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ALMW_II._32_65 · File · 1930-1965
Part of Francke's Foundations in Halle

Four fiches. Contains: FICHE NR. 65 1 - Machame 1930. ? to sisters and brothers - 1930. Preliminary agenda of the XXXVI. (VI.) Conference - Shigatini 1930. Fuchs: "Founding and first Kirchentag of the Evangelical Church -Luth. church in East Africa" (Maschinegeschrieben; 7 p.) - 1930. protocol of the Kirchentag (translation from Swahili; Maschinegeschrieben; 5 p.) - 1930. resolutions of the 1st Kirchentag of the whole area Mamba - 1930. protocol about the negotiations of the 1st Kirchentag (Maschinegeschrieben; 4 p.)) - Machame 1930. room to college (concerning accompanying letter to the transmission of the minutes of the Kirchentag) - 1931. report on the first meeting of the Kirchentag committee in Neu-Moshi (Maschinegeschrieben; 5 p.) - Shigatini 1935. report on the 3rd Kirchentag of the Ev.luth. church in East Africa (typewritten; 6 p.) - Shigatini 1935. Protocol on the negotiations of the 3rd Kirchentag - Shigatini 1935. List of participants for the 3rd Kirchentag - Marangu 1937. Report of the Kirchentagausschuss on meeting (typewritten; 4 p.) - Moshi 1937. Gutmann to ? - Moshi 1937. Gutmann to brothers and sisters - Göttingen 1938. Transcript: Meyer "Fundamental Thoughts on Church Breeding" (typewritten; 10 p.) - London 1957. International Committee on Christian Literature for Africa (de Mestral) to Friends (English) - 1957. de Mestral to "secretaries of the European Missionary Councils" (English) - o.O., o.J. Pages 6-8 of a report (English) - Hamburg 1957. German Evangelical Mission Council to the member societies of the German Evangelical Mission Day working in Africa - Geneva 1957. Lutheran World Federation (Sorvik) to "All boards and societies with interset in Tanganyika" - Bethel 1957. Bethel mission (Ronicke) to Berner, Brennecke, Dilger, Elfers, Ihmels, Voigt - Marangu 1957. Birkeli: "All Africa Lutheran Conference" (typewritten; 2 p.; English; 2x) - Geneva 1954. Lutheran World Federation (Birkeli) to friends (English) - Geneva 1954. Lutheran World Federation (Birkeli) to friends (English; 2 letters) - o.O., o.J. Birkeli: "Ad All Lutheran Africa Conference" (English; 3 p.) - Machame 1955. Lutheran Church of Northern Tanganyika (Danielson) to Ihmels - o.O., o.J., o.R., o. "The All-Africa Conference" (typewritten; 2 p.) - Leipzig 1955. Ihmels to Danielson - Leipzig 1955. Ihmels to Birkeli (2 letters) - New York 1955. National Lutheran Council (Hall) to Ihmels 1955. FICHE NR. 65 2 - Leipzig 1955. Ihmels to Government of the German Democratic Republic, Main Department Relations with the Churches (4 letters) - Geneva 1955. Lutheran World Federation (Birkeli) to "Marangu Participant" (English) - Bethel 1955. Bethel Mission (Ronicke) to Friberg, Benettson (English) - Leipzig 1955. Draft and letter (English) from Ihmels to Friberg - Leipzig 1955. Ihmels to (various letters): Ronicke, Danielson (English), Overaa, Church Chancellery of the Evangelical Church in Leipzig 1955. Church in Germany, British Consulate General, Grüber, Birkeli (3 letters), Päßler, Waltenberg Brennecke (2 letters), Lutheran World Federation (Walch), Dibelius (2 letters), Lilje, Schoedt, Olson, Schüz - Leipzig 1955. Curriculum vitae of Ihmels (typewritten; 1 p.) - Vuga, Lushoto 1955. Friberg to Ihmels (English) - Bukoba 1955. Swedish Mission (Näsmark) to Ihmels - Berlin 1955. Council of the Protestant Church in Germany. The authorized representative at the government of the German Democratic Republic (Grüber/Schade) at Ihmels - Bungu 1955. Waltenberg at ? (copy) - Form: "Application for Entry Permit" for Tanganyika (6 p.) - 1955. "Visitor´s Passport" for Ihmels for Tanganyika - Berlin 1955. British Visa Section to Ihmels - Geneva 1955. Luth. World Federation. Department of World Missions (Walch/Sovik) to Ihmels (2 letters; partly English) - Berlin 1955. Government of the GDR. Deputy Chairman of the Council of Ministers (Lewek/i.V. Nuschke) to Ihmels - o.O. 1955. Hall an Schoedt (copy; English) - Geneva 1955. Lutheran World Federation. Information department. Enclosed: Complete preliminary report on conference in Africa "Lutherans are preparing the first Christian conference for all of Africa" (2-fold; typewritten; 2 p.) - Berlin 1955. Council of the Protestant Church in Germany. The Plenipotentiary at the Government of the GDR (Grüber) to Dibelius - Berlin 1955. Dibelius to Ihmels - Geneva 1955. Lutheran World Federation. Department of Information an Ihmels - Dar es Salaam 1955. Lutheran Mission (Schodt) an National Lutheran Council (Hall) - Hanover 1955. Lutheran World Federation. The Office of the President an Ihmels - o.O., o.J. "Biographical notes concerning ... Ihmels" - Leipzig 1955. College of the Leipzig Mission "To the All-African Conference of Lutheran Churches in Marangu". (Draft 2-fold; English 2-fold; original file copy German and English). FICHE NR. 65 3 - continued (3 more copies in English) - Marangu 1955. Lilje and others to Ihmels - Leipzig 1955. Letter from Ihmels to: Birkeli, Rudert, Lilje, Gutmann, British Visa Section - o.O., o.J. Report: "National Bishop Lilje in East Africa" (typewritten; 2 p.) - 1955. Kotte / Noth to Prime Ministers of the GDR (transcript) - Gonja 1955. Closure and Rudert to Mission House Community (transcript) - Geneva 1955. Lutheran World Federation. Department of World Missions (Birkeli) to Ihmels (English) - n.d. "The report of the `Umoja´ on the conference of all Lutheran missions in Africa on Marangu." (Typewritten; 7 p.) - Marangu 1955 Report of the Resolutions Committee - Marangu 1955 A message from the All Africa Lutheran Conference - O.K., O.J. Recommendations from a separate meeting of the African delegates at the All-Africa Luth Conference - O.K, o.J. "Report of Marangu Committee on faith and confession" - 1955. newspaper cuttings (German and English) - o.J. report: "Who will lead Africa" (Lilje) - o.J. report: "Africa in World Authenticity" (Lilje) - Marangu 1955. pictures of the 1st All Africa Conference (with descriptions). FICHE NR. 65 4- - continued - Geneva 1959. Sovik an Federson (English) - n.d. "Tentative space allotment for second All-Africa Luth. Conference" - Geneva 1960. Memorandum by Sovik - Moshi 1965. "Hotura ya kumkaribisha mgeni mchungaji" Schatze (Swahili) - Kidia 1965. Welcoming speech for Dr. Schanze (2-fold) - 1965. Welcoming of Krummacher - n.J. Welcoming order - Weimar 1965. Report of Schanze.

Leipziger Missionswerk
ALMW_II._32_70 · File · 1910-1915
Part of Francke's Foundations in Halle

Two fiches. Contains: FICHE NO 70 1 - Tanga 1910. Usambara Mail. Independent organ for the economic interests of D e u t s c h - O s t a f r i k a and "coastal messenger from the north" Publication office for announcements of the imperial authorities. No. 18. Volume 9. Including article: "Islamic Missionaries!" (printed) - Berlin 1912. German Society for Islamic Studies (concerning announcement of the foundation; printed); "List of the gentlemen who are asked to join the committee". (typewritten) with accompanying letter of the German Society for Islamic Studies (typewritten) - London 1912. The Moslem World to Secretariat of the Leipzig Mission (English) - Dar es Salaam 1912. (handwritten; 4 p.) - Marangu 1912. Knittel to College - Mamba 1912. Beautiful "On Islam in Mamba and Marangu" (handwritten; 2 p.) - Nkoaranga 1912. Chess tailor to college - Masama 1912. Thiele "Report of the station Masama on Islam and its propaganda in the station area" (handwritten; 3 p.) - Shigatini 1912. Oldewage "On Islam in Northpare. Answering the questions." - Mwika 1912. Hollow Field to College - o.O. o.J. "The Propagation of Islam." (Newspaper clipping from the "Deutsch. Ostafrikanischen Zeitung Nr. 63 vom 6. Aug. 1913.") - Jena 1913. Schoenfeld to director - 1915. Notes by Weishaupt and Gehring - Leipzig 1915. Paul to ? - Exzerpte (handwritten; 14 p.) - Schiele, F.M. und Ischarnack, L. (ed.): Die Religion in Geschichte und Gegenwart. Handwörterbuch in a common presentation. Separate print of the article "Islam" by Becker, C.H. (printed; 35 p.). FICHE NR. 70 2- - continued (pages 27-35).

Leipziger Missionswerk
Geheimes Staatsarchiv Preußischer Kulturbesitz, I. HA Rep. 81 Bremen, Nr. 73 · File · 1891 - 1898
Part of Secret State Archive of Prussian Cultural Heritage (Archivtektonik)

27 sheets, ab. and others: - Input of the editor Otto Rentsch about the foundation of a weekly newspaper in Dar es Salaam - tobacco samples from the experimental plantation Mohorro near Dar es Salaam - main agents of the company I. K. Victor in Klein-Popo, businessman Lohmann and businessman A. Maul - use of the machinist Unger in the Imperial Colonial Service - cotton samples from Pangani and Tanga - cotton plantation of the farmer Goldberg in Togo..;

Maneromango Station

Diary entries of Pastor Peter's travel experiences and conditions in Dar-es-Salaam and Usambara, as well as foundation and development of the mission work in Maneromango concerning Diary of Maaß concerning the construction of the mission station Maneromango (copies), 1896

Evangelical Missionary Society for German East Africa
Wuga and Mshihui Station

Travelogue Johanssen "From Dar-es-Salaam to Wuga, 1892; Untersuchungsreise von Gleiss u. Wohlrab von Hohenfriedeberg nach Wuga, 1894; Report on the founding negotiations of Wuga concerning von Wohlrab, 1895; diary reports, chronicles, letters (originals and copies), statistics especially of Gleiss, Langheinrich u. Rösler, 1895-1914 u. 1919-1920; Report on the founding of Wuga by Franz Gleiss, 12 p. printed, published as supplement to Semesterbrief Number 23 of the Greifswald Theological Society, 1896; "How it looks like in an African school by N. Rösler, 14 p., ms., January 1900; "Auf den Trümmern von Wuga von Missionar Döring, 14 p., Druck, 1902; "Die ersten Jahre der Station Wuga 33 p., ca. 1902; Berichte über die Station Mshihwi (s. a. M 603), 1908-1909

Evangelical Missionary Society for German East Africa