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Archival description
BArch, NS 8/238 · File · 1936-1941
Part of Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

Contains among other things: Working group for German folklore. - Competence problems with the Reich Ministry of Science, Education and Popular Education, 1938 Colonial Ethnology. - Preparation of a new German indigenous policy, 1940 Amt Weltanschauliche Information. - Report for the year 1940, 1941 Adolf Hitler Schools. - Meeting of the staff, 1937 Reports of foreign newspapers, 1936-1941 "The practical political solution of the religious question in the Third Reich" by Reich Minister for Church Affairs, Kerrl, (manuscript), 1939 "Roman Catholicism in Hungary". - Report on the 34th International Eucharistic Congress in Budapest, 1938

BArch, R 20/71 · File · 1941-1942
Part of Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

Contains among other things: Guidelines for Colonial Tactical Training at Colonial Police Schools Structuring of a Colonial Police Battalion (mot.) Curriculum Distribution Plan for Pioneer Training, June 25, 1942 The Peoples of the Earth (Races, Peoples, Languages), lecture by Dr. Robert Routil on 13 July 1942) Police officers as administrative officials, lecture by Amtsrat Lentz, n.d. Germany's colonial struggle, lecture by the head of department at the Reichskolonialbund Mickausch, n.d. Islam in East Africa, lecture by Dönch, 28. June 1941 Koloniale Rohstoffe, lecture by Amelunxen, 3 May 1941 Eingeborenenfragen, lecture by Depersdorf on 7 June 1941 Der Reichskolonialbund als Träger der kolonialen Propaganda, lecture by Mickausch Deutsche Kolonialpolitik, lecture by Privy Councillor Methner, 5th ed. May 1941 Koloniale Rassenzusammensetzung, lecture by Prof. Westermann, 5 May 1941 Die Afrikaner heute und morgen, lecture by Prof. Westermann, 17 May 1941 Eingeborenen-Erziehung, lecture by Prof. Westermann, 30 June 1941 Die Frau in den Kolonien, lecture by Dr. Etta von Becker-Donner, 22 June 1942

BArch, NS 38/2019 · File · 1933-1934
Part of Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

Contains among other things: Student bodies of the universities TH Aachen, Handelshochschule Berlin, Landwirtschaftliche Hochschule Berlin, Deutsche Hochschule für Leibesübungen Berlin, Hochschule für wirhrhafte Erziehung Berlin, TH Berlin, Tierärztliche Hochschule Berlin, Universität Berlin, Universität Bonn, TH Braunschweig, Universität Breslau, TH Breslau, Bergakademie Clausthal, TH Darmstadt, TH Dresden, Forstliche Hochschule Eberswalde, University Erlangen, University Frankfurt am Main, University Freiburg, University Gießen, University Göttingen, University Greifswald, University Halle-Wittenberg, University Hamburg, TH Hannover, Tierärztliche Hochschule Hannover, Forstliche Hochschule Hann. Münden, University of Heidelberg, Agricultural College Hohenheim, University of Jena, TH Karlsruhe, University of Kiel, University of Cologne, University of Königsberg, Commercial College Königsberg, Trade College Köthen, College for Teacher Training Lauenburg i. Pom., Leipzig University, Leipzig Graduate School of Management, Mannheim Graduate School of Management, Marburg University, Munich Technical University, Munich University, Münster University, Nuremberg University of Economics and Social Sciences, Passau Philosophical-Theological University, Regensburg Philosophical-Theological University, Rostock University, Stuttgart Technical University, Tharandt Forestry University, Tübingen University, Vienna Veterinary University, Witzenhausen German Colonial School, Würzburg University, 1933

doctoral studies
Universitätsarchiv Freiburg, B0001 / 3741 · File · 1934-1944
Part of University Archive Freiburg (Archivtektonik)

Contains: Promotionsordnungen, Gebühren; Rechtsgutachten über Prüfungsungsgebühren (Fritz Marschall von Bieberstein, van Calker), 1934; Edict of the Minister of Culture on Examination Content (Weltanschauung und Politik) in Exams with Minor in Philosophy, 1934; Supplement to the Promotionsordnung der Rechts- und Staatswissenschaftlichen Fakultät (Entzug des Doktorgrades), [1934]; Inquiry of the Reich Ministry on philosophy as a compulsory examination subject for doctoral examinations and answers of the faculties, 1935; Inquiry of the Mannheim Local Court on the management of the Faculty of Medicine, 1935; Study and Examination Regulations of the Medical Faculty, 1932; Decree on the forwarding of doctoral and diploma theses to the Reich Planning Office; Decree of the Reich Minister for Science, Education and People's Education of 4 January 1935; Decree of the Reich Minister for Science, Education and People's Education of 4 December 1935.9.1939 with regard to doctorates; keeping of a title and Dr. des.; report on the income of the University Library 1929/30-1934/35, 1935; examination authority of non-Aryan university teachers, 1935; enactment by the Reich Minister with regard to doctoral and habilitation overview of doctoral fees 1932-1934; acceptance of Jewish doctoral students, 1935; publication of dissertations on Volkstums- und grenzdeutschen bzw. Auslandsdeutschen Grenztumsfragen, 1936; Nostrifikation von ausländischen Doktortiteleln, 1936; Prohibition on awarding doctoral theses requiring travel abroad, 1936; Wearing of external (ab)signs of the doctoral candidates (ring and birett); Renewal of diplomas for the golden doctoral anniversary; Writing of dissertations in languages other than German; ProFakultät, 1939; Principles to be taken into account in the revision of the doctoral regulations, [1939]; Facilitation of the doctoral examinations for physicians, 1939; Use of colonial terminology in relation to the Eastern expansion in dissertations, 1940; Inquiry of the Gestapo Bielefeld regarding possible Freiburg doctors, 1940; Promotionsordnung der Wirtschaftswissenschaften, 1938; submission of doctoral certificates, 1941; circular of the party official examination commission for the protection of Nazi writings; dissertations of ideological or political content, 1941; facilitations for participants in war when passing the doctoral examination, 1942; Dissertations on historical-political topics, folklore, border and foreign German questions or foreign German questions published in 1943; Academic degrees of expatriates revoked in 1943; Doctorates approved by the French military government in 1945; Individual cases which require a doctorate in return for renunciation of licensure or licensure; Dissertations on the following topics published in 1943 due to non-compliance Martin Jacobi (03.02.1909), Raphael Landau (02.05.1907 - Feb. 1969), Hans Mansfeld (14.05.1911-28.02.2002), Marianne Boiselle (11.01.1909-07.07.1992); special cases (e.g. rejected promotions): Anton Bauer, Beate Behrend, Bohnstedt, Erich Brenneisen, Josef Decking, Felix Dreyer, Otto Feger, Kletus Fischer, Ernst Fleischhauer, Hermann Freudenberg, Dominik Garantsch, Hildegard Griebel, Albert Griesbach, Haarmann, Liselotte Hesse, Highby; Ferdi Himpele, Hermann Hoberg, Paul Hundeck, Ulrich Janssen, Carl KesKraus, Hans Kronheim, Heinrich Kunath, Bernhard Lantzsch, Erwin Leser, Luckner, Mack, Johannes Majic (09.01.1914), Mellon, Ernst Nitschke, Otto Nuss, Ludwig Obermann, Hugo Ohntrup, Hans Pfitzner, Puttfarken, Rudolf Rasch, Emil Reisser, William Robertson, Schahien, Elisabeth Schmid, Heinrich Schmidt, Joseph Schneiders, Hermann Schnell, H. Schwarz, Heinrich Seeling (06.09.1906), Willi Seidel, Indra Sen, John Redford Shatteicher; August Wilhelm Sohn, Thomas Sommer, Sorkin, Karl Thimm (*03.08.1909), VermehrenWassner, Ilse Zimmermann, Darin: Ludwig Aschoff, Zur neue Studien- und Prüfungsordnung der Mediziner, Sonderdruck aus: Praemedicus 11; expert opinion by Bauch on the dissertation "Die Raumdarstellung in der englischen Landschaftsmalerei" by Thomas Sommer, 1939;

RMG 244 · File · 1850, 1904-1935
Part of Archive and Museum Foundation of the VEM (Archivtektonik)

The question about the education of our missionary children, 4 p., Dr., c. 1850; Ms. Miss. Trey: Unsere Missionarskinder, 5 p., Dr., 1926; Correspondence with and about the missionary children in training, letters A-H, 1904-1935; school brochure: Ev. Frauenschule Berlin, Dr., 1908; school brochure: Höh. Knabenschule Korntal, Dr., 1917; school brochure: Königl. Präparanden-Anstalt, Bergneustadt, Dr., 1908; lists of boys and girls raised in the missionary children's homes, 1928

Rhenish Missionary Society
Landesarchiv NRW Abteilung Ostwestfalen-Lippe, L 113 Nr. 870 · File · 1938-1939, 1944
Part of Landesarchiv NRW East Westphalia-Lippe Department (Archivtektonik)

Contains: Organisational matters; personnel matters; activity report for Jan. 1938; reports from Catholic (Borromeo) libraries; training courses at the Reichsschulungsburg Erwitte and in Schloss Nordkirchen; Reichsfahrt der Alten Garde 1939; design of Nazi wedding ceremonies; reports of church departures by the local courts; introduction of the German School, resistance in Falkenhagen; framework curriculum for Nazi nurse training; performance of a play opera by the Städtische Oberschule für Mädchen, Detmold; reorganization of the museums in Lippe; list of Hitler's opera productions in Lippe; list of the German National Hitler's opera, which was written by Hitler.

BArch, R 2/11496 · File · 1894, 1938-1940
Part of Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

Contains: Definition of competence between the foreign organisation of the NSDAP and state foreign offices, 1938 claim by Deutsche Lufthansa for transport remuneration for letters from the Foreign Office, 1939 maintenance costs for German lecturers abroad, 1939 letter from the Reich Minister of Science, Education and Popular Education to the Reich Minister of Finance, 1939 Die Konsularakademie in Wien, internationale Akademie für Politik und Volkswirtschaft (Druck), Vienna 1937 Staff level of the Austro-Hungarian Empire Oriental Academy in Vienna, Nov. 1894 Establishment of the Consular Academy in Vienna - Design by Dr. Walter Schmitt, former director of the foreign policy training centre of the NSDAP in Berlin-Dahlem as well as recording of the Legation Council of Etzdorf/Foreign Office, 1939 relief measures in Spain on the occasion of the liberation of Spanish territories by the national Spanish troops, 1939 compensation to neutral countries for sinking their ships - Question of Budgetary Jurisdiction, 1939 Planned Expansion of the Economic Department of the German Embassy in Moscow due to Impending Economic Agreement with the Soviet Union, 1939

BArch, RM 27-I/143 · File · 1932-1936
Part of Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

Contains among other things: Proposals for the annual meeting of teachers and leaders at naval colleges Training camps/courses for teachers at naval colleges Further training courses for leaders and teachers at naval colleges Regulations for the tasks and formation of teacher working groups Reports on the activities of teacher working groups Preparation of existing teacher working groups Report on the German Colonial Conference in Freiburg i. Br. of 13.-16.6.1935 Decree of the Reich Minister of War and Commander-in-Chief of the Wehrmacht for Political Education and Information of the Wehrmacht

BArch, R 2/11629 · File · 1942-1944
Part of Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

Contains among other things: City map of Barcelona with drawing of a plot of land, which is planned for a new building of the German school, 1942 Plan for the new building of the German school and the German home in Milan, 1941-1942 Principles about the civil servant's legal security of the German teachers abroad of 24 Nov. 1942 and execution instruction, drawn up by the Reich Minister for Science, Education and People's Education, 1942 Financing of the German schools and the German legation in Greece by profits from the transfer of mineral oil imports to Greece, 1943

BArch, R 4901/13147 · File · 1938-1944
Part of Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

Contains: University lecturer (except technical, medical, scientific), list, Dec. 1, 1944 25 years Hamburg University, newspaper clippings, 1944 Planned establishment of a China Institute, 1943 35th anniversary of the Colonial Institute, speeches, 1943 Expansion of Colonial Sciences, in particular professorship for colonial soil science and cultural technology, 1942 University fees, 1939

62222 · File · 1903-01-01 - 1903-12-31
Part of Süddeutsche Zeitung Photo

A German teacher gives black students a school lesson. On the wall above the blackboard hang the pictures of Emperor Wilhelm II and Empress Auguste Viktoria / Photographer: Scherl

RMG 2.149 · File · 1895-1966
Part of Archive and Museum Foundation of the VEM (Archivtektonik)

Vol. 1; Letters and Reports from New Guinea, 1895-1899; Conference Paper "Our Position on the Roman Mission", 14 p. hs, 1897; Map sketches of Astrolabe-Bai and Pomeranian Bay, as well as of the Kaiser-Wilhelms-Land from Gorinna to Bunsenspitze, scale 1:250.000, drawn by Hanke, 1897-1898; Narrative of the Moon God in the Bongu language, with German translation, 1898; paper "Die Erziehung u. Behandlung unserer Eingeb.n hinsichtlich ihrer sittlichen, geistigen u. materiellen Entwicklung", 19 p., ed. 1899; Private Letters to Inspectors, 1895-1902; Vol. 2; Letters and Reports from New Guinea, 1899-1905; Biblical Stories in the Bongu Language, 16 p.., Dr., 1901; Vol. 3; Letters and Reports from New Guinea, 1906-1912; "Painting the Body with Red Color by the Papuans", IN: Brudergruß, 18th ed, 1906; "Reisebericht über eine Erkundungsreise in das Gebiet der Djeba-Lpete", 1912; Korrespondenz mit August Hanke im Heimaturlaub, 1909; vol. 4; Letters and reports from New Guinea (also family letters), 1913-1918; Nachricht vom Tod von August Hanke, 1918; Correspondenz mit Johanna Hanke, geb. Heider in New Guinea, 1919-1920; correspondence with Johanna Hanke in Germany, 1921-1966; death certificate, obituary and letter of condolence for Johanna Hanke, 1966

Rhenish Missionary Society

Correspondence, 1930-1971; Tropenzeugnis, 1930; Lebenslauf u. Abordnungsgewöbte, 1931; Berichte über Leben u. Tätigkeit in Kigarama, 1932-1939; "Eine Europäer-Hochzeit (Hege) in Afrika, 1932; "Ein Prignitzer als Missionslehrer in Afrika, newspaper report by Hermann Fischbeck, 1932; "Theaterspielen in Afrika, 1933; "Elterntag in Kigarama, 1933; "In Kigarama ist was los, 1934; "Von Kinder u. other people in Bugabo, 1935; "On the Education of Haya Boys, 1936; "The Religion of our Fathers - School Essay by Mika Ishemo, 1936; "Auf Schulwarts Reisen, 1938; "The Fate of Women under the Spell of Elisabeth Fischbeck, 1938; "How our country is - school essays by African children about the country of Buhaya with German transmission, 1938; letters from internment, 1940-1947; correspondence with Hermann Fischbeck during his work as a teacher in Stendal, also engagement and engagement book. Marriage announcement by daughter Marlies (with photos, 1951 and 1953), 1947-1967; correspondence with retired Hermann Fischbeck in Pinneberg, 1967-1971; reports from a trip to Bukoba, 1968; death announcement for Hermann Fischbeck, 1981; condolences on the death of Elisabeth Fischbeck, 1989

Evangelical Missionary Society for German East Africa
BArch, NS 5-VI/17708 · File · 1923-1944
Part of Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

Contains: Reber, Charles, Swiss journalist, published "Durchmarschpläne der deutschen Armee durch die Schweiz", leader of the socialist group of students, Marxist agitator, member of the Third International, 1937 Ribitzki, Dr. Helmut, former member of the International Committee of the German Army. Lord Mayor of Breslau, 1935 Rechberg, Arnold, German politician, industrialist and sculptor, 1935 Rechberg, Fritz, Kommerzienrat, senior director of the Tuchfabrik A. Rechberg KG in Hersfeld (Hessen-Nassau), 1939 Reche, Dr. Otto, professor of anthropology and racial research, 1940 Rechenbach, Dr.phil. Horst, kgl. pr. Lieutenant Colonel (retd.), Front Fighter, East Prussian Freikorps, Specialist Study Council, Graduate Farmer, Inspector of Livestock Breeding, Deputy Head of the Breed and Settlement Office SS, o.Da. Rechenberg, Albrecht Freiherr von, German colonial politician, 1935 Rechenberg, Hans, editor of the National Socialist "Großdeutsche Pressedienstes", 1932 Rechlin, Wilhelm, managing director of the Essen Chamber, 1942 Recht, Gauschulungswlater, 1939 Rechmann, Dr. Heinrich J., author: "Altgermanische Erziehung", 1935 Reck, Prof.Dr.Dr.h.c. Hans, volcanologist and palaeontologist from the Palaeontological Institute of the University of Berlin, 1937 Reck-Walleczewen, Fritz, author: "Acht Kapitel für die Deutschen", 1935 Recke, Prof.Dr.., Archivdirektor, full professor at the university in Danzig, 1934 Reckewerth, Obergebietsführer, member of the reichstages, 1937 Recking, Ruppert, author of the books: "Ein Journalist erzählt", "Ein Kaiserreich auf Aktien", 1937 Reckmann, Fritz, deputy Gauleiter Koblenz-Trier, 1941 Reclam, Philipp, publisher, 1942 Reclam, Dr. Ernst, senior director of the publishing house Ph. Reclam jun. 1936 Redeker, Dr., Marktforderung u. Marktregelung in der Deutschen Brauwirtschaft, 1937 Redell, Dr. Leo, Author: "Wechsel, Scheck u. Postscheck im Dienste des Kaufmannes", 1935 Redemann, Carl, Chairman of the Association of German Sewing Machinery Retailers in Frankfurt, 1934 Reden, Graf, Schlesiens großer Berghauptmann, Bergmann u. Founder of the Upper Silesian Water Forge, 1941 Redepenning, Karl, Berghauptmann, 1936 Redeschab, Lord, British gold mine owner, 1939 Redieß, SS-Gruppenführer, 1937 Redl, Colonel, Chief of General Staff of the Prague Corps, 1936 Redlich, Fritz, Author: "Reklame", Begriff-Geschichte- Theorie, 1935 Redlich, Dr. Josef, Austrian scholar and politician, 1937 Redlich, Dr. Oswald, historian, president of the Academy of Sciences in Vienna, 1944 Redlich, Johann, treasurer of the German Sängerbund, court assessor, 1932 Redslob, Dr. Edwin, former Reichskunstwart, 1933 Redtenbacher, Ferdinand, founder of mechanical engineering science, 1934 Reeder, Reg.Chief of Military Administration, 1940 Reemtsma, Philipp F., German business leader, 1938 Reepen, Georg, adjutant and chief of staff, 1933 Reese, Maria, author: "Abrechnung mit Moskau", "ehem. kommunistische Reichstagabgeordnete", 1937 Regendanz, banker and financier, 1931 Regener, Dr. Erich, professor, radiologist, 1941 Reger, Erik, German writer, 1943 Reger, Max, German musician, 1941 Regiomontannes - see Johannes Müller, o.Dat. Regler, Gustav, Schriststeller, 1934 Reh, Prof. Head of the Pest Department at the Zoological Institute (State Institute) and in the Zoological Museum Hamburg, 1932 Arthur Rehbein - also Atz vom Rhyn, German local writer and poet, 1942 Rehberg, Hans, German writer, 1940 Rehfisch, Hans J., German poet, o.Dat. Rehm, Wilhelm, freelance writer, author: "Der schaffende Mensch in der deutsch Wirtschaft", n.d. Rehmer, Dr.-Ing., Director of BAL-Bewag, Elektrizitätsforscher, 1935 Rehmke, Johannes, German philosopher, 1928 Rehn, Dr. Fritz, President of the Senate of the Supreme Court, Berlin, President of the People's Court, 1934 Rehrl, Dr. Fr, former governor of the province of Salzburg, Hofrat, 1938 Rehse, Friedrich Josef Maria, founder and head of the collection Rehse, collection and archiving of "contemporary history", including documents from the time of the party (NSDAP), 1943 Rhyn, Atz vom, German homeland writer and poet, 1942 Tannenberger, Hermann, German writer, 1931

BArch, NS 5-VI/17730 · File · 1922-1944
Part of Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

Contains: Schöpf, Dr.-Clemens, Professor of Organic Chemistry, 1940 Schöpfling, Georg Johann, Social Democratic editor, 1929 Schöpfwinkel, Robert, Managing Director of the Central Administration Wirtschaftsgruppe, Gaststättengewerbe, 1936 Schörker, Friedrich Wilhelm Otto, Hessian State Stable Master, 1937 Schörner, Ferdinand, German colonel general, 1944 Schöttler, Dr. Wilhelm, editor of the editorial board "Werkmeisterzeitung", 1922 Schofer, Franz, District Manager of the General Association of German Employees in Southwest Germany, 1933 Schofer, Dr. Josef, politician of Baden, Ztr. 1930 Scholl, Friedrich von, Adjutant General of the Kaiser, Captain General of the Schlo- u. Leibgarde, Colonel General, 1928 Scholtz, Arthur, Mayor of Berlin, 1935 Scholtz, Jul.., Owner/founder of the company Jul Scholtz, leather drive belt factory in Siegen, 1936 Scholtz, Klaus, submarine commander, 1943 Scholtz-Klink, Gertrud, Reichsfrauenführerin d. NS-Frauenschaft and the Deutsches Frauenwerk, 1941 Scholtz, Conrad J.W., founder and chairman of the supervisory board of Conrad Scholtz AG in Hamburg, 1941 Scholtz, deputy treasurer of the DAF, 1936 Scholtz, supreme administrative court of Prussia. Higher Administrative Court, 1936 Scholtze, Dr. Günther, MR im RuPrAM, Berlin, 1936 Scholz, Dr., Head of the Reich Motor Vehicle Works Association, 1935 Scholz, Dr.Dr.-Ing.h.c. Ernst, Reich Minister of Economics in the Fehrenbach cabinet, German politician, 1929 Scholz, Erich, radio commissioner of the Reich Minister of the Interior, 1933 Scholtz, Friedrich von, General of the XXth Army Corps in Allenstein, 1937 Scholz, Gustav, Chief Consistorial Councillor in the German Protestant Federal Office, 1929 Scholz, Hugo, sudetendt. Writer, 1937 Scholz, Dr. Johannes, Publishing Director of the Poznan "Concordia", 1938 Scholz, Dr.h.c. Ludwig, Worker and Pioneer of German Colonial Issues, 1937 Scholz, Robert, Author: "Lebensfragen d. bildenden Kunst", 1937 Scholz, Dr.-Ing.Wilhelm, head of the Reichskraftwagenbetriebsverband, 1935 Scholz, Wilhelm von, German writer, 1944 Schomburgk, Robert, colonial politician, researcher, 1940 Schomburgk, Hans Hermann, German African researcher, 1940 Schonka, Dr.jur. Franz von, president of the Austrian Federal Railways, 1934 Schopenhauer, Arthur, philosopher from Gdansk, 1938 Schories, trustee of labor, economics scholar, 1933 Schorlemer-Alst, 1933 Schorlemer-Alst, Burghard von, member of the Prussian state council and manor house, 1925 Schormann, Robert, SA group leader, leader of the office for bodily health, 1925 Education in the RM for science, education and popular education, 1942 Schorr, Friedrich, German opera singer, 1933 Schott, Dr.h.c. Otto Friedrich, founder of the glassworks Schott and Gen. Jena, 1935 Schott, Dr. Georg, processor of the ideas of National Socialist ideology (writer), o.Dat. Schott, Walter, German sculptor, 1938 Schotte, Dr.phil. Walther, German publicist, 1934 Schottky, Johannes, author: "Die Persönlichkeit im Lichte der Erblehre", 1936 Schottky, Julius Maximilian, writer, lover of literature and art, 1937 Schouttz-Ascheraden, Karl Friedrich Freiherr von, (press report of the Rigaschen Rundschau), 1937 Schowalter, August, Superintendent, opinion leader on religious issues, 1940 Schrader, Johann Hermann, poet, 1937

BArch, R 43-II/663 · File · 1943-1944
Part of Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

Contains: Reichskriegerbund (R e i c h s c h e r l a g m e n , shutdowns, 1943 shutdowns in the NSDAP: Colonial Political Office, R e i c h s k o l o n i a l b e n , Main Office for Civil Servants and Civil Servants Association, Lecturers' Association, Teachers' Association and Main Office for Education, Foreign Political Office, 1943