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COPY 1/516/136 · Objekt · 1907 Oct 10
Teil von The National Archives

1) Photograph taken at Nauru shewing part of lake with palm trees right across picture. To the right hand a group of native houses. Titled By The Side Of Placid Waters. 12cm x 16cm. 2) Photograph of Ocean Island native with two leaves fastened in ears, hair necklace, curly hair, teeth exposed. 16cm x 12cm. Copyright owner of work: William Henry Evans, Ocean Island, Pacific Ocean, c/o The Pacific Phosphate Company, 465 Collins Street, Melbourne, Australia. Copyright author of work: William Henry Evans, Ocean Island, Pacific Ocean, c/o The Pacific Phosphate Company, 465 Collins Street, Melbourne, Australia. Form completed: 10 October 1907. Registration stamp: 1907 December 9.

Aden. Wasseranlagen
ALMW_II._BA_A4_1133 · Objekt · ohne Datum
Teil von Evangelisch-Lutherisches Missionswerk Leipzig

Fototyp: Foto. Format: 5,1 X 7,2. Beschreibung: "Up the tanks. Aden" (Titel auf Bild), Anlage in den Bergen, gemauert. Bemerkung: Original war wahrscheinlich Postkarte.

Leipziger Missionswerk
Beim Trankopfer an der Schädelstätte der Ahnen
ALMW_II._BA_A3_776 · Objekt · 1913-1938
Teil von Evangelisch-Lutherisches Missionswerk Leipzig

Fotograf: Guth?. Fototyp: Foto. Format: 11,2 X 8,4. Beschreibung: Schädelstätte unter Felsen, alter Mann opfernd, Mann i. Hintergrund (Pare). Bemerkung: "Zauberer" i. Titel durchgestrichen. Verweis: 2 Planfilmnegative u. Pappe Nr 44 in Negativkasten. Vgl. Postkartenkasten, Nr P15a (14,0 X 9,1) P15b (13,9 X 9,0) "Zauberer beim Trankopfer vor den Schädeln der Ahnen (Ost-Afrika)" Serie Indien II, Nr 3; P15a ist beschrieben.

Leipziger Missionswerk
  • Geographie Wirtschaftsgeographie Reizmittel, aetherische Öle und Duftstoffe liefernde Pflanzen Aetherische Öle und Duftstoffe, Harze und Lacke, Kautschuk und Guttapercha, Farbstoffe liefernde Pflanzen, Eingeborene von Neuguinea bringen die gewonnenen Guttaperchakuchen auf eine Küstenstation subtitle: Stoedtner, Franz (Lichtbildverlag) (Fotograf), 1900
  • Geographie Wirtschaftsgeographie Reizmittel, aetherische Öle und Duftstoffe liefernde Pflanzen Aetherische Öle und Duftstoffe, Harze und Lacke, Kautschuk und Guttapercha, Farbstoffe liefernde Pflanzen, Fällen eines starken Palaquium Suptianum: Freimachen von Unterholz, Neuguinea subtitle: Stoedtner, Franz (Lichtbildverlag) (Fotograf), 1900
  • Geographie Wirtschaftsgeographie Obstpflanzen Tropisches Obst (Kokospalmen, Pandanaceen, Brotfruchtbaum, Mangobaum, Affenbrotbaum, Dumpalme, Leberwurstbaum, Banane und andere Fruchtbäume), Fünfjährige Kokospalmen; in der Mitte: Kanu mit Aufbau und Ausleger, Neuguinea subtitle: Stoedtner, Franz (Lichtbildverlag) (Fotograf), 1900
FO 383/434 · Objekt · 1918
Teil von The National Archives

Germany: Prisoners, including: Internment of German prisoners from the German colonies, including: Request by the General Welfare Committee at Knockaloe Camp that civilian prisoners due to be repatriated should not be temporarily transferred to a military camp. Lieutenant Paul Baer: complaint by the German authorities about the delay in transferring him to Switzerland. Request for interned German troops from the Cameroons and Togo to be placed in military camps. German memorandum alleging that officers and non-commissioned officers captured in the German colonies were being excluded from internment in the Netherlands; British reply refuting the allegations. Combatant status of certain prisoners at Knockaloe Camp. Johannes Rehse, interned at Knockaloe Camp, and Karl Kauss, interned at Lofthouse Park: request for their transfer to the Netherlands. Heinrich Bolle, interned at Knockaloe Camp: decision not to allow his transfer to the Netherlands; subsequent confirmation of his non-combatant status. Correspondence concerning lists of former German colonial troops eligible for transfer to the Netherlands. Lieutenants Kaiser, Hermans and Haeuseler: request for their transfer to the Netherlands. Otto Kallweit: confirmation that he had been moved to a camp for combatant prisoners, and would be transferred to the Netherlands. Heinrich Bauch: confirmation that he had been transferred to a camp for combatant prisoners. List (in docket no. 108819) of German prisoners eligible for transfer to the Netherlands. Johannes Rehse, interned at Knockaloe Camp: enquiry about his transfer to a military camp and removal to the Netherlands. Information on the civilian status of certain German prisoners (names in docket no. 111465). German memoranda enquiring about Sergeant Otto Kallweit and other interned prisoners (names in docket no. 119625) who were eligible for military status. Samoan camps: appointment of Mr J Helg to inspect internment camps in Samoa containing German prisoners; protest by the German authorities about the existence of the camps. Oberleutnant Lothar Marcks, interned at Trial Bay, Australia, including: Letters to the Swiss Consul in Sydney recommending the repatriation of a number of German prisoners (names in docket nos. 9131 and 19465) on health grounds. Sergeant Rudolf Albert Ebelt: information that he was no longer eligible for repatriation on health grounds. Permission for the transmission to Germany of the letters from Oberleutnant Marcks. German prisoners from the former colony of German New Guinea, including: Deportation of former employees of the Pacific Phosphate Company from the island of Nauru. George Taeufert: confirmation that he had been deported from German New Guinea and was interned at Trial Bay, New South Wales. German memorandum notifying the British Government of the detention of six British civilians as a reprisal for the detention of German officials (names in docket no. 67397). Reports on actions leading to the surrender of Nauru and the deportation of German prisoners, with lists (in docket no. 75585) of prisoners who had been deported or interned, a list (in docket no. 75585) of prisoners and passengers on SS Messina , and a list (in docket no. 75585) of German subjects sent from New Guinea to Australia. Statistics relating to Commerce, Native Tax, Population, Live Stock and Agriculture, etc., in connection with the Late German New Guinea Possessions. (Parliamentary Command Paper C.15195). European War. Correspondence respecting Military Operations against German Possessions in the Western Pacific. (Parliamentary Command Paper C.16383). German memorandum protesting about the internment of prisoners on Samoa, and and requesting the return from Australia of German subjects deported from Nauru and New Guinea. Report by the Principal Medical Officer of Samoa on the internment camp at Samoa. German memorandum on German subjects in Nauru and New Guinea, with a copy of the British reply. Mr Karl Hanssen, interned at Motuihi Camp, Auckland, New Zealand: series of letters to the American Consul at Apia, Samoa, on issues relating to his business, the Deutsche Handels & Plantagen-Gesellschaft, in Apia, Samoa, and the health of a fellow prisoner, Mr Paul Voget. Report of an inspection of the internment camp at Apia, Samoa, with a list of German prisoners interned in the camp (in docket no. 111719). Arrangements for the transfer of German prisoners from Samoa to New Zealand; question of relief payments. Agreement by the Australian Government for the proposed repatriation of certain German colonial officials (names in docket no. 115181), formerly of New Guinea. Mr R P Berking, interned at Motuihi, Auckland, New Zealand: copy of a letter requesting permission for himself and thirteen other married interned prisoners (names in docket no. 116454) to return to their homes in Samoa. List (in docket no. 10150) of German subjects transferred from Nauru to Australia. German memorandum requesting information on an internment camp for German subjects at Rabaul, New Guinea. Report of the attempted escape of German prisoners from the internment camp at Apia, Samoa. Code 1218 Files 9123-10150.

FO 383/46 · Objekt · 1915
Teil von The National Archives

Germany: Prisoners, including: Repatriation of German and Austrian subjects: question of HM Government paying expenses. Luggage: arrangements for transportation and recovery and question of reciprocity for exchange arrangements, with specific individual enquiries from British subjects regarding recovery of their luggage left in Germany, and vice-versa from German subjects regarding luggage left in UK, including: Louis Levy, of Liverpool. Miss Newitt, of Harleseden, Middlesex. Thomas Cook & Son: request that representations be made to German government to allow luggage to be brought to England. Home Office, Board of Trade and Treasury views on arrangements and question of reciprocal arrangements. Mr W Niemeyer, of Orange Free State, South Africa, previously interned in Germany: communication from the Zeeland Steamship Company. J Rankine Wilson, of Riding Mill, Northumberland. Miss G L Sheppard: enquiry from B R Pitt of Clapham on her behalf. Miss F Riddel, of Polloksfields, Glasgow. Miss Constance Lett of York, former governess in Berlin. Miss Nellie Harston, of Lichfield. Anne Lucie Baehr, of Frankfurt-Oder. Pastor Wartemburg, late minister of the German Church, Cleveland Street, London, deported from UK. Margarete Gross, of Bayer oder Oberfranken. The Hon Mrs Herbert Gibbs, regarding luggage left behind in Germany at outbreak of war; also queries regarding her two sisters, the Miss Crutchleys, formerly of Hamburg. Miss Ada B Clark, of Grantown on Spey. Release of luggage and household effects of enemy consular officials: German government terms of agreement for release. Release of luggage in enemy countries: Treasury objections arising out of practical working of proposed agreement; proposal for alternative agreement. Exchange of consular and personal effects: French government views. Trial of Cyril Crawford at Hamburg, following arrest of him and his father, Rev George W Crawford, late British chaplain at Hamburg, for espionage: communications from his uncle, A E Bredin Crawford of Eastbourne; return to England of Rev and Mrs Crawford, and removal of Cyril Crawford to Ruhleben following suspension of charges. German colony at Dar-es-Salaam. German subjects in Togoland. Moravian missionaries in German East Africa. Christmas presents for prisoners in Germany: enquiries from The Church Army regarding arrangements; question of exemption from Customs and other charges; arrival of parcels for Döberitz camp. German Embassy expenses: question of payment; ground rents; sums due regarding general expenditure and rent. Religious support for prisoners of war, including: Spiritual ministrations for British prisoners in Germany. Assistance to be given by clergy to prisoners of war: decree issued by the Pope. Spiritual ministrations to German prisoners of war in UK. (dockets include lists of camps, clergy and individuals, including Bishop Hubert Bury; Rev James W Thomas; Dutch pastor Rev L H K Bleeker; Rev Scholten of Islington; Venerable William Edgar Nies, archdeacon of the American Episcopal Churches in Europe; Rev H H Williams, British chaplain in Berlin). German cruiser Leipzig : names of survivors. German subjects arrested at Basra and Bahrain, and deported to India and interned at Ahmednagar: Mr Gloye, acting German consul at Basra, and employees of the Hamburg firm of Robert Wönckhaus & Co (Mr Melsen, Mr Hofmann, Mr Danneiser and Mr Reuter), and representative of the Baghdad Railway, Mr Lange; also case of George Harling of Alfhausen, Hanover, engaged in import and export business at Bahrain, protesting against capture. Code 1218 File 1078-1842.

  • Geographie Wirtschaftsgeographie Reizmittel, aetherische Öle und Duftstoffe liefernde Pflanzen Aetherische Öle und Duftstoffe, Harze und Lacke, Kautschuk und Guttapercha, Farbstoffe liefernde Pflanzen, Junger Kautschukbaum (Castilloa elastica) (Ule-Kautschuk), Neuguinea subtitle: Stoedtner, Franz (Lichtbildverlag) (Fotograf), 1900
  • Geographie Wirtschaftsgeographie Reizmittel, aetherische Öle und Duftstoffe liefernde Pflanzen Aetherische Öle und Duftstoffe, Harze und Lacke, Kautschuk und Guttapercha, Farbstoffe liefernde Pflanzen, Kautschuk-Pflanzung (Castilloa elastica), Neuguinea subtitle: Stoedtner, Franz (Lichtbildverlag) (Fotograf), 1900
ADM 137/5 · Objekt · 1914-1914
Teil von The National Archives

New Guinea and German Pacific Islands, 5 August-22 December 1914. Part 1: New Guinea, 6 August-29 September 1914, pages 1-225. Part 2: German Pacific Islands (miscellaneous papers), 5 August-22 December 1914, pages 226-end. Includes: pages 1-75: various correspondence and telegrams relating to operations in New Guinea. pages 76A-76H: telegram from the Governor General of Australia to the Secretary of State for the Colonies, would like early escort for New Guinea Expedition which has started Northward, 25 August 1914, (page 76C); Suggest informing Colonial Office arrangements proposed by Rear Admiral commanding Australia appears to meet situation satisfactorily, (page 76D); convoy for New Guinea expedition, (page 76E); Telegram regarding occupation of Samoa, dated 30 August 1914, (page 76F); Sail for Suva, (page 76G). Destroy Nauru wireless station, (page 76H), (paper M 01556/1914). pages 77A-77E: telegram from Secretary of State colonies to Governor-General of Australia, 30 August 1914. R.A.C with Australia and other ships will convoy expedition to New Guinea as soon as Samoa has been taken (page 77C), (paper M 01677/1914). pages 126A-126E: Colonel Holmes appointed administrator of New Britain, (paper M 1813/1914). pages 145-163: Precis of reports and general letters (printed) from Vice Admiral commanding Australian Fleet to the Admiralty, 29 July-29 September 1914. pages 164-178: Colonial Office reprint (parliamentary paper) of correspondence relating to military operations against German possessions in the Western Pacific, 1915. pages 180A-180P: Report (with enclosures) by Captain Silver of HMAS Melbourne about the landing operations in Nauru, 9 September 1914 (pages 180E-180N), (paper M 04106/1914). pages 181A-181S: Attack on wireless station at Kabakaul (pages 181C-181D). Report by Commander Claude Cumberlege of HMAS Warrego on taking of Kabakaul Wireless Station, 11 September 1914 (pages 181E-181H). Report by Lieutenant Gerald Hill of HMAS Yara on taking of Kabakaul Wireless Station, 15 September 1914 (pages 181I-181J). Report by J.A.H Beresford, commander, R.A.N on taking of Kabakaul Wireless Station, 21 October 1914 (pages 181K-181O). Report by Further comments by Commander Claude Cumberlege regarding the capture of Kabakaul Wireless Station, 25 October 1914 (pages 181P-181Q). pages 182A-182L: Treatment of German officials at New Guinea. New Guines, terms of capitulation (pages 182F-182L), (paper M 21569/1914). pages 189-221: Recommendations for special acts of bravery in regards to the occupation of German possessions in the Western Pacific, (paper M 07116/1915). pages 228-236: Extracts from rough diary on operations in Australia station. pages 256A-256F: Telegrams and correspondence about the occupation of Nauru and Anguar, (paper M 01841/1914). pages 257A-257H: Correspondence with the Pacific Phosphate Comapny Limited and their steamer Zambesi, and also respecting the position of Nauru, (paper M 01884/1914). pages 272-328: Pacific Phosphate Company Limited. List of persons (German) holding shares in this company as of 18 June 1914 (with name, address, occupation and number of shares, (pages 290-327). List of directors as of 18 June 1914, (page 328), (paper M 02047/1914). pages 329A-329C: High Commissioner Suva to Secretary of State for Colonies telegram, 26 September 1914. British subjects at Nauru removed by German authoroties to Ocean Islands in Frithjof ship, (paper M 02268/1914). pages 334A-334K: letters and telegrams reporting the movements of the ships Pronto and Frithjof in August-September 1914. Correspondence relating to affairs at Nauru and its occupation, (paper M 02217/1914). pages 338A-338I: Telegram from Governor General Australia to Colonial Office, 13 October 1914. Messina ship leaves Sydney for Ocean Island will take military guard from Rabual to occupy Nauru and bring back all German residents, (paper M 02679/1914). pages 339A-339M: Telegrams and letters regarding movements of the steamers Pronto, Wonganella and African transport (Pacific Phosphate Company ships), (paper M 02710/1914). pages 344A-344L: Telegrams between Colional Office and High Commissioner for Western Pacific regarding administrator for Nauru, (paper M 03033/1914). pages 345-347: Letter from Archibald Williams of Barfour, Williamson and Co regarding situation on Easter Island and the possibility of setting up a wireless station there and supplying livestock to the British navy. pages 350A-350K: Report by British Consul, Honolulu on movements of Pronto (ship) in August-September 1914. Report by Prontos master abouts its movements, October 1914, (paper M 03550/1914).

ADM 137/7/6 · Objekt · 1914
Teil von The National Archives

Page 266a: History Section Precis, (paper M 15552/14). b: letter from Messrs. Cayser Irving & Co. to Admiralty 17th August 1914 –draws attention to value of Anguar Island in Pellew Group, (paper M 15552/14). Page 267: Extract from Proceedings of a Sub Committee of the Committee of Imperial Defence 17th August 1914 relating to German New Guinea, German Possessions in the Bismarck Archipelago, Nauru, Yap, Angaur Island and Feys Island –from reports received by Admiralty, it appeared Germans were prepared for surprise attacks on their wireless telegraph stations, they hid their instruments and when danger had passed started reworking the stations as centres of intelligence. It was agreed that Rabaul should be seized and occupied as a base by Australian forces; that Yap, Nauru and Angaur should be occupied as well as German New Guinea and Feys Island. Page 272: telegram from Melbourne to Admiralty 18th August 1914: [HMAS] Australia sailed from Port Moresby for Noumea 17th August. [HMAS] Melbourne left Roussel Island 17th August to join [HMAS] Australia. Page 274: telegram from Marine Paris to Admiralty 18th August 1914 –Montcalm [French cruiser] wires that as Gneisensau [German cruiser] and Scharnhorst [German cruiser] were reported near Solomon Islands 5th August,she has left Suva to rejoin convoy and [HMAS] Australia. Page 275: telegram from Secretary of State for the Colonies to the Governor General, Australia 18th August 1914 –Feys and Anguar Islands contain valuable deposits of phosphate. Suggests therefore that expedition to Carolines should be extended to Pellew Group. M No Number. Page 276: telegram from Governor of New Zealand to Secretary of State for Colonies 18th August 1914 –suggests that Colonel Logan commanding troops should assume temporary office of Governor of Samoa shoudld occasion arise. Transports should reach Suva 20th August. Page 280: summary entitled ‘Appreciation of China Situation’ by Captain Vyvyan and submitted to Vice Admiral Sir Henry Jackson 18th August 1914 –relates to movements of German China Fleet in South America and South Atlantic. Page 283: memorandum 16th August 1914 – Sir Henry Jackson wants to know what defences are in place on Thursday Island and Port Moresby and a list of British defended ports in Australian and New Zealand waters. Page 284: handwritten reply to above [no date] – Thursday Island Green Hill Fort: 1-6”BL [breech loader gun] MkIII. 2 -6”BL [breech loader gun]MkVI. Milman Hill Fort: 1-4.7”QF [quick firer gun]. There are also 2-.303 MGs [machineguns]. Port Moresby-Nil. List of defended ports. Page 285: telegram from Manila to Admiralty 18th August 1914-German ships Andalusia,Hamburg America Line, Anghin and Pontong arrived. Evident German using Manila as a base for supply of coal for some point in South East. Page 286: telegram to Navy Board, Melbourne and Commander in Chief China 19th August 1914 –operations should be: seize Rabaul as base then seize Nauru,Yap and Anguar in order to break enemy lines of intelligence in Pacific. Kaiser Wilhelmland will be considered later. Page 287: telegram from Naval Board Melbourne to Admiralty 19th August 1914 –Leipzig [German light cruiser] finished coaling and left San Francisco presumably for Samoa. Page 290: telegram from Senior Naval OfficerThursday Island to Admiralty 19th August 1914 –report of noon position of Australian squadron 18th August. [HMS] Encounter at Port Moresby. [HMAS] Parramatta, [HMAS] Warrego, [HMAS] Yarra at Rossel Island. Submarines AE1 and AE2 at Sydney. Page 291: draft telegram from Governor New South Wales to Colonial Office 19th August 1914 –describes situation in Samoa July 25th 1914. Informant named Harman. New Caledonia cable is cut 70 miles from Queensland, (paper M 15613/14). Page 295: memorandum ‘Cables, Australia Etc Proposed Action’ signed HBJ [Vice Admiral Sir Henry Jackson] 20th August 1914 –movements of Geier [German gunboat] and possibilities of her having cut cables. Proposal to send [HMNZS] Philomel refused, (paper M 15613/14). Page 297: telegram from Admiralty to Marine, Paris 19th August 1914 –proposes that Montcalm [French cruiser] should act in concert with [HMAS] Australia until German cruisers Gneisenau and Scharnhorst have been destroyed. Page 300: telegram from Marine, Paris to Admiralty 19th August 1914 –New Caledonia cable damaged 77 kilometres from Australia. Page 301: telegram from Senior Naval Officer Thursday Island to Admiralty 19th August 1914 –[HMAS] Warrego, [HMAS] Yarra, [HMAS] Parramatta arrived Port Moresby (New Guinea). Page 303: telegram from Honolulu to Admiralty 20th August 1914 –German merchant vessel Pommern arrived 11am. Page 306: telegram from French Admiralty to Admiralty 20th August 1914 –according to St Petersburg telegram 2 German cruisers are at Samoa. Page 307: telegram from Naval Board, Melbourne to Admiralty 20th August 1914 –following should be position of Australian Squadron 21st August: [HMAS] Australia and [HMAS] Melbourne at?Noumea (?Sydney) off Sandy Cape. [SS] Berrima at Moreton Bay, [HMS] Encounter and three destroyers at Port Moresby, Protector and two submarines at Sydney, [HMAS] Pioneer off Freemantle. Page 308: telegram from Admiralty to Navy Board, Melbourne 20th August 1914 -2 German cruisers reported at Samoa. Are all submarine cables intact. Possibly Geier [German gunboat] may be cutting cables in South Pacific (paper M 15613/14). Page 309: History Section Precis, (paper M 15613/14). Page 312: telegram from Admiralty to Rear Admiral, Australia and Senior Naval Officer New Zealand 20th August 1914 –means must be taken to prevent W/T stations being used if re-captured. As soon as expeditions have been convoyed, ships must be replaced for duties laid down in War Orders. Page 314: History Section Precis. M No Number. Pages 315-318: letter to First Sea Lord [Prince Louis of Battenberg] and C.O.S. [Chief of War Staff –Vice Admiral Sir F.C.D.Sturdee] 20th August 1914 –following dispositions of our ships in Pacific should be considered after capture of Samoa: [HMAS] Australia and Montcalm [French cruiser] to search for German cruisers Scharnhorst and Gneisenau; [HMAS] Melbourne and [HMAS] Sydney to convoy troops to England. [HMAS] Pioneer, [HMS] Encounter and [HMS] Fox made available for escort of transports. [HMNZS] Philomel, [HMNZS] Psyche and [HMS] Pyramus should return to New Zealand; [HMS] Triumph should co-operate with Japanese in attack on Tsing-tau; Commander in Chief China should proceed with [HMS] Minotaur, [HMS] Hampshire and [HMS] Yarmouth to Rabaul. He should be met by [HMS] Encounter and 3 T.B.D.s [torpedo boat destroyers]. [HMS] Fox after convoying a native battalion to Zanzibar should return to Perth; [HMS] Black Prince and [HMS] Duke of Edinburgh should go to Mediterranean or North Sea; after the Australian convoy has been completed, 3 fast light cruisers with[HMS] Weymouth should hunt down German light cruiser Konigsberg; [HMAS] Pioneer, [HMS] Encounter and [HMS] Fox returning to join [HMNZS] Psyche, [HMS] Pyramus and [HMNZS] Philomel in Australian waters.

ADM 137/7/11 · Objekt · 1914
Teil von The National Archives

Page 501: telegram from R.A.C.Australian Squadron via Thursday Island to Admiralty 12th September 1914 –Herbertshole occupied 11-9-14. Naval force under Commander J.A.H. Beresford, Australian Navy landed to destroy W/T met vigorous opposition. Have landed Q.F. [quick firer] 18 pdr gun and intend shelling station tomorrow unless it surrenders. Killed: Lieutenant Commander Charles B. Elwell RN. Captain B.A. Pockley, Army Medical Corps. Two seamen, Australian Naval Reserve. Wounded: Lieutenant Rowland C. Bowen, Australian Navy. Two seamen, Australian Navy Reserve. Prisoners: Two German Officers. Five German N.C.O.s [non commissioned officers] including one wounded and thirty native police. Page 502: telegram from [HMNZS] Philomel to Admiralty 12th September 1914 –arrived Auckland. Page 503: telegram from Commonwealth Government, Navy Offices Melbourne to Admiralty 12th September 1914 – Yap and Nauru being accounted for hope operations against Frederick Wilhelmshaven can proceed on completion of Rabaul operation. Page 504: telegram to Navy Office, Melbourne from Admiralty 12th September 1914 –propose that [HMS] Encounter and destroyers with transports should, after Rabaul, proceed to Frederick Wilhelmshaven and then to Anguar. Page 512: telegram from R.A.C. Australian Squadron via Thursday Island to Admiralty 13th September 1914 –consider all troops should remain in New Britain for present. Propose leaving Simpsonhafen with [HMAS] Australia, Melbourne and Sydney 14th or 15th September 1914. [HMS] Encounter remains in charge Simpsonhafen. Suggest [French cruiser] Montcalm might proceed Anguar. [HMAS] Melbourne reports that Nauru is unsuitable for occupation. Page 514: telegram from Admiralty to Commander in Chief China, Singapore 13th September 1914 –[HMS] Hampshire is to join [HMAS] Australia at Fremantle by October 7th to convoy troops. [French cruiser] Montcalm to return to Saigon. Page 517: telegram from Commonwealth Naval Board, Melbourne to Admiralty 13th September 1914 –[HMS] Fantome arrived at Port Moresby 13th September. Page 519: telegram from Admiralty to R.A.C. Australia via Thursday Island 13th Australia 1914 –what is proposed line of communication from[HMS]Encounter to Thursday Island. Page 520: History Section Precis. (paper M 01884/14). September 13th 1914. j: letter from Admiralty to C.O. [Colonial Office] 13th September 1914 –arrangements are being made to occupy New Guinea, Anguar and Yap, but dates and sequence are at discretion of Senior Naval and Military Officers. Nauru might be occupied shortly afterwards. h: contd. Sir H.B.J. [Admiral Sir Henry Jackson] 14th September 1914 - [HMAS] Melbourne reports Nauru unsuitable for occupation, see (paper M 016429/14). Page 521: note signed HBJ [Admiral Sir Henry Jackson] 12th September 1914 relating to the phosphate deposits on the German Pacific Islands, trade of the British Phosphate Company with the Germans and pressure by Australian government for occupation of these phosphate islands. Page 524: telegram from Commander in Chief China, Singapore to Admiralty 14th September 1914-propose [HMS] Minotaur, [Japanese cruiser] Ibuki and [Japanese light cruiser] Chikuma proceed to New Britain Island and act from there. Will arrange with French and Russians to patrol south of Singapore. Page 525: telegram from Commonwealth Naval Board, Melbourne to Admiralty 14th September 1914 –signal from[German ship] Luchs to [German steamship] Tannenfels overheard night of 13-9-14, “at once go to rendevous Lat.O degrees Long.140 degrees E” (120 miles N of New Guinea). [German steamship] Tannenfels left Batavia 1-9-14 for Manila with 6,000 tons of coal. Later sighted making towards Sunda Strait. Page 526: telegram from Navy Office, Melbourne to Admiralty 14th September 1914-arrangements made for Australian Expeditionary Force in 27 transports to assemble at King George Sound by 5th October. Page 529: telegram from I.O. [Intelligence Officer] Colombo to Admiralty 4th September 1914 –[German light cruiser] Emden sighted yeatserday with 4 prizes halfway between Calcutta and Madras. Page 531: History Section Precis, (paper M 01927/14) c: telegram from G.N.Z. [Governor New Zealand] to C.O. [Colonial Office] 13th September 1914 –propose [HMNZS] Psyche and Philomel escort expeditionary force to Long.145 degrees and [HMS] Pyramus thence to Fremantle. Page 537: telegram from R.A.C. Australian Squadron via Thursday Island to Admiralty 13th September 1914 – [HMAS] Australia, Melbourne and [HMAS] Sydney left for Sydney 15-9-14. Propose [HMS] Encounter, [French cruiser] Montcalm and destroyers occupy Frederick Wilhelmshafen where there are probable considerable forces. [French cruiser] Montcalm might destroy W/T at Anguar but without her, [HMS] Encounter would require support of a ship from China. Page 539: telegram from Governor of New Zealand to Secretary of State for the Colonies 15th September 1914 –the New Zealand Government are uneasy that escort for the expedition between New Zealand and point of junction with Australian squadron will consist of P class cruisers, (paper M 01978/14). Page 540: telegram from Navy Office, Melbourne to Admiralty 15th Australia 1914 –several reports received of German colliers taking coal from Manila. A contract with U.S. Government for delivery at Manila of 82,000 tons Newcastle coal is in force through agency of Macondray & Co., Manila. Very important that coal shipped ostensibly under this contract actually reaches consignees and not enemy. Page 541: telegram from Senior Naval Officer Wellington, New Zealand to Admiralty 15th September 1914 –propose to send [HMS] Torch to Vavau Island to set up headquarters there for a short time. Page 542: telegram from C-in-C, China to Admiralty 15th September 1914 –English stoker from German collier Bochum at Manila reports either[German cruisers] Scharnhorst or Gneisenau met [German light cruiser] Emden and [German gunboat] in Molucca passage on 24-8-14 and afterwards separated. Page 543: telegram from A.C. [Admiral Commanding] Australian Squadron via Thursday Island to Admiralty 15th September 1914 –[HMAS] Melbourne examined Kawieng Harbour, New Ireland. [German gunboat] Geier left there 7-9-14. Page 551: telegram from R.A.C. Australian Squadron to Admiralty 16th September 1914 –[French cruiser] Montcalm arrived at Simpsonhafen 15-9-14. Page 553: telegram from R.A.C. Australian Squadron to Admiralty 16th September 1914 – [HMAS] Australia, Melbourne and Sydney due Sydney 21-9-14. Page 554: telegram from Commander in Chief China, Singapore to Admiralty 15th September 1914 –Japanese cruiser Chikuma leaves Singapore tonight to co-operate with [HMS] Hampshire and Yarmouth against [German light cruiser] Emden. [HMS] Minotaur and [Japanese cruiser] Ibuki leave for Rabaul 18-9-14. Page 555: telegram from Admiralty to Commander in Chief China, R.A.C. Australia, Navy Board Melbourne 16th September 1914 –situation changed by appearance of [German cruisers] Scharnhorst and Gneisenau off Apia and [German light cruiser] Emden in Bay of Bengal. [HMAS] Australia and [French cruiser] Montcalm to cover New Guinea Expeditionary Force from attack and then search for 2 cruisers. [HMAS] Sydney to convoy Australian troops to Aden. [HMS] Hampshire and Yarmouth to sink [German light cruiser] Emden. [HMS] Minotaur to arrive Fremantle 4-10-14 and convoy Australian troops with one Japanese cruiser.

ADM 137/7/12 · Objekt · 1914
Teil von The National Archives

Page 557: telegram from Commander in Chief China, Singapore to Admiralty 16th September 1914-German ship Tannenfels captured by [HMS] Chelmer in Basilian Strait 14-9-14. Page 558: telegram from Naval Board, Melbourne to Admiralty 16th September 1914 –loss of submarine A.E.1 being kept secret for present. Page 560: telegram from British Consul, Honolulu to Admiralty 16th September 1914 – German merchant vessel Staats Sekretar Kraetke arrived Honolulu 15-9-14 from Jaluit. Page 561: telegram from Senior Naval Officer Thursday Island to Admiralty 16th September 1914 –[HMS] Fantome and Esturia sailed for Simpsonhafen. Page 562: History Section Precis, d: note from [Admiral] Sir H.B.Jackson –propose replying safety of convoys is carefully considered, (paper M 01978/14), [see also page 539]. Page 565: History Section Precis, (paper M 10333/14). f: Cr.K [Commander Kettlewell] 17th September 1914 –it has been arranged that [cableship] Iris shall repair Bundaberg-Noumea cable and will be ready to leave for Fanning Island 5-10-14. Meanwhile Kestrel will visit Fanning and report situation. Page 568: telegram from Rear Admiral [HMAS] Australia to Admiralty 17th September 1914 –troops advanced to Toma,Herbertshoe after [HMS] Encounter shelled ridge occupied by enemy. Page 578: telegram from Governor General, Australia to C.O. [Colonial Office] 17th September 1914 –refers to Australian troops ready for embarkation. Disturbing element failure of Commander in Chief China to cope with German Cruiser Squadron which menaces 41 Australian and New Zealand transports and Australian trade routes, (paper M 02069/14). Page 578b: telegram from Governor of New Zealand to Secretary of State for Colonies 17th September relating to unease of New Zealand government over inadequate protection of transports from New Zealand to Australia when German warships are only short distance from Tasman Sea. Difficulty in communicating with Rear Admiral. M 02069/14. Pages 579-580: proposed draft for reply to New Zealand signed ‘H B Jackson’ [Admiral Sir Henry Jackson] 19th September 1914 - states that P class cruisers are considered capable of dealing with attack on convoy from enemy cruisers.Attack by German cruisers improbable. More likely objectives are the Indian convoys and the New Guinea expediiton. Page 581: telegram from Chief Censor,War Office [intercepted] 17th September 1914 –[German vessels] Emden, Segovia and Westmark reported at Sabang. Page 582: telegram from Calumny Honolulu to Admiralty 17th September 1914-German longmoon Merchant vessel arrived 6pm 16th September. Jaeschke merchant vessel 10am Waldemar. Page 583: telegram from Colonial Office to Pacific Phosphates Co.and Governor General, Australia 16th September 1914 – Pacific Phosphates Company are to provision Nauru when occupied but are not to take any action re German officials, (paper M 02047/14). Page 585: telegram from R.A. Commanding Australian Squadron to Admiralty 18th September 1914 –Returning to Simpsonhafen taking [HMAS]Sydney with me. [HMAS] Melbourne proceeds to Sydney and will be ready for convoy to Aden. Page 586: telegram from Governor, New Zealand to Colonial Office 18th September 1914 –Samoa can communicate with Suva by night. High power station will be working before long. Page 590: telegram from Commonwealth Naval Board, Melbourne to Admiralty 19th September 1914 –list of officers and men missing from Submarine A.E.1. Page 592: telegram from R.A.C. Australian Squadron to Admiralty 19th September 1914 –W/T station being erected at Rabaul to communicate with Port Moresby and Thursday Island. Page 596: telegram from R.A. Australian Squadron to Admiralty 19th September 1914 –[HMAS] Australia and Sydney arrived at Simpsonhafen 4 30pm 19th September. Page 598: telegram from Secretary of State for the Colonies to Governor of New Zealand 19th September 1914 – H.M.A.S. Australia is covering Commonwealth expedition attacking New Britain and therefore cannot reach New Zealand to convoy contingent. Unlikely [German cruisers] Scharnhorst and Gneisenau would steam into waters where there is no coal for them. Strong probability that Germans have turned North-West to Marshall Islands, (paper M 02069/14). Page 602: telegram from Colonial Office to Sir H.Jackson [Admiral Sir Henry Jackson] 16th September 1914 –desirable to despatch Ooma from Sydney with provisions for Ocean Island and Nauru as twice as many British residents there as Germans. Armed intervention may be necessary to remove German residents. Page 603: telegram from Commonwealth Naval Board, Melbourne to Admiralty 20th September 1914 –loss of submarine A.E.1 –last seen 3 30pm September 14th returning from patrol off Cape Gazelle. Weather fine, no enemy in vicinity. Thorough search made. Water very deep. Page 605: telegram from Governor General of Australia to Secretary of State for the Colonies 20th September 1914 –Admiral Patey informed that Government appove of Colonel Holmes being appointed as Administrator of New Britain. Page 609: telegram from Governor of New Zealand to Secretary of State for Colonies 21st September 1914 –unless otherwise advised expedition (for England) will leave as notified 13-9-14. Page 610: telegram from R.A.C. Australia Squadron to Admiralty 21st September 1914 – [HMAS] Sydney leaves Simpsonhafen (New Britain) for Anguar to deal with wireless station. Page 612: telegram from V.A.C. [Vice Admiral Commanding] Australian Squadron to Admiralty 21st September 1914 –leaving Simpsonhafen 22nd September with [HMAS] Australia, [French cruiser] Montcalm, [HMS] Encounter to cover expedition to Friedrich Wilhelm. Page 615: telegram from [HMNZS] Philomel, Auckland to Admiralty 22nd September 1914 –[HMS] Pyramus sailed under sealed orders 8a.m. Page 616: telegram from Commonwealth Naval Board Melbourne to Admiralty 22nd September 1914 –W/T intercepted [German vessel] Luneberg to [German armed merchant cruiser] Cormoran,” Part Japanese Fleet going to Australia.

ADM 137/7/14 · Objekt · 1914
Teil von The National Archives

Page 662: telegram from Singapore to Admiralty 25th September 1914 - [HMS] Minotaur and [Japanese cruiser] Ibuki will arrive at Fremantle 29-9-4, Melbourne or Hobart 8-10-14, Wellington 14-10-14. [ Japanese cruiser] Nisshin arrives Singapore 30-9-14. Request to be informed if she will be required to go beyond Fremantle. Japanese ships have poor radius of action and appear to be extravagant with coal - consequently can seldom exceed 10 knots for long voyage. Page 663: telegram from Commander in Chief China, Singapore to Admiralty 25th September 1914 - destination of 2nd Japanese squadron is Labuan not Rabaul. Have arranged with V.A.C.Aus. [Vice Admiral Commanding Australia] and Japanese Admiralty that Japanese 1st Squadron shall work with him E.of 140th meridian and 2nd squadron west of same. Page 664: telegram from Commander in Chief China, Singapore to Admiralty 25th September 1914 - there were 19 German vessels at Manila of which 5 have been reported loading with coal. [Armed merchant cruisers] Empress of Asia and Empress of Russia are relieving each other outside Eastern Channel to Philippine Islands. [HMS] Cadmus, Clio and 5 destroyers are based on Sandaken (Borneo] watching Southern Channel. Page 665: telegram from Governor General Australia to Secretary of State for Colonies 25th September 1914 - Master [of] steamer Mataram reports that while at Batavia all British ships were compelled to dismantle wirless telegraph apparatus while in port. One Dutch and two German ships allowed to keep their aerial wireless aloft. Page 666: telegram from Governor of New Zealand to Secretary of State for the Colonies 25th September 1914 - owing to gale expedition could not in any case have sailed today. Page 671: telegram from Governor General of Australia to Secretary of State for the Colonies 25th September 1914 - several troopships have already sailed from Eastern states but in view of yours of 24th sailing of others will be delayed. Page 673: telegram from Governor General of Australia to Secretary of State for the Colonies 25th September 1914 - reply to telegram of 24-9-14 - I found that Navy Office had warned Senior Naval Officer New Zealand that [German cruisers] Scharnhorst and Gneisenau had not been heard of since 14-9-14. My Prime Minister expressed grave anxiety and I warned G.N.Z. [Governor of New Zealand] accordingly. Page 674: reply 28-9-14 - under the circumstances your telegram approved, (paper M 02266/14). Page 675: History Section Precis, (paper M 10351/14). d: telegram from P.C.B. [Pacific Cable Board] Agent, Suva to P.C.B. 23rd September 1914 - Fanning Island called Suva on 22-9-14 and reported details of damage to telegraph station by [German light cruiser] Nurnberg (on 8-9-14), (paper M 10351/14). Page 677: telegram from High Commissioner of Western Pacific to Secretary of State for the Colonies 26th September 1914 - relating to British subjects taken from Nauru on board the Frithjof 6th September,reached Ocean Island 7th September, (paper M 02268/14) Page 683: telegram from Navy Office, Melbourne to Admiralty 27th September 1914 - [HMAS] Melbourne left Sydney 9pm 26th September to cover transport now proceeding to Port Philip Bay from Brisbane. Page 684: telegram from Auckland to Admiralty 27th September 1914 - [HMNZS] Philomel and transport still in Auckland. Page 686: telegram from Admiralty to V.A.Commanding Australian Squadron 27th September 1914 - as soon as occupation has been effected on shore, the hospital ship is the only ship that should be left; any ship not taken for search for German cruisers to be sent to Thursday Island or inside Barrier Reef. Page 687: telegram from V.A.C.Australian Squadron to Admiralty 27th September 1914 - Angaur Wireless Station destroyed by [HMAS] Sydney 26th September. Page 689: telegram from Manila to Admiralty 28th September 1914 - German ship Elmshorn has put back to Manila. Please inform Foreign Office. Page 691: telegram from Navy Board Melbourne to Admiralty 28th September 1914- [cable ship] Iris (Pacific Cable Board) will be ready to leave Auckland 29th September for Fanning Island re establishing full communications but will await escort. Page 692: telegram from V.A.C. Australian Squadron to Admiralty 28th September 1914 - I am waiting at Simpsonhafen for [HMAS] Sydney and news from Japanese. If no news received bringing matters to a climax by end of September intend sweeping to the North eastwards and getting in touch with Japanese. Page 693: telegram from Governor General of Australia to Secretary of State for the Colonies 28th September 1914 - British steamship Rothley is reported to have left Newcastle on September 12th for Tjilatjap with 5,559 tons of coal. It is understood that German vessels are being harboured in that port. Page 694: telegram from Admiralty to Britannia,Simonstown,Vamump, Hong Kong, Navy Board, Melbourne 28th September 1914 - [German armed merchant cruiser] Prinz Eitel Friedrick is certainly armed and perhaps also Ryaxan which has been captured. They have not been seen and their position is unknown as well as that of [light cruiser] Geier. Page 697: History Section Precis. M 16998/14. b: letter from Messrs.Wyllie & Co. to Admiralty 28th September 1914 - if Anguar is annexed we wish to form syndicate to work phosphate there, (paper M 16998/14). Page 698: telegram from Melbourne to Admiralty 29th September 1914 - [HMS] Pyramus arrived. Page 699: telegram from Commander in Chief China to Admiralty 29th September 1914 - Japanese authorities inform me that they are willing to reconsider destination of Second Southern Squadron but will wait until they hear result of visit of First Southern Squadron to Jaluit before final decision. Page 702: telegram from V.A.C. Australian Squadron to Admiralty 29th September 1914 - Do you wish me to work southward leaving Japanese northward? If so, suggest Noumea as suitable base. If not, auxiliaries should remain at Simpsonhafen protected by 3 destroyers and submarine. Page 705: History Section Precis, (paper M 19318/14). d.to h: report of the Master of the Kestrel re cutting of Pacific cable at Fanning Island by [German light cruiser] Nurnberg on 7-9-14. Page 706: History Section Precis, (paper M 03651/14). c.to e: extract from despatch of Governor General of Australia to Colonial Office 17-9-14. Precis of naval events and their bearing on the question of local control. f. to k: despatch from Governor General of Australia to Colonial Office 29-9-14 - explanations as to anxiety of Australian Government and reasons for postponements of embarkation of expeditionary force enclosing also: l: memorandum by Senator Millen on defensive state after embarkation of expeditionary force and: m.to q: memorandum by Senator Millen on relinquishing office as Minister of Defence.

COPY 1/516/93 · Objekt · 1907 Oct 10
Teil von The National Archives

Photograph of group of natives taken at Nauru all dressed in reedys. The third figure in the front row from right of picture wears a black felt hat. Copyright owner of work: William Henry Evans, Ocean Island, Pacific Ocean, c/o The Pacific Phosphate Company, 465 Collins Street, Melbourne, Australia. Copyright author of work: William Henry Evans, Ocean Island, Pacific Ocean, c/o The Pacific Phosphate Company, 465 Collins Street, Melbourne, Australia. Form completed: 10 October 1907. Registration stamp: 1907 December 9.

COPY 1/516/107 · Objekt · 1907 Oct 10
Teil von The National Archives

Photograph of lake at Nauru shewing palm reflected in lake. Titled Around The Palm Trees Rising Sheer From The Silent Waters Dark. Copyright owner of work: William Henry Evans, Ocean Island, Pacific Ocean, c/o The Pacific Phosphate Company, 465 Collins Street, Melbourne, Australia. Copyright author of work: William Henry Evans, Ocean Island, Pacific Ocean, c/o The Pacific Phosphate Company, 465 Collins Street, Melbourne, Australia. Form completed: 10 October 1907. Registration stamp: 1907 December 9.

COPY 1/516/92 · Objekt · 1907 Oct 10
Teil von The National Archives

Photograph of Nauru girl with flower wreath on head. Copyright owner of work: William Henry Evans, Ocean Island, Pacific Ocean, c/o The Pacific Phosphate Company, 465 Collins Street, Melbourne, Australia. Copyright author of work: William Henry Evans, Ocean Island, Pacific Ocean, c/o The Pacific Phosphate Company, 465 Collins Street, Melbourne, Australia. Form completed: 10 October 1907. Registration stamp: 1907 December 9.

COPY 1/516/91 · Objekt · 1907 Oct 10
Teil von The National Archives

Photograph of Nauru girl with wreath on head & necklace of beads & grasses. Copyright owner of work: William Henry Evans, Ocean Island, Pacific Ocean, c/o The Pacific Phosphate Company, 465 Collins Street, Melbourne, Australia. Copyright author of work: William Henry Evans, Ocean Island, Pacific Ocean, c/o The Pacific Phosphate Company, 465 Collins Street, Melbourne, Australia. Form completed: 10 October 1907. Registration stamp: 1907 December 9.

COPY 1/516/108 · Objekt · 1907 Oct 10
Teil von The National Archives

Photograph of part of lake taken at Nauru. Titled A Quiet Spot. Copyright owner of work: William Henry Evans, Ocean Island, Pacific Ocean, c/o The Pacific Phosphate Company, 465 Collins Street, Melbourne, Australia. Copyright author of work: William Henry Evans, Ocean Island, Pacific Ocean, c/o The Pacific Phosphate Company, 465 Collins Street, Melbourne, Australia. Form completed: 10 October 1907. Registration stamp: 1907 December 9.

COPY 1/516/117 · Objekt · 1907 Oct 10
Teil von The National Archives

Photograph of two Nauru women in reedys, one holding branch of almond tree in front of her standing under tree. Native house in distance. Copyright owner of work: William Henry Evans, Ocean Island, Pacific Ocean, c/o The Pacific Phosphate Company, 465 Collins Street, Melbourne, Australia. Copyright author of work: William Henry Evans, Ocean Island, Pacific Ocean, c/o The Pacific Phosphate Company, 465 Collins Street, Melbourne, Australia. Form completed: 10 October 1907. Registration stamp: 1907 December 9.

COPY 1/516/122 · Objekt · 1907 Oct 10
Teil von The National Archives

Photograph taken at Nauru shewing house built in centre of lake with background of palms & a palm tree in left hand upper foreground & cocoanuts on brink of water. Titled The Lake House. Copyright owner of work: William Henry Evans, Ocean Island, Pacific Ocean, c/o The Pacific Phosphate Company, 465 Collins Street, Melbourne, Australia. Copyright author of work: William Henry Evans, Ocean Island, Pacific Ocean, c/o The Pacific Phosphate Company, 465 Collins Street, Melbourne, Australia. Form completed: 10 October 1907. Registration stamp: 1907 December 9.

COPY 1/516/127 · Objekt · 1907 Oct 10
Teil von The National Archives

Photograph taken at Nauru shewing part of lake with old native with grey beard dressed in reedy standing at side with stick. Copyright owner of work: William Henry Evans, Ocean Island, Pacific Ocean, c/o The Pacific Phosphate Company, 465 Collins Street, Melbourne, Australia. Copyright author of work: William Henry Evans, Ocean Island, Pacific Ocean, c/o The Pacific Phosphate Company, 465 Collins Street, Melbourne, Australia. Form completed: 10 October 1907. Registration stamp: 1907 December 9.

COPY 1/516/134 · Objekt · 1907 Oct 10
Teil von The National Archives

Photograph taken at Nauru shewing part of lake with palm trees reflected in the waters. Titled The Sun Kissed Leaves. Copyright owner of work: William Henry Evans, Ocean Island, Pacific Ocean, c/o The Pacific Phosphate Company, 465 Collins Street, Melbourne, Australia. Copyright author of work: William Henry Evans, Ocean Island, Pacific Ocean, c/o The Pacific Phosphate Company, 465 Collins Street, Melbourne, Australia. Form completed: 10 October 1907. Registration stamp: 1907 December 9.

COPY 1/516/133 · Objekt · 1907 Oct 10
Teil von The National Archives

Photograph taken at Nauru shewing part of lake with palm trees reflected in the waters. Copyright owner of work: William Henry Evans, Ocean Island, Pacific Ocean, c/o The Pacific Phosphate Company, 465 Collins Street, Melbourne, Australia. Copyright author of work: William Henry Evans, Ocean Island, Pacific Ocean, c/o The Pacific Phosphate Company, 465 Collins Street, Melbourne, Australia. Form completed: 10 October 1907. Registration stamp: 1907 December 9.

COPY 1/516/89 · Objekt · 1907 Oct 10
Teil von The National Archives

Photograph taken at Nauru shewing part of lake with palm trees the palms reflected in the waters. Titled Natures Mirror. Copyright owner of work: William Henry Evans, Ocean Island, Pacific Ocean, c/o The Pacific Phosphate Company, 465 Collins Street, Melbourne, Australia. Copyright author of work: William Henry Evans, Ocean Island, Pacific Ocean, c/o The Pacific Phosphate Company, 465 Collins Street, Melbourne, Australia. Form completed: 10 October 1907. Registration stamp: 1907 December 9.

COPY 1/516/90 · Objekt · 1907 Oct 10
Teil von The National Archives

Photograph taken on Nauru shewing natives in reedys. Eight women & seven children, girl in right hand foreground holding almond branch. Copyright owner of work: William Henry Evans, Ocean Island, Pacific Ocean, c/o The Pacific Phosphate Company, 465 Collins Street, Melbourne, Australia. Copyright author of work: William Henry Evans, Ocean Island, Pacific Ocean, c/o The Pacific Phosphate Company, 465 Collins Street, Melbourne, Australia. Form completed: 10 October 1907. Registration stamp: 1907 December 9.

Schreiben an Frau und Herrn Mergner 1939-1984
ALMW_II._32_NachlassMergner_3 · Objekt
Teil von Franckesche Stiftungen zu Halle

Enthält: - o.O., o.J. Schreiben eines Afrikaners an Herrn Mergner in deutscher Übersetzung ohne Absender - Memmingerberg 1948. Albrecht an Herrn Mergner - Kumkanas 1946. v. Alvensleben an Herrn Mergner - Berlin 1941, 1943/44, 1946. Arbeitskreis für Mission / Studentenbund für Mission (Brennecke) an Frau Mergner bzw. Rundschreiben ohne Empfängerangabe (7 Schreiben) - Rummelsberg 1946. Bayrischer Verein für ärztliche Mission (Olpp) an Frau Mergner - Braunschweig, Würzburg, Rummelsberg o.J., 1948. Bayrischer Verein für ärztliche Mission (Olpp) an Herrn Mergner (3 Schreiben) - Leipzig 1942. Bock an Herrn Mergner - Magdeburg, Wernigerode 1946/47. Bodenstab an Frau Mergner (4 Schreiben) - Braunschweig 1948/49, 1951. Bodenstab (Wollermann & Bodenstab) an Herrn Mergner (4 Schreiben) - Welzheim 1954. Brater an Frau Mergner - Jerichow 1941. Brennecke (Rundbrief "Über die Lage auf den Missionsfeldern") - Rummelsberg, Frankreich (Feldpost), Nürnberg 1942, 1944, 1946/47. Buchta an Frau Mergner (5 Schreiben) - Dundee 1946. Church of Sweden Mission (Falck) an Herrn Mergner (Englisch) - Tübingen 1942, 1946. Deutsches Institut für ärztliche Mission (Müller) an Frau Mergner (2 Schreiben (u.a. "Jahresbericht ... über die Zeit vom 1. Oktober 1944 bis 30. September 1945." gedruckt, 4 S.) - Regensburg 1948. Edelmann an Herrn Mergner - Erlangen 1946-1948. Erlanger Zentralstelle der Leipziger Mission an Frau Mergner (6 Schreiben) - Erlangen 1948/49, 1951, 1953. Erlanger Zentralstelle der Leipziger Mission an Herrn Mergner (5 Schreiben) - Erlangen 1949. Erlanger Zentralstelle der Leipziger Mission (Rundschreiben betr. "Uraltkonten-Anmeldung" - Leipzig 1940-1947. Ev.-luth. Mission an Frau Mergner (64 Schreiben, davon 1 leerer Umschlag) - Leipzig 1942-1944, 1946-49, 1955. Ev.-luth. Mission an Herrn Mergner (26 Schreiben) - Leipzig 1952. Ev.-luth. Mission an Frau und Herrn Mergner - Leipzig 1939. Ev.-luth. Mission an Dekan Mergner - Leipzig o.J. 1939-1945, 1949, 1958. Ev.-luth. Mission (41 Rundschreiben ohne Empfängerangabe, 3 Schreiben doppelt) - Mittelsinn 1948. Ev.-luth. Pfarramt (Reuther) an Herrn Mergner (3 Schreiben; betr. Vortragsreise) - Schwarzenbach 1948. Ev.-luth. Pfarramt an Herrn Mergner (betr. Vortragsreise) - Herbolzheim 1948. Ev.-luth. Zentral-Missions-Verein für Bayern (Ruf) an Herrn Mergner - Erlangen 1948. Ev. Studentenpfarrer an Herrn Mergner - Salisbury 1942. Fleck an Herrn Mergner - Hof 1948. Flier an Herrn Mergner - Gunzenhausen 1948. Fuchs an Frau und Herrn Mergner - Bad Salzuflen 1946. German Hotschuan-Mission / Arbeitsgemeinschaft für ev. Frauen- und Mädchen-Bibel-Kreise e.V. an Frau Mergner (2 Schreiben: Freundesbrief Nr. 2; "In unseres Königs Namen" 7 S. gedr.) - o.O. 1945. Beilage zum Jahresbericht der Hotschuan-Mission 1945 (Rundbrief) - Gunzenhausen 1945. Guth an Frau Mergner - Ehingen 1948. Gutmann an Herrn Mergner - Wien 1948. Haasel an Frau Mergner - Leipzig 1940, 1944-1946. Frau Ihmels an Frau Mergner (6 Schreiben) - Berlin 1946. Knak (Rundbrief) - Bad Manheim 1955. Küchler an Herrn und Frau Mergner - Yercaud, Satara, Kumbakonam, Rummelsberg 1942-1945, 1948/49, 1958. Heller an Herrn Mergner (zumeist in Englisch; 8 Schreiben) - Leipzig 1943/44, 1946. Hempel an Herrn Mergner (5 Schreiben) - Tübingen 1949. Herrgott an Herrn Mergner - Kirchensittenbach, Hamburg, Nürnberg 1944, 1947, 1949. Jaeschke an Frau Mergner (7 Schreiben) - o.O., Veitsbronn, Tübingen, Kirchensittenbach, Fürth o.J., 1942-1944, 1946/47. Jaeschke an Herrn Mergner (10 Schreiben) - Mt. Hagen, Erlangen, Lae 1976, 1979, 1984. Jaeschke an Frau und Herrn Mergner (3 Schreiben) - o.O., o.J. letzte Seite eines Schreibens von Frau Jaeschke - Hannover 1948/49. Karlberg an Herrn Mergner (2 Schreiben) - Leguruki 1970/71. Kiesel an Herrn Mergner (4 Schreiben ; Rundbriefe) - Dawel 1943. Kirsten an Herrn Mergner - Salisbury 1942-1945. Knabe an Herrn Mergner (7 Schreiben) - Weimar 1946. Köhler an Frau Mergner (2 Schreiben) - Leipzig 1943. Küchler an Frau Mergner - Tübingen 1953. Kuhlmann an Herrn Mergner - Krummendeich 1940. Kutter an Frau Mergner - Sottrum, Bevern, Rain 1948/49. Herr Mergner an Frau Mergner (3 Schreiben) - Hamburg 1949. Müller an Herrn Mergner - Retzbach 1948. Müller an Herrn Mergner (2 Schreiben) - Mistelbach 1940. Nüssler an Frau Mergner - Beverstedt 1947. Paeßler an Frau Mergner - Rummelsberg 1943. Pätzig an Frau Mergner - o.O., o.J. Pätzig an Herrn Mergner - Gut Wendrin, Neuendettelsau 1944-1947. Raum an Frau Mergner (4 Schreiben) - Plötzky 1948. Regel an Herrn Mergner - Salisbury 1942-1944. Reuter an Herrn Mergner (4 Schreiben) - Dresden 1941. Sächsischer Haupt-Missionsverein an Frau Mergner - Leipzig 1943. Schlau an Herrn Mergner - Dresden 1943. Schneider an Herrn Mergner - Schretstaken ü. Schwarzenbek 1948. Schlubach an Frau Mergner - Dresden 1940. Seidel an Frau Mergner - Rusape 1946. St. Faith´s Mission an Herrn Mergner (Englisch - Salisbury, Norton, Bebra 1943-44, 1946, 1948. Stebut an Frau Mergner (4 Schreiben) - Salisbury 1942-1945. Stebut an Herrn Mergner (66 Schreiben, davon 1x nur Umschlag) - Darmstadt 1971. Stebut an Frau und Herrn Mergner - Salisbury 1942/43, 1945. Stoss an Herrn Mergner (6 Schreiben) - Leipzig 1949. Stoss an Frau und Herrn Mergner - Nürnberg 1943. Ströbel an Frau Mergner (nur Umschlag) - Berlin 1949. Triebel an Herrn Mergner - Giessen 1980. Triebel an Herrn Mergner - Leipzig 1940/41, 1944. Verlag der Ev.-luth. Mission an Mergner (1 Schreiben, 2 Rechnungen) - Güstrow-Schönberg 1941. Vierhub an Frau Mergner - Hamburg, Wismar 1948, 1954. Vierhub an Herrn Mergner (2 Schreiben) - Sottrum, Holle 1947, 1953. Zentralstelle Nordwestdeutschland der Leipziger Mission (Blümel, Klug) an Herrn Mergner (3 Schreiben, u.a. "Dienstreise-Bescheinigung")

Bacmeister, Walter
ALMW_II._32_NachlassMergner_5 · Objekt · 1923-1963
Teil von Franckesche Stiftungen zu Halle

Enthält: - Leipzig 1963. Ihmels (Dankesschreiben) - Andalusia Camp 1940. Hentschel an Ihmels (Abschrift) - Leeuwkop Camp 1940. Tscheuschner an Lörtscher (2 Abschriften) - o.O. 1943. Lawton, Brandt, Schmidt an Freunde (Rundbrief) - Hamburg, Dresden 1941. Freytag, Lehmann an die Missionsarbeiter in der Heimat (Rundbrief) - München 1953. Ev.-luth. Landeskirchenrat an Erlanger Zentralstelle der Ev.-luth. Mission zu Leipzig (Abdruck) - Moshi o.J. Riedel an ? (Telegramm) - Baviaanspoort 1944. Carstens an Memmen - Marangu 1956. Njau an Gutmann (Abschrift) - Berlin 1937. Reiche- und Preußische Minister des Innern an Oberpräsidenten der Provinz Westfalen (betr. "Sammlungsgesetz vom 5. November 1934 ... Runderlaß vom 9. Juni 1937 ... nichtrechtmäßige Kirchenkollekten") - Würzburg 1942. "Wolfgang" an "Vater" (privat) - Schwabach 1955. Privates Schreiben an Eltern bzw. Großeltern - o.O., o.J. ? an ? (Teil eines Schreibens?) - "Unsere ärztliche Mission" Jahresbericht erstattet auf der Mitgliederversammlung des Missionsärztlichen Vereins zu Leipzig ... 1941 von Küchler (Maschinegeschrieben, 4 S.) - 122. Jahresbericht der Leipziger Mission. 16 S. (gedr.) - Ev.-luth. Mission zu Leipzig (Hrsg.): Vom Dienst der Leipziger Mission. o.J. 8 S. (gedr.) - Vom Dienst der Leipziger Mission. 124. Jahresbericht 1942/43 und 125. Geschäftsbericht 1943/44 (je 8 S., gedr.) - Jahresbericht 1940/41 der Hotschuan-Mission e.V. 16 S. (gedr.) - Der Pflug Gottes. Jahresbericht 1944/45 der Hotschuan-Mission e. V. 16 S. (gedr.) - "Missionsleute, an die wir denken wollen" 2 S. (gedr.) - Freytag, W. "Blick über die Grenzen. Zur Lage der Weltmission." Hamburg 1946. (gedr. 32 S..; Maschineabschrift 15 S.) - Machame 1959. Schmiedel an Kollegium der Leipziger Mission (Jahresbericht 1958; Maschinegeschrieben; 15 S.; Abschrift) - Moshi, St.: Willkommensansprache an die Leiter der Kirche in Afrika und Europa, die als Gäste in Tanganyika waren. 1960. 4 S. (gedr.) - Roever, H.: Brief von Rev. H. Roever. Perambalur, Tiruchy Dt. (S. Indien) o.J. 4 S. (gedr.) - 2 Zeitungsausschnitte (Nürnberger Stadtspiegel 1955 "Pfarrer Jaeschke nahm Abschied von Nürnberg"; "Landesmissionsfest: Aufruf zur Nächstenliebe" ohne Quellenangabe, o.J.) - "Mitteilungsblatt des Bayerischen Staatsministeriums für Sonderaufgaben 2. Jg., Nr. 5/6, München 1947, S. 20/21 (Maschinenabschrift) - Kaul, R.: Lehrbuch der Gabelsbergerschen Stenographie für Kaufleute. Dresden 1923. 74 S. (gedr.) - "Vorträge von Herrn Dr. Mergner aus Würzburg" 1948 - "Reiseplan" o.J. - Castell 1948. "Reiseplan für die Ärztliche Mission 1948" - "Arbeitsmöglichkeiten für Ärzte in Übersee" (Maschinegeschrieben; 2 S.) - o.O., o.J. "Abrechnung" - Sausenhofen 1948. Pfarramt an Herrn Mergner (13 Schüler Klassen 5-8 schreiben über einen Vortrag von Mergner)

Bacmeister, Walter