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Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Abt. Generallandesarchiv Karlsruhe, 592 K · Fonds · 1879-1987
Part of Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Dept. General State Archive Karlsruhe (Archivtektonik)

Tradition: The Großherzogliche Badische Baugewerkeschule was founded in 1878. Since 1919 it was called "Badisches Staatstechnikum" or "Badische Höhere Technische Lehranstalt (Staatstechnikum)" (1923), since 1946 "Staatstechnikum Karlsruhe", since 1963 "Staatliche Ingenieurschule Karlsruhe", since 1971 "Fachhochschule Karlsruhe - Hochschule für Technik"; in 2005 it was renamed "Hochschule Karlsruhe - Technik und Wirtschaft". In contrast to the architecture department of the Polytechnic University, the drawing examination papers of the students of construction trades were kept at the school. As far as the documents were not collected by the school administration - especially in the period after about 1970 - an extensive, largely coherent set of plans has been preserved. It was handed over to the General State Archives in 1999 together with a transfer list in Access format, and more recent work was added in 2004. In the archive, the entire holdings were signed, packaged and re-registered by the ladies Mohd, Hummel and Vogt, the list of consignments was edited and converted into 'scopeArchiv' in 2012. The variety of query options (by building type, drawing technique, etc.) was retained in 'scopeArchiv' in a field visible only to the archive staff and in the source file (Access).a few privately owned student works that came to the General State Archive with the Thomas Kellner Collection in 2006 were incorporated; the drawing portfolio of Franz Kühn for the years 1934 to 1937 is now available as a sample portfolio for all subjects at the end of the student works.Further student works, which were delivered together with files of the building department also in 2004 - among them e.g. building photographs of Black Forest farms of the excursion of 1937 -, are recorded in inventory GLA 592 Access 2004-69. Some building photographs of monuments from this convoy were probably inadvertently taken over into the general plan inventory GLA 424 K. Plans (blueprints) of the Karlsruhe City Planning Office for the redesign of the Market Square from 1974 were submitted to the City Archive. Content: The approximately 100-year-old tradition conveys the teaching methods of drawing and the architectural expectations of the time between historicism and modernism and is thus an outstanding source for the transformation of technology, architectural aesthetics and reception behaviour over the social ruptures of the 20th century. Probably the most valuable part, almost half of the total stock, is taken up by the plans from the subjects of construction survey and design; the names of the subjects changed in the process. The annual publications of the Baugewerkeschule, such as the "design of bourgeois residential buildings" by the construction students or the recording of "patriotic monuments" in the whole of Baden by the prospective trade teachers, show that the focus here was on the core of teaching at least until 1914; part of the semester and holiday work was thus published promptly in large-format volumes (cf. the incomplete series in the library of the General State Archives, Cw 8102ff, 1885-1914 and individual proof pages, together with pages from architecture and engineering textbooks, as an appendix in fonds 592 K). In the 1920s, industrial and functional buildings came to the fore. During National Socialism, the main focus of interest was on the design of housing estates, and in the cataloguing of architectural monuments almost exclusively farmhouses in the Black Forest and in Baden's Franconia region; these architectural photographs are of particular value as historical architectural sources (a photo in No. 1581 shows members of one of the 1937 field trips to take a picture of a farm). But also the registration of e.g. Karlsruhe city centre buildings, which were destroyed during and after the Second World War, or the systematic mapping of Überlingen town houses in 1935 are important and so far almost unknown architectural inventory achievements. In the post-war period, photographs of buildings appeared almost exclusively as part of general drawing lessons; interior designs were added in the 1960s. All in all, the student works provide a good insight into the "tempo" of style change and architectural convention, precisely because of their dependence on current teaching and building practice. Photographs of architectural monuments on Lake Constance by the Constance photographer German Wolf from the years around 1900 form a separate group. They are testimonies to early monuments inventory, in the context of the building photographs perhaps as a model or as material for teaching. In contrast, photographs of plans whose originals were missing - mostly montages on large cardboard boxes from the 1960/1970s - remained in the main inventory. Drawing templates and other foreign materials were summarised, plans such as photos, which had gotten between the pupils' work as teaching aids; they can now be found at the end of the collection, as far as they could not be collected as duplicates. Access database: The database of the University of Applied Sciences will continue to be maintained as it allows further access to the stock due to its sorting possibilities, but does not have the same text status as the available finding aids data. Special mention should be made of the sorting according to "object groups":Sacral buildings (1)Public buildings (2)Residential buildings (3)Agricultural buildings (4)Others (5).The encryption "Type of execution" can also be used for exhibition preparations: Technical - black-and-white1Technical - colored2Artistic - black-and-white3Artistic - colored4. For the archive personnel, text parts can be queried in the data field "internal archive remarks", so that a selection according to these criteria is also possible in 'scopArchive'. Examples are "Item group: 1 (sacral buildings)" and "Type of construction: 1 (technical, black and white)". Literature: Wolfram Förster, 125 years Karlsruhe University of Applied Sciences, University of Technology, 1878-2003, Volume 1, Historical Development (Ingenium 4), Karlsruhe 2003

Collection · 1923-1938
Part of Augsburg State Archives (Archivtektonik)

Preface: Johannes Christoph Ferdinand Lippert was born on 07.08.1875 in Sulzbach-Rosenberg as one of six children. In 1906 he married Elisabeth Serr in Germersheim (Palatinate). Hans Lippert was head of the Donauwörth Agricultural Office from 1925 to 1938. During these years he has been extraordinarily involved in the history of his homeland and from 1930 he was chairman of the Historical Association for Donauwörth and the surrounding area. During this time, he mainly took up a wealth of motifs in his Sprengel, which make up the unique value of the so-called Lippert picture collection. In 1938, Lippert resigned from the Gleichschaltung des Historischen Vereins. After his move to Fürth, he worked for many years as a volunteer in the local city archive and in the state archive of Nuremberg (e.g. state archive of Nuremberg, holdings: Reichsstadt Nürnberg, Losungsamt, city accounting records) (friendly note from Mr. Erich Hofgärtner). He lived until his childless death in Fürth (Königswarterstraße 72) and died as a retired Oberregierungsbaurat on 01.08.1961 in Fürth (Jakob-Henle-Straße 1). His will of 10 April 1939 does not contain any dispositions regarding his collection of pictures. The estate file is archived in the Nuremberg State Archives (District Court Fürth VI 843/1961; friendly note from Mrs. Magerla, Nuremberg State Archives). The image collection comprises a total of 2,431 photographs of all types of buildings, including interior and exterior views, mainly from the Donauwörth district. The main holdings of 1884 objects were taken over by the Augsburg State Archives in 1992 (Archivalienzugangsbuch-Nr.: 36/1992) and in 1993 (Archivalienzugangsbuch-Nr.: 14/1993) from the Land- und Universitätsbauamt Augsburg. In addition, the Donauwörth City Archives have a smaller collection of 547 objects, some of which are interlinked with those of the Augsburg State Archives. The photographs kept in the city archives became the property of the Historical Association for Donauwörth and its Surroundings, whose chairman Lippert was until 1938. The Augsburg State Archives took over the collection in 1992 and 1993, which is kept in a specially made wooden cabinet. After an initial review by Dr. Gerhard Hetzer, Bernhard Stadler and Simon Lutz (the latter formerly employed by the Landbauamt Donauwörth), handwritten lists for determining the motifs of the negatives were drawn up in addition to an already existing older list of slides. Mr. Richard Helfrich then numbered the photographs from 1 to 3202 without separating them into different series (narrow, typewritten stickers), with the slides retaining their old numbers, noted in pencil on the originals in one corner. The old parchment bags of the negatives, which are provided with explanatory inscriptions or contain enclosed loose labels, only partially carried older numbers. The numbering was done in view of a security filming in the Herrmann und Kraemer GmbH u. Co KG laboratory in Garmisch-Partenkirchen. Prior to the security filming, Mr. Simon Lutz, in consultation with Dr. Seitz, the official board member, removed the originals numbered by Mr. Helfrich, No. 2366 to 2999, from the picture collection, as they did not belong to it (mainly photographs of persons). In the laboratory, the image collection was divided into two groups for technical reasons: Negatives or Series A (1096 objects) Contains original glass plate negatives (format 13 x 18 cm, 9 x 11.5 cm, 6.5 x 9 cm), original film negatives (6 x 8.5 cm), negative duplicates (10.5 x 14.5 cm) and photographic prints (10.5 x 14.5 cm). Slides or Series B (759 objects) Contains original glass plate slides (format 9 x 12 cm), negative duplicates (10.5 x 14.5 cm) and photo prints (10.5 x 14.5 cm). The negative duplicates and photo prints were placed in a glassine bag in the laboratory with the originals; the bags were labeled with the order number (= order number) in the upper left corner with a black pen. In the Augsburg State Archives, the negative duplicates and photo prints (for submission to users) were separated from the originals by working students and provided with sub-numbers, since the older parchment bags often contained several originals. The trainees created, separately according to the formats of the originals, with typewriter several directories. In 2004, Florian Anton Kofler used the Excel program to record the holdings of the Augsburg State Archives and the Donauwörth City Archives on behalf of the Swabian District. Mr. Kofler also listed some older photo prints from the remaining disordered appendix (negatives on film strips as well as older photo prints) of the picture collection, for which a small series C (so far 29 objects) was formed. Mr. Kofler has kindly left his data records to the Augsburg State Archives, on the basis of which, after importing them into the Faust database program, the following finding aids with registers could be created: - Augsburg State Archives, Donauwörth Land Construction Office, Lippert Picture Collection. This archive stock has been added to the finding aids database. - Donauwörth City Archive, Historical Society, Lippert Picture Collection. This find book is located in the Augsburg State Archives as an external repertory. In addition, two files in the inventory LANDBAUAMT DONAUWÖRTH are to be referred to: J 63: Heimatschutz und Denkmalpflege with 36 photos, 1935-1940. J 65: Heimatschutz und Denkmalpflege with 11 photos, 1921-1929. Literature: Ottmar Seuffert "Hans Lippert, Chairman of the Historischer Verein für Donauwörth und Umgebung e.V. (Historical Association for Donauwörth and Surroundings) In difficult times (1930-1938)", in: Mitteilungen des Historischen Vereins für Donauwörth und Umgebung 2000, pp. 67-81. Augsburg, Günter Steiner, 6 April 2005

Geheimes Staatsarchiv Preußischer Kulturbesitz, VI. HA, Nl Schiemann, T. · Fonds
Part of Secret State Archive of Prussian Cultural Heritage (Archivtektonik)

Life data of Heinrich Christian Karl Theodor Schiemann 5/17.7.1847 geb. in Grobin (Kurland) Father: Theodor, City Secretary in Mitau Mother: Nadeda (Nadine) Rodde 1858-1867 Gouvernementsgymnasium Mitau 1867-1872 History studies at the University of Dorpat 1871-1872 House teacher in Jensel/Livonia 1872-1873 Work at the Ducal Archives in Mitau and at the City Archive of Gdansk 1873/74 History studies at the University of Göttingen 1874 Doctorate 1874 PhD thesis "Salomon Hennings Livonian-Curonian Chronicle" 1874-1875 worked at the Main State Archives Dresden and at the House, Court and State Archives Vienna 1875-1883 head teacher for history at the State Grammar School in Fellin 1883-1887 city archivist in Reval; thereafter moved to Berlin 1887-1892 Privatdozent für nord. History and teacher at the War Academy 1889-1892 archivist at the Hanover State Archives: Deputation to the Secret State Archive in Berlin 1892-1902 Associate Professor at the Philosophical Faculty of Humboldt University 1902 Director and Ordinarius of the Seminar for Eastern European History and Regional Studies 1906 Full Honorary Professor at Humboldt University Full Professor at Humboldt University (until 1920) 1910 Appointment as Privy Government Councillor 1918 Curator of the German University Dorpat 1919 Retirement 26.1.1921 died in Berlin Theodor Schiemann was married since 29.6.1875 to Caroline née v. Mulert (1849-1937). They had five children: Edith (born 1876), Agnes (1878-1922, piano player), Theodor (born 1880, major, landowner), Elisabeth (1881-1972, plant geneticist) and Gertrud (born 1883, musician). The details of the curriculum vitae were taken from the publications listed under Literature. Preliminary note: The majority of the estate was deposited in 1959 (exc. 41/1959 > no. 1-245) by a daughter of Schiemann, Prof. Elisabeth Schiemann, representing her siblings in the Secret State Archives. The estate was already in the Secret State Archives before the Second World War, but was incompletely returned to the family after the outsourcing due to the war, which then deposited the estate again in the Secret State Archives in 1959. According to the Depositalvertrag, after the death of the siblings, the property passed to the Secret State Archives PK. The following additions to the estate were subsequently acquired: 1967 Submission from the Federal Archives from the estate of Prof. Frauendienst (exc. 40/1967 > in No. 79 pp. 15-21) 1969 Depositum of Prof. Elisabeth Schiemann (exc. 56/1969 > No. 246-251) 1977 Depositum der Max-Planck-Gesellschaft zur Förderung der Wissenschaften e. V. (Acc. 71/1977 > Appendix No. 261 - 268) 1982 Delivery of Dr. Gert v. Pistohlkors (Acc. 61/1982 > No. 255-259) 2006 Gift from Prof. Klaus Meyer: Papers were found in the estate of Prof. Torke and were handed over in 1967 by Prof. Elisabeth Schiemann to the Seminar for Eastern European History in Berlin (Acc. 51/2006 > incorporated in No. 42, 50, 54, 172, 250 and 258 and formed new No. 252-254). In the current processing of the estate, the former Appendix No. 9-13 has been re-signed to the serial numbers No. 255-259. The deposit of the Max Planck Society, initially referred to as Appendix (Depositum) No. 1 - 8, was subsequently re-signed with sequential numbering No. 261 - 268. (Change Jan. 2011 Wiss. Ang. Rita Klauschenz) The original find book probably came from the years 1959/60 and was created by Johannes Krüger. The old distortion was partly revised during the incorporation of this year's accession, specified in case of ambiguities and entered into the distortion database. In addition, the classification was modified, the appendix listed in more detail and an index of persons was compiled. The index of persons contains all the names of persons appearing in the reference book: mainly correspondence partners ejected, but also author names and persons treated in titles of publications. When searching for specific correspondence partners, the index should be checked, since the same correspondence partner can be found in different archives due to the different acquisitions. There are also numerous correspondence folders under the classification point 01.03, which should still be included in searches for safety reasons. The estate consists mainly of numerous correspondence and publications with predominantly political content, reflecting the political views and commitment of Theodor Schiemann and his contemporaries (colleagues, friends and acquaintances). The individual letters under item 01.03 are either individual letters or only a few letters from one sender. The content of these letters is often similar, as it is always a matter of political issues and current affairs. As item 06, the estate was further enriched with documents from a daughter of Schiemann, Prof. Elisabeth Schiemann, which relate to the estate. Due to the late maturities, numbers 180, 258, 148 and Annex No. 3 probably also belong to this group, but have been left under points 03 and 04.02 in favour of the old order. There is a concordance at the search booker, with the help of which one can find a certain order number in the search book under the jumping numbers. With the introduction of the new tectonics in the Secret State Archives in January 2001, the estate of Schiemann, formerly known as I. HA Rep. 92 Schiemann, was incorporated into the newly founded VI. Family archives and estates department. Duration: 1825/26, 1835, 1862 - 1972 Volume: 2.4 running metres To order: VI HA, Nl Schiemann, T., No... To quote: GStA PK, VI. HA Family Archives and Bequests, Nl Theodor Schiemann, No... Berlin, May 2006 ( Sylvia Rose) Literature on Theodor Schiemann: o Erich Seuberlich, Stammtafel deutsch-baltischer Geschlechter, II. Reihe, Leipzig 1927 (see Appendix No. 3) o K. Meyer, Theodor Schiemann as political publicist, Frankfurt/Main 1956 o W. Leesch, Die deutschen Archivare 1500-1945, Vol. 2, Munich, New York et al. 1992 o G. Voigt, Russia in German historiography 1843-1945, Berlin 1994 o Th. Bohn, Theodor Schiemann. Historian and publicist. In: Ostdeutsche Gedenktage 1997, Personalities and Historical Events, Bonn 1996, pp. 141-146 o K. Meyer, Russia, Theodor Schiemann and Victor Hehn. In: Baltic Sea Provinces, Baltic States and the National. Studies in honour of Gert von Pistohlkors on his 70th birthday. Edited by Norbert Angermann, Michael Garleff, Wilhelm Lenz, Münster 2005, pp. 251-277 (Schriften der Baltischen Historischen Kommission, vol. 14) o New German Biography, published by the Historical Commission of the Bavarian Academy of Sciences, vol. 22, Berlin 2005. inventory description: Biographical data: 1847 - 1921 finding aids: database; find book, 1 vol.