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Archival description
FA 1 / 2 · File · 1886 - 1888
Part of Cameroon National Archives

'The North German Missionary Society in Bremen avoids the mission territory in Togo. - Report by the Grade Secretary for the attention of the Foreign Office - Including: - Presentation of the situation by the German Missionary Society in West Africa by the Foreign Office according to information from Mission Inspector Zahn

Gouvernement von Kamerun
Landesarchiv NRW Abteilung Ostwestfalen-Lippe, L 80.19 · Fonds · 1829-1954
Part of Landesarchiv NRW East Westphalia-Lippe Department (Archivtektonik)

Preliminary remarks History of the authorities: 1855 June Establishment of an independent "Princely Forest Directorate" 1897 June Integration into the Rentkammer as "Forest Department" 1921 April Directorate of Domains and Forests, Forest Department 1924 August Lippische Regierung, Forest Department 1934 October Lippische Regierung Abt. II, Staatsforstverwaltung 1936 June The Reich Governor in Lippe and Schaumburg-L., Landesregierung Lippe, ... 1945 April Lippische Landesregierung, Abteilung II, Landesforstverwaltung 1948 Nov. 1948 Transfer of the forestry department to the Landesverband Lippe (company about the unification of the state of Lippe with the state of North Rhine-Westphalia and company about the Landesverband Lippe, both from 05.11.1948) The tasks of the state forestry administration were 1. in the exercise of the sovereign rights of the state with regard to forestry, hunting and fishing 2. in the management of state-owned forestry Even at the end of World War I, forestry sovereign activity was based on the "Ordinance on the Management of Private and Community Timber" of 1819 (Landesverordnungen Bd. 6, p. 459 ff.); there was no forestry law. With the establishment of the Forest Directorate in 1855, a service instruction for foresters and forest marksmen was issued (see L 94 No. 42) and the division into 13 senior forest rangers (later amended several times) as well as official and service designations were determined. At the beginning of the year 1919 the old Domanial forest administration still existed with the 8 upper foresteries Hiddesen (2132 ha), Berlebeck (3093 ha), (Kohlstädt-)Horn resp. Oesterholz (2940 ha), Schieder (2935 ha), Falkenhagen (2713 ha), Sternberg (1913 ha), Langenholzhausen (1806 ha) and Detmold (672 ha), altogether 35 foresteries with an area of approx. 18,200 ha. - Hiddesen was the former Oberförsterei Lopshorn with seat in the Heidental (renaming 15.11.1918), Langenholzhausen the previous Obf. Varenholz with headquarters in Langenholzhausen, Detmold was called Diestelbruch until 30.05.1912. The seat of the Obf. Oesterholz was renamed to Obf. Horn moved from Oesterholz hunting lodge to the city on 01.08.1927 (Official Gazette No. 62), in 1929 the seat of the Obf. Sternberg into the castle Brake; in addition the merger of Sternberg and Detmold to the Obf took place to 01.01.1929. Brake. By the Domanialvertrag of 31.10.1919 the princely house received the Oberförsterei Berlebeck with the four foresteries Hirschberg, Hirschsprung, Hartröhren and Kreuzkrug. The main task of the State Forestry Administration in the 1920s was the step from administration to "operation", which was caused by modern economic development. The corresponding documentation therefore also takes up a great deal of space. In October 1934, the names of the authorities, offices and services were redefined on the basis of the new regulations introduced in Prussia (see current No. 592). Oberförsterei became Forstamt, Försterei became Revierförsterei. The chief forester became a land forester, a state chief forester a forester, a forester a district forester. Former auxiliary foresters were now called foresters, forest assistants auxiliary foresters, foresters and forest apprentices forest candidates (for administrative service / operational service). Until 1921 the forestry administration was housed in the building of the Fürstliche Forstdirektion, Hornsche Str. 66, built in 1866. After its sale to the company Gebr. Klingenberg, the offices were moved on 1 October to the converted building of the former Fürstliches Marstall am Schlossplatz / Rosenthal (see L 94 No. 10). In June 1924, the company moved again to the government building at Kaiser-Wilhelm-Platz and in August it was incorporated as the Lippische Regierung, Forstabteilung (see current no. 597). Julius Feye was the first "forester" of Lippe until his death in October 1896. From May 1897 until his death on 18.04.1925, Oberlandforstmeiser Alois Baldenecker, formerly Prussian Oberförster from Neukirchen, Kassel district, headed the Lippe forestry administration. He was followed by Alfred Reier from Syke near Bremen as a land forester from March 1926 onwards, after provisional management by forester Karl Schmidt from Hiddesen, but he was already retired at the end of July 1933 before reaching the age of 65 (he was born on 18.06.1879) "in order to simplify the state government". The aforementioned forester Schmidt was now to head the state forestry administration in addition to his head forester Hiddesen. However, since it soon turned out that it was impossible to exercise both offices, Dr. Köster, a trainee forestry officer, was hired by the Hiddesen forestry office from November 1935. Schmidt (*15.11.1871) held his office as land forester until shortly before he reached the age of 67 (October 1938), but resumed his duties when his successor Fritz Murmann from Bielefeld was drafted for military service and finally - after an interim U.K. position - fell in December 1942. It was not until 1 March 1946 that Schmidt finally retired, after Alfred Hirsekorn, the Lord Forester from Rinkerode, had been appointed the provisional head of the State Forestry Administration in January of the same year. However, he made his office available in May and was replaced by Otto Wahl from Celle. About 9/10 of the holdings (No. 1-878) originate from the addition 47/1976, which was arranged according to the file plan introduced in 1927 ("conversion of the forest department's registry according to the state budget", see current No. 590) and was valid until the files were handed over to the Landesverband Lippe in 1949. Nos. 879-892 came into the house as entrance 37/1962, No. 893-971 were already signed as L 80 II c No. 1-9, but not listed. At the beginning of 2003, 27 business diaries (journals) were discovered on the access floor (Nos. 972-998). The files essentially cover the period from the creation of the new department registries in 1924 (see current No. 597 and L 75 IV / 1 No. 20) until the transition to the forest department of the regional association; many file covers bear the note "angelegt 1927". Previous files are in stock L 94 (Forstdirektion); continued files or files created only in 1950 and later were assigned to stock D 110. The transfer of file management to the LVL proved to be extremely blurred. The forest department of the government existed until 1949. Very many files contain still some few documents from the years 1950-1951, rarely also 1952. These files were left, if the contents had developed far predominantly in the years until 1949, with the existence L 80.19, since otherwise only one torso would have remained. Obviously, the LVL created new files from 1951/52 and transferred the old registry to the State Archives in 1976. The above-mentioned file plan formed the basis for the order of the inventory, which, however, required numerous changes. General files on the establishment and organisation of the forest administration, for example, ranked 7th among the title groups. Different groups of files had to be grouped or subdivided. Nos 879 et seq. could easily be attributed to the positions of the file plan used. Although the main task of the forest administration was the management of the state forest, the collection also offers a wealth of contemporary historical sources, e.g. for the use of prisoners of war, environmental pollution (fisheries control), tourism, state economic policy (Dörentruper Sand- und Thonwerke, Holzverkohlung Schieder), buildings such as the "Krumme Haus" and the silver mill; - during the Nazi era there were numerous points of contact with the party and various Nazi organizations. Sources: - D 72 Brakemeier no. 2 and 3 (estate of Wilhelm Brakemeier, chief forester in Brake) - L 80.19 no. 590-593, 597 - L 75 IV. 1 no. 20 - L 76 no. 206 (personnel matters, etc.) leitende Forstbeamte) - Die Lippische Landesverwaltung in der Nachkriegszeit, ed. v. Heinrich Drake, Detmold 1932 (Dienstbibliothek C 303) - Lippisches Staatshandbuch (im Lippischen Kalender, Dienstbibliothek A 255) Detmold, Mai 2003 gez. Arno Schwinger P.S.: In July 2005, the addition 35/2004 - Nos. 999-1087 - was added (mainly real estate, land register and cadastral matters as well as redemptions); in June 2009, Nos. 1088 (from L 93 !!) and 1089-1112 (from L 94) were allocated to the L 80.19 portfolio on account of their term and recorded here. signed Arno Schwinger It is to quote: L 80.19 Order number

Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Abt. Hauptstaatsarchiv Stuttgart, E 151/03 · Fonds · 1812-1945, vereinzelt bis 1955
Part of Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Dept. Main State Archives Stuttgart (Archivtektonik)

Authority history: Almost every administrative branch has its own specific police force. King Frederick, when structuring the state administration according to departments, subordinated to the Ministry of the Interior the police which did not belong to such a certain department, but with two exceptions:1. he transferred the state police to a special police ministry;2. the censorship business was transferred from 1808-1811 to a censorship college which was first under the control of the cabinet ministry, then the police ministry, and on 30 November 1811 with the abolition of censorship ceased its activities for the time being. As a result of the Karlovy Vary decisions, a separate censorship commission existed from 1819, which was only dissolved with the decree of March 1, 1848. there are uncertainties regarding the exact origin of the business part III of the Ministry of the Interior. 1922 the business part III with the departments A (police department) and B (police command office) developed from the initially existing two ministerial departments police administration (treatment of legal questions) and order police (later police command office, as command authority of the state executive police). The business divider of 14 October 1922 states the following responsibilities:A Police department1.General information on the entire police sector2.Measures against anti-state activities3.Damage caused by civil unrest4.Freedom of movement, passports, registration5.Prisons6.Ownership and use of weapons7.Security police, customs police8.Associations9.Press police, press censorship10.Aviation police11.Ranger Corps12.State Local Police and Protection Police13.State Criminal Investigation14.Local Police15.Technical Emergency Assistance16.State and Reich Budget and Accounting ResultsB Police Command CentreI.Preparation of Technical Cooperation of the Whole Police in the Event of Unrest II.Protection Police (if Not in A)1.Affairs of Members of the Protection Police2.Medical and veterinary services3.accommodation and management of equipment, weapons, firearms, horses, vehicles and other equipment4.accommodation of closed organisations and management of the buildings, rooms and places used for this purpose5.implementation of the State budget in so far as it relates to matters B II 1-46.Participation in the state police intelligence service, insofar as the interests of the protective police are affected7. security measures before the intervention of the protective police,technical measures during their interventionWith the second amendment of the above-mentioned division of business in August 1927, division III was given the designation Police (police department), which was no longer divided into A and B. In October 1927, business part III was placed under the jurisdiction of the First Ministerial Director of the Ministry of the Interior, and in connection with the abolition of business part VII, responsibility for Wehrmacht affairs and foreign legion was transferred to the police department. The political police took over the previous tasks of the political police of the Stuttgart Police Headquarters at the same time as the State Criminal Police Office and at the same time released the police president in Stuttgart from his office. It became the general central intelligence collection point for Württemberg, the head of the political police was the general rapporteur in the Ministry of the Interior for measures against anti-state activities, the imposition, implementation and abolition of the state of emergency, defence against espionage, associations and assemblies, press police, freedom of movement, alien police, registration and passports, border traffic and expulsions for security reasons. Also in 1933, the position of commander of the Württemberg protective police was created in the Ministry of the Interior in accordance with the decree of the Police Commissioner for the State of Württemberg. He was directly subordinate to the First Ministerial Director, who was in charge of the personnel officers of the police officers and on-call officers, for training and operations, for air and gas protection, for intelligence, for weapons, ammunition and equipment, including motor vehicles, and for the two police training departments. The commander of the Schutzpolizei was an inspector of the entire uniformed State Police (cf. diagram). On 7 October 1933, the minister approved a new business division of the police department: Business Part III A: Police without business circle of the Württembergische Schutzpolizei and without political policeBusiness Part III B: Commander of the Württembergische SchutzpolizeiBusiness Part III C: Political policeIn the course of the further separation of the Landespolizei from the Schutzpolizei, it became necessary to change Business Parts III A and III B. The change of the business parts III A and III B was necessary in the course of the further separation of the Landespolizei from the Schutzpolizei. Business Part III B now received the designation Reichszwischenbefehlsstelle für die Polizei Stuttgart (RZB. Stuttgart). With the transfer of the Provincial Police to the administration of the Reich on April 1, 1935, Business Section III B was completely eliminated: Business Part III A :Police DepartmentBusiness Part III B :Staff Officer of the Police Department asDecentrant for Police DepartmentBusiness Part III C :Political PoliceBusiness Part III D :Commander of the Gendarmerie as Department for Gendarmerie DepartmentBusiness Part III E :Imperial Defence and Wehrmacht AffairsBy order of the 5th General Assembly of the German Armed Forces, the Federal Armed Forces and the German Armed Forces, the Federal Armed Forces and the German Armed Forces, the Federal Armed Forces and the German Armed Forces, the Federal Armed Forces and the Federal Armed Forces. In June 1941, the Higher SS and Police Leader was assigned to manage and handle police affairs at the Reichsstatthaltern in Württemberg and Baden in Wehrkreis V and at the head of the civil administration in Alsace, SS-Gruppenführer and Lieutenant General of the Kaul Police. His field of activity comprised the business units III A, III B, III C, III D as well as the deployment of the fire police and the fire brigades as well as the participation in affairs of the Reich defence, as far as the police was affected. The previous business unit III E remained as an independent business unit. Adapted to the business distribution plan drawn up by the Reichsführer SS, in 1943 business division VII of the Ministry of the Interior went from business division III A to business division III B to fire-fighting, fire-fighting director of the Land, fire-fighting fund of the Land to regulation and supervision of road traffic business division III C to traffic with explosives. Documents on organisation can be found in fonds E 151/01 (Ministry of the Interior, Chancellery Directorate) Büschel 284, 285 and 288. Reference is also made to the fonds of the Ministry of the Interior in the Main State Archives E 141, E 143, E 146, E 150 and E 151/... for the 19th century and the beginning of the 20th century, which, due to the changing specialist responsibilities within the departments of the Ministry of the Interior, partly contain processes on the same topics and should therefore be examined in parallel. For the tradition since 1945, the resistance group EA 2 (Ministry of the Interior, Provincial Police Headquarters) is to be consulted.In addition to the holdings E 151/03, the Hauptstaatsarchiv Stuttgart was able in 1995 to acquire on microfilm from the Bremen State Archives the Political Situation Reports of the Württemberg State Police Office, the Ministry of the Interior's News Collection Centre from 1922-1934 and the Situation Reports of the Baden State Police Office in Karlsruhe from 1924-1933, stored there as recipient records, which can be found under the inventory signature J 383 No. 716 a-f. Inventory history: Present repertory unites documents from the inventories:E 151 c I: Secret files from the registry IIIb concerning air-raid protection:1954 transferred from the Federal Archives Koblenz to the Main State Archives. the files had been confiscated in April 1945 in the alternative office Garmisch-Partenkirchen of the Reich Ministry of the Interior by American troops. In 1950, the American Document Center Rear in Darmstadt returned the files to the Federal Ministry of the Interior in Bonn, from where they were transferred to the Federal Archives in March 1953. The entire inventory was now transferred to E 151/03.E 151 c II: Ministry of the Interior V, Department III:1958, together with the transfer register via the Ludwigsburg State Archives to the Main State Archives.For the (new) bundle numbers E 151/03 Bü. 44-46 (Ausweisungen) and E 151/03 Bü. 707-709 as well as EA 2/301 Bü. 294-300 (Vereine) there are two special directories from 1966.inventory now complete in E 151/03 (files until 1945) Nachakte (ab 1945) in EA 2/301.E 151 c III: Akten des Geschäftsteils Rv (Reichsverteidigung):1963 vom Bundesarchiv Koblenz übergeben.It concerns a part of those files of the Württemberg Ministry of the Interior which had been transferred to the USA at the end of the war and later reached the Federal Archives as part of an extensive mixed stock from the American file depot in Alexandria. Stock now completely in E 151/03.E 151 b II: Delivery of the Ministry of the Interior:1958 to the State Archives Ludwigsburg, from there 1969 to the Main State Archives.E 151 b III: Delivery of the Ministry of the Interior:1952 to the Regierungspräsidium Nordwürttemberg, 1964 to the Staatsarchiv Ludwigsburg, 1973 to the Hauptstaatsarchiv passed on. The two earlier holdings E 151 b II and E 151 b III are now part of E 151/02. From this the files about Wehrmacht affairs were assigned to the present holdings E 151/03. EA 2/301 (now EA 2/301): Ministry of the Interior, State Police Headquarters: Incorporated in the Main State Archives in 1979. Files up to 1945 were assigned to E 151/03, conversely documents from 1945 onwards were taken from E 151/03 and classified according to EA 2/301.EA 2/303: Ministry of the Interior, Landespolizeipräsidium:1990 arrived at the Hauptstaatsarchiv.Previous files up to 1945 were moved to E 151/03.EL 21/3: Regierungspräsidium Nordwürttemberg, Abteilung:1998 from the Staatsarchiv Ludwigsburg to the Hauptstaatsarchiv. Processor's report: Since no file plan is available, the structure of the stock is oriented to the file number, consisting of III, often also P.A. (for the business part of the police department) and an Arabic number (for the file subject), which is not assigned continuously, but mostly. Only occasionally is the responsible department indicated in Latin capital letters (A, B, C, D, E). After the organizational changes of 1933, the abbreviation P.P. for the Political Police is sometimes found. The files of the areas Reichsverteidigung and Wehrmachtangelegenheiten are provided with their own file numbers (Rv or VII and Arabic number due to earlier affiliation to business part VII); they are listed at the end of the inventory. Since the file numbers of these documents could only be used conditionally for a classification and several file layers were available at the same time, a temporal cut around the year 1933 was set here afterwards. The information on the size of the file tufts includes the number of quadrangles, provided that these were assigned throughout. From 1987 to 1989, Alexander Brunotte, Anita Hefele, Kurt Hochstuhl and Petra Schön made the title recordings. Wolfgang Schmierer made the first corrections in 1989. Martin Luchterhandt carried out the determination and removal or division of tufts with pre and post files, an initial classification scheme and the computer-assisted recording of title recordings in 1993. The editorial processing according to the guidelines for manuscript preparation for publications of the Landesarchivdirektion Baden-Württemberg was carried out by Signatories. The indication of the preliminary signatures, which do not appear in the present printed volume at the request of the editor, can be found in the more detailed reproduced archive repertory to the holdings E 151/03.The period of validity of the files extends from 1812 to 1945 with isolated files up to 1955.The holdings E 151/03 now comprise 1196 numbers (the tuft numbers 323, 1125 and 1139 as well as the serial number 800 are not documented) with 47.5 m length.Stuttgart, in September 1998Sabine Schnell

The chamber's reporting is the result of French legal tradition. Annual reports of the Cologne Chamber of Commerce have been published since 1823. For the first time reporting was made legally binding by the statute of the Chamber of Commerce of Elberfeld and Barmen in 1830. The Prussian decree of 11 February 1848 on the establishment of chambers of commerce made the reporting of the chambers obligatory. Section 24 reads as follows: 'Each year in January, the Chambers of Commerce shall submit a main report to the Minister of Finance on the situation and progress of trade and industry, and shall at the same time submit a copy to the President of the Office of Commerce and the Government. They are obliged to inform the traders and tradesmen of their district of their effectiveness and of the situation and course of trade and trade through the public papers by means of continuous notifications of extracts from the consultation minutes and at the end of each year in a special overview". Further laws of 24 February 1870 and 19 August 1897 expressly emphasised this obligation to submit a report. Since 1897 the reports had to be reproduced in print. Until 1914 the reports were steadily expanded and systematized. This corresponded to the interest of the chambers and the Minister for Trade and Industry, who had the reports published in a supplement of the Prussian Trade Archives until 1872. The Prussian Statistical Bureau, which evaluated the annual reports and based them on comparative overviews of trade and traffic from 1861 onwards, pushed for standardization. The law of 1870, which obliged the chambers to reconcile their interests, did not prevent them from using their annual report as a mouthpiece for their views on economic policy. Free trade and customs were discussed in the annual reports. Although a standardization of the annual reports could not be achieved, the separation of the sections "Views, expert opinions and wishes" (Part A) and "Actual" (Part B) recommended by the Director of the Statistical Bureau, Engel, prevailed. As a rule, Part B contains statistical material which, from today's perspective, provides important data on regional economic and social history. After the First World War, only in exceptional cases did the summary descriptions of the wartime period provided for in the decree of the Prussian Minister of Commerce of 27 October 1914 appear. It was not until 1919 that annual reports were required again. After 1920, many chambers began to produce monthly reports together with neighbouring chambers due to overloading of their scientific officials. The procedure was expressly approved by the Ministry of Commerce, which had been compiling the reports in its magazine "Handel und Gewerbe" since January 1921. Some chambers continued to print annual reports, others presented them in duplicate to the plenary meetings. The monthly reporting of the chambers lasted until 1936. From 1934 to 1939, the Chambers of Commerce produced internal reports every two or three months, some of which were incorporated into their periodicals. With the expansion of official statistics at the Reich, Land and local levels, the Chambers' annual reports lost weight and their character as a decision-making aid for state and municipal administrations. In addition, they were often already outdated when they appeared. Since about 1900 the chambers have countered this development by publishing periodicals, so-called newsletters. After the Second World War, the Law Provisionally Regulating the Law of Chambers of Commerce and Industry did not include a provision on annual reporting, but in practice all chambers publish annual reports and monthly newsletters from 1950 at the latest. The information contained therein is indispensable as a source of regional history. The following overview covers exclusively annual reports from the German-speaking area as well as from Austria-Hungary (before 1918) and the German colonial areas (before 1918). The name of the chamber is preceded by the respective signature in inventory S 6. The annual reports of the DIHT from 1951/52 onwards can be found under the signature S 7 No. 562. Reports of chambers of crafts can also be found in the stock S 7. Reports for the years 1860 to 1872 can also be found in the periodical "Jahresberichte der Handelskammern und kaufmännischen Korporationen des Preußischen Staates" (WWA Library P 11). 76 linear metres I Chambers of Industry and Commerce in today's North Rhine-Westphalia 959 Aachen 1854-1859, 1864, 1868-1870, 1874-1914, 1924-1932, 1949-1996 (1914-1918 "The Aachen Chamber of Commerce and the War") 945 Altena 1853-1854, 1856-1857, 1857-1858, 1859-1861, 1862/1863, 1875-1913 946 Arnsberg 1854-1859, 1873-1908, 1910 ,1911, 1913, 1924-1930, 1937, 1938, 1948, 1950-1956, 1965-1973 960 Barmen (seea. Elberfeld and Barmen, Wuppertal) 1875, 1876, 1881-1913 947 Bielefeld 1849, 1850, 1854-1859, 1864, 1868-1878, 1880-1913, 1926, 1946-1948 948 Bochum 1857-1864, 1871-1903, 1905-1911, 1913, 1925, 1927/28, 1946-1996 961 Bonn 1892-1913, 1949-1980, 1983-1996 892 Detmold 1878/79-1885/86, 1886-1890, 1892-1894, 1896-1913, 1960-1965, 1967-1971 (1955-1982 "Reports from the activities of the Detmold Chamber of Industry and Commerce") 949 Dortmund 1865-1867, 1869-1913, 1924-1932, 1939/40, 1940/41, 1948-1996 962 Düsseldorf 1854-1859, 1871-1892, 1894-1904, 1923-1937, 1947-1949, 1951-1996 963 Duisburg 1855-1859, 1867, 1868, 1870-1872, 1874-1913, 1920-1938, 1945/47-1996 964 Elberfeld and Barmen (seea. Barmen, Wuppertal) 1854-1859, 1870, 1873, 1876, 1881-1913 891 Essen 1853-1866, 1878, 1881-1913, 1922-1925, 1935, 1946-1996 950 Hagen 1849, 1853-1858, 1861-1913, 1949-1970, 1972, (structural report 1946) 951 Iserlohn 1851, 1852, 1854-1859, 1862-1906, 1908-1911, 1913, 1918-1921, 1924-1925, 1927-1928 1023 Cologne 1851-1860, 1862-1914, 1918, 1922- 1932, 1947-1996 966 Krefeld 1848-1913, 1924, 1925, 1935, 1936, 1947-1994 1025 Lennep (seea. Remscheid) 1845, 1847/50, 1853-1855, 1857, 1858, 1884-1913 952 Lüdenscheid 1851-1914, 1925, 1927, 1928 953 Minden 1850, 1854-1859, 1867, 1869-1871, 1873-1903, 1904/05-1913/14 1033 Mönchengladbach 1854-1859, 1871-1877, 1879, 1881-1884, 1904-1906, 1948, 1949, 1951-1971/72 967 Mülheim am Rhein 1872-1913 968 Mülheim a. d. Ruhr 1855-1859, 1868-1882, 1884-1898, 1899/1900-1901/02, 1903/04-1910 954 Münster 1855-1859, 1869-1913, 1934, 1945/47-1996 1036 Neuss 1862-1895, 1909-1913, 1924-1926, 1950-1975 1046 Remscheid (see also Lennep) 1952-1976 862 Ruhrort 1898-1904/05 1054 Siegen 1852, 1854, 1856-1859, 1881-1896, 1933-1936, 1954-1996 1055 Solingen 1854-1859, 1913, 1935, 1936, 1948-1975 1069 Wesel 1854-1859, 1871-1873, 1875, 1876, 1878-1906, 1908, 1910, 1912, 1913 1073 Wuppertal (see also Barmen, Elberfeld and Barmen) 1933-1936, 1948-1993 II Chambers of Industry and Commerce in the German Reich (in the borders until 1918) 933 Altenburg 1901-1913 929 Altona 1867-1871, 1881-1914, 1922-1935 902 Aschaffenburg 1949ff. 900 Baden-Baden 1950-1964 899 Bayreuth 1863-1896 910 Berlin, Corporation of the merchants 1852-1913 911 Berlin 1902-1913, 1924-1937, 1950ff. 938 Bingen am Rhein 1878-1913 912 Brandenburg a.d. Havel 1899-1913 907 Braunsberg/Ostpreuáen 1866-1872, 1885-1911 984 Braunschweig 1884-1895, 1931-1938, 1948ff. 988 Bremen 1865-1938, 1945ff. 985-1911 984 Braunschweig 1884-1895, 1931-1938, 1948ff. 988 Bremen 1865-1938, 1945ff. 989 Bremen, Chamber of Commerce 1878-1908, 1926-1928 990 Bremen Chamber of Retail Trade 1907-1913 940 Bremerhaven 1867-1880, 1891-1913, 1975ff. 916 Breslau 1850-1913 917 Breslau (joint report for the Lower Silesian Chambers of Commerce) 1921-1936 957 Bromberg 1876-1913 P 11 Buxtehude 1867-1868 o.No. Calw (1867-1889, 1900-1904 s. Stuttgart) P 11 Celle 1867 969 Chemnitz 1863-1910 893 Coburg 1954ff. 993 Colmar 1872-1873, 1880-1913 913 Cottbus 1854-1872, 1885-1913 906 Danzig 1854-1913, 1923-1936 980 Darmstadt 1862-1895, 1910-1913, 1924-1932, 1948ff. 935 Dessau 1890-1905 955 Dillenburg 1865-1871, 1877-1913, 1919-1920 970 Dresden 1863-1911 942 Dresden, Chamber of Commerce 1911-1916 1097 Dresden, Member of the Board of the Dresden Merchants 1866-1920 908 Elbing 1854-1908, 1912-1914 939 Emden 1866-1913, 1949ff. 922 Erfurt 1854-1871, 1884-1905 890 Eßlingen 1958-1970 965 Eupen 1860-1872 (P 11), 1888-1900 889 Flensburg 1963ff. 956 Frankfurt/Main 1854-1891, 1895-1896, 1904-1919, 1924-1926, 1948-1963 914 Frankfurt/Oder 1864-1912 974 Freiburg/Br. 1880-1909, 1951ff. 981 Friedberg 1899-1912, 1926-1930 o.Nr. Geestemünde (see Bremerhaven) 986 Gera 1851-1904 934 Giessen 1880-1901 P 11 Gleiwitz 1860-1872 918 Görlitz 1854-1900, (1921-1936 s. Breslau) 896 Göttingen 1867-1913 P 11 Goslar 1867-1868 931 Gotha 1898-1913 P 11 Greifswald 1865-1867 985 Greiz 1879-1921 P 11 Grünberg/Schlesien 1871 867 Halberstadt 1874-1888, (1924-199 P 11 Gliwice 1860-1872 918 Görlitz 1854-1900, (1921-1936 s. Breslau) 896 Göttingen 1867-1913 P 11 Goslar 1867-1868 931 Gotha 1898-1913 P 11 Greifswald 1865-1867 985 Greiz 1879-1921 P 11 Grünberg/Schlesien 1871 867 Halberstadt 1874-1888, (1924-19) Magdeburg) 924 Halle/Saale 1854-1894, 1903-1913, 1919-1937 991 Hamburg 1881-1913, 1918-1936, 1949ff. 992 Hamburg, Gewerbekammer 1875-1907 P 11 Hameln 1867-1870 958 Hanau 1871-1913, 1963-1969 876 Hannover 1867-1892, 1922-1938, 1946ff. 869 Harburg 1867-1913 975 Heidelberg 1880-1892, 1898-1904, 1912-1913, 1923-1925, 1930-1932 870 Heidenheim (1867-1889, 1900-1904 s. Stuttgart), 1962-1967 871 Heilbronn (1857-1889, 1900-1904 s. Stuttgart), 1961-1969 982 Hildburghausen 1888-1910, 1919-1920 868 Hildesheim 1867-1872 (P 11), 1949-1972 936 Hirschberg 1854-1872 (P 11), 1888-1908, (1921-1936 s. Breslau) 903 Insterburg 1856-1870, 1874-1912 864 Karlsruhe 1880-1892, 1956-1956 s. Breslau) 903 Insterburg 1856-1870, 1874-1912 864 Karlsruhe 1880-1892, 1956-1969 982 Hildburghausen 1888-1910, 191920 868 Hildesheim 1867-1872 (P 11), 1949-1972 936 Insterburg 1856-1870, 1874-1912 Karlsruhe 19580-1892, 1956 s. 863 Kassel 1871-1889, 1925-1933,1951ff. 930 Kiel 1871-1872 (P 11), 1877-1913, 1921-1930, 1950ff. 866 Koblenz 1854-1903, 1911-1913, 1925-1937, 1951-1976 904 Königsberg 1854-1913, 1924-1931 976 Konstanz 1896-1913, 1926-1930, 1960-1972 977 Lahr 1880-1929, 1956-1971 919 Landeshut/Schlesien 1854-1899, 1906-1913, (1921-1923 s. Wroclaw) 920 Lauban 1865-1913 P 11 Leer 1869-1870 971 Leipzig 1863-1913, 1925-1938 972 Leipzig, Chamber of Commerce 1873-1919 1026 Liegnitz 1854-1855, 1871-1872 (P 11), 1882-1909, (1921-1936 s. Breslau) 1027 Limburg 1868-1913, 1971-1973 P 11 Lingen 1867-1868 1030 Ludwigsburg 1963-1964 932 Ludwigshafen 1886-1887, 1890-1892, 1904-1911, 1949ff. 987 Lübeck 1865-1913, 1920-1921, 1934-1937, 1948-1952, 1957, 1958, 1964ff. 943 Lüneburg 1867-1913, 1949ff. 926 Magdeburg 1854-1913, 1924-1930 1031 Mainz 1853-1892, 1902-1908, 1959-1968 978 Mannheim 1864-1867, 1872-1913, 1923-1932, 1950-1971 905 Memel 1854-1913 994 Metz 1872-1880, 1883-1900, 1905-1913 927 Mühlhausen/Thüringen 1855-1872 (P 11), 1883-1913, 1921 1923, (1932-1933 s. Kassel) 873 Mulhouse/Alsace 1877-1905, 1911-1913 1035 Munich 1869-1892, 1980ff. 1036 Neuss/Rhein 1861-1894, 1909-1913, 1924-1926, 1950-1975 P 11 north 1867-1870 928 Nordhausen 1860-1872 (P 11), 1881-1899 1038 Nuremberg 1871-1876, 1950-1974 1039 Offenbach 1857-1901, 1965ff. 983 Oldenburg 1865-1866, 1873-1888, 1895-1913, 1951ff. 921 Opole 1883-1905, 1937-1938 1040 Osnabrück 1870, 1874-1913, 1950-1953, 1977-1991 P 11 Osterode 1867-1870 P 11 Papenburg 1867-1869 874 Passau 1879-1891, 1901-1913, 1919-1920 979 Pforzheim 1880-1913, 1927-1928 973 Plauen 1862-1913 915 Poznan 1854-1913 923 Potsdam 1898-1913, 1949-1951 1044 Ravensburg (1867-1889, 1900-1904 s. Stuttgart), 1957-1975 1045 Regensburg 1855-1893, 1901-1904, 1951ff. 1047 Reutlingen (1857-1889, 1900-1904 s. Stuttgart), 1958ff. 1049 Rostock 1899-1902 o.Nr. Rottweil (1867-1889, 1900-1904 s. Stuttgart) 888 Saarbrücken 1865-1902, 1951ff. 898 Sagan 1881-1913, (1921-1936 s. Stuttgart), 1951ff. Breslau) 1050 Schneidemühl 1925-1938 1051 Schopfheim 1889-1913, 1925-1929, 1951-1968 1052 Schweidnitz 1854-1872, 1889-1913, (1921-1936 s. Breslau) 1056 Sonneberg 1875-1931 861 Sorau 1871-1919 1057 Stade 1867-1870 (P 11), 1954ff. 1058 Stadthagen 1925-1928 (K 7), 1936-1937 878 Stettin 1854-1913, 1927-1938 1059 Stolberg 1855-1872 (P 11) 925 Stolp 1891-1914 1060 Stralsund 1911-1913, 1924-1931 995 Strasbourg 1871-1914 882 Stuttgart 1857-1889 and 1900-1904 (for the Chambers of Commerce in Württemberg), 1955ff. 1061 Swinemünde 1864-1872 (P 11), 1878-1891, 1905-1913 909 Thorn 1854-1900, 1904-1905, 1908-1914 1062 Tilsit 1854-1913 1063 Trier 1855-1872 (P 11), 1950ff. P 11 Uelzen 1867-1870 1065 Ulm (1857-1889, 1900-1904 s. Stuttgart), 1962ff. 1066 Verden 1867-1871 (P 11), 1886-1913 1067 Villingen 1897-1911 1068 Weimar 1880-1896, 1901-1913, 1928-1937 1069 Wesel 1854-1913 944 Wetzlar 1901-1913, 1924-1927 1070 Wiesbaden 1865-1913, 1950ff. P 11 Wolgast 1868 881 Worms 1857-1913 1072 Würzburg 1874-1881, 1886-1889, 1959ff. 883 Zittau 1862-1863, 1866-1875, 1879-1913 III Chambers of Commerce in the German colonies 1017 Kribi (South Cameroon) 1908-1911 1018 Tsingtau (China) 1900-1913 1019 Windhoek (Southwest Africa) 1910/11 IV Chambers of Commerce in Austria-Hungary and successor states 1008 Bolzano 1870/71, 1880, 1910-1917 996 Brno 1870-1902 (with gaps) 1021 Budapest 1870-1918, 1924-1940 1010 Budweis 1861-1890 997 Eger 1854, 1858-1895, 1910-1911 941 Esseg / Osijek 1904 1004 Innsbruck 1871-1880 1011 Klagenfurt 1870-1916, 1928-1935 998 Kronstadt 1889-1904 (with gaps) 999 Laibach 1870, 1875, 1880 1012 Linz 1898-1903, 1926-1930 1022 Neu-Sohl / Beszterczebánya [today: Banska Bystrica] 1895-1916 1001 Pilsen 1858, 1865, 1870-1890 1002 Bratislava 1866-1912 (with gaps) 1093 Reichenberg 1875-1914 (with gaps) 1013 Rovereto 1870, 1880 1014 Salzburg 1854-1919 (with gaps) 880 Temesvar 1851-1852 1015 Trieste 1871-1933 (with gaps) 1094 Troppau 1880/81, 1910-1918 1020 Vienna 1855-1930 V German Chambers of Commerce Abroad 1074 Barcelona 1923-1932 1075 Brussels 1936-1938 1076 Budapest 1920/21, 1938-1943/44 1083 Buenos Aires 1920-1938 1092 Cairo 1930-1937 1087 Manila 1924-1938 1086 Montevideo 1920/21, 1935, 1937 1088 New York 1912/13 1081 Paris 1930-1933 1082 Rio de Janeiro 1934-1935 1090 Shanghai 1926/27-1936/37 1078 Sofia 1942 1085 Tokyo 1937-1938 1084 Valparaiso 1920-1930