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Geheimes Staatsarchiv Preußischer Kulturbesitz, I. HA Rep. 76 [Va], Va Sekt. 2 Tit. XIV Nr. 11 Bd. 11 · File · 1909-1913
Part of Secret State Archive of Prussian Cultural Heritage (Archivtektonik)

Without foliation, Also Includes: - Hermann Oppenheim, Die Stellung der Neurologie in der Wissenschaft und Forschung, in der Praxis und im medizinischen Unterricht, Sonderabdruck aus: Negotiations of the 2nd Annual Meeting of the "Gesellschaft Deutscher Nervenärzte", Heidelberg, October 3 and 4, 1908, Deutsche Zeitschrift für Nervenheilkunde, Vol. 36, 1908. Leipzig 1908 (print) - Notepad of the Royal Botanical Garden and Museum in Berlin-Dahlem as well as the Botanical Central Office for the German Colonies, no. 44 (Vol. V), January 27, 1909 Leipzig 1909 (print) - Adolf Engler, Einige Nutzhölzer Kameruns, I. Olacaceae, in: Notebook of the Royal Botanical Garden and Museum in Berlin-Dahlem and the Botanical Centre for the German Colonies, Appendix XXI No. 1, January 20, 1909 Leipzig 1909 (print) - Georg Volkens, Die Nutzpflanzen Togos. 1. the timber, in: Noteblatt des Königl. botanischen Gartens und Museums zu Berlin-Dahlem sowie der botanischen Zentralstelle für die deutschen Kolonien, Appendix XXII Nr. 1, 27. January 1909. Leipzig 1909 (print) - [...] Frankenhäuser, Über den balneologischen Unterricht an den Universitäten, Sonderabdruck aus: Medical clinic. Wochenschrift für praktische Aerzte, born 1909, no. 19. Berlin 1909 (print) - Notepad of the Königl. botanische Gartens und Museums zu Berlin-Dahlem sowie der botanische Zentralstelle für die deutschen Kolonien, no. 45 (volume V), November 18, 1909. Leipzig 1909 (print) - Georg Volkens, Die Nutzpflanzen Togos. 1. the useful woods (continuation), 2. fibre-, woven- and binding materials, in: Notizblatt des Königl. botanischen Gartens und Museums zu Berlin-Dahlem sowie der botanischen Zentralstelle für die deutschen Kolonien, Appendix XXII Nr. 2, 7. November 1909. Leipzig 1909 (print) - Robert Pilger, Südwestafrikanische Futtergräser, in: Noteblatt des Königl. botanischen Gartens und Museums zu Berlin-Dahlem sowie der botanischen Zentralstelle für die deutschen Kolonien, No. 46, 5. February 1910. Leipzig 1910 (print) - Deutsches Schrifttum. Reflections and Remarks by Adolf Bartels, Sheet 7, July 1910, German Literature and the Jews. [Weimar] 1910 (print) - Georg Volkens, The Useful Plants of Togo. 2. fibrous, braided and binding materials (continued, p. 65-70), 3. secretions (p. 70-119), in: Noteblatt des Königl. botanischen Gartens und Museums zu Berlin-Dahlem sowie der botanischen Zentralstelle für die deutschen Kolonien, Appendix XXII Nr. 3, November 30, 1910 Leipzig 1910 (print) - Alfred Leber / Stanislaus von Prowazek, About a new infectious conjunctival disease (Epitheliosis desquamativa conjunctivae), special print from: Berliner klinische Wochenschrift, 1911, No. 5. Berlin 1911 (print) - Philipp Bockenheimer, Über Sportfrakturen, Impression from: Journal for continuing medical education. Organ for practical medicine, 8th volume, no. 1. Jena 1911 (print) - Hermann Harms, Einige Nutzhölzer Kameruns. 2. Legumiinosae, in: Noteblatt des Königl. botanischen Gartens und Museums zu Berlin-Dahlem sowie der botanischen Zentralstelle für die deutschen Kolonien, Appendix XXI Nr. 2, 15. Juli 1911. Leipzig 1911 (print) - [...] Albu, Die Beziehungen der Zahnheilkunde zur inneren Medizin und deren Berücksichtigung im Unterricht, Sonderabdruck aus dem Bericht über die "Verhandlungen des V. International Dental Congress, Berlin 23 - 28 August 1909". o. O. [1909] (print) - Felix von Luschan , Anthropological view of race, Reprinted from papers on Inter-Racial Problems. Communicated to the First Universal Races Congress, London, July 26 - 29, 1911. o.K. [1911] (print) - Alfred Leber / Stanislaus von Prowazek, Further studies on eye diseases in the South Seas, special print from: Berliner klinische Wochenschrift, 1911, No. 39. Berlin 1911 (print) - Felix von Luschan, Der Rassen-Kongreß in London 1911, sonderabdruck aus: Colonial Review. Monatsschrift für die Interessen unserer Schutzgebiete und ihrer Bewohner, Issue 10, October 1911 Berlin 1911 (print) - Felix von Luschan, Rassen-Antropologie, in: Die Umschau, 2. September 1911, Nr. 36. Frankfurt / Leipzig 1911 (print) - Notizblatt des Königl. botanischen Gartens und Museums zu Berlin-Dahlem sowie der botanischen Zentralstelle für die deutschen Kolonien, Nr. 48 (Volume V), 21 December 1911. Leipzig 1911 (print) - Notepad of the Royal Botanical Garden and Museum in Berlin-Dahlem and the Botanical Centre for the German Colonies, No. 49 (Volume V), 27 June 1911. Leipzig 1912 (print) - Physiology and Pathology of Infancy in University Education. Speech given before the III. International Congress for Infant Protection by Otto Heubner, special print from the official report on the negotiations of the III. International Congress for Infant Protection. Berlin 1911 (print) - Notepad of the Königl. botanische Gartens und Museums zu Berlin-Dahlem and the botanische Zentralstelle für die deutschen Kolonien, No. 50 (Volume V), 25 January 1913. Leipzig 1913 (print).

Geheimes Staatsarchiv Preußischer Kulturbesitz, I. HA Rep. 76, Va Sekt. 2 Tit. X Nr. 89 B Bd. 2 · File · 1895 - 1904
Part of Secret State Archive of Prussian Cultural Heritage (Archivtektonik)

381 sheet, Contains and others: - Otto Warburg, The products exported from the German colonies and their use in industry, special edition: German Colonial Gazette. No. 10. Berlin 1896 (print) - Overview of the activities of the Botanical Central Office for the Colonies in Berlin for the year 1900. Berlin 1902 (print) - Adolf Engler, Report on the activities of the Botanical Central Office for the Colonies at the Botanical Garden and Museum in Berlin for the year 1902, reprint from: Notebook of the Botanical Garden and Museum in Berlin. No. 30. Berlin 1903 (print).

Geheimes Staatsarchiv Preußischer Kulturbesitz, I. HA Rep. 76 [Va], Va Sekt. 2 Tit. X Nr. 89 A Bd. 4 · File · 1901-1904
Part of Secret State Archive of Prussian Cultural Heritage (Archivtektonik)

308 sheet, Contains et al: - Leave of absence of Prof. Dr. Georg Volkens to visit the Botanical Garden in Buitenzorg (Bogor/Java), 1901/1902 - Service instruction for the curators at the Botanical Garden and Museum in Berlin of 8 January 1901 (print) - Service instruction for the assistants at the Botanical Garden and Museum in Berlin of 8 January 1901 (print) - Service instruction for the assistants at the Botanical Garden and Museum in Berlin of 8 January 1901 (print) - Service instruction for the assistants at the Botanical Garden and Museum in Berlin of 8 January 1901 (print) - Service instruction for the assistants at the Botanical Garden and Museum in Berlin of 8 January 1901 (print) January 1901 (print) - Leave of absence and support of Prof. Dr. Adolf Engler to participate in a scientific research trip to D e u t s c h - O s t a f r i k a to study the vegetation conditions of Usambara (Tanzania), 1902 - Award of the Crown Order of the Fourth Dalai Lama (Khun). Award of the title of Professor to Dr. Ernst Gilg, 1902 - Award of the title of Professor to Dr. Gustav Lindau, 1902 - Award of the title of Professor to Dr. Paul Hennings, 1902 - Award of the title of Privy Councillor to Prof. Dr. Ignatz Urban, 1903 - Award of the title of Professor to Dr. Maximilian Gürke, 1904.

Geheimes Staatsarchiv Preußischer Kulturbesitz, I. HA Rep. 76 [Va], Va Sekt. 2 Tit. X Nr. 89 A Bd. 5 · File · 1904-1907
Part of Secret State Archive of Prussian Cultural Heritage (Archivtektonik)

322 leaf, contains and others: - Reporting on the course and results of the scientific research trip to D e u t s c h - O s t a f r i k a undertaken by Prof. Dr. Adolf Engler as well as on the Biological-Agricultural Institute in Amani of 7 January 1903 - leave of absence of Prof. Dr. Engler Adolf Engler to take part in a scientific research trip to South Africa and to visit the Botanical Garden in Buitenzorg (Bogor/Java), 1905 - Dr. Udo Dammer is awarded the title of professor, 1905 - Prof. Dr. Ernst Gilg is appointed associate professor in the Philosophical Faculty of the University of Berlin, 1906.

Geheimes Staatsarchiv Preußischer Kulturbesitz, I. HA Rep. 76 [Va], Va Sekt. 2 Tit. X Nr. 89 A Bd. 6 · File · 1907-1911
Part of Secret State Archive of Prussian Cultural Heritage (Archivtektonik)

314 sheets, Contains and others: - Leave of absence of Dr. Johannes Mildbraed to take part in a scientific research trip to (East) Africa under the direction of Duke Adolf Friedrich zu Mecklenburg, 1907 and 1910 - Award of the title of professor to the private assistant Otto von Seemen, 1909 - Award of the 2nd Class Crown Order to Prof. Dr. Adolf Engler, 1910 - Award of the 3rd Class Crown Order to Prof. Dr. Ignatz Urban and the building inspector Alfred Koerner, 1910 - Award of the 4th Class Crown Order to Prof. Dr. Ignatz Urban and the building inspector Alfred Koerner, 1910 - Award of the 4th Class Crown Order to the Crown Order to the Duke of Ignatz Urban and the building inspector Alfred Koerner, 1910 - Award of the 4th Class Crown Order to the Duke of Ignatz Urban, 1910 - Award of the 3rd Class Crown Order to the Duke of Ignatz Urban, 1910 - Award of the 3rd Class Crown Order to the Duke of Ignatz Urban, 1910 Class to the master bricklayer Karl Burchardt and the engineer Ludwig Brettschneider, 1910 - Award of the Red Eagle Order 4th class to Prof. Dr. Georg Hieronymus, to Prof. Dr. Maximilian Gürke, to the Accounting Council [...Heydel and the engineer Ernst Schiele, 1910 - Award of the General Badge of Honour to the taxidermist Paul Weber, the heater [...] Bürgel, the construction supervisor Johann Laferski and the chief master Hugo Schubert, 1910 - Award of the Crown Order Medal to the assembler Hans Wegener, 1910.