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Archival description
Stadtarchiv Worms, 005 / 05380 · File · 1904 (1914)
Part of City Archive Worms (Archivtektonik)

Contains: e.g. Festschrift (integrated in service library); member lists Darin: Wormser Tageblatt 05.07.1904, therein e.g.: From the annual report of the Grand Duchy Hessian Trade Inspectorate for 1903/Korbflechterversammlung in Hamm with speech of the baron of Heyl; Wormser Tageblatt 18.07.1904, therein among other things: 36th foundation celebration of the Arbeiterbildungsverein; Wormser Tageblatt 23, 25, 27.07.1904; Wormser Tageblatt 02, 06, 08, 09.08; Wormser Tageblatt 10.08.1904, includingfrom the annual report of the municipal employment record office; Wormser Tageblatt 11. - 13. (in 9. - 12.: novel "Der Goldschmied von Worms"[1689]); 15. - 17.08.1904; Wormser Tageblatt 18.08.1904, therein et al: Beer Foundation of the Wormser Brauhaus vorm. Oertge for the expeditionary corps in South West Africa; reference to the 60th anniversary of the volunteer fire brigade, 1914

Geheimes Staatsarchiv Preußischer Kulturbesitz, VI. HA, Nl Schiemann, T., Nr. 265 · File · 1835, 1869 - 1921, 1935, ohne Datum
Part of Secret State Archive of Prussian Cultural Heritage (Archivtektonik)

Contains among other things: - Lists of some of the correspondence partners, n.d. - Althoff, Friedrich Theodor, Minister of Culture, 1900, 1906 - Arlliez (?), 1900 - Baden, Friedrich Grand Duke v., 1896, 1905 - Barnay, Ludwig, actor to Charlotte Rosenstock, 1895 - Berber, Felix, Prof., violin virtuoso (?) to Heinz Braune, 1905 - Bernhardi, Friedrich v., General of the Cavalry, 1899 - Bigelow, Poultney, writer, retired. - Bethmann-Hollweg, Reich Chancellor, 1913 - Bismarck, Herbert Graf v., State Secretary of the Foreign Office, State Minister, 1894 - Bismarck, Otto Fürst v., former Reich Chancellor, 1892, 1896 - Bley, Fritz, 1917 - Bruch, M.., 1900 (?) - Bülow, Bernhard Prince v., Imperial Chancellor: picture-postcard with depiction Bülow, 1907 - Bülow, Marie Princess v., née Princess v. Camporeale, 1901, 1909 - Burmester, Willy, Privy Privy Councillor, Prof., o. D. - Busch, Moritz, writer [to Victor Hehn ? see no. 240], 1883 - Cambon, Jules, French. Ambassador, o.J. - Casement, Sir Roger David, Irish freedom fighter, 1915 - Collier, 1911, retired. - Conze, Alexander, Director of the Archaeological Institute, 1895 - Cornelius, P. v. and ? to Julius Schweitzer: Kopiererlaubnisschein, 1835 - Deines, v. an Focke, 1896 - Delbrück, Clemens v., Deputy Reich Chancellor, 1914 - Delbrück, Hans, historian, 1895 - Eichhorn, Hermann von, General Field Marshal, 1917-18 - End (?), H., Regierungsrat, 1898 - Eulenburg, 1905, 1935 - Faure, Fernand, Director of the "Revue politique

Stadtarchiv Worms, 005 / 05578 · File · 1895 - 1937
Part of City Archive Worms (Archivtektonik)

Includes: Chemische Fabriken und Asphaltwerke AG: Letterhead with view, 1912; Zuckerfabrik Rheingau: Letterhead with view, 1915; Carl Hisgen Russfabriken: Letterhead with view, 1921; Keramische Werke Offstein und Worms AG: Annual Report 1921; Damage due to bad weather at Baruch

emigration agents
Stadtarchiv Worms, 030 / 055 · File · 1898 - 1937
Part of City Archive Worms (Archivtektonik)

Contains: Contracts between shipping companies (Norddt. Lloyd, Hamburg - America - Line, Hamburg - Südamerikanische Dampfschiffahrtsgesellschaft, Holland - America Line, German - East Africa - Line, Cunard See Transportgesellschaft, American Line, Amerikanische Dampfschifffahrtsgesellschaft mbH, White Star Line, Red Star Line) and Agents (Emil Dinkelmann, Wilhelm Egenolf, Julius Ebel, Ludwig Leydecker, Ludwig Lyssenhop, Gustav Metzger, Karl Guggenheim, Fritz Mall, Friedrich Schiffer, Otto Paul, Rudolf Stenzel) Darin: WVZ v. 11.5.1933,v. 15.1.1926; WZ v. 17.2.1899, v. 25.1.1913 (only half title page)

Stadtarchiv Worms, 202 / 183 · File · 1806, 1856 - 1936
Part of City Archive Worms (Archivtektonik)

Contains: 1. loos note to M. Rickert, Weinsheim, 1856; 2. bill of sale f. J. Lochbrunner, Weinsheim, 1872 and correspondence with the Süddeutsche Immobilien-Gesellschaft Mainz, 1873; 3rd-4th ascending letters M. Rückert, Weinsheim, 1874/1877; 5th-6th purchase letters for the German, 1880; 7th purchase letter J. Obenauer, Heppenheim/W., 1882; 8th Looszettel Mathias Rückert, Weinsheim, 1882; 9th-11th purchase letter or ascending letters for the German, 1880; 9th-11th purchase letter or ascending.., 1884/85; 12. two excerpts from the mortgage register concerning M. Rückert, 1895; 13. passport of Eugen Gernsheim, 1898; 14. declaration of majority of Eugen G., 1900; 15. certificate of good repute for the.., 1901; 16. canal connection and sidewalk for Siegfriedstr. 24, 1885; 17. 20 minutes of administrative board meetings of the Lederwerke Wormatia, 1861-1877; 18. letter Hohenemser to Erst G. because of deposited files, 1880; 19th appointment of Ernst G. as juror, 1889; 20th testament of Henriette G., 1879; 21. five excerpts from the mortgage register concerning H. Feil, Ackermann, Sträßinger, Wolf u. Südd. Immobiliengesellschaft, 1867-76; 22. CV-Zeitung on the occasion of the 900th anniversary of the synagogue in Worms, 31.05.1934; 23rd Frankfurter Zeitung z. selben Anl. 5.6.1934; 24th Gesinde-Dienstbuch f. Elise Zeiß, 1896; 25th letter from Ernst G. to Steuerrat Clotz with answer, 1887; 26th invitation to the public Examination, Gymnasium Worms, 1854 (Ernst G. on p. 53, middle class of the real classes); 27. membership cards of Ernst G.: Odenwaldklub, Deutscher Colonial-Verein [Kolonialverein], Turngemeinde Worms, Deutscher Schützenbund, Musikverein u. Liedertafel; Orchesterverein (1861-1890); participation card Local-Gewerbeverein, participation cards Treibjagden Revier Heppenheim, business card Ernst G., Lederfabrikant, ca. 1875; 28th speech by Ernst G. at the Bismarck celebration, 01.04.1885; 29th invoice for Gernsheim graves, 1936; 30th invoice for Langenbach for wine delivery, 1910; 31st court decision Otto Marx against Ernst, Josef and Max Gernsheim, 1893; 32nd portfolio with various receipts for the estate Simon G., 1887/88; 33rd portfolio with titles to claims for the lost outstanding debts Simon G., 1859-88; 34th letter from Max Levy about the conditions in Worms, 20.06.1934 (e.g. about the public ignorance of the 900th anniversary of the synagogue etc.); 35th Wormser newspapers 7.5.1842, 2.4.1880, 14.8.1880, 30.11.1883, 17.1.1885, 3.4.1885, 19.7.1889, Sunday supplement no. 28, 1880; 37th letter from Max Levy about the conditions in Worms, 20.06.1934 (e.g. about the public ignorance of the 900th anniversary of the synagogue etc.); 14.8.1880, 30.11.1883, 17.1.1885, 3.4.1885, 19.7.1889, Sunday supplement no. 28, 1880; 37th letter from Max Levy about the conditions in Worms, 20.06.1934 Letter from Max Levy to the Gernsheim family (private, family history), 01.09.1936; 38th annual report of the Großh. Gymnasium on the school year 1897/98; 39th genealogy of the Gernsheim family by Samson Rothschild, 1925; 40th marriage certificate for Antoinette Johanna (Jenny) G., 1869; 41st commemorative sheets of the visit of S. Maj. Kaiser Wilhelm II to Worms, 08.12.1889; 42nd The Synagogue and its famous antiquities in pictures, 1914; 43rd marriage certificate Joseph B. Gernsheim, 1806

Stadtarchiv Worms, 241 / 0543 · File · 1914 - 1931, 1950
Part of City Archive Worms (Archivtektonik)

Contains: among other things collection of newspaper reports about monument consecration war memorial a. "Black Lord" and on cemetery Wachenheim 15.7.1928; mixed letters and prints; circular letter concerning elections z. Landwirtschaftskammer, 1906 (to mayor's office!); printed instruction for the leadership of the local chronicles (by the clergymen), 1857; print: Facts. The letter sent by the French Protestants to the Protestants of the neutral states, answered by Dr. Adolf Bolliger, Pfarrer v. Zürich-Neumünster, Konstanz [1915]; vertraul. Print: Liebesgaben dt. Geistlicher und seelsorgerliche Hilfe für kriegsgefangene Deutsche (Verf. F. M. Knote, ca. 1915/16); Aufruf/Sammelliste der Ludendorff-Spende für Kriegsbeschädigte, June 1918 (with collection result of 612 Marks; note: put into circulation by the board of the Frauenverein Mölsheim, second ex.); various collections and collection lists Rev. Müller 1915-1919 (e.g. for prisoners of war, ambulance train; sacrificial day for the colonial war donation Aug. 1918; call for the donation of Christmas gifts, with collection list; donation for infant and toddler protection); 25th anniversary of Kaiser. National donation for the mission (1913); Sacrifice Day for the German Fleet, 1.10.1916 (donor lists); Kaiser and Volksdank for army and fleet. Christmas Gift of the German People: Collection List; Call: Heimatdank an heimkehrte deutsche Kriegsgefangene, April 1918 (Worms district; Grand Duke, Red Cross), including: lists of results of the collection; government circular concerning education of the rural population about the situation (including food security), Oct. 1916; Volks-Emden-10-Pfennig-Spende, Nov. 1914; implementation of a war economic course in Frankfurt May 1917; Der ev. Heidenbote. Organ of the Evangelical Mission Society in Basel 88th year no. 6, June 1915 (obituary to fallen Georg Jung, born 11.9.1892 Mölsheim, died Westfront 25.03.1915); Kirchlich-statistische Tabelle ev. Pfarrei Mölsheim-Wachenheim für 1949; Reisebescheinigung Pfr. Reinhard Müller, April 1915 (Worms-Wachenheim); questionnaire (executed) of the Oberkonsistorium to the parish offices concerning war work of the evangelical church, April 1919 (among other things collection results); further letters; leaflet for field postings, Dec. 1914; call of the Hess. Landesverein vom Roten Kreuz 2.8.1914 zum Kriegsbeginn: Aufforderung zu Gelabenaben); Collection list for the Red Cross, 1914 (Wachenheim); List of nurses from Mölsheim and Wachenheim; various other collection lists, e.g. Nationalstiftung für die Hinterbliebenen der im Krieg Gefallenen, 1915; Call for the Ludendorff donation (in favour of war-damaged persons), May 1918 (Chairman of the Vereinigung für Kriegsbeschädigtenfürsorge im Kreis Worms: C. W. Frhr. v. Heyl, MdR, Wirkl. Rat); Call for the delivery of eggs, Confirmations of egg deliveries (here: as poultry farmer Pfarrer Müller, Wachenheim) Darin: hs. Welcoming speech on the occasion of the arrival of the 1st expellee transport in Wachenheim 16.6.1950 (56 persons, ev. priest); egg duty 1919; Red Cross bandage priest Müller; Wormser Zeitung v. 02.02.1915; cover with various food stamps (e.g. bread card, bread stamps, bread coupons; Reichsfleischkarten, Zuckerkarte; also soap card of the municipal association of Worms, charcoal card, twist card); card: Sammel-Hilfsdienst der Schuljugend des Kreises Worms

German colonies Gen.
Stadtarchiv Worms, 005 / 430 · File · 1907-1912
Part of City Archive Worms (Archivtektonik)

Contains: Brochures about colonial economy; Circular of the Colonial Economic Committee; also: Brochure about the construction of a fish drying plant in Cuxhaven-Oxstedt

German War 1866
Stadtarchiv Worms, 005 / 923 · File · 1866 (-1868)
Part of City Archive Worms (Archivtektonik)

Contains: Reception and catering for returning troops, etc: Letterheads: Carl GIESER, pig butcher; K. LAUFER, master baker; Johann Heinrich MAYER, wines and delicacies; Hermann WOLFF, material, colonial and paint shop; Jacob BÄRSCH, tobacco products. Also dep.: LUDWIG (III.): To my faithful people (print), 1866 Sept. 17.

Letters from Becker; Bokermann; Diekmann, Lina; Gerdes; Greiner; Göttmann; Hoener; Hosbach; Johanssen; Kraemer; Klein, G.; Peters; Seemann; Schütte, Friederike; Winkelmann; Worms; von Wichmann, Amalie; Roggenkamp, Johanna, 1890-1896; Letters from Johannes Holst to father Bodelschwingh from Dar-es-Salaam, 1893-1896; reports and letters to father Bodelschwingh, 1893-1896 Accounts of Holst about the hospital, 1891-1894; report about an excursion to Mji Mwema in the surroundings of Dar-es-Salaam, 14 p., ms, 1894

Evangelical Missionary Society for German East Africa
Stadtarchiv Worms, 189 / 033 · File · 1926 - 1932
Part of City Archive Worms (Archivtektonik)

Includes: e.g. Swimmsportverein Hessen (membership card 1926/28); Deutsche Jugendherbergen membership card 1926 (with photo); Studentische Wirtschaftshilfe Darmstadt e.V. for 1929; Gesellschaft Hessischer Bücherfreunde, Mitgliedskarten 1929/30, 1931/32; Reichsklub der Deutschen Volkspartei (-1928), Gesellschaft für freie Philosophie, Darmstadt (membership card 1930); Automobilclub für Deutschland, Berlin, membership card 1928; Ehrenkarte Verbandsspiel Süddeutsche Meisterschaft (South German championship). Football and Athletics Association); association for the erection of a Bismarck national monument on the Elisenhöhe near Bingerbrück e.V. for 1931; membership card Harmonie Worms 1859 for 1928; membership cards Darmstädter Herr-Club 1929/1930; membership card Deutscher Kolonial-Verein 1931; Reiterverein Worms u. Umgebung, membership card 1928; Ernst-Ludwig-Hochschulgesellschaft. Association of Friends of the Technical University Darmstadt e.V., membership card 1931

Stadtarchiv Worms, 186 / 1782 · File · 1890 - 1907, 1922
Part of City Archive Worms (Archivtektonik)

Includes: 42nd session of the 2nd Chamber of Provincial Estates, 8.3.1890 (Protocol, 82 p.); General Delegates' Day of the National Liberal Party 1902 Eisenach (Prot., Part 3, pp. 191-268); Rules of Procedure for the Reichstag, 1922; Dissolution of the Reichstag and Colonial Policy, 1907 (incomplete); Reichstag session 1900/03, Part 2: Social and Trade Policy, 147 pp.); Dates of the Plenipotentiaries to the Bundesrath and List of Members of the Reichstag, 1897/98; Memorandum concerning the Domestic Political Activities of the All-German Association, Author, with hs. dedication to v. Heyl) Darin: partly Exlibris Cornelius W. Karl v. Heyl

nurses' house, kindergarten
Stadtarchiv Worms, 227 / 061 · File · 1927 - 1930
Part of City Archive Worms (Archivtektonik)

Contains: among others correspondence of the Catholic Church Foundation Council with the Monastery of the Sisters of Divine Providence in Mainz concerning the dissolution of the Sisters' Station (1954); Pastor A. Braun with the Motherhouse, to the Bishop, Dr. Albert Stohr, in the Bishop's Office in Mainz. Matters; property tax; 50th anniversary of the sisters (19.7.1952), various letters of congratulation (e.g. Domkapitular Moser, Pfarrer Oestreicher); list of the former head sisters; subsidies from the parish for the catholic sisters' station; bequests to the sisters' station in Westhofen; inauguration of the extended sisters' house (11.12.).1927); list of the sisters (1902/27); borrower's note (loan at the non-profit building association for the rural communities of the district Worms, 1928); money collection for the benefit of the sisters' house; increase of the sisters' house (former Scherr'mannsches house); receipts concerning furnishings (e.g. Rudolf Landes, Mannheim housing furnishings, wg. sewing table; Christian Mendel Manufacturwaren Großhandlung Mainz for e.g. curtain fabric; Singer Co. Nähmaschinen Act. Ges.; Jean Ernst, Worms, master tinsmith and plumber for sinks; F. W. Heinrich, colonial, material, paint and drugs, Westhofen); Peter Wagner, Westhofen, for painting work; correspondence between Pfarrer Weißbäcker and the Caritasverband der Diözese Mainz regarding the following matters Grants for the infant school; extension of the infant and industrial school, application for support from youth welfare funds; estimate for the extension of the nurses' house (non-profit building association for the rural communities of the district of Worms) Darin: Aufmaßskizzen, Portal (view, side view, floor plan)

Stadtarchiv Worms, 186 / 0790/1 · File · Juni-Sept. 1913
Part of City Archive Worms (Archivtektonik)

Includes: AUDEBERT (Bund der Landwirte), ARBEITSAUSSCHUSS der Marksburg-Ausstellung 1914 (on loan for the exhibition); ATHLETENCLUB I Worms (founded 1888; thanks for donation on the occasion of the 25th anniversary), Sportverein BOBSTADT (newly founded, support); Fußballvereinigung 1913 BÜRSTADT (application for support), Dir. BREUNIG (only request concerning tax liability of the Fiedeikommiss); BECKER / Bad Salzhausen (concerning classification as Obergärtner [note: description of his activity for the spa facilities]; Hofrat Max BEHREND (director of the Mainzer Stadttheater, concerning Parsifalaufführung), Geheimrat Dr. BEST (concerning occupation of the Kreisassistenzarztstelle); BUCHSIEB (Fürstl. Wiedischer Amtsrat (Wiedischer Amtsrat) for his nephew Karl Schäfer, leather industry); Prof. Dr. Geog BIERMANN (Artistic Advisory Board in the Cabinet (due to the formation of an honorary committee for the planned general German retrospective art exhibition 1650-1800 in Darmstadt); Sportclub BÜRSTADT (provision of two halls - cancellation),; Rheinhessischer BIENENZÜCHTERVEREIN e..V. Worms (installation of a beehive queen station on the Guntershausen estate); military association Hassia BÜRSTADT, Elisabeth DÖRSAM (representative of the station administrator in Monsheim; representation of interests support also towards the Royal Prussia.

Social events, here programs
Stadtarchiv Worms, 077/14 / 181 NF · File · 1887, 1907, 1922, 1923
Part of City Archive Worms (Archivtektonik)

Contains: Concerts; "Ein Abendspaziergang", dramatic scene for evening entertainment, 1887; "The poet-composer Hans Kandler tells his travel fairy tale "Die kleine Fliege" and sings his "Sachsenlied", o.D.; Family evening, 1927 Darin: 34th Allgemeine Versammlung der Deutschen Anthropologischen Gesellschaft in Worms, 1903; Tagung der deutschen Kolonialgesellschaft, 1907; 16th Kongress für Knabenhnadarbeit, 1904

Stadtarchiv Worms, 185 / 0103 · File · 1931 - 1937
Part of City Archive Worms (Archivtektonik)

Includes: A.H.S.C. Worms (Bezirksverband alter Corpsstudenten Worms, invitations to Farben pubs and other events; ALLGEMEINER RICHARD-WAGNER-VEREIN, Zweigverein Leipzig (concerning membership fees); GENERAL DEUTSCHER JAGDSCHUTZVEREIN; ALTERTUMSVEREIN (Invitations; Newsletter No. 5, May 1934); AUTOMOBILCLUB von DEUTSCHLAND (Membership Card); BADISCHER SCHWARZWALDVEREIN Ortsgruppe Bühlertal (Membership Card); DEUTSCHE AUFBAUHFE (Cancellation of membership); DEUTSCHE AUFSBILGEHILFE (Cancellation concerning Membership, detailed explanation); DEUTSCHE GESELLSCHAFT zur Rettung SCHIFFBRÜCHIGER (Representative for Worms and surroundings L. Bischoff, retired Police Director)); DEUTSCHNATIONALER HANDLUNGSGEHILFEN-VERBAND, Ortsgruppe Worms; DEUTSCHER SPRACHVEREIN, Ortsgruppe Worms; DEUTSCHER SCHEFFELBUND; DEUTSCHE STEUBEN-GESELLSCHAFT (Membership Cards); FRAUENVEREIN vom ROTEN KREUZ für Deutsche über See; FREIWILLIGE FEUERWEHR WORMS (grem. 1854, 80th anniversary, 16./17.6.1934); GARTENBAUVEREIN WORMS e.V. (Foundation Festival, 28.9.1935, 22.9.1934); GESELLSCHAFT für FREIE PHILOSOPHIE (circulars to members; invitations; membership card); GESELLSCHAFT von Freunden und Förderern der Universität Gießen); GESELLSCHAFT für Deutsch-Italienische Verständigung (information, list of members, statutes); GÖLLHEIMER WALDJAGD-GESELLSCHAFT (Invitation to a hunt); HESSISCHES ROTES KREUZ; HEUFIEBERBUND e.V. (Information, circulars to members); HILFSVEREIN für BERUFSARBEITER der Inneren Mission e.V. (Correspondence concerning limited possibility of donation, situation on site, imminent confiscation of the hostel by SA); JUNG-ODENWALD-KLUB Worms; KANARIENZUCHT- und VOGELSCHUTZVEREIN Worms und Umgebung; KANINCHENZUCHT-VEREIN Worms; KAUFMÄNNISCHER VEREIN Worms-Frankfurt a.M. e.V. (founded 1890; Elly Beinhorn-Abend, 28.2.1934 [Sportfliegerin] Correspondence concerning her stay as well as two newspaper articles [WVZ vom 01.03.1934, WZ vom 01.03.1934]; KOLONIALE JUGENDGRUPPE "Lettow Vorbeck" (correspondence negative; critical attitude) Darin: 79. Jahresbericht des Germanischen Nationalmuseums

Stadtarchiv Worms, 005 / 205 · File · 1900
Part of City Archive Worms (Archivtektonik)

Contains: also: Report on the activities of the Supervisory Board Committee on the collection of funds for the construction of seaman's houses in Tsingtau and Wilhelmshaven, 1900 (p. 5); The activities of the Seemannshaus for non-commissioned officers and crews in Kiel in the years 1895, 1896 and 1897 (p. 10); Letterhead of L. A. EBEL, Rheindampfschiffahrt (p. 22); Wine list of the Spiel und Festhaus (p. 29)

war matters
Stadtarchiv Worms, 042 / 0632 · File · 1914 - 1915, 1919
Part of City Archive Worms (Archivtektonik)

Contains: among others: Regulations of the district office Worms to the rural communities concerning the issue of bread stamps, regulation of the traffic with flour and bread, treatment of Russian workers employed in agricultural enterprises; application for leave of absence; appeal for donation for the Reichsverband zur Unterstützung deutscher Veteranen u. für den Kolonialkriegerdank e.V. (Imperial Association for the Support of German Veterans and for the Colonial Warrior Thank You)Potato stocks, 1914; list of young teams registered in the municipality of Horchheim, 1914; list of leaders registered for the training of young teams, 1914; list of teams for reinforcement work, n.d.; letter of the district office Worms to the administrative commission of the hospital fund Neuhausen concerning war loan 1915; list of inhabitants [1915]; forms concerning harvest aid registration; letter of thanks from the substitute battalion Reserve-Inf.-Reg. No. 116 to the mayor's office and inhabitants of Horchheim, 1915 Darin: WZ vom 10.09.1914, 20.01.1915 (title page only), 30.03.1915 (title page only), 21.06.1915; 'Aufforderung zur Erntehilfe', Extrablatt zur WZ , 02.08.1914; Leaflet concerning allotment gardening and war care, 1915; 'Die Bundesverordnungen über Getreide, Mehl, Brot, Kartoffeln, Fleisch u. Ammoniak', Berlin, 1915; 'Soldat u. Alkohol. A patriotic chapter' by Karl Briegleb, o.D.; Preisliste für Lebensmittel, edited by the Zentral-Einkaufsgesellschaft Berlin, 1915; Verordnung betr. Verwendung von Kriegsgefangenen zu landw. Arbeiten, 1915; 'Die Heimstätte', Mitteilungsblatt des Hess. National association for Kriegerheimstätten e.V., 1919