Sends copy of a letter from Heinrich Zahn from New Guinea about pitches in the Papua languages. Looks thus relationship to the Central African languages confirmed.
Send him an essay by A[rnod] van Gennep for evaluation. Thanks for "Peoples Psychology." Agrees above all with the concept of soul depth. Rejects Wundts interpretation of the resurrection idea with reference to Paul. Reported from work [Diedrich] Westermanns.
Send several copies of his new article (presumably "Schallnachimungen und Lautmetaphern in der Sprache", published as a supplement to the "Allgemeine Zeitung"). Ask to forward a copy to [Diedrich] Westermann.
Thanks for articles in the Allgemeine Zeitung. Thanks for acknowledging his and [Diedrich] Westermann's work in the article. Currently investigating the ablaut in African languages and has found a lawfulness in this regard in Somali. Sees in the Hamitic languages the key to the Semitic languages. Regrets that Westermann is going back to Africa.
Sends several copies of his new article (presumably 'Schallnachahmungen und Lautmetaphern in der Sprache', published as a supplement to the 'Allgemeine Zeitung'). Requests that a copy be forwarded to [Diedrich] Westermann.
After the rejection of the Senate's university bill, it will be examined how the Hamburg Colonial Institute can be expanded. Question to Meumann what would require the foundation of a philosophical institute. Possibility for Meumann to use the relevant funds partly for educational-psychological research.
Excerpts on international psychology, in particular on the history of asylum law and Jewish law as well as on various ethnological topics. Excerpted publications in detail:1.) Hellwig: The Right of Asylum of Indigenous Peoples. Berlin: R. v. Decker, 1903 [p. 1-7];2.) Hellwig: The Jewish Free Cities in Ethnological Lighting, in: Globus 87 (1905), p. 213-216 [p. 8];3.) Passarge: The Bushmen of the Kalahari. Berlin: Reimer, 1907 [p. 9-13];4.) Schultze: From Namaland and Kalahari [...]. Jena: Gustav Fischer, 1907 [p. 14-16];5.) Martin: The inland tribes of the Malay Peninsula [...]. Jena: Fischer, 1905 [p. 18-30];6.) Unknown edition of Schweinfurth: In the heart of Africa [p. 31];7.) Meyer: History of antiquity. Vol. 1, half 1: Introduction. Elements of anthropology. [2nd edition Stuttgart: Cotta, 1907] [p. 32-34];8.) Cunow: The Social Constitution of the Inca Empire: an Investigation of Ancient Peruvian Agrarian Communism. Stuttgart: Dietz, 1896 [p. 35-38];9.) Hitzig: Die Bedeutung des altgriechischen Rechts für die vergleichende Rechtswissenschaft, in: Zeitschrift für vergleichende Rechtswissenschaft 19 (1906), p. 1-28 [p. 40-41].parts of the records are used in later works of Wundts, possibly also in:Wilhelm Wundt: Völkerpsychologie. A study of the developmental laws of language, myth and custom. Volume 9: Law. Leipzig: Kröner, 1918.
Sends the registers. About Wundts war speech, describes Solf's remarks on it.
Sends drawings of a donkey that African condos have made at his missionary pupil in D e u t s c h - O s t a f r i k a . Is disappointed by the drawings ("only poor traces of nature observations"), since with the Konde hut painting is actually common, but mostly women's work. Send photo of the 12 draughtsmen.
On the drawings of 12 condescents [cf. NA Wundt/III/1001-1100/1026/97-126]: Finds Wundts thesis interesting that the condescents can draw better from memory; wants to pass this on to his missionary pupil. Woundert's thesis that the Konde paint from right to left because they are influenced by Arabic contradicts this. Sees cause for it in other models or in the absence of models, which lead to the natural movement of the right hand to the left. Next year he travels to East Africa and offers Wundt to do research for him there.
Asked whether Wundt could support the Leipzig Philosophical Faculty in awarding [Diedrich] Westermann an honorary doctorate.
Records, notes and excerpts on the psychology of peoples, in particular on society and law. Literature lists and short excerpts [p. 1-6], titles mentioned a.o.:a) Lipps: Basic facts of the soul's life. Bonn: Cohen, 1883;b) Lock: Experiment on the Human Mind;c) unnamed treatise by Höffding, presumably Höffding: Psychology in outlines based on experience. 2nd Aufl. Leipzig : Reisland, 1893;d) Beneke: Textbook of Psychology as Natural Science. 3rd Aufl. Berlin [a.o.]: Mittler, 1861;e) unnamed treatise by Volkmann;f) Rehmke: Lehrbuch der allgemeinen Psychologie. 2. edition] Leipzig: Kesselringsche Hofbuchhandlung, [1905];2.) Draft structure/chapter overviews of the 9th volume of "Peoples Psychology" (bibliogr. details see below) [p. 7,11];3.) Demolition of a "legal definition" of the railway [p. 6-8];4.) Notes, short excerpts and literature lists on various topics, including excerpts from Schmidt's treatise on Australian languages [p. 12-15];5.) Excerpts from ethnological-legalistic publications, e.g. by Spieth, Waitz (presumably "Anthropologie der Naturvölker") and Köhler (presumably Köhler: Das Banturecht in Ostafrika, in: Zeitschrift für vergleichende Rechtswissenschaft 15 (1902), p. 1-83) [p. 17-26];6.) Varia, especially short references to of the records are used in later works by Wundts, especially in:Wilhelm Wundt: Völkerpsychologie. A study of the developmental laws of language, myth and custom. 7-9th band. Leipzig: Kröner, 1917-1918.
Excerpts on the psychology of peoples, especially on the law in antiquity and with different primitive peoples. Excerpted treatises in detail:1.) Malinowski: The family among the Australian aborigines. London, 1913 [p. 1-41];2.) Stuhlmann: With Emin Pasha into the heart of Africa. Berlin: Reimer, 1894 [p. 43-96];3.) several essays by Kohlers in the Zeitschrift für vergleichende Rechtswissenschaft on Burmese, ancient, Celtic, Togolese and Melanesian law [p. 97-127];4.) Bernhöft: Marriage and inheritance law of the Greek heroic period. An article on the prehistory of European family law, in: Zeitschrift für vergleichende Rechtswissenschaft 11 (1896), p. 321-364 [p. 128-138].at the end of the notebook [p. 144-145] is a table of contents of the preceding of the records are processed in later works of Wundts, e.g. possibly in:Wilhelm Wundt: Völkerpsychologie: eine Untersuchung der Entwicklungsgesetze von Sprache, Mythus und Sitte. Volume 9: The Law. Leipzig: Kröner, 1918.
Notes and excerpts on ethnopsychology, especially on nature myth, religious psychology, ethnology and similar content:1.) short excerpts, notes and literature lists on various topics, including Jesus, the Ancient Orient and religious psychology; especially essays from "Globus", "Anthropos" and "Zeitschrift für Ethnologie" [p. 1-7, 17-22];2.) Excerpts and notes on the representation of gods by Apollodor and Ovid [p. 9-16];3.) Excerpt from Steinmetz: Classification des types sociaux et catalogue des peuples, in: L'année sociologique 3 (1900), p. 43-147 [p. 24-25];4.) Excerpt from Schultze: From Namaland and Kalahari [...]. Jena: Gustav Fischer, 1907 [p. 26-33];5.) Excerpt from Martin: The inland tribes of the Malay Peninsula [...]. Jena: Fischer, 1905 [p. 34-63];6.) Excerpt from Stuhlmann: With Emin Pasha into the heart of Africa. Berlin: Reimer, 1894 [p. 64-73];7.) Excerpt from Sarasin/Sarasin: Results of scientific research on Ceylon in the years 1884-1886. Volume 3: The Weddas of Ceylon and their surrounding peoples. Wiesbaden: Kreidel, 1887-1893: Parts of the records used in later works of Wundts, especially in: Wilhelm Wundt: Völkerpsychologie: eine Untersuchung der Entwicklungsgesetze von Sprache, Mythus und Sitte. Volume 2: Myth and Religion. Leipzig: Engelmann, 1905-1909.
Excerpts on the psychology of peoples, especially on primitive peoples in Brazil and the Pacific Ocean, including excerpted publications in detail:1.) Kauffmann: Altdeutsche Genossenschaften, in: Words and Things 2 (1910), p. 99ˉ42 [p. 1-4];2.) Treatise by Paul on Methodology, i.e. vmtl. Paul (ed.): Grundriss der deutschenischen Philologie. Vol. 1: Concept and history of Germanic philology, - Methodology, - Writing, - History of language, - Mythology. 2. verb. and verm. Aufl. Strasbourg: Trübner, 1901 [p. 6-7];3.) Meinhof: Modern language research in Africa: Hamburg lectures. Berlin: Bookshop of the Berlin Evangelical Mission Society, 1910 [p. 8-9];4.) Schultze: From Namaland and Kalahari [...]. Jena: Gustav Fischer, 1907 [p. 10-14];5.) Meinhof: Results of African linguistic research, in: Archive for Anthropology 9 (1910), p. 179-201 [p. 15-20];6.) Bachofen: Das Mutterrecht: an investigation into the gynaicocracy of the old world according to its religious and legal nature. Stuttgart: Krais
Thanks for "people psychology", which in his opinion corrects some wrong ideas, especially in linguistics. Together with his friend [Diedrich] Westermann he made discoveries about the relationship of Sudanese languages. Makes remarks about sound pictures in the Bantu. Has begun work on a Bantu grammar. In contrast to Wundt, he does not necessarily see the cause for sound shifts in cultural progress and refers to his own essay on the subject.
Thank you for the second part of the second volume of "Peoples Psychology". Does research to the Nama and hamitic languages.
Reported from a find [Heinrich] Vedders: quiver, bow and arrow from South Africa.
Find kinship between the Papuan and Sudanese languages. He refers to [Otto] Dempwolff, whose report from New Guinea he encloses as a copy. Wundt asks whether his speech on the "true war" had already appeared in print.