Showing 51 results

Archival description
ALMW_II._MB_1898_27 · File · 1898
Part of Francke's Foundations in Halle

Author: Report by Miss. Müller in Madchame, June 1898. Scope: pp. 365-371. Includes among others: - (SW: search for new mission areas; lending a tent from Schangali; chief of Kiboscho - Mlelya; meeting with chief Ngalami; gifts; visit to chief Membi; securing land; agreement of the chiefs; Wandorobbo at the Kware river; dialect of the Sira people) Darin: Illustration "Membi and Ngalami, chiefs of the Sira landscapes with their entourage in the camp of Miss. Müller."

Leipziger Missionswerk
A walk to Unter-Madschame
ALMW_II._MB_1896_30 · File · 1896
Part of Francke's Foundations in Halle
  • Author: By Miss. Ovir in Nkarungo. Scope: p. 421-425* 443-447. Contains, among other things: - (SW: Travelogue by Miss. Ovir; description of the landscape; meeting with a magician; classification of the Madchame area - 30 districts under the leadership of the district elders) - (SW: break and overnight stay with the district eldest Kirewe; campfire; translation of a song and riddles) Darin: Illustration "The new mission house of our station Madschame.
Leipziger Missionswerk
Happy news from Kilimanjaro
ALMW_II._MB_1893_15 · File · 1893
Part of Francke's Foundations in Halle

Author: Anonymous. Scope: p. 460-462. Contains, among other things: - (SW: Letter from Miss. Päsler; arrival of the head of the station Captain Johannes in Moshi; station Madchame; reception of the missionaries Althaus and Faßmann by Chief Schangali; agreement about land seizure for station)

Leipziger Missionswerk
ALMW_II._BA_A1_1317 · Item · 1929-1940
Part of Evangelical Lutheran Mission Leipzig

Photographer: Nüßler?. Phototype: Photo. Format: 11,0 X 7,8. Description: European building complex in front of trees, left 1/2 house with roof made of plant fibres. Reference: Plate and cardboard No. 7 in negative box ( 1 trigger). See album 22, no. 110 (11.1 X 8.2).

Leipziger Missionswerk
ALMW_II._32_2B · File · 1892-1910
Part of Francke's Foundations in Halle

Eight fiches. Contains: FICHE NO. 2B 1 - Map: Justus Perthes' Africa Lake District Section (8.) Edited by Dr. R. Lüddecke. Printed November 1892 in Gotha. 3rd edition - o.O., o.J. ? (concerning present missionary situation in Tanganyika) - Leipzig 1893. College (concerning instructions for the leader of the East African mission expedition; copy) - map "Eastern Central Africa" C.M.S. Report, Pl.3 - hand-drawn map "Siralandschaften" - o.O. 1892. ? - 1893. German East Africa line (receipt for Paessler) - o.O., o.J. map East Africa - o.O., o.J. Map: The Kamerungebiet, Deutsche Kolonialgesellschaft - "Karte der Missionstationen in Deutsch-Ostafrika" Zu: Deutsches Kolonialblatt 1892 - Travel calculations of the missionaries Paessler, Althaus, Fahrmann, Müller und Böhme - Mombas 1893. Travelogue (Experiences at Sea) Conclusion and signature missing (continuation probably on Fiche Nr. 2B 2 ) - Leipzig 1893(?). Letter to the members of the college - Berlin 1895. Meinerne - Berkau, Altmark 1893. Merensky (2 letters) - excerpts from the "Leipziger Zeitung" of 19.11.1894. Article: "The murder in Rombo" excerpt from the diary of the mission station Mamba, led by missionary Althaus (26.9.-3.10.). FICHE NO 2B 2 - "Second Supplement to No 600 of the National Newspaper." 1894 (excerpt) "Das Disciplinar-Urtheil gegen den Kanzler Leist" - Nuremberg 1895. Paessler (2 letters) - Schlieffenburg 1895. Karsten. (Copy and discussion of a report from the "Reichsboten" by Dr. Volkens, concerning the relationship of the Catholic and Protestant missions at Kilimanjaro; 2 letters) - Nuremberg 1895. Paessler - Groppendorf 1895. Müller (General Secretary of the Ev. Afrika-Verein) - Berlin 1895. Grundemann, Merensky (accompanying letter survey concerning the "legal habits of the African peoples") - Berlin 1896. International Association for Comparative Law and Economics (Research on the Legal and Economic Conditions of African Indigenous Peoples - Letter accompanying the sending of a questionnaire) - Mamba 1896. Althaus - Leipzig 1896. Schwartz to the missionaries of the Jagga Mission - Extract from the diary of the missionary Paessler (corrected). Headings (inserted later): 1. from Mombasa to Rabai; 2. from Rabai to Samburi (2 day trips); 3. from Samburu to Maungu (3 days) - o.O., o.J. (no beginning, probably continuation of Fiche No. 2B 1 ) Böhme - Mombasa 1893. Paessler - continuation of the above mentioned revised excerpts from the diary of Paessler (unsorted). FICHE No. 2B 3 - Continuation of the revised diary of Paessler, dated at the end: Machame 1893 - Machame 1893. Paessler - Leipzig 1893. ? - Mombas resp. Machame 1893-1894. Paessler (4 letters) - Machame 1893. Fassmann - Machame 1893. Paessler (diary beginning 30.9.1893; copy). FICHE NO. 2B 4 - Continued. Paessler - Lorenzkirch 1894. Paul (2 letters) - Mamba 1894. ? - Hamburg 1894. Hansing

Leipziger Missionswerk
ALMW_II._BA_NMergner_273 · Item · 1932-1940
Part of Evangelical Lutheran Mission Leipzig

Photographer: Mergner?. Type: Photo. Format: 8,4 X 5,5. Description: Church similar to the one in Machame (stone walls, double corrugated iron roof, crowd dressed in white in front of it, other people on the side (European clothes, cloths), right small house with roof made of plant fibres, bananas, left house with roof made of plant fibres, Kilimanjaro massif in the background.

Leipziger Missionswerk
News from Madschame
ALMW_II._MB_1899_12 · File · 1899
Part of Francke's Foundations in Halle
  • Author: From Miss's diary. Muller. Scope: p. 202-206* 269-270. Contains, among other things: - "1. The first pagan baptisms in Madschame." (SW: Baptism; Schangali's participation in the celebration; Johanna and Stefano baptized) - "2nd Missionary Work to the Women of Madschame." (SW: Miss Müller at the market at Kikafu to preach; attending church service) - "3rd school lesson." (SW: rehearsing songs; vocabulary; frequent visit of Chief Schangali) - "4th Christmas." - "Fifth, a campaign against the Masai." (SW: Lieutenant Merker; Chief Schangali; against the people of Toilito in Sira) Darin: Illustration "The board students in Madschame. (Family Müller and Miss. Room.)"
Leipziger Missionswerk
News from Madschame
ALMW_II._MB_1898_35 · File · 1898
Part of Francke's Foundations in Halle

Author: From Miss's diary. Müller, Aug. 1898. Scope: pp. 483-487. Includes among others: - "First, the first bridal canvass of a Jagga Christian." (SW: marriage in general; Samueli and Mambo - problems with Schangali) - "2nd something from work." (SW: Attendance at church) - "3. A visit from Meru Mountain." (SW: Visit of Chief Matundu from Meru Mountain) Darin: Picture "The station Nkarungo in Madschame".

Leipziger Missionswerk
News from Madschame
ALMW_II._MB_1899_17 · File · 1899
Part of Francke's Foundations in Halle
  • Author: By Miss. Muller. Scope: p. 325-329* 347-351. Includes, but is not limited to: - "First Circumcision of Some Costume Students." (SW: meeting with Schangali and Nasuwa) - "2nd arrival of siblings room." (SW: worship visit; worker for the House of Spaces; equipment) - "3rd Naruma." (SW: Catholic priest in Naruma; Chief Makunga - with him teaching) - "4th heathen sermon and school work." (SW: UnerMadchame; building a hut; market at Mula and market Kalali - sermon places; Wimbi harvest; chieftain's mother Nuya; boarding school; everyday school life) - "5. A dispute." (SW: between chieftains Schangali and Kiboso; legal case; arming of the warriors; meeting at Schangali; mediation of the German government) - "6th second visit of the Meru people". (SW: visit from Kiwoso; chief of the Meru people) - "7th heathen sermon in Untermadschame." (SW: treatment of wounds) - "8th New Contestants, School, etc." (SW: applicant; school; thunderstorm - damage of the school building; fashion - plait; Kimadare - chief of Aruscha) Darin: Illustration "Huts in the design of Madschame. (Dancing Jagga Negroes.)"
Leipziger Missionswerk
News from Madschame Station
ALMW_II._MB_1900_16 · File · 1900
Part of Francke's Foundations in Halle

Author: According to Miss's diaries. Miller and fox. Scope: p. 255-259. Includes, among other things: - "One, all sorts of outer life on the ward." (SW: guarding the station because of war danger of Aruscha; visit from Shira - chief Sinare; military expedition against the Waaruscha) - "2nd school work. - "Third worship and pagan sermon." Darin: Illustration "Mission House in Madschame. (Miss. Fuchs, Miss. Müller and wife.)"

Leipziger Missionswerk
ALMW_II._32_33 · File · 1916-1918
Part of Francke's Foundations in Halle

Eight fiches. Contains: FICHE NR. 33 1 - Nkoaranga o.J. Schachschneider to "son Hans" (private; copy) - o.O. 1917. "Berta" to Scharwächter in Leipzig (private; 2 copies) - "Der Adventbote in der Heidenwelt" No.2, 1917 (printed) - o.O., o.J. 2 printed pages - o.O., o.J. letter: "The war in German East Africa", internment of the Catholic missionaries at Kilimanjaro - Ahmednagar (India) 1917. Hedde from Usambara, currently prisoner of war (copy) - Ahmednagar (India) o.J. Fuchs (English; original and 2 copies) - Chemnitz 1917. soldier Thisch to mission director - Breklum 1917. mission inspector Braker with the request for publication, without addressee (printed) - Ahmednagar 1917. Fuchs (private) - Ahmednagar 1917. Fuchs. Prisoners of War, Postcard to mission director (2 letters) - Ludwigslust 1917. Repsold to mission director (2 letters) - Altenburg 1917. von Bock to mission director (3 letters) - Wildberg (Zurich) 1917. Sulzberger to mission director - Marburg, Lahn 1917. Stiehler to "Professor" (without further information - possibly mission director Prof. Paul) - Berlin 1917. Reichs-Kolonialamt an von Bock (copy) - Schrubach 1916. Mauer an "Professor" - Ort unleserlich 1917. Missionsinspektor an Angehörige und Freunde der Missionsarbeiter in Usambara - Machame 1917. "Father" an "Tochter" J. Müller (private; copy with accompanying letter to Missionsdirektor) - Liegnitz 1917. Scheller ohne Empfängerangabe (2 letters) - Herrnhut 1917. Henning to mission director (postcard) - Ahmednagar 1917. Fuchs to Sulzberger (English; 2 copies typewritten; 1 handwritten) - Nkoaranga 1917. Schachschneider to mission director - Hessen 1917. Rose to "Missionar" (no details; 2 letters) - Ohlau 1917. Beautiful to "Missionar" (no details) - Dresden 1917. Gress an Paul - Döben 1917. Lindmann an Bruder (no further details) - Nauternlitz 1917. Warnike an Missionsdirektor - Buschnitz 1917. Taube an "Professor" - Wittigwalde 1917. Thurleis as estate manager at Leipziger Mission - o.O. 1917. ? an Fuchs in Ahmednagar (2-fold) - East Africa 1917. Oldewage an Paul (original in English and 3 translations). FICHE NR. 33 2 - continued - Bethel 1917. mission inspector to relatives and friends of the mission brothers and sisters in Rwanda - Bethel 1917. ev. mission society for German East Africa to mission director - Charlottenburg 1917. bold to mission director - Marangu 1917. ev. -luth. mission Marangu an Würz (English) - Marangu 1917. room to mission director (original and copy) - Tengeru 1916. my to "son Peter" (private) - Ahmednagar 1917. Fuchs to mission director (3 letters) - Altmittweida 1917. Afert to Paul - Meseritz 1917. chess cutter to Ev.-luth. mission to Leipzig (2 letters) - Daressalaam 1916. "Gustl" to "Mühmchen" (private; copy) - Bethel 1917. ev. mission company to "Bruder" (no further details) - Ahmednagar 1917. Fuch to his family (private; 2 letters) - Militsch 1917. Kegel to mission director (2 letters) - Nkoaranga 1917. Schachschneider to Sulzberger (English) - Schwabach 1917. Mauer to "Professor" - Bethel 1917. Mission inspector to relatives and friends of the missionaries - Wuga 1917. Gleiss to "Bruder Friedrich" (private; copy; English) - Großalmerode 1917. Ascherfeld to mission director - Allenstein 1917. Behrends to mission director - Eberswalde 1917. Bad to mission director - o.O. 1917. from Arnim to mission director - Iever 1917. Mein to mission director (2 letters) - Tengeru, Arusha 1916. My to "Mother" (2 letters) - Dresden 1917. Moesta to Mission Director - Eberswalde 1917. Rohde to Mission Director - Nkoaranga 1917. "Sister Friderike" to Mission Director (English, 2 copies) - Mbaga 1917. Dennholz to "Mother" (English) - Zoppot 1917. Rodenacher to ? - Toulouse 1917. Roehl an Trittelvitz in Bethel (printed) - Machame 1917. Müller an Missionsdirektor (original and copy) - Ahmednagar 1917. Zeyen an Missionsdirektor - Ahmednagar 1917. Rother an Missionsdirektor (English and German translation) - Leipnitz 1917. Alberti an Missionsdirektor. FICHE NR. 33 3 - Continued - Ahmednagar 1917. Kuyenbruds (?) to Paul (English, 2 letters) - Meseritz 1917. Chess tailor to Ev.-Mission to Leipzig, with copies of an English and a German letter from Schachschneider (2 letters and one copy) - Kamenz 1917. Horn to mission director, contains copy of a letter from Horn (3 letters) - 1917. Fox "Postkarte für Kriegsgefangene" to Paul (3 letters) - Tharandt 1917. Martin - Neukirchen 1917. Secretariat of the Orphan and Mission Institute, with letter to Kühnen von Hofmann - Hamburg 1917. Mission Society of the S. T. Adventists in Europe to Paul - Altenburg 1917. Bock to Paul - Mamba 1917. Michel to "Mother" - Dresden 1917. Moesta with letter to Moesta von Gumert from prison camp Tanga - Nkoaranga 1917. Steinacker to Paul (English) - Machame 1917. Mission Council of the Evangelical Church in Hamburg 1917.luth. mission in German East Africa to mission director - Ahmednagar 1917. Fuchs to Dean Prieser in Bamberg (transcript) Answer Pauls to Fuchs (English) - Neumünster 1917. Landesverein für Innere Mission in Schleswig-Holstein to Missionshaus Leipzig - Grohshasselohe near Munich 1917. Egger to mission director - Zoppot b. Danzig 1917. Rodenacher - Ahmednagar 1917. Fuchs to Mission Director - Ohlau 1917. Schöne to Mission Director - Leipzig 1917. An Fuchs - Eschenbach 1917. Wärthl to Mission Director, with copy of a letter from Wärthl (2 letters) - Burkhardtsdorf 1917. Rother an Paul - Bamberg 1917. ? an Missionsdirektor - Glauchau 1917. Pädagogium (betr. Rother) - 1917. Missionsdirektor an Horn - Masama 1917. Thiele (copy) - Maadi b. Cairo 1917. Thiele to Mission Director (original and copy) - Döbeln 1917. Everth (concerning Everth) - Cairo 1917. Horn to Mission Director - Leipzig 1917. Paul to members and friends of our mission in D e u t s c h - O s t a f r i k a - Belgaum (India) 1917. Fuchs to Sulzberger - Ahmednagar 1917. Fuchs to Paul - Maadi 1917. Thiele an Mission Director - Schwabach 1917. Müller - Ahmednagar 1917. Fuchs an "Familie" (2 letters) - o.O. 1917. Paul an Fuchs, Wärthl und Thiele (partly English) - Ahmednagar 1917. Fuchs an Hofmann (English) - Eschenbach 1917. Wärthl an Paul - Belgaum 1917. Fuchs an Prieser - Maadi 1917. Thiele to mission director (original and copy) - Tanga 1917. Schachschneider to Bureaux International de la Paix, Bern - Begaum 1917. Fuchs to mission director (original and copy) - Maadi 1917. Horn to mission director - Maadi 1917. Thiele to mission director - Hessen i. Braunschweig 1917. Grawinkel (with copy of a letter from "Gustl", Daressalaam 1916 to "Mother") - "The Christian occupation of Africa" Report about an African conference 1917 (translation) - Belgaum 1917. Fuchs to Paul - Dar es Salaam 1917. "Max" to Mother - "ON HIS MAJESTY'S SERVICE Civil Verwaltung D. O. A. District Political Office Circular" - Marangu 1917. ? to Ev.-luth. Mission in Leipzig (English). FICHE NR. 33 4 - continued - Rochlitz 1917. Fritzsch - Belgaum 1917. Fuchs - Maadi 1917. Horn - Belgaum 1917. Fuchs (copy and original) - Grossalmerode 1917. Ascherfeld - Wilhelmstal 1917. Administrator's Office (English) - "The following injuries or complaints are such as to render a person incapable of military service." Moshi 1917 District Political Officer "Circular to all enemy subjects." (English) and "Circular male enemy subjects." (English) - o.O. 1917. to Mission Council "Basic outline for the continuation of the mission works and their management". (3fold) - Blantyre 1918. Wärthl (copy) - no year 16 different short letters in copy - 1 photo (probably fox) - 1918. Everth - Kamenz 1918. Horn - Leipzig 1918. an Fuchs - Maadi 1918. Thiele - Belgaum 1918. Fuchs an Sulzberger resp. Paul (2 letters) - Belgaum 1918. Fuchs to Fuchs and Prieser - 1918. to Schachschneider - 1918. to Thiele - 1918. to Fuchs - 2 calendar sheets February 1918. (Spemanns Alpen-Kalender) - Belgaum 1918. ? to "Family" - Cairo 1918. Wall - o.O.., o.J. to Horn in Maadi - Kamenz 1918. Nollau - 1918. to Michel - Ahmednagar 1918. Guth (original and copy) - Döbeln 1918. Everth with copy of a letter from Everth to "Mother" - Waldorf 1918. Adam - Belgaum 1918. Fuchs (4 letters) - Blantyre 1918. Wärthl to "Ruckdaeschel" (copy) - 1918. Paul an Everth, Thiele, Schachschneider, Mauer - Maadi 1918. Schachschneider - Maadi 1918. Rother an "Familie" (copy) - Seelingstädt 1918. Ahnert (copy) - Seelingstädt 1918. Schmidt (2 letters) - Maadi 1918. Rother (original and copy) - Maadi 1918. "Martin" an "Eltern". FICHE NR. 33 5 - Leipzig 1918. Paul an Everth, Horn, Wärthl, Thiele, Fuchs, Schachschneider, Guth (2 letters), Mauer, Rother - Maadi 1918. Thiele - Kamenz 1918. Horn (2 letters) - Belgaum 1918. Fuchs (4 letters) - Langenreinsdorf 1918. Ahnert and Stelzner (with copy of a letter from Stelzner) - Tura b. Cairo 1918. Everth - Maadi 1918. Michel (2 letters) - London / Machame 1918. C.M.S. (English); letter from Müller (English) - Zinnritz 1918. Schachschneider (with copy of a letter from Schachschneider) - Tura 1918. Horn (2 letters) - Hospital Heliopolis b. Cairo 1918. chess cutter - Seelingstädt 1918. Schmidt - Treffurt 1918. Klöpfel (2 letters) - Maadi 1918. Rother (2 letters) - Glauchau 1918. Pädagogium - Klotzsche 1918. Hüttig (concerning Horn) - Maadi 1918. Everth - Maadi 1918. Michel - Hospital Heliopolis 1918. Mauer (English) - Maadi 1918. Thiele. FICHE NR. 33 6 - Maadi 1918. Schachschneider (5 letters) - Maadi 1918. Everth (6 letters) - Daressalaam 1917. Everth - Leipzig 1918. Paul an Fuchs, Everth, Guth, Wärthl, Michel, Schachschneider - Moshi 1918. District Political Officer an Ev. Mission Shingatini - o.O. 1918. Guth (4 letters) - Maadi 1918. Thiele - Kamenz 1918. Noltau - Maadi 1918. Thiele an Schanz - Steinigtwolmsdorf 1918. Schanz (concerning Thiele) - Belgaum 1918. Fox - Marangu 1918. Ev.-luth. mission to Ev. luth. mission Leipzig (English) - Seelingstädt 1918. Ahnert (concerning Stelzner; 2 letters) - Eschenbach 1918. Wärthl - Maadi 1918. Michel - Sidi Bishr (Egypt) 1918. Rother - Maadi 1918. Stelzner. FICHE NR 33 7 - Seelingstädt 1918. Schmidt (concerning Guth) - Maadi 1918. Michel - Maadi 1918. Wall (2 letters) - Sidi Bishr 1918. Thiele (original and copy) - Maadi 1918. Stelzner (2 letters) - Belgaum 1918. Fuchs (2 letters) - Tura 1918. Klöpfel - Treffurt 1918. Klöpfel - Eschenbach 1918. Wärthl - Maadi 1918. Schachschneider (4 letters) - Sidi Bishr 1918. Everth (5 letters, one with photo) - Schwabach 1918. Mauer - Zeiskan 1918. Guth - Sidi Bishr 1918. Rother - Eschenbach 1918. Wärthl - o.O. 1918. Guth - Tura 1918. Michel - Sidi Bishr 1918. wall - Mwika 1918. Stamberg to "Eva" and "Grete" (copy) - Altorf 1918. KR Braun (copy) - Sidi Bishr 1918. "Martin" to Alberti ("Parents"; copy) - Machame 1918. mission station (Müller) to Paul (original in English and 2 translations) - o.J. 13 short letters of various senders and addressees (copies) - Bleckmar 1918. Missionsanstalt der Hannoverschen luth. Freikirche to Missionsdirektor (2 letters; copies) - o.O. 1918. Everth (concerning polygamy). FICHE NO 33 8- - Sidi Bishr 1918. Everth - o.O. 1918. Everth - Maadi 1918. Wärthl - Tura 1918. Michel - Maadi 1918. Wall - London 1918. C.M.S. an Ev.-luth. mission Leipzig (English) - Maadi 1918. chess cutter - Tura 1918. horn (not complete) - Belgaum 1918. fox - Machame 1918. mission Council of the Ev.-luth. mission in G.E.A. (Müller) to Paul (account 1917).

Leipziger Missionswerk
Niami, outstation of Machame
ALMW_II._BA_A1_1318 · Item · 1929-1940
Part of Evangelical Lutheran Mission Leipzig

Photographer: Nüßler?. Phototype: Photo. Format: 10,8 X 8,2 Description: Building (church) europ. style, covered with plant fibres, in front of it path and lawn, crowd. Reference: Plate and cardboard No. 8 in negative box ( 1 trigger).

Leipziger Missionswerk
ALMW_II._32_NachlassMergner_5 · Item · 1923-1963
Part of Francke's Foundations in Halle

Contains: - Leipzig 1963. Ihmels (letter of thanks) - Andalusia Camp 1940. Hentschel to Ihmels (copy) - Leeuwkop Camp 1940. Tscheuschner to Lörtscher (2 copies) - o.O. 1943. Lawton, Brandt, Schmidt to friends (newsletter) - Hamburg, Dresden 1941. Freytag, Lehmann to the mission workers in the homeland (newsletter) - Munich 1953. Ev.-luth. Landeskirchenrat an Erlanger Zentralstelle der Ev.-luth. Mission zu Leipzig (impression) - Moshi o.J. Riedel an ? (telegram) - Baviaanspoort 1944. Carstens to Memmen - Marangu 1956. Njau to Gutmann (transcript) - Berlin 1937. Reich and Prussian Ministers of the Interior to Chief Presidents of the Province of Westphalia (concerning "Collection Law of 5 November 1934 ... Circular of 9 June 1937 ... unlawful church collections") - Würzburg 1942. "Wolfgang" to "father" (private) - Schwabach 1955. Private letter to parents or grandparents - o.O., o.J. ? to ? (Part of a letter?) - "Our medical mission" annual report presented at the general meeting of the Missionsärztlichen Verein zu Leipzig ... 1941 by Küchler (typewritten, 4 p.) - 122nd Annual Report of the Leipzig Mission. 16 S. (ed.) - Ev.-luth. Mission zu Leipzig (ed.): Vom Dienst der Leipziger Mission. n.d. 8 p. (dr.) - From the service of the Leipzig Mission. 124th Annual Report 1942/43 and 125th Annual Report 1943/44 (8 pages each, printed) - Annual Report 1940/41 of the Hotschuan-Mission e.V. 16 pages. The plough of God. Annual report 1944/45 of the Hotschuan-Mission e. V. 16 p. (dr.) - "Mission people we want to think about" 2 p. (dr.) - Freytag, W. "Look over the borders. On the state of world mission." Hamburg 1946. (printed 32 p.; copy of machine 15 p.) - Machame 1959. Schmiedel to College of the Leipzig Mission (annual report 1958; typed; 15 p.; copy) - Moshi, St.: Welcome address to the leaders of the Church in Africa and Europe who were guests in Tanganyika. 1960. 4 p. - Roever, H.: Letter from Rev. H. Roever. Perambalur, Tiruchy Dt. (S. India) o.J. 4 S. (printed) - 2 newspaper clippings (Nürnberger Stadtspiegel 1955 "Pfarrer Jaeschke nahm Abschied von Nürnberg"; "Landesmissionsfest: Aufruf zur Nächstenliebe" ohne Quellenangabe, o.J.) - "Mitteilungsblatt des Bayerischen Staatsministeriums für Sonderaufgaben 2. Jg., No. 5/6, Munich 1947, p. 20/21 (machine copy) - Kaul, R.: Lehrbuch der Gabelsbergerschen Stenographie für Kaufleute. Dresden 1923. 74 p. (printed) - "Vorträge von Dr. Mergner aus Würzburg" 1948 - "Reiseplan" o.J. - Castell 1948 1948 - "Reiseplan für die Ärztliche Mission 1948" - "Arbeitsmöglichkeiten für Ärzte in Übersee" (typewritten; 2 p.) - o.O., o.J. "Abrechnung" - Sausenhofen 1948 - Pfarramt an Herrn Mergner (13 pupils in grades 5-8 write about a lecture by Mergner)

Bacmeister, Walter
The shepherd school
ALMW_II._BA_A15_2 · Item · 1930-1940
Part of Evangelical Lutheran Mission Leipzig

Photographer: Erika Stoß? Mergner?. Phototype: Photo. Format: 8,5 X 5,7 Description: U-shaped building, stone walls, corrugated iron roof, Machame?

Leipziger Missionswerk
Two months in Jimba.
ALMW_II._MB_1900_19 · File · 1900
Part of Francke's Foundations in Halle

Author: According to Miss's diary. Mendner. Scope: pp. 272-276. Contains, among other things: - "Tagewerk during Miss. Pfitzinger's absence." (SW: Departure of Miss Pfitzimger to Ikutha; school and church service; children stealing food frequently; beginning of maize harvest; treatment of the sick; theft) - "After Br. Pfitzinger's return, 4th to 28th February". (SW: arrest of a burglar; division of labour; lessons; downpours) Darin: "Three Dschaggamädchen in Madschame".

Leipziger Missionswerk
ALMW_II._BA_A13_39 · Item · 1932-1940
Part of Evangelical Lutheran Mission Leipzig

Sister Jenny v. Stebut, African nurse? with infants at the bedside of patients. Photographer: Mergner?. Type: Photo. Format: 8,5 X 5,4. Description: 2 african. Women in bed, two Africans. Women sitting by the bed, Schw. Jenny puts infant in bed standing box/ or takes it out.

Leipziger Missionswerk
untitled, Church of Lyamungu
ALMW_II._BA_NMergner_274 · Item · 1932-1940
Part of Evangelical Lutheran Mission Leipzig

Photographer: Mergner?. Type: Photo. Format: 17,3 X 12,7. Description: Church similar to that of Machame (plastered stone walls, double corrugated iron roof), in front of it a bell-house, right small house, in front of church crowd (European clothes/cloths).

Leipziger Missionswerk
ALMW_II._BA_A14_163 · Item · 1932-1940
Part of Evangelical Lutheran Mission Leipzig

Photographer: Mergner?. Type: Photo. Format: 5.8 X 8.5). Description: Cf. alb. 14, Nr 161 u. 162 (same building), African worker. Reference: Cf. single photo no. 34 (8.5 X 5.8) m. Text on back: "Uffe Fokken, Bruder Triebel. Sincerely yours Paul Fokken"; No. 27d on the back; recipient of the photo unknown.

Leipziger Missionswerk