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Archival description
BArch, N 2345/61 · File · Aug. - Dez. 1882 ; Apr. 1897 ; März 1913
Part of Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

Contains: Correspondence between Hohenlohe-Langenberg, Hermann Fürst zu and Maltzahn, Hermann Freiherr of the foundation of the Deutscher Kolonialverein Deutsche Gesellschaft für Eingebornenschutz Nachtigal-Gesellschaft für Vaterländische Afrikaforschung Contains among others..: "Universal Postal Service : Leaves for German Emigration, Colonisation and International Transport", 17th issue, Volume 2, 1882

BArch, R 8023 · Fonds · 1887-1936
Part of Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

History of the Inventory Designer: 1887 through merger of the Gesellschaft für Deutsche Kolonisation (founded 1884) with the Deutscher Kolonialverein (founded 1887). Founded 1882) in Berlin; Objective: Dissemination of national understanding and interest in the colonial question, practical solution of colonial problems through support of German-national colonization enterprises, fostering the togetherness of the Germans abroad, scientific research of the colonies, expansion of German colonial property and support of the German fleet program to secure the colonies; organs of the Society were Presidium, Committee, and Board; subdivisions into Colonial Economic Committee (founded 1896); German Colonial Economic Committee (founded 1896); German Colonial Economic Committee (founded 1896); German Colonial Committee (founded 1896); German Colonial Committee (founded 1896); German Colonial Committee (founded 1896).), Hauptverband deutscher Flottenvereine im Ausland (founded 1898), Frauenbund der deutschen Kolonialgesellschaft (founded 1907); 1936 within the framework of the National Socialist Gleichschaltung integration into Reichskolonialbund; 1943 dissolution for reasons of war economy. Editing note: Findbuch (1953) Inventory description: Archivische Bewertung und Bearbeitung It is a confirmed fact that an archive was established in the D e u t s c h e K o l o n i a l g e s c h e l l s c h a f t . The Colonial Economic Archive, which was established at the Berlin Central Office in 1909, already had records of more than 600 colonial enterprises in its founding year. Due to a lack of documents, it is not possible to determine when the documents were transferred from these archives or the registries to the Reichsarchiv. For the period of the Second World War it can be assumed that the holdings, together with other holdings of the Reichsarchiv, were outsourced and taken over by the German Central Archive Potsdam (later the Central State Archive Potsdam) after 1945. Due to the lack of old finding aids, no information can be given on war-related outsourcing losses. The first processing of the holdings was already carried out at the Central State Archives in Potsdam. In the holdings of the D e u t s c h e K o l o n i a l s c h e G e l l l s c h a f t , the majority of the traditional file titles were newly created and partly supplemented by notes on contents. In addition to the already existing series and volume sequences, additional archival ones were added where appropriate. Since the already existing thread-stitching had predetermined the creation and delimitation of files, especially of the volumes of the Deutsche Kolonialgesellschaft holdings, temporal overlaps in the series and volume sequences could not be avoided. The transfer of the data records of the D e u t s c h e K o l o n i a l g e s e l l s c h a f t to the database took place in 2003. Content characterization: Antislavery; exhibitions, congresses, conferences and rallies; emigration; authorities and offices; Deutscher Frauenbund and its institutions; Deutscher Kolonialverein and Deutsche Kolonialgesellschaft; expeditions and research trips; naval affairs; research and science; societies and associations; trade and economy; Herero uprising; church and missions; Colonial Reichsarbeitsgemeinschaft; Colonial policy Colonial propaganda and honours; Colonial economic committee; Agriculture and settlement; Military affairs; Museums and archives; Personnel and correspondence; Press cuttings; Legal and administrative affairs; Shipping and waterways; School and education; Donations and lottery; Tropical hygiene; Support and loan applications; Experimental and investigation stations; Veterinary medicine. State of development: Publication Findbuch and Online Findbuch 2003 Citation method: BArch, R 8023/...

German Colonial Society
BArch, R 1505/9 · File · 1908-1912
Part of Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

Contains: Collection of newspaper clippings on German colonial policy Colonial policy of State Secretary Dernburg in Deutsch-Südwestafrika, 1908-1910 Living and working conditions for women in Deutsch-Südwestafrika, 1909-1911 German press comments on the attitude of Dr. Karl Peters and State Secretary Dernburg in colonial policy towards Deutsch-Südwestafrika, Aug./Sept. 1910 Contributions on German colonial policy in Deutsch-Südwestafrika by Dr. Paul Rohrbach, 1910-1912

BArch, R 187/219 · File · 1924-1944
Part of Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

Contains among other things: Badges of the Confederations. - Overview board, 1930 Association for Proletarian Enlightenment ("Fiery Knights") - Communication of the Gauleiter Hildebrandt to the Reich Secretary of the NSDAP Bouhler, 1926 Unification or dissolution of various associations - Orders of the Political Police, 1933-1935 National Socialist Employees, 1933 Reichsbund für Arbeitsbeschaffung, 1934 Deutscher Freiheitsbund, 1934 Reichsbund former Reichswehr- und Freikorpsangehöriger, 1934 Frontsoldatenbund e.V.. (Front Soldiers' Association), 1934 Verein deutscher Rückwanderer, 1935 Bund der Runenforscher, 1935 A: Alldeutscher Verband, 1933-1934, 1938 Allgemeiner Deutscher Waffenring, 1933 Alligatorbund, 1935 Allgemeiner Schriftstellerverein, 1935 Alter Orden St. Georg, 1938 Antibolshevistische Vereinigung, 1934 Anthroposophische Gesellschaft Dr. Rudolf Steiner, 1934, 1943 Working Committee of German Associations, 1931 Workers' Samaritan League, 1933 NS Working Group for Geopolitics Working Group for Natural and Human Sciences, 1935 Victims' Union, 1934 Revaluation Movement, 1934-1935 Ascension Working Group for National Security, 1933 B: Baltic State Armed Forces, Baltic Regiment, (1936), 1943 Bavarian Home and Royal League, 1934 Former Royal Bavarian Cadet Corps e. V., 1931 Bund Bayerischer Inflationsgeschädigter Staatsbürger, 1930 Bayreuther Bund e. V., 1939-1943 Blücher (forbidden Hamburger SA) Bündische Jugend mit verschiedenen Organisationen, 1935-1939 Bund der Deckoffiziere, 1934 Bund der Goten, 1939-1941 Bund der Schweizer in Grossdeutschland, 1942 Bund der Lichtfreunde Bund Deutschstämmiger Ausländer im Reich e. V., 1931 Bund der Lichtfreunde Bund Deutschstämmiger Ausländer im Reich, 1934 Bund für inneren Frieden, 1934 Bund für Leibeszucht, 1939 Bund völkischer Europäer, 1933 Bund der Auslandsdeutschen e. V., 1933-1934 Bund Deutsche Schlaraffia, 1934 Bund der Sowjetgegner e. V., 1932-1936 C: Club 1926 e. V. (Society for Politics, Science and Art) The Club zu Bremen D: Danziger Heimatdienst, 1937 Deutscherbund, 1929, 1939 Deutsche Adelsgenossenschaft, 1934-1935 Deutsche Arbeiter Volksbewegung, 1932 Deutsche Ehrenlegion, 1935 Deutscher Albertus Magnus Verein, 1939 Deutscher Amateur Sende- und Empfangsdienst, 1933-1938 Deutsch-Englische Gesellschaft, 1938 Deutsch-japanische Gesellschaft.- Constitution, 1943 German Freedom Party, German Freedom League, 1934 German Life Reform Movement, n. d. German Dutch Society, 1942 German Gymnastics Association, 1933 German Association for the National Pacification of Europe, 1939 German Homeland League, 1941 German Aid, 1929 German Youth Association, 1935 German Emperor Movement, 1934-1935 German Language Association, 1933 German Club, 1933 German Colonial Association, n. d. German Warrior League, 1914/18 e. V. Deutscher Marien Ritter Orden e. V, 1939 Deutscher Fichtebund e. V. Deutscher Guttempler Orden Deutscher Ritterbund, 1934-1936 Deutscher Schützen- und Wanderbund e.V., 1933 Deutscher Schützenverband, 1939, 1942 Deutscher Rettungsdienst, 1933 Deutscher Schutzbund, 1934 Deutscher Sittlichkeitsbund vom Weissen Kreuz, 1939 Deutsche Volksgewerkschaft. Statutes, 1924 German Military Association German Association against Alcoholism, 1935 Association "German Will", 1934 German Cell Community Statutes, 1930 German People's Party Programme, 1932 German Military Team, 1935 German Public Health Association, 1944 German Youth Relief Association, 1944 German National People's Party German National Protection and Protection Association German National Combat Ring German Language Association German Science Service (DWD)

BArch, RM 16/43 · File · 1908-1909
Part of Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

Contains among other things: Paul Rohrbach: German-Chinese Studies Tsingtau, in : Special print from the Prussian Yearbooks, edited by Hans Delbrück, volume 134, 2nd/3rd issue, Berlin 1908 H. Graf Schlieffen: Politisches Wetterleuchten in Ostasien, in: March, Halbmonatsschrift für deutsche Kultur, edited by Ludwig Thoma et al., 3rd volume, 1st February issue, Munich 1909, pp. 168 - 173 Die Zukunft, edited by Maximilian Harden, XVII volume, issue no. 10, 05 Dec. 1908, Otto Corbach: Fort aus Kiautschau, in: Das Blaubuch. Weekly, h.g. by H. Ilgenstein, Volume IV, Issue No. 6, 1909, p. 135 - 145 Johannes Leonhart: Kiautschou, in: Fortschritt. Halbmonatsschrift für Politik, Wirtschaft und Marinefragen, edited by Johannes Leonhart, Volume 2, Issue 24, Kiel, 15 Dec 1908, pp. 699 - 702

Rohrbach, Paul (inventory)
BArch, N 1408 · Fonds · (1834) 1886-1956 (-1979)
Part of Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

History of the Inventory Designer: The Memory of Paul Rohrbach, Munich 1959 - Horst Bieber, Paul Rohrbach, Munich 1972 - Walter Mogk, Paul Rohrbach and the Greater Germany. Ethical Imperialism in the Wilhelminian Age. A contribution to the history of cultural Protestantism. Munich 1972 Paul Rohrbach, Weltpolitisches Wanderbuch 1897-1915, Königstein im Taunus 1916 - ders., Im Vorderen Asien, Berlin 1901 - Walter Mogk, Paul Rohrbach as organizer of the "Hamburg-Bremer-Donation" 1908-1912, Sdr. Düsseldorf 1966 - O. von Weber, Dr. Paul Rohrbach in Südwestafrika, Sdr. o.O.u.J. Rohrbach, Paul: America and us. Travel considerations. Berlin 1926 Rohrbach, Paul: Awakening Asia. Viewed and thought of a trip to India and East Asia in 1932. Munich 1932 Rohrbach, Paul: Um des Teufels Handschrift. Two ages of experienced world history. Hamburg 1953 Rohrbach, Paul: Weltpolitisches Wanderbuch 1897-1915 Königstein im Taunus, Leizig (1916) Bieber, Horst: Paul Rohrbach - A conservative publicist and critic of the Weimar Republic. Munich-Pullach, Berlin 1972 Citation method: BArch, N 1408/...

Rohrbach, Paul