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Archival description
BArch, RM 3/24469 · File · 1849 - 1911 (1912)
Part of Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

Contains: Battle of the Prussian paddle steamer "Adler" with the Danish brig "St.Croix" at Brüderort 1849 (1 soldier killed); Battle of S.M.S. "Danzig" with natives on the Moroccan coast at Tres Forcas 1856 (7 soldiers killed).); Battle S.M.S. "Arcona" and "Nymphe" with Danish ships at Jasmund 1864 (5 battles); Battle S.M.S. "Meteor" with the French Aviso "Bouvet" at Havana 1870 (2 battles); Battle S.M.S. "Olga" with natives at Kamerun 1884 (1 Gef.); battle S.M.S. "Olga" and "Eber" with natives at Apia 1888 (16 Gef.); battles at the blockade of the East African coast 1888/90 (4 Gef.); expedition to China 1900/01 (165 Gef.); campaign in Southwest Africa 1904/05 (92 Gef.); defeat of the indigenous uprising in East Africa 1905/06 (7 Gef.); defeat of the indigenous uprising in Ponape and Dschokatsch 1911 (3 Gef.); defeat of the indigenous uprising in East Africa 1905/06 (7 Gef.); defeat of the indigenous uprising in Ponape and Dschokatsch 1911 (3 Gef.)

German Imperial Naval Office
BArch, RM 3/3031 · File · 1911
Part of Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

Contains among other things: S.M.S. "Panther": Monrovia, Freetown, Dakar, Santa Cruz, Agadir, Cadiz, Vigo S.M.S. "Cormoran": Sydney, Brisbane, Matupi, Rabaul (Riots), Solomon Islands, East Caroline, Bismarck Archipelago, Admiralty Islands, Emperor Wilhelmsland, Moeve Port, Witu Islands S.M.S. "Bremen': Montreal, Haiti (unrest), Newport News, Kingston, Newport, Philadelphia S.M.S. 'Planet': Sydney, Brisbane S.M.S. 'Loreley': Black Sea, Therapia Italian-Turkish War), Thessaloniki S.M.S. 'Victoria Luise': Norway, Iceland, Newport, Halifax, Pensacola S. M. S. "Seagull": Santa Cruz, Dakar, Freetown, Lome, Lagos, Accra, Duala, Banana, Swakopmund, Lüderitz Bay S. M. S. "Hertha": Greenock, Rotterdam, Falmouth, Bilbao, (strike), Cadiz, Gibraltar, Las Palmas, Tenerife S. M. S. "Zieten": Iceland S. M. S. "Hansa": Cowes, Vigo, Queenstown, Horta, Philadelphia S. M. S. "Tiger": Bangkok, Batavia, Soerabaya, Pulo Lant, Macassar, Menado, Manila, Yangtze River (Flooding) S. M. S. "Vineta": Palma, Tangier, Dartmouth, Tenerife, Las Palmas, St. Vincent Cruiser Wing. China, Japan S. M. S. "Eber": Liberia, Gold Coast, Lome, Cotona, Lagos, Duala, Fernando Poo, Cameroon S. M. S. "Vaterland": Hankau (unrest) S. M. S. "Geier": Aden, Port Suice (Italian-Turkish war) S.M.S. "Otter": Szechuan (unrest)

German Imperial Naval Office
BArch, RM 3/3032 · File · 1912
Part of Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

Enthält u.a.: Kreuzergeschwader: Ostasien, Japan, Sibirien, Korea, China S. M. S. "Victoria Luise": Havanna, Las Palmas, Kingston, Trinidad, Grenada, St. Thomas, Cadiz, Villagarcia, Vigo S. M. S. "Seeadler": Portugisich Ostafrika, Mozambique, Zansibar, Madagaskar, East London, Kapstadt, Port Elisabeth, Durban S. M. S. "Berlin": Las Palmas, Agadir (Unruhen), Casablanca, Tanger S. M. S. "Vineta": Trinidad, Barbados, Kingston, Port-au-Prince, Havanna, St. Thomas, Las Palmas, Vigo S. M. S. "Eber": Casablanca, Tanger, Las Palmas, Honakry, Freetown, Monrovia, Lome, Forcados, Kamerun, Kongo, Monamedes, Lüderitzbucht S. M. S. "Cormoran": Rabaul, Suva, Levuka, Samoa, Nauru, Jahut, Kusaie, Eniwetok, Gilang, Ponape, Mortlock, Guam, Saipan, Jap S. M. S. "Condor": Tsingtau, Kobe, Bonin-Inseln, Saipan, Guam, Ponape, Jahut, Samoa, Bismarck-Archipel S. M. S. "Jaguar": Futschau, Amoy S. M. S. "Geier": Piraeus, Alexandrien (Unruhe imd Sudan) S. M. S. "Hansa": Baltimore, Pensacola, Las Palmas, Madeira, Bermuda S. M. S. "Bremen": St. Thomas (Kartenskizze), Havanna, Newport News, Tampa, Kingston, Aux Xayes, Santo Domingo, Sam Pedro de Macores, San Juan de Portorico, New Orleans, Puerti Mexico, Salina Cruz, Vera Cruz S. M. S. "Hertha": Barbados, Dominicque, Martinique, Kingston, Santiago de Cuba, Charleston, Bermuda, Las Palmas, Vigo S. M. S. "Panther": Southampton, Lissabon, Las Palmas, Dakar, Freetown, Monrovia, Lome, Lagos S. M. S. "Loreley": Constantinopel, Piraeus, Alexandrien, Port Said, Jaffa, Haifa, Beirut (Türkisch-italienisches Gefecht), Messina, Smyrna S. M. S. "Planet": Jap

German Imperial Naval Office
BArch, RM 3/3036 · File · 1913
Part of Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

Contains among other things: Mediterranean Division: Report on the situation in Thessaloniki, Constantinople (War with Greece S.M.S. "Vineta": Syracuse, Naples, Algiers, Vigo S.M.S. "Vultures": Port Said, Haifa, Constantinople (War) Mersina, Alexandrette S.M.S. "Panther": Liberia (Uprising, River Cass incident) S.M.S. "Wroclaw": Alexandrette, Beirut, Smyrna, report on blockade of Albanian and Montenegrin coast and case of Skutari S. M. S.: "Victoria Luise": St. Thomas, Tenerife S. M. S. "Otter": Szechuan (tense situation) S. M. S. "Seagull": Lüderitz Bay, British South Africa, Portuguese East Africa S. M. S. "Bremen": Monrovia (River Cess incident), Pernambuco, Freetown, Cap Verde, Bermuda S. M. S. "Condor": New Guinea (punitive expedition), Bismarck Archipelago, Empress Augusta River (expedition), Rabaul, Ponape, Truk, Jap, Palau Islands, Guam, Saipan S.M.S. "Hansa": Las Palmas, Vigo S.M.S. "Cormoran": Pago-Pago, New Zealand, Sydney S.M.S. "Lynx": Manila S. M. S. "Tsingtau": Canton (tense situation) S. M. S. "Sea Eagle": South Africa, Mozambique S. M. S. "Loreley": Corfu, Trieste, Ragusa, Piraeus, Costantinopel S. M. S. "Emden": Tsingtau S. M. S. "Boars": Monrovia, Freetown, Porto Praya, Porto Grande S. M. S. "Nuremberg": Siamese Cruise Wing: Labuan, Batavia, Makassar, Dutch India, Singapore, Hong Kong S. M. S. "Gneisenau": Telok-Betong, Samarang, Batavia S. M. S. "Dresden": Gibraltar, Malta

German Imperial Naval Office
BArch, RM 3/3018 · File · 1905-1906
Part of Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

Contains among other things: S. M. S. " Falcon": Peru, San Jose de Guatemala, San Salvator, Chile, San Diego, Mexico, San Francisco, Esquimalt, Vancouver, Alaska, Puget Sound, Portland, Astoria S. M. S. "Buzzard": Zansibar, Durban, Port Elisabeth, Cape Town, East London, Lourenzo-Marques, Mozambique Cruising Squadron: Effects of the Russian-Japanese War, China S.M.S. "Wolf": Cameroon, Fernando Poo, San Thomé, Freetown, Lisbon S.M.S. "Condor": New Guinea (riots), Japan, Sydney, Samoa (riots), Honolulu S. M. S. "Bremen": San Domingo, Haiti, St. Thomas, Dominica, St. Pierre, Puerto Rico, Kingston, La Guayra, Galveston S. M. S. "Loreley": Athos, Therapia, Piraeus, Constantinople (assassination attempt on the Sultan) S. M.S. 'Hawk': Gabon, Fernando Poo, Cameroon, Sanra Cruz, Loanda, Monrovia, Cape Town, Duala, South West Africa, Benguela, Lobito-Bai S.M.S. 'Panther': Guyana, Para, St Luiz de Maranham S. M.S. 'Stosch': Copenhagen, Tangier, Madeira, Las Palmas S.M.S. 'Charlotte': Färör, La Luz, Mogador, Vogo, Lisbon, Madeira, Kartagena, Barcelona, Corfu, Alexandria S.M.S. "Stone": Iceland, Vigo, Kartagena, Syracus, Taranto, Corfu, Venice, Fiume, Patras, San Nicolo, Volo, Alexandria (Riots) S.M.S. "Sparrowhawk": Tsingtau, Durban, Duala, Cape Town, Kribi, Sao Tomé, Congo, Loanda, Fernando Poo, Victoria, Bata (Riots) S.M.S. "Seagull": Mariana Islands, West Caroline Islands

German Imperial Naval Office
BArch, RM 3/3023 · File · 1908
Part of Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

Contains among other things: S. M. S. "Bremen": Martinique, St. Lucia, Curacao, Rio de Janeiro, Port of Spain, Buenos Aires, Montevideo, St. Thomas, Port-au-Prince (transfer of refugees) Newport-News, Kingston S. M. S. "Sparrow Hawk: Fernando Poo, Lagos, Lome, Kontonou, Cameroon, Conakry, Axim, St. Paulo, Lobito Bay, Benquella, Mossamedes, Duala, Forcados, Southwest Africa, Loanda, Lobito Bay, Benquella, Elelefant-Bay S.M.S. "Panther: Dakar, Sierra Leone, Monrovia, Port Bouét, Aura, Angola, Lobito-Bai, Mossamedes S. M. S. Freya: Messina, Malta, Algiers, Barcelona, Mahon, Ferrol, Arendal, Falmouth, Madeira, Corfu, Norway S. M. S. "Stone": Spezia, Guerta, Naples, Palermo, Algiers, Malaga, Vigo S.M.S. "Loreley": Athens, Tophane (information on the Russian-Japanese war), Constantinople, Therapia, Thasos, Saloniki 2 S.M.S. "Moltke": Havana, St. Thomas, Kingston, Ponta Delgada, Dartmouth S. M. S. "Charlotte": Vera Cruz, Kingston, Tenerife, Port of Spain, Barbados, Guadeloupe, Horta, Antwerp, Habana, Charleston, Bermuda S. M. S. "Planet": Bismarck Archipelago Cruise Wing: China, Manila S. M.S. "Condor": Honolulu, Japan, Caroline Islands, Mariana Islands, Palau, New Guinea, Brisbane, Sydney S.M.S. "Sea Eagle":Cape Town, Southwest Africa, Durban, Mozambique S.M.S. "Buzzard": Durban, Dozaoudzi, Port Natal S.M.S. "Victoria Luise": Madeira, Tenerife

German Imperial Naval Office
BArch, RM 3/3034 · File · 1912
Part of Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

Contains among other things: S. M. S. "Sea Eagle": Zansibar, German East Africa S. M. S. "Bremen": St. Thomas, Christainsted, Rio de Janeiro, Santos, San Francisco do Sul S. M. S. "Jaguar": Hankau S. M. S. "Polecat": Hankau S. M. S. "Hansa": Queenstown, Bilbao, Horta, Philadelphia S. M. S. "Seagull": Cape Town S.M.S. "Vineta": Tangier, Malta, Gravoso, Corfu, Constantinople S.M.S. "Otter": Nanking, Shanghai S.M.S. "Cormoran": Tsingtau, Kobe, Saipan, Palau, Eitape, Friedrich Wilhelmshafen, Peterhafen, Matupi S.M.S. "Tiger": Hankau, Futschau (riots), Canton S.M.S. "Otter": Nanking, Shanghai S.M.S. "Cormoran": Tsingtau, Kobe, Saipan, Palau, Eitape, Friedrich Wilhelmshafen, Peterhafen, Matupi S.M.S. "Tiger": Hankau, Futschau (riots), Canton S.M.S. "Panther": Duala, Loanda, Swakopmund, Lüderitz Bay, Cape Town, Port Alexander, Benguella, Sao Tomé, Kribi, Fernando Poo Squadron of Cruisers: Wladiwostock, East Asia, Japan S. M. S. "Hertha": Plymouth, Pembroke, Dock, Milford, Haven, Madeira, Valencia, Barcelona, Mersina, Adana S. M. S. "Condor": Nauru, Jaluit, Panape, Bismarck Archipelago, Kaiser Wilhelm Land (unrest) S. M. S. "Vultures": Trieste S. M. S. "Victoria Luise": Azores, Halifax, Newport, Vera Cruz S. M. S. "Loreley": Constantinople (mobilization/war against Bulgaria) Mediterranean Division: Constantinople (war) S. M. S. "Wroclaw": Malta, Alexandrette S. M. S. 'Eber': Cameroon, Fernando Poo, Old Calabar, Principé, St. Thomé, Anno Bon, Loanda, Congo, Calinda, Kribi, Boma, Kobe, Yokohama, Nagasaki, Yokohama

German Imperial Naval Office
BArch, RM 3/3035 · File · 1913
Part of Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

Contains among other things: S. M. S. "Seagull": Walvis Bay S. M. S. "Hansa": Charleston, Havana (Riots), St. Thomas, Kingston S. M. S. "Bremen": Montevideo, Punta Arenas, Cape Horn, Buenos Aires, Liberia (Uprising) S. M. S. "Otter": Ichang S. M. S. "Condor": Matupi, Ponape, Truk, Jap, Palau Islands, Angaur S. M. S. "Sea Eagle": Zansibar, Portuguese East Africa Squadron of Cruisers: Beijing, Tsingtau, Pukou, Yangtze River S. M. S. "Gneisenau": Nagasaki (sketch of Japan) S. M. S. "Goeben": Constantinople S. M. S. "Hertha": Mersina, Beirut, Jaffa, Alexandria, Port Said S. M. S. "Geier": Haifa, Alexandria Mediterranean Division: Constantinople (war against Greece, coup d'état) S. M. S. "Geier": Haifa, Alexandria Mediterranean Division: Constantinople (war against Greece, coup d'état) "Fatherland": Wong Shi Kong S. M. S. "Panther": Liberia (Uprising) S. M. S. "Eber": Liberia (Uprising), Cameroon S. M. S. "Vineta": Alexandria S. M. S. "Cormoran": Australia S. M. S. "Victoria Luise": St. Thomas, Curacao, Barbados, Dominica S. M. S. "Breslau": Alexandrette

German Imperial Naval Office
BArch, RM 8/75 · File · 1849-1911
Part of Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

Contains: Battle of the Prussian paddle steamer 'Adler' with the Danish brig 'St.Croix' at Brüderort in 1849 (1 casualty); Battle of S.M.S. 'Danzig' with natives on the Moroccan coast near Tres Forcas 1856 (7 prisoners); battle S.M.S. 'Arcona' and 'Nymphe' with Danish ships near Jasmund 1864 (5 ships); battle S.M.S. 'Meteor' with the French Aviso 'Bouvet' near Havana in 1870 (2 battles); battle S.M.S. 'Olga' with natives near Cameroon 1884 (1 battle); battle S.M.S. 'Olga' and 'Eber' with natives on Apia in 1888 (16 prisoners); battles during the blockade of the East African coast in 1888/90 (4 prisoners); expedition to China in 1900/01 (165 prisoners). ); campaign in South West Africa 1904/05 (92 prisoners); suppression of the native uprising in East Africa 1905/06 (7 prisoners); suppression of the native uprising in Ponape and Dschokatsch 1911 (3 prisoners)