a database-supported and thus online-capable format according to a procedure developed by the "Working Group on Retroconversion in the Ludwigsburg State Archives".In this so-called retroconversion, the basic structure of the template and the linguistic version of the texts were retained in principle (motto: "copy instead of revision"). This can lead to a certain discrepancy between the modern external appearance and the partly outdated design and formulation of the title recordings. Corrections, deletions and additions were verified and incorporated.

District Office Biberach
Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Abt. Staatsarchiv Sigmaringen, Wü 65/5 T 3 · Fonds · 1806-1958
Part of State Archives Baden-Württemberg, Sigmaringen State Archives Department (Archivtektonik)

History of Tradition Preliminary Remark By the Reichsdeputationshauptschluss of 25. February 1803 came the imperial city Biberach and the area of the hospital Biberach with the places Ahlen, Attenweiler, Bergerhausen, Birkendorf, Höfen, Ingerkingen, Laupertshausen, Muttensweiler, Volkersheim then partly Röhrwangen, Warthausen, Winterreute, Ummendorf, Baltringen, 1/3 of Baustetten, Burgrieden and Oberholzheim an Baden, which built out of it a Biberach upper bailiwick assigned to the "upper principality", which divided into the Ratsvogtei (town bailiwick) and the Vogteiamt (official bailiwick). The immediate imperial counties of Metternich-Ochsenhausen, Törring-Gutenzell, Waldbott-Bassenheim-Heggbach and partly Wartemberg-Rot and Sternberg-Schussenried were formed from the area of the Köster, as far as they belonged to the district, and the possessions of the Salem monastery were assigned to the Prince of Thurn und Taxis. The Rhenish Federal Act of 12 July 1806 brought the city of Biberach and the area of the hospital to Württemberg and the immediate imperial counties under Württemberg sovereignty, but the dominions of Erolzheim and Kellmünz on the Iller under Bavarian sovereignty. Through the state treaty with Bavaria, the left bank of the Iller became Württemberg again. According to the State Manual of 1807 and 1808, the following villages and hamlets belonged to the Oberamt Biberach: Biberach, Ahlen, Attenweiler, Aufhofen, Baltringen, Baustetten, Bühl, Bihlafingen, Bergerhausen, Birkendorf, Bronnen, Burgrieden, Donaustetten, Dorndorf, Hagenbuch, Häusern, Höfen, Holzheim, Hüttisheim, Ingerkingen, Laupertshausen, Muttensweiler, Obersulmetingen, Rißegg, Röhrwangen, Steinberg, Stetten a. d. Rottum, Unterweiler, Volkersheim, Westerflach, Wiblingen, Winterreute. In addition, the following were subordinate to the Oberamt: the patrimonial offices Achstetten, Bußmannshausen, Ellmannshausen, Hürbel, Groß- und Kleinlaupheim and Mittelbiberach and the patrimonial superior servant offices Heggbach, Schemmerberg, Sulmingen and Mistingen and Warthausen. After the abolition of the patrimonial offices (1809) the upper office Ochsenhausen was formed with the places Ochsenhausen, Bellamont, Berkheim, Erlenmoos, Gutenzell, Haslach, Horn-Fischbach, Hummertsried, Hürbel, Kirchberg, Kirchdorf, Maselheim, Edenbachen, Reinstetten, Ringschnait, Rot, Schönebürg, Spindelwag, Steinbach, Tannheim and Ummendorf. The newly created lower office Wiblingen with the villages Wiblingen, Aufhofen, Bihlafingen, Bronnen, Bühl, Donaustetten, Dorndorf, Hüttisheim, Steinberg, Stetten an der Rottum, Unterweiler and the Burgvogtei Illerrieden was subordinated to the upper office Biberach. Already after one year the upper office Ochsenhausen was abolished by the organization manifesto of 27 October 1810 again and subordinated as lower office to the upper office Biberach. At the same time the lower office Wiblingen was raised to a higher office. After these extensive changes, which placed the upper office administratively under the control of the 11th Landvogtei, the "an der Donau", with seat in Ulm, the following municipalities belonged to the upper office Biberach: Biberach, Äpfingen, Ahlen, Altheim, Aßmannshardt, Attenweiler, Aufhofen, Bellament, Bergerhausen, Birkendorf, Birkenhard, Erlenmoos, Erolzheim, Füramoos, Gutenzell, Grodt, Höfen, Hürbel, Ingerkingen, Kirchberg an der Iller, Langenschemmern, Laupertshausen, Maselheim, Mettenberg, Mittelbiberach, Mittelbuch, Muttensweiler, Obersulmetingen, Ochsenhausen, Reinstetten, Reute, Ringschnait, Rißegg, Rottum, Schemmerberg, Steinhausen an der Rottum, Ummendorf, Unterdettingen, Untersulmetingen, Volkersheim, Warthausen, as well as the Thurn und Taxissche Amtsgericht and Amt Obersulmetingen. The Unteramt Ochsenhausen was abolished, like all Unterämter in Württemberg, by the II. organization edict over the Oberamtsverfassung of 31 December 1818. By the law about the change of the upper office districts from 6 July 1842 Alberweiler came from the upper office Ehingen and Stafflangen from the upper office Waldsee to the upper office Biberach. The following reunions were carried out: 1836 a clean-up in the area of the communities Dietmanns and Unterschwarzach, 1844 Winterreute from Ummendorf to Ringschnait, 1846 conversion from Hauerz to Ellwangen, 1854 the Glaserhof from Gutenzell to Oberbalzheim, 1861 the wood mill from Burgrieden to Oberholzheim, 1864 Westerflach from Ingerkingen to Untersulmetingen, 1933 the Halbertshof from Wain to Unterbalzheim, 1933 Ziegolz from Dietmanns to Unterschwarzach, 1933 the book from Steinach (today Kr. Ravensburg) to Mühlhausen, 1951 Rindenmoos from Reute to Rißegg. The following incorporation took place: 1864 Birkendorf into the town of Biberach 1934 Bergerhausen into the town of Biberach 1934 Gemeinde Oberdorf into Mittelbiberach, which had replaced it in 1899, 1935 Gemeinde Hummertsried into Mühlhausen. Steinhausen was connected to Schussenried until 1892. Laupheim became a town in 1869, Schussenried in 1947 and Ochsenhausen in 1950. According to the law of 25 April on the division of the territory, the district of Biberach comprises all the municipalities of the former Oberamtsbezirk with the exception of Volkersheim, which was transferred to the Ehingen district administration; it received the municipalities from the Laupheim district: Achstetten, Altheim, Baltringen, Baustetten, Bihlafingen, Bronnen, Bühl, Burgrieden, Bußmannshausen, Großschafhausen, Laupheim, Mietingen, Oberbalzheim, Oberholzheim, Orsenhausen, Rot v. Laupheim, Schönenbürg, Schwendi, Sießen, Sinningen, Stetten, Sulmingen, Unterbalzheim, Wain and Walpertshofen; from the district of Leutkirch the municipalities: Berkheim, Ellwangen, Haslach, Kirchdorf, Rot an der Rot, Spindelwag and Tannheim; from the district Waldsee the municipalities: Dietmanns, Eberhardzell, Oberessendorf, Otterswang, Schussenried, Schweinhausen, Steinhausen, Unteressendorf, Unterschwarzach, Winterstettendorf and Winterstettenstadt. The files listed below were handed over to the Sigmaringen State Archives by the Biberach/Riß District Office on 9 November 1948, 4 February 1949, 3 October 1958 and 24 August 1959. The 1948 and 1949 deliveries were already set up in May 1949 in the State Archives according to the principle of provenance. The 1959 Accession was exclusively for steam boiler files, which were further expanded by a delivery from the Sigmaringen Trade Supervisory Office in 1960 (Acc. 24/1960). The present collection comprises 847 numbers in 23, 85 linear metres and the period from 1806-1950. Files of the same provenance from earlier deliveries for the period from 1806 to about 1925 are kept in the Ludwigsburg State Archives in fonds F 155. The order and indexing was carried out by government inspector Kungl, Reinschrift und Register, who was responsible for the order and indexing. Sigmaringen, January 1966 Kungl Government Inspector Supplement to the Foreword The official assembly records with the earlier signatures Wü 65/5 T 3 No. 54-64 and the building records with the earlier signatures Wü 65/5 T 3 No. 387-477 were handed over to the Kreisarchiv Biberach. In the years 2009/2010, the typewritten finding aid was digitized as part of the German Research Foundation (DFG) funded project for the retroconversion of archived finding aids. In cooperation with the Retroconversion Coordination Office at the Marburg School of Archives and the Baden-Württemberg State Archives, the finding aid book was prepared for publication on the Internet. Corinna Knobloch and Silke Schöttle carried out the necessary reworking. The development data has been available on the Internet since June 2010. The citation of the inventory is: Wü 65/5 T 3 Nr. [Order number] Contents and rating Contains: German Reich: elections, referendums; König-Karl-Jubiläumsstiftung; statistics; Oberamt und Amtskörperschaft: personnel and remuneration, accommodation, diaries, Oberamtspflege, Pensionskasse für Körperschaftsbeamte, Oberamtssparkasse; municipality: Local heads, community officials, community colleges, community property, citizen benefits and burdens, community visitation, expenditure and income management, budget plans, debt level; nobility; citizenship and emigration; awards and honors; Germans abroad; surveyors and marker border adjustments; trade tax; military affairs: Recording, military monitoring, neighbourhood services, damage to land, medical care, care of war-affected and surviving dependants, war graves, consequences of war, requisitions; churches: Diaconate, divine service, church and parsonage construction, furnishings, church assets, pastor, sacristan, church and state, congregations, church care, foundations, levies; free religious community; elementary school: Teachers and salaries, school building construction; work schools; secondary schools; welfare for the poor, youth and migrants; welfare for refugees and displaced persons; support, foundations, hospitals; charities; unemployment and voluntary work; civil servants in construction; fire brigade; agriculture and forestry: Field cleaning, irrigation and drainage, field paths, crossing and stairway rights, irrigation, fruit growing, agricultural associations, local livestock insurance associations, goods traders and debt relief, forest management plans, agricultural workers; river and water police: rivers, ditches, bridges, wells, jackdaws; roads: Construction and maintenance, personnel, forced expropriations, snowmobiles; municipal and security police, police hour; political parties; confiscation of printed matter; gypsies; health police: doctors, mentally ill persons, gravediggers, morgue, ambulance crews; veterinarians; commercial, trade and traffic police: Concessions, mill supplies, steam boilers; old-age and disability insurance; health insurance; accident insurance; executions; Jews; provenance royal taxissches Gemeinschaftsliches Amt Obersulmetingen betr. Schemmerberg.

Estate Grummelt
Fonds · 1925-1949
Part of City Archive Altenburg

Estate of Werner GrumpeltIn Altenburg, the colonial goods store C was founded in 1838. (Carl) J. (Julius) Grumpelt founded. It was located at Pauritzer Platz 4. In 1900 Karl Heinrich Grumpelt (1870-1935) took over the business and continued it until 1929. His son Werner Grumpelt (1909-1949, teacher and author), who also lived in Altenburg, was very interested in many things - including (global) history. He wrote two books about colonisation and life in Africa: "Im Herzen von Deutsch-Südwest. Erlebnisse des deutschen Reiters Albin Freier]" as well as "Einer aus Deutschland" (A story about the life of his great uncle Carl Albert Grumpelt). It can be assumed that both books are primarily novels, but also describe actual experiences.Karl Heinrich GrumpeltBirth date: 09.02.1870 in AltenburgSterbedatum: 07.03.1935 in AltenburgFather: Karl Heinrich Grumpelt Grandfather: Carl Julius GrumpeltCarl Albert GrumpeltResidence: Barkly West, Northern Cape, South AfricaBirth date: 24.12.1837 in Altenburg (christening: 07.01.)1938)Marriage: 29.04.1897 in Barkly West Deceased: 1920 Barkley West, South AfricaFather: Carl Julius GrumpeltProfession: Pharmacist Emigration to Africa after 1866 (at this time still employed as a pharmacist in Altenburg), witnessed Boer wars Protagonist in the novel by W. Grumpelt (grandnephew), ca. 1939-41 (unpublished)Werner GrumpeltBirthday: 17.01.1909Father: Karl Heinrich GrumpeltDate of death: 19.06.1949 in Etzelbach

BArch, R 901 · Fonds · 1867-1945
Part of Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

History of the Inventor: 1867 Interim assumption of the foreign policy tasks for the North German Confederation by the Prussian Ministry of Foreign Affairs; on 1 January 1867, the Prussian Ministry of Foreign Affairs took over the tasks of the North German Confederation. January 1870 Foundation of the Foreign Office of the North German Confederation, 1871 of the German Rei‧ches as a subordinate authority of the Reich Chancellor with the main departments Politics, Han‧delspolitik, Law (from 1885) and News (from 1915); until 1918 at the same time foreign Ver‧tretung Prussia; 1919 appointment of a politically responsible Reich Minister of Foreign Affairs; 1920 extensive reorganization in regional departments and assumption of cultural-political tasks, 1936 dissolution of the regional departments, reintroduction of the departments inventory description: The Foreign Office, which emerged in 1870 from the Royal Prussian Ministry of Foreign Affairs for the North German Confederation (since 1867), underwent numerous reforms and restructurings during the Bismarck period and the Wilhelminian Empire, the Weimar Republic until the end of the National Socialist dictatorship. old office) comprise only a fraction of the total volume (approx. 1.6 shelf kilometres) from this period. The largest part (about 18 shelf kilometres) of the files remaining after the losses in the final phase of the Second World War is now in the Political Archive of the Federal Foreign Office in Berlin. In the 1920s, mainly for reasons of space, the Political Archive had deposited most of the local archival material in the Potsdam Reichsarchiv (mainly files of the Imperial Office, the Trade Policy Department and the Legal Department). Together with other holdings, the Reichsarchiv also stored these documents in 1944/45 in the salt mine shafts near Staßfurt (Saxony-Anhalt) to protect them from bombing. Confiscated by the Soviet occupying forces, most of the material was transferred after 1949 to the then German Central Archive Potsdam (later the Central State Archive of the GDR, inventory signature 09.01) via the Ministry for State Security of the GDR in several charges, and after the German division was overcome to the responsibility of the Federal Archive. Residual files of the Trade Policy and Legal Departments (Dept. II and III, 1885-1920), which for official reasons had remained in the Political Archives of the AA and had finally been taken to England after confiscation by the British occupying forces, were recorded by the then Federal Archives after their return to the Federal Republic (1957) in October 1962 under the inventory signature R 85. About 350 file units are currently still in the "Special Archive" at the Russian State Military Archives in Moscow under the ("Fund") stock number 1357. They are described there in 3 finding aids (for further information and contact see The Federal Archives have lent important documents and files to the Political Archive of the Federal Foreign Office in Berlin (Auswärtiges Amt, Politisches Archiv, 10117 Berlin; Tel.: 49 (0) 30/5000-3948). They can only be used and evaluated there (see the respective finding aids for further information). Archival evaluation and processing The first archival revision of the volumes took place at the end of the 1950s in what was then the German Central Archive. They were originally described in a total of 44 finding aids from the Reichsarchiv. The file titles of the units of registration recorded in the Potsdam DZA at the time were integrated into the database of the Federal Archives by means of a retroconversion procedure. When processing the data records, numerous corrections were made to the file titles and runtimes. The currently valid archive rules could not always be applied. While maintaining the existing classification, which was predominantly no longer based on the organisational structure of the AA, series or series of bands were formed as required, whereby numerous subordinate series of bands were also created in series. In some cases, the existing factual structure was expanded and supplemented with modern terminology (e.g. legal department). The Potsdam tradition was merged with that of the old Federal Archives in Koblenz (old finding aids for stock R 85, legal department and trade policy department). Characterization of content: Traditional focus Office of the Reich Foreign Minister 1928-1943: Minister's Office and Personal Staff 1928-1944, Personal Press Archive of the Minister 1934-1943 Personnel and Administration Department (incl. Protocol) 1876-1944 [loaned to Political Archive AA] Commercial Policy Department 1869-1920: Exhibition 1875-1920, Service 1885-1914, Railways 1866-1915, Fisheries 1903-1913, Trade, Generalia 1884-1921, Trade, Countries 1868-1920, Foreign Trade 1867-1922, Trade and Shipping, Generalia 1862-1906, Trade and Shipping, Countries 1858-1909, Agriculture 1868-1920, Literature 1847-1917, Marine 1853-1913, Weights and Measures 1911-1920, Medical 1868-1913, Coinage 1867-1913, Minting 1853-1913, Trade, Generalia 1884-1920, Trade, Countries 1868-1909, Agriculture 1868-1920, Trade and Shipping 1847-1917, Marine 1853-1913, Weights and Measures 1911-1920, Medical 1868-1913, Coinage Shipping, Generalia 1887-1914, Inland Navigation, Countries 1907-1913, Shipping, Countries 1844-1913, River Navigation 1869-1913, Telegraphing 1866-1913, Transportation 1890-1920, Insurance 1895-1920, Economics, Generalia 1887-1920, Economics, Countries 1881-1920, Water Management 1907-1913, Customs and Tax, General 1910-1919, Customs and Tax, Countries 1902-1920 Commercial Policy Division 1936-1945: Exhibitions 1936-1943, emigration 1937-1943, railway 1921-1943, finance 1936-1943, fishing 1936-1943, business 1937-1943, health 1937-1942, trade 1936-1945, industry, technology, Trade 1936-1943, Internal Administration of the Länder 1936-1943, Motor Vehicles 1936-1942, Agriculture 1936-1943, Politics 1941-1942, Post, Telegraph and Telephone 1936-1943, Legal 1936-1942, Raw Materials and Goods 1936-1943, Shipping 1936-1943, social policy 1941-1942, taxation 1936-1943, transport 1936-1945, veterinary 1936-1942, roads 1936-1942, economy 1936-1944, customs 1936-1945, trade in war equipment 1936-1944, Handakten 1920-1944, telegram correspondence with the German representations, offices and commercial enterprises 1941-1943 Länderabteilung II und III (1920-1936) [loaned to Political Archive AA] Rechtsabteilung 1858-1945: Emigration, General 1868-1932, Citizenship and Liquidation 1928-1944, Emigration, Countries 1858-1932, International Law Differences 1867-1920, Clergy, School and Abbey Matters 1867-1933, Border Matters 1862-1944, Hand Files 1900-1926, Internal Administration of Individual Countries 1862-1940, Intercessions 1871-1932, Art and Science 1865-1914, Mediatized 1866-1913, Militaria 1869-1942, News 1869-1936, neutrality 1854-1918, passport matters 1816-1932, police matters 1865-1937, postal matters 1829-1932, press 1861-1931, cases, general 1836-1944, cases, countries outside Europe 1869-1936, cases countries Europe 1869-1936, international law 1941-1945, delivery of documents and orders 1937-1945 news and press department 1915-1945: General 1915-1938, war 1914-1921, colonies 1915-1920, head of state 1910-1919, parliaments 1910-1921, state parliaments 1917-1921, imperial government 1916-1924, revolution 1910-1921, League of Nations 1918-1920, parliamentarization and democratization 1918, right to vote 1917-1918, armistice and peace 1914-1923, news about individual countries 1918-1921, news 1914-1921, Business files of the Press Department 1939-1945, German News Office 1940-1943, Interception Service 1942-1943, Foreign Agencies 1942-1945, Own Service 1942-1943, News Material 1933-1945, Press Attachments 1939-1944, Press Archive 1927-1945, Press Information Service 1936-1945, Foreign Information Bodies 1934-1945, Central Office for Foreign Service 1912-1922: Service and business operations 1914-1921, personnel affairs 1912-1921, passport affairs 1917-1920, budget and cash affairs 1914-1922 , relations with institutions and individuals 1914-1920, libraries, publishing houses, bookshops and art dealers 1915-1920, Economic, Political and Military Situation 1915-1920, Propaganda 1914-1921 Department of Cultural Policy 1865-1945 Department of Broadcasting Policy 1939-1945 Department D (Germany) [Liaison Office to the NSDAP] 1939-1943 State of Development: Files from the Personnel and Administration Department and the Country Department were transferred to the Political Archive of the AA as a permanent loan to supplement the holdings there. Citation style: BArch, R 901/...

Federal Foreign Office
Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Abt. Staatsarchiv Ludwigsburg, K 26 · Fonds · 1913-1943 (Na bis 1977)
Part of State Archives Baden-Württemberg, Dept. State Archives Ludwigsburg (Archivtektonik)

Contents and evaluation Preliminary remark By Gisela Scharlau The tax files of Jewish citizens taken over by the Heilbronn tax office in 1999 contain documents on all common types of taxes such as income tax, property tax, trade tax and turnover tax from the period from 1913 to 1943. They also contain correspondence, purchase contracts, documents on tax audits, tax proceedings, etc. Since the persons concerned are exclusively Jewish citizens of Heilbronn who were either able to emigrate or were deported during the Third Reich, the special features are the Reich Flight Tax levied since 1931 on emigration, the Jewish property levy due in 5 instalments in 1938/1939 and other reprisals directed against the Jews such as the delivery of valuables and the compulsory purchase in Jewish old people's homes. In the end, the formerly wealthy people affected were mostly destitute and often still dependent on the support of relatives abroad (the permits of the foreign exchange offices for the payment of the money are enclosed), who had succeeded in emigrating in time. The files also contain the "tax clearance declaration" required for emigration. It was usually valid for 6 months and was extended several times, in many cases it was completely useless and no longer saved the victims from deportation. In addition to police deregistrations with emigration data, the files also contain deportation data. "("The Jew ... was expatriated in the calendar year 1942 and deported from the Reich" or "now in the East".) In addition to files of individuals, the collection contains company files of Jewish companies, most of which had already ceased operations (until 1938). The people mainly come from Heilbronn, but a large part also come from other parts of Württemberg, mainly from Stuttgart. These are mostly elderly people who were forcibly transferred from Stuttgart old people's homes to the Jewish old people's home Eschenau near Heilbronn. Most of the persons concerned were either deported to Riga on 01.12.1941 or to Theresienstadt on 22.08.1942 and, with very few exceptions, murdered. When these files were recorded, an attempt was made to also ascertain the life data of the family members concerned, insofar as these were included in the tax documents. In addition to life data and occupation, the places of residence or company headquarters should also provide information about the fate of the people; a local register should make it easier to find people coming from other places. Additions to the title entry were taken from the three publications listed below and placed in square brackets. The logical additions resulting from the files are in round brackets. A list of abbreviations explains the abbreviations used. The inventory K 26 comprises 170 title records; some files are heavily mouldy. The duration of the tax files begins in 1913 and ends in 1943. All parts of the files created after 1945 relate to reparations proceedings.

BArch, R 8023 · Fonds · 1887-1936
Part of Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

History of the Inventory Designer: 1887 through merger of the Gesellschaft für Deutsche Kolonisation (founded 1884) with the Deutscher Kolonialverein (founded 1887). Founded 1882) in Berlin; Objective: Dissemination of national understanding and interest in the colonial question, practical solution of colonial problems through support of German-national colonization enterprises, fostering the togetherness of the Germans abroad, scientific research of the colonies, expansion of German colonial property and support of the German fleet program to secure the colonies; organs of the Society were Presidium, Committee, and Board; subdivisions into Colonial Economic Committee (founded 1896); German Colonial Economic Committee (founded 1896); German Colonial Economic Committee (founded 1896); German Colonial Committee (founded 1896); German Colonial Committee (founded 1896); German Colonial Committee (founded 1896).), Hauptverband deutscher Flottenvereine im Ausland (founded 1898), Frauenbund der deutschen Kolonialgesellschaft (founded 1907); 1936 within the framework of the National Socialist Gleichschaltung integration into Reichskolonialbund; 1943 dissolution for reasons of war economy. Editing note: Findbuch (1953) Inventory description: Archivische Bewertung und Bearbeitung It is a confirmed fact that an archive was established in the D e u t s c h e K o l o n i a l g e s c h e l l s c h a f t . The Colonial Economic Archive, which was established at the Berlin Central Office in 1909, already had records of more than 600 colonial enterprises in its founding year. Due to a lack of documents, it is not possible to determine when the documents were transferred from these archives or the registries to the Reichsarchiv. For the period of the Second World War it can be assumed that the holdings, together with other holdings of the Reichsarchiv, were outsourced and taken over by the German Central Archive Potsdam (later the Central State Archive Potsdam) after 1945. Due to the lack of old finding aids, no information can be given on war-related outsourcing losses. The first processing of the holdings was already carried out at the Central State Archives in Potsdam. In the holdings of the D e u t s c h e K o l o n i a l s c h e G e l l l s c h a f t , the majority of the traditional file titles were newly created and partly supplemented by notes on contents. In addition to the already existing series and volume sequences, additional archival ones were added where appropriate. Since the already existing thread-stitching had predetermined the creation and delimitation of files, especially of the volumes of the Deutsche Kolonialgesellschaft holdings, temporal overlaps in the series and volume sequences could not be avoided. The transfer of the data records of the D e u t s c h e K o l o n i a l g e s e l l s c h a f t to the database took place in 2003. Content characterization: Antislavery; exhibitions, congresses, conferences and rallies; emigration; authorities and offices; Deutscher Frauenbund and its institutions; Deutscher Kolonialverein and Deutsche Kolonialgesellschaft; expeditions and research trips; naval affairs; research and science; societies and associations; trade and economy; Herero uprising; church and missions; Colonial Reichsarbeitsgemeinschaft; Colonial policy Colonial propaganda and honours; Colonial economic committee; Agriculture and settlement; Military affairs; Museums and archives; Personnel and correspondence; Press cuttings; Legal and administrative affairs; Shipping and waterways; School and education; Donations and lottery; Tropical hygiene; Support and loan applications; Experimental and investigation stations; Veterinary medicine. State of development: Publication Findbuch and Online Findbuch 2003 Citation method: BArch, R 8023/...

German Colonial Society
Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Abt. Staatsarchiv Ludwigsburg, D 44 · Fonds · 1806-1817 (Va ab 1460, Na bis 1834)
Part of State Archives Baden-Württemberg, Dept. State Archives Ludwigsburg (Archivtektonik)

Content and Evaluation The Supreme (Land) Government was founded in 1806 as a collegial authority in the execution of the manifesto of King Frederick I's organization. It seems that the contemporary chancellory lists were uncertain about their correct spelling, at any rate the variants "Oberregierung" and - according to the predecessor authority in Ellwangen - "Oberlandesregierung" were represented almost equally frequently in the written material. The name is also misleading, because the authority was not a government in the current sense, but only a department of the Ministry of the Interior with responsibility for the so-called Regiminal Subject. According to the opinion of the time, this included in particular the safeguarding of the royal sovereignty rights, police matters throughout the country with the exception of the residential cities of Stuttgart and Ludwigsburg, the supervision of all state officials with the exception of the administration of justice, and the confirmation of elections to magistrate and other offices, Issues of subjects' and citizens' rights including emigration (deduction and after-tax), participation in military conscription, matters of prisons, breeding, labour and orphanages, poor institutions, trade, commerce and crafts as well as fire insurance. In 1807 the government college was divided into three subdepartments. In addition to the Department of Criminal Investigation, the Department of Police was established for security and police matters and the Department of Lending for feudal matters. On July 1, 1811, the responsibilities of the Department of Criminal Investigation and the Department of Police were reassigned to the Section of Internal Administration. In 1817 the newly founded district governments finally took over the tasks of this section. The present collection contains the special files of the category 'Princes' from the registry of the Supreme Government or the Section of Internal Administration, which is arranged alphabetically according to categories, although this title is rather misleading. In fact, the written records hardly concern relations with princely houses, and also the possessions of the often feared domestic and foreign class rulers located in Württemberg play at best a subordinate role in the holdings at hand. On the contrary, the contemporary registrars used the term 'princes' as a synonym for 'sovereigns', but they were not completely consistent, as the few files relating to cities or the monastery of St. Wolfgang in Engen show. In the main, the files deal with the interaction with the directly or indirectly neighbouring sovereign states, more than three quarters of the material concern relations with the Empire of France, the Grand Duchy of Baden and the Kingdom of Bavaria. In accordance with the turbulent times, war events, military, police (searches) and security matters play a prominent role, as do disputes over competing claims to sovereignty in the newly acquired former imperial territories and cities, trade blockades and customs harassment, as well as a colourful conglomeration of reciprocal attacks by authorities, officials and ordinary citizens on actual or alleged possessions of the respective neighbours and the retaliatory measures taken by them, but also efforts to achieve a contractual balance (borders, rights, disparities).) are represented. The files prove - particularly impressive in the case of the Landgraviate of Nellenburg, which was first allocated to Württemberg in 1806, the provisional Württemberg offices of Weiltingen and Nördlingen or the areas around Wiesensteig and Geislingen, Tettnang, Ravensburg and Ulm, which were also only briefly owned by Bavaria - the restlessness and often misunderstandings in the Paris treaties of 1810 until the settlement, The situation in the border regions was marked by provocations and acts of violence, the break-up of grown structures (such as parish priests), the abrupt interruption of road connections, the capping of rights, customs and habits by the new borders, and the liquidation of the structures created by the previous owners and the conditions left behind in the towns and regions that had finally become Württemberg after the State Treaty of 1810. D 44 is an almost flawless provenance collection, only in isolated cases do the files originate from predecessor or successor authorities (Bü 112: 'Retardatenkommission'; Bü 441 and 562: Oberlandesregierung Ellwangen; Bü 528: Fürststift Ellwangen). The local or regional assignment of each file follows the use of the registry of the upper government, which has assigned each operation to a particular ruling dynasty, but has not always done so correctly. Therefore, individual title recordings can reflect facts or events that cannot actually be expected from their territorial-dynastic classification, as for example in Bü 159, which contemporary registrars have assigned to the Grand Duchy of Hesse, but which contains mainly correspondence with the government in Karlsruhe due to the former Hanaulichberg places of reference in Baden since 1803. The - also already contemporary - assignment of the Büschel 379 to the Grand Duchy of Baden is not at all comprehensible from a factual point of view, since it is a matter of the request of the court chamber of Hesse and Darmstadt in Arnsberg for extradition of the documents relating to the Teutonic Order commander Mülheim from the archives of the Grand Master government in Mergentheim. Originally, the collection was divided into 59 bundles or federations, the contents of which were reproduced in the Marquart repertory (1912) only in keywords. In the course of the reworking these bundles were dissolved into a total of 673 individually recorded files with a total volume of 4.4 linear metres. The main running time ranges from 1806 to 1817, pre-files (mostly copies) go back to 1460, individual post-files have been added until 1834. Ludwigsburg, November 2010 Dr. Peter Steuer

BArch, R 1505 · Fonds · 1902-1945
Part of Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

History of the Inventory Designer: 1902-1918 Central Information Office for Emigrants, 1918-1919 Reichsamt für deutsche Rückwanderung und Auswanderung, 1919-1924 Reichsamt für deutsche Einwanderung, Rückwanderung und Auswanderung, 1924-1945 Reichsamt für das Auswanderungswesen. Essential tasks: Informing the public about the prospects for German Auswan‧derer, promoting welfare efforts, regulating migration movements: Teil‧aufgaben was transferred to the Reichsstelle für Nachlasssse und Nachforschungen im Ausland in 1924 Long text: From 1924 to 1943, the "Reichsstelle für das Auswanderungswesen" acted as the central German advisory and observation office for the emigration movement. It largely took over the field of work and tasks as it had developed at the "Zentralauskunftsstelle für Auswanderer" (1902-1919), continued by the "Reichsstelle für deutsche Rück- und Auswanderung" (1918-1919) and expanded by the "Reichsamt für deutsche Einwanderung, Rückwanderung und Auswanderung" (1919-1924). The Foreign Office and the missions abroad of the German Reich were entrusted by the Reich Chancellor with providing information to those interested in emigrating. The processing of fundamental questions of emigration fell within the competence of the Foreign Office as well as that of the Reich Chancellery and the later Reich Office or Reich Ministry of the Interior. Until 1897, federal emigration legislation applied. Until then, the Reich had regulated only a few individual questions which were in a certain connection with emigration (e.g. §§ 1 and 3 of the Passgesetz of 12 October 1867, Staatsangehörigkeitsgesetz of 1 June 1870). It was not until the Emigration Act of 9 June 1897 (see Reichsgesetzblatt 1897, p. 463) that a uniform emigration law was created. The Emigration Act confirmed the Reich Chancellor as the highest supervisory authority in the field of emigration. According to § 38 of the Emigration Act, an "Advisory Council for Emigration" (1898-1924) was attached to the Reich Chancellor (Auswärtiges Amt). The work and duties of the Advisory Council were governed by the regulations of 17 February 1898 issued by the Federal Council (cf. Announcement of the Reich Chancellor of 17 February 1878, in: Central-Blatt für das Deutsche Reich 1898, p. 98; BArch, R 1501/101567). The Chairman of the Advisory Council was appointed by the Emperor, the members were selected by the Federal Council for a period of two years. The ongoing business work of the Advisory Board was carried out by the Foreign Office's office staff. The Advisory Council for Emigration had only an advisory function in the licensing of settlement societies and emigration enterprises. The circular instruction of the Reich Chancellor of 10 June 1898 on the implementation of the Emigration Act obliged the German consular authorities to provide the Auswärtiges Amt constantly with information and documents for the provision of information in the field of emigration (cf. BArch, R 1501/101574). Soon after the Emigration Act came into force, efforts to establish a central information centre for emigrants did not lead to the constitution of an independent Reich authority. Rather, one of the already existing private information associations, the "Deutsche Kolonialgesellschaft", was commissioned to provide the information. It was placed under state supervision and supported financially by the state. Before 1902 the following private associations were active in the field of emigration counselling in the German Reich: Deutsche Kolonialgesellschaft, Berlin, Verein für Auswandererwohlfahrt, Hanover, Zentralverein für Handelsgeografie und Förderung deutscher Interessen im Ausland, Berlin, Leipzig, Jena, Stuttgart, Evangelischer Hauptverein für deutsche Ansiedler und Auswanderer, Witzenhausen, St. Gallen, Berlin, St. Gallen, St. Gallen, St. Gallen, St. Gallen, St. Gallen, St. Gallen, St. Gallen, St. Gallen, St. Gallen, St. Gallen, St. Gallen Raphaelsverein, Limburg (Lahn), Central Office for the Provision of Information to Emigrants and for German Enterprises Abroad, Berlin, Public Information Office for Emigrants, Dresden, German Emigration Association of Seyffert, Berlin, German-Brazilian Association, Berlin, Overseas Association, Munich, All-German Association, Berlin, German School Association, Nightingale Society, Evangelical African Association, Catholic African Association. On 1 April 1902, the Deutsche Kolonialgesellschaft opened the "Zentralauskunftsstelle für Auswanderer" (1902-1919) as the administrative department of the Kolonialgesellschaft based in Berlin (cf. BArch, R 1501/101573). The Central Information Office was under the supervision of the President of the "Deutsche Kolonialgesellschaft", who appointed the head of the Central Information Office with the permission of the Reich Chancellor. The head of the central enquiry unit was responsible for the management and publications of the unit. The Reich Chancellor exercised the right of supervision over the Central Information Office. The organisation of the Central Enquiry Office was governed by the provisions laid down in the "Guidelines for the provision of information to persons wishing to emigrate" and in the "Rules of Procedure of the Central Enquiry Office for Emigrants". The provision of information extended to all non-German territories as well as to the German colonies. It was carried out free of charge, either directly through the Central Information Office or through branches of the Central Information Office. Branch offices were departments of the D e u t s c h e K o l o n i a l s e l s c h a f t , as well as private emigrant associations and organizations. The Central Information Office for Emigrants had a network of more than 50 voluntary branches. The main task of the Central Information Office was to exert propagandistic influence on the flow of emigrants flowing out of the German Reich. The German emigration movement should be contained and brought under control as effectively as possible. Until 1914, the focus was on providing information on possibilities of emigration to the German colonies, to the United States of America and to South America. This advisory and information activity was accompanied by a corresponding collection, inspection and processing of the news and documents submitted by the diplomatic and consular representations of the German Reich via the Foreign Office to the Central Information Office. Similar information on the situation and prospects of emigrants abroad was also sent to the Central Information Office by public bodies, non-profit associations and registered associations at home and abroad. The Central Information Office cooperated closely with the emigrant associations that operated independently in the German Reich. The Central Information Office published information booklets on immigration regulations, economic conditions and career prospects in various countries, e.g. Paraguay, Mexico, Chile, Argentina or the Brazilian state of Rio Grande do Sul. On 9 May 1902, the "Advisory Council of the D e u t s c h e K o l o n i a l s c h e G e l l l s c h a f t for the Central Information Office" - Information Advisory Council - was constituted (cf. Barch, R 1501/101573). The Information Advisory Board assisted the President of the D e u t s c h e K o l o n i a l g e s e l l s c h a f t or his representative in the supervision of the Central Information Office. One third of the members of the Advisory Board were representatives of the D e u t s c h e K o l o n i a l g e s e l l s c h a f t , and two thirds were the chairman of the information associations and organizations that had joined the Central Information Office. The ordinary meetings of the Advisory Board, convened once a year in Berlin by the President of the D e u t s c h e K o l o n i a l g e s e l l s c h a f t , took place in camera. The head of the Central Information Office submitted the annual report of the Central Information Office to the Information Advisory Board for confirmation after obtaining the consent of the Reich Chancellor. The Imperial Chancellor could be represented by commissioners at the meetings of the Advisory Council and veto the decisions taken there. With the outbreak of the First World War, the "Central Information Office for Emigrants" stopped providing information to those interested in emigrating. After the Prussian War Ministry had established a "Central Office of Evidence for War Losses and War Graves" at the beginning of the war, the A u s w ä r t i g e s A m t assigned similar tasks to the Central Information Office, especially for the circle of Reich citizens interned in civilian affairs. On the basis of the announcement made by the Reich Chancellor on the creation of a "Central Office for the Provision of Information on Germans in Hostile Foreign Countries" on 1 September 1914, the Central Information Office assumed responsibility for the provision of information, the transfer of money, the transmission of information, the processing of applications for release, and the investigation of German citizens of the Reich both in the Entente states and in the neutral states (cf. German Reich Gazette No. 205 of 1 September 1914). By decree of the Reich Chancellor of 30 September 1914, the "Zentralauskunftsstelle für Auswanderer" (Central Information Office for Emigrants) was annexed to the Foreign Office as a "Reich Commission for the Affairs of German Civilians in Enemy Land" with official character (cf. BArch, R 1501/118320). Even before the beginning of the First World War, a "Reichsstelle für deutsche Rückwanderung und Auswanderung" (Reich Migration Office) was issued by the Reich Chancellor on 29 May 1918 at the Reich Office of the Interior to regulate the return migration and emigration of Reich Germans and Volks Germans (Announcement by the Reich Chancellor on 29 May 1918, in: Deutscher Reichsanzeiger on 30 May 1918 and Königlich Preußischer Staatsanzeiger No. 125). The Reich Migration Office commenced its activities on 1 June 1918, which until the end of 1918 extended almost exclusively to return emigrant affairs. This was essentially a matter of central influence on the return migration from the occupied Polish, Romanian and Russian parts of the territory. Special attention was also paid to the return migration from the western Entente countries and the German colonies. In this context, the Reich Migration Office dealt with the collection, inspection and processing of incoming documents, the provision of information, the promotion of care for returnees, the organisation of returnees, the securing of admission, care, secondment and temporary accommodation of returnees. The chairman, his deputy and the members of the advisory board of the Reich Migration Office were appointed by the Reich Chancellor. The "Advisory Council of the Reich Migration Office", under the direction of the Chairman of the Reich Migration Office, advised the plenum and the committees on fundamental questions of return and emigration (cf. BArch, R 1501/118318). The Reich Migration Office was initially divided into an administrative and an advisory department. The advisory department consisted of members of the administrative department and of the advisory board members who discussed policy issues of return and emigration in a joint meeting. The Reich Migration Office subsequently consisted of five working groups: an administrative group, an information group, a welfare group, a legal group and a scientific group. In the occupied eastern territories, the Reich Migration Office maintained two branch offices, which had to be dismantled at the beginning of the armistice negotiations. The area to the south of the Polozk-Lida railway line and the Warsaw General Government were the responsibility of the "Deutsche Rückwandererfürsorstelle Ostgebiet Bezirk Süd" with its head office in Kowel. The area north of the railway line Pskow-Wilna-Grodnow belonged to the "Sprengel der Deutschen Rückwandererfürsorgestelle Ostgebiet Bezirk Nord" with its head office in Vilnius. Both main offices were subject to several border transit and return migration collection camps (cf. BArch, R 1501/118318). In central Russia and the Ukraine "representatives of the Reich Migration Office" were appointed (cf. BArch, R 1501/118318). They had the task of contacting the German population living there, informing them about settlement and accommodation possibilities in Germany and advising them on legal, supply and property matters. The commissioners remained active only until the withdrawal of German troops or the severance of diplomatic relations with Soviet Russia. On 1 April 1919, the work and tasks of the "Central Information Office for Emigrants" were transferred to the Reich Migration Office (cf. BArch, R 1501/118318). Since then, the Reich Migration Office has been responsible not only for dealing with the affairs of returnees but also for keeping lists and records of the Reich German civilians interned abroad. At that time, the organisation and powers of the Reichswanderungsstelle no longer met the requirements for dealing with questions of return, immigration and emigration. By decree of the Reich President of 7 May 1919, the Reich Migration Office was renamed "Reichsamt für deutsche Einwanderung, Rückwanderung und Auswanderung" (Reich Migration Office) (Reichsgesetzblatt 1919, p. 451), while the business area was expanded (see Reichsgesetzblatt 1919, p. 451). In addition, the "Reichskommissar zur Erörterung von Gewalttätigkeiten gegen deutsche Zivilpersonen in Feindesland" (Reich Commissioner for the Discussion of Violence against German Civilians in Enemy Land) remained responsible for the settlement of war damages and the "Reichszentrale für Kriegs- und Zivilgefangene" (Reich Central Office for War and Civil Prisoners) remained responsible for the care of German returnees from war captivity and civil internment. The Reich Migration Office, as an independently operating Reich Resources Authority, was simultaneously subordinate to the Reich Ministry of the Interior and the Foreign Office. The Ministry of the Interior was responsible, among other things, for combating unreliable emigration agents, monitoring private information activities and promoting the welfare of migrants in Germany. The Federal Foreign Office was responsible for communicating with the German missions abroad and promoting migration assistance abroad. The Central Office of the Reich Migration Office in Berlin was initially divided into eight, later fourteen working groups, which were grouped into three departments. According to the business distribution plan of 1 April 1923, valid until the dissolution of the Reich Migration Office, the central office was structured as follows (cf. BArch, R 1501/118321): Department A I. Administrative Affairs a) Personnel Affairs b) Administrative and Economic Affairs c) General Affairs of the Emigration Service d) Welfare Affairs II. Country Affairs 1. Europe 2. Asia Section B I. General Affairs II. Country Affairs 1. Africa 2. Asia 3. Australia 4. America C. The Reich Migration Office maintained official branch offices administered by employees of the Reich Migration Office, municipal branch offices whose administration was left to municipal bodies, and private branch offices. On the basis of the "Richtlinien für die Anerkennung gemeinnütziger Auskunftsstellen für deutsche Aus-, Rück- und Einwanderer durch das Reichswanderungsamt" (Guidelines for the Recognition of Non-Profit Information Centres for German Immigrants, Returnees and Immigrants by the Reich Migration Office) of 1 January 2006, the following information is available In June 1920, the Reichswanderungsamt assigned tasks from branches of the Reichswanderungsamt to institutions and associations such as the "Deutsche Auslandsinstitut" in Stuttgart, the "Evangelische Hauptverein für deutsche Ansiedler und Auswanderer" in Witzenhausen and the "Raphaelverein zum Schutze deutscher katholischer Auswanderer" in Freiburg im Breisgau (cf. BArch, R 1501/118320). Outside the German Reich there were no information facilities under the control of the Reich Migration Office. In Argentina, Brazil and Mexico, "experts in emigration matters" worked to support the Reich Migration Office by providing information and promoting emigration assistance. The experts had been assigned to the German missions abroad and were subordinate to them in official and disciplinary respects (cf. BArch, R 1501/118320). According to the constitution of the Reichswanderungsamt of 24 May 1919 (cf. BArch, R 1501/118320), an "Advisory Council of the Reichswanderungsamt" was constituted for the purpose of an expert opinion on fundamental migration matters. The Advisory Council consisted of 54 members appointed by the Reich Ministry of the Interior and the Foreign Office for a period of two years. Advisory councils were also set up in the branches of the Reich Migration Office. These advisory councils brought together all the local organisations active in the area of activity of the branch offices, which, like the branch associations of the "Verein für das Deutschtum im Ausland", the "Red Cross", dealt, among other things, with questions of migration. The Reich Migration Office operated an extensive intelligence, reconnaissance and information service. Those interested in emigrating should be made aware of the employment and settlement opportunities available in Germany and held back from emigrating. The information and documents forwarded to the Reichswanderungsamt were processed by the Reichswanderungsamt into information leaflets on countries considered as German emigration destinations and into leaflets on emigration problems of general interest. The Reichswanderungsamt published twice a month since 1919 the "Nachrichtenblatt des Reichsamtes für deutsche Einwanderung, Rückwanderung und Auswanderung (Reichswanderungsamt)", since 1921 under the title "Nachrichtenblatt des Reichswanderungsamtes (Reichsamt für deutsche Einwanderung, Rückwanderung und Auswanderung)". After the dissolution of the Reichswanderungsamt, the newsletter was published until 1944 under the title "Nachrichtenblatt der Reichsstelle für das Auswanderungswesen". The business area of the Reichswanderungsamt expanded continuously until 1924. At the beginning of 1920, the Reich Migration Office took over from the Passport Office of the Foreign Office the processing of all written and oral applications for travel opportunities for Germans abroad, emigrants and returnees from Germany to other countries and vice versa. With effect from 1 October 1923, the tasks of the probate office and the civil status department were largely transferred from the legal department of the Foreign Office to the Reich Migration Office (cf. the news bulletin of the Reich Migration Office 1923, p. 210). In this way the migration, investigation, inheritance and civil status matters were essentially united at the Reich Migration Office. The scope of duties of the Reich Migration Office was limited only by the responsibilities of the Reich Commissioners for Emigration and the Reich Ministry of the Interior for dealing with emigration ship matters, for dealing with emigrant and refugee welfare associations and associations, and for deciding on applications for entry by returnees. This demarcation, however, did not have such a strong effect as the head of the Reich Migration Office was at the same time expert for return migration matters and personnel officer for the office in the Reich Ministry of the Interior. The efforts of the Administrative Removal Commission to dismantle the Reich Migration Office led to the decision of the Administrative Removal Commission of 24 January 1924, according to which the Reich Migration Office was to be dissolved with effect from 1 October 1924. Under the pressure of the financial situation of the German Reich, a cabinet decision of 12 February 1924 and the ordinance of 28 March 1924 set the dissolution date for 1 April 1924 (see BArch, R 1501/118321). By decree of 29 March 1924, the newly formed "Reichsstelle für das Auswanderungswesen" (Reich Office for Emigration) continued from 1 April 1924 only to deal with the central tasks connected with the emigration movement (cf. Reichsgesetzblatt 1924 I, p. 395). The Reich Office for Emigration processed information and documents for emigration counselling, forwarded relevant materials to the counselling offices, and supervised the emigration counselling offices permitted in the German Reich. The Reich Office carried out its activities with the assistance of an advisory council in the portfolio of the Reich Ministry of the Interior, with a significantly limited circle of employees compared to the Reich Migration Office. With effect from 1 April 1924, the legal ownership of the official branches of the Reich Migration Office was transferred from the German Reich to public corporations, non-profit associations and registered associations. According to the business distribution plan of 1 April 1924 (cf. BArch, R 1501/118322), the Reich Office began its work with the following subject areas grouped into groups: 1. general administrative matters; general matters of the information centres and recognised information centres; dealings with associations, societies and the press; observation of the emigration movement; prevention and combating of grievances in the emigration movement; legal cases; annual reports; matters of the Advisory Council 2. personnel matters 3. treasury and accounting matters 4. Emigration and information statistics 5. collection and transmission of information material to advice centres and cooperation in the news bulletin for North and Central America and Asia (excluding Siberia) 6. the same for South America 7. the same for Western and Northern Europe 8. the same for Western and Northern Europe the same for Southern Europe 9. the same for Eastern Europe and Siberia 10. the same for Africa, Australia and the South Seas 11. Editing and publication of the newsletters, leaflets and information leaflets 12. Internal ministry 13. Library and archive 14. Registry 15. Chancellery. The investigation, estate and civil status matters processed to date by the Reich Migration Office were transferred to the newly founded "Reichsstelle für Nachlässe" by ordinance of 1 April 1924 (cf. Reichsgesetzblatt 1924 I, p. 402). This Reich Office was an authority subordinate to the Federal Foreign Office with a central area of responsibility. The Reichsnachlassstelle was dissolved by decree of 30 December 1927 (see Reichsgesetzblatt 1927 I, p. 4). It handed over the subjects it dealt with to the Federal Foreign Office, the German missions abroad and the responsible state authorities. The Reichsstelle für das Auswanderungswesen lost considerable importance during the Nazi era. The fundamental questions of emigration were concentrated to a greater extent at the Reich Ministry of the Interior, the Foreign Office and, in the following years, especially at NSDAP offices and, since 1938/39, at the "Reichsführer SS und Chefs der Deutschen Polizei", such as the "Volksdeutsche Mittelstelle" and the "Deutsche Umsiedlungs- und Treuhandgesellschaft mbH". From 1924 to 1936, the Reich Office for Emigration was subject to Department II (Public Health, Welfare, German Studies) and from 1936 to 1943 to Department VI (German Studies, Surveying) of the Reich Ministry of the Interior. After the dissolution of Division VI of the Reich Ministry of the Interior, the "Reichsstelle für das Auswanderungswesen" (Reich Office for Emigration) with the subjects "Flüchtlings- und Rückwandererfürsorge" (Refugee and Return Migration Welfare), "Wanderungswesen" (Migration), "Auswanderungsschifffahrt" (Emigration Shipping), previously dealt with by Division VI of the Reich Ministry of the Interior, merged in December 1943 into the "Hauptamt Volksdeutsche Mittelstelle, Amt VI. Reichswanderungsstelle" (cf. BArch, R 4901/185). Inventory description: Inventory history On November 30, 1951, the Deutsche Zentralarchiv Potsdam took over files of the "Reichsstelle für das Auswanderungswesen" (Reich Office for Emigration) from the cellar of the registry office I, Berlin C 2, Stralauer Straße 42/43, amounting to about 1,400 files. According to information provided by the former main archives department at the Ministry of the Interior of the GDR, these files had been found in the building of the former Reichsarchiv in Troppau and had been handed over to Berlin by the CSSR at an unknown time. According to investigations carried out after 1945, the files of the Reich Office for Emigration (most recently "Amt VI Reichswanderungsstelle" of the Hauptamt Volksdeutsche Mittelstelle) were moved in 1944/45 to the Posterholungsheim Templin and to the Reichsarchiv in Troppau. The files that were transferred to Templin included state and administrative files from 1918 to 1945, German origin files from 1920 to 1945, files from Department VI of the Reich Ministry of the Interior, which was dissolved in 1943, and personnel files from the personnel registry. These files had not been found in 1946. Of the files moved to Troppau - more than 12,000 files are said to have been sent to more than 170,000 German civilian internees all over the world from the time of the First World War - the aforementioned 1,400 files were transferred to the German Central Archive in Potsdam. The files were in an extraordinarily poor state of preservation, disordered and unrecorded. These were very fragmentary documents on individual cases from the activities of the "Central Information Office for Emigrants", the "Reichswanderstelle", the "Reichswanderungsamt" and the "Reichsstelle für das Auswanderungswesen". Archival evaluation and processing At the beginning of the 1960s, around 1,360 file units were collected due to a lack of archival value. 44 file units remained as inventory 15.05 "Reichsstelle für das Auswanderungswesen" for permanent storage. They provide an insight into the subject and method of work of the emigration authorities. The first indexing of the files took place in 1960. In view of the fragmentary tradition at hand, the organizing work was limited to a classification according to factual aspects. The following classification groups were formed: Group I Provision of information to those interested in emigrating Group II Investigation of German citizens interned in civilian life Group III Organization and business operations Wolfgang Merker provided the initial development in 1960/63. The finding aid he has compiled forms the basis for the present finding aid. During the revision in 2009, a previously unlisted fragment was integrated into the collection (R 1505/45). The classification of the stock has been retained. Subsequently, series and band sequences were created. The listing information as well as the introduction to the history of the authorities and the inventory have been editorially revised. Characterisation of content: Characteristics of content: The files handed over to the German Central Archive in Potsdam in 1951 essentially contained inquiries from individuals, associations under private law and authorities about the whereabouts of emigrants, prisoners of war and civilian internees of the First World War, processes concerning the settlement of property and inheritance matters, correspondence about search forms and communications with foreign missions, German and foreign authorities as well as applications for the release and extradition of prisoners of war and civilian internees. There are no procedures on fundamental issues of emigration, the organisation and the remit of the emigration authorities. The 45 AE (1.3 running meter) of the stock remaining after the archival processing are assigned to three classification groups: Provision of information to prospective emigrants 1902-1928 (18), searches for civilian internees of the German Reich 1914-1923 (17), business operations and personnel files 1920-1945 (10). ‧‧ State of development: Online-Findbuch (2009) Citation method: BArch, R 1505/...