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Archival description
BArch, RH 18 · Fonds · 1929-1944
Part of Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

Description of the holdings: The head of the army archives was the head of archives for the Wehrmacht part of the army with its official seat in Potsdam. The chief of the army archives was in charge of the army archives in Potsdam, Vienna, Munich, Dresden and Stuttgart, the army archives branches in Prague and Gdansk, as well as the representatives in the occupied territories and the Wehrmacht sighting station for prey files. The Chief of the Army Archives was responsible for the recording of files of the High Command of the Wehrmacht, of the High Command of the Army with subordinate offices, of the command authorities, troops, administrative authorities and other institutions of the army (cf. HDv. 30 Correspondence and Business Transactions of the Wehrmacht, Appendix 2). The User Regulations regulated the lending and use of the Army Archives (cf. BArch RH 18/437). After three years of negotiations, the Reich and Prussian Minister of the Interior and the Reich War Minister agreed in September 1936 that the military files should be taken over by the High Command of the Army. On April 1, 1937, the chief of the army archives and the army archives under his command took over the military archives, which since 1919 had been administered by the Reichsarchiv, its branches in Dresden and Stuttgart, and the war archives in Munich. The Chief of the Army Archives was subordinate to the Chief Quartermaster V in the General Staff of the Army until 1942. With the reorientation of the writing of war history, Hitler subordinated the Chief of the Army Archives to the Commissioner of the Führer for Military History, Colonel Scherff, with effect from 1 July 1942. From 1937 to 1942 Friedrich von Rabenau was the chief of the army archives, from 1942 until the end of the war Karl Ruppert, who had been in charge of the Potsdam army archives since 1937. The management of the Heeresarchiv Potsdam and the office of Chief of Army Archives were merged in 1943. Heeresarchiv Potsdam The Heeresarchiv Potsdam was divided into three departments. Department A administered the Brandenburg-Prussian Army Archives, the archives of which ran from the 17th century until the dissolution of the Prussian army in 1920. Department B kept the files of the volunteer formations formed after World War I and of the Reichswehr. Section C was intended for the recording of Wehrmacht files, i.e. from 1935 with the re-establishment of military sovereignty. The departments of the Heeresarchiv Potsdam were divided into subject areas. Other organisational units included the collections, estates, maps and the picture collection. In 1935, the Berlin Department of the Reichsarchiv (especially the Prussian War Ministry after 1867) and the Central Office of Records for War Losses and War Graves were also subordinated to the Heeresarchiv Potsdam. The Heeresarchiv Potsdam continuously took over the war diaries of all command authorities and troops as well as the court files of the field and war courts in the court file collection centre. The file collection centre West in Berlin-Wannsee mainly recorded loot files from various military offices in France. The organisational structure of the Heeresarchiv Potsdam was not uniform and changed several times until 1945. In territorial matters, the Heeresarchiv Potsdam was bound by the instructions of the commander in Wehrkreis III (Berlin). A British air raid on Potsdam on 14 April 1945 hit the service and magazine building of the chief of the army archives and the army archive Potsdam hard. The holdings of the Brandenburg-Prussian Army Archives were almost destroyed. This concerned, among other things, the files of the Prussian military cabinet, the files of the Prussian Ministry of War, the war files of the unification wars and the most important war diaries with attachments from the First World War. The personal records of the Prussian army and the Reichswehr are considered almost completely destroyed. In 1943 the Heeresarchiv Potsdam outsourced the department for the recording of war diaries to Liegnitz in Silesia. At the end of 1944 this branch was moved back to Potsdam. Later, the Heeresarchiv Potsdam outsourced large quantities of its archives. Shortly before the enclosure of Berlin, the war diaries of the Second World War and a few particularly valuable older files were transferred to Blankenburg in the Harz Mountains and to Bad Reichenhall or Kufstein in "two transports of 4-6 railway wagons each" (Poll). The archives in Blankenburg were confiscated by the Western Allies. These were the war diaries of the Army High Commands, the General Commands, the divisions and other army departments as well as parts of older files. The war diaries of top army authorities were burned in Reichenhall and Kufstein on the orders of Scherff, the Führer's representative for military historiography. The destruction of older files, estates and collections in Reichenhall could be prevented by the responsible official. Heeresarchiv Wien The Chief of the Army Archives took over the War Archive Vienna after the integration of Austria in 1938. It was the central military archive of the Austro-Hungarian monarchy until 1918 and of the Republic of Austria until 1938. After the beginning of World War II, the Army Archives Vienna was assigned the Southeast Files Collection Point for the collection of loot files from the Southeast region. In territorial matters the Army Archives Vienna was bound to the instructions of the commander in the military district XVII (Vienna). Today the War Archives are under the control of the Austrian State Archives. Heeresarchiv München After the foundation of the Reichsarchiv in 1919, the Kriegsarchiv München was able to maintain its status as an independent Bavarian archive and was not subordinated to the Reichsarchiv as a branch of the Reichsarchiv, as were the archives in Dresden and Stuttgart. In 1937, the head of the Heeresarchiv took over the Kriegsarchiv München as the Heeresarchiv München. The Army Archives Munich covered the entire Bavarian military tradition from about 1650 to 1920. After the beginning of World War II, the Army Archives Munich was assigned the file collection point South, in particular for the recording of Italian booty files. In territorial matters, the Heeresarchiv München was bound by the instructions of the commander in Wehrkreis VII (Munich). After the Second World War, the Kriegsarchiv München was subordinated to the Bavarian Hauptstaatsarchiv. Despite losses during the war, the majority of the holdings have been preserved and enable source research into military history before 1919 as a replacement for the lost archive of the Potsdam Army Archives. Army Archives Dresden In 1937, the head of the army archives took over the Dresden branch of the Reichsarchiv from the Reichsarchiv as the Dresden Army Archives. This service was responsible for the stocks of the Saxon Army (XII. (I. Royal Saxon) Army Corps and XIX. (II. Royal Saxon Army Corps). The holdings of the Army Archives Dresden covered a period from 1830 - 1919 without a clear demarcation between the holdings and the Main State Archives Dresden. In territorial matters the Army Archives Dresden was bound to the instructions of the commander in the Military District IV (Dresden). During the Anglo-American air raid on Dresden on 13 February 1945, the personal documents of the Saxon army suffered losses. Despite losses during the war, the majority of the holdings have been preserved and enable source research for military history before 1919 as a replacement for the lost archive of the Potsdam Army Archives. The government of the USSR returned the preserved holdings of the Dresden Army Archives to the government of the GDR after the war. Until reunification they were administered in the military archives of the GDR in Potsdam. The Bundesarchiv-Militärarchiv transferred the holdings to the Hauptstaatsarchiv Dresden in 1991. Heeresarchiv Stuttgart The head of the army archives took over the Reichsarchiv branch Stuttgart from the Reichsarchiv in 1937 as Heeresarchiv Stuttgart. This office was responsible for the holdings of the Württemberg Army Corps (XIII (Royal Württemberg Army Corps) and the XIV (Grand Ducal Baden Army Corps). In territorial matters the Heeresarchiv Stuttgart was bound to the instructions of the commander in the Wehrkreis V (Stuttgart). The Heeresarchiv Stuttgart has been preserved without war losses and, as a replacement for the lost records of the Heeresarchiv Potsdam, enables source research for military history before 1919. Today the Heeresarchiv Stuttgart is subordinated to the Hauptstaatsarchiv Stuttgart. The archives of the XIV (Grand Ducal Baden) Army Corps are stored in the General State Archive in Karlsruhe, although the Grand Duchy of Baden from 1871-1919, in contrast to Bavaria, Saxony and Württemberg, did not have a military reserve right. Army Archives Prague Branch The Army Archives Prague branch administered the former Czech army archives and recorded archival material of the Austro-Hungarian army in Bohemia and Moravia. It was in charge of supplementing the official archival material with collections, making the holdings available for use by Wehrmacht offices, and providing information. In territorial matters, the Army Archives Prague branch was bound to the instructions of the Wehrmacht Plenipotentiary at the Reich Protector in Bohemia and Moravia (Wehrkreisbefehlshaber in Böhmen und Mähren). The Gdansk Army Archives Branch The Gdansk Army Archives Branch captured the military archives captured during the Eastern campaigns, in particular the Polish Army Archives. It had to record this material, make it usable and provide information from the files. In territorial matters, the Gdansk Army Archives Branch was bound by the instructions of the Commander of Military District XX (Gdansk). The Commissioner of the Chief of Army Archives at the Military Commander in France The Commissioner of the Chief of Army Archives at the Military Commander in France in Paris had to supervise and evaluate the French army archives. He was to inventory sources on German history, copy documents and collect contemporary historical material. The Commissioner of the Chief of the Army Archives at the Military Commander in Belgium and Northern France The Commissioner of the Chief of the Army Archives at the Military Commander in Belgium and Northern France in Brussels was to evaluate the Belgian Army Archives, enable their use by German agencies, inventorise sources on German history, copy documents and collect material on contemporary history. The Commissioner of the Chief of the Army Archives in Alsace-Lorraine The Commissioner of the Chief of the Army Archives in Alsace-Lorraine in Metz was concerned with the re-registration of German army files, the sighting of French prey files, in particular the Maginot Line, and the provision of files for Wehrmacht offices. The Commissioner of the Chief of Army Archives in the Netherlands The Commissioner of the Chief of Army Archives in the Netherlands, based in The Hague, was responsible for overseeing and evaluating the Dutch army archives. He was to inventory sources on German history, copy documents and collect contemporary historical material. The Commissioner of the Chief of Army Archives at the Commander of the German Forces in Denmark The Commissioner of the Chief of Army Archives at the Commander of the German Forces in Denmark, based in Copenhagen, was to evaluate the Danish Army Archives and collect material on contemporary history. The Commissioner of the Chief of the Army Archives at the Wehrmacht Commander Norway The Commissioner of the Chief of the Army Archives at the Wehrmacht Commander Norway in Oslo took over the management of the Norwegian Army Archives, gave information to German offices and collected contemporary historical material. The Commissioner of the Chief of the Army Archives in Italy The Commissioner of the Chief of the Army Archives in Italy was commissioned, after the fall of Italy and the invasion of the Wehrmacht in Italy in 1943, to secure the files of the Italian army for the writing of war history and for evaluation by Wehrmacht offices. The Commissioner of the Chief of Army Archives in Athens After the occupation of Greece, the Commissioner of the Chief of Army Archives in Athens was responsible for the inspection and safeguarding of the Greek Army records as well as an archival-military inventory. The Commissioner of the Chief of Army Archives in Belgrade The Commissioner of the Chief of Army Archives in Belgrade evaluated the Yugoslavian Army files, provided military replacement services, pension offices and information on resettlement issues. Furthermore, he should collect contemporary historical material. The Commissioner of the Chief of Army Archives at the Wehrmacht Commander Ostland The Commissioner of the Chief of Army Archives at the Wehrmacht Commander Ostland in Riga administered and evaluated the military archives and holdings in Riga, Kaunas, Vilnius. He provided information for the military replacement services and recorded German and Polish army files. Furthermore, he should collect contemporary historical material. The Commissioner of the Chief of Army Archives at the Wehrmacht Commander Ukraine The Commissioner of the Chief of Army Archives at the Wehrmacht Commander Ukraine in Kiev had to evaluate the military archives in Kiev and Kharkov and to record Austrian and Polish military files. He was involved with the collection of contemporary historical material. The Commissioner of the Chief of Army Archives at the Commanding General of the Security Forces and Commander in the Army Area North The Commissioner of the Chief of Army Archives at the Commanding General of the Security Forces and Commander in the Army Area North had to evaluate the seized military archives and collect historical material. The Commissioner of the Chief of Army Archives at the Commander of the Rear Army Area Center The Commissioner of the Chief of Army Archives at the Commander of the Rear Army Area Center had to evaluate the seized military archives and collect historical material. Wehrmacht-Sichtungsstelle für Beuteakten The Wehrmacht-Sichtungsstelle für Beuteakten checked the loot files arriving from the front for their salary and forwarded them to Wehrmacht offices, as far as the files seemed important to them for further warfare. In territorial matters, the Wehrmacht sighting post for loot files was bound to the instructions of the commander in Wehrkreis III (Berlin). Preprovenience: Reichsarchiv Content characterization: The files of the RH 18 holdings Chief of Army Archives contain personal and material files of the "Chief of Army Archives" and almost all offices subordinated to him. In addition, the inventory contains regulations and announcements of the respective territorially competent command authority, e.g. of the military commander in France or of the commander in Wehrkreis VII (Munich). The records of the holdings of the Heeresarchiv Potsdam are assigned to the holdings. This includes finding aids of the registries, delivery directories and finding aids of the army archives. These records provide an overview of the numbers and contents of the former holdings and supplement the lost holdings of the Prussian army with organisational documents. The lists of estates contain biographical information. A special feature of the RH 18 collection are its personnel files, which, in contrast to most other personal documents of the Wehrmacht, have not been removed from the collection. The personnel files were classified by the respective services. The permanent exhibition of the Heeresarchiv Potsdam is virtually reconstructed in the online find book for RH 18, arranged according to display cases or themes. War diaries, orders, military conventions, correspondence between well-known generals and contemporary collection material from 1679 until after the end of the First World War were included in the Archivalienschau by the staff of the Heeresarchiv Potsdam. The documents have been filed thematically in display cases. On the reverse side of the documents the responsible subject area of the Heeresarchiv Potsdam, the holdings and the serial number are indicated. The Federal Archives and Military Archives do not present these archival records in their original form, but in microfiches. A large part of the documents was in stock MSg 101, which was completely re-signed to RH 18. State of development: Online-Findbuch Scope, Explanation: 2482 AE Citation method: BArch, RH 18/...

BArch, PH 3 · Fonds · 1867-1920 (1926-1972)
Part of Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

History of the Inventory Designer: Tasks and Organization Essentially follows: (1) Jany, Curt: History of the Prussian Army from the 15th century to 1914, 2nd ed. Edition (= Die Königlich Preußische Armee und das Deutsche Reichsheer 1807 bis 1914, vol. 4), Osnabrück 1967, pp. 294-296. (2) Cron, Hermann: Geschichte des deutschen Armeres im Weltkriege 1914 bis 1918, Berlin 1937, pp. 3-23. (3) PH 3/124 Die Organisation des Großen Generalstabes 1803-1914 (4) PH 3/1026 Die Organisation des Großen Generalstabes (vom 18. Jhr.. until its dissolution in 1919, manuscript by HOAR Stoeckel) (5) PH 3/1272-1273 Graphical representation of the development of the organisation of the Great General Staff 1802-1914 (6) PH 3/310 First introduction to the organisation and activities of the Deputy General Staff of the Armed Forces (1919) (7) Militärgeschichtliches Forschungsamt, MGFA (Ed. by the German Military Historical Research Institute, MGFA) (ed. by the German historian HOAR Stoeckel)): German military history in six volumes 1648 - 1939. Munich 1983 ff, pp. 69-72. (8) Enzyklopädie Erster Weltkrieg, ed. v: Gerhard Hirschfeld, Gerd Krumeich, Irina Renz in conjunction with Markus Pöhlmann, updated and extended study edition, Paderborn 2009, p. 754f. (9) PH 3/3 (10) Waldemar Erfurth: The History of the German General Staff 1918-1945 (= Studies on the History of the Second World War, ed. by Arbeitskreis für Wehrforschung in Frankfurt/Main, vol. 1), Göttingen 1957. 1. Großer Generalstab und Oberster Heeresleitung Großer Generalstab (7) With the Cabinet Order of 24 May 1883, the Generalstab became an Immediatbehörde (Immediate Authority), in fact it had held this position since the Wars of Unification. The General Staff was also assigned independently and directly to the monarch by the War Ministry. The tasks of the War Ministry and the Great General Staff overlapped in part, which occasionally led to conflicts. The position of Chief of Staff of the General Staff was respected, but, apart from operational management in the event of war, it was not endowed with important powers. The General Staff nevertheless exerted a decisive influence on the formation of the army through the training of leaders (the War Academy was subordinate to the Great General Staff), the care for the training of troops in warfare, and the handling of all questions connected with the conduct of a mobilization and a war. His activities included the cultivation of war science education, especially the study and processing of war history, the collection of news and statistical material on foreign armies and the various theatres of war, mapping, investigation and description of his own country. In the peacetime there were no far-reaching changes in the organization of the Grand General Staff, only some expansions due to the increasing scope of the General Staff duties. General Staff of the Field Army and Supreme Army Command (OHL) of the German Army (2) "According to Article 63 of the Constitution of the German Reich of 16 April 1871, the entire land power of the Reich formed a unified army, which was under the Emperor's command in war and peace. In peace, the head of the Great General Staff had practically no power of command and no right of inspection. He merely acted as chief and disciplinary superior of the Grand General Staff. The highest power of command was in fact with the emperor, but in practice it was the chief of the general staff of the army. During the war, the Chief of the General Staff issued operational orders in the name of the Emperor in accordance with the mobilization regulations and was jointly responsible for the management and execution of military operations as well as the other branches of service (ammunition replacement, catering, health, stage service). With the mobilization on August 2, 1914, the chief of the Prussian General Staff of the Army was formed as the "Chief of the General Staff of the Field Army" and the OHL, which was located in the Great Headquarters. The Chief of the General Staff of the Field Army thus embodied the OHL and was always equated with it by concept. On August 5, 1914, the deputy general staff of the army was mobilized in Berlin. The latter remained in existence until 31 January 1919. With the demobilisation, de Große Generalstab resumed its activities on 1 February 1919, with the exception of the positions remaining with OHL. (10) On the basis of the Treaty of Versailles, the dissolution of the Great General Staff was decided and initiated in July 1919. On 4 July 1919 Major General von Seeckt took over the business of the Chief of the General Staff. The name of the service is now "General von Seeckt". On September 30, 1919, the Great General Staff was finally dissolved with the establishment of a liquidation office from part of the central department. The Heads of the General Staff of the Army in Prussia from 1857 to 1918 Field Marshal General Hemuth Karl Bernhard von Moltke 1857-1888 Field Marshal General Alfred Heinrich Karl Ludwig von Waldersee 1888-1891 Field Marshal General Alfred Graf von Schlieffen 1891-1906 General Colonel Helmuth von Moltke 1906-1914 Between 1914 and 1918 a total of four OHLs were formed (8) 1. OHL: General Colonel Helmuth von Moltke, Chief of the General Staff of the Field Army from Aug. 2 to Sep. 14, 1914 2. OHL: General of the Infantry Erich von Falkenhayn, Chief of the General Staff of the Field Army from Aug. 14 to Sept. 14, 1914 2. 3rd Sept. (officially from 3 Sept. 1914) to 29 Aug. 1916 3rd OHL: General Field Marshal Paul von Beneckendorff and von Hindenburg, Chief of the General Staff of the Field Army from 29 Aug. 1916 to 9 Nov. 1916. 1918, Commander-in-Chief of the Field Army from 9 Nov. 1918 to 3 July 1919, assisted by the First Quartermaster General of the Infantry Erich von Ludendorff, First Quartermaster General from 29 Aug. 1916 to 26 Oct. 1918, then Lieutenant General Wilhelm Groener became First Quartermaster General from 29 Oct. 1918 to 3 July 1919 4. OHL: Lieutenant General Wilhelm Groener took over the OHL after the resignation of Hindenburgs on June 25, 1919 until the dissolution on Sept. 30, 1919 3. The organizational development of the Great General Staff The organization of the Great General Staff since April 1, 1889 (1) The Quartermaster General was first abolished again, but on April 1, 1889 three Quartermasters (O.Q.) were established. Central Office (from 1890 Central Division) Oberquartiermeister (O. Q.) I since 1 April 1889: 2nd Division Ordre de Bataille (Battle Regulations) and deployment of the German Army Railway Division Railway Section The Railway Section was responsible for the operation and training of the Railway Regiment, subordinate to the Chief of the General Staff of the Armed Forces, and of the Airship Division. Eisenbahn-Regiment Oberquartiermeister (O.Q.) II 4th Section - New Formation for the Affairs of Foreign Fortresses and the Preparation of the Drafts of Attacks, with AKO of Dec. 19, 1889 the Department for Foreign Fortresses was added by the Engineering Committee Geographical-Statistical Department (since 1894 an independent Department) German Section - Affairs of the Academy of War and the Training Trips of the General Staff Oberquartiermeister (O.Q.) III 1st Division (Russia, the Scandinavian states, Austria, the Balkans, etc.) 3rd Division (France, England, Belgium, the Netherlands, Switzerland, Italy) Division of War History National Recording The position of the Quartermaster General was abolished. Structure of the Large General Staff of the Army since 1908 (1) Central Division 6th Division (Manoeuvre) Chief Quartermaster (O.Q.) I 2nd Division (Aufmasch) Technical Section (Air Force) 4th Division (Foreign Fortresses of the Western War Theatre) 7th Division (Foreign Fortresses of the Eastern War Theatre) Railway Division Chief Quartermaster (O.Q.) II 3rd Division (O.Q.) Department (Foreign Armies in the West) 9th Department (German Colonies) Oberquartiermeister (O. Q.) III 5th Department (Training Trips of the General Staff) 8th Department (Affairs of the War Academy) Oberquartiermeister IV (newly added since 1 April 1894) 1st Department (Foreign Armies in the East) 10th Department (Foreign Armies in the East) Oberquartiermeister V War Historical Department I and II The Head of the Large General Staff Central Department (Personnel, Organisation, Administration) with Section III b (Communications) 6th Section (Manoeuvres) War History Department II (Older War History) Chief Quartermaster (O.Q.) I. 2. (German Division) - Deployment and Operations Division Railway Division Section 1a (for the revision of the Military Transport Order) 4th Division (Foreign Fortresses) Chief Quartermaster (O.Q.) II 3rd Division (France with Morocco, England with Egypt, Afghanistan) 9th Division (Italy, Belgium, Switzerland, Holland, Spain, Portugal, America, German Colonies) Chief Quartermaster (O.Q.) III 5th Division (Operations Studies) 8th Division (Operations Studies) Division (War Academy and General Staff Service) Chief Quartermaster (O.Q.) IV 1st Division (Russia, Nordic States, East Asia, Persia, Turkey) 10th Division (Russia, Northern States, East Asia, Persia, Turkey) Department (Austria-Hungary and Balkan States) Oberquartiermeister V Kriegsgeschichtliche Abteilung I (neuere Kriege) Kriegsarchiv Kartenarchiv Chief of the Landesaufnahme and Oberquartiermeister Trigonometrische Abteilung Topographische Abteilung Kartographische Abteilung Photogrammetische Abteilung Kolonialsektion Der Chef des Generalstabes des Feldheeres 1914 bis 1918 (2) 1. General Staff Departments Central Department She was responsible for receiving and forwarding correspondence to the relevant departments, in cooperation with the Military Cabinet for Personnel Matters and Administration. The department was headed by Colonel von Fabeck, and from 26 March 1916 it was headed by Colonel Tieschowitz von Tieschowa. Operations Department The department with the closest connection to the Chief of Staff. She was also the office for his personal letters. It was responsible for creating the conditions for all operational measures of the army: to monitor the organisation and organisation of the entire army and to propose improvements as well as the training, armament and operational capability of the units. The Chief of the Opera Department was responsible for advising the Chief of General Staff, drawing up the operational plans of the General Staff and issuing his orders. During the war the department was expanded extensively. Heads: Major General Tappen Lieutenant Colonel Wetzell (since 31 Aug. 1916) Operations Department B On 18 August 1916, a subdivision was set up under the Operations Department which was responsible for the Macedonian and Turkish fronts. Operations Division II On 23 September 1916, the post of Chief of Field Ammunition was dissolved. The tasks of ammunition and equipment replacement were taken over by the ammunition section in the operations department. Subsequently, the ammunition section was merged with the warfare section to form Operations Division II. Chief: Colonel Bauer News Department, since 20 May 1917 Foreign Armies Department She was responsible for the prosecution of military operations abroad, especially for the warfare of the enemy states. She primarily collected information on their organization and distribution of forces. Division III b Your task was to transmit the enemy's messages. This was done by intelligence officers deployed to the armies and at suitable points in the home country. There were also voluntary or paid agents in neutral and hostile foreign countries and the Secret Field Police in the occupied territories. News material was also provided by the border police and the field police, which also served to carry out espionage. The intelligence and counter-espionage services in the homeland communicated with Division IIIb of the Deputy General Staff, which in turn was subordinated to Division IIIb in the Great Headquarters. The guidelines for patriotic education were issued by the department, as was the press service set up to steer public opinion. Political Department since Feb. 10, 1916 Military Political Department It was responsible for the military political affairs of all states, dealt with legal issues and passed on the information to the military attachés and the written authority on peace issues. 2. the Quartermaster General and his subordinates The Quartermaster General was responsible for all the duties relating directly to the relief of the Chief of the Quartermaster General. operations. This included the entire supply, stage and railway system, field post and administration of justice, field medical services and veterinary services. Generalquartiermeister Generalleutnant von Stein since 14 Sept. 1914 Generalleutnant Hahndorff since 16 Jan. 1916 Subordinate positions Generalintendant des Feldheeeres He was responsible for providing the army with food. In addition, he was the head of the field and troop directorships. With the transition to the positional war, the monitoring of the nutrition in the occupied territory was added. In particular the cultivation of the soil and the necessary procurement of the agricultural machine material and the utilization of the harvest surplus for the field army. Later the industrial use of the occupied territories was added. A new economic department was set up for the West with effect from 5 September 1916. With effect from January 1, 1917, the economic department was made independent and expanded and set up on behalf of the General Quartermaster for the Western Theatre of War (B.d.G. West). He was responsible for the administration, management and utilization of the occupied territories in the West. Besides, he was subordinated: - General Wechselamt - art expert for monument preservation - prisoners of war - and civilian worker battalions - electrotechnical workshop West - artillery and training equipment repair workshops - looting and collecting (until subordinated to a special commissioner) At the beginning, the following positions were also subordinated to the Generalquartiermeister: - Chief of field munitions - Chief of field telegraphy - Chief of field railways - Chief of field aviation - Inspector of balloon guns Chief of field medical services General staff physician of the army Prof. Dr. Schiernig headed the medical services in the entire war zone as the highest superior of the medical personnel. His responsibilities included: the medical service, the care and transport of the wounded, the distribution of hospital trains and ships, hospitals in the homeland. Field Chief Postmaster He supervised the postal system on all theatres of war. The Field Oberpost Inspections West and East were set up to relieve him. Second Commander of the Great Headquarters He was responsible for the security and supply of the headquarters and the control of the sub personnel. He commanded the Infantry and Cavalry Staff Guard, a Land Storm Battalion, a Field Gendarmerie Command, Military Police, a motor vehicle spark station and a telephone department, three balloon defence guns (later ducrh replaced two air defence batteries), a headlight train (later expanded into a headlight department), the field directorate of the Great Headquarters together with the field warfare fund, motor vehicle fleet, field post office, Central Postal Surveillance West with the post office monitoring centre of the Great Headquarters, marketing department and reading hall. Secret Field Police cooperated closely with Division III b. During the war, B.d.G.West also added a number of agencies to the Great Headquarters. The commander of the troops, newly created in 1915, was located in Luxembourg. The Chief of Field Service was established at the end of 1916 and placed under the authority of the Quartermaster General. It served to centralise the motor vehicle formations. After the approval of the Generalqaurtiermeister, he was authorized to give instructions to the motor troops of the army high commandos and the staff figures assigned to the army groups in the west. On 17 May 1918, the staff of the commander of the combat vehicle departments was subordinated to the head of the motor vehicle division. The B.d.G. Ost with its seat in Warsaw was responsible for the utilization of the land in the administrative area of the Supreme Commander East and the General Government of Warsaw. Valenciennes Military Mine Directorate It fell under the jurisdiction of the Quartermaster General in September 1917. The mining administrations of Mons and Valenciennes, which until then had been part of the Metz government, were united to form a military directorate. The German representation in occupied Italy Used in February 1918 in Udine with evacuation of the 14th army. It served to assert German interests in the war spoils acquired jointly with Austria. The commander of the 13th Cavalry Brigade and his staff were to regulate the demand for horses on the eastern and western fronts due to the increasing shortage of horses. He was assigned to the GQ on 31 December 1916. In February 1918 he became the Commissioner of the Quartermaster General in equestrian affairs. Commissioner of the General Quartermaster in Berlin In order to reestablish trade relations with the former Russian territories resulting from the treaties with the Allies, coordination between the central authorities and the General Staff was necessary. He also took over the supervision of the import and export points. Commissioner of the Master Quartermaster General for Prey and Collecting This was created with effect from 1 June 1918. It had already been settled in 1917. He was responsible for the administration of the spoils of war and the control of the services. General of the Ammunition Columns and Trains in the Great Headquarters The increase in the number of formations was accompanied by the technical contraction of weapons, which was created in July 1918. Her task was to use the units, to supervise the technical service in the war zone and at home, and to replace the clothing and field equipment. 3. foot artillery and pioneers were among the special weapons and their technical training was monitored by the inspections. The General of the Foot Artillery in the Great Headquarters He was adviser to the Chief of the General Staff of the Field Army on technical matters and the deployment of heavy artillery. In addition, he shaped the training in his home country. He was subordinate to the later established "Inspector of Artillery Metrology" and the "Staff Officer for Heavy Flat Fire". At first he had no direct influence on the general of artillery. This did not change when the OHL introduced the unit staffs "Artillery Generals" instead of "Field Artillery Brigade Commanders" and Foot Artillery Generals to unify artillery. Thus his name was changed to "General von der Artillerie Nr. 1". A month later he became "Inspector General of Artillery Shooting Schools". He was in charge of the shooting training of the entire field and foot artillery in the field and at home. General Inspectors: General of the Artillery of Lauter (until 15 Oct. 1917) Lieutenant General Ziethen The General of the Engineering and Pioneer Corps in the Great Headquarters He was the supreme weapons superior during the war of increasing and specializing formations of the pioneers. He advised the Chief of the General Staff of the Field Army and was responsible for the organizational and technical development of the pioneers. The special services of the pioneers, such as the stage-managers of the mine-throwing machine, in existence since the end of 1915, the inspector of the gas regiments created in 1916 and the stage-manager of the pioneer melee means of close combat established in May 1918. In August 1918 he received the designation General of the Pioneers from the Chief of the General Staff of the Field Army. General der Pioniere: General der Infanterie von Claer bis bis zum 2. Juli 1916 Major General Marschall von Bieberstein seit 28. Aug. 1918 The Chief of the Field Ammunition Service This was initially subordinated to the Generalquartiermeister. His tasks included coordinating the ammunition provided by the War Ministry in conjunction with the Chief of Field Railways as well as the replacement of equipment on the basis of the reports from the Army High Commands and the Stage Inspection. In addition, he was responsible for planning the needs of the army commandos and the stage inspections and reporting them to the War Ministry. With effect from 10 May 1915, he was directly subordinated to the Chief of the General Staff of the Field Army. This should ensure close coordination with the operations department. On 23 September 1916 the position of Chief of Field Ammunition was dissolved. His duties were performed by the Operations Department. The Chief of the Field Telegraphy The Chief of the Field Telegraphy was settled during the first three years of war at the General Quartermaster. He was in charge of the entire intelligence troops and intelligence media of the field army. During the war the news formations were strongly expanded, which caused the army leadership under Hindenburg to carry out a reorganization. A general of the telegraph troops for the western, eastern and southeastern theater of war was created to relieve the field telegraphy chief. These generals were subordinated to the chief of field telegraphy. A new restructuring of the intelligence system took place, with the head of the field telegraphy reporting to it. A new organizational change was made by the Chief of Field Telegraphy to "Chief of Intelligence" and reporting directly to the Chief of General Staff of the Field Army. He also became commanding general. He was now responsible for organisation, use, training, staffing, replacement, replenishment, technical requirements and all German spark telegraphy traffic. Chief: Major General Balck Colonel von Wolff since Dec. 7, 1914 Major General von Hesse since Apr. 9, 1917 The Chief of Field Railways He was initially subordinate to the Quartermaster General. It was not until his replacement in October 1916 that he was directly subordinated to the Chief of the General Staff. His tasks included the complete railway system and the use of the waterways. At the commander-in-chief east he was represented by the field railway boss east. There were also railway officers at the stage commandos and the stage inspections, later there were authorized general staff officers at the allied states in Constantinople, Sofia, Vienna, and from mid-1916 also at the army groups. Further streamlining of the organization was achieved by the creation of independent railway transport departments based at the Great Headquarters in Kowno and Pleßhatten. Heads: Major General Groener until 31 Oct. 1916 Colonel Freiherr von Oldershausen Chief of War Surveying With the war of positions and the production of a wide variety of maps, war surveying became increasingly important. The head of war surveying was to steer this task. Therefore, the authority was created in July 1915. All surveying units were subject to this authority. Depending on requirements, staff figures for surveying were assigned to the army commandos in the west and the army groups in the west. Chief of the military aviation While one was superior to the army airships, one lay back with the planes behind France, with the captive balloons one was set up in something equal. In order to make the air forces more efficient, the chief of the air force was set up in 1915 with the general quartermaster. He ran the aviators, the airmen and the weather service. On 1 July 1915, an inspector of the balloon guns of the General Quartermaster was created for the air defence, which belonged to artillery. On 8 October 1916, Lieutenant General Hoppner was appointed Commanding General of the Air Force by Allerhöchste Kabinettsordrre and the former Chief of Field Aviation, Lieutenant Colonel Thomsen, became his Chief of Staff. All formations of the airmen, the airship, the air defence and the weather service in the field and in the homeland were subordinated to the Kogenluft. This was directly subordinated to the Chief of the General Staff in October 1915. The head censorship office was also integrated into this, which had previously been the organisational office of the deputy commanding generals. The tasks of the War Press Office were to improve cooperation between the home authorities and the Supreme Army Command in the field of the press, to provide information to the authorities and the press, and to ensure that the supervision of the press was uniform. She was also responsible for forwarding the censorship guidelines to the censorship offices. The press office had contact to all departments, the otherwise usual way of appeal did not exist. In October 1918, the War Press Office was subordinated to the War Ministry. Military post of the Federal Foreign Office The post was established on 1 July 1916 and was subordinated to the Supreme Army Command, but was organisationally subordinated to the Federal Foreign Office, Division IIIb of the Deputy General Staff, the War Press Office, the War Ministry, the Admiral Staff and the R e i c h s m a r i n e a m t . She was responsible for the defense against enemy propaganda and for German propaganda at home and abroad. On 30 January 1917, a "Picture and Photo Office" was set up, which in April 1917 was designated as the "Picture and Film Office". In December 1917, Universum Film AG was founded on the initiative of the Picture and Film Office and used for educational purposes. In January 1918, the Bild- und Filmamt was administratively subordinated to the War Ministry. However, the Military Office of the Federal Foreign Office continued to be empowered to issue directives. The organization of the Great General Staff from 1. February 1919 Chief of the General Staff of the Field Army (9) Central Department Chief of the Landesaufnahme General Staff Departments Department Foreign Army Department (F) Railway Department (E) War Economics Department (Kriweis) Economics Department (W) War History Department (K) War History Department (K 1) War History Department (K 2) War History Department (K 3) Description of the Collection: The Federal Archives have a few copies of organisational documents as well as orders, leaflets and reports from the various areas of responsibility, but also individual documents on events of the First World War and lists of formations of the field army. The Railway Department has received some files on individual projects, and the Chief of the Deputy General Staff has duplicated news from the Surveying Department on the evaluation of aerial photographs. Most of the files of the General Staff were destroyed by the effects of war in 1945 during the fire at the Army Archives in Potsdam. What has remained are only fragmented individual pieces that have been handed down. At the beginning of 1994, a large part of the documents again reached the inventory. These remains were originally kept in the military archives of the former GDR. The stock of official printed matter PHD 7 was dissolved and transferred to the stock. The large-format plans and maps were taken from the files, placed in map folders and attached to the holdings. With the exception of the official printed matter (old PHD 7) and the large formats, the stock was microfilmed. Microfilms are available for use. Content characterisation: Based on the area of responsibility, the collection contains documents on the organisation and distribution of responsibilities, on military measures by foreign states and defensive measures by German agencies, reconnaissance reports and news about foreign armies, evaluation of prisoner testimonies as well as on the deployment, use and strength of foot artillery in war. In addition, there are occasionally reproduced organisational documents as well as orders, orders, notices, leaflets and elaborations from various areas of responsibility, but also individual news about war events from the First World War. From the railway department of the Great General Staff a remnant of individual case files on railway projects has been preserved. The head of the deputy general staff has handed down duplicated reports from the surveying department on the evaluation of aerial photographs. A very small number of copies of the files from the First World War were preserved in the National Archives in Washington. Additional copies of these have been delivered here. Replacement traditions, e.g. of fundamental decrees, orders or correspondence of Prussian military and command authorities, which went to civilian or military authorities of the individual states, can be found in the holdings of the respective competent state archives, in particular Bavaria, Württemberg, Baden as well as Saxony. State of development: Invenio Scope, Explanation: Inventory without increase 37.0 m 1006 AE Citation method: BArch, PH 3/...

BArch, PH 3-KART · Fonds · 1914-1919
Part of Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

History of the Inventory Designer: Tasks and Organization Essentially follows: (1) Jany, Curt: History of the Prussian Army from the 15th century to 1914, 2nd ed. Edition (= Die Königlich Preußische Armee und das Deutsche Reichsheer 1807 bis 1914, vol. 4), Osnabrück 1967, pp. 294-296. (2) Cron, Hermann: Geschichte des deutschen Armeres im Weltkriege 1914 bis 1918, Berlin 1937, pp. 3-23. (3) PH 3/124 Die Organisation des Großen Generalstabes 1803-1914 (4) PH 3/1026 Die Organisation des Großen Generalstabes (vom 18. Jhr.. until its dissolution in 1919, manuscript by HOAR Stoeckel) (5) PH 3/1272-1273 Graphical representation of the development of the organisation of the Great General Staff 1802-1914 (6) PH 3/310 First introduction to the organisation and activities of the Deputy General Staff of the Armed Forces (1919) (7) Militärgeschichtliches Forschungsamt, MGFA (Ed. by the German Military Historical Research Institute, MGFA) (ed. by the German historian HOAR Stoeckel)): German military history in six volumes 1648 - 1939. Munich 1983 ff, pp. 69-72. (8) Enzyklopädie Erster Weltkrieg, ed. v: Gerhard Hirschfeld, Gerd Krumeich, Irina Renz in conjunction with Markus Pöhlmann, updated and extended study edition, Paderborn 2009, p. 754f. (9) PH 3/3 (10) Waldemar Erfurth: The History of the German General Staff 1918-1945 (= Studies on the History of the Second World War, ed. by Arbeitskreis für Wehrforschung in Frankfurt/Main, vol. 1), Göttingen 1957. 1. Großer Generalstab und Oberster Heeresleitung Großer Generalstab (7) With the Cabinet Order of 24 May 1883, the Generalstab became an Immediatbehörde (Immediate Authority), in fact it had held this position since the Wars of Unification. The General Staff was also assigned independently and directly to the monarch by the War Ministry. The tasks of the War Ministry and the Great General Staff overlapped in part, which occasionally led to conflicts. The position of Chief of Staff of the General Staff was respected, but, apart from operational management in the event of war, it was not endowed with important powers. The General Staff nevertheless exerted a decisive influence on the formation of the army through the training of leaders (the War Academy was subordinate to the Great General Staff), the care for the training of troops in warfare, and the handling of all questions connected with the conduct of a mobilization and a war. His activities included the cultivation of war science education, especially the study and processing of war history, the collection of news and statistical material on foreign armies and the various theatres of war, mapping, investigation and description of his own country. In the peacetime there were no far-reaching changes in the organization of the Grand General Staff, only some expansions due to the increasing scope of the General Staff duties. General Staff of the Field Army and Supreme Army Command (OHL) of the German Army (2) "According to Article 63 of the Constitution of the German Reich of 16 April 1871, the entire land power of the Reich formed a unified army, which was under the Emperor's command in war and peace. In peace, the head of the Great General Staff had practically no power of command and no right of inspection. He merely acted as chief and disciplinary superior of the Grand General Staff. The highest power of command was in fact with the emperor, but in practice it was the chief of the general staff of the army. During the war, the Chief of the General Staff issued operational orders in the name of the Emperor in accordance with the mobilization regulations and was jointly responsible for the management and execution of military operations as well as the other branches of service (ammunition replacement, catering, health, stage service). With the mobilization on August 2, 1914, the chief of the Prussian General Staff of the Army was formed as the "Chief of the General Staff of the Field Army" and the OHL, which was located in the Great Headquarters. The Chief of the General Staff of the Field Army thus embodied the OHL and was always equated with it by concept. On August 5, 1914, the deputy general staff of the army was mobilized in Berlin. The latter remained in existence until 31 January 1919. With the demobilisation, de Große Generalstab resumed its activities on 1 February 1919, with the exception of the positions remaining with OHL. (10) On the basis of the Treaty of Versailles, the dissolution of the Great General Staff was decided and initiated in July 1919. On 4 July 1919 Major General von Seeckt took over the business of the Chief of the General Staff. The name of the service is now "General von Seeckt". On September 30, 1919, the Great General Staff was finally dissolved with the establishment of a liquidation office from part of the central department. The Heads of the General Staff of the Army in Prussia from 1857 to 1918 Field Marshal General Hemuth Karl Bernhard von Moltke 1857-1888 Field Marshal General Alfred Heinrich Karl Ludwig von Waldersee 1888-1891 Field Marshal General Alfred Graf von Schlieffen 1891-1906 General Colonel Helmuth von Moltke 1906-1914 Between 1914 and 1918 a total of four OHLs were formed (8) 1. OHL: General Colonel Helmuth von Moltke, Chief of the General Staff of the Field Army from Aug. 2 to Sep. 14, 1914 2. OHL: General of the Infantry Erich von Falkenhayn, Chief of the General Staff of the Field Army from Aug. 14 to Sept. 14, 1914 2. 3rd Sept. (officially from 3 Sept. 1914) to 29 Aug. 1916 3rd OHL: General Field Marshal Paul von Beneckendorff and von Hindenburg, Chief of the General Staff of the Field Army from 29 Aug. 1916 to 9 Nov. 1916. 1918, Commander-in-Chief of the Field Army from 9 Nov. 1918 to 3 July 1919, assisted by the First Quartermaster General of the Infantry Erich von Ludendorff, First Quartermaster General from 29 Aug. 1916 to 26 Oct. 1918, then Lieutenant General Wilhelm Groener became First Quartermaster General from 29 Oct. 1918 to 3 July 1919 4. OHL: Lieutenant General Wilhelm Groener took over the OHL after the resignation of Hindenburgs on June 25, 1919 until the dissolution on Sept. 30, 1919 3. The organizational development of the Great General Staff The organization of the Great General Staff since April 1, 1889 (1) The Quartermaster General was first abolished again, but on April 1, 1889 three Quartermasters (O.Q.) were established. Central Office (from 1890 Central Division) Oberquartiermeister (O. Q.) I since 1 April 1889: 2nd Division Ordre de Bataille (Battle Regulations) and deployment of the German Army Railway Division Railway Section The Railway Section was responsible for the operation and training of the Railway Regiment, subordinate to the Chief of the General Staff of the Armed Forces, and of the Airship Division. Eisenbahn-Regiment Oberquartiermeister (O.Q.) II 4th Section - New Formation for the Affairs of Foreign Fortresses and the Preparation of the Drafts of Attacks, with AKO of Dec. 19, 1889 the Department for Foreign Fortresses was added by the Engineering Committee Geographical-Statistical Department (since 1894 an independent Department) German Section - Affairs of the Academy of War and the Training Trips of the General Staff Oberquartiermeister (O.Q.) III 1st Division (Russia, the Scandinavian states, Austria, the Balkans, etc.) 3rd Division (France, England, Belgium, the Netherlands, Switzerland, Italy) Division of War History National Recording The position of the Quartermaster General was abolished. Structure of the Large General Staff of the Army since 1908 (1) Central Division 6th Division (Manoeuvre) Chief Quartermaster (O.Q.) I 2nd Division (Aufmasch) Technical Section (Air Force) 4th Division (Foreign Fortresses of the Western War Theatre) 7th Division (Foreign Fortresses of the Eastern War Theatre) Railway Division Chief Quartermaster (O.Q.) II 3rd Division (O.Q.) Department (Foreign Armies in the West) 9th Department (German Colonies) Oberquartiermeister (O. Q.) III 5th Department (Training Trips of the General Staff) 8th Department (Affairs of the War Academy) Oberquartiermeister IV (newly added since 1 April 1894) 1st Department (Foreign Armies in the East) 10th Department (Foreign Armies in the East) Oberquartiermeister V War Historical Department I and II The Head of the Large General Staff Central Department (Personnel, Organisation, Administration) with Section III b (Communications) 6th Section (Manoeuvres) War History Department II (Older War History) Chief Quartermaster (O.Q.) I. 2. (German Division) - Deployment and Operations Division Railway Division Section 1a (for the revision of the Military Transport Order) 4th Division (Foreign Fortresses) Chief Quartermaster (O.Q.) II 3rd Division (France with Morocco, England with Egypt, Afghanistan) 9th Division (Italy, Belgium, Switzerland, Holland, Spain, Portugal, America, German Colonies) Chief Quartermaster (O.Q.) III 5th Division (Operations Studies) 8th Division (Operations Studies) Division (War Academy and General Staff Service) Chief Quartermaster (O.Q.) IV 1st Division (Russia, Nordic States, East Asia, Persia, Turkey) 10th Division (Russia, Northern States, East Asia, Persia, Turkey) Department (Austria-Hungary and Balkan States) Oberquartiermeister V Kriegsgeschichtliche Abteilung I (neuere Kriege) Kriegsarchiv Kartenarchiv Chief of the Landesaufnahme and Oberquartiermeister Trigonometrische Abteilung Topographische Abteilung Kartographische Abteilung Photogrammetische Abteilung Kolonialsektion Der Chef des Generalstabes des Feldheeres 1914 bis 1918 (2) 1. General Staff Departments Central Department She was responsible for receiving and forwarding correspondence to the relevant departments, in cooperation with the Military Cabinet for Personnel Matters and Administration. The department was headed by Colonel von Fabeck, and from 26 March 1916 it was headed by Colonel Tieschowitz von Tieschowa. Operations Department The department with the closest connection to the Chief of Staff. She was also the office for his personal letters. It was responsible for creating the conditions for all operational measures of the army: to monitor the organisation and organisation of the entire army and to propose improvements as well as the training, armament and operational capability of the units. The Chief of the Opera Department was responsible for advising the Chief of General Staff, drawing up the operational plans of the General Staff and issuing his orders. During the war the department was expanded extensively. Heads: Major General Tappen Lieutenant Colonel Wetzell (since 31 Aug. 1916) Operations Department B On 18 August 1916, a subdivision was set up under the Operations Department which was responsible for the Macedonian and Turkish fronts. Operations Division II On 23 September 1916, the post of Chief of Field Ammunition was dissolved. The tasks of ammunition and equipment replacement were taken over by the ammunition section in the operations department. Subsequently, the ammunition section was merged with the warfare section to form Operations Division II. Chief: Colonel Bauer News Department, since 20 May 1917 Foreign Armies Department She was responsible for the prosecution of military operations abroad, especially for the warfare of the enemy states. She primarily collected information on their organization and distribution of forces. Division III b Your task was to transmit the enemy's messages. This was done by intelligence officers deployed to the armies and at suitable points in the home country. There were also voluntary or paid agents in neutral and hostile foreign countries and the Secret Field Police in the occupied territories. News material was also provided by the border police and the field police, which also served to carry out espionage. The intelligence and counter-espionage services in the homeland communicated with Division IIIb of the Deputy General Staff, which in turn was subordinated to Division IIIb in the Great Headquarters. The guidelines for patriotic education were issued by the department, as was the press service set up to steer public opinion. Political Department since Feb. 10, 1916 Military Political Department It was responsible for the military political affairs of all states, dealt with legal issues and passed on the information to the military attachés and the written authority on peace issues. 2. the Quartermaster General and his subordinates The Quartermaster General was responsible for all the duties relating directly to the relief of the Chief of the Quartermaster General. operations. This included the entire supply, stage and railway system, field post and administration of justice, field medical services and veterinary services. Generalquartiermeister Generalleutnant von Stein since 14 Sept. 1914 Generalleutnant Hahndorff since 16 Jan. 1916 Subordinate positions Generalintendant des Feldheeeres He was responsible for providing the army with food. In addition, he was the head of the field and troop directorships. With the transition to the positional war, the monitoring of the nutrition in the occupied territory was added. In particular the cultivation of the soil and the necessary procurement of the agricultural machine material and the utilization of the harvest surplus for the field army. Later the industrial use of the occupied territories was added. A new economic department was set up for the West with effect from 5 September 1916. With effect from January 1, 1917, the economic department was made independent and expanded and set up on behalf of the General Quartermaster for the Western Theatre of War (B.d.G. West). He was responsible for the administration, management and utilization of the occupied territories in the West. Besides, he was subordinated: - General Wechselamt - art expert for monument preservation - prisoners of war - and civilian worker battalions - electrotechnical workshop West - artillery and training equipment repair workshops - looting and collecting (until subordinated to a special commissioner) At the beginning, the following positions were also subordinated to the Generalquartiermeister: - Chief of field munitions - Chief of field telegraphy - Chief of field railways - Chief of field aviation - Inspector of balloon guns Chief of field medical services General staff physician of the army Prof. Dr. Schiernig headed the medical services in the entire war zone as the highest superior of the medical personnel. His responsibilities included: the medical service, the care and transport of the wounded, the distribution of hospital trains and ships, hospitals in the homeland. Field Chief Postmaster He supervised the postal system on all theatres of war. The Field Oberpost Inspections West and East were set up to relieve him. Second Commander of the Great Headquarters He was responsible for the security and supply of the headquarters and the control of the sub personnel. He commanded the Infantry and Cavalry Staff Guard, a Land Storm Battalion, a Field Gendarmerie Command, Military Police, a motor vehicle spark station and a telephone department, three balloon defence guns (later ducrh replaced two air defence batteries), a headlight train (later expanded into a headlight department), the field directorate of the Great Headquarters together with the field warfare fund, motor vehicle fleet, field post office, Central Postal Surveillance West with the post office monitoring centre of the Great Headquarters, marketing department and reading hall. Secret Field Police cooperated closely with Division III b. During the war, B.d.G.West also added a number of agencies to the Great Headquarters. The commander of the troops, newly created in 1915, was located in Luxembourg. The Chief of Field Service was established at the end of 1916 and placed under the authority of the Quartermaster General. It served to centralise the motor vehicle formations. After the approval of the Generalqaurtiermeister, he was authorized to give instructions to the motor troops of the army high commandos and the staff figures assigned to the army groups in the west. On 17 May 1918, the staff of the commander of the combat vehicle departments was subordinated to the head of the motor vehicle division. The B.d.G. Ost with its seat in Warsaw was responsible for the utilization of the land in the administrative area of the Supreme Commander East and the General Government of Warsaw. Valenciennes Military Mine Directorate It fell under the jurisdiction of the Quartermaster General in September 1917. The mining administrations of Mons and Valenciennes, which until then had been part of the Metz government, were united to form a military directorate. The German representation in occupied Italy Used in February 1918 in Udine with evacuation of the 14th army. It served to assert German interests in the war spoils acquired jointly with Austria. The commander of the 13th Cavalry Brigade and his staff were to regulate the demand for horses on the eastern and western fronts due to the increasing shortage of horses. He was assigned to the GQ on 31 December 1916. In February 1918 he became the Commissioner of the Quartermaster General in equestrian affairs. Commissioner of the General Quartermaster in Berlin In order to reestablish trade relations with the former Russian territories resulting from the treaties with the Allies, coordination between the central authorities and the General Staff was necessary. He also took over the supervision of the import and export points. Commissioner of the Master Quartermaster General for Prey and Collecting This was created with effect from 1 June 1918. It had already been settled in 1917. He was responsible for the administration of the spoils of war and the control of the services. General of the Ammunition Columns and Trains in the Great Headquarters The increase in the number of formations was accompanied by the technical contraction of weapons, which was created in July 1918. Her task was to use the units, to supervise the technical service in the war zone and at home, and to replace the clothing and field equipment. 3. foot artillery and pioneers were among the special weapons and their technical training was monitored by the inspections. The General of the Foot Artillery in the Great Headquarters He was adviser to the Chief of the General Staff of the Field Army on technical matters and the deployment of heavy artillery. In addition, he shaped the training in his home country. He was subordinate to the later established "Inspector of Artillery Metrology" and the "Staff Officer for Heavy Flat Fire". At first he had no direct influence on the general of artillery. This did not change when the OHL introduced the unit staffs "Artillery Generals" instead of "Field Artillery Brigade Commanders" and Foot Artillery Generals to unify artillery. Thus his name was changed to "General von der Artillerie Nr. 1". A month later he became "Inspector General of Artillery Shooting Schools". He was in charge of the shooting training of the entire field and foot artillery in the field and at home. General Inspectors: General of the Artillery of Lauter (until 15 Oct. 1917) Lieutenant General Ziethen The General of the Engineering and Pioneer Corps in the Great Headquarters He was the supreme weapons superior during the war of increasing and specializing formations of the pioneers. He advised the Chief of the General Staff of the Field Army and was responsible for the organizational and technical development of the pioneers. The special services of the pioneers, such as the stage-managers of the mine-throwing machine, in existence since the end of 1915, the inspector of the gas regiments created in 1916 and the stage-manager of the pioneer melee means of close combat established in May 1918. In August 1918 he received the designation General of the Pioneers from the Chief of the General Staff of the Field Army. General der Pioniere: General der Infanterie von Claer bis bis zum 2. Juli 1916 Major General Marschall von Bieberstein seit 28. Aug. 1918 The Chief of the Field Ammunition Service This was initially subordinated to the Generalquartiermeister. His tasks included coordinating the ammunition provided by the War Ministry in conjunction with the Chief of Field Railways as well as the replacement of equipment on the basis of the reports from the Army High Commands and the Stage Inspection. In addition, he was responsible for planning the needs of the army commandos and the stage inspections and reporting them to the War Ministry. With effect from 10 May 1915, he was directly subordinated to the Chief of the General Staff of the Field Army. This should ensure close coordination with the operations department. On 23 September 1916 the position of Chief of Field Ammunition was dissolved. His duties were performed by the Operations Department. The Chief of the Field Telegraphy The Chief of the Field Telegraphy was settled during the first three years of war at the General Quartermaster. He was in charge of the entire intelligence troops and intelligence media of the field army. During the war the news formations were strongly expanded, which caused the army leadership under Hindenburg to carry out a reorganization. A general of the telegraph troops for the western, eastern and southeastern theater of war was created to relieve the field telegraphy chief. These generals were subordinated to the chief of field telegraphy. A new restructuring of the intelligence system took place, with the head of the field telegraphy reporting to it. A new organizational change was made by the Chief of Field Telegraphy to "Chief of Intelligence" and reporting directly to the Chief of General Staff of the Field Army. He also became commanding general. He was now responsible for organisation, use, training, staffing, replacement, replenishment, technical requirements and all German spark telegraphy traffic. Chief: Major General Balck Colonel von Wolff since Dec. 7, 1914 Major General von Hesse since Apr. 9, 1917 The Chief of Field Railways He was initially subordinate to the Quartermaster General. It was not until his replacement in October 1916 that he was directly subordinated to the Chief of the General Staff. His tasks included the complete railway system and the use of the waterways. At the commander-in-chief east he was represented by the field railway boss east. There were also railway officers at the stage commandos and the stage inspections, later there were authorized general staff officers at the allied states in Constantinople, Sofia, Vienna, and from mid-1916 also at the army groups. Further streamlining of the organization was achieved by the creation of independent railway transport departments based at the Great Headquarters in Kowno and Pleßhatten. Heads: Major General Groener until 31 Oct. 1916 Colonel Freiherr von Oldershausen Chief of War Surveying With the war of positions and the production of a wide variety of maps, war surveying became increasingly important. The head of war surveying was to steer this task. Therefore, the authority was created in July 1915. All surveying units were subject to this authority. Depending on requirements, staff figures for surveying were assigned to the army commandos in the west and the army groups in the west. Chief of the military aviation While one was superior to the army airships, one lay back with the planes behind France, with the captive balloons one was set up in something equal. In order to make the air forces more efficient, the chief of the air force was set up in 1915 with the general quartermaster. He ran the aviators, the airmen and the weather service. On 1 July 1915, an inspector of the balloon guns of the General Quartermaster was created for the air defence, which belonged to artillery. On 8 October 1916, Lieutenant General Hoppner was appointed Commanding General of the Air Force by Allerhöchste Kabinettsordrre and the former Chief of Field Aviation, Lieutenant Colonel Thomsen, became his Chief of Staff. All formations of the airmen, the airship, the air defence and the weather service in the field and in the homeland were subordinated to the Kogenluft. This was directly subordinated to the Chief of the General Staff in October 1915. The head censorship office was also integrated into this, which had previously been the organisational office of the deputy commanding generals. The tasks of the War Press Office were to improve cooperation between the home authorities and the Supreme Army Command in the field of the press, to provide information to the authorities and the press, and to ensure that the supervision of the press was uniform. She was also responsible for forwarding the censorship guidelines to the censorship offices. The press office had contact to all departments, the otherwise usual way of appeal did not exist. In October 1918, the War Press Office was subordinated to the War Ministry. Military post of the Federal Foreign Office The post was established on 1 July 1916 and was subordinated to the Supreme Army Command, but was organisationally subordinated to the Federal Foreign Office, Division IIIb of the Deputy General Staff, the War Press Office, the War Ministry, the Admiral Staff and the R e i c h s m a r i n e a m t . She was responsible for the defense against enemy propaganda and for German propaganda at home and abroad. On 30 January 1917, a "Picture and Photo Office" was set up, which in April 1917 was designated as the "Picture and Film Office". In December 1917, Universum Film AG was founded on the initiative of the Picture and Film Office and used for educational purposes. In January 1918, the Bild- und Filmamt was administratively subordinated to the War Ministry. However, the Military Office of the Federal Foreign Office continued to be empowered to issue directives. The organization of the Great General Staff from 1. February 1919 Chief of the General Staff of the Field Army (9) Central Department Chief of the Landesaufnahme General Staff Departments Department Foreign Army Department (F) Railway Department (E) War Economics Department (Kriweis) Economics Department (W) War History Department (K) War History Department (K 1) War History Department (K 2) War History Department (K 3) Description of the Collection: The maps from the former inventory KART 3 were transferred to the inventory PH 3-KART. Content characterization: The map inventory contains maps of various types (section maps, location maps, position maps, operation maps, photo maps, artillery maps, map sheets, map sketches, etc.) of the theatres of war of the First World War. The maps were produced by the cartographic department of the Deputy General Staff of the Field Army and by the surveying departments and map offices of the command authorities and associations. The majority of the maps refer to the western theater of war, especially Belgium, France and Luxembourg. Only a small part of the documents refers to the eastern theater of war, especially Russia. State of development: Invenio citation: BArch, PH 3-KART/...

Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Abt. Hauptstaatsarchiv Stuttgart, GU 119 · Fonds · 1811, (1816), 1835-1974 und o. J.
Part of Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Dept. Main State Archives Stuttgart (Archivtektonik)

1st biographies: The GU 119 holdings essentially comprise documents from the estate of the Wiltrud Princess of Bavaria, Duchess of Urach. The collection also includes partial estates and fragments of estates of relatives of Princess Wiltrud, especially from the House of Bavaria (Wittelsbach). Specifically, these are the estate documents of the parents of Princess Wiltrud, King Ludwig III and Queen Marie Therese of Bavaria (née Archduchess of Austria-Este Princess Modena), Aunt Wiltrud, Princess Therese of Bavaria, and the grandparents of Wiltrud, Luitpold Prinzregent and Auguste Ferdinande Princess of Bavaria (née Archduchess of Austria-Tuscany). In the following, the biographies of the personalities represented in the GU 119 inventory, of whom there are partial estates, are briefly discussed. 1.1 Wiltrud Duchess of Urach (née Princess of Bavaria)Wiltrud Marie Alix Princess of Bavaria was born on 10 November 1884 in Munich as the tenth of thirteen children of Ludwig Prince of Bavaria, later Prince Regent and King Ludwig III of Bavaria, and Marie Therese Princess of Bavaria. Only a few documents on the childhood and youth of Princess Wiltrud can be found in the present inventory (subcategory 1.1.1), so that only little information can be given about this period. Accordingly, Princess Wiltrud and her siblings were taught by house teachers. The mother Princess Marie Therese also took care of the upbringing of the children and until Prince Ludwig took office she had hardly any representative duties to fulfil. Prince Ludwig's family lived mainly in Schloss Leutstetten near Lake Starnberg. A large estate belonged to Leutstetten Castle, which belonged to Prince Ludwig's private estate and which he developed into an agricultural model estate. When Prince Ludwig succeeded Prince Regent Luitpold after the death of his father Prince Regent Luitpold in 1912, his wife Princess Marie Therese and his daughter Princess Wiltrud also had to take on more and more representative tasks, about which the information in the present holdings in the category 1.During the First World War Princess Wiltrud supported her mother in her extensive charitable activities. Together with her mother, her sisters and their court ladies she packed gift packages (so-called "Liebesgaben") for the Bavarian soldiers, non-commissioned officers and officers at the front, in which ham, chocolate, canned goods and partly also laundry were packed (cf. subcategories 1.9.1 and 1.9.2). Friends of the royal family from Sárvár (Hungary), where Queen Marie Therese owned a large estate, and from Sulden (South Tyrol), where the royal family often went on mountain tours, also benefited from these gift packages. The recipients of these coveted "gifts of love" often thanked Princess Wiltrud with field letters, sometimes extensive reports on war events and photographs of the front and the occupied territories. These partly quite descriptive materials have been preserved in subcategories 1.9.2 and 1.9.3 of the present inventory. In addition, Princess Wiltrud and her mother visited hospitals and hospitals and gave comfort to the soldiers and officers of the Bavarian army who were lying there. Finally, Princess Wiltrud also worked temporarily in the "war sewing room" set up by her mother in the Nibelungensälen of the Munich Residenz, where 600 to 800 seamstresses and knitters worked. The "Kriegsnähstube" provided the Bavarian troops moving into the field with laundry quickly and unbureaucratically. When in November 1918 the social democratic politician Kurt Eisner proclaimed the republic in Munich, the royal family left Munich and initially withdrew to Schloss Wildenwart. The end of the monarchy in Bavaria was a decisive turning point for Princess Wiltrud and the other members of the House of Bavaria. Princess Wiltrud, like all representatives of the German princely houses, lost her privileges. Princess Wiltrud first lived at Wildenwart Castle until her marriage and on 25 November 1924 Wiltrud Princess of Bavaria married Wilhelm (II) Duke of Urach in Munich. On the following day the church wedding took place, also in Munich. The marriage remained childless. After her marriage, Duchess Wiltrud lived alternately at Schloss Lichtenstein and Palais Urach in Stuttgart. When her husband died in 1928, Duchess Wiltrud also took over the care of the youngest children of Wilhelm (II.) Duke of Urach from his marriage to Amalie Herzogin von Urach (née Duchess of Bavaria). In the 1930s, Duchess Wiltrud moved to the former royal hunting lodge in Oberstdorf, which she had inherited from her father's estate and which she had renovated especially for this purpose. At times Duchess Wiltrud also visited Schloss Lichtenstein and Schloss Wildenwart. Duchess Wiltrud showed an interest in music, fine arts, history and botany, which can be seen in the printed matter and materials preserved in this collection. In addition, she undertook several voyages, including a longer voyage by ship on the "Monte Rosa" in 1935 to Brazil, Senegal and Morocco. From 1901 to 1903 she travelled the Balkans with her mother and younger sisters. During this time she also made a boat trip on the Adriatic with her mother, her younger sisters and Karl Stephan Archduke of Austria, about which she also wrote a travel diary, which was published in excerpts in a magazine. A copy of this journal can be found in Bü 719. She also wrote articles about a trip to the Arlberg (Austria) in magazines (Bü 719). In addition, she frequently travelled to visit her stepchildren, her siblings and their families, and the other relatives, which is not least reflected in the extensive correspondence preserved in this collection. In addition to the aforementioned travel descriptions, Duchess Wiltrud also published poems in magazines and calendars under her name (Bü 842). Like many members of the House of Bavaria, Duchess Wiltrud was deeply religious and had received a strictly Catholic education. The Duchess also maintained close contact with Catholic clergy and nuns, as can be seen from her correspondence with them (especially Bü 249 and 250). Not least the memberships of Duchess Wiltrud in religious associations, brotherhoods and congregations, which are documented in Bü 731, and the multitude of religious publications and the collection of material in the sub-categories 1.11.1 and 1.18.3 bear witness to the religiousness of the Duchess.Wiltrud Princess of Bavaria died on 28 March 1975 in Oberstdorf. She was buried in the cemetery of Großengstingen near Reutlingen. 1.2 Therese Princess of BavariaTherese Charlotte Marianne Auguste Princess of Bavaria was born on 12 November 1850 as the third of four children and sole daughter of Luitpold Prince of Bavaria, later to become Prince Regent of Bavaria, and Auguste Ferdinande Princess of Bavaria (née Archduchess of Austria-Tuscany).Together with her brothers Ludwig, who was later to rule Bavaria as Prince Regent and King Ludwig III, Leopold and Arnulf, she was taught by her mother and not by house teachers, as was customary in princely houses at the time. As an adult, she spoke twelve languages. In addition to her talent for languages, the princess developed a keen interest in the natural sciences and the geography and culture of foreign countries at an early age. Since she was denied university studies as a woman, Princess Therese acquired her extensive scientific knowledge through self-study. The princess acquired considerable expertise in geography, ethnology, botany and zoology - especially ornithology (ornithology) - and Princess Therese began her extensive travels as a young woman. Together with her brother Prince Leopold and his wife Gisela Princess of Bavaria (née Archduchess of Austria) she travelled North Africa, Spain, Portugal and France. Princess Therese almost always travelled incognito, often under the name of a "Countess Elpen", and with a small entourage. In 1898 she undertook an expedition of several months to South America, from which she brought a rich collection of zoological, botanical and ethnological material, including over 200 species of fish. These collections were later bequeathed to the Zoologische Staatssammlung München and the Münchner Völkerkundemuseum. Unfortunately, the collections were almost completely destroyed during the Second World War. Princess Therese discovered on her travels also previously unknown animal species, such as the catfish in Colombia, a longhorn beetle in Ecuador and a singing chirp in Trinidad. On her travels to South America, she also explored several Indian tribes in the Amazon region that were unknown to date in European scientific circles. In 1893 Princess Therese travelled North America, where she was particularly interested in the Plains Indians. In addition to ethnological and zoological studies, the princess also conducted botanical studies on her travels. The plants discovered by her in the process found their way into botanical literature with the addition of the name "theresiae". Princess Therese published scientific treatises and travelogues about her numerous journeys: In 1880 the article "A trip to Tunis" about her trip to North Africa was published. The experiences of her trip to Russia were included in the treatise "Travel Impressions and Sketches from Russia", which was published in 1895. The impressions of Princess Therese's travels to Central and South America were processed in the publications "On Mexican Lakes", "My Trip to the Brazilian Tropics", "On the Purpose and Editions of My Trip to South America in 1898", "Writings on a Trip to South America", "On a Trip to the West Indies and South America", "Some Words on Cultural Development in Pre-Spanish Peru" and "Travel Studies from Western South America", published between 1895 and 1908. About the Pueblo Indians she wrote in 1902 the essay "Einiges über die Pueblo-Indianer". Princess Therese published her first essays on her travels under the pseudonym "Th of Bavaria" in order to prevent her a priori being denied recognition as a woman by male experts. In addition to these publications, Princess Therese also documented her travels with the help of the then newly invented roll-film camera, of which only the most important were given to Princess Therese in the course of her life: On December 9, 1897, the princess was the first woman to receive an honorary doctorate from the Philosophical Faculty of the University of Munich "for her excellent knowledge of the natural sciences, proven by excellent books" ("propter insignem rerum naturalium scientiam praeclaris libris comprobatam"). In 1892 she became an honorary member of the Bavarian Academy of Sciences and the Geographic Society in Munich. In 1897 Princess Therese became a corresponding member of the Geographic Society in Lisbon and in 1898 an honorary member of the Geographic Society in Vienna. In 1908 Princess Therese received the Austro-Hungarian Medal of Honor for Science and Art. One year later she was awarded the title of "Officier de l'Instruction publique" by the French Ministry of Education. At the same time, Princess Therese became an honorary member of the Société des Américanistes de Paris, and after the death of her father, Prince Regent Luitpold, the Princess gave up her long journeys and dedicated herself to charitable and social projects and institutions for which she took over the protectorate. At the beginning of the First World War, she set up a hospital for the wounded in her "Villa Amsee" in Lindau. Pictures of this military hospital are available in Bü 986 and 1166 of this collection. Princess Therese, who was abbess of the Damenstift St. Anna in Munich, remained unmarried throughout her life. According to the relevant specialist literature, the princess fell in love at a young age with her cousin Prince Otto, who later became Otto König von Bayern, but who suffered from a mental illness and was therefore out of the question for marriage. Still in later years Princess Therese was interested in the state of health of her cousin King Otto, as the correspondence with Philipp Freiherr von Redwitz and Georg Freiherr von Stengel, the court marshals of King Otto, which is preserved in this collection, proves about the state of health of the king (subcategory, Bü 1105, 1107 and 1149). Princess Therese died on 19 September 1925 in Munich. She was buried in the Theatinerkirche in Munich. Princess Therese is remembered in Bavaria today by the "Therese-von-Bayern-Stiftung", founded in 1997 to promote women in science. The foundation supports habilitations and scientific projects of young academics and regularly awards the "Therese-von-Bayern-Preis". In 1997 a television documentary entitled "Princess Therese of Bavaria - Researcher, Collector, World Traveler" about the Princess was produced. Furthermore, in the same year H. Bußmann and E. Neukum-Fichtner the publication ""Ich bleiben ein Wesen eigener Art" - Princess Therese of Bavaria. Ludwig III, King of Bavaria-Ludwig Prince of Bavaria, the later King Ludwig III, was born in Munich on 7 January 1845 as the son of Luitpold Prince of Bavaria, the later Prince Regent, and Auguste Ferdinande Princess of Bavaria (née Archduchess of Austria-Tuscany), who was educated by house teachers, including the clergyman Karl Rinecker. From 1864 to 1865, the Prince studied philosophy, history, law, economics and art history at the University of Munich, without however obtaining a degree in the individual subjects. In the war of 1866 Ludwig served as lieutenant and orderly officer of his father Prince Luitpold. As the son of a subsequent prince, Prince Ludwig initially had no prospect of the Bavarian royal crown, since it passed to King Ludwig II and King Otto, the sons of Ludwig's uncle King Maximilian II and thus cousins of Prince Ludwig. Instead, however, Ludwig was entitled to the Greek royal throne because Ludwig's uncle Otto had no descendants. However, when King Otto had to leave Greece in 1862 due to a military revolt, Ludwig lost his prospects for the Greek royal throne, and on 20 February 1868 Prince Louis of Bavaria Marie Therese married Archduchess of Austria-Este Princess of Modena in Vienna. Prince Ludwig showed great interest in agriculture, veterinary medicine and technology. In 1868 he became Honorary President of the Central Committee of the Agricultural Association of Bavaria. The Leutstetten estate on Lake Starnberg, which he acquired in 1875, was converted by Ludwig into a model agricultural estate, which earned him the nickname "Millibauer" among the population. Finally, Prince Ludwig supported the expansion of the Rhine-Main-Danube Canal and the Bavarian Canal Association. Prince Ludwig was politically active in the Catholic Conservative Patriotic Party, the later Centre Party, for which he ran unsuccessfully in the 1871 Reichstag elections. In addition, the Prince was a member of the Reich Council, where he stood up for Bavarian interests and emphasized the interests of the individual states vis-à-vis the Reich. In the Imperial Council, Prince Ludwig also spoke out in favour of direct relative majority voting, which earned him great praise from August Bebel. Bebel said that if in Germany the Emperor were elected by the people from one of the ruling princely houses, then Prince Ludwig would have the best prospects of becoming German Emperor. In the years after 1900 Ludwig also frequently performed representational duties for his father Prinzregent Luitpold. When Prince Regent Luitpold died in 1912, Prince Ludwig succeeded him as Prince Regent of Bavaria in December. Right at the beginning of Prince Ludwig's reign, there were discussions in Bavaria about the royal question. The Centre Party and the Bavarian Prime Minister Georg von Hertling spoke out in favour of transforming the regency into a royalty and thus in favour of deposing Otto, who was a minor due to mental illness. After hard political conflicts and a constitutional amendment, Otto König von Bayern was finally declared deposed, and Prince Regent Ludwig was able to ascend the Bavarian throne as King Ludwig III on 5 November 1913. During the First World War, Ludwig III was commander-in-chief of the Bavarian troops and from 1915 also Prussian Field Marshal, the latter function being limited exclusively to representative tasks. At the beginning of the war Ludwig hoped to be able to extend the Bavarian Palatinate by parts of Alsace. On November 2, 1918, Ludwig announced the establishment of a parliamentary system of government in Bavaria. However, Ludwig could no longer install a new state government with the participation of the majority Social Democrats (MSPD), as he had already been dismissed by the Social Democratic politician Kurt Eisner on November 7, 1918. From Wildenwart Castle he went to Anif Castle near Salzburg, where he issued a declaration on 13 November exempting the officials, officers and soldiers in Bavaria from the oath of allegiance. King Ludwig III continued to refuse to abdicate formally and to renounce his claims to the throne, living temporarily in Austria, Liechtenstein, Switzerland and Wildenwart Castle after the introduction of the republic in Bavaria. The king also stayed in Sárvár (Hungary), where he died on 18 October 1921. Ludwig III and his wife Marie Therese Queen of Bavaria, who had already died on February 3, 1919, found their final resting place in the Cathedral of Our Lady of Munich. The eulogy at the funeral ceremony on November 5, 1921, was given by Cardinal Michael von Faulhaber, Archbishop of Munich-Freising. A printed version of the speech can be found in Bü 839 of this collection; illustrations of the funeral are available in Bü 934 and 1170. Ludwig's heart was buried in the Chapel of Grace in Altötting, in accordance with the tradition of the Bavarian royal house (cf. the illustrations in Bü 1087). 1.4 Marie Therese Princess of Bavaria (née Archduchess of Austria-Este Princess of Modena)Marie (Maria) Therese Henriette Dorothea Archduchess of Austria-Este Princess of Modena was born on the 2nd of January in Modena. Born in July 1849 in Brno as the only child of Ferdinand Archduke of Austria-Este Prince of Modena and Elisabeth Archduchess of Austria-Este Princess of Modena (née Archduchess of Austria), her father died of typhoid fever in Brno on 15 December 1849, just a few months after Marie Therese's birth. Marie Therese's mother married Karl Ferdinand Archduke of Austria in 1854. This marriage produced six children, four of whom reached adulthood. In detail these are: Friedrich Erzherzog von Österreich Herzog von Teschen (1856-1936), Karl Stephan Erzherzog von Österreich (1860-1933), Imperial and Royal Admiral, Eugen Erzherzog von Österreich (1863-1954), High and German Master of the Teutonic Order and Imperial and Royal Field Marshal, and the daughter Maria Christina Erzherzogin von Österreich (1858-1929). The latter married Alfonso XII in 1879. Archduchess Marie Therese was descended from the House of Austria-Este, a line of the House of Austria that ruled the duchies of Modena and Guastalla in Upper Italy until their incorporation into the Kingdom of Italy in 1859. Marie Therese had inherited on her father's side the throne claims of the Stuarts to the English throne through the houses of Savoy and Orléans, which is why she was the legitimate queen of Scotland for the Stuart followers and legitimists as Mary III and the legitimate queen of England, France and Ireland as Mary IV. Of course Marie Therese's claims to the throne on the English, French, Scottish and Irish royal dignity were never claimed by her. Archduchess Marie Therese was educated strictly Catholic and received instruction from house teachers. At the funeral ceremonies for the late Mathilde Archduchess of Austria in 1867, she met Ludwig Prinz of Bavaria, with whom she immediately fell in love. The Archduchess succeeded in marrying Prince Ludwig against the resistance of her family and, above all, her uncle Franz V. Duke of Modena Archduke of Austria-Este. Marie Therese originally wanted to marry Ferdinand (IV), titular Grand Duke of Tuscany, Archduke of Austria-Tuscany, who was the son of Grand Duke Leopold II of Tuscany, who went into exile in 1859 and lived in exile in Austria and Bohemia. The wedding of Archduchess Marie Therese and Ludwig Prince of Bavaria took place on 20 February 1868 in Vienna. The marriage produced a total of thirteen children, ten of whom reached adulthood. Princess Marie Therese took care of the education of her children. Since she hardly had to fulfil any representation duties in the first years of her marriage, there was enough time for her to do so. Princess Marie Therese devoted herself to social charitable tasks. Since 1889 she headed the Bavarian Red Cross. In this function she also visited Henri Dunant, the founder of the Red Cross (see Bü 584). During the First World War she set up - as already mentioned - a so-called "war sewing room" in the Nibelungensälen of the Munich Residenz, which quickly and unbureaucratically provided the soldiers at the front with laundry. In Leutstetten she set up a so-called Alpinum, in which she almost completely assembled the alpine flora. Princess Marie Therese was also an enthusiastic hobby artist and Marie Therese Queen of Bavaria died at Wildenwart Castle on 3 February 1919. She was first buried in the castle chapel at Schloss Wildenwart. After the death of her husband, her remains were buried together with those of her husband on 5 November 1921 in the Cathedral of Our Lady in Munich. 1.5 Luitpold Prinzregent von BayernLuitpold Prinz von Bayern, the later Prinzregent von Bayern, was born in Würzburg on 12 March 1821 as the son of Ludwig Prinz von Bayern, the later King Ludwig I of Bavaria, and Therese Prinzessin von Bayern (née Prinzessin von Sachsen-Hildburghausen), the later Queen of Bavaria, who was taught by renowned personalities and tutors. The most notable are the theologian Georg von Oettl, who was a pupil of Johann Michael Sailer and later became Bishop of Eichstätt, the painter Domenico Quaglio, the natural philosopher Gotthilf Heinrich von Schubert, the philosopher George Philipps and the national economist Friedrich Benedikt von Hermann. The prince had a military career since 1835. Already in 1848 he was promoted to lieutenant general. In 1856 he was appointed commander of the 1st division. From 1861 Luitpold was field witness for the army inspection. He took part in the 1866 war as commander of the 3rd division. In the years after 1866 he was entrusted with the reorganization of the Bavarian military on the model of Prussia. In the war of 1870/71 the prince was detached as a representative of Bavaria to the Great Headquarters. In 1876 Prince Luitpold was appointed Fieldmaster General in the rank of Field Marshal General. Politically Luitpold was in the years before 1866 on the side of the Greater Germans and for a rapprochement to Austria. 10 June 1886 took over Prince Luitpold first the regency for his nephew Ludwig II King of Bavaria, who had been declared mentally ill and unable to govern. After the death of King Ludwig, Luitpold took over the regency for his mentally ill nephew Otto König von Bayern, the brother of King Ludwig II. Although the population was initially reserved towards Luitpold, the Prince Regent soon won the affection of large parts of the Bavarian people. Prince Regent Luitpold ruled strictly constitutionally. Luitpold's reign was retrospectively glorified by his contemporaries as the "Prinzregenten period", which was characterized by economic upswing, an improvement in living conditions and, above all, cultural prosperity. The latter in particular is inseparably linked with the Prinzregenten period. Under Luitpolds regency, Munich developed into a cultural centre in Germany. "Luitpold Prinzregent von Bayern died on 12 December 1912 in Munich. He was buried in the Theatinerkirche in Munich. 1.6 Auguste Ferdinande Princess of Bavaria (née Archduchess of Austria-Tuscany)Auguste Ferdinande Archduchess of Austria-Tuscany was born on 1 April 1825 in Florence as the daughter of Leopold II. Grand Duke of Tuscany and Maria Anna Grand Duchess of Tuscany (née Princess of Saxony), she married Luitpold Prince of Bavaria on 15 April 1844 in Florence. The marriage produced the sons Ludwig, the later King Ludwig III, Leopold, later Field Marshal, and Arnulf, later Colonel General, and the explorer Princess Therese, the deeply religious Princess Auguste Ferdinande who, together with the house teachers, took care of the strict Catholic education of her children. Princess Auguste Ferdinande showed great interest in the arts - she had a talent for drawing - and in history. Princess Auguste Ferdinande died on 26 April 1864 in Munich. She was buried in the Theatinerkirche in Munich. 2. on the content, order and distortion of the holdings: As mentioned above, the GU 119 holdings include several partial estates of members of the House of Bavaria. By far the largest and most extensive partial legacy is that of the Wiltrud Duchess of Urach, née Princess of Bavaria (category 1). In the following, the contents of the estate of the Duchess Wiltrud will be discussed in more detail.2.1 Estate of Wiltrud Duchess von Urach (née Prinzessin von Bayern)The most extensive part of the estate of the Duchess Wiltrud in the inventory GU 119, apart from the photographs, is the correspondence of the Duchess Wiltrud (section 1.2). Within the correspondence, the letters of relatives of Wiltrud and her husband represent an important and large group. Section 1.2 begins with letters from members of the House of Bavaria (Wittelsbach) to Princess Wiltrud (sub-section 1.2.1). Above all, the letters of her parents Ludwig III King and Marie Therese Queen of Bavaria are to be mentioned here (subcategory The correspondence with Wiltrud's siblings and their families must also be mentioned here: in detail, these are letters from Rupprecht Crown Prince of Bavaria, from the princes Karl, Franz and Wolfgang of Bavaria and from the princesses Adelgunde (verh. Princess of Hohenzollern), Maria (Duchess of Calabria, Princess of Bourbon-Sicily), Mathilde (Princess of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha), Hildegard, Helmtrud and Gundelinde (Countess of Preysing-Lichtenegg-Moos) of Bavaria (subcategory Letters from the spouses and children of the siblings can also be found in subcategory In addition, letters from the other representatives of the royal line (subcategory and the ducal line of the House of Bavaria (subcategory as well as from the House of Leuchtenberg (subcategory, which is related to the House of Bavaria, can also be expected in the estate of Princess Wiltrud. Finally, subheading 1.2.1 also includes letters from members of the Bavarian court (subheading and servants of the royal family in Bavaria and Sárvár (Hungary) (subheading Among the letters from members of the court, the letters of Bertha Freiin von Wulffen, the educator and later court lady of Princess Wiltrud, are particularly noteworthy (Bü 440-447). The close relatives of Princess Wiltrud also include the members of the House of Austria (Habsburg), with whom Wiltrud's mother Marie Therese was Queen of Bavaria, who was a born Archduchess of Austria-Este Princess of Modena, and Wiltrud's grandmother Auguste Ferdinande Princess of Bavaria, who was a born Archduchess of Austria-Tuscany. Last but not least, the House of Bavaria with the House of Austria in the 19th century was also the marriage of the Elisabeth Duchess in Bavaria with Emperor Franz Joseph of Austria and the marriage of her daughter Gisela Archduchess of Austria with Leopold Prince of Bavaria as well as the marriage of the Adelgunde Princess of Bavaria with Franz V. Duke of Modena Archduke of Austria-Este related. The letters of representatives of the House of Austria can be found in subcategory 1.2.2 of this inventory. This includes letters from members of the Austria-Hungary line (subheadings and, Austria-Este (Ducal Family of Modena) (subheading and Austria-Tuscany (subheading as well as from members of the Court of the House of Austria (subheading In addition to two letters from the Zita Empress of Austria Queen of Hungary (née Princess of Bourbon-Parma) (Bü 368), the letters of the High and German Master Eugen Archduke of Austria (Bü 180), of the Imperial and Royal Colonel Karl Albrecht Archduke of Austria (Bü 400), of the Imperial and Royal Colonel Karl Albrecht Archduke of Austria (Bü 400), of the Imperial and Royal Colonel Eugen Archduke of Austria (Bü 180) and of the German and Royal Colonel Eugen Archduke of Austria (Bü 180) are also included. Field marshal Friedrich Archduke of Austria (Bü 390) and the aristocrat Archduchess of Austria-Este Duchess of Modena (née Princess of Bavaria) (Bü 346 and 347).) Duke of Urach can be found mainly in subcategory 1.2.3. In addition to letters from her brother-in-law Karl Fürst von Urach (subcategory, letters from the children of Duke Wilhelm (II.) from his marriage to Amalie Herzogin von Urach (née Duchess of Bavaria) (subcategory can be expected in the estate of Princess Wiltrud. The letters of the spouses of the children and the grandchildren of Duke Wilhelm (II.) are also included in subheading On the other hand, there are no letters from the husband Wilhelm (II.) Duke of Urach to his wife Wiltrud in this collection. Duchess Wiltrud also had an extensive correspondence with the Altieri, Enzenberg, Thun-Hohenstein, Vetter von der Lilie, Forni and Bayer von Ehrenberg families (subcategory, who were related to the House of Urach. The family relations with these families came about through the marriages of the Auguste Eugenie Countess of Württemberg (Countess of Enzenberg, Countess of Thun-Hohenstein) and Mathilde Princess of Urach Countess of Württemberg (Countess of Württemberg). Principessa Altieri), who were half-sisters of Duke Wilhelm (II.), as well as the marriage of the Marie Countess of Württemberg, who was a daughter of Wilhelm Duke of Württemberg and Wilhelmine Princess of Württemberg (née Freiin von Tunderfeld-Rhodis), with the Count of Taubenheim. Subheading contains letters from Urach staff. The relatives of Duke Wilhelm (II.) also include the representatives of the House of Württemberg (subcategory 1.2.4), including Charlotte Queen of Württemberg (née Princess zu Schaumburg-Lippe) (subcategory, Albrecht Duke of Württemberg and Philipp Albrecht Duke of Württemberg (subcategory, Louis II Prince of Monaco (subcategory 1.2.5) and Elisabeth Princess of and to Liechtenstein (née Princess of Urach) and her husband Karl Prince of and to Liechtenstein (subcategory 1.2.6), from whom letters are available in each case. In addition to the members of the aforementioned princely houses, Princess Wiltrud also corresponded with the members of the other princely houses in Germany and Europe (subcategories 1.2.7 and 1.2.8). The most notable are Elisabeth Queen of Belgians (née Duchess of Bavaria) (Bü 122), the Grand Duchesses Maria Anna (née Infanta of Portugal) and Charlotte of Luxembourg (Bü 247 and 124), Maria Christina Queen of Spain (née Archduchess of Austria) (Bü 243) and Alfonso XIII King of Spain (Bü 504). Among the representatives of the German ruling or former ruling princely houses, Friedrich II Grand Duke of Baden (Bü 359), Max Prince of Saxony (Bü 366), Professor of the Catholic Liturgy and the Languages of the Christian East in Fribourg/Üechtland, and Hermione Princess of Prussia (widowed Princess of Schönaich-Carolath, née Princess Reuß) (Bü 106), the second wife of Emperor Wilhelm II, should be mentioned. A telegram is available from Emperor Wilhelm II, who was visited by Duchess Wiltrud in Haus Doorn/Netherlands (Bü 319). correspondence with the members of the princely houses is followed by letters from members of the nobility (Unterrubrik, the barons (Unterrubrik and the nobility (Unterrubrik in Germany and Austria. Letters from aristocrats can also be found in the correspondence series "aristocratic acquaintances from Bavaria" (subcategory and "aristocratic and bourgeois acquaintances from Württemberg" (subcategory 1.2.11). The letters of aristocrats existing in the two correspondence series were explicitly left in the respective series and not classified in subcategories to in order to retain the formation made by Duchess Wiltrud.Among the letters of personalities of public life (subcategory 1.2.13) are especially in Bü 250 the letters of the clergy Michael von Faulhaber, archbishop of Munich-Freising, Giovanni Battista Montini, papal undersecretary of state and later Pope Paul VI, Carl Joseph Leiprecht, bishop of Rottenburg, Sigismund Felix Freiherr von Ow-Felldorf, bishop of Passau, and Prelate Konrad Kümmel (Bü 27), editor of the "Katholisches Sonntagsblatt". Correspondence by Johann Baptista Sproll, bishop of Rottenburg, can be found in Bü 38. Among the letters of writers, the letters of the writers Emmy Giehrl (née Aschenbrenner, pseudonym "Tante Emmy") (Bü 246) and Gertrud Freiin von Le Fort (Bü 68) are particularly noteworthy. Duchess Wiltrud also maintained personal contact with the latter, since Gertrud Freiin von Le Fort had also lived in Oberstdorf since 1939. almost all the correspondence in this collection is so-called unilateral correspondence, which means that only the incoming letters from the correspondence partners in GU 119 are to be expected. Only occasionally can one find letter concepts or drafts by Duchess Wiltrud among these partners, including those from letters that were not sent later. Only some of the letters of Princess Wiltrud to her parents Ludwig III Königin and Marie Therese Königin von Bayern as well as to her aunt Therese Prinzessin von Bayern are included in the inventory of GU 119 in the partial estates of King Ludwig III. (heading 3), Queen Marie Therese (heading 4) and Princess Therese (heading 2) (Bü 1098, 1099, 1101-1103 and 1112). The letters of the parents and the aunt Princess Therese to Princess Wiltrud, on the other hand, are listed in the sub-categories and in the estate of Princess Wiltrud (Bü 344, 345, 350 and 352-354). If one looks at the running time of Wiltrud's correspondence in the present collection, it is noticeable that, apart from a few exceptions, hardly any letters to Wiltrud are contained from the period after 1960. An interesting insight into the way of thinking of the German nobility in the second half of the 19th and the first half of the 20th century is provided by the extensive correspondence of Duchess Wiltrud kept in GU 119 (category 1).2) as well as the correspondence of the Therese Princess of Bavaria (section 2.1), the Ludwig III King of Bavaria (section 3.1), the Marie Therese Queen of Bavaria (section 4.1) and the Luitpold Prince Regent of Bavaria (section 5.2). In addition, the correspondence for prosopographical and biographical research, especially on the nobility in Germany and Austria, as well as on the history of individual German princely and noble houses, is of particular importance.Duchess Wiltrud's interest in the genealogy of the House of Grimaldi, the Princely Family of Monaco, is reflected in the extensive materials on the history of the House of Monaco and in the correspondence of the Duchess with Louis II, Prince of Monaco and the members of the houses Chabrillan and Lévis-Mirepoix (Bü 520 and 1244). Documents on court life, court society and protocol, especially at the Bavarian royal court, which give an insight into the court and the representative duties of the Prince Regent and later King Ludwig III of Bavaria and his family, can be found in Section 1.5. These include in particular the materials on Ludwig's official visits to Bavarian cities and on state visits, including those of Kaiser Wilhelm II to Bavaria. Individual documents also deal with the Württemberg royal court and the House of Urach. Here the memories of the Emilie von Sonntag of Florestine Herzogin von Urach (née Prinzessin von Monaco) (Bü 144) and of Wilhelm (I.) Herzog von Urach (Bü 356) are to be mentioned, for example. Documents on weddings, birthdays, funerals and other family celebrations and family events in the houses of Bavaria and Urach as well as in other princely houses are to be found in category 1.As already mentioned, the illustrations, photographs and photographs form the most extensive category (1.16) of the GU 119 collection in addition to correspondence. The largest subcategory are the illustrations of persons and group photographs (subcategory 1.16.1). This subheading contains pictures of Princess Wiltrud, her parents, her siblings and other members of the House of Bavaria (subheading as well as members of the Houses of Austria (subheading, Hohenberg (subheading, Urach and Württemberg (subheading There are also illustrations of representatives of the ruling or former ruling princely houses in Europe (subcategory and in Germany (subcategory, of the other aristocrats in Germany, Austria and the rest of Europe (subcategories and and of citizens (subcategory and of public figures (subcategory The structure of the illustrations essentially follows the structure of the correspondence, with the illustrations of persons, the group shots and the shots of events, the persons depicted on the shots are usually listed in the Containment note. Often the information on the back of the photographs, most of which were taken by Duchess Wiltrud, was adopted. It was not possible to verify this information in view of the amount of work and time involved. In addition, the identification of persons on photographs which do not show any information on the reverse side often had to be omitted for the same reasons.subheading 1.16.2 includes illustrations of events. This subheading mainly includes recordings of official events, representation commitments (subheading and family celebrations as well as family events (subheading The illustrations of these sub-categories thus represent partial additions to the written documents on court life, court society, representation obligations of the House of Bavaria kept in sub-categories 1.5 and 1.7, as well as family celebrations and family events. 1.16 also includes illustrations of the Duchess Wiltrud's travels, places, buildings and landscapes, works of art, animals, ships, zeppelins, etc. The extensive picture collections listed in section 1.16 supplement the illustrations and picture collections kept in the GU 99 holdings (photo collections and albums of the Dukes and Princes of Urach Counts of Württemberg), some of which also come from the Duchess Wiltrud's possession or were created by her. The illustrations in the holdings GU 99 and GU 119, together with the materials on court life, on the representation obligations of the House of Bavaria and on family celebrations and family events in the houses of Bavaria, Austria and Urach kept in the aforementioned sections 1.5 and 1.7, represent an interesting source for the history of the houses mentioned. In addition, the above image holdings and the materials in sections 1.5 and 1.7 are of significance for the history of culture and mentality and the everyday history of the nobility.2 As already indicated, documents on Duchess Wiltrud are to be expected in the holdings of photo albums and collections of the Dukes and Princes of Urach Counts of Württemberg (holdings GU 99) as well as in the holdings GU 117 (Wilhelm (II.) Duke of Urach) and GU 120 (Karl Prince of Urach).2.2 Partial estate of Princess Therese of BavariaIn addition to documents from the estate of the Wiltrud Duchess of Urach (née Princess of Bavaria), GU 119 also contains partial estates and fragments of estates of other members of the House of Bavaria. The most extensive part of the collection is the one of the explorer Therese Princess of Bavaria (1850-1925), which is listed in category 2. These are documents from the estate of Princess Therese, which have been transferred to her niece Duchess Wiltrud. As can be seen from Bü 297, the materials kept in the inventory of GU 119 were handed over to Duchess Wiltrud by Oberarchivrat Franz Xaver Deybeck of the Bavarian Main State Archives in Munich, since they were out of the question for safekeeping in the Department of the Bavarian Main State Archives' Secret House Archives, in which the greater part of the written estate of Princess Therese is kept. Deybeck regarded some of the documents from the princess's estate as "wastepaper", only of "personal value and significance" and thus for the "Hausarchiv ohne Wert", as some of Deybeck's inscriptions on the corresponding envelopes reveal. The structure of the partial estate of Princess Therese is essentially based on the structure of the estate of Duchess Wiltrud. Subcategory 2.1 Correspondence mainly contains letters from relatives in Bavaria (subcategory 2.1.1), Austria, Austria-Este and Austria-Tuscany (subcategory 2.1.2). Among them are letters from Marie Therese Queen of Bavaria (née Archduchess of Austria-Este Princess of Modena) (Bü 1110, 1112, 1120-1122), Adelgunde Archduchess of Austria-Este Duchess of Modena (née Archduchess of Austria-Este Duchess of Modena) (née Archduchess of Austria-Este Princess of Modena). Princess of Bavaria) (Bü 1131), Elisabeth Archduchess of Austria (widowed Archduchess of Austria-Este) (Bü 1123 and 1124) as well as Eugen Archduke of Austria, High and German Master of the Teutonic Order and Field Marshal, Karl Stephan Archduke of Austria, Stephanie Crown Princess of Austria (née Princess of Belgium and later married Princess Lónyay of Nagy-Lónya) (all Bü 1135). Princess Therese also corresponded with members of the Houses of Württemberg and Urach. The queens Pauline, Olga (born Grand Duchess of Russia) and Charlotte (born Princess of Schaumburg-Lippe) of Württemberg (all Bü 1113), Florestine Duchess of Urach (born Princess of Württemberg), Wilhelm (II.) Duke of Urach and Eugenie Countess of Württemberg (all Bü 1114) as well as Auguste Eugenie Countess of Thun-Hohenstein (widowed Countess of Enzenberg) of Thun-Hohenstein (widowed Countess of Enzenberg) of Württemberg (all Bü 1113) are to be mentioned here. Countess of Württemberg) (Bü 1116) and Donna Mathilde Principessa Altieri (née Princess of Urach Countess of Württemberg) (Bü 1115). of the correspondents among the representatives of the other ruling and formerly ruling princely houses in Germany and Europe, Carola Queen of Saxony (née Princess of Saxony) (Bü 1116) and Donna Mathilde Principessa Altieri (née Princess of Urach Countess of Württemberg) (Bü 1115) are here. Princess Wasa) (Bü 1104), Maria Christina Queen of Spain (née Archduchess of Austria) (Bü 1125) as well as Elisabeth Queen of Belgium (née Duchess of Bavaria) and Josephine Queen of Sweden and Norway (née Princess of Leuchtenberg) (both Bü 1136).In addition, two letters of the writer, pacifist and Nobel Peace Prize winner Bertha Freifrau von Suttner (née Countess Kinsky von Chinic und Tettau) (Bü 1152) are included in the partial estate of Princess Therese, the most extensive category after the correspondence in the partial estate of Therese Princess of Bavaria. Particularly worth mentioning are the illustrations of Therese Princess of Bavaria (subcategory and of other members of the House of Bavaria (subcategory Other partial estates and fragments of estates, especially of representatives of the House of BavariaRubric 3 unites documents from the estate of Ludwig III, King of Bavaria. It contains letters from the princesses Wiltrud and Hildegard to their father King Ludwig III. (Bü 1099, 1103 and 1237) and a notepad of Prince Ludwig, later King Ludwig III, with entries for his military service in 1863 (Bü 1092). In addition, the partial estate of Ludwig III contains telegrams from Johanna Freiin von Malsen to King Ludwig III and to "Countess Elpen" (incognito of Therese Princess of Bavaria), both of whom were in exile in Lucerne, about the illness and death of Marie Therese Queen of Bavaria in 1919 (Bü 1178). There are also ten audiance books of Prince Ludwig from the years 1902 to 1913 which contain information about the names of the persons received in audiences by Prince Ludwig and about the topics discussed in the audiences (Bü 1091). These audience booklets served Princess Wiltrud and her sisters as a reminder for conversations with the court lords, diplomats, ministers and generals. The audience booklets are an interesting source of information about court life at the Bavarian royal court. The partial estate of the Marie Therese Queen of Bavaria kept in category 4 contains only letters and postcards to the Queen. Among them are the letters of Princess Wiltrud (Bü 1098, 1101 and 1102) and Therese Princess of Bavaria (Bü 1126-1128). the documents from the partial estate of the Prince Regent Luitpold of Bavaria, which form category 5, include the correspondence of the Prince Regent with his sister Adelgunde Archduchess of Austria-Este Duchess of Modena (born Princess of Bavaria) (Bü 1155), the printed speech of Bishop Johann Michael Sailer on the occasion of the marriage of Prince Luitpold to Auguste Ferdinande Archduchess of Austria-Tuscany (Bü 1095) and poems of Prince Luitpold with dedications and a. to Olga Grand Duchess of Russia (proclaimed Queen of Württemberg), Marie Princess of Saxony-Altenburg (proclaimed Queen of Hanover) and Alexandra Princess of Saxony-Altenburg (proclaimed Queen of Saxony-Altenburg). The partial estate of Auguste Ferdinande Princess of Bavaria (née Archduchess of Austria-Tuscany) (rubric 6) contains, among other things, a letter from her father, Grand Duke Leopold II. from Tuscany (Bü 1194) to Auguste Ferdinande and letters from Auguste Ferdinand to her court lady Natalie Gräfin von Rotenhan (Bü 1148) the fragment of a diary in Italian (Bü 1188), copies of literary texts (subcategory 6.3) and printed matter of a religious nature (subcategory 6.5); Section 7 unites the estate splinters of Hildegard Princess of Bavaria (subcategory 7.1), Elisabeth Archduchess of Austria (widowed) and Elisabeth of the Holy Roman Empire (widowed). Archduchess of Austria-Este (subcategory 7.2), Mathilde Archduchess of Austria (subcategory 7.3), Therese Freifrau von Giese (subcategory 7.4) and Gustav Freiherr von Perfall (subcategory 7.5). Letters from the Therese Princess of Bavaria to Elisabeth Archduchess of Austria (widowed Archduchess of Austria-Este (Bü 1108), as well as letters from the Alexandra Princess of Bavaria and the Adelgunde Archduchess of Austria-Este Duchess of Modena (née. With the exception of Princess Wiltrud, the Department of Secret Archives of the Bavarian Main State Archives in Munich keeps the main estates of the members of the House of Bavaria represented in this collection. 2.4 The order and indexing of the holdingsThe holdings of GU 119, together with the Archives of the Dukes and Princes of Urach Grafen von Württemberg, were deposited in 1987 in the Main State Archives. There, the archives of the House of Urach form the GU series of inventories within the tectonics (inventory classification). During the reorganization of the archives by Wolfgang Schmierer, director of the archives, the documents of Wiltrud Herzogin von Urach were given the signature GU 119. Where it seemed appropriate, the units found were retained, for example in the correspondence series. In the course of the development work, numerous documents were separated from the GU 119 holdings and above all added to the GU 96 (Miscellaneous and Unclear), GU 117 (Wilhelm II.) Duke of Urach), GU 118 (Amalie Duchess of Urach née Duchess of Bavaria), GU 120 (Karl Prince of Urach), GU 123 (Carola Hilda Princess of Urach), GU 128 (Margarethe Princess of Urach) and GU 134 (Mechthilde Princess of Urach). As a rule, the married ladies listed in the present inventory, especially those of the high nobility, are always listed under the married name, i.e. the surname of the husband, whereby the maiden name is mentioned in brackets in the title entry. In exceptional cases the married ladies are also mentioned under the maiden name, and the married name is then in brackets. In the person index married ladies are listed under both names, with the addition of the respective girl's name or married name after the marriage. For example, Adelgunde Fürstin von Hohenzollern (née Prinzessin von Bayern) is mentioned in the person index under "Hohenzollern, Adelgunde Fürstin von, née Prinzessin von Bayern" and under "Bayern, Adelgunde Prinzessin von, verh. Fürstin von Hohenzollern". In the case of the married members of the count's, baronial and aristocratic houses, the maiden name or married name was determined - insofar as this was possible with justifiable effort and with the help of the Genealogical Manual of the nobility. If the maiden name or married name is already mentioned in a note of the Duchess Wiltrud, this was taken over without examination of the same on the basis of the relevant literature. Since there was no comparable possibility of research for bourgeois wives, only in those cases in which identification was possible on the basis of notes and inscriptions of Duchess Wiltrud, the respective maiden name or married surnames were taken over without checking the information of Duchess Wiltrud. The archives of the inventory of GU 119 may only be inspected with the prior permission of the chief of the House of Urach. The finding aid book of the inventory GU 119 was completed in winter 2007. Before packing, the stock comprises approx. 13 linear metres with 1247 numbers.Stuttgart, November 2007Eberhard Merk

Urach, Wiltrud Gräfin von Württemberg
Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Abt. Hauptstaatsarchiv Stuttgart, E 74 · Fonds · (1897 -) 1811 - 1930
Part of Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Dept. Main State Archives Stuttgart (Archivtektonik)

1st history of the Württemberg legation in Berlin: There was a Württemberg legation in Berlin from the 18th century until 1933. Until 1870/71, she was responsible for Württemberg's relations with the Kingdom of Prussia, then also with the German Empire, and the Württemberg envoys in Berlin were, among other things: Johannes Nathanael Freiherr von Schunckum 1720Friedrich Graf von Seckendorfum 1730 - 1733Johann Eberhard Georgii1741 - 1744Christoph Dietrich von Keller1744 - 1749Gottfried von Hochstetterum 1751 - 1757Tobias Faudel (Resident)about 1793/94Reckert (Resident)about 1795Christoph von Seckendorfum 1799Ferdinand Friedrich Freiherr von Nicolaium 1800/01August Friedrich Batz1801 - 1803Gustav Heinrich Freiherr von Mylius 1803 - October 1806Hermann Freiherr von Wimpffen July 1807- ?Carl Philipp von Kaufmann, Legation Councillor January 1811 - February 1813Friedrich Wilhelm Carl Freiherr von Scheeler July 1814 - May 1815Franz Joseph Freiherr von Linden, Legation Secretary May - November 1815August von Neuffer December 1815 - May 1816Franz Joseph Freiherr von Linden, Legation Secretary May - July 1816Gottfried Jonathan von Harttmann, Legation Secretary October 1816 - January 1817Friedrich Freiherr von Phull, Lieutenant General January 1817 - 1820Ulrich Leberecht Graf von Mandelsloh (interim) July - September 1820Karl Friedrich Wagner, Legation Councillor 1821, 1823 - 1824Georg Ernst Levin Graf von Wintzingerode 1820 - 1825Friedrich Wilhelm Graf von Bismark 1825 - 1844August von Blomberg, Legation Councillor 1826 - 1829Franz à Paula Freiherr von Linden, Legation Council 1830 - 1844Julius Baron von Maucler 1844 - 1845Ludwig von Reinhardt 1846 - 1850Carl Eugen Baron von Hügel 1850 - 1852Franz à Paula Baron von Linden 1852 - 1866Friedrich Heinrich Karl Baron Hugo von Spitzemberg 1866 - 1880Fidel von Baur-Breitenfeld 1881 - 1886Ferdinand Graf von Zeppelin 1887 - 1889Rudolf Friedrich Karl von Moser 1890 - 1893Theodor Axel Freiherr von Varnbüler 1894 - 1918Karl Hildenbrand 1918 - 1924Otto Bosler1924 - 1933 (1934) : Since the foundation of the Reich in 1871, the Württemberg envoys in Berlin have also acted as plenipotentiaries to the Bundesrat. Since the end of the 19th century, the legation was located at Voßstraße 10. The legation building was erected by government councillor Georg Wilhelm von Mörner. After the end of the legation in 1933, the building was bought up by the Reich in 1937 and demolished one year later, as the new Reich Chancellery was planned at this location. the ministerial counterpart to stock E 74 until the end of the monarchy in Germany in 1918 is in stock E 50/03, further documents concerning the Württemberg legation in Berlin for the time before 1806 in the stocks A 16 a, A 74 c and the time after 1918 in the stocks of the Württemberg State Ministry (E 130 a-c). 2nd inventory history and processing report: The documents of the present inventory were handed over to the former Württemberg State Archive Stuttgart in 1932. Another delivery received in 1937 was burnt during the Second World War. The largest part of the documents contains federal affairs of the German Reich, in which the Württemberg envoy was involved as an authorized representative of the Bundesrat. Particularly noteworthy are documents on the regulation of tax legislation between the German Reich and the federal states, on the war economy during the First World War, but also on economic supply in the post-war period. Particularly in the field of food supply, there is a substitute tradition for the documents of the Württemberg Ministry of Food destroyed in the Second World War. Many of the more recent documents contain large amounts of Reichstag and Bundesrat printed matter, but due to correspondence with Württemberg authorities they are not to be regarded as a double tradition of the files of the institutions of the German Reich kept in the Federal Archives.In the years 2008 - 2009 the documents were made accessible by the archive officers René Hanke, Mathias Kunz and Andreas Neuburger, the archive inspectors Wolfram Berner, Sylvia Güntheroth, Antje Hauschild and Stephanie Kurrle as well as the interns Christa Ackermann and Fabian Fechner under the guidance of the undersigned, some parts were also made accessible by the undersigned himself. Rudolf Bezold was responsible for the subsequent archiving of the documents. The total volume of the stock comprises 40 volumes and 958 tufts in the volume of 34.3 linear metres of shelving.Stuttgart, in October 2011Johannes Renz b) nationality mark: A]Austria [BY]Belarus [CH]Switzerland [CHN]People's Republic of China [CZ]Czech Republic [E]Spain [EAT]Tanzania [F]France [I]Italy [NAM]Namibia [P]Portugal [PL]Poland [RT]Togo [RUS]Russia [TR]Turkey [UA]Ukraine