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Archival description
Chefsachen Ia: Vol. 2
BArch, RW 34/10 · File · 1941-1943
Part of Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

Contains among other things: Preparations for the "Axis" case (Italy's waste), Aug. 1943 Measures against French officers (proposals by Commander-in-Chief West), June 1943 Dt. Wünsche to France with special consideration of warfare in North Africa (talks between Gen. Vogl and Admiral Darlan on 23 Oct. 1942 in Rabat and between Göring and Gen. Juin - Befehlsh. frz. Truppen/Nordafrika am 22. Dez. 1941) Germany as occupying power in France (letter of Hitler to Marschall Pétain of 10. Nov. 1941 - photocopy of copy), 1941 wishes to France with special consideration of military policy. Situation of the French colonial possessions (excerpt from the list) Records of the conversation between Göring and Marshal Pétain in Florentin-Vergigny on Dec. 1 1941) Preparation of operations against "Rest of France" and the Iberian Peninsula (companies "Attila", "Isabella", "Anton" and "Ilona"), 1942 supply for the German-Italian armed forces in North Africa, 1941-1942 distribution of the Italian army in Italy, on the Balkans and in North Africa (maps 1:3,000,000), as of 13 May, 3 Aug. 1941 Thoughts on Franco-German cooperation in the naval area (memorandum of the Sub-Commission Navy), July 1941 Structure, equipment and instructions for the "Sonderstab F", Sept. 1941 Use of Dakar as submarine base, June 1941 German-French military-political agreements on Syria - Iraq and North Africa (draft protocol of the negotiations in the German embassy in Paris on 21 May 1941), 1941 "The current situation of France" (translation of the French protocol of the meeting between the French president of the French delegation at the armistice), Gen. Doyen, and Chairman of the German Armistice, Gen. v. Stülpnagel on 6 Jan. 1941 German-Italian Cooperation, especially in Military Affairs (Report of the German Liaison Delegation to the Italian Armistice for the Week from 16 Jan. to 23 Jan. 1941), 1941 Economic Exploitation of France (Chief OKW, Field Marshal General Keitel, to the Chief of the Wehrwirtschafts- und Rüstungsamt, General Thomas), Jan. 1941

Landesarchiv Sachsen-Anhalt, I 542, Nr. 42, Bd. 3 (Benutzungsort: Merseburg) · File · 1927 - 1935
Part of State Archive Saxony-Anhalt (Archivtektonik)

Contains: (Mercedes-)Drives.- Boilers.- (Kyffhäuser-)Steam.generators.- (Reform-, Kipp-, Elektro-, Gas-) Steam.drums.- Steam.columns.- Fertiliser.mills.- ( earth steaming plants.- fodder transport trolleys.- (hay and straw) blowers.- commercial.items.- radiators.- manure.barrels.- (porch.-, galvanized) potato.crushing.- potato.washers.- (filling shaft-, pressure-) boiler.- boiler.furnaces.- cultivators.- contract.galvanizing.- (motor.plough.-)locomobile.- milk.chambers.- milk.can.steamers.- motor.plough.- (Akra-, Hack- und Häufel.plough.-) (Akra-, Columbus-, commercial-, piston-, water-) pumps and pumping stations.- beet squeezers.- beet cutters (galvanized).- shot mills.- sterilizers.- sound film apparatus.- (planetary, zenith, Kaha, lacquer) centrifuges. Africa - Albania - Argentina - Belgium - Brazil - British - East Africa - Bulgaria - China - Denmark - (Free State) Gdansk - Germany - Germany - Austria - England - Great Britain - France - Guatemala (Quatemala) - Netherlands - India - Ireland - Italy - Yugoslavia - Cameroon - Latvia - Liechtenstein - Lithuania - Luxembourg - Memel region - Norway - Austria - East Africa. - Palestine. - Paraguay - Poland - Portugal - border.states - Romania - Russia - Sweden - Switzerland - Spain - South Africa - South America - Syria - Tyrol - Czechoslovakia - Turkey - Hungary - West Africa.

Landesarchiv Sachsen-Anhalt, I 542, Nr. 42, Bd. 1 (Benutzungsort: Merseburg) · File · 1893 - 1914
Part of State Archive Saxony-Anhalt (Archivtektonik)

Contains: Attachments.- Boiler.- Butter.barrels.- (Reform.-, tilt.-) dampers.- Steam.apparatus.- Steam.barrels.- Steam.generators.- Steam.boilers.- Threshing.machines.- Fertil.mills.- Gas cookers - Dishwashers - Grass mowers - Commercial articles - Army supplies - Radiators - Heating boilers - Hop cutters - Jauche barrels - Jauche pumps - Calf drinkers - Potato squeezing - Potato sorting machines - Potato washing/washing machines - Grain testers - Cultivators - Zinc coating - Motors - Motor ploughs - Milling plants - Sewing machines - (Akra-, Columbus-) pumps - Tubular boilers - Beet cutters - Suction gas locomobile boilers / motor locomotives - Grist mills - (Planet, Zenit, Kaha) separators - Peat mills - Washing machines - Wringing machines - (Planet, Zenit) centrifuges. America - Belgium - Bulgaria - China - Denmark - Germany - Germany - South West Africa - England - France - Holland - Italy - Luxembourg - Norway - Austria - Austria - Hungary - Romania - Russia - Scotland - Sweden - Switzerland - Serbia - Spain - South America.

Landesarchiv Sachsen-Anhalt, I 542, Nr. 42, Bd. 4 (Benutzungsort: Merseburg) · File · 1936 - 1945
Part of State Archive Saxony-Anhalt (Archivtektonik)

Contains: Beds.- Boiler.- Christmas.tree.- Steam.generators.and.generators.(vapour.apparatus.-).steam.generators.- (reform.-, (high.and.low.pressure.steam.and.pressure.boilers.- (acra-)threshing.machines.- fertilizer.mills.- ice.machines.- Earth-steamers.- Lighters.- Feed.transport.wagons.- Blowers.- Poultry.drinkers.- Hackers.- Trading.items.- Radiators.- Heating., Obstacle.posts.- Wooden.cases.for.Russian.soldiers.- Manure.barrels.- Manure.extractors.- Manure.creators.- Manure.spreaders.- Milk]Can.washing.plants./.equipment.- (porch.washers./.washing.machines.- galvanized.can.washers.and.crushers.- potato.washers./.washing.machines.- caul.furnaces.- cultivators.- milk.heaters.- motor.ploughs.- bedside.cupboards.- NSV plants and containers, other plants - (Akra) ploughs - (galvanized, Akra, diaphragm) pumps - friction boards - cleaning equipment - (Akra) beet cutters - (agricultural) tractors / wagons - malt mills - special orders - toys - sterilizers - sweet juice centrifuges - washing machines - centrifuges. Brazil - Belgium - Bohemia - Bulgaria - Canada - China - Denmark - Gdansk - Germany - England - Ecuador - Finland - France - Holland - Ireland - Italy - Yugoslavia - Cameroon - Croatia - Latvia. - Liechtenstein - Luxembourg - Norway - Austria - Palestine - Poland - Romania - Sweden - Switzerland - South Africa - Czech Republic - Turkey - Hungary.

Landesarchiv Sachsen-Anhalt, I 542, Nr. 42, Bd. 2 (Benutzungsort: Merseburg) · File · 1915 - 1926
Part of State Archive Saxony-Anhalt (Archivtektonik)

Contains: Attachments.- Boiler.- (reform.-, tilting.-, electric.-,.gas.- damp.devices.- Steam.drums.- Steam.generators.- Drill.machines.- Fertilizer.mills.- Göpel.- Chipper.- Commercial.articles.- House.ovens.- Radiators.- Hermetic.heaters.- Jauch.barrels.- Potato.crushing.- Potato.washing/.washing.machines.- Cultivators.- Zinc.plating.- (Motor-)locomobile.- (grass.and grain.mowing.machines.- milk.can.steam.devices.- motor.plough.- sew.machines.- (Akra-, Columbus-, trade.-, cast.pumps.- cleaning.machines.- Beet cutters - Grist mills - (Planet, Zenit, Kaha) separators - Sterilizers - Straw presses - Distributors - Washing machines - Wringers - (Planet, Zenit, Kaha) centrifuges. Argentina - Asia - Belgium - Bulgaria - Canada - Cuba - Chile - China - Denmark - Germany - Germany - Austria - Alsace - Lorraine - England - Great Britain - Finland - France - Greece - Holland - India - Ireland - Italy - Yugoslavia - Egypt - Bulgaria - Cuba - Gdansk - Cuba - Cuba - Germany - Yugoslavia - Denmark. Latvia - Luxembourg - Memel - Norway - Austria - Austria - Hungary - Palestine/Israel - Poland - Portugal - Marginal States - Romania - Russia - Sweden - Switzerland - Slavia - Spain - South America - South Africa - Southwest Africa - Czechoslovakia - Turkey - Hungary - USA.

BArch, N 2345/54 · File · Nov. 1899 - Nov. 1924
Part of Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

Contains among other things: "The Colonial Policy of Napoleon I", in: "Deutsche Kolonialzeitung", No. 44, Nov. 2, 1899 "Trade of the German Protectorates", in: "Journal of the African Society", 1902 "How to Live with the English Cousins. Untouchierte Augenblicksbilder", in: "Unterhaltungsbeilage des Montag", 27 Dec. 1904 - 20 Feb. 1905 (Part 1-7) "Das Ende des englischen Freihandels", in: "Deutsche Rundschau", June 1917 "Der Vertrag von Versailles und Deutschlands koloniale Rechte", in: "20. Jahrhundert", No. 6, 12 March 1921 Sanctis, V. de: "The social and labour legislation in Italy. Translated by Alfred Zimmermann", in: "Blätter für vergleichende Rechtswissenschaft und Volkswirtschaftslehre", no. 4 - 6, Apr. - Oct. 1921 "Französische Kolonialpolitik und deutsche Bewunderer", in: "Rheinischer Beobachter", no. 45/46, 9 Nov. 1924

Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Abt. Hauptstaatsarchiv Stuttgart, Q 1/2 Bü 5 · File
Part of Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Dept. Main State Archives Stuttgart (Archivtektonik)

Contains: - Article "Ueber die Völkerliga" from the "Neue Zürcher Zeitung", Aug. 13, 1918 (mechanical copy) - Report on a survey on the establishment of a "Deutscher Völkerbund-Liga" (mechanical copy) together with a letter from Fritz Springer, [1918] and Oct. 2, respectively. 1918 - Proposal of the Swiss Committee for the Preparation of the League of Nations for the Realization of the League of Nations, Application for the Establishment of a "German League of Nations" as a Section of the "League of Nations for Freedom and Fatherland" and Invitation to Discuss these Applications, Oct. 7, 1918. 1918 - Proposal to the warring powers for the establishment of peace and for the establishment of the League of Nations, as well as draft of a declaration of Germany to its war opponents by the Swiss Committee for the Preparation of the League of Nations, with accompanying letter, Oct. 1918 - flyer draft for the "Deutsche Liga für Völkerbund" and league flyer "Der Völkerbund", [Oct. or Nov. 1918 resp. 1918-1919] - "Arbeitsplan für die Deutsche Liga für Völkerbund", [1918-1919] - essay "Erzbergers Grundgedanken", signed with "Fidelis", from: "Der Vortrupp" 7 (1918) Nr. 21, p. 401-411 - essay "Walther Schücking. A German Teacher of International Law" by Hans Wehberg, n.d. - Invitation and programme as well as principles for the programme of the International League of Nations Conference from 5-12 March 1919 in Bern together with accompanying letter, Febr. 1919 - Essay "Wilson und der Völkerbundgedanke" by Count Bernstorff in the "Mitteilungen der Deutschen Liga für Völkerbund", Feb. 1, 1919 - Essay "Deutschland und Wilson" by Prof. Dr. Walther Schücking in the "Mitteilungen der Deutschen Liga für Völkerbund", Feb. 1, 1919 - Essay "Deutschland und Wilson" by Prof. Dr. Walther Schücking in the "Mitteilungen der Deutschen Liga für Völkerbund", Feb. 1, 1919 - Essay "Wilson und der Völkerbundgedanke" by Graf Bernstorff in the "Mitteilungen der Deutschen Liga für Völkerbund", Feb. 1, 1919 - Essay "Deutschland und Wilson" by Prof. Dr. Walther Schücking in the "Mitteilungen der Deutschen Liga für Völkerbund", Febr. 1919 - Essay "Die Entente - Deutschlands Wegweiser zum Bolschewismus oder zum Völkerbund?" by Bernhard Dernburg, from: "Mitteilungen der Deutschen Liga für Völkerbund", Febr. 7, 1919 - Essay "Deutschlands sozialpolitisches Programm für den Völkerbund" by J. Giesberts in the "Mitteilungen der Deutschen Liga für Völkerbund", Feb. 3, 1919 - Essay "Die deutschen Missionen und das Völkerrecht" by Prof. Dr. D. Baumgarten in the "Mitteilungen der Deutschen Liga für Völkerbund", Feb. 24, 1919. April 1919 - Essay "Der 'gerechte Krieg'" by Prof. Dr. Gustav Radbruch in the "Mitteilungen der Deutschen Liga für Völkerbund", 28 April 1919 - Part of a draft law on labour law issues from the "Mitteilungen der Deutschen Liga für Völkerbund", o.D. - "Deutscher Entwurf eines Verfassung des Völkerbundes" der Studienkommission der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Völkerrecht unter dem Vorsitz von Prof. Dr. Niemeyer, [1919] - "Proposals of the German Government for the Establishment of a League of Nations" in the "Mitteilungen der Deutschen Liga für Völkerbund", n.d. - Cross section of the press "Der Völkerbundgedanke in Italien" in the "Mitteilungen der Deutschen Liga für Völkerbund", Jan. 1919 - article "Der Smutssche Völkerbundplan" in the "Mitteilungen der Deutschen Liga für Völkerbund", n.d. - cross section "Zug um Zug der Entente-Propaganda" in the "Mitteilungen der Deutschen Liga für Völkerbund", febr. 1919 - newspaper article "Der Völkerbund. Der Entwurf", 15 Febr. [1919] - Letter by Prof. Ruhlmann of the "League for League of Nations", concerning the discussion of cultural policy propaganda abroad in the Committee for Foreign Affairs, with drafts of Haußmann's reply and a letter to the Reich Foreign Minister Hermann Müller, Jan.Feb. 1920 - Invitation by the weekly "Die Menschheit" to comment on what would be the most effective decisions of the League of Nations Assembly, with draft reply, Oct. 1920 - "Article for the Volkswehr. The disarmament question at the League of Nations Conference in Bern" by Count Max Montgelas, [1919] Darin: - Die Tätigkeit des Völkerbundes im Monat August Nr. 5, 1. Sept. 1921

Haußmann, Conrad
BArch, R 26-I/20 · File · 1936-1938
Part of Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

Contains among other things: Circular for the approval of larger meetings by Prime Minister Göring, 30 Nov. 1936; proposals of the Afrikanische Frucht-Compagnie AG, Hamburg, for the establishment of a German overseas economic area using the example of bananas from Cameroon, 26 Nov. 1937; various reports of the Reichskommissar für Altmaterialverwertung, SA-Brigadeführer Ziegler: Implementation guidelines, cooperation of the NSDAP divisions, waste paper collection, introduction of waste material collection in Italy, 1937; invitation to a meeting on the Anhaltinische Kohlenwerke on 3 Nov. 1936; invitation to a meeting on the Anhaltinische Kohlenwerke on 3 Nov. 1936. June 1937; Activity of the Work Deployment Business Group: Reserve for the Work Deployment in Mining, Article "Principles and Results of Wage Policy" by Ministerial Director Mansfeld, Freimachung von Arbeitskräften der Zigarrenindustrie für die Landwirtschaft, Beseitigung der Kurzarbeit; Responsibility of the Fishing Industry Working Group; Submissions by the German Textile Materials Working Group concerning the Reich Exhibition of the German Textile and Garment Industry; Information from the Group for Foreign Trade Business on Carl Boschulte, Hamburg

BArch, R 901/81031 · File · (1917) Jan. 1918 - 1919
Part of Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

Contains among other things: Economic war objectives towards Italy including the colonial question and strategic aspects in the Mediterranean region (elaboration of General Ludendorff), 1918 Future relations with Italy with comments on the character of the population (elaborations of the German Consul in Innsbruck), (Sept. 1917) 1918 Economic relations between Austria-Hungary and Italy after the war (investigations of the German Ambassador in Vienna), Feb. 1918 War economic significance of the conquered Upper Italian region (elaboration of the deputy general staff), Feb. 1918 Situation of the paint, pharmaceutical and photographic industries in Italy (general report by Carl Duisberg, Leverkusen), Apr. 1918 Future and present economic development of Italy and its relationship to the Allies (reports of the German representations in Switzerland), 1918 - 1919

Geheimes Staatsarchiv Preußischer Kulturbesitz, VI. HA, Nl Althoff, F. T., Nr. 1052 · File · 1880 - 1908, ohne Datum
Part of Secret State Archive of Prussian Cultural Heritage (Archivtektonik)

Contains: - Gauß, Really Secret Chief Finance Councillor, Berlin: Establishment of a cadastral office in Berlin 20.12.1894 - Goßler, v., Minister, Gdansk: Bleichröder-Stiftung für Tuberkulose 28.10.1894 - Glasenapp, v., (Reichsschatzamt), Berlin: Consultations about the Oriental Seminar 30.9.1891 - Goeppert, Geheimrat, Kultusministerium, Berlin: Habilitation 20.6.1880 - Goßler, v., Exzellenz, Berlin: Sending of a poem by Felix Dahn for further distribution o. D., Wishes for Recreation 1.8.1886, question about a suitable writer for writing the history of the Hansa 16.4.1896 - Greiff, Exzellenz, Berlin: invitation to the meeting 19.3.1889, Answer to an original request of Althoff because of the impossibility of postponing the meeting, connected with the request of the representation of his person in Breslau at the funeral 29.3.1890 - Groos, Dr. Ernst Gisbert, Regierungsrat, Kultusministerium, Berlin: Information on the death of his uncle, the Senate President Groos 21.7.1908 - Gruner, F., Geheimer Regierungsrat, Berlin: Transmission of his handbook of accident insurance 18.7.1892 - Heeringen, v., Fregattenkapitän, (Reichsmarineamt), Berlin: Acknowledgements 27.12.1900, matter Arons 6.2. o. J. - Halley, Wirklicher Geheimer Oberregierungsrat, Berlin: Invitation to dinner 11.3.1902, sending a cheque 31.8.1904 - Harder, Geheimer Oberregierungsrat, Berlin: Request for notes on Mrs v. Leyden for Excellency Mirbach 29.12.1900 - Hasse, Prof. Dr. K. E.., Privy Privy Councillor, Hanover: Acknowledgement for congratulating the 60th doctoral anniversary 28.3.1893 (missing) - Heerwart, v., (Reichsamt des Innern), Berlin: Conference 11.11.1897 - Heim, v., Herzoglicher Staatsminister, Meiningen: Question concerning the admission of women to lectures at the universities of Prussia 9.2.1895 - Heller, (Ministry of Finance), Berlin: Notification of the proposal made by his brother-in-law Horstmann to the position of Extraordinarius 24.6.1898 - Hellwig, (Ministry of Finance), Berlin: Notification of the address of the Minister v. Goßler and on the appointment of Abbs to the Hofrat 3.9.1888 - Herrmann, Ministerialdirektor, Berlin: Information about his son because of the assistant position at Lesser 15.6.1901 - Herzog, Exzellenz, Berlin: Invitation to the Skat 17.12.1886, Invitation to the beginning of spring 13.3.1894 - Heyden-Rynsch, v. d., Really Geheimer Oberbergrat, Nervi/Genua (Italy): Communication about the letter to Minister Bosse about the Geheimer Bergrat Arndt 30.11.1897 - Hobrecht, Arthur, Excellency, Berlin: Acknowledgement for the literary employment of a woman Schmidt 3.9.1886 - Holter, Geheimer Regierungsrat, (Ministry of Public Works), Berlin: Recommendation of a young capable man 30.11.1887 - Hofmann, Karl v., State Secretary, Ministry of Alsace-Lorraine, Strasbourg: New Year's greetings 3.1.1884, medical candidates for South West Africa 15.5.1888 - Holle, Ludwig v., Kultusminister, Berlin: Return of Harnack's rectorate speech together with his thanks 19.8.1907 - Hollmann, Friedrich v., Excellency, Berlin: Böttinger Foundation for the Madrid Chapel and for the Officers' Rescue Home 26.3.1907, apology for the confusion of Böttinger and Ebbinghaus 4.4.1907, sending of a copy of a letter to His Majesty concerning the promotion of the Rescue Home 7.9.1906, wish for recovery 9.11.1906 - Holleben, v., Excellency, Stuttgart: Message because of his appointment as Vice President of the German Colonial Society 27.12.1903 - Hopf, Geheimer Oberregierungsrat, Berlin: Festschrift für den medizinischen Kongress 25.3.1890 - Horn, v., Excellency, Berlin: Message about the death of his mother-in-law 25.5.1885 - Hoseus, Dr. H.., Real Geheimer Oberregierungsrat, Strasbourg: Universitätsgesetz 8.1.1887 - Huber, Geheimer Oberregierungsrat, (Reichsamt des Innern), Berlin: Pension for the widow of Prof. Roser from Marburg 2.11.1889 (missing) - Hübler, Geheimer Oberregierungsrat, Berlin: Criticism of a work by Wach 28.12. o. J., Invitation to an evening snack 24.7. o. J. - Kern, v., Ministerialdirektor, Stuttgart: Congratulations on his appointment as "Excellency" 11.10.1904 - Köhler, Dr., Regierungsrat, Ministerium des Innern, Stuttgart: Acknowledgement for the preservation of the Red Eagle IV. Class 8.6.1901 - Köpke, Reinhold, Geheimer Rat, Kultusministerium, Berlin: Report on an examination trip 19.7.1899, Congratulations on the Diamonds to the Crown Order (Latin) 1.3.1906 - Kügler, Dr..., Ministerialdirektor, Berlin: Tuberculosisemittel von Koch 13.12.1890, letter of February 1895 - Keetmann, Ministerialrat, Strasbourg: Request for transfer of his brother from Uetersen to Neuwied 22.1.1888.

Landesarchiv NRW Abteilung Ostwestfalen-Lippe, L 75, 0 XIII. Nr. 5 · File · Juli 1918-1920
Part of Landesarchiv NRW East Westphalia-Lippe Department (Archivtektonik)

Contains, among others, memorandums and the like about: raw material supply; colonial Germans in Belgian captivity; memorandum of the representatives of the Dobrudscha; supplementary agreements to the German-Russian peace treaty; situation of the Baltic countries; treaties of the individual German states affected by the war; German-Russian treaties (status: 1.8.1914); exceptional laws against German private rights in the enemy countries; legal relations of German ships in Italy during the war; where does Poznan belong?Border Guard for the Province of Silesia; League of Nations Act of President Wilson; Communications of the Armistice Commission; Rapport présenté à la Conférence des Préliminaires de Paix par la Commission des Responsabilités des Auteurs de la Guerre et Sanctions; German reparations, Germany's economic performance, meetings of the Spa Conference; Vote in Upper Silesia (mainly prints)

PAW 1812-1945 II-VI-106 · File · 1885 – 1888
Part of Archive of the Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Sciences and Humanities

Contains: above all: Accompanying letters and notices on submitted papers etc., including Haardt, V. v. (Vienna): General map of the ethnographic conditions of Asia (1886); Conze: Verzeichnis der Abklatsche von Inschriften (1886); Fraya, Zeitung für Volks-Aufklärung, No. 38, 1886 with article Die Verwerflichkeit der Zehn und die Vorzüglichkeit der Vier im Teil-Verkehr der Menschheit; Hoetsch, L. (Weil) on physiological artificial tone formation (1887); Mende, A. (Frankfurt/O.): Universelle Forschungen zur Geschichte des Weltalls (1887); Borch, L. v. (Innsbruck): Ein Beitrag zum gerichtlichen Verfahren des Mittelalters (1887); Paret, K. L. (Stuttgart): Protestation against science, the theologians and the state of the art in the calculation of the world era (1888) - Reports to the Academy, including: Chief of the Army General Staff on the location of the Varus Battle (1886); Meyer, A. B. (Dresden) about the old streets in the Obergailtal (1886); Königlich Bayerische Akademie der Wissenschaften München about the 27th plenary assembly of the Historische Kommission (1886); Kultusministerium about the discovery of a collection of laws of Alarich II by Beer in Leon (1888) and sending the report of the Kaiserlich-Deutschen Konsulat in Tunis about the opening of the Museum Alaoui (1888) - offers, information and notices to the academy, among others: Plan of the Philological Society in Constantinople for the publication of a catalogue of Greek manuscripts (1886); 100th anniversary of the Regia Academia Litterarum Historiae Antiquitatis Holmiensis S. D. P. (1886); information sheet on the 7th anniversary of the foundation of the Society. International Congress of Orientalists (1886); Wachtel (Cospoli): sale of Turkish word essays (1886); invitation to the 500th anniversary of the Ruperto Carola University Heidelberg (1886); Academy of Sciences of the Netherlands: programme of a poetic competition (1886); Rangabe (Berlin): Programme of the 25th anniversary of the Greek Philological Society of Constantinople (1886); information about the Imperial University of Japan (1886); Royal Museums: catalogue and tickets to the exhibition of the Finsch Collection of objects from New Guinea (1886); K. u. K. Consulate General: Statutes and Regulations of the Schwestern-Fröhlich-Stiftung (1887); Verein Berliner Presse: Tickets for the Uhland celebration (1887); batistie, N. (Zara): sale of a work in the old Croatian language (1888); invitation to the inauguration ceremony of the monument to Adalbert von Chamisso (1888); accompanying letter and information on applications to the academy, including..: Freier Deutscher Hochstift (Frankfurt/M.): financial support for the reappearance of the Bibliotheca historica (1886, 1887); Blass, F. (Kiel): financial support for a research trip to Constantinople to study Greek manuscripts (1886); call for financial support for a monument to Adalbert von Chamisso in Berlin (1887); Wernicke, K. (1886): financial support for the reappearance of the Bibliotheca historica (1886, 1887). (Paris): financial support for a trip to Italy to research the depictions of Greek heroic sagas (1887); Haupt, K. (New York): printing of his treatise on the problem of causality in the Academy's reports (1888): Blass, F. (Kiel): Mediation of the permission of the Turkish government to use the manuscripts of the Serail Library (1886); Pauli, C. (Leipzig): Permission to examine the epigraphic estate of Corssen (1886); Kopecky, I. (Athens): Examination of his treatise on the rowing equipment of the Attischen Trieren (1888); Lühmann (Greifswald): Printing of his treatise The Old Languages at the Prussian Grammar Schools in the reports or journals of the Academy (1888).- Expert opinion on applications to the Academy for financial support, including: Baist, G. (Erlangen): research trip to London to study older Romanesque literature (1886); Meyer, P. (Smyrna): trip to the libraries of the Athos monasteries (1887); Herzsohn, P. (Bonn): publication of the work Der Überfall Alexandriens durch Peter I. (The Attack of Alexandria by Peter I.), King of Jerusalem and Cyprus (1888); Fügner (Nienburg): Publication of a Lexicon Livianum (1888) - Expert opinion for the Ministry of Culture on applications for the same for financial support, including: Corssen, P. (Jever): Publication of the Vulgate of the New Testament (1886); Wenker, G.: Sprachatlas des deutschen Reiches (1886); Büttner, C. G. (Wormditt): Foundation of a journal for African languages (1886); Königliche Bibliothek: Acquisition of the Bibliotheca Meermanniana (1887); 38. Meeting of German philologists and teachers: publication of the Monumenta Germaniae Paedagogica (1887); Royal Museums: purchase of Faijûm-Papyri (1887); expert opinion for the Ministry of Culture on a procedure of F. F. Mendonça Cortez for the production of geographical maps (1886); communication to Purgold (Gotha) on measures to protect his person on a research trip to Algeria (1886).

PAW 1812-1945 II-VI-112 · File · 1906 – 1912
Part of Archive of the Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Sciences and Humanities

Contains: above all: Letters accompanying, notifying and responding to submissions, including Rheinbott, E. v. (Ponewiesch): Translations of Russian songs (1907, 1908); Schmidt, K. (Gleiwitz): Memorandum on parts of the Corpus Inscriptionum Etruscarum and Etruscan inscriptions (1907); Mac Donald, A. (Washington): A Plan for the Study of Man (1910); Thöne, J. (Wipperfürth): Article about efforts for a world language(1912) - inquiries, information and messages to the academy, among others: Jelinek, L. (Zdolbunow): Words to the participants of the third International Congress of the Friends of Philosophy in Heidelberg (1908); Institut d'Estudis Catalans (Barcelona): Announcement of a scholar to study the Fonctionnement de la ville (1909); Königliches Materialprüfungsamt (Berlin): Communication on a cellite process for the preservation of manuscripts (1909); Wirsen (Stockholm): Remembrance of proposals for the Nobel Prize for Literature (1910); Inquiry by the Royal Materials Testing Office about experimental results with the cellite process (1911); Exchange of letters on the inquiry by the B. Koenigsberger after the whereabouts of his work on the Jerusalem Talmud (1911); correspondence on the inquiry of H. Hübner (secretary of the Bibliotheca Hertziana Rome) about interest in the continuation of the work of Aldrovandi (1912); Dieterich, K. (Leipzig): Report about the behaviour of H. Jantsch on a trip to the Athos monasteries to photograph manuscripts (1912) - Accompanying letter and information about applications to the academy for financial support, including..: Geisenhof, G. (Lübeck): Publication of the Bugenhagen Editions (1906); Mayer, L. (Munich): Journey into the South Seas for research for a comparative dictionary of Polynesian main dialects (1907); Gall, A. v. (Mainz): Edition of the Hebrew Pentateuch of the Samaritans (1907); Teutonia-Verlag (Leipzig): Collection of texts by the Sette Comuni Vicentini (1907); Ruzicka (Berlin): The consonant dissimilation in Semitic languages (1907); Hallensleben, M. (Sondershausen): Publication of the contributions to the Schwarzenburg local history of T. Irmisch (1907); Patzak, B. (Klausen): villa life and construction of Italians in the 15th and 16th centuries (1908); Preuss, G. F. (Breslau): publication of the self-biography of Autoinede Lumbres (1908); Schillmann, F. (Marburg): photography of the main manuscript of the papal formula book of Marinus de Ebulo (1910); Kluge, T. (Kluge): "The life and construction of villas of the Italians in the 15th and 16th centuries" (1908); Preuss, G. F. (Breslau): publication of the self-biography of Autoinede Lumbres (1908); Schillmann, F. (Marburg): photography of the main manuscript of the papal formula book of Marinus de Ebulo (1910). (Berlin): Photography of ancient Georgian literary monuments on a trip to the Caucasus (1910); Glahn, L. (Ichendorf): Publication of the work Das doppelte Gesetz im Menschen auf der Basis der Kantischen Freiheitslehre (1910); Ruge, A. (The Double Law in Man on the Basis of the Kantian Doctrine of Liberty). (Heidelberg): International Bibliography of Philosophy (1911); Löwenthal, E. (Berlin): Publication of the results of research on naturalistic transcendentalism (1911); Stückelberg, E. A. (Basel): Die Heiligen der Lombardei, including: treatise San Lucio, the patron saint of alpine dairies (1911); Braungart, R. (Munich): Die Südgermanen (1912); Anspach, A. E. (Duisburg): Reise zur Kollationierung von Handschriften für eine Edition der Etymologien Isidors (1912).- Correspondence on applications to the academy for financial support, including..: Norddeutsche Missionsgesellschaft: Wörterbuch Ewe-Deutsch (1906); Sikora, A. (Mühlau): Forschungen zur Theater- und Kunstgeschichte (1906); Schliebitz, J. (Wittenberg): Publication of the Syrian-German edition of Išodâdh's Hiob-Kommentars (1906); Karst, T. (Strasbourg): Lexikon des Mittelarmenischen (1908); Korn (Berlin): Production of a work with reproductions of his collection of portraits of German lawyers (1908); Reichelt, H. (Gießen): New edition of Pahlavi-Vendidad (1908); Moeller, E. v. (Berlin): Biography of Hermann von Cornrings (1909); Staerk, D. A. (St. Petersburg): Monuments of the Latin Palaeography of St. Petersburg (1909); Fritz-Eckardt-Verlag (Leipzig): Complete Edition of Hegel's Works (1910); Walleser, M. (Kehl a. Rh.): Madhyamaka-Karika von Nagarjuna (1910); Reimer-Verlagsbuchhandlung (Berlin): Publication of the Formae orbis antiqui by H. Kiepert (1911); Molin, J. (Vienna): Treatise on the religious significance of Goethe and Schiller (1911); Neumann, A. (Berlin): Journey to England for research on the English interior colonization (1911); Fischel, O. (Berlin): Publication of a corpus of Raphael's drawings (1911); Horten, M. (Bonn): Publication of works on the philosophy of the Arabs (1912); Paul, E. (Bad Aussee): Work on Germanity in the Zimbernlande (1912); Verein für Reformationsgeschichte: Publication of a treatise on the origin of the Worms edict by Kalkoff (Breslau) (1912): Hesse (Brandenburg): examination of treatises on stenography (1907); Wulff, L. (Parchim): examination of the treatise Dekalog und Vaterunser (1908); Paul, H. (Wiesbaden): examination of the work Chronologische Zusammenstellung der Fabel poets verschiedener Zeiten und Sprachen (1908); Frank, F. (1908): examination of the work Chronologische Zusammenstellung der Fabeldichter verschiedener Zeiten und Sprachen (1908). (Hof): Examination of the work Die Mogastisburg, a linguistic contribution to history (1909); Tucher, M. v. (La Valette): Examination of the work Quelques particularités du dialecte arabe de Malte by B. Roudanovsky (1909); Strack, H. L. (1909). (Berlin): Subscription to the facsimile edition of the Monacensis des Talmud (1911); U. v. Wilamowitz-Moellendorff: Mediation of a photo permit for manuscripts from the monasteries Esphigmenu and Patmos (1911) - Expert opinion on applications to the Academy for financial support, including: Bergner, H. (Nischwitz): Studies on the systematic representation of German art antiquities (1908); Gesellschaft zur Beförderung der evangelischen Mission unter den Heiden (Berlin): Publication of the dictionary of Sotho by D. Endemann (Berlin) (1907); Beck, J. B. (Paris): Die Melodien der Troubadours (1909); Vandenhoff, B. (Münster): Publication of the work System des geistlichen und weltlichen Rechtes der Nestorianer (1910); Curschmann, F. (1909). (Greifswald): Plan for a historical atlas of the eastern provinces of the Prussian state and inclusion in the Academy's publications, including: Historische Vierteljahresschrift (1910); Flügel, O. (Döhlau): Gesamtausgabe der Werke Herbarts (1912) - Expert opinion on the request of v. Nordenflycht (Havanna) for examination of an alleged record of Charles V. in a Bible by C. F. Finlay (Havana) (1907) - expert opinion for the Ministry of Culture on Glaser's estate of South Arabian inscriptions and geographical materials (1908) - Mayer, L. (Munich): Information about a trip to the South Seas for research for a Samoan-German dictionary and request for formal commission by the Academy (1907) - Reprint of the letters of H. V. Hilprecht (Philadelphia) to the University of Philadelphia to resign his offices and to disregard his rights (1910).

BArch, R 1001/709 · File · (1842) Nov. 1888
Part of Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

Enthält u.a.: Blockade der ostafrikanischen Küste. - Vereinbarung zwischen Deutschland und England vom 3./5. Dez. 1888 Treaty between Great Britain, Austria, France, Prussia and Russia for the suppression of the African Slave Trade, signed at London, December 20, 1841. London, 1842

Propaganda Reports: Vol. 6
BArch, RM 8/1531 · File · 15. Mai - 16. Juni 1941
Part of Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

Contains: Naval Propaganda Division North: War Reporter Matthias Hanf, "English Flyers Get a Rejection", 15 Apr. 1941; Naval Propaganda Division West: 6th Naval War Reporter Semi-Company Bordeaux: War Reporter Eberhard Moes, "Flowers from Arcachon", n. d.; 3. Marine-Kriegsberichter-Kompanie War Reporter Dr. Horst-Gotthard Ost, "Night work of our clearance boats in the canal", 8 Apr. 1941; 3rd Marine-Kriegsberichter-Halbkompanie: Kriegsberichter von Reuber-Paschwitz, "Wunschkonzert auf hoher See", 20 March 1941; 5th Marine-Kriegsberichter-Halbkompanie Brest: Kriegsberichter Dr. Siegwalt Benatzky, "Der täglichen Dienst", o. Dat.; Navy Propaganda Division North: War Reporter Jakob Maria Wallacher, "Männer der See - Kameraden, Soldaten", 21 Apr. 1941; Navy Propaganda Division North: War Reporter Jakob Maria Wallacher, "Vorpostenboote auf Position", 21 Apr. 1941; Navy Propaganda Division North: War Reporter Jakob Maria Wallacher, "Der Zeit Dienst", o. Dat. Apr. 1941; Navy Propaganda Division North: War Reporter Heinz Beckmann, "The Four Hours of the Sailor", 21 Apr. 1941; Navy Propaganda Division West: 5th Navy War Reporter Semi-Company: War Reporter Fritz Nonnenbruch, "Setting up a Mine Search Flotilla", o. Date; Naval Propaganda Department North: War Reporter Dr. Fritz List, "Hilfskreuzer gibt 170 Gefangene von Bord", 10 Apr. 1941; Naval Propaganda Department North: War Reporter Matthias Hanf, "Volksstimme gegen Müßiggänger! 1941; Naval Propaganda Department North: War correspondent Heribert Augst, "German soldiers save English sailors at night at their own peril", 24 Apr. 1941; Naval Propaganda Department North: War correspondent Herbert Wendt, "'Nußschale' vernichtet Britenbomber" (evaluation of a war diary), 10th century, 1941; Navy Propaganda Department North: War correspondent Herbert Wendt, "'Nußschale' vernichtet Britenbomber" (evaluation of a war diary), 10th century, 1941. Apr. 1941; Marine-Propaganda-Kompanie Südost: War Reporter Dr. Egon Figlhuber, "Unternehmen Petz" (Blue Boys Save Wounded Mountain Fighters' Lives) , 24. Apr. 1941; 10. Semi-Companie Südost: War Reporter Artillery-Maat Hans Järisch, "Liebe Kameraden", 4. May 1941; 10th Marine War Reporter Half Company: War Reporter Hans Järisch, "Silent Ports", 4 May 1941; 7th Marine War Reporter Half Company Troop Le Havre: War Reporter Special Leader (Lieutenant M. A.) WB. Leisegang, "The Kriegsmarine will know how to prevent this too" (English aviators bombard French fishermen), 26 Apr. 1941; Marine-Propaganda-Abteilung West: 5th Marine-Kriegsberichter-Halbkompanie Brest: Kriegsberichter Dr. Fritz Nonnenbruch, "Fliegergriffen auf kleine Kriegsschiffe", 14. May 1941; Navy Propaganda Department West: War correspondent Hans Arenz, "Schatten geistern durch die Nacht", May 8, 1941; 8th Navy War Reporter Semi-Company: War correspondent Hellmuth Baumann, "Minensucher stehen am Feind", o. Date; Navy Propaganda Division West: 8th Navy War Reporter Semi-Company: War Reporter Navy Artillerist Dr. Hanskarl Kanigs, "Lock Breaker on Enemy Drive", o. Date.Marine War Reporter Semi-Company: War Reporter W. I. Rempel, "Three Tommy's plunged into the sea", May 7, 1941; Marine Propaganda Division North: 2nd Marine War Reporter Semi-Company Aarhus: War Reporter Walter Melms, "A Submarine Flotilla Fishes Cod", n.d.; Marine Propaganda Division North: 2nd Navy War Reporter Walter Melms, "A Submarine Flotilla Fishes Dorsche", n.d.; Navy Propaganda Division North: 2nd Navy War Reporter Walter Melms, "A Submarine Flotilla Fishes Cod", n.d. Naval War Reporter Half Company Aarhus: War Reporter Walter Melms, "Submarine in the 'Laundry Room'" (Untiring Exercises for the Fight against England), n. d.; Naval Propaganda Division North: 2. Naval War Reporter Half Company Aarhus: War Reporter Walter Melms, "Seamen travel as passengers", n. d.; Naval War Reporter Troop South: War Reporter (Lieutenant M. A. (S)) Bernhard Müllmann, "Bei der italienischen Marine Artillerie", n. d.; Marine-Propaganda-Abteilung West: 6. Marine-Kriegsberichter-Halbkompanie Bordeaux: Kriegsberichter Marine-Artillerist Eberhard Moes, "Zwiesprache mit einem Koffer", n. d.; naval propaganda department West: 6. Marine-Kriegsberichter-Halbkompanie Bordeaux: war correspondent Marine-Artillerist Eberhard Moes, "Zwiesprache mit einem Koffer", n. d.5th Marine War Reporter Semi-Company Troop Cherbourg: War Reporter Dr. C. Coler, "The L I.", May 8, 1941; Naval Propaganda Division West: 7th Marine War Reporter Semi-Company Troop Le Havre: War Reporter Marine Artillerist WB. August Heinrich Esser, "Rees-Stunde im Nebel" (From the History of a Mine Search Boat), May 9, 1941; Naval Propaganda Division North: 2nd Naval War Reporter Semi-Company Aarhus: War Reporter Werner Franck, "Auf Vorposten in der Nordsee", n. d.; Naval Propaganda Division North: War Reporter Jakob Maria Wallacher, "Die Geschichte vom harten Brot", 6. May 1941; Marine-Kriegsberichter-Trupp Süd (Italy): War correspondent Fritz Böltz, "An Bord eines italienischen Kreuzers, im Mai 1941", n. d.; Marine-Propaganda-Abteilung Nord: War correspondent Jochen Brennecke, "Ein Englischer Admiral fährt in den Tod", 25. Apr. 1941; Marine Propaganda Company South East 10th Marine War Reporter Company: War Reporter Bernd Richter, "Auf Fahrt in der Ägäis", 24th Apr. 1941; 8th Marine War Reporter Half Company Ostend: War correspondent Paul Engels, "The narrowest point in the canal", n. d.; 3rd Marine War Reporter Semi-Company: War Reporter Reuber-Paschwitz, "The Logbook of the Naval Cadet X.", May 6, 1941; Marine War Reporter Troop South: War Reporter Kurt von Steinitz, "Escort in the Mediterranean Sea", n. d.; 3rd Navy War Reporter Semi-Company: War Reporter Reuber-Paschwitz, "The Logbook of the Naval Cadet X.", May 6, 1941; Navy War Reporter Troop South: War Reporter Kurt von Steinitz, "Escort in the Mediterranean Sea", n. d. Date; Navy Propaganda Department North: War Reporter Carl von Bremen, "Birthday Party on Board", May 15, 1941; 3rd Navy War Reporter Semi-Company: War Reporter P. P. Möbius, "Minenräumen in der Nordsee", o. Date; Naval Propaganda Abbey North: 2nd Navy War Reporter Half Company Aarhus: War Reporter Walter Melms, "Takeover of the Sick on the High Seas", n. d.; 1st Navy War Reporter Half Company Kiel: War Reporter Herbert Wendt, "Soldiers Should Feel at Home", 17th Century; Navy War Reporter Half Company Aarhus: War Reporter Walter Melms, "Sick Acceptance on the High Seas", n. d.; 1st Navy War Reporter Half Company Kiel: War Reporter Herbert Wendt, "Soldiers Should Feel at Home", 17th Century May 1941; Navy Propaganda Division West: 5th Navy War Reporter Half Company Brest: War Reporter Herbert Sprang, "Der Rudergänger", 17 Apr. 1941; 8th Navy War Reporter Half Company Ostend: War Reporter (Lieutenant M. A.) Hugo Bürger, "Expelled by Navy Artillery", 17 May 1941; Naval Propaganda Division West: 5th Navy War Reporter Semi-Company: War Reporter Dr. Ulrich Blindow, "Steamship in Convoy", 17 May 1941; Navy Propaganda Division North: 2nd Navy War Reporter Semi-Company Aarhus: War Reporter Special Leader (Lieutenant M. A.) Walter Melms, "Once a sailor on duty with the Führer - today submariners against England", n. d.; 3rd Marine War Reporter Semi-Company: War Reporter Peter-Paul Möbius, "Speedboats", n. d.; 5th Marine War Reporter Semi-Company Cherbourg: War Reporter W. Brink, "A Maritime Officer as a Flak Gunner", 16th Century; 3rd Century War Reporter Peter-Paul Möbius, "Speedboats", n. d.; 5th Century War Reporter Cherbourg: War Reporter W. Brink, "A Maritime Officer as a Flak Gunner", 16th Century. May 1941; Naval War Reporter Trupp Süd: War Reporter (Lieutenant M. A.) Kurt von Steinitz, "Italian Naval Reconnaissance Soldiers on the Mediterranean", n. d.; 5th Naval War Reporter Semi-Company Brest: War Reporter Dr. Ulrich Blindow, "This Is Him Commander", 22. May 1941; Marine-Propaganda-Abteilung Nord, Wilhelmshaven: Kriegsberichter (Gefreiter) Langemann, "Auf allen deutschen Werften Hochdruckarbeit!", n. d.; 7. Marine-Kriegsberichter-Halbkompanie: Kriegsberichter W. I. Rempel, "Monsieur Pierre geht in den Hafen" (Marine-Küstenpolizei überwacht Hafenanlagen und Fischfang), 17. May 1941; 3. Marine-Kriegsberichter-Halbkompanie Scheveningen: War Reporter Otto Bohm, "Geleitfahrt", May 20, 1941; Navy Propaganda Department Southeast Sofia: War Reporter Theo Janssen, "Berlin Chamber Musician in Sofia," May 22, 1941; 5th Navy War Reporter Semi-Company Trupp Cherbourg: War Reporter Eberhard Hübner, "Räumboote machen Sonntag," May 16, 1941; Navy Propaganda Department Southeast Sofia: War Reporter Theo Janssen, "Berlin Chamber Musician in Sofia," May 22, 1941; 5th Navy War Reporter Semi-Company Trupp Cherbourg: War Reporter Eberhard Hübner, "Räumboote machen Sonntag," May 16, 1941. May 1941; Air Force War Reporter Company (mot) 7: War Reporter Wilhelm Reinartz, "Mit einem Minensucher ins Mittelmeer", 15 May 1941; Naval Propaganda Department Southeast: 10. Marine War Reporter Half Company: War Reporter Hans Järisch, "Munitionsdampfer in Fliegeralarm", May 22, 1941; 7th Marine War Reporter Half Company Troop Le Havre: War Reporter Special Leader (Lieutenant M. A.) WB. Leisegang, "Germany's Fight under the Midnight Sun", May 15, 1941 Naval Propaganda Division North: 2nd Naval War Reporter Semi-Company Aarhus: War Reporter Special Leader (Lieutenant M. A.) Otto Pautz, "They Build Our Fleet", April 24, 1941; Naval Propaganda Division West: 5th Naval Propaganda Division Aarhus: 2nd Naval War Reporter Semi-Company Aarhus: War Reporter Special Leader (Lieutenant M. A.) Otto Pautz, "They Build Our Fleet", April 24, 1941; Naval Propaganda Division West: 5th Naval Propaganda Division Marine War Reporter Half Company: War Reporter Dr. Fritz Nonnenbruch, "Vacation and Return on Board", May 13, 1941; 5th Marine War Reporter Half Company Cherbourg Troop: War Reporter W. Brink, "Mine Search Boat on the Home March", May 12, 1941; Naval Propaganda Department West: 8. Marine War Reporter Half Company: War Reporter Marine Artillerist Dr. Hanskarl Kanigs, "The Commander has Birthday", n. d.; Marine Propaganda Division West: 8th Marine War Reporter Half Company: War Reporter Marine Artillerist Hanskarl Kanigs, "Before the Engine and the Boilers", n. d.; 9th Naval War Reporter Half Company: "The Commander has Birthday", n. d.; 8th Naval War Reporter Half Company: War Reporter Navy Artillerist Hanskarl Kanigs, "Before the Engine and the Boilers", n. d.; 9th Naval War Reporter Half Company: "The Commander has Birthday", n. d. Marine War Reporter Half Company: War Reporter Helmut Schieck, "Devil's Eggs around Greece", 5 May 1941; Marine Propaganda Division North: 2nd Marine War Reporter Half Company Aarhus: War Reporter Richard Kaufmann, "Dental Treatment on the Bridge Deck", o. D.; 3rd Marine War Reporter Half Company Scheveningen: War correspondent J. Hans Eichen, "Hauruck! Throw that thing outboard", May 15, 1941; Naval War Reporter Trupp Süd: War Reporter (Lieutenant M. A.) Bernhard Müllmann, "As War Reporter on an Italian Torpedo Boat," n. d.; 5. Marine War Reporter Semi-Company Troop Cherbourg: War Reporter Dr. C. Coler, "Transformation of a Fishing Steamer", May 10, 1941; Marine Propaganda Division North: War Reporter Jakob Maria Wallacher, "Commanders", 14. May 1941; Navy Propaganda Division North: 2nd Navy War Reporter Semi-Company Aarhus: War Reporter Werner Franck, "A Ship's Crew Celebrates Farewell", n. d.; Navy Propaganda Division North: War Reporter Leo de Laforgue, "An Invention of the Devil" (The Development of the Sea Mine and Its Impact on England), 24. Apr. 1941; Navy War Reporter Half Company: War Reporter (Lieutenant M. A.) (S) Dr. Harald Busch, "Lauter neue Kumpels" (First Evening on a U-boat), n. d.; Navy Propaganda Division North: 2. Naval War Reporter Half Company Aarhus: War Reporter (Lieutenant M. A.) Curt Eugen Schreiber, "Waving flag sunk in battle with enemy superiority", o. Date; Navy War Reporter Troop South: War Reporter (Lieutenant M. A.) (S) Kurt von Steinitz, "Eight Minutes of Attack and Five Hours of Nerve Test", May 1941; Navy Propaganda Division West: 8th Navy War Reporter Semi-Company: War Reporter (Schreibermaat) Paul Engels, "Drift Mines Before the Bow! Marine War Reporter Half Company: War Reporter Arnold Prokop, "Walking at Sea", n. d.; Marine Propaganda Division North: 2nd Marine War Reporter Half Company Aarhus: War Reporter Walter Melms, "New heaviest batteries are being installed", n. d.; Marine War Reporter Half Company: War Reporter Sailor Dr. Harald Busch, "Underwater ...", n. d. Date; Marine War Reporter Half Company: War Reporter Sailor Dr. Harald Busch, "Northern Lights", n. d.; Marine War Reporter Troop South: War Reporter (Lieutenant M. A.) (S) Herbert Nolte, "Das sind Italiens Torpedomänner", n. d.; 5. Marine-Kriegsberichter-Halbkompanie Trupp Cherbourg: Kriegsberichter Dr. C. Coler, "Zerstörer und Torpedoboot", May 12, 1941; 5. Marine War Reporter Half Company Cherbourg Troop: War Reporter Dr. C. Voler, "Battery Brommy Shoots Block", n. d.; Naval Propaganda Department West: 8. War Reporter Half Company: War Reporter Naval Artillery Dr. Hanskarl Kanigs, "You Must Be Back", n. d.; Naval Propaganda Department West, 5. d.; Naval Propaganda Department West, n. d. Naval War Reporter Half Company: War Reporter Helmut Haring, "Our Comrade - The Red Cross Sister", n. d.; Naval Propaganda Division West, 8th Naval War Reporter Half Company: War Reporter Naval Artillerist Dr. Hanskarl Kanigs, "Die 'Alten' wieder in vorderster Front", without date; 7. Marine-Kriegsberichter-Halbkompanie Trupp Le Havre: Kriegsberichter Sonderführer (Leutnant M. A.) WB. Leisegang, "Reconstruction in the Service of the Navy", May 20, 1941; Navy Propaganda Department West: Navy War Reporter Semi-Company Bordeaux: War Reporter Marine Artillerist Eberhard Moes, "Feldpostbrief an mein Töchterchen", no date.Marine Propaganda Division North: War Reporter Otto Bohm, "Torpedoboote auf großer Fahrt", 21 May 1941; Marine Propaganda Division West: 6th Marine War Reporter Semi-Company Bordeaux: War Reporter Eberhard Moes, "Rivierakurs", o. Date; Navy Propaganda Division North: 2nd Navy War Reporter Half Company Aarhus: War Reporter Walter Melms, "From D e u t s c h - O s t a f r i k a to Kiel", n. d.; War Reporter Dr. Fritz Olbert, "8.000 ton tanker burned in the night", 26 May 1941; 6th Naval War Reporter Semi-Company Bordeaux: War Reporter Hans Fischnaller, "Il nostro camerata Prien" (The Italian U-boat Weapon Mourns Prien), 24 May 1941; 6th Navy War Reporter Semi-Company Bordeaux: War Reporter Hans Fischnaller, "Il nostro camerata Prien" (The Italian U-boat Weapon Mourns Prien), 24 May 1941. May 1941; 5th Navy War Reporter Half Company Brest: War Reporter Herbert Sprang, "... and don't forget your toothbrush", May 26, 1941; Navy War Reporter Half Company Kernevel: War Reporter Dr. Wolfgang Frank, "Günter Prien zum Gedächtnis", May 25, 1941; N. N. "Abschied von der Bügelfalte" (from the "bathing guest" of a long-distance submarine trip), n. d.; Naval Propaganda Department North: 2nd World War, 1941. Marine War Reporter Half Company Aarhus: War Reporter Richard Kaufmann, "Dental Treatment on the Bridge Deck", n. d.; Marine Propaganda Division North: 1st Marine War Reporter Half Company: War Reporter Herbert Wendt, "The Steering Wheel on the Sleeve", 22nd Century, Navy War Reporters Half Company: Navy War Reporter Herbert Wendt, "The Steering Wheel on the Sleeve", 22nd Century, Navy War Reporters Richard Kaufmann, "Dental Treatment on the Bridge Deck", n. d. May 1941; 10th Marine War Reporter Half Company Southeast: War Reporter Marine Artillerist Maat Hans Järisch, "On the Day of Crete on Tatoi", 23 May 1941; 3rd Marine War Reporter Half Company Scheveningen: War Reporter Heinz von Rebeuer-Paschwitz, "Nocturnal Return from Convoy", May 30, 1941; 9th Naval War Reporter Half Company: War Reporter Egon Figlhuber, "Gefallen vor Kreta", n. d.; 12th War Reporter Figlhuber, n. d. Naval War Reporter Half Company: War Reporter (Lieutenant M. A.) (S) Herbert Kühn, "Musterung" ("in memoriam"), n.d.; 10th Naval War Reporter Half Company Southeast: War Reporter Marine Artillerist (Maat) Hans Järisch, "His Last Journey", 18th Century; Navy War Reporter Half Company, "Naval Artillerist" (Maat) Hans Järisch, "His Last Journey", 18th Century. May 1941; Naval Propaganda Division North: War Reporter Matthias Hanf, "Letzte Vorbereitung zum Einsatz auf Bord eines Schlachtschiffes", May 14, 1941; 9. Marine War Reporter Half Company: War Reporter Egon Figlhuber, "We're Drifting the Cliffs", n.d.; 8th Marine War Reporter Half Company: War Reporter Special Leader (LieutenantM. A.) Hugo Bürger, "From the Lazarett Bound on Board", n.d.; N. N. Kriegsberichter (Uffz.) Wolf, "Immer im Einsatz", May 12, 1941; 5th Marine-Kriegsberichter-Halbkompanie Brest: War Reporter Dr. Ulrich Blindow, "Im harten Dienst", May 29, 1941; 7th Marine-Kriegsberichter-Halbkompanie Trupp Le Havre: Kriegsberichter Sonderführer (Leutnant M. A.) WB. Leisegang, "At the Lone Pier Post", May 24, 1941; N. N. War Reporter Herbert Nolte: "Speedboats Attacked Cruisers", n. d.; Navy Propaganda Department North: 2nd Navy War Reporter Half Company Aarhus: War Reporter Walter Melms, "In Night and Fog Behind the Convoy", n. d.; "In Night and Fog Behind the Convoy", n. d.; n. Date; 4th Marine War Reporter Parade in Bergen: War Reporter (Lieutenant M. A.) (S) Gerhard Ludwig Milau, "Eight Hundred Norwegians Return Home", 7 May 1941; 3rd Marine War Reporter Half Company Scheveningen: War Reporter J. G. Bachmann, "Wie wir Deutschland wiedersehen", 28 May 1941; Marine Propaganda Division West: 5th Marine War Reporter Half Company: War Reporter Helmut Haring, "Bratkartoffeln zwischen Dover und Calais", o. Dat.; 3rd Marine War Reporter Half Company Scheveningen: War correspondent Otto Bohm, "Fourteen Three Shot Down", 30 May 1941; Navy Propaganda Department West: 8th Navy War Reporter Semi-Company: War Reporter Navy Artillery Dr. Hanskarl Kanigs, "Axel, the 'Eye of the Fleet'", n. d.; Naval Propaganda Department West: 8th Naval War Reporter Semi-Company: War Reporter (Schreibermaat) Paul Engels, "Wounded Transport by Sea", 19th Century, "The Eye of the Fleet", n. d.; Navy Propaganda Department West: 8th Navy War Reporter Semi-Company: War Reporter (Schreibermaat) Paul Engels, "Wounded Transport by Sea", 19th Century, "Wounds Transport by Sea", 19th Century, "Wounds Transport by Sea", 19th Century, "Wounds Transport by Sea", 19th Century, "Wounds Transport by Sea", 19th Century, "Wounds Transport by Sea", 19th Century, "Wounds. May 1941; Navy Propaganda Division West: 8th Navy War Reporter Semi-Company: War Reporter (Schreibermaat) Paul Engels, "New Ships in Foremost Front", n. d.; 9th Navy War Reporter Semi-Company: War Reporter Josef Vidua, "With Mountain Fighters in Two Sea Battles", 22nd Navy War Reporter (Schreibermaat) Paul Engels, "New Ships in Foremost Front", n. d.; 9th Navy War Reporter Sem-Company: War Reporter Josef Vidua, "With Mountain Fighters in Two Sea Battles", 22nd Navy War Reporter Josef Vidua, "With Mountain Fighters in Two Sea Battles", n. d. May 1941; 9th Marine War Reporter Half Company: War Reporter Bernd Richter, "Jetzt war ma amol auf See!", May 24, 1941; 9th Marine War Reporter Half Company: War Reporter Josef Vidua, "Hemmungslose Mordgier des Tommys im Kretischen Meer", May 26, 1941; 5th Marine War Reporter Half Company Brest: War Reporter Georg Ronge, "Addi, der Koch", May 30, 1941; 9th Marine War Reporter Half Company: War Reporter Josef Vidua, "Hemmungslose Mordgier des Tommys im Kretischen Meer", May 26, 1941; 5th Marine War Reporter Halbkompany Brest: War Reporter Georg Ronge, "Addi, der Koch", May 30, 1941. May 1941; War correspondent Heribert Augst, "Gefangene gehen von Bord" (English prisoners leave ship), o. Dat.; 1st Marine War correspondent Half Company Kiel: War correspondent Herbert Wendt, "Skagerrak - Tradition und Verpflichtung", 31 May 1941; 3rd Marine War correspondent Half Company Scheveningen: War Reporter J. G. Bachmann, "Die entzauberte englische Mine", 31 May 1941; 9th Marine War Reporter Half Company Volos: War Reporter Helmut Schieck, "... Weg ist minenfrei", o. Dat.; 10th Marine-Kriegsberichter-Halbkompanie Südost: War Reporter Horst Scharfenberg, "Drei fröhliche Stunden am Schwarzen Meer", May 14, 1941; 7th Marine-War Reporter, Southeast: War Reporter Horst Scharfenberg, "Drei fröhliche Stunden am Schwarzen Meer", May 14, 1941; 7th Marine-War Reporter, Southeast: War Reporter Horst Scharfenberg, "Drei fröhliche Stunden am Schwarzen Meer", May 14, 1941; 7th Marine-War Reporter, "Drei fröhliche Stunden am Schwarzen Meer", May 14, 1941. Marine-Kriegsberichter-Halbkompanie Boulogne: War Reporter (Lieutenant M. A.) (S) Hans Biallas, "Five English Torpedoes Went Away", 30 May 1941; 3rd Marine-Kriegsberichter-Halbkompanie Scheveningen/Den Haag: War Reporter J. G. Bachmann, "Mit Englischer Mine durch Schwpf und Morast", 29 May 1941; Marine-Propaganda-Abteilung West: 5. Marine-Kriegsberichter-Halbkompanie: Kriegsberichter Dr. Ulrich Blindow, "Das hat sitzt" (Alarm on a harbour protection boat of the Kriegsmarine./Hit in the belly of a British bomber), 20 Apr. 1941; 3. Marine-Kriegsberichter-Halbkompanie Scheveningen: War Reporter J. Hans Eichen, "Mine Search Boats of a Convoy Destroy Two English Bombers", 31 May 1941; 5th Marine War Reporter Half Company Brest: War Reporter (Lieutenant M. A.) (S) Hans Arenz, "Our Flotilla Doctor", 26 May 1941; 3rd Marine War Reporter Half Company Scheveningen: Kriegsberichter J. Hans Eichen, "A mighty blow hits our ship ...", May 31, 1941; 9th Naval War Reporter Half Company: War Reporter Walter Hoffmann, "One against eight" (Italian torpedo boat sinking an English cruiser out of a strong enemy unit), 24. May 1941; 9th Naval War Reporter Semi-Company: War Reporter Josef Vidua, "4 men from the Navy and 132 Tommies" (The armoured motor schooner 'Trinity' is applied to the island of Milos), 17th century. May 1941; 9th Marine War Reporter Half Company: War Reporter Adolf Ried, "In the Port of Piraeus (The Last Hours Before Leaving for Crete)", n.d.; 9th Marine War Reporter Half Company: War Reporter Bernd Richter, "Bravura Attack of Italian Torpedo Boats", 24 May 1941; Naval Propaganda Department West: 8th Navy War Reporter Half Company: "In the Port of Piraeus (The Last Hours Before Leaving for Crete)", n.d.; 9th Navy War Reporter Half Company: War Reporter Bernd Richter, "Bravura Attack of Italian Torpedo Boats", 24 May 1941; Navy Propaganda Department West: 8th Navy War Reporter Half Company: "In the Port of Piraeus (The Last Hours Before Leaving for Crete)", n.d.; 9th Navy War Reporter Half Company: "In the Port of Pirae", n. Marine War Reporter Semi-Company: War Reporter (Schreibermaat) Paul Engels, "Kriegsmarine macht einen Tanker flott", n. d.; Marine Propaganda Department West: 5. Navy War Reporter Half Company: War Reporter Helmut Haring, "Once upset by the French and now back under German flag", n. d.; 6th Navy War Reporter Half Company: War Reporter Hanns H. Reinhardt, "The Brown Sails of La Rochelle", n. d. Date; Navy Propaganda Department West: 5th Navy War Reporter Half Company: War Reporter Helmut Haring, "Mine Seeker" (Always on Enemy - Always Ready), no date; 9th Navy War Reporter Half Company: War Reporter Helmut Haring, "Mine Seeker" (Always on Enemy - Always Ready), no date; 9th Navy War Reporter Half Company Navy War Reporter Half Company Athens: War Reporter Bernd Richter, "Flakferien zwischen Sonne und Kakteen", n. d.; 12th Navy War Reporter Half Company: War Reporter M. A. Gefreiter Heinz Werseck, "Lamor Plage ... in Sunshine and Rain", n. d.; 9th Marine War Reporter Half Company: War Reporter Adolf Ried, "Italian Torpedo Boat Sunk from Sixfold Superiority English Destroyer", n. d.; 12th Marine War Reporter Half Company Trupp La Baule: War Reporter (Lieutenant M. A.)) Hans Kreis, "Five torpedoes - four tankers flew into the air", May 23, 1941; 7th Navy War Reporter Semi-Company Boulogne: War Reporter Werner Denckler, "18 bombs fell into the water" (clearance boats in battle with English bombers), June 5, 1941; Navy War Reporter Troop South: War Reporter (Lieutenant) (S) Karl Judmaier, "In bocca al lupo! (Italian destroyers at the enemy - English submarine sunk) o. Dat.

BArch, RM 2/1757 · File · 1911
Part of Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

Contains among other things: Relations between Italy and Austria and Germany (report of the naval attaché in Rome), Jan. 1911 Order proposals of the command of the naval station of the North Sea for officers and crews of the small cruiser "Emden", Jan. 1911 Unrest in Hankau. Participation of the landing corps SMS "Jaguar" in the protection of the English branch in Hankau (report SMS "Jaguar", transcript), Jan. 1911 visit of the English and American squadron in Tsingtau from June 27 - June 5, 1911. July 1911 (report of the governorate in Kiautschou, copy), July 1911 situation in Agadir (reports SMS "Berlin", copies), July, Aug. 1911 Verbandsreise nach dem Norden der Ostastasiatischen Station (report of the chief of the Kreuzergeschwader with handwritten remarks of Kaiser Wilhelm II.), Nov. 1911

BArch, RM 2/1759 · File · 1913-1914, 1915
Part of Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

Contains among other things: Situation in Scutari (Albania) after the withdrawal of the Montenegrin troops (report SMS "Breslau", excerpt of transcript), June 1913 Sale of American ships to Greece and general political situation (transcript of a conversation between the German naval attaché in Washington and the Turkish ambassador), June 1914

Stand increases, vol. 2
Geheimes Staatsarchiv Preußischer Kulturbesitz, I. HA Rep. 90 A, Nr. 2011 · File · 1895-1927
Part of Secret State Archive of Prussian Cultural Heritage (Archivtektonik)

Contains: - Alten, Carl von, lord of the manor, chamberlain, Linden near Hanover. Elevation to the rank of Count Alten-Linsingen on the occasion of the 200th anniversary of the Elevation of Prussia to Kingdom, 18.01.1901 (p. 22) - Alvensleben, Werner von, Kammerherr, Schlosshauptmann von Quedlinburg, Fideikommisbesitzer, Neugattersleben. Elevation to the rank of Count as "Count of Alvensleben-Neugattersleben" on the occasion of the 200th anniversary of the Elevation of Prussia to Kingdom, 18.01.1901 (p. 22) - Arnim-Boitzenburg, Count. Proposal of the Prime Minister Dr. von Bethmann-Hollweg for elevation to the rank of prince in a meeting of the State Ministry. Agreement of the State Ministry on the occasion of the 25th government anniversary of Wilhelm II [June 1913], 03.04.1913 (p. 62) - Baum, Geheimer Kommerzienrat, Elberfeld. Proposal of the Minister of the Interior for elevation to the nobility in a meeting of the State Ministry. Endorsement by the Herald's Office. Planned survey on the occasion of the 25th anniversary of Wilhelm II's government [June 1913], 03.04.1913 (p. 62) - Baumann, Lieutenant General retired, Loschwitz near Dresden, most recently Major General and inspector of the 2nd Landwehr Inspection. Elevation to hereditary nobility. Extract from the Reichs- und Staatsanzeiger of 18.01.1896 (p. 5) - Behring, Dr., Professor of Medicine at the University of Marburg, Privy Councillor. Elevation to hereditary nobility on the occasion of the 200th anniversary of the uprising of Prussia to the status of kingdom, 18.01.1901 (p. 22) - Bellschwitz (see Brünneck) (p. 19) - Berendt, Major General retired, Charlottenburg, last Colonel and Commander of the Brandenburg Foot Artillery Regiment No. 3 (General Field Artillery Master). Elevation to hereditary nobility. Excerpt from the Reichs- und Staatsanzeiger of 18.01.1896 (page 5) - Bergemann, Lieutenant General, Commander of the Invalidenhaus in Berlin. Elevation to the nobility on the occasion of the turn of the century, 01.01.1900 (p. 19) - Boitzenburg (see Arnim-Boitzenburg) - Bothe, Hermann, owner of manor and landscape councillor, on tooth, district Flatow. Elevation to hereditary nobility on the occasion of the turn of the century, 01.01.1900 (page 19) - Boyneburgk, Alexander von, retired cavalry master, Grand Duke of Saxony Chamberlain in Stadtfeld. Permission to the guidance of the baron title to the members of the Stadtfelder line, 14.12.1901-18.03.1902 (Bl. 23, 25, 26) - Braunbehren, Ludwig Günther Karl Otto, Undersecretary of State a. D., Really Secret Council. Elevation to the nobility, 25.08.1900 (Bl. 21) - Brünneck, Roland von, Burgrave of Marienburg, chamberlain, on Bellschwitz. Elevation to the rank of Count of Brünneck-Bellschwitz on the occasion of the turn of the century, 04.01.1900 (p. 19) - Budde, Minister of State and Minister for Public Works. Elevation to hereditary nobility, 03.05.1904 (p. 35) - Bumke, Lieutenant General retired, Berlin, last Major General and Inspector of the 3rd Engineering Inspection. Elevation to hereditary nobility. Detail from the Reichs- und Staatsanzeiger of 18.01.1896 (page 5) - Caemmerer, Major General, Commander of the 12th Infantry Brigade. Elevation to hereditary nobility. Excerpt from the Reichs- und Staatsanzeiger of 18.01.1896 (page 5) - Camphausen, Minister of State, Berlin. Elevation to the nobility by awarding the Order of the Black Eagle on the occasion of the 25th anniversary of the return of the Day of the Imperial Proclamation to Versailles, 18./20.01.1896 (p. 4) - Cramer, Constantin, Royal Prussian Lieutenant Colonel. Elevation to the hereditary nobility under the name Cramer von Laue on the basis of a corresponding request for the throne to the emperor and king Wilhelm II from 09.05.1918 on the part of his son, Cramer von Laue, who had been named under 01.04.1918 of the Duke of Anhalt into the nobility raised Oheims - brother of his mother - of the Duke-Anhalt Minister of State Dr. Ernst von Laue (see also Laue), 09.05.-11.10.1918 (pp. 69, 70, 72) - Crüger, Lieutenant General retired, Wiesbaden, last inspector of the 3rd engineer inspection. Elevation to hereditary nobility. Detail from the Reichs- und Staatsanzeiger from 18.01.1896 (page 5) - Czarnecki, Count von, manor owner, Siekowko near Priment (Posen). Application for the award of the count title for his son Marcell von Czarnecki, Dr. jur., on Rakwitz, 14./25.03.1899 (p. 17) - Delbrück, Dr., Minister of State, Berlin. Elevation to the nobility by awarding the Order of the Black Eagle on the occasion of the 25th anniversary of the Day of the Emperor's Proclamation of Versailles, 18./20.01.1896 (p. 4) - Derneburg, by (see Münster, Alexander Graf zu) (p. 55) - Detmering, Lieutenant General retired, Schwerin, last Major General and commander of the 16th Cavalry Brigade. Elevation to hereditary nobility. Extract from the Reichs- und Staatsanzeiger of 18.01.1896 (page 5) - Dippe, Karl, Kommerzienrat, Quedlinburg. Elevation to hereditary nobility on the occasion of the turn of the century, 01.01.1900 (page 19) - Dohna-Schlobitten, Richard Graf zu. Elevation to the rank of prince with the title "Serene Highness" on the occasion of the turn of the century, 01.01.1900 (p. 19) - Drenkmann, Really Secret Council, President of the Court of Appeal, Berlin. Elevation to hereditary nobility on the occasion of the 200th anniversary of Prussia's elevation to kingdom, 18.01.1901 (p. 22) - Dulitz, Major General, Commander of the 2nd Guard Field Artillery Brigade. Elevation to the nobility on the occasion of the turn of the century, 01.01.1900 (sheet 19) - Ecken, Peter von, Krefeld. Entry for information about a sex of corners on castle of corners, 06.05.1927 (sheet 93) - Eppstein, by, Princely Lippischer Geheimer Kabinettsrat. Elevation to the nobility. Letter from the Minister of the Interior to the Royal Herald's Office concerning the elevation of Eppstein to the nobility in the Principality of Lippe, irrespective of his Prussian nationality and without prior request from the Lippe Government (copy). Note, 11.01.1916-02.05.1917 (p. 68) - Eulenburg, Philipp Graf zu, Baron von und zu Hertefeld, Imperial German Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Ambassador to the Imperial and Royal Austro-Hungarian Courts. Elevation to the rank of Prince with the title "Serene Highness" as "Prince of Eulenburg and Hertefeld, Count of Sandels" on the occasion of the turn of the century, 01.01.1900 (p. 19) - Fahland, Major General retd., Wiesbaden, last Colonel in the Staff of the Corps of Engineers and Inspector of the 2nd Pioneer Inspection. Elevation to hereditary nobility. Excerpt from the Reichs- und Staatsanzeiger of 18.01.1896 (page 5) - Foerster, by. Rejection of the Herald's Office on the application of Major Eugenie Franke, House Germete near Warburg i. W., born von Foerster, on inheritance her birth name from Foerster to her son-in-law, the vice-consul Dr. Fritz Grouven in Cairo under the name form: Fritz von Foerster-Grouven, 16.12.1910-06.03.1911 (pp. 59, 60) - Franke, Eugenie, born von Förster (see Foerster, from) (pp. 59, 60) - Franke, Major General retired, Weimar, last colonel and commander of the Westphalian fusilier regiment no. 37. Elevation to hereditary nobility. Extract from the Reichs- und Staatsanzeiger of 18.01.1896 (p. 5) - Fritz, Lieutenant Colonel, with the staff of the Königs-Infanterie-Regiment No. 145. Elevation to the nobility on the occasion of the turn of the century, 01.01.1900 (p. 19) - Frowein, Peter Eduard, Oberverwaltungsgerichtsrat, Wirklicher Geheimer Oberregierungsrat. Elevation to the nobility, 20.03.-12.09.1913 (p. 61) - Gescher, President of the Government, Münster. Elevation to hereditary nobility on the occasion of the turn of the century, 01.01.1900 (page 19) - Godeffroy, Dr. jur., pensioner, Berlin. Elevation to hereditary nobility on the occasion of the 200th anniversary of Prussia's elevation to kingdom, 18.01.1901 (p. 22) - Goeschen, Landrat, Geheimer Regierungsrat, Harburg. Elevation to hereditary nobility on the occasion of the turn of the century, 01.01.1900 (p. 19) - Goldschmidt-Rothschild, Max von, K. K. Austrian-Hungarian Consul General, Frankfurt a. M. State Ministry negotiations on the establishment of a Fidei Commission of Max von Goldschmidt-Rothschild in the province of Poznan. Wilhelm II had reserved for himself the elevation to baron status desired by Max von Goldschmidt-Rothschild, who was elevated to the nobility in 1903, by continuation of the baron title for the family of his wife, a née freiherr of Rothschild, until the establishment of the Fidei Commise] 22.06.1906 (pp. 45-49) - Grouven, Fritz, Dr. (see Foerster, by) (pp. 59, 60) - Grunelius, Andreas Adolf, Banker, Frankfurt a. M. Elevation to the hereditary nobility simultaneously with that of Moritz Eduard Grunelius - on the occasion of the turn of the century, 01.01.1900 (p. 19) - Grunelius, Moritz Eduard, Banker, Frankfurt a. M. Elevation to the hereditary nobility simultaneously with that of Andreas Adolf Grunelius - on the occasion of the turn of the century, 01.01.1900 (p. 19) - Gusovius, Emil, General Landschaftsrat, Kreisdeputierter, auf Augken, Kreis Wehlau. Elevation to hereditary nobility on the occasion of the turn of the century, 01.01.1900 (p. 19) - Hacht, Werner von. Assessment of the predicate "von" as a local nobility predicate by the Reich Minister of Labor, 09.06.1926 (p. 91) - Hänisch, Lieutenant General, Commander of the 36th Division. Elevation to hereditary nobility. Extract from Reichs- und Staatsanzeiger from 18.01.1896 (page 5) - Hansemann, Gustav, Rentner, Charlottenburg. Elevation to hereditary nobility on the occasion of the 200th anniversary of the elevation of Prussia to kingdom, 18.01.1901 (p. 22) - Hatzfeldt zu Trachenberg, Hermann Fürst von, Oberst-Schenk, Oberpräsident der Provinz Schlesien. Award of the ducal dignity under the name of a duke to Trachenberg, princes of Hatzfeldt on the occasion of the turn of the century, 01.01.1900 (sheet 19) - Henckel von Donnersmarck, Guido, count, in Neudeck, Real Privy Council, Hereditary Upper Land Mouth Gift in the Duchy of Silesia, Free Lord of State on Upper Beuthen. Elevation to the rank of prince with the title "Durchlaucht" as "Count Henckel Fürst von Donnersmarck" on the occasion of the 200th anniversary of the elevation of Prussia to a kingdom, 18.01.1901 (p. 22) - Hertefeld, Philipp Freiherr von und zu (see Eulenburg, Philipp Graf zu) (p. 19) - Hohenleuben, Count von (see Reuß j. L., Prince Henry XXXI.) (p. 71) - Humann, Eduard, Lieutenant Commander Oldenburg. Elevation to hereditary nobility on the occasion of the 200th anniversary of the elevation of Prussia to kingdom, 18.01.1901 (p. 22) - Innhausen and Knyphausen, Edzard Graf zu, Wirklicher Geheimer Rat, on Lützburg. Elevation to the rank of prince with the title "Serene Highness" on the occasion of the turn of the century, 01.01.1900 (p. 19) - Ising, Lieutenant General, à la suite of the army and commander of the armoury. Elevation to hereditary nobility. Excerpt from the Reichs- und Staatsanzeiger of 18.01.1896 (p. 5) - Jacobi, General der Artillerie z. D., Berlin, last Lieutenant General and Inspector of Field Artillery. Elevation to hereditary nobility. Detail from the Reichs- und Staatsanzeiger of 18.01.1896 (page 5) - Kamlah, Major General, Commander of the 35th Infantry Brigade. Elevation to hereditary nobility. Excerpt from the Reichs- und Staatsanzeiger of 18.01.1896 (p. 5) - Kamphövener, Lieutenant General retired in Constantinople, former captain and company commander in infantry regiment no. 79. Elevation to the nobility on the occasion of the turn of the century, 01.01.1900 (p. 19) - Keußler, Friedrich, Staatsrat a. D., Greifswald. Naturalization and name change, 18.06.-04.07.1924 (pp. 89-90) - Kißling, Georg, cavalryman of the L. a. D. and former Fidei commiss owner, Heinzendorf, Wohlau district. Search for delivery of the relevant papers on the bestowal of hereditary nobility, 20/22 April 1921 (p. 88) - Klaeden, bank director, Berlin. Complaints about non-recognition by the Heroldamt, 27.09. and 09.10.1907 (pp. 50, 51), of the nobility allegedly due to him - Knappe, Lieutenant General retired, Charlottenburg, last Major General and Commander of the Railway Brigade. Elevation to the nobility on the occasion of the turn of the century, 01.01.1900 (page 19) - Knorr, Admiral and Commanding Admiral. Elevation to hereditary nobility. Extract from the Reichs- und Staatsanzeiger of 18.01.1896 (page 5) - Knyphausen (see Innhausen and Knyphausen, Edzard Graf zu) (page 19) - Koester, Admiral, Inspector General of the Navy and Chief of the Naval Station of the Baltic Sea. Elevation to the nobility on the occasion of the turn of the century, 01.01.1900 (p. 19) - Kranold, Viktor Ferdinand, Real Privy Councilor, President of the Railway Directorate in Berlin. Elevation to hereditary nobility, 29.07.-08.11.1904 (pp. 36-39) - Kraus, Major General retired, Baden-Baden, last Colonel and Commander of the 6th Baden Infantry Regiment No. 114. Elevation to hereditary nobility. Extract from the Reichs- und Staatsanzeiger of 18.01.1896 (p. 5) - Krause, Dr., lawyer, Privy Justice Council, Chairman of the Board of the Bar Association, Second Vice-President of the House of Representatives. Proposal of the Minister of Interior at a meeting of the State Ministry on elevation to nobility. Consent of the Ministry of State. Planned elevation on the occasion of the 25th anniversary of Wilhelm II's government [June 1913], 03.04.1913 (pp. 62, 66) - Kruska, Major General, commander of the 23rd Infantry Brigade. Elevation to hereditary nobility. Extract from the Reichs- und Staatsanzeiger of 18.01.1896 (page 5) - Kühn, Max Arthur Richard, Oberförster, Breslau. Submission of an application to the herald's office for the award of the title of nobility, 08.-24.04.1919 (p. 73) - Kuhlmann, Lieutenant General, inspector of the 1st foot artillery inspection. Elevation to hereditary nobility. Detail from the Reichs- und Staatsanzeiger of 18.01.1896 (page 5) - Kuhlmay, Lieutenant General, Inspector of the 2nd Cavalry Inspection. Elevation to the nobility on the occasion of the turn of the century, 01.01.1900 (page 19) - Lassen, Hermann, retired cavalryman, at Siggen, Oldenburg district. Elevation to hereditary nobility on the occasion of the turn of the century, 01.01.1900 (p. 19) - Laue, Ernst, Dr., Herzoglich Anhaltischer Staatsminister, Plenipotentiary to the Federal Council. Elevation to the nobility on the occasion of the celebration of 25 years of official activity in the Anhalt State Ministry by the Duke of Anhalt, 01.04.1918 (see also Cramer [von Laue]) (p. 69) - Lenhausen, Graf von (see Manderscheid, August von) (p. 27 and 29) - Lenke, Lieutenant General, Commander of the 19th Division. Elevation to hereditary nobility. Excerpt from the Reichs- und Staatsanzeiger of 18.01.1896 (p. 5) - Leuffen, Benjamin, owner of a manor on Otzenrath, Grevenbroich district, resident of Sinsteden, Neuss district. Negotiation for elevation to the nobility, 28.02.-17.03.1870 (pp. 297-300) - Levetzow, Erdmann Freiherr von, Görz. Application for official certification of entitlement to hold the baron title by the Ministry of the Interior, 26.10.1908 (pp. 53-54) - Leyden, Ernst Viktor, Dr., Priver Medizinalrat, Professor in the Medical Faculty of the Friedrich Wilhelm University, Berlin. Elevation to hereditary nobility at the request of the Minister of State for Spiritual, Educational and Medical Affairs, Dr. Bosse, 14-23.01.1896 (pp. 6-12) - Liebert, Major General, Governor of D e u t s c h - O s t a f r i k a.. Elevation to the nobility on the occasion of the turn of the century, 01.01.1900 (page 19) - Mades, Arthur, Lieutenant a. D., Aachen. Findings on the identity of today's Mades family with the Italian "di Madesa" and in France "de Madis", 25.10.1927 (p. 95) - Magdeburg, Eduard Ludwig Carl, Real Privy Councillor, President of the Chamber of Accounts. Elevation to hereditary nobility, 30.12.1903-03.05.1904 (pp. 30-35) - Manderscheid, August von, Lenhausen/Westphalia. Recognition of the title as Count of Lenhausen, 02.06.1902 and 16.05.1903 [pencil note: input of a mentally unsound person] (pp. 27, 29) - Metzler, Albert, Bankier, Frankfurt a. M. Elevation to hereditary nobility on the occasion of the 200th anniversary of Prussia's Elevation to the Kingdom, 18th century01.1901 (p. 22) - Metzler, Karl, banker, Frankfurt a. M. Elevation to hereditary nobility on the occasion of the 200th anniversary of the elevation of Prussia to the status of kingdom, 18.01.1901 (p. 22) - Miquel, Johannes Franz, Dr., Minister of State and Minister of Finance. Elevation to the nobility by awarding the Order of the Black Eagle on the occasion of the birthday of the emperor and king, 27./28.01.1897 (p. 16) - Möller, Theodor Adolf, Minister of State and Minister for Trade and Commerce. Elevation to hereditary nobility, 19.10.1905 (p. 43) - Moßner, Ernst, owner of manor, Ulbersdorf, district. Oils. Elevation to hereditary nobility on the occasion of the 200th anniversary of the Elevation of Prussia to Kingdom, 18.01.1901 (p. 22) - Müller, Major General, General à la suite His Royal Highness the Grand Duke of Baden. Elevation to the nobility on the occasion of the turn of the century, 01.01.1900 (page 19) - Münster, Alexander Graf zu, on Derneburg (province Hannover). Elevation to the rank of prince under the name Fürst Münster von Derneburg with the title Durchlaucht, 23.04.1909 (p. 55) - Nasse, Dr., Wirklicher Geheimer Rat, Oberpräsident in Koblenz. Elevation to hereditary nobility, 23.08.1905 (p. 42) - Negenborn, Gerhard, owner of manor, Klonau, district Osterode/Ostpr. Elevation to hereditary nobility on the occasion of the 200th anniversary of the elevation of Prussia to kingdom, 18.01.1901 (p. 22) - Oberhoffer, General der Infanterie, Generalquartiermeister und Chef der Landesaufnahme. Elevation to the nobility on the occasion of the turn of the century, 01.01.1900 (p. 19) - Oswald, Priver Kommerzienrat, Koblenz. Proposal of the Minister of the Interior for elevation to the nobility in a meeting of the State Ministry. Endorsement by the Herald's Office. Planned survey on the occasion of the 25th anniversary of Wilhelm II's government [June 1913], 03.04.1913 (p. 62) - Otto, C., Kriminal-Oberinspektor, Berlin. Determination of his family name and the noble origin of his family, 06.-14.06.1926 (p. 92) - Pappritz, director of knighthood, owner of manor, Radach, district West-Sternberg. Elevation to hereditary nobility on the occasion of the 200th anniversary of Prussia's elevation to kingdom, 18.01.1901 (p. 22) - Pelzer, Major, charged with the duties of a head of department in the War Ministry. Elevation to the nobility on the occasion of the turn of the century, 01.01.1900 (page 19) - Persius, Dr., Real Privy Councillor, President of the Higher Administrative Court. Application by the Ministry of State for elevation to nobility on the occasion of his resignation from office. Rejection by the emperor and king, award of the diamonds to the Red Eagle Order I. Class, 02.02.1902 (p. 24) - Pirscher, Major General retired, Charlottenburg, last inspector of the 4th engineering inspection at that time. Elevation to the nobility on the occasion of the turn of the century, 01.01.1900 (page 19) - Pohl, District Administrator, Privy Councillor, Ratibor. Elevation to hereditary nobility on the occasion of the turn of the century, 01.01.1900 (p. 19) - Pusch, Dr. Lucian, Professor, Breslau. Request for elevation to nobility, 03.05.1903 (p. 28) - Reuß younger line, Heinrich XXXI., Prince. Award of the name "von Hohenleuben" as well as the hereditary dignity of Count on the part of the reigning Prince von Reuß younger line to Prince Heinrich XXXI. Reuß j. L. on the occasion of his forthcoming marriage to a lady of the bourgeois class, 09.-11.10.1918 (p. 71) - Rexrot, landowner and cavalry captain of the reserve, Saarbrücken. Proposal of the Minister of the Interior for elevation to the nobility in a meeting of the State Ministry. Endorsement by the Herald's Office. Planned survey on the occasion of the 25th government anniversary of Wilhelm II [June 1913], 03.04.1913 (p. 62) - Rothschild (see Goldschmidt-Rothschild) - Ruperti, owner of manor, Grubno, Kulm district. Elevation to hereditary nobility on the occasion of the 200th anniversary of the elevation of Prussia to a kingdom, 18.01.1901 (p. 22) - Sasse, Major General retired, Berlin, last commander of the 1st Foot Artillery Brigade. Elevation to hereditary nobility. Extract from the Reichs- und Staatsanzeiger of 18.01.1896 (page 5) - Scheller, Georg Friedrich, retired District President, Stralsund. Elevation to hereditary nobility, 31.03.1908 (p. 52) - Schichau, Erich, owner of manor, Pohren, Heiligenbeil district. Elevation to hereditary nobility on the occasion of the 200th anniversary of Prussia's elevation to a kingdom, 18.01.1901 (p. 22) - Schlobitten (see Dohna-Schlobitten) (p. 19) - Schmidt, Major General, in charge of conducting business as inspector of field artillery. Elevation to the nobility on the occasion of the turn of the century, 01.01.1900 (p. 19) - Schmidt, Dr., Landgerichtpräsident, Halle a. S. Elevation to the hereditary nobility on the occasion of the 200-year anniversary of the elevation of Prussia to kingdom, 18.01.1901 (p. 22) - Schmysingk-Korff, Klaus Freiherr von, currently Munich. Search of the Bavarian Legation in Berlin for the authorization of Klaus Freiherr von Schmysingk-Korff to lead the Prussian nobility at the time of the coming into force of the Reichsverfassung [14.08.1919], 05.08.1927 (p. 94) - Schnitzler, Consul General, Antwerp. According to a statement by the Minister of the Interior at a meeting of the State Ministry, the Chief President of the Rhine Province, together with two other brothers, proposed that the state be elevated to the nobility. Planned survey on the occasion of the 25th anniversary of Wilhelm II's government [June 1913], 03.04.1913 (p. 62) - Schnitzler, Kommerzienrat, Cologne. According to a statement by the Minister of the Interior at a meeting of the State Ministry, the Chief President of the Rhine Province, together with two other brothers, proposed that the state be elevated to the nobility. Planned survey on the occasion of the 25th anniversary of Wilhelm II's government [June 1913], 03.04.1913 (p. 62) - Schnitzler, Landgerichtsrat. According to a statement by the Minister of the Interior at a meeting of the State Ministry, the Chief President of the Rhine Province, together with two other brothers, proposed that the state be elevated to the nobility. Planned survey on the occasion of the 25th anniversary of Wilhelm II's government [June 1913], 03.04.1913 (p. 62) - Schönstedt, former Minister of State, survey into hereditary nobility, 27.08.1910 and 27.01.1911 (p. 56-58) - Schroeter, Heinrich, Police President, Stettin. Elevation to hereditary nobility on the occasion of the 200th anniversary of the elevation of Prussia to a kingdom, 18.01.1901 (p. 22) - Schütz, Carl von. Application to the Ministry of the Interior to hold the title of nobility, 20./26.09.1895 (p. 2) - Schulz, Wilhelm, Lieutenant General (retired), Berlin, last President of the Engineering Committee. Elevation to hereditary nobility. Excerpt from the Reichs- und Staatsanzeiger of 18.01.1896 (p. 5) - Schulze, Hermann, Prussian Privy Justice Councillor and Kronsyndikus, Baden University Professor. Elevation to the hereditary nobility under the name of Schulze-Gaevernitz by the Grand Duke of Baden. Keine Landesherrliche Anerkennung für die ehelichen Nachkommen in Preußen], 25.07.1888 (p. 78) - Schulze-Gaevernitz, Gerhard von, Professor Dr., Lieutenant of the Landwehr, Member of the German National Assembly. Permission to use the above mentioned name also in Prussia. This decision was preceded by a long dispute, since the elevation of the Grand Duke of Baden to hereditary nobility in 1888 did not require the sovereign's permission in Prussia. (see also Schulze, Hermann), 16.05.-09.12.1919 (pp. 77-87) - Schwabach, Geheimer Regierungsrat in Berlin, former Regierungsrat at the Königliche Eisenbahndirektion zu Altona. Decision of the Ministry of State to support the project of the secret council Schwabach to establish a family fidei commission in the province of Posen as well as with regard to a later application for nomination, 28.02.1905 (pp. 40 and 41) - Seeger, Major General a. D., Görlitz, last Colonel à la suite of the 2nd Badischer Feldartillerie Regiments Nr. 30 and director of the artillery shooting school. Elevation to the nobility on the occasion of the turn of the century, 01.01.1900 (p. 19) - Spalding, Richard, landowner, Groß-Miltzow, district Grimmen. Elevation to hereditary nobility on the occasion of the turn of the century, 01.01.1900 (p. 19) - Spitz, Lieutenant General retired, Hanover, last inspector of the Landwehrinspektion Berlin. Elevation to the nobility on the occasion of the turn of the century, 01.01.1900 (page 19) - Steinmeister, Dr. jur., District Administrator, Nauen. Elevation to hereditary nobility on the occasion of the 200th anniversary of the elevation of Prussia to a kingdom, 18.01.1901 (p. 22) - Stubenrauch, Ernst, District Administrator of the District of Teltow, Berlin. Elevation to hereditary nobility on the occasion of the turn of the century, 01.01.1900 (p. 19) - Thielen, Minister of State and Minister for Public Works, Berlin. Elevation to hereditary nobility on the occasion of the turn of the century, 01.01.1900 (page 19) - Tieschowitz von Tieschowa, District President, Königsberg. Invitation to the President of the Government of Tieschowitz to use the spelling of the name "Tieschowitz von Tieschowa", which was established for the members of the von Tieschowitz family by diploma dated 02.07.1625, and to use the abbreviated form "von Tieschowitz" solely in private life etc., 12.12.1895 (p. 3) - Tiling, Wilhelm von, Gymnasialoberlehrer und Pastor a. D., Goslar. Application for recognition of the nobility for his son Walther, the Seconde lieutenant in the Pionier-Batl. No. 15, 30.06.-30.10.1896 (pp. 13-14) - Trachenberg, Herzog zu (see Hatzfeldt zu Trachenberg) (pp. 19) - Waldstein, Graf von, Beuthen. Application for the dukedom title, 04./10.05.1900 (p. 20) - Wedekind, Sophie, née Danzier, widow of the former Austrian-Hungarian Consul General Paul Wedekind, who died in Berlin. Willingness to donate the missing funds of 400,000 Marks for the acquisition of the Ebernburg under the condition that the hereditary nobility bestow on her and her children. [William II did not declare himself averse]. 09. and 16.01.1914 (p. 67) - Wedel, Clementine von, née von Wedel, Castle St. Marie near Diedenhofen. Presentation of a request of her husband for elevation to hereditary baron status, 18.10.-02.11.1899 (p. 18) - Weinberg, Arthur and Karl, brothers. Inquiry of the Royal Herald's Office about the application for nomination of the Weinberg brothers (note), 09.04.1906 (p. 44) - Werner, Reinhold, Vizeadmiral a. D., Wiesbaden. Elevation to hereditary nobility on the occasion of the 200th anniversary of the elevation of Prussia to kingdom, 18.01.1901 (p. 22) - Wülfing, Carl Emil, owner of manor, Kriegshoven, Rheinbach district. Elevation to hereditary nobility on the occasion of the turn of the century, 01.01.1900 (p. 19) - Ziegner, Major General, Commander of the 7th Infantry Brigade. Elevation to hereditary nobility. Extract from the Reichs- und Staatsanzeiger of 18.01.1896 (page 5) - Zimmermann, August, Amtsrat, Salzmünde, Mansfelder Seekreis. Elevation to hereditary nobility on the occasion of the turn of the century, 01.01.1900 (p. 19).

Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Abt. Hauptstaatsarchiv Stuttgart, E 130 b Bü 2225 · File · 1900-1924
Part of Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Dept. Main State Archives Stuttgart (Archivtektonik)

Contains among other things: Applications for authorisation to issue shares, 1900-1909; advice on a draft law on the issue of small shares in consular districts and in the Kiantschou protectorate, 1909, 1911; newspaper article on the reform of stock corporation law in Italy, 29./30.1.1914; state authorisation to set up joint-stock companies and ban on the sale of shares or other shares in colonial companies abroad, 1917-1919; grievances and excesses in the formation of joint-stock companies, 1922.

Submarines: vol. 3
BArch, RM 17/97 · File · 1940-1943
Part of Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

Enthält: Befehlshaber der Unterseeboote; 1. und 2. Unterseebootsausbildungsabteilung; 1. and 2. Unterseebootslehrdivision; 1., 2., 3., 4., 5., 6., 7., 8., 9., 10., 11., 12., 13., 21., 22., 23., 24., 25., 26., 27. and 29. Unterseebootsflottille; 2. Admiral der Unterseeboote; Fangboote F 2, F 5, F 7, F 8, F 10, T 123, T 139, T 151, T 153, T 155, T 156, T 157, T 158, T 196, TF 1, TF 2, TF 3, TF 4, TF 5, TF 6, TF 7, TF 8, TFA 1, TFA 2, TFA 3, TFA 4, TFA 5, TFA 6, TFA 7 and TFA 9; Führer der Unterseeboote beim Befehlshaber des Deutschen Marinekommandos Italien, Norwegen, Ost und West; Hilfskriegsschiff AMMERLAND; Hilfsbeischiffe AMAZONE, SIERRA CORDOBA, ST. LOUIS und WOGRAM; Kommandierender Admiral der Unterseeboote; Minensuchboote M 510, M 517, M 551, M 552, M 553, M 582, M 584 und M 598; Technische Ausbildungsgruppe für Front-Unterseeboote; Torpedoboote LEOPARD, LÖWE, PANTHER und TIGER; U-Boote U 2, U 3, U 4, U 5, U 6, U 7, U 8, U 10, U 11, U 14, U 17, U 21, U 28, U 29, U 30, U 34, U 37, U 38, U 43, U 46, U 48, U 52, U 56, U 57, U 58, U 59, U 60, U 61, U 62, U 66, U 67, U 68, U 69, U 71, U 72, U 73, U 74, U 75, U 77, U 78, U 79, U 80, U 81, U 83, U 84, U 85, U 86, U 87, U 89, U 90, U 91, U 92, U 96, U 97, U 101, U 103, U 105, U 106, U 107, U 108, U 109, U 117, U 118, U 119, U 120, U 121, U 123, U 124, U 125, U 126, U 128, U 129, U 130, U 132, U 134, U 135, U 137, U 139, U 140, U 141, U 142, U 143, U 145, U 146, U 148, U 149, U 150, U 151, U 152, U 154, U 155, U 156, U 159, U 160, U 161, U 163, U 164, U 167, U 168, U 169, U 170, U 172, U 173, U 174, U 175, U 176, U 177, U 178, U 179, U 180, U 181, U 182, U 183, U 184, U 185, U 186, U 187, U 188, U 189, U 190, U 191, U 192, U 193, U 194, U 195, U 196, U 197, U 198, U 199, U 200, U 201, U 202, U 203, U 205, U 209, U 210, U 211, U 212, U 213, U 214, U 215, U 216, U 217, U 218, U 219, U 220, U 221, U 223, U 224, U 225, U 226, U 227, U 228, U 229, U 230, U 231, U 232, U 235, U 236, U 237, U 238, U 239, U 240, U 251, U 255, U 256, U 257, U 258, U 259, U 260, U 262, U 263, U 264, U 265, U 266, U 267, U 268, U 269, U 270, U 271, U 273, U 274, U 275, U 276, U 277, U 278, U 279, U 280, U 281, U 282, U 283, U 284, U 285, U 286, U 288, U 302, U 303, U 304, U 305, U 306, U 307, U 308, U 309, U 310, U 311, U 312, U 313, U 314, U 331, U 332, U 333, U 334, U 336, U 337, U U 331, U 332, U 334, U 336, U U U 339, U 340, U 341, U 342, U 343, U 344, U 345, U 346, U 351, U 352, U 354, U 355, U 356, U 357, U 358, U 359, U 360, U 361, U 362, U 363, U 364, U 365, U 371, U 372, U 373, U 375, U 376, U 377, U 378, U 380, U 381, U 382, U 383, U 384, U 385, U 386, U 387, U 388, U 389, U 390, U 391, U 392, U 402, U 403, U 404, U 405, U 406, U 407, U 409, U 410, U 411, U 412, U 413, U 414, U 415, U 416, U 417, U 418, U 419, U 420, U 421, U 422, U 423, U 424, U 425, U 426, U 427, U 431, U 432, U 435, U 436, U 437, U 438, U 439, U 440, U 441, U 442, U 443, U 444, U 445, U 447, U 448, U 449, U 450, U 453, U 454, U 455, U 456, U 458, U 459, U 460, U 461, U 462, U 463, U 465, U 466, U 467, U 468, U 469, U 470, U 471, U 472, U 473, U 477, U 487, U 488, U 489, U 490, U 504, U 505, U 506, U 507, U 508, U 509, U 510, U 511, U 513, U 514, U 515, U 516, U 518, U 519, U 521, U 522, U 523, U 524, U 525, U 526, U 527, U 528, U 529, U 530, U 531, U 532, U 533, U 534, U 535, U 536, U 537, U 538, U 539, U 540, U 541, U 545, U 546, U 547, U 551, U 552, U 553, U 554, U 555, U 558, U 559, U 560, U 561, U 562, U 563, U 564, U 565, U 566, U 568, U 569, U 571, U 572, U 573, U 575, U 577, U 579, U 584, U 586, U 590, U 591, U 592, U 593, U 594, U 595, U 596, U 598, U 600, U 601, U 602, U 603, U 604, U 606, U 607, U 608, U 609, U 610, U 611, U 612, U 613, U 614, U 615, U 616, U 617, U 618, U 619, U 620, U 621, U 622, U 623, U 624, U 625, U 626, U 628, U 629, U 630, U 631, U 632, U 633, U 634, U 635, U 636, U 637, U 638, U 639, U 640, U 641, U 642, U 643, U 644, U 645, U 646, U 647, U 648, U 649, U 650, U 652, U 653, U 657, U 659, U 661, U 662, U 663, U 664, U 665, U 666, U 667, U 668, U 669, U 670, U 671, U 672, U 673, U 674, U 701, U 703, U 704, U 705, U 706, U 707, U 708, U 709, U 710, U 711, U 712, U 713, U 714, U 715, U 716, U 717, U 718, U 731, U 732, U 733, U 734, U 735, U 736, U 737, U 738, U 739, U 740, U 741, U 742, U 743, U 744, U 752, U 753, U 755, U 757, U 758, U 759, U 760, U 761, U 762, U 763, U 764, U 765, U 801, U 841, U 842, U 843, U 844, U 845, U 846, U 847, U 848, U 849, U 851, U 852, U 921, U 951, U 952, U 953, U 954, U 955, U 956, U 957, U 958, U 959, U 960, U 961, U 962, U 963, U 964, U 965, U 966, U 967, U 968, U 969, U 970, U 971, U 972, U 973, U 974, U 975, U 976, U 977, U 978, U 979, U 980, U 981, U 982, U 983, U 984, U 985, U 1059, U 1060, U 1062, UC 2, UD 1, UD 2, UD 3, UD 4, UD 5 and UF 2; U-Bootsbegleitschiffe ERWIN WASSNER, KAMERUN, MESSINA, WALDEMAR KOPHAMEL und WILHELM BAUER; U-Bootsstützpunkte Flensburg, Hamburg, Kiel, Königsberg (Pr), Narvik, Pola, Toulon, Trondheim und Wilhelmshaven; U-Bootstender ACHERON, EUPEN, DONAU, ISAR, LECH, NEISSE, SAAR, WARTHE und WEICHSEL; Unterseebootsabnahmekommando; Unterseebootsabwehrschule; Wohnschiffe DEUTSCHLAND, IBERIA und UBENA; Zielschiffe VEGA und VENUS

Landesarchiv Sachsen-Anhalt, Z 109, Nr. 1539 (Benutzungsort: Dessau) · File · 1897 - 1898
Part of State Archive Saxony-Anhalt (Archivtektonik)

Contains among other things: Trade reports - Compilation of the most common goods in trade with German East Africa - Report on trade and industrial relations in the southern Russian cities. Contains: Import of French colonial sugar into Holland p. 5 - Proposals on transport companies in the Near East p. 8 - Warning of the company "Societa Generale di Commissione Esportazione ed Importazione" in Napoli (=Naples) p. 12, p. 20 - Fabrication of tulle curtains in Russia p. 14 - Bogus companies "Bankvereinigung Grün

Travel memories, vol. 2
StAM, Familienarchiv von Schiber 177 · File · 1850-1914
Part of State Archives Munich (Archivtektonik)

Contains among other things: Tickets; concert programmes; theatre programmes; statutes of the Cäcilien-Verein in Speyer; hotel receipts; tickets for stagecoaches; receipts and vouchers for the stay in Bad Liebenstein (1867); receipts and vouchers for the stay in Berlin and Hamburg (1868); receipts and vouchers for the stay in Scheveningen and Gravenhagen (1870); Receipts and receipts for the trip to England (1875); trip to Italy (Bologna, Pompeij, Naples, Perugia); trip to Biarritz (1881); receipts and receipts for the trip to Norway and Sweden (1885); membership cards for the National Liberal Party Munich, the German Fleet Association and the German Colonial Society Darin: Photos by General Ernst von Büller