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ALMW_II._32_50 · File · 1911-1963
Part of Francke's Foundations in Halle

Four fiches. Contains: FICHE NR. 50 1 - o.J. "Voices on the Conference" (ed.; 4 p.) - o.J. Klamroth: "Theses" (concerning Islam; ed.; 1 p.) - o.J. Gleiss: "Summary of Proposals concerning Religious Literature" (ed.; 1 p.) - 1911. Protocol on the Fourth Negotiating Day (typed; 5 p.) - o.O., o.J. Resolutions - Dar es Salaam 1911 "Agenda of the First German East African Missionary Conference" (ed.) - Mamba 1911 Room (Conference Report; handwritten; 15 p.) - Dar es Salaam 1911 "Minutes of the First German East African Missionary Conference" (handwritten; 15 p.) - Dar es Salaam 1936 "General German Evangelical Lutheran Missionary Conference including Augustana Synod". (Agenda, minutes; typed; 2 copies; 7 and 9 p.) - 1936 "Tanganyika Missionary Council" (printed; 10 p.) - Marangu 1936. Rother an Direktor - Bukoba o.J. Scholten: "Memorandum on the mission situation in East Africa" (typed; 11 and 17 p.; 2 copies). FICHE NO. 50 2 - Continued - Leipzig 1936. ? (Ihmels?) to Rother - Marangu 1936 "Minutes of the Meeting of the Commission for the Preparation of the Lutheran Missionary Church Federation for East Africa" (2x) - Marangu 1936. Bethel-Mission (Scholten) to Ihmels - Marangu 1936. Rother to Director - Leipzig 1937. ? to the members of the East Africa Commission (2 letters) - Berlin 1937 "Minutes of the meeting of the East Africa Commission of the German Evangelical Mission Day" - Bethel 1937. Bethel Mission (Ronicke) to Ihmels - o.O. 1937. ? (Ihmels?) to Augustana Synod - Mlalo 1937. Leistner to Küchler (2 letters) - Marangu 1937. Rother, Hosbach, Tscheuschner to the Lords of the Africa Commission of the German Evangelical Mission Day - Marangu 1937. Rother to Director (2 letters) - Leipzig 1937. ? (Küchler?) to Leistner (2 letters) - o.O. 1937. ? (Ihmels?) to Lilje (duplicate) - Berlin 1937. Braun to Küchler - Krummenhennersdorf 1937. ? (Küchler?) an Braun - Dar es Salaam 1937. Minutes of the meeting of the Preparatory Commission of the Missionary Church Federation (4x) - o.O., o.J. Statute of the Missionary Church Federation on Lutheran Basis for East Africa (3x) - Dar es Salaam 1937. Minutes of the meeting of the African Council of the Missionary Church Federation (3x) - Dar es Salaam 1937. Küchler an Kollegium der Leipziger Mission - Leipzig 1937. ? (Ihmels?) to the mission societies working in East Africa. FICHE NR. 50 3 - Dar es Salaam 1937 Minutes of the meeting of the African Council of the Missionskirchenbund - Marangu, Berliner Missionsstation Pommern, Vudee 1937/38. Rother an Ihmels (9 letters) - Herrnhut 1937 "Minutes of the negotiations of the East Africa Commission of the D.E.M.". (German Evangelical Mission Days) - Leipzig 1937/38. ? (Ihmels?) to Rother (9 letters) - Herrnhut 1937. Herrnhuter Missions-Direktion (Baudert) to Ihmels - Bethel 1937. Ronicke to Ihmels - o.O. 1938. ? Rother "Kwa Wazee wa kuandaa Mkutano wa Kanisa" (Swahili) - Lwandai, Lushoto o.J. Lutheran Theological School: "A Study on the Topic: the training for the ministry in the Lutheran Church, Tanganyika, East Africa." (English; typewritten; 6 p.) - o.O., o.J. "Suggestions regarding the training of pastors for the Lutherian Churches in Tanganyika" (English) - o.O., o.J. "Lutheran Theological School. Curriculum" (English) - o.O., o.J. "Constitution. The Federation of Lutheran Churches in Tanganyika" - Lushoto 1952 "An Outline of the History of the Mission Church Federation" - Gonja 1938. Mdoe an Senior (Swahili) - Shigatini 1938. ? an Rother (Swahili) - Kidugala 1938 "Minutes of the 1st Kirchen-Bundestag" (typewritten; 6 p.) - Kidugala 1938 "Provisional Agenda of the Missionskirchenbundtag" - Neudietendorf 1938. "Minutes of the Meeting of the Home Council of the East African Missionary Church Federation on a Lutheran Basis" (2-fold) - Bethel 1938. Ronicke to Ihmels - Marangu 1938. Rother: "Report of the Covenant Warden of the East African Missionary Church Federation on his visit to the stations of the Bena and Condesynods of the Berlin Mission and the Brethren Church". (Typewritten; 9 p.) - o.O. 1938. ? (Ihmels?) to Underhill - Mlalo 1938. Leistner to Küchler - Leipzig 1940. ? (Ihmels?) to the mission societies working in East Africa - o.O. 1940. "Visits to the western stations of the mountain" (typewritten; 5 p.) - Marangu 1940. "Minutes of the meeting of the Kirchentag committee" (typewritten; 3 p.). FICHE NO. 50 4- - continued - Marangu 1940. "Mkutano wa Wazee wa Kuandaa Mkutano Mkuu" (Swahili) - Mamba 1930. "Kawaida za kanisa" (typed; 6 p.) - Leipzig 1929. "Draft of a Church Constitution for the Evangelical Lutheran Church in East Africa" - o.o. 1939 "The Negotiations on the Reorganization of the School System in its Significance for Us" (Maschinegeschrieben; 8 p.) - o.o., o.J., o. Author "Utaratibu wa Kuonya na Kuongoza Wakristo jinsi utakavyotumika katika Ungamano la Makanisa ya Misioni ya Afrika ya Mashariki" (Swahili; typewritten; 4 p.) -o.O., o.J., o.Verf. "Draft of a Church Breeding Code for the Churches of the East African Missionary Church Federation on a Lutheran Basis" (Maschinegeschrieben; 4 p.) - Berlin 1940 "Minutes of the Meeting of the Home Council of the East African Missionary Church Federation" - o.O. 1940. Gutmann (or without year and author): "Zur Fortentwicklung des Ostafrikanischen Kirchenbund auf Lutherischer Basis" (Maschinegeschrieben; 11 or 15 p.) - o.o. 1940. Gutmann: "Points of view on a draft of an instruction for the covenant keeper of the East African Federation of Churches on a Lutheran basis" (Maschinegeschrieben; 3 p.) - o.o. 1950. Schiotz an "Lutheran Churches in Tanganyika that formerly were served by the Berlin, Bethel and Leipzig Mission Societies" (English) - Leipzig 1952. ? (Ihmels?) to Schiotz - Leipzig 1952. Ihmels: "The Missionskirchenbund auf lutherischer Grundlage für Ostafrika" (2fold) - o.O., o.J. Ihmels: "The East African Mission Church Federation on Lutheran Basis" (English) - o.O., o.J. "Statute of the East African Church Federation on Lutheran Basis" (English) - 1963. Copy from "In all the world".

Leipziger Missionswerk
Berlin Mission:

Correspondence, circulars, etc.; "Die Berliner Mission in Ostafrika 9 S., ms., N. N., ca. 1943; "The German and non-German Evangelical Missions in German East Africa, Rwanda, Burundi, Cameroon, Togo, German Southwest Africa, ca. 1943; "Brief overview of the Bethel Mission, 5 S. by Curt Ronicke, ca. 1944

Evangelical Missionary Society for German East Africa
RMG 725 · File · 1869-1920
Part of Archive and Museum Foundation of the VEM (Archivtektonik)

Missions-Kirchenordnungen, Dr., 1869, 1875 o.J.; Agreement on the transfer of the Hakka Mission (China) to Berlin, 1882; Negotiations on a joint teacher training institution and on the ordination of colored helpers in Africa, 1903; Negotiations on the coordination of the work at the Cape, 1904; Report on the death of Insp. Sauberzeig-Schmidt in Hong Kong, Dr., 1906; J. Neitz: Report of a journey to Samuel Maherero, 13 p., 1907; Foundation of church coffers in China, Vorschlag Glüer, 1907; Satzung d. Berliner Missionsgesellschaft, Dr., 1907; Die Aufsicht über die Missionsarbeit d. Berliner Mission, 18 p., ms., ca. 1908; Admission of Miss. Behrens/Hermannsburg, 1913; Reports of fights in Tsingtau, 1914; Vertraul. Report on obstruction of missionary work by World War I, 18 p., ms., 1915; conflict with P. Theo. Fliedner/Madrid, 1920; What still holds us to the pagan mission today, pamphlet, ca. 1920

Rhenish Missionary Society
ALMW_II._32_54 · File · 1934-1941
Part of Francke's Foundations in Halle

Seven fiches. Contains: FICHE NR. 54 1 - Nairobi 1934. German Consulate to Foreign Office - Machame 1934. Room to German Consulate (2 letters) - Nairobi 1934. German Consulate to Leipzig Mission (Ihmels, Gutmann, Room) (3 letters, partly 2-fold) - Nairobi 1934. Certificate of the German Consulate (2-fold) - Same 1935. District Office an Leipziger Mission (English; 3 letters) - Machame 1935. Chairman of the conference of the Lutheran Missions in Tanganyika Territory (room) an Director of Education (English; 2 letters) - Dar es Salaam 1935. Education Department an Raum (English; 2 letters) - Shigatini 1935. Schomerus an Senior - Gonja 1935. Guth "Gonja-Schulen, die nicht auf Miss. Land is standing" - Mbaga 1935. Nüssler "List of schools of the station Mbaga not standing on land belonging to the mission" - Vudee 1935. Suppes "List of schools of the station Vudee not standing on land belonging to the mission" - n.d. "List of village schools in Pare" - Machame 1934. Room to Augustana Lutheran Mission - Kinyangiri 1935. Augustana Lutheran Mission (Anderson) to room (English) - Dar es Salaam 1935. Barclays Bank to room (English) - Machame 1935. Room to Governor of Tanganyika Territory (English) - Masai 1935. District Office to Pätzig (English) - Leipzig 1931. Copy of a statement by Ihmel or the College (English) - Dar es Salaam 1935. Secretariat to Leipzig Mission (English; 2-fold)) - o.O., o.J. "List of the landed properties of the Leipzig Lutheran Mission in the Pare District" - Gonja 1935. Guth (list of mission properties) - Marangu 1935. Rother an Senior - Moshi 1935. Gutmann an Senior - Mbaga 1935. Nüssler an Senior - Shigatini 1935. Schomerus an Senior - Shira 1935. Becker (list of buildings on mission property) - Machame 1935. room to District Officer (English) - Lwandai 1935. Rosarius to room - Mwika 1935. Eisenschmidt to Senior - Mamba 1935. Fritze to room - Moshi 1935. District Officer to Leipzig Mission (English) - Machame 1935/36. room to District Officer (English; 3 letters) - o.O., o.J. "List of the landed property of the Leipzig Lutheran Mission in the Moshi District" - Dar es Salaam 1935. Education Department an Raum (English) - Dar es Salaam 1936. Department of Lands and Mines an Augustana Synode (English; copy) - Kinyangiri 1936. Augustana Lutheran Mission (Magney) an Raum (English; 2 letters) - Machame 1936. Room to Magney (English) - Dar es Salaam 1936. Barclays Bank to Rother (English) - Marangu 1936. Rother to Inspector - Leipzig 1936. Ihmels to Gutmann (3 letters) - 1936. Ihmels: "General Power of Attorney" for Gutmann, Schwär, Rother, Fritze (English; 2 times) - Moshi 1936. ? to Haywood (English) - Moshi 1936. Haywood

Leipziger Missionswerk
ALMW_II._32_57 · File · 1933-1950
Part of Francke's Foundations in Halle

Ten fiches. Contains: FICHE NR. 57 1 - Lehesten 1938. Küchler an Ihmels - o.O., o.J. "The situation of the Germans in D e u t s c h - O s t a f r i k a under mandate and in British East Africa in the first weeks of the war." (typewritten) - Grossolbersdorf 1940. Everth to Mission Director (4 letters) - 1941. "On the Situation of Lutheran Missions." (Maschinegeschrieben) - 1942: "Questions about the current state of the East African field of work of the Leipzig Evangelical Lutherans. Mission in Tanganyika Territory." (typewritten) - o.K., o.J. "News on the situation of the Leipzig Mission." Maneromango 1943. Tanganyika. A new, daunting task. (From a private letter from Arne Magnusson to Mission Director Bäfwerfeldt.)" - Machame 1943. Magnusson "Towards a new field of work... (From: Svenska Kyrkans Missionstidning. ... 1943. Translated by M. Weishaupt.)" - Berlin 1943. Knak "To the East African Missionaries of the Berlin Mission." - 1943: To the German Mission Council, Department for Foreign Exchange Requests (concerning request for permission to execute 1000 New Testaments in "Kidschaggadialekt" [translation Gutmann]) - 1943: To Knak (2 letters) - "Aus: V. Sicard, Reise durch Tanganyika. 1943/44." (Maschinegeschrieben) - Leipzig 1944. Ihmels to employee - "Copy from a letter from , Würzburg, ... 1944." (omission in original) - "Tanganyika. From Mission Secretary Gunnar Dahlquist. ... From: Svenska Kyrkans Missionsstyrelses Arsbok 1943, Upsala 1942. Translated by M. Weishaupt)." (typed) - o.O., o.J. Sicard (on behalf of the Swedish Church) on Filipo Njau (transcript, typed) - "On the slopes of Kilimanjaro. (From: Harals v. Sicard: Sweden, U.S.A., Africa Page 294 ff. ... <font color="#ffff00">-==- proudly presents Weishaupt)" - Machame 1946. Reusch an Jäschke (with statistical data about churches) - "From: Calendar 1946 (Swahili), Vuga Missionsdruckerei, Tang. Terr." (Anderson) in translation (typewritten) with accompanying letter from Blumer to Ihmels - "Tanganyika. From Mission Secretary Gunnar Dahlquist. ... (From the Yearbook of the Swedish Church Mission 1944, pp. 151-159. Translation: M Weishaupt)." - Leipzig 1946. Ihmels to Reusch - 1946. Ihmels to Bersell, Augustana Synod, Minneapolis, U.S.A. - Camp Norton 1946. Rother to Secretary of the International Missionary Council, London, New York. (2 letters; transcript; English) - Leipzig 1946. transcript of a letter from Stefano Moschi (3 copies) - 1946 "Tanganyika. By Pastor Gustav Bernander." Translated from Swedish by Weishaupt). FICHE NR. 57 2 - Continued - Brumsdorf 1947. Rother to Mission Inspector - Leipzig 1948. Ihmel's "Conference Report from Africa" (double) - "Touring Tanganyika by S.Hjalmar Swanson Rock Island, Illinois 1948 page 134 ff." - Leipzig 1949. Ihmels - Bukoba 1949. Superintendent Evangelical Church an Althaus (transcript) With accompanying letter from Althaus an Ihmels - Machame 1949. "The meeting of the Executive Council of the Lutheran Church of Northern Tanganyika with the Rev. Dr. Fredrik A. Schiotz, representative of the National Lutheran Council of the United States of Americ and Canada. ... Translated from the Swahili Minutes by the Church Secretary" - London 1948. Conversations on Tanganyika 22nd June, 1948" - Leipzig 1948. Ihmels "An unsere Ostafrika - Missionare" - Leipzig 1949. Rother "To some friends and missionary colleages working in Tanganyika Territory." (English) - Machame 1949. Danielson to "Official Brother" - Lushoto 1949. Lutheran Mission Press to ? (English) - 1949 "Draft: To the Christians of the Lutheran Church of Northern Tanganyika" - "Copy from a letter from Senior D. Gutmann dated 14.1.50 to Mr. Missionsinsp. Küchler". - "Growth of a young East African church's willingness to sacrifice in this decade." - "Transcript: Excerpt from a letter Pf. Leistner - Cape Town to Miss Hempel from 18.4.50" - Hamburg 1950. ? - German Evangelical Mission Council to Küchler - Machame 1950. Danielson to Ihmels (English) - Marangu 1950. ? "For the hands of the shepherd D.Dr.Bruno Gutmann" - "Article from the Tanganyika Standard of June 26, 1950. The Lutheran Mission hands over 32,000 acres of land to the government. Berlin mission property in prospect by the government for a hotel." (Typewritten; Translation: Rother). FICHE NR. 57 3 - continued - Leipzig 1950: "Entwurf I" (German) and "Entwurf II" (English) to Danielson (2 letters) - "Aus einem Brief von D. Gutmann vom 12. Juni: (1949 od. 1950)" - Leipzig 1950: Ihmels to Danielson (English) - Machame 1950: Danielson to Ihmels (English) - Kinampanda 1950. Augustana Lutheran Mission to Ihmels (English) - 1950 Danielson ("Report to the Synod of the President of the Church"; handwritten) "RIPOTI YA MKUU WA KANISA KWA MKUTANO MKUU WA 1950 WA KANISA LA KILUTHERI LA TANGANYIKA YA KASKAZINI" (machine-written) - Singida 1950 Augustana Lutheran Mission (Anderson) to Rother (English) - "Transcript to the Synod of the President of the Church" - "Singida 1950 Augustana Lutheran Mission (Anderson) to Rother (English) - "Transcript to the Synod of the President of the Church" (handwritten) Report of the Superintendent of the North Church of Tanganyika at the Kirchentag 1950. (shortened)" (2-fold) - Daressalaam 1950. Secretariat to Anderson - Singida 1950. National Lutheran Council (Anderson) to Ihmels (2 letters; English) - New York 1950. National Lutheran Council. Commision on younger churches and or-phande Missions (Schiotz) an Brennecke, Knak, Ihmels bzw. nur Ihmels (3 letters; English) - Leipzig 1950. An Schiotz - Leipzig 1950. An Anderson (draft) - Leipzig 1950. An Anderson (English; 2x) - Machame Mission 1950. Lutheran Church of Northern Tanganyika an Anderson - Leipzig 1950. Ihmels an Danielson (draft and English translation) - Machame 1951. Lutheran Church of Northern Tanganyika (Danielson) an Ihmels (English) - 1951. Schiotz an Danielson (English; copy) - Leipzig 1951. An Moschi (German and English; concerning invitation to the German Protestant Kirchentag in Berlin) - Leipzig 1951. An Moschi (German and English; concerning cancellation of the trip to the Kirchentag) - "Excerpt from the Minutes of the 3rd Annual Meeting of the Commission on World Missions Lutheran World Federation in Breklum ... 1951" - Leipzig 1951. An Anderson (English). FICHE NR. 57 4 - continued - Leipzig 1951. An Anderson (draft) - Leipzig 1951. An Anderson (4 letters each in German draft and English translation) - Singida 1951. National Lutheran Council (Anderson) an Ihmels (2 letters; English) - "To the Church of Northern Tanganyika." (draft) - o.O., o.J. "To Kilimanjaro again?" (Typewritten) - "Home meets mission. The story of Dr. Bersell's visit to the Kilimanjaro region, of Kermit E. Joungdale, Missonar in Moschi, T.T." (typewritten) - Leipzig 1951. An Reusch (2 letters) - Nkoaranga 1951. Reusch to Mission Director - Leipzig 1952. An Anderson (2 letters each German draft and English translation) - Leipzig 1952. An Peltola - Arusha 1952. Lutheran Secondary School an The Provincial Education Officer - Daressalaam 1952; The Member for Law and Order, the Secretariat an The General Director, National Lutheran Council - 1952; Anderson an The Member for Law and Order - Leipzig 1952; An Magney - 1952. An Rother - Marangu 1952. Peltola an Ihmels - Singida 1952. Anderson an Ihmels (3 letters; English) - Leipzig 1952. An Danielson (German draft and English translation) - Daressalaam 1951. An Brennecke - Leipzig 1952. An Anderson (2 letters; English) - Machame 1952. Lutheran Church of Northern Tanganyika (Danielson) an Ihmels (English) - Leipzig 1952. An Peltola - Leipzig 1952. An Danielson (German draft and English translation) - 1952. An OKR Hübner - New York 1952. National Lutherna Council. Commission on Younger Churches and Orphaned Missions (Schiotz) an Ihmels (English) - Machame 1952. Schiotz an Ihmels (English) - o.O., o.J. "Joint Statement of the Leipzig Mission Society and CYCOM in Response to a Document Submitted by the Lutheran Church in Northern Tangiac". - "MINUTES Tanganyika Sub-Committee Commission on World Missions of the Lutheran World Federation ... Berlin ... 1952". FICHE NR. 57 5 - Continued - Machame 1952. Schiotz to Ihmels - "Joint Statement by the Leipzig Mission Society and CYCOM ...." (see Fiche No 57 4 ) - not applicable, o.J. Danielson "Lutheran Church of Northern Tanganyika Qualifications of Missionaries for this Church" - Marangu 1952. Pelltola an Ihmels - Machame 1952. Lutheran Church of Northern Tanganyika (Danielson) an Schiotz (with copy to Ihmels; English) - Leipzig 1952. An Schiotz - Leipzig 1952. An Danielson (English; 2x) - Leipzig 1952. An Peltola - Leipzig 1952. An Reusch - "Excerpt from Schiotz letter to Dr. Danielson of ... 1952" - Leipzig 1953 Ihmels ("Confidential Report" about a Tanganyika-report 1953) - "From the Work of the Leipzig Mission: East Africa" (machine-written) - 1953 An Moshi - New York 1953. The Lutheran World Federation (Schiotz) at Brennecke and Ihmels or only at Ihmels (2 letters; English) - 1953 Schiotz at Rodgers (copy of a copy; English) - New York 1953. National Lutheran Council. Commission on Younger Churches and Orphaned Missions (Schiotz) an Brennecke, Ihmels, Ronicke, Freytag or only to Ihmels (3 letters; English) - 1953. Schiotz an Anderson and Friberg ("Visit of German Mission Secretaries to Tanganyika"; English; copy) - Leipzig 1953. An Schiotz (3 letters) - Leipzig 1953. An Danielson (English) - 1953. Schiotz an Anderson - "Constitution of the Lutheran Missions Council of Tanganyika" - Kinampanda 1953 Anderson "To the Heads of Lutheran Missions" - 1953 Anderson an "The Principal Immigration Officer" - Kinampanda 1953 Lutheran Mission Council (Anderson) "To All Field Superintendents" - 1953 Tanganyika Sub-Committee. Commission on World Missions, L.W.F. "The Lutheran World Federation and its Spiritual Trusteeship in the Administration of former German Mission Fields in Tanganyika" - Kinampanda 1953. Anderson "To All Members of the Lutheran Missions Council" - 1953. Schiotz an Danielson und Friberg - New York 1953. The Lutheran World Federation, Department on World Missions (Schiotz) an Ihmels (2 letters) - Arusha / Bethel 1953. Ronicke an Ihmels et al. (2 letters; partly in English; translations from the stenogram) - 1953. Schiotz an Ihmels et al. "Participating in the Work of the Tanganyika LM" (English) - Mamba 1953. Moshi an Ihmels (language?) - Machame 1953. Lutheran Church of Northern Tanganyika (Danielson) an Ihmels (English) - Bethel 1953. Bethel-Mission an Ihmels und Brennecke. FICHE NR. 57 6 - 1953-1954; Schiotz / CYCOM to Ihmels partly a.o. (7 letters; English) - 1953; Schiotz to Hutt (2 letters; English; copy) - Bukoba 1953; Ronicke to Ihmels partly a.o. (2-fold) - Gonja-Hospital 1953; To Mission Director - Erlangen 1953; Ihmels to Danielson - Erlangen 1953. Ihmels an Schiotz - Leipzig 1953. An Schiotz - 1953. Schiotz an Anderson - Daressalaam 1953. The Secretariat (Hutt) an Anderson - "A Joint Statement by the Leipzig Mission Society and CYCOM in reply to a Statement Submitted by the Lutheran Church of Northern Tanganyika." - National Lutheran Council "... how your Account stands at the present" - Kinampanda 1953; Anderson an Schiotz, "All Boards and Societies of the LMC" and others - Singida 1953-1954; National Lutheran Council (Anderson) an "The Honourable The Chief Secretary" - 1953-1954. Anderson to Schiotz (2 letters; English) - New York 1953. National Lutheran Council CYCOM to Brennecke, Ihmels, Ronicke - Nkoaranga 1953. Reusch to Ihmels (concerning Blumer) - 1954. Freytag to Schiotz, New York (English) - Holle 1954. Ihmels to Arnesen - Leipzig 1954. Ev.-luth. mission "Testimonial" (concerning English knowledge of Schliesseit; multiple execution) - Leipzig 1954. an Anderson (3 letters, partly German draft and English translation) - 1954. Lutheran Mission Council of Tanganyika (Anderson) an ? (copy; English) - 1954. Anderson an Ihmels (English) - Geneva 1954. LWF Department of World Missions (Schiotz) an Brennecke, Ihmels, Ronicke (English) - Leipzig 1954. An Anderson (2 letters; partly German draft and English translation) - Machame o.J. Lutheran Church of Northern Tanganyika an "newly-arrived fellow-worker" - Leipzig 1954 "To the churches and institutions associated with us, as well as to the Regional Church Works and Associations for External Mission." (concerning invitation to the General Assembly) - New York 1954. Phelps-Stokes Fund (Ross) to Heinrich (English) - "Outline Agenda" Tanganyika Sub-Committee. Hoekelum, Holland - "Report to Tanganyika Sub-Commitee A Survey of Textbooks needed for the Teaching of Christianity in Lutheran Mission Schools" - "Minutes of the meeting of the Lutheran Mission Council ... Arusha ... 1954" (English). FICHE NR. 57 7 - Continued - "Appendix B Minutes of the meeting of the Board of Literature and Publikations Arusha ... 1954"; "Lutheran Mission Council 1955 Budget" - "Minutes of special meeting of the LMC, Nkoaranga ... 1954" - Leipzig 1954. An Danielson - Leipzig 1954. "An unsere Ostafrika-Missionare in der DDR" - 1954. An die Konsulabteilung des Auswärtigen Amtes (betr. Einreisegenehmigung für Moshi) - 1954. An das Lutherische Kirchenmat (betr. Einreise Moshi) - Leipzig 1954. To our East Africa missionaries and sisters (concerning refusal of entry permit for Moshi) - 1954. To Kellermann - Berlin 1954. Government of the GDR to Leipzig Mission (concerning refusal of entry permit for Moshi) - 1954. To Schatte - 1954. CYCOM "Financial Report ... 1953" with various letters; "Constitution of the Usambara - Tanga Mission of the National Lutheran Council"; "By-Laws of the Usambara - Tanga Mission of the ..."; "Rules for Missionaries of the Usambara - Tanga Mission ..."; "Observations of the future of the Bumbult Medical School" (English). FICHE NR. 57 8 - continued - Leipzig 1954-1956; An Hall (5 letters) - Leipzig 1955; An Danielson (5 letters; German draft and English translation) - Leipzig 1955; An Friberg (2 letters; German draft and English translation) - Ihmels "Zur Information für alle Beteiligten" (concerning Moshi's journey home) - Machame 1955; Lutheran Church of Northern Tanganyika an Hall (English) - New York 1954; Hall an Ihmels (2 letters; English) - Machame 1955. Lutheran Church of Northern Tanganyika to Ihmels (2 letters; English) - 1955 Hall to Danielson (2 letters; English) - Vuga, Lushoto 1955 Friberg to Ihmels (English) - Hamburg 1955 German Evangelical Mission Council (Freytag) to Ihmels - Vuga 1955. Friberg an Hall (English) - Machame 1955-1956. CYCOM (Hall) an Kellermann (4 letters; English) - New York 1956. Commission on Younger Churches and Orphaned Missions (CYCOM) an Bethel-Mission (concerning Qualifications of Missionary Medical Staff) - "Votes: That the following resolution be submitted to the Council for ist consideration at ist 1956 Annual Meeting" - New York 1956. National Lutheran Council. Lutheran World Federation Affairs to Ihmels or Ronicke (5 letters; German and English) - "Excerpt from Miss Ohlekopf's letter to the Bethel Mission ... 1956" - Bethel 1956. Ronicke to Ihmels - 1956. An Hall - Leipzig 1956. An Ohlekopf (2 letters) - Bethel 1956. Bethel mission to Hermann - Minneaota 1956. Hall to Ihmels (English) - Leipzig 1956. An Hermann - Geneva 1956. LWF to Ihmels and others (concerning "Pooling of Medical and Educational Grants"; English) - o.O., o.J. "A country waiting for the future. What's happening at Kilimanjaro today?" FICHE NR. 57 9 - Geneva 1956-1958 LWF (Birkeli; Sovik) to Ihmels inter alia "Declaration of Policy concerning Lutheran Work in Tanganyika"; "Need of an lady missionary to assist in the Christian Bookshop at Mosh

Leipziger Missionswerk
Erich Leistner (1893-1975)

Curriculum vitae, health certificates, vows of secondment, 1936; farewell sermon by Erich Leistner in Leipzig, 1936; letters from teacher Hirsch in Mlalo, 1936; work reports, letters of friendship, correspondence, 1936-1939; contract between the Bethel-Mission u. of the Protestant Church in Tanga, 1936; "Volksmission im Lande des Night-Porter, by Erich Leistner, 1938; "Soldaten enliven eine Gemeinde von Erich Leistner, 1938; Agreement between the Bethel-Mission u. Kontraktor Kirschinger, 1938; Conference of Shepherds and Elders of Shambalei and Digolandes, 1938; Overview of school work in Usambara-Bergland, 1938; correspondence because of Leistner's leave of absence with the LKA Dresden, old-age pensions, etc. Kindergeld, 1936-1946; Correspondence with the Leistner family during internment, 1940-1947; Correspondence concerning entry into the Berlin Mission Society, 1947; Correspondence with the Leistner couple during their work in Cape Town: Protokolle, Berichte, Aufsätze, 1947-1975; Geburtsurkunden von Ehepaar Leistner, 1950; "Zu den Füßen des Tafelbergs von Erich Leistner, 1950; "Aus dem Leben der braunen Gemeinden in u. around Cape Town by Erich Leistner, 1953; conference report of the Protestant Academy at the Cape, 1955; curriculum vitae and speech at the funeral of Erich Leistner, 1975

Evangelical Missionary Society for German East Africa
ALMW_II._32_2B · File · 1892-1910
Part of Francke's Foundations in Halle

Eight fiches. Contains: FICHE NO. 2B 1 - Map: Justus Perthes' Africa Lake District Section (8.) Edited by Dr. R. Lüddecke. Printed November 1892 in Gotha. 3rd edition - o.O., o.J. ? (concerning present missionary situation in Tanganyika) - Leipzig 1893. College (concerning instructions for the leader of the East African mission expedition; copy) - map "Eastern Central Africa" C.M.S. Report, Pl.3 - hand-drawn map "Siralandschaften" - o.O. 1892. ? - 1893. German East Africa line (receipt for Paessler) - o.O., o.J. map East Africa - o.O., o.J. Map: The Kamerungebiet, Deutsche Kolonialgesellschaft - "Karte der Missionstationen in Deutsch-Ostafrika" Zu: Deutsches Kolonialblatt 1892 - Travel calculations of the missionaries Paessler, Althaus, Fahrmann, Müller und Böhme - Mombas 1893. Travelogue (Experiences at Sea) Conclusion and signature missing (continuation probably on Fiche Nr. 2B 2 ) - Leipzig 1893(?). Letter to the members of the college - Berlin 1895. Meinerne - Berkau, Altmark 1893. Merensky (2 letters) - excerpts from the "Leipziger Zeitung" of 19.11.1894. Article: "The murder in Rombo" excerpt from the diary of the mission station Mamba, led by missionary Althaus (26.9.-3.10.). FICHE NO 2B 2 - "Second Supplement to No 600 of the National Newspaper." 1894 (excerpt) "Das Disciplinar-Urtheil gegen den Kanzler Leist" - Nuremberg 1895. Paessler (2 letters) - Schlieffenburg 1895. Karsten. (Copy and discussion of a report from the "Reichsboten" by Dr. Volkens, concerning the relationship of the Catholic and Protestant missions at Kilimanjaro; 2 letters) - Nuremberg 1895. Paessler - Groppendorf 1895. Müller (General Secretary of the Ev. Afrika-Verein) - Berlin 1895. Grundemann, Merensky (accompanying letter survey concerning the "legal habits of the African peoples") - Berlin 1896. International Association for Comparative Law and Economics (Research on the Legal and Economic Conditions of African Indigenous Peoples - Letter accompanying the sending of a questionnaire) - Mamba 1896. Althaus - Leipzig 1896. Schwartz to the missionaries of the Jagga Mission - Extract from the diary of the missionary Paessler (corrected). Headings (inserted later): 1. from Mombasa to Rabai; 2. from Rabai to Samburi (2 day trips); 3. from Samburu to Maungu (3 days) - o.O., o.J. (no beginning, probably continuation of Fiche No. 2B 1 ) Böhme - Mombasa 1893. Paessler - continuation of the above mentioned revised excerpts from the diary of Paessler (unsorted). FICHE No. 2B 3 - Continuation of the revised diary of Paessler, dated at the end: Machame 1893 - Machame 1893. Paessler - Leipzig 1893. ? - Mombas resp. Machame 1893-1894. Paessler (4 letters) - Machame 1893. Fassmann - Machame 1893. Paessler (diary beginning 30.9.1893; copy). FICHE NO. 2B 4 - Continued. Paessler - Lorenzkirch 1894. Paul (2 letters) - Mamba 1894. ? - Hamburg 1894. Hansing

Leipziger Missionswerk
NA Wundt/III/1001-1100/1026/97-126 · File · 1911-08-16
Part of University Archive Leipzig

Sends drawings of a donkey that African condos have made at his missionary pupil in D e u t s c h - O s t a f r i k a . Is disappointed by the drawings ("only poor traces of nature observations"), since with the Konde hut painting is actually common, but mostly women's work. Send photo of the 12 draughtsmen.

NA Wundt/III/1001-1100/1027/127-130 · File · 1911-08-31
Part of University Archive Leipzig

On the drawings of 12 condescents [cf. NA Wundt/III/1001-1100/1026/97-126]: Finds Wundts thesis interesting that the condescents can draw better from memory; wants to pass this on to his missionary pupil. Woundert's thesis that the Konde paint from right to left because they are influenced by Arabic contradicts this. Sees cause for it in other models or in the absence of models, which lead to the natural movement of the right hand to the left. Next year he travels to East Africa and offers Wundt to do research for him there.

ALMW_II._32_49 · File · 1930-1943
Part of Francke's Foundations in Halle

Four fiches. Contains: FICHE NO 49 1 - Dar es Salaam 1930. Minutes of the III General Conference of Evangelical Missionaries in Tanganyika Territory (machine-written; 22 p.) - "Church Union in East Africa. Proposed Basis of Union. Presented by the Continuation Committee of the Conference on Church Union", 1930 (English; ed.; 16 p.) - o.O., 1933. Chambers to "Brother" (copy; English) - Shigatini 1933/34. Fuchs to Ihmels (2 letters) - Kongwa 1933. The Bishop of Central Tanganyika (Chambers) to Ihmels (English) - Shigatini 1933. Fuchs to Chambers (English) - "Church Union. Report of the Conference held at Mvumi, Dodoma, Tanganyika Territory, ... 1933." (printed; 4 pages) - Shigatini 1934. Fuchs an "die Station" - Machame 1934. ? an Dr. Ihmels (with excerpts from "Ufalme wa Mungu" (Swahili and German) - Shigatini 1934. Fuchs an Weishaupt - Leipzig 1934. ? an Fuchs - o.O.., n.d. Newspaper cuttings (English) - Dar es Salaam 1934. Minutes of the German Lutheran Missionary Conference incl. Augustana Synod (9 p.). FICHE NR. 49 2 - continuation - o.O. 1937. ? to Ronicke (duplicate) - probably Rother: "Report on the Leipzig Mission in East Africa in the Wartime 1939/40" (Maschinegeschrieben; 16 p.) - Leipzig 1940. "Memorandum on the Situation in the Field of Work of the Evangelical Church in Leipzig 1940.luth. Mission zu Leipzig in Deutsch-Ostafrika" (Maschinegeschrieben; 4 p.) - Leipzig 1940/41. Ihmels to the members of the Heimischer Rat des Ostafrikanischen Kirchenbundes (3 letters) - Berlin 1940. "Minutes of the meeting of the Heimischer Rat des Ostafrikanischen Kirchenbundes" (Maschinegeschrieben; 3 p.) - Leipzig 1940. Ihmels to the Ostafrika-Missionare in the homeland (Annex: Program of the working discussion of the Ostafrika-Missionare) - o.O.., 1940: "Points of view on a draft of an instruction for the warden of the East African Federation of Churches on a Lutheran basis" (Maschinegeschrieben; 2 p.) - o.O., 1940. Gutmann: "On the further development of the East African Federation of Churches on a Lutheran basis" (Maschinegeschrieben; 11 p.; also contains: "Points of view on a draft of an instruction for the warden of the Federation ...") - o.O.., o.J. Knak: "Thoughts on an Important Question" (Maschinegeschrieben; 8 p.) - o.O., o.J. Bethel-Mission: "Some Questions for the Meeting of the Home Council of the Missionskirchenbund" - Transcript from "Deutscher-Kolonialdienst" No. 6, 1941 - o.O.., o.J. Hecht: "Rassenpolitische Leitsätze zur deutschen Kolonialpolitik" (translated from German; 5 p.) - Statistics of the Evangelical Lutheran Mission to Leipzig in East Africa end of 1939 (printed) - Ilula, Dar es Salaam, Maneromango 1941/42. "Translation. Excerpts from letters from ... Bernander" - o.O. 1941. National Lutheran Council (Long) to Ihmels (English; copy) - Agenda of the working discussion of the East African missionaries, Sondershausen, Castle - Maneromango 1942. Bernander to the Board of the Swedish Church Mission (translation) - "Questions about the current situation in the East African field of work of the Leipzig evangelical Lutherans. Mission in Tanganyika Territory" 1942 (2 p.). FICHE NR. 49 3 - continued - Berlin 1943. Berliner Missionsgesellschaft (Braun) an Küchler - Königswinter 1938. Roehl an Direktor (copy) - Leipzig 1938. ? an Rother (duplicate) - Leipzig 1938. Ihmels an die Mitglieder des Heimischen Rat des ostafrikanischen Missionskirchenbundes (2 letters) - o.O. 1938. ? (Ihmels?) to Berner - Wuppertal-Barmen 1938. Rheinische Missionsgesellschaft (Berner) to Ihmels - Neukirchen 1938. Nitsch to Ihmels - o.O., 1938. ? (Ihmels?) to Braun; Vogt; Roehl (2 letters); Ronicke - Barmen 1938. Ihmels: "Negotiations of the Heimischen Rat des Ostafrika-Missions-Kirchenbund" (Machinegeschrieben; 3 p.) - Bethel 1938. Bethel-Mission (Ronicke) to Ihmels - Leipzig 1938. ? (Ihmels?) to Rother (4 letters) - o.O. 1938. ? (Ihmels?) to Nitsch - Leipzig 1938. ? (Ihmels?) to the members of the Heimischer Rat des ostafrikanischen Missionskirchenbund and to Roehl - Königswinter 1938. Roehl to director (annex: Stuttgart 1938. literal excerpt from a letter by Diehl) - o.O. 1938. ? (Ihmels?) to Schlunk - Leipzig 1938. ? (Ihmels?) to the mission societies working in East Africa - o.O., 1938. ? (Ihmels?) to Tscheuchner - Neudietendorf 1938. Minutes of the meeting of the Heimischer Rat des Ostafrikanischen Missionskirchenbundes on Lutheran basis - Leipzig 1938. ? (Ihmels?) to the mission societies belonging to the East African Mission Church Federation - Herrnhut 1938. Herrnhuter Missions-Direktion (Baudert) to Ihmels (2 letters) - Stuttgart 1938. Privilege. Württ. Bible Institute (Diehl) to Ihmels (2 letters) - Berlin 1938. Berlin Mission Society (Braun/Knak) to Ihmels (2 letters) - o.O. 1938. ? (Ihmels?) to Braun - o.O., 1938. ? (Ihmels?) to Baudert - Vudee 1938. Rother to Ihmels - o.O., 1938. ? (Ihmels?) to Diehl (Privileg. Württ. Bible Institute) - o.O., 1938. ? (Ihmels?) to Knak - Marangu 1938. Rother to Baudert - 1938. "Votes of the Literature Commission on the Printing of the Biblical Story Book" (2fold) - Berlin 1938. Braun to Küchler - Bethel 1938. Bethel Mission (Ronicke) to Küchler - o.O., 1938. ? (Küchler?) to Ronicke - o.O. 1938. ? (Ihmels?) an Braun - o.O. 1939. ? to the Heimische Rat des Ostafrikanischen Kirchenbundes (2fach) - Marangu 1938. Rother an Baudert (copy) - Leipzig 1939. ? (Küchler?) to Ihmels (duplicate) - Herrnhut 1939. Baudert to Küchler - o.O. 1939. ? (Küchler?) to Baudert - o.O. 1939. Baudert to Braun and Küchler - o.O. 1939. ? (Küchler?) to Braun - Leipzig 1940. ? (Ihmels?) to the mission societies working in East Africa - Bethel 1940. Ronicke to Ihmels (3 letters) - Berlin 1940. Berliner Missionsgesellschaft (Knak) to Ihmels - o.O. 1940. ? (Ihmels?) to Gutmann - Leipzig 1940. ? (Ihmels) to the members of the home council (concerning: invitation; 2-fold) - o.O. 1940. ? (Ihmels?) to Knak (2 letters) - o.O. 1940. ? (Ihmels?) to Ronicke - o.O. 1940. "Points of view on a draft instruction for the warden of the East African Federation of Churches on a Lutheran basis" (Maschinegeschrieben; 2 p.) - Berlin 1940. "Minutes of the meeting of the Heimischer Rat des Ostafrikanischen Missionskirchenbund" (Maschinegeschrieben; 4 p.). FICHE NR. 49 4 - Continued - op. cit. 1940 Gutmann: "On the Further Development of the East African Federation of Churches on a Lutheran Basis" and "Points of View on a Draft of an Instruction..." (in German) (typewritten; 11 p.; 2-fold) - 1940 "Minutes of the meeting of the Home Council of the East African Mission Church Federation" (2-fold) - Bethel 1940. Ronicke an Ihmels - o.O. 1940. ? (Ihmels?) an Ronicke - Leipzig 1940. Ihmels an die Ostafrika-Missionare in der Heimat (2fach) und Programm derArbeitsbesprechung (3fach) - Leipzig 1940. Ihmels an die Ostafrika arbeitenden Missionsgesellschaften - Leipzig 1940/41. Ihmels an die Mitglieder des Heimischen Rat des ostafrikanischen Kirchenbundes (3 Schreiben) - o.O., o.J. "List of the East Africa missionaries to be invited for the working discussion" - Leipzig 1941. Ihmels to the East Africa missionaries and the members of the Heimischer Rat - Leipzig 1942. Heimische Rat des Missionskirchenbundes auf luth. Basis to the interned East Africa missionaries of the Berliner, Bethel- und Leipziger Mission (2-fold) - o.O. 1942. ? (Ihmels?) to Knak - o.O. 1942. ? (Ihmels?) to Ronicke - o.J. Bethel-Mission: "Some questions for the meeting of the Heimischen Rat des Missionskirchenbund" - Bethel 1943. Bethel-Mission (Ronicke) to Ihmels - o.O. 1943. ? (Ihmles?) to Vogt - Berlin 1943. Berliner Missionsgesellschaft (Braun) to Ihmels - o.O. 1943. ? (Ihmles?) to Braun - Berlin 1943. Braun to the East African employees (typed; 8 p.).

Leipziger Missionswerk
ALMW_II._32_52 · File · 1930-1960
Part of Francke's Foundations in Halle

Four fiches. Contains: FICHE No. 52 1 - Marangu 1928. "Resolutions passed by the Conference of Evangelical Missions" - Leipzig 1930. Ihmels to "Friends" - o.O. 1930. ? (Ihmels?) to the mission societies working in East Africa (3 letters) - Machame 1930. Room to the German Protestant missions in Tanganyika Territory - Berlin 1930. Berliner Missionsgesellschaft (Knak) to Ihmels - o.O. 1930 and 1932. ? (Ihmels?) to Oldham (2 letters) Bethel 1930. Bethel mission (Trittelvitz) to Ihmels (2 letters) - o.O. 1930/31. ? (Ihmels?) to Trittelvitz (3 letters) - o.O. 1930. ? (Ihmels?) to Baudert - o.O. 1930. ? (Ihmels?) to Judge - Steglitz 1930. Judge to Ihmels - o.O. 1930. ? (Ihmels?) to Richter, Baudert, Trittelvitz, Johanssen - London 1931. Gibson to Weichert (English) - o.O. 1931. ? (Ihmels?) to Gabriel (2 letters) - Halle 1931. Mission conference in the province Saxony (Gabriel) to Ihmels - Berlin 1931. Berliner Missionsgesellschaft (Weichert) to Ihmels, Trittelvitz - o.O. 1931. ? (Ihmels?) an Knak - Leipzig 1931. Ihmels an die in Ostafrika arbeitenden Missions-Gesellschaften (3fach) - Leipzig 1932. Ihmels an die in Ostafrika arbeitenden Missionsgesellschaften (4 letters; partly 2fach) - London 1931/32. International Missionary Council (Gibson, Oldham) an Ihmels (English; 6 letters) - o.O. 1932. ? (Ihmels) to Gibson (2 letters) - o.k. 1932. ? (Ihmels?) to Handmann - Neukirchen 1932. Orphanage and Mission (Nitsch) to Ihmels - Leipzig 1932. ? Dougall - o.O. 1932. ? (Ihmels?) to Freytag - o.O. 1932. ? Nitsch - o.O. 1932. ? (Ihmels?) an Schlunk - Dresden 1932 "Minutes of the meeting of the missionary societies working in East Africa" (Maschinegeschrieben; 9 p.; 2-fold) - Dresden 1932. Personn: "Die Central-Schule für Eingeborene in Tanganyika Territory (Ostafrika)" (Maschinegeschrieben; 3 p.) - o.J. "Gedanken über die Schulen der Mandats-Regierung im Tanganyika Territory zur Erziehung von Häuptlingssöhnen, sogen. Tribal Schools´" (typewritten; 2 p.) - o.O., o.J., o.J., o.R., "High National Education" (typewritten; 8 p.) - o.J., room: "Securing missionary interests against government school legislation" (10 p.). FICHE NR. 52 2 - Continued - Dresden 1932 Personn: "The Central School for Natives in Tanganyika Territory (East Africa)" (Maschinegeschrieben; 3 p.) - n.a. Room: "The Safeguarding of Missionary Interests against the School Legislation of the Government" (17 p.) - Dresden 1932 Rother: "The Training of Teachers in Tanganyika in the next Future" (English) - Dresden 1932 Rother: "Revision of the Education Ordinance and Regulations for Tanganyika Territory" (English) - o.O. 1932, 1934/34. ? (Ihmels?) to the mission societies working in East Africa (6 letters) - o.O. 1932. ? (Ihmels?) to Nitsch - o.O. 1932. Invoice for reproduction - London 1932. International Missionary Council (Gibson, Oldham) to Ihmels (English; 3 letters) - o.O., o.J. o. Publisher "The Remaking of Man in Africa" (English; typewritten; 12 p.) - o.O. 1932. ? (Ihmels?) to Gibson (2 letters) - London 1932. Gibson to Ihmels (attached: "Draft Memorandum on Missionary Education in Tanganyika Territory"; English; typewritten; 7 p.) - Weimar 1932. Rother to Director - o.O., 1032. ? (Ihmels?) to room, Rother, person - o.O. 1938. "Christian Educational Policy in Tanganyika Territory. (Memorandum based on discussion and memoranda at a Conference of the Lutheran missionary societies)" (English; typed; 5 p.) - o.O., o.J. "Notes of points which might receive further consideration in any revision of the ordinance" - 1932. "Tanganyika Territory Native Education: Note of discussion in African Education Group" - Bethel 1934. Bethel-Mission (Ronicke) an Ihmels - o.O. 1934. ? (Ihmels?) to Ronicke - Berlin 1934 "Minutes of the Meeting of the East Africa Commission" - Dar es Salaam 1936 "Extract from the Minutes of the German Lutheran Missionary Conference in Dar es Salaam 1936" (transcript) - Dar es Salaam 1936 "General German Lutheran Missionary Conference including Augustana Synod. Agenda" (transcript). FICHE NR. 52 3 - Leipzig 1936 Ihmels to the mission societies working in East Africa - Herrnhut 1936/37 Herrnhuter Missions-Direktion (Baudert) to Ihmels (3 letters) - Bethel 1936/37 Bethel-Mission (Ronicke) to Ihmels (3 letters) - Neukirchen 1936/37 Orphanage and Missions Institute (Nitsch) to Ihmels (2 letters) - Leipzig 1936. ? to "brothers" (concerning invitation to the meeting of the mission societies working in East Africa; in appendix: Room: "Expert opinion on the question whether the translation of the Old Testament Roehl´sche should be printed at the expense of the German Evangelical Missions", 2-fold) - Leipzig 1936. ? (Ihmels?) to the members of the literature commission in East Africa (2-fold) - Bukoba o.J. Scholten: "Denkschrift zur Missionslage in Ostafrika" (copy; typewritten; 11 p.) - Leipzig 1937. Ihmels to "Freunde" (presumably members of the East Africa commission) - o.O. 1937. ? (Ihmels?) to Ronicke - Leipzig 1937. Ihmels to the members of the East Africa Commission (3 letters) - Berlin 1937. "Minutes of the meeting of the East Africa Commission of the German Evangelical Mission Day" - Leipzig 1937. ? (Ihmels?) to the members of the literature commission in East Africa - Berlin 1937. Judge to Ihmels - o.O. 1937. ? (Ihmels?) to Judge - Leipzig 1937-1940. ? (Ihmels?) to the mission societies working in East Africa (9 letters) - Berlin 1937. Berliner Missionsgesellschaft (Braun) to Ihmels - Herrnhut 1937. "Minutes of the negotiations of the East Africa Commission of the D.E.M.R." - o.O. 1937. ? (Ihmels?) to Baudert - Leipzig 1937. ? (Ihmels?) to Rother - o.O. 1937. ? (Ihmels?) to Meyer - Marangu 1938. Rother to Director (copy) - Leipzig 1938. ? (Ihmels?) to the members of the Home Council of the East African Federation of Churches - Leipzig 1939. ? (Ihmels?) to the Lutheran Mission Societies (2 letters) - Kigoma 1940. Tanganyika Missionary Council (Bekewell) to Warnshuis (English) - Berlin 1941. Berlin Missionary Society (Knak) to the German Protestant Missions working in East Africa (2 letters) - Berlin 1941. Berliner Missionsgesellschaft (Braun) an Ihmels, Nitsch, Ronicke, Vogt - Programme "Working discussion of the East African missionaries" - Leipzig 1940. Ihmels an die Ostafrika-Missionare in der Heimat - Leipzig 1941. ? (Ihmels?) to the mission societies working in East Africa - Leipzig 1941. Ihmels to the relatives of our missionaries and sisters - o.O. 1941. National Lutheran Council (Long) to Ihmels (English) - Leipzig 1941. Ihmels to the mission societies working in East Africa as well as the Lutheran missions working in India - Leipzig 1944. ? (Ihmels?) to the mission societies working in East Africa - Leipzig 1947. ? to the mission societies working in East Africa (2fold) - Kinampanda 1950. Augustana Lutheran Mission (Anderson) an Ihmels (English) - o.O. 1950. Schiotz an Lutheran Churches in Tanganyika that formerly were served by the Berlin, Bethel and Leipzig Mission Societies (English). FICHE NR. 52 4- - Leipzig 1950/51st ? (Ihmels?) to Brennecke (4 letters, partly 2fold) - Ladismith, Moshi 1951. Brennecke to Ihmels (2 letters) - Pretoria 1951. Brennecke to Freytag, Ihmels, Ronicke - 1951. Brennecke: "Report about the visit of the former German mission fields in Tanganyika" (typewritten; 23 p.) - Dresden 1952. "Reproduction of the lecture by Mission Director Brennecke:Der Mensch in Afrika unter dem Kreuz´"". Geneva, 1958. Lutheran World Federation. Department of World Mission (Sovik) an "All boards and societies with interest in Tanganyika" - Bethel 1959. Bethel-Mission (Albrecht) an die Geschäftsführer der in Tanganyika arbeitenden deutschen Gesellschaften (Abschrift) - Berlin 1960. "Minutes of a Meeting of Tanganyika Decernts of German Evangelical Mission Societies" - Bethel 1959. Kühhirt an von Stackelberg - New York 1960. National Lutheran Council Division of LWF Affairs Dept. of World Mission Cooperation (Rolander) an All European Societies working with DWMC in Tanganyika.

Leipziger Missionswerk
ALMW_II._32_60 · File · 1904-1945
Part of Francke's Foundations in Halle

Seven fiches. Contains: FICHE NR. 60 1 - Sketch of one to the Ev.-luth. mission leased piece of crown land in the landscape Moshi - sketch "Mwika" - "sketch of the mission Shira" - "sketch of the mission station Arusha" September 1912 - "pastureland mission Meru" - "plan of the station Nkoaranga" signed. by Everth after a drawing by Küster - "Land bei Madschame" No. 1 and 2 - Machame 1912. "Situation plan of the mission station Shira" - Arusha 1904. Purchase contract (copy): State treasury of Deutschostafrika to Ev.-.luth. Mission to Leipzig / Fassmann (2-fold) - Arusha 1908. transcript purchase contract: Mulia an Mission (Fokken) (2-fold) - "site plan over a property in Nkyani" - Arusha 1906. no. 46 transcript purchase contract: Landesfiskus von Deutsch-Ostafrika sold to Ev.-luth. Mission to Leipzig (Fassmann) (2-fold) with a sketch - "transcript of the 2nd copy. Farm No. 17": State Treasury of D e u t s c h - O s t a f r i k a and Mission Meru (Krause) (2-fold) - Arusha 1908. Purchase contract: Mangi Saroni to Ev.-luth. Mission to Leipzig (Fokken) (2-fold) - Moshi 1898. Copy of a copy. Protocol "Chief Matunta of Meru" 1896 Property handed over to Imperial Governor to Leipzig Mission. - Sango 1899, copy of the purchase contract: "Between the chief of the landscape Kibonata Ngalami" and the Leipzig Mission ("Old Mission property in Shira") (2-fold) - "Contract about purchase lease of crown land" ("New Mission land in Shira"): State Treasury to Mission (Fassmann) - "Property of the Mission Nkarungo (Madschame)" Sketch - Moshi. "Lease No 28": State Treasury and Mission (Fassmann) (2-fold). FICHE NR. 60 2 - Sketch ? Made after the original by Alberti - note by Paul - Tanga 1902. Execution of purchase contract: Paesler, Machame and "Chief of Madschame" Schangali (2-fold) - Moshi 1904. Purchase contract: Landesfiskus an Leipziger Mission (Fassmann) (2-fold) - Reference to 2 other documents in the archive of the Obermadschame mission station - Moshi 1904. Purchase contract: Landesfiskus an Leipziger Mission (Fassmann) - Mamba 1903. Execution. Lecture. Purchase contract: State Treasury to Leipzig Mission (Fassmann - Mwika) (2-fold) - Moshi 1900. Copy. Purchase contract: State Treasury to Leipzig Mission (Althaus - Mamba) (2-fold) - Reference to 2 further purchase and donation documents in the archive of Mamba - Marangu 1895. Copy. Purchase contract: Leipzig Mission (Althaus) and "Chief of Mamba Koimbere" (2-fold) - Moshi 1906. Copy. Landschenkung: from "Msami Mrema, mangi ya Pokomo" to Leipzig Mission (Swahili?) (2-fold) - copy. Sketch "School property Natiro in the landscape Pokoma" - Moshi 1908. transcript. Landschenkung: "Salema Moshi, mangi ya Moshi" to Leipziger Mission (Swahili?) (2-fold) - Moshi 1913. land surveyor Erdmann (concerning cost calculation for the Ev.-luth. Mission to Leipzig) - Moshi 1913. receipt - 1920. Weishaupt to Everth, Fokken, Vierhub, Thiele "questionnaire. Station: ..." New-Moshi; Moshi; Mamba; Machame (filled out) ("...Preparation work ... in the event that a claim for compensation is submitted.") - various handwritten notes - one printed page - form of an accompanying letter for the transmission of the statutes of the newly founded Missionsärztliche Verein Leipzig (printed 5 times). FICHE No 60 3 - "Annex to the principles for the valuation of planting enterprises. "Samples of damage claims." (printed) - "Instructions for filing a claim for damage to movable property." (printed) - Advertising of the Alfred Kientopf Verlag, Berlin - o.O., o.J. Maschinegeschrieben (concerning question of compensation). FICHE NR. 60 4 - Continuation of the "Musterbeispiele für Schadenanmeldungen" (printed) - "Reichs-Gesetzblatt Jahrgang 1920 Nr. 11" (printed) - 1920th Fokken an Missionsinspektor - 1920th Weishaupt an Mauer, Thiele, Hohlfeld, Fokken, Fuchs, Hauptmann, Michel, Itta-meier "Fragebogen. Station..." Shira; Masama; Mwika; Arusha; Shigatini; Usangi; Mbaga; Wudee; Ruruma u.a. (altogether 10) - Leipzig 1920. Stamberg "Index of the inventory of the station Mwika" - Schachschneider (list concerning Nkoaranga) - Rother (list concerning Gonja) - List "Questionnaire sent to: .... have completed: ..." - Grundsätze für die Wertberechnung von Pflanzungsunternehmungen in den deutschen Schutzgebieten Aufgestellt im Reichsministerium für Wiederaufbau Kolonialzentralverwaltung im Dezember 1920" (printed). FICHE No. 60 5 - Continued "Principles ..." - "Supplement to the Principles for the Valuation of Plantation Enterprises." 1921 (printed) - "Der Kolonialdeutsche" magazine, 1st volume, No. 9, September 1921 - Oberschlema 1921. Excerpt from a letter from Müller to Weishaupt - 1921. Weishaupt to Knak - Berlin 1921. Knak to Weishaupt (2 letters) - "Pressekorrespondenz des Deutschen Ausland-Instituts Stuttgart" volume III, No. 45, Stuttgart 1921 - 1921. Weishaupt to Müller - Oberschlema 1921. Müller to Mission Inspector (Weishaupt) (2 letters) - Leipzig 1921. Weishaupt to Governor Dr. Hahl (transcript) - Berlin 1921. New Guinea Compagnie to Ev.luth Mission zu Leipzig - Cover sheet "Board of Trustees or return of our property." - Linden 1922. Excerpt from a letter room to mission director - "Plots of our mission in D e u t s c h - O s t a f r i k a." (typewritten) - Arpka 1924. Beautiful to Ihmels (property of the station Mamba) - 1924. Oldewage to Leipziger Mission (property of the stations Shigatini and Usangi) - Gleisberg 1924. Everth to mission director (property of the station Neumoshi) - Sachsgrün 1924. Stamberg (property of the station Mwika) - Moshi 1916. receipt - Unterleinleiter 1924. Wall at Ihmels (concerning property of the station Shira) - Jessen at Leipziger Mission (concerning Shira) - Bayreuth 1924. Fox at Leipziger Mission (concerning the station Shira) - Bayreuth 1924. Shigatini) - List "Estimated value of East African stations" (typewritten) - Schwepnitz 1924. Michel to director of missions (concerning Wudee) - "Station Ruruma (Iramba)" "Station Gonja" - Eichigt 1924. Thiele to director of missions (concerning Masama). FICHE NR. 60 6 - continued - 1924 Wärthl an Missionsdirektor - Königsfeld 1924. Müller (concerning Missionsgrundstück Machame; August 1920) - "Missionseigentum in Masama" - translation "Letter of the Board of Trustees of German Missions to the Augustana Synod d. d. 5. Novbr. 1923" (German) - London 1923. International Missionary Council an Missionsdirektor Paul (English) - London 1923. Tanganyika Trust an Paul (English) - London 1923 / 1928 Conference of Missionary Societies in Great Britain and Ireland an Ihmels (4 letters; English) - 1925 An Board of Trustees at H. Maclennan (4 letters) - London 1925 Tanganyika Trust an Ihmels bzw. Weishaupt (4 letters; English) - handwritten notes - Dar esalaam 1928 Copy "Official Gazette Vol.IX,No.16. ... Mission Property in Tanganyika Territory." (English; typed) - 1928. An Gibson (2 letters) - London 1928. International Missionary Council an Ihmels (English) - London 1930. Bernstorff (German Embassy) an Weichert (2 letters; transcript) - Berlin 1930. Berliner Missionsgesellschaft (Weichert) an Ihmels (3 letters) - London o.J. Conference of Missionary Societies in Great Britain and Ireland an Weichert (English) - Excerpt from a letter to Bernstorff, German Embassy, London by ? - Daressalaam 1932. Roehl an Bethel-Mission (copy) - Shigatini 1932. No. 26. Fuchs an Kollegium - Shigatini 1932. Fuchs an Weishaupt - Bethel 1932. Bethel-Mission an Weishaupt (betr. "Return of the mission estates; copy) - Neuendettelsau 1933. Missionsanstalt Neuendettelsau (Eppelein) to the directorate of the Leipzig Missionsgesellschaft z.H. Weishaupt - 1933. Weishaupt to Eppelein - Daressalaam 1933. Roehl to Mission Director - Mosau 1934. Roehl to Doctor - Usa River 1935. German Federation for East Africa to Ihmels - Dar es Salaam 1936. Clark to Rother (English) - Marangu 1936. Rother to Mission Inspector - Leipzig 1936. An Clark - Dar es Salaam 1938. Barclays Bank Chambers / Clarke to Leipzig Mission - 1937. "Tanganyika Territory. the Land (Perpetual Succession) Ordinance ... Certificate of Registration." - Dar esalaam 1949. "Notes of a Meeting in the Secretariat on ... 1949, to Consider the Disposal of Ex-German Mission Property." (typewritten; English) - Daressalaam 1949. transcript "German Mission Property (Disposal)" (English) - "Memorandum of Meeting between the Member for Lands and Mines and Doctor Anderson of the National Lutheran Council held on the ... 1949, to decide valuations of properties of the Former German Missions which it is proposed that Government should not revest in the National Lutheran Council" - Leipzig 1949. "An die Christen der Lutheran Church of Northern Tanganyika." - Leipzig 1949. An Schiotz - Leipzig 1949. "Kwa Wakristo wa Kanisa la Upande wa Kaskazini, Tanganyika Territory" - Leipzig 1949. "To the Christians of the Lutheran Church, Northern Area, Tanganyika Territory." (English) - Königswalde 1950. Stamberg to Mission Director - 1950. To Stamberg. FICHE NR. 60 7- - Continued - Leipzig 1950. An Anderson (English) - Arusha 1953. Custodian of Enemy Property an Anderson (English) - 1953. Anderson an Schiotz, National Lutheran Council (English) - "Excerpts from CYCOM March 31, 1954, Agenda" (English) - Commission on Younger Churches and Orphaned Missions (CYCOM) Agenda March 1954 (English; 13 pages) - Dar esalaam 1932. Roehl an Bethel-Mission - 1932. Roehl an Bethel-Mission - 1932. Custodian of Enemy Property an Anderson (English) - 1953. Weishaupt to Rorarius - Bethel 1932. Rorarius to Weishaupt (concerning "restitution of the mission lands") - 1932. College of the Leipzig Mission (concerning power of attorney for Fuchs) - Leipzig 1932. College (concerning "Power of Attorney" for Roehl; English) - 1932. College (power of attorney for Roehl) - 1932. An Fuchs - 1932-1933. Weishaupt to Roehl (3 letters) - 1932. Weishaupt to Rorarius (2 letters).

Leipziger Missionswerk
ALMW_II._32_42 · File · 1927-1938
Part of Francke's Foundations in Halle

Six fiches. Contains: FICHE NR. 42 1 - Leipzig 1937. Leipzig Mission to all staff in the home service of the Mission - 1937. Leipzig Mission to Knak (2 letters) - Berlin 1937. Berlin Mission Society to Ihmels - o.O. 1937. ? to Press - o.O. 1937. ? to Lenz - o.O. 1937. ? to Nicol - Shira 1937. Winkler to Mission Inspector - Moshi 1937. Gutmann (Circular No. 6) "To all mission brothers and sisters" - o.O. 1937. ? Certificate for Mission Inspector Küchler (concerning forthcoming visitation to East Africa) - Krummenhennersdorf 1937. Küchler to Mission Director - o.O. 1937. ? To Mission Inspector Küchler and Mission Inspector Weishaupt - 1937. Ihmels ("Urgenlichkeits-Bescheinigung" for Küchler's ticket) - 1937. To the Head of the German East Africa Line - 1937. To Mission Inspector Küchler - Draft "Instructions for the Visitation Journey of Mr. Mission Inspector Küchler." - 1937. "Instructions for Mr. Mission Inspector Küchler's visitation trip." - "Agenda for the collegial meeting... 1937." - 1937. to Superintendent of the City of Leipzig (Beurlaubung von Küchler) - Daressalaam 1932. Roehl to the Bethler-Mission (copy) - 1937. to the Superintendent Leipzig-Stadt - 1937. to Rendant Otto, D.E.M.R. Abt. für Devisenanforderungen - "Welcome Letter of the Church Committee for Mr. Mission Inspector Küchler to the Parishes". - Berlin 1937. German Evangelical Mission Council. Department of Foreign Exchange Requirements for Ihmels - Dar es Salaam 1937. Küchler an Ihmels bzw. Kollegium (2 letters) - "Statut des Missions-Kirchen-Bundes (MKB) auf Lutherischer Basis für Ostafrika. - Protocol: "African Council of the Missionary Church Federation on a Lutheran Basis for East Africa. 1st meeting" - "Minutes of the meeting of the Preparatory Commission of the MKB Dar es Salaam ... 1937" (copy) - Leipzig 1937. To Mission Inspector Küchler (6 letters) - Machame 1937. Küchler to Ihmels or Kollegium (3 letters; partly multiple copies) - Moshi 1937. Küchler to Ihmels (2 letters) - Mamba 1937. Küchler to Weishaupt - Marangu 1937. Küchler to Kollegium (original and copy) - Marangu 1937. Küchler to Ihmels. FICHE NO. 42 2 - Arusha 1937. Küchler an Ihmels - Moshi 1938. ? (illegible) to Küchler - Leipzig 1938. to Küchler (3 letters) - Gonja 1938. Küchler to Ihmels - Gonja 1938. Küchler to Kollegium (original and 2 copies) - Leipzig 1938. An Gutmann - Mamba 1938. Küchler an Ihmels (2 letters) - Leipzig 1938. An Fokken - 1938. An Küchler - 1938. An Missionsdirektor (illegible because of the copy on Fiche) - 1938. An Küchler - Tübingen 1938. Küchler an Ihmels - o.O., o.J. Ihmel's "What we experienced with Christianity in East Africa" (typewritten) - o.O., o.J. ? "Vom Dienst der Frau auf dem Missionsfeld" (typewritten) - "Allianz Lebensversicherungsbank A.G. Berlin" (printed) - Leipzig 1927. Allianz Lebensversicherungsbank an Ihmels (2 letters) - 1927. An Dekan der Theologischen Fakultät zu Leipzig (2 letters) - 1927. An Gibson - 1927. An Nellner (2 letters) - 1927. An Allianz Lebensversicherung - Programme of the journey of Mr. and Mrs. Missionsdirektor Dr. Ihmels in East Africa 1927. - o.O.., o.J. Paul. "A Promemoria for some Business Tasks in our East African Mission" - Schweta 1927. Paul to Mission Director - London 1927. Conference of Missionary Societies in Great Britain and Ireland - Leipzig 1927. Ihmels to Rector of the University of Leipzig - Old Moshi 1927. The Director of Education, Daressalaam. (concerning "Female Education"; 2 letters; English) - Machame 1927. Secretariat of the Leipzig Mission to Foster, Superintendent of Education - Dresden 1927. Ministry of Popular Education to Ihmels - Berlin 1927. Berlin Mission Society to Ihmels. FICHE NO 42 3 - 1927. An Knak - 1927. An Missionsinspektor Held, Wiesbaden. - 1927. An Egyptian Consulate (2 letters) - 1927. Kollegium certificate for Ihmels - Heimstatt 1927. Metz on "Friend" - 1927. An Hauptschriftleitung der Hamburger Nachrichten - Leipzig 1927. Leipziger Neueste Nachrichten an Ihmels - 1927. An Knak - 1927. An Gehring - 1927. An Gnanascharingam - Leipzig 1927. An Enderlein - Schreiben Enderleins (1. page missing) - Wang 1927. Knak on Ihmels - o.O. 1927. An Enderlein - Schreiben Enderlein (1. page missing) - Wang 1927. Knak on Ihmels - o.O, o.J. Ihmels(?) (already in Africa)?. (concerning finances) - On board the steamship Njassa 1927. To cathedral preacher (Körner) - On board the Njassa 1927. Himels on space - Schweta 1927. Paul on mission director (2 letters) - Machame 1927. Space on mission director (3 letters) - Bumbuli o.J. Gleiss on space - Nkoaranga 1927. Ittameier on mission inspector - Mayaveram 1927. Meyner to Mission Director (for India) - o.O. 1927. Rensch to Mission Director - Moshi 1927. Gutmann to Mission Director - Marangu 1927. Rother to Mission Director - Daressalaam 1927. The Secretariat Tanganyika Territory an Ihmels - On board the Njassa 1927. Ihmels to "Official Brother" - East-India 1927. Lehmann to mission director - Arusha 1927. Rißmann to mission director (concerning rejection of his marriage request by the college; illness; 4 letters) - telegram to Ihmels - telegram to Weishaupt - Müritz 1927. Weishaupt to Ihmels - Gonja 1927. Ihmels to mission inspector - Gonja 1927. Ihmels an Rißmann - Gonja 1927. Ihmels an Senior - Quote Albert Schweizers - Hospital Arusha 1927. Expert opinion of the "Medical Officer" on Rißmann (English) - Moshi 1927. Ihmels "Report No. 4. (Report 3 on Rißmann's Disease)" - Dresden 1927. Branch Mission Society to Mission Director. FICHE NO 42 4 - Leipzig 1927. Mission Inspector Gerber to Mission Director - Mayaveram 1927. Meyner to Mission Director (2 letters) - Schweta 1927. Paul to Mission Director - Machame 1927. Space to Mission Director - Mwika 1927. Ihmels an Weishaupt - Mwika 1927. Ihmels an Probst - Mwika 1927. Ihmels an Lehmann (concerning premature marriage) - Nkoaranga 1927. Ihmels (report no. 4; concerning seminar in Marangu) - 2 telegrams Ihmels - Arusha 1927. An Raum - Marangu 1927. Rother an Missionsdirektor - Memmingerberg in Swabia 1927. Editor of the Nürnberger Missionsblatt an Ihmels - Arusha 1927. Ihmels an Senior (Reg. Heimreise Rißmann) - Arusha 1927. Ihmels an Rother - Marangu 1927. Rother an Missionsdirektor - Shira 1927. Ihmels to Mission Inspector - Ruruma 1927. Bonander to Ihmels (English) - Machame 1927. An Fokken - Machame 1927. An Rother - Machame 1927. An Watt (refusal to purchase land) - Machame 1927. To Mission Inspector - Leipzig 1927. Ev. -luth. Mission to Ihmels - Shigatini 1927. ? [Ihmels] (Report No. 7: Moshi; Report No. 8: Mamba; Report No. 9: Mwika) - Shigatini 1927. Ihmels to Mission Inspector - o.O., o.J. ? "Medical Station" (handwritten) - Shigatini 1927. Ihmels to "Official Brother" (concerning stay in Egypt) - proof of 4 registered letters - Shigatini 1927. Ihmels to Oldham - Cairo 1927. Cecil House Hotel to Ihmels - Moshi 1927. Ihmels to Bonander (fiancée of Reusch). FICHE NR. 42 5 - 2 telegrams - Moshi 1927. Ihmels to "Official Brother" (2fold) - o.O. 1927. ? Machame 1927. Ihmels to Senior (circumcision) - Machame 1927. Ihmels to "Official Brother" - 1927. Transcript from a letter from Ihmels to Mr Oldham (circumcision) - 1927. School questions) - Machame 1927. Ihmels to Mitchell (3 letters; English) - Mombasa 1927. Ihmels to Fokken - Machame, Mombasa 1927. Ihmels to Rother - Mombasa 1927. Ihmels to Raum - Mombasa 1927. Ihmels to Ittameier - Mombasa 1927. Ihmels to "Doctor" - Hamburg 1927. Woermann Line, German East Africa Line to Ihmels - On board the Njassa (shortly before Cape Town) 1927. Ihmels to College (No. 1) - Steamship Njassa 1927. Ihmels to College (No. 2; original and copy) - Moshi 1927. Ihmels to College (Report No. 4: Usambara; Report No. 5: Südpare) - Nkoaranga 1927. Ihmels (Report No. 6: Seminar Marangu) - Shigatini 1927. Ihmels. (Report No 7: Moshi; Report No 8: Mamba; Report No 9: Mwika; Report No 11: Nkoaranga). FICHE No 42 6- - Continued - Report No ? (Arusha) - "Special discussion on circumcision" (handwritten) - "On safari in East Africa" (typewritten) - "In East Africa" (typewritten) - "On educational issues and the like".

Leipziger Missionswerk